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A REALTOR®’s Guide to Best Practices:
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What are real estate teams?
What are the principal broker’s duties?
FORMING TEAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Mandatory Documents
TEAM NAMES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
LOGOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ADVERTISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Advertising Do’s & Don’ts
PENALTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DEPOSITS & ESCROW ACCOUNTS. . . . . . . . . . 7
RECORD KEEPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
TEAM CONTRACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
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In 2022, the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation adopted new
regulations to address real estate teams. This Team Guide has been updated to
cover those changes.
What are the principal broker’s duties?
The principal broker is legally responsible for the actions of all
affiliated real estate licensees, including the team leader,
team members, and employees of the team. This includes
compliance with real estate license law, employment law, tax
withholding, independent contractor laws, Multiple Listing
Service rules, the REALTOR
Code of Ethics, and more.
Rhode Island law requires a principal broker to “act in
a supervisory capacity for every real estate transaction
in which an affiliated licensee participates” in order to
protect consumers. No matter how involved a team
leader is, state law still holds the principal broker
The principal broker should review any team
agreements or team procedures that the team wishes to
adopt or revise.
What are real estate teams?
Teams are two or more real estate licensees who
> who are affiliated with the same principal broker to perform activities that require a real estate
> who represent and market themselves to the public as being part of a team of group; and
> are designated by a team name that is approved by their principal broker and is different from the
name of the brokerage.
Team Management Guide
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As a principal broker decides whether to allow teams or
do more to supervise existing teams, here are issues to
Determine whether team leaders should meet
a minimum level of experience or production or
complete a training course before becoming a
team leader.
Decide whether to allow a team to create its own
corporation or limited liability company (LLC).
Review the team name to make sure that it does
not seem like the team is a separate real estate
brokerage. Make sure that the team name
includes group or team.
Review reviewed proposed or current team
contracts and policies.
Have all team leaders sign a contract with the
principal broker.
Check whether there any special issues relating
to teams under the principal broker’s errors and
omissions or liability insurance policies.
Forming Teams
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Independent contractor requirements
Federal and Rhode Island law presume that all workers are employees who are
subject to tax withholding, workers’ compensation, minimum wage, unemployment
compensation and other laws. If the principal broker wishes to compensate
and treat a person as an independent contractor, the Mandatory Documents for
Independent Contractors listed below must be used. The principal broker must
make certain that the team leader is not treating the licensee as an employee. For
example, requiring rather than encouraging a licensee to participate in mandatory
floor time, team meetings, cold calling, etc. could make it appear that the licensee
is an employee.
Rhode Island law allows real estate licensees to work as independent
contractors if they (a) sign an independent contractor agreement with their
broker; and (2) are paid commissions based on sales and output instead of
hourly work.
Rhode Island law requires all independent contractors to file a
Notice of Designation as an Independent Contractor form with
the (DLT).
Rhode Island law requires all independent contractors to file
a Notice of Withdrawal of Designation as an Independent
Contractor form with the RI Department of Labor and Training
TIP: Search the DLT database to make sure that the licensee has registered
and withdrawn after leaving your company.
Rhode Island law and/or the REALTOR
Code of Ethics require brokers
to adopt office policies to address topics, including, but not limited to,
termination, confidentiality of client records, records retention, and others.
For more, scan QR code below
or visit the DLT Website at:
Mandatory Documents
Team Management Guide
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When selecting a team name, make sure that it complies with Rhode Island regulations.
> Team names shall include the word “Team” or “Group” in all advertising.
> Team names shall not include the following words or any derivation thereof:
(1) Agency;
(2) Associates;
(3) Brokerage;
(4) Brokers;
(5) Company;
(6) Corporation, Corp. or Inc.;
(7) Firm;
(8) LLC, LP, LLP;
(9) Partners, Partnership;
(10) Property, Properties; or
(11) Realty
Teams may use logos that are approved by their principal broker as long as the name of the brokerage
is “present, larger and more prominent” than the team’s logo.
Teams spend time and money to promote their brand. Rhode Island law requires all advertising,
including signs, web sites, business cards, social media, print, video, radio, and more, to include the name
of the brokerage or principal broker under which the licensee is licensed to do business. The name of a
real estate brokerage must be “in close proximity to” and “larger and more prominent” than the name of
a team or licensee except on business cards.
Team Names
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2.25 Advertising
A. Unless otherwise stated herein, categories of advertising include but are not limited to any publication, sign, radio, television or
internet broadcasts, billboards, business stationary, business cards, business and legal forms, email, websites, social media and
other internet media, printed materials, items, and documents.
B. A licensee shall not advertise in any way that is false or misleading.
C. General Requirements for all Advertising by Licensees
1. All advertising shall include the name of the brokerage or principal broker under which the Licensee and/or Team is
licensed to do business.
a. The name of the Brokerage shall be displayed so that it is larger and more prominent than any included
name of a Licensee or Team. The name of the Brokerage should be in close proximity to the Licensee’s name
and/or Team’s name.
b. When the name of a Licensee or Team is contained in any advertising, except on business cards, it shall be
in print smaller and less conspicuous.
Sample Social Media Post:
Sample Yard Sign:
Source: RI Commercial Licensing Regulations 2023.
DBR has also approved detailed advertising regulations about social media, print, Internet, radio,
television, and other forms of advertising.
Advertising Do’s & Don’ts
RI REALTORS® Team Management Guide
Team Management Guide
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Since teams are not real estate brokerages, Rhode Island law requires all compensation must be paid
by the principal broker or brokerage to licensed team members; other affiliated real estate licensees; or
a corporation or LLC that is wholly owned by an affiliated real estate licensee. A team cannot legally
receive payment from a principal broker then write commission checks to a team member.
If a team has its own compensation arrangement among team members, it must be approved by the
principal broker because he or she is responsible for paying commissions.
Team leader and team agreements should address how compensation splits will be enforced.
Rhode Island law requires real estate deposits to be held in a principal broker’s escrow account and
prohibits teams from having a separate escrow account. It is a violation of Rhode Island law for deposits
to be made payable to a team or an individual team member.
The penalties for violating Rhode Island Department of Business Regulations or Rhode Island license law
are a maximum of $2,000 per offense, or suspension or revocation of license.
Deposits & Escrow Accounts
RI REALTORS® Team Management Guide
Limited Liability Companies
Since teams are not real estate brokerages, Rhode Island law requires all compensation must be paid
by the principal broker or brokerage to licensed team members; other affiliated real estate licensees; or
a corporation or LLC that is wholly owned by an affiliated real estate licensee. A team cannot legally
receive payment from a principal broker then write commission checks to a team member.
Team Management Guide
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A client or customer has a legal right to understand whether an entire team or only some of the team
members represents his or her interest.
OFFICE POLICIES: The office and team policies determine whether all licensed members of a team will
have the same relationships to a buyer, seller, landlord, or tenant or whether one team member may act
as a designated client representative
for the seller, while another team
member acts as designated buyer
representative or transaction facilitator
in the same transaction.
OPEN HOUSES: When a team
member agrees to cover another team
member’s open house, the team must
disclose whether the covering team
member is representing the seller as a
designated client representative or a
transaction facilitator.
DISCLOSURE: When a Team is
working with a prospective buyer,
seller, tenant or landlord, the
relationship of each licensee on
the team to the client(s) must be
disclosed to a customer or client.
The Rhode Island Real Estate
Commission approved the Rhode
Island Association of REALTORS®
Addendum to the Mandatory Real
Estate Relationship Disclosure for Real Estate Teams
Real Estate Relationships & Team Addendum
State Regulations:
Relationships in Residential
Real Estate Transactions
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The principal broker is responsible for keeping records of transactions for a minimum of three years. The
principal broker may authorize teams to create and store files for transactions as long as the principal
broker has oversight over the records.
Some teams wish to hire their own
unlicensed employees and assistants
to work exclusively for the team. The
principal broker and office policies
should address whether these workers
should be employed by the brokerage or
directly by a team and who is responsible
for compliance with these and other
Minimum wage
Workers’ compensation
Unemployment compensation
Tax withholding
Social Security
Record Keeping
Employees/Unlicensed Assistants
Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training
RI REALTORS® Team Management Guide
Team Management Guide
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Team leaders and team members should sign a Team Member
Agreement that lists the duties of the team leader and the team
member and how compensation will be handled. The principal
broker of the office should also sign a Team Leader agreement with
the leader of the team to make sure that the leader complies with office
A principal broker is legally required to review and approve team agreements to make sure that it
is consistent with office policies and the office’s independent contractor agreement and consult with
the company’s legal counsel as needed. A team agreement can be a stand-alone document or an
addendum to the independent contractor agreement that the entire office uses.
The Rhode Island Association of REALTORS
(RIAR) recommends that the agreement be prepared and
reviewed by an attorney and that each party to the agreement consult with his or her own attorneys and/
or CPA. Here are some examples of issues that should be addressed:
PARTIES: List all parties to the contract: team leader, team member, principal broker, LLC, and/or
corporation. If the team has created a limited liability or corporate structure, include that also. It is a good
idea for the principal broker to be a party to the contract too since he or she is legally responsible for
actions of the team.
PURPOSE: The agreement is in addition to any office policies and independent contractor agreements
signed with the office.
DEPOSITS: All deposits must be made payable to the brokerage’s escrow account. Teams shall not
open a separate escrow account.
TEAM NAME: State whether the team name must be included in all marketing and branding, including
social media. Include requirements for use of office web site, phone, address, etc.
TERM: Agree on when the contract starts and ends and whether it renews automatically.
Team Contracts
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TERMINATION: State whether the contract can be terminated at any time with or without cause. Include
any notice requirements. State that a principal broker can require a team member or team leader to
leave the team or the brokerage.
TEAM MLS CODE: State-Wide Multiple Listing Service allows teams to obtain
a team code, so that team members can pool their transactions under a single
identification number. State whether team members must report all transactions
using a team code.
HIRING AND SUPERVISION: Refer to office policies that state whether team or
team members may hire their own employees or unlicensed assistants. State whether the team or broker
is responsible for hiring, supervising, and paying an administrator or other employees of the team.
INSURANCE: Decide whether team employees will be covered by the brokerage’s insurance policies.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Negotiate what belongs to the brokerage, the team or
the team member. Decide whether a team member may use any
or all of the following after leaving the team: photos, leads,
video tours, sketches, client databases, or proprietary
State whether the team leader and
members will be working as an
independent contractor. The team leader
acknowledges that he or she and the
team members are 1099 independent
contractor and is solely responsible
for filing tax returns and paying
taxes owed on their income. Neither
the team nor broker is responsible
for withholding or paying taxes,
workers’ compensation, unemployment
compensation, etc. on behalf of the team
RI REALTORS® Team Management Guide
Team Management Guide
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BROKERAGE REQUIREMENTS: The team leader and team members agree to comply with any
independent contractor or brokerage agreements signed with the principal broker.
DUTIES OF TEAM LEADER: List what the team and team leader will provide to a team member: leads,
coverage, training, administrative support, coaching, etc.
DUTIES OF TEAM MEMBERS: List the duties of team members, such as prospecting or lead generation,
holding open houses, showing properties, listing properties, working with buyers or tenants, etc. To
protect the independent contractor status of team members, the team may encourage but not require
a team member to attend regular meetings, cold call, attend training programs, handle floor coverage,
phone duty, etc. The team leader can set goals but cannot micromanage those team members who are
independent contractors to perform certain tasks to achieve them.
LEAD DISTRIBUTION: Describe how the team will generate and distribute leads.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Describe who will have access to client files and where they will be stored.
COMPLIANCE: The team member agrees to conduct business in a manner that will enhance the
goodwill and reputation of the team. The team member agrees to comply with all laws, rules, regulations,
State-Wide Multiple Listing Service regulations, and the REALTOR
Code of Ethics.
COMPENSATION: Describe how compensation and incentives will be calculated. Make sure that they
are consistent with the independent contractor agreement and brokerage policies. Rhode Island license
law requires compensation to be paid by the brokerage – not the team.
DISAFFILIATION: Must a team member give notice to leave the team? Who is responsible for paying
brokerage and monthly fees? May a team member take clients and transactions with him or her?
How does this fit with the brokerage’s independent contractor agreement? How are disputes over
compensation handled?
Team Contracts
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COMPENSATION AFTER TERMINATION: Describe how compensation will be paid after a team
member or team leader leaves the brokerage, whether any expenses or fees will be deducted. Make
sure that these are consistent with the independent contractor agreement and office policies.
EXPENSES: Include any expenses that the team will be expected to pay such as advertising, lead,
desk space, employees, and insurance.
RELATIONSHIPS: State whether team members must all have the same relationship with each client
or whether some can be transaction facilitators or designated client representatives. Describe how this
will be explained to customers and clients. The policy should remind team members to complete an
Addendum to the Mandatory Real Estate Relationship Disclosure for Real Estate Teams and provide
it with the Mandatory Real Estate Relationship Disclosure to clients and
DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Describe how disputes among
team members will be addressed and who will
handle them.
DISSOLVING A TEAM: State who will
determine whether a team dissolves.
Mention that the team will automatically
dissolve if the team leader loses his/her
real estate licensee.
RI REALTORS® Team Management Guide
Team Management Guide
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© 2018 - 2023 RI REALTORS®
Last revision: January 2023
is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a
and subscribes to its Code of Ethics.