29 MAY 2024
1670 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1670
SUBJECT: Department of the Air Force Guidance Memorandum to DAFI 90-302, The
Inspection System of the Department of the Air Force
By Order of the Secretary of the Air Force, this Guidance Memorandum immediately
implements changes to Department of the Air Force Instruction (DAFI) 90-302, The Inspection
System of the Department of the Air Force. Compliance with this memorandum is mandatory.
To the extent its directions are inconsistent with other DAF publications, the information herein
prevails, in accordance with DAFI 90-160, Publications and Forms Management.
This guidance is applicable to all civilian employees and uniformed members of the
Regular Air Force, the Air Force Reserve, the Air National Guard, the United States Space Force
(USSF), the Civil Air Patrol when conducting missions as the official Air Force Auxiliary, and
those with a contractual obligation to abide by the terms of DAF publications.
This Guidance Memorandum clarifies types of visits conducted by agencies outside of
DAF wings and deltas; updates source policy guidance and incorporates USSF Office of
Professional Responsibility (OPR) for by-law program inspections; clarifies requirements for
Emergency Management exercises. Additionally, the attached memorandum mandates Self-
Assessment Checklist requirements for all Unit Effectiveness Inspection requirements listed
within Attachment 3. Next, it clarifies coordination requirements for Attachment 2, Exercise 10,
Readiness Exercises (RE), and clarifies approval authority to award exercise credit for real world
events. Finally, this memorandum implements recommended changes from the field, and
corrects general publication errors.
This memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this
memorandum, or upon publication of an interim change (IC) or rewrite of the affected
publication, whichever is earlier.
The Inspector General
Guidance Changes
Guidance Changes
Guidance Changes
Guidance Changes
(Modify) Indicated rows of Table 1.1 to read,
Inspected Organization Inspection Type IG Team
Wing/Delta CCIP
AFIA/OL-B 24-36
(Modify)Notes:” in Table 1.1 to read, “6. IAW Chapter 8 of this instruction, all commanders
will comply with By-Law requirement; this may be accomplished via Host-Tenant Support
Agreement (HTSA)/MOA.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Chairs the Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI) Program
Review Group.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “IAW 32 USC § 105, Inspection, Gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs (pursuant to delegated authority) will execute inspections of ANG
wings/deltas, to include areas previously covered by separate functional assessments and
applicable Total Force guidance. (T-0) Gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM will include the National
Guard Bureau IG (NGB/IG) in all significant correspondence concerning ANG wing/delta
inspections policy and execution.”
(Change) paragraph 1.5.9 to read, “Inspection reports. For non-nuclear inspections and non-
radioactive material inspections, IGs will submit an appropriately classified executive message
providing a summary of the inspection activity and any pertinent details to the respective
Inspector General’s commander and NGB/IG for all ANG wings no later than 5 duty days after
the conclusion of the inspection out brief, unless the final report is made available prior. (T-3).
IGs at all levels will utilize the IGEMS standard report template and are required to complete
formal inspection reports and document in the appropriate version of IGEMS no later than 30
calendar days (60 calendar days for ARC; 45 calendar days for HQIs) from the conclusion of the
inspection. (T-3). Do not reveal any survey or IG Sensing Session data that can be attributed to
an individual or sub-organization in order to protect confidentiality. (T-0) Data should only be
grouped at wing/delta (UEIs) or Organization (HQIs) level or above.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Provide guidance and approve the scope and scale of
subordinate units’ Attachment 2, Exercise 10, readiness exercises (RE). This responsibility will
not be delegated below the MAJCOM/FLDCOM director (or equivalent), NAF commander, or
Center commander/director. (T-1) MAJCOM/FLDCOM must return the approved or denied
scope and scale to wing/delta or wing/delta equivalent within 30 calendar days of receipt. If
denied, MAJCOM/FLDCOM director (or equivalent), NAF Commander, or Center
Guidance Changes
commander/director will provide justification to assist wings/deltas with proper scope, scale,
rigor, relevance, recurrence, and reporting (S2R4) for the exercise.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Organize the wing/delta IG as a staff function that reports
directly to the wing/delta commander. (T-1) ANG wing/delta commanders should verify that an
Army Title 5 or Title 32 IG nomination packets for the State IG office nominations for suitability
screening to NGB-IG and that the Joint-Force Headquarters State IG endorsed wing/delta IG's
written appointment and was forwarded to NGB-IG. (T-0)
(Change) paragraph to read, “Brief new commanders within 90 calendar days of
assuming command. (T-3) At a minimum, discuss: the commander’s requirement to lead the
subordinate USAP IAW paragraph 2.5 of this instruction, the wing/delta CCIP, wing/delta
and/or MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG business rules, upcoming IG events and possible impacts, unit
performance data, and any trending data or concerns.”
(Change) Renumber paragraph to
(Change) Renumber paragraph to
(Change) paragraph to read, "Program inspections. Program inspections, commonly
referred to as “horizontal inspections,” assess a specific program’s health across the wing/delta
(e.g., fitness program, training, etc.). At a minimum, IGs will conduct one program inspection
per unit per UEI cycle. Programs inspected in this manner may be excluded from Vertical
Inspections during the same UEI cycle. (T-3)"
(Change) paragraph to read, “Commanders will use Attachment 7 to develop and
execute Attachment 2, Exercise 10, REs. (T-1). At a minimum, these REs will be assessed
against METs in IGEMS-C. (T-1) Upon completion of these REs, wing/delta IGs will use the
Readiness Exercise Reporting Manual to capture the results of the RE in IGEMS-C, or a higher-
classification system as appropriate. (T-1). Readiness exercise related data, or discrepancies will
not be placed in IGEMS. (T-1)
(Change) paragraph to read, “IG Sensing Session-Individual structure. The IG Sensing
Session-Individual is used to clarify information, fact-find, or corroborate other information.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Operational and Developmental Testing. Assess inclusion
and effective execution of Test and Evaluation (T&E) activities in order to evaluate system
capabilities and operational suitability. Assess execution of responsibilities outlined in
DODI5000.89_DAFI99-103, Capabilities Based Test and Evaluation, and associated program
Test and Evaluation Management Plans.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Initial MTAs will not be a graded assessment. The report
is for the CSO, Space Staff and FLDCOM CCs; the goal is to highlight strengths, issues,
opportunities, and follow-up areas, which becomes the baseline for the next MTA.”
(Delete) paragraph
Guidance Changes
(Change) paragraph 5.4.4. to read, “NSI MGAs and ratings. MAJCOM IGs will assign overall
ratings and MGA adjectival ratings (as applicable) IAW CJCSI 3263.05 and additional adjectival
ratings defined in paragraph A5.3. (T-0). MAJCOM IGs will incorporate the following Air
Force-specific inspection requirements:”
(Change) paragraph to read, “EOD Weapon Render Safe Technical Operation.
Evaluate and ascertain Nuclear-Certified EOD Units full-spectrum capability to render safe,
mitigate explosive hazards, and prevent a nuclear yield. Confirm a team’s ability to perform
these critical procedures by evaluation of weapons initial response procedures using Joint
Nuclear Weapons Publication system technical orders, weapons trainers, and supported weapons
(Change) paragraph to read, “MAJCOM IGs will evaluate applicable nuclear-certified
personnel procedures for Positive Control Material issue and/or alert changeover
procedures. Additionally, MAJCOM IGs will review program management (as applicable) of
Positive Control Material and Emergency Action Message Encode and/or Decode Documents.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “If applicable By-Law inspections cannot be
accomplished by the owning IG and there is neither a Host-Tenant Support Agreement (HTSA)
or MOA covering reciprocal inspections in place with the host wing/delta, the owning IG is
responsible for initiating the HTSA or MOA with the Host IG.”
(Change) paragraph to read, “Host wings accomplishing By-Law inspections for
tenant units per HTSA/MOA will document inspection results in the Host Wing By-Law report
in accordance with IGEMS “By-Law Checklist-User Guide. (T-1)
(Change) paragraph 9.3.1. to read, “9.3.1. External Validation. When an IG determines the need
for external validation of a finding, inspectors will corroborate findings with the appropriate
SME at the lowest possible level. (T-3) SMEs will consult with the appropriate POA if they
require interpretation of policy. The author of a validated critical and significant HHQ deficiency
will include the name and contact information of the individual who validated the deficiency, a
description of whether the deficiency was accepted, and any concerns from the validating official
in IGEMS. (T-1) Once validated, the associated POA is responsible for assisting with deficiency
resolution. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will assist the POA in tracking the deficiency and
notifying the inspecting IG when the deficiency is closed.
(Modify) paragraph 9.7 to read, “Non-IG Findings. Any finding resultant of an assessment,
inspection, or certification event conducted by any entity outside the DAF IG enterprise is
considered a non-IG finding. This includes self-assessment program findings, SAVs and other
authorized inspections identified in Table A2.2. Inspected commanders may have their IGs
document these non-IG findings in IGEMS or IGEMS-C.
(Add) paragraph to read, “Contractor access to IGEMS-C. Contractor access to IGEMS-
C is limited to the roles of Basic User, Scheduler, and/or Planner. Contractors will not register as
inspectors or administrators. Foreign Nationals will not have access to IGEMS-C.”
Guidance Changes
(Add) the following reference to Attachment 1, References: “DODI5000.89_DAFI99-103,
Capabilities Based Test and Evaluation, 15 March 2022”
(Add) the following Abbreviation and Acronyms to Attachment 1: IGEMS-C—Inspector
General Evaluation Management System Classified, MSELMaster Scenario Events List
odify) paragraph A2.1. to read, “
A2.1. Wing/Delta Commander’s Inspection and Exercise
Requirements. Table A2.1 outlines mandatory commander’s Inspection Program inspection
areas, including By-Laws and exercise requirements.
(ADD) paragraph A2.1.1. to read, “MAJCOM/FLDCOMs may supplement these requirements;
credit for real world events for EX1 through EX9 and EX11 may be approved at the discretion of
(ADD) paragraph A2.1.1.1. to read “Credit for real world events for EX10 may be approved at
the discretion of the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander, delegated no lower than the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM director, NAF commander, or Center commander/director.”
(ADD) paragraph A2.1.2. to read, “Installation and wing/delta commanders will accomplish
exercises listed in Table A2.1 at the frequency prescribed in governing guidance but may
determine the format of the exercise (except where specified in Table A2.1 or governing
guidance). (T-0) Exercise scenarios will evaluate the ability to survive, respond to, recover from,
and operate under realistic threat conditions and/or to meet specific Combatant commander
requirements in line with Attachment 7. (T-0)
(ADD) paragraph A2.1.3. to read, “Exercise planners should consider consolidating exercise
requirements when feasible. Wings/deltas and subordinate units will execute at least one
Readiness Exercises per fiscal year to ensure highest levels of readiness. (T-1)”
(ADD) paragraph A2.1.4. to read, “Wing/delta commanders will reference governing directives,
supplemental guidance, or HTSA/MOU/MOA to determine exercise and applicable By-Law
participation requirements. (T-1)
(Modify) Add USSF OPRs to the indicated rows of Table A2.1:
Special Inspector
By-Law Program Inspections
Trafficking in Persons
AFI 36-2921
Federal Voting
Assistance Program
(N/A for ARC)
DAFI 36-
DAFI 36-
Suicide Prevention
DAFI 90-
Guidance Changes
Transition Assistance
DAFI 36-
Sexual Assault
Prevention & Response
Volume 1;
DAFI 90-
To inspect case files
or Defense Sexual
Assault Incident
Database (DSAID),
inspectors are
required to be
Defense Sexual
Assault Advocate
Certified Program
certified as a Sexual
Assault Response
(SARC) and have
been granted access
to DSAID. (T-0)
Note: SAPR Level
2 is required
Intelligence Oversight
AFI 14-404
Wounded, Ill, and
DAFI 34-
AFI 90-302
EX 1
EX 1.1 - Terrorist Use
Preparedness Exercise
EX 1.2 – Natural
Disaster Response
Exercise (NDRE)
EX 1.3 – Major
Accident Response
DAFI 10-
Required EM
exercises are
installation specific
and will be
validated and
reported based upon
the Installation EM
Guidance Changes
Exercise (MARE)
EX 1.4 – Nuclear
Accident Incident
(NAI) Training Event
EX 1.5 – Active
Shooter Exercise
EX 1.6 – Control
System Resilience
Readiness Exercise
EX 1.7 – Water
Resilience Exercise
EX 1.8 – Mutual Aid
Support Agreement
Continuity of
AFI 10-208
Readiness Exercise
AFI 10-201,
AFI 10-403,
AFI 90-302,
L, and/or
(Add) the following exercise to Table A2.1.
Special Inspector
Domestic Violence or
Intimate Partner
Violence Response
, AF/A4S,
Example Scenarios
available on
Guidance Changes
(Modify) Add USSF OPRs to the indicated rows of Table A2.2:
Inspection Name
DAF Office(s) of Primary
Policy Reference(s)
Treaty Inspections
New START Treaty
AF/A10, SF/S10
New START Treaty
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
Balanced Survivability
DoDI 3000.08
Nuclear Weapons
Technical Inspection
DoDM 3150.02 DoD
Nuclear Weapon System
Safety Program Manual,
31 January 2014; CJCSI
Joint Mission Assurance
& SF/S10
DoDD 3020.40
DoDI 3020.45
Advanced Cybersecurity
AF/A3, SF/S4 & SF/S10
DoDI 3020.45
Integrated CBRN
Survivability and
Endurability Certification
and Assessment
AF/A10, SF/S4 & SF/S10
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Air Force Civilian Hiring
10 U.S.C. Ch 803; 5
U.S.C. § 301 and 302;
DoDD 1400.25; AFPD
36-1; AFI 36-102
The Human Capital
Framework (HCF)
a. Installation-level
b. Delegated
Examining Units
250.203(2)(v), DoDI
1400.25- V250, AFI 36-
AF/A3 (Operations)
Mission Assurance
Assessment (formerly
Critical Asset Risk
Public Law 110-417, Sec
903; 10 USC § 2228;
DoDI 3020.45
Operations Security
(Operational Security)
External Threat-based
DoDD 5205.02; DoDM
Guidance Changes
Certification/Accreditation/Technical Survey
Administration of
Information and
Information System
AF/A2 & SF/S2
DoDM 5105.21-V1, V2,
Qualification Programs
(flying check rides only)
AFI 11-202 V2
(Modify) Change policy references in the indicated rows of Table A2.2 to read:
National Guard Bureau (NGB)
Intelligence Oversight
CNGBI 0700.01A
(Add) The indicated row to Table A2.2:
Certification/Accreditation/Technical Survey
Service Cryptologic
Component Oversight
(Change) paragraph A2.2.2.1 to read, “External visit points of contact should contact the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper for scheduling coordination. Any outside agency seeking to
conduct an inspection not listed in Table A2.2 must contact the AFIA Gatekeeper for
coordination. Any outside agencies seeking to include an inspection in Table A2.2 must follow
The Inspection System Governance Process in Chapter 10. Gatekeepers cannot disapprove
external (non-DAF visits) Attachment 2 visits and instead should offer optimum timeframes for
alternative deconfliction from unit events. Contact SAF/IGI with any questions. For ANG units,
requestors will coordinate through NGB/IG.”
(Change) paragraph A3.1. to read, “Inspection Requirements. Air Force Inspection
Requirements (located on the SAF/IGI SharePoint® site below) contains AF-identified inspection
requirements which indicate areas of highest risk where undetected non-compliance puts Airmen,
commanders, the Department of the Air Force, or our nation at significant risk. Attachment 3 Air
Force Inspection Requirements can be found on the SAF/IGI SharePoint® under the “DAFI 90-
302” tab ( HAF
FAMs may submit changes to Air Force Inspection Requirements via The Inspection System
Governance Process, or through recurring taskers generated by SAF/IGI. Items within this
attachment must have an accompanying SAC, these checklists must be assessed at least once per
year. (T-1) Wing/Delta IGs will facilitate support to Information Protection (IP) offices to input
security-related deficiencies into the appropriate level of IGEMS or IGEMS-C. (T-1)
(Change) paragraph A4.3.1.1. to read, “USSF Attachment 4 Priority Level 1. Combat enabling
unit/mission deemed mission critical to the success of the assessed space mission area. Failure of
Guidance Changes
this unit to effectively execute its mission could impact the operational readiness of delivering
space combat power and national capabilities under CDO conditions and could result in serious
mission degradation to the Joint Force. All areas identified as Priority Level 1 will be inspected
by AFIA/OL-B during the course of the inspection cycle.”
(Change) paragraph A4.3.1.2. to read, “A4.3.1.2. USSF Attachment 4 Priority Level 2.
Combat-enabling unit/mission deemed mission supporting to the success of the assessed space
mission area. Failure of this unit to effectively execute its mission could impact the operational
readiness of delivering space combat power and national capabilities under CDO conditions and
could result in mission degradation to the Joint Force. All areas identified as Priority Level 2 will
be inspected by FLDCOM IGs during the course of the inspection cycle. The owning FLDCOM
will validate required Priority Level 2 items were accomplished as required during the inspection
(Add) paragraph A5.3. to read, “Additional Adjectival Ratings for Major Graded Areas or
Sub-Areas of the NSI. IAW CJCSI 3263.05, additional adjectival ratings shall be defined in
applicable Service directives and publications, if used. The Department of the Air Force’s
additional adjectival ratings can be found on the SAF/IGI SharePoint® under the “DAFI 90-302”
tab (
(Change) Attachment 6 title to, “WING/DELTA INSPECTOR GENERAL OFFICE
(Change) Attachment 7 title to, “Readiness Exercises and Classified Readiness
(Change) paragraph A12.2.1. to read, “Any DAF publication which levies wing-level (or lower)
compliance may have an associated SAC. Items within Attachment 3 of this publication must
have an associated SAC. (T-1)
(Change) paragraph A12.2.2. to read, “Updated SACs are released quarterly (1 January, 1 April,
1 July, and 1 October). Commanders will assess new or updated SACs within 90 calendar days.
(Change) paragraph A11.1. to read, “IG Training Course-Inspections. IG-assigned inspectors
will complete the one-time mandatory IG Training Course-Inspections (IGTC-I) prior to
certification. (T-1) Complaints Resolution qualified IG must also attend IGTC-I prior to use in
an inspection capacity. (T-1) ANG Wing IGs will coordinate IGTC training requirements
through the IG team at the ANGRC, office symbol NGB/IG. (T-1)
15 MARCH 2023
Special Management
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
OPR: SAF/IGI Certified by: AFIA/CC
(Col Brian D. Vlaun)
Supersedes: AFI 90-201, 28 November 2018 Pages: 160
This Instruction implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive 90-3, Inspector
General, Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 3150.02, DoD Nuclear Weapons Surety
Program, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Instruction 3263.05, Nuclear Weapons
Technical Inspections, and Air Force Policy Directive 16-7, Special Access Programs. It provides
policy for inspections involving Air Force and Space Force organizations/units, processes,
programs, and procedures. Only this instruction may establish Department-wide Inspector General
(IG) inspection requirements. This publication applies to Department of the Air Force civilian
employees and uniformed members of the Regular Air Force (RegAF), the United States Space
Force (USSF), the Air Force Reserve, and the Air National Guard. Major Commands (MAJCOM)
and Field Commands (FLDCOM) may supplement this instruction, but all supplements that
implement this publication must be routed to the Secretary of the Air Force, Inspector General,
Inspections Directorate (SAF/IGI) for coordination prior to certification and approval. Refer
recommended changes and questions about this publication to the office of primary responsibility
(OPR) using the DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms
847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. The authorities to waive
unit-level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier number (“T-0”, T-1”, “T-2”,
and “T-3”) following the compliance statement. See Department of the Air Force Manual
(DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, for a description of the authorities
associated with the tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers (using the DAF Form 679,
Department of the Air Force Publication Compliance Item Waiver Request/Approval) through the
chain of command to the appropriate tier waiver approval authority or alternately to the requestor’s
commander for non-tiered compliance items. To meet the intent of DAFMAN 90-161, e-mail
2 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
finalized waivers (Department of the Air Force Forms 679) to SAF/IGI (e-mail to:
[email protected]) within 30 days of approval. Ensure all records generated as a result
of processes prescribed in this publication adhere to Air Force Instruction 33-322, Records
Management and Information Governance Program, and are disposed in accordance with the Air
Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is located in the Air Force Records Information
Management System. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial
product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Department
of the Air Force. (T-3)
This document is substantially revised and must be reviewed in its entirety. The intent behind this
revision is to simplify and improve inspection processes, allowing IGs to more efficiently execute
inspections throughout the Department of the Air Force. Numerous changes were made to fully
incorporate the United States Space Force (USSF), such as the use of inclusive language, the
establishment of USSF focused inspection policy, and rebranding of Air Force-centric
terminology. Specifically, The Air Force Inspection System (AFIS) has become The Inspection
System of the Department of the Air Force, shortened to “The Inspection System”, and Airman-
to-IG Sessions (ATIS) are now IG Sensing Sessions.” Additional major changes include: the
establishment of remote assessment methodology for some aspects of nuclear inspections,
substantial updates to the Initial Nuclear Surety Inspection (INSI) language, new guidance for
“other nuclear inspections/activities,” re-focused Headquarters Inspections (HQI), the addition of
IG continuation training IAW requirements set forth by the Council of the Inspectors General on
Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) and expanded guidance in the attachments. If any part of this
instruction impedes a commander’s ability to effectively or efficiently meet mission requirements
or take care of Airmen and Guardians, contact SAF/IG for timely resolution.
1.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 7
Table 1.1. Department of the Air Force Inspections (Non-Nuclear). ....................................... 8
Figure 1.1. Applicability of Inspections Below the Headquarters Level. .................................. 9
1.2. Purpose of The Inspection System. .......................................................................... 10
1.3. Authorities. .............................................................................................................. 11
1.4. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 14
1.5. Inspection Guidelines. ............................................................................................. 22
1.6. Safety Assessments, Evaluations, and Inspections. ................................................. 24
2.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 26
2.2. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 26
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 3
2.3. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 26
2.4. Commander’s Inspection Program Methodology. ................................................... 28
2.5. Commander’s Inspection Program Requirements. .................................................. 30
3.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 34
3.2. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 34
3.3. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 34
3.4. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Methodology. ........................................................... 35
Figure 3.1. Example UEI Schedule of Events. ........................................................................... 36
Figure 3.2. Major Graded Areas. ................................................................................................ 37
3.5. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Rating. ...................................................................... 42
3.6. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Reports. ................................................................... 45
4.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 46
4.2. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 46
4.3. The Mission Thread Assessment (MTA). ................................................................ 47
4.4. MTA Planning. ........................................................................................................ 48
5.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 50
5.2. Nuclear Self-Assessment. ........................................................................................ 50
5.3. Initial Nuclear Surety Inspections (INSI). ............................................................... 50
5.4. Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI). ............................................................................. 53
5.5. Other Nuclear Inspections/Activities. ...................................................................... 62
6.1. General Information. ............................................................................................... 64
6.2. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 64
6.3. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 64
6.4. Oversight Inspection Methodology. ......................................................................... 65
6.5. Oversight Inspection Major Graded Areas. ............................................................. 65
6.6. Oversight inspection report. ..................................................................................... 66
7.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 67
4 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
7.2. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 67
8.1. General Information. ................................................................................................ 68
8.2. The Headquarters Inspection. .................................................................................. 68
8.3. Joint Base Inspections. ............................................................................................. 69
8.4. Federal Recognition Inspections. ............................................................................. 71
8.5. By-Law Inspections. ................................................................................................ 73
8.6. Directed Inspections. ............................................................................................... 74
8.7. The Department of the Air Force Special Interest Item (SII) Program. ................... 74
8.8. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Command Interest Items (CII). ............................................ 75
8.9. Special Emphasis Item (SEI). .................................................................................. 75
8.10. Self-Assessment Checklist Fragmentary Order (SACFRAGO). ............................. 75
8.11. Cemetery Inspections. .............................................................................................. 76
Table 8.1. List of Cemeteries and MAJCOM/FLDCOM Responsible for Inspection. ............. 76
8.12. Wounded, Ill, and Injured Facility Inspections. ....................................................... 76
8.13. Radioactive Material Permit Inspection. .................................................................. 77
9.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 79
9.2. Self-Identified Findings. .......................................................................................... 79
9.3. Validation................................................................................................................. 79
9.4. Deficiencies External to the Inspected Unit. ............................................................ 80
9.5. Format. ..................................................................................................................... 80
9.6. Deficiency Corrective Actions and Closure............................................................. 80
Table 9.1. Corrective Action Plan Approval and Closure Authority. ...................................... 80
9.7. Non-IG Findings. ..................................................................................................... 81
10.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 10.1. The Inspection System Governance Process. .......................................................... 83
10.2. Process to Change the List of Authorized Inspections (Attachment 2) or
Mandatory Inspection Requirements (Attachments 2, 3, and 4). ............................. 84
10.3. SAF/IG-Approved Changes. ................................................................................... 84
10.4. The Inspection System Suggestions. ........................................................................ 84
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 5
11.1. Department of the Air Force IG Duty. ..................................................................... 85
11.2. IG Attributes. ........................................................................................................... 85
11.3. Force Development. ................................................................................................. 85
11.4. Grade Requirements. ............................................................................................... 85
11.5. IG Training. ............................................................................................................. 86
11.6. Inspector Certification. ............................................................................................ 86
11.7. IG Oath. ................................................................................................................... 87
11.8. DAF IG Duty Badge. ............................................................................................... 87
Figure 11.1. Oath for Personnel Assigned to or Augmenting the IG. .......................................... 87
12.1. The Inspector General’s Inspection ......................................................................... 89
12.2. Inspector General Evaluation Management System. ............................................... 89
12.3. Management Internal Control Toolset. .................................................................... 89
13.1. Purpose. ................................................................................................................... 91
13.2. Background. ............................................................................................................. 91
13.3. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 91
13.4. SAP Access. ............................................................................................................. 94
13.5. Handling of Reports and Materials. ......................................................................... 94
13.6. Oversight Meetings. ................................................................................................. 94
13.7. Concept of DAF SAP Operations. ........................................................................... 94
13.8. Semi-Annual DAF SAP Inspection Working Group. .............................................. 94
13.9. DAF SAP Notification of Inspection. ...................................................................... 95
13.10. DAF SAP Pre-Inspection Deliverables. ................................................................... 95
13.11. The Inspection System DAF SAP Major Graded Areas. ......................................... 96
13.12. Other Mandatory DAF SAP Inspection Areas. ........................................................ 97
13.13. DAF SAP Inspection Process/Methodology. ........................................................... 97
13.14. DAF SAP Deficiencies. ........................................................................................... 98
13.15. DAF SAP Inspection Report. ................................................................................... 98
13.16. DAF SAP Inspection Follow-up. ............................................................................. 98
6 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
14.1. General. .................................................................................................................... 99
14.2. Expeditionary Commander’s Inspection Program. .................................................. 99
14.3. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Inspection of Expeditionary Units. ................................. 99
14.4. Expeditionary Wing/Delta IG Training. .................................................................. 99
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 7
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview.
1.1.1. The Inspection System of the Department of the Air Force (hereby referred to as "The
Inspection System") is a coherent, integrated, and synchronized alignment of inspections
conducted on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF), the Chief of Staff of the Air
Force (CSAF), the Chief of Space Operations (CSO) and commanders at all levels. The
Inspection System consists of a commander-led Unit Self-Assessment Program (USAP), three
key synergistic inspections (Commander’s Inspection Program [CCIP], Unit Effectiveness
Inspection [UEI], and Headquarters Inspection [HQI]), and continual evaluation (conducted
by Inspectors General [IGs] and Pertinent Oversight Authorities [POAs]), which are all
designed to evaluate the integration of different levels of command in the Air Force and Space
Forces. Other critical inspections will occur in various organizations to assure senior leaders
that Forces are ready to support the National Defense Strategy (e.g., Nuclear Surety Inspections
[NSI], Mission Thread Assessments [MTA], etc.). Each inspection should complement the
other, relying on the input and output of the other inspections for maximum effectiveness (see
Table 1.1). The Inspection System relies on a risk-based sampling strategy (RBSS) used during
inspection cycles. Subsequent chapters in this instruction describe each inspection type in
further detail. It is essential for Airmen, Guardians, and commanders to focus on the mission,
not the inspection.
1.1.2. Applicability of Inspections. The Headquarters Inspection (HQI) is conducted on units that are above the
wing/delta level (MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs, Direct Reporting Units (DRU), Field Operating
Agencies (FOA), Specified Centers, and Numbered Air Forces (NAF)) IAW Chapter 8 of
this instruction. Unless directed by The Inspector General (TIG), CSO, CSAF, or SecAF,
Air Force and Space Force staffs at the service level will not be inspected via the HQI. AFIA conducts Oversight Inspections (OVI) IAW Chapter 6 of this instruction. UEIs are conducted at the wing/delta-level by MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and
AFIA IAW Chapter 3 of this instruction. Commanders of Air Force wings and Space
Force deltas will execute a CCIP IAW Chapter 2 of this instruction. Space Force units
will also be inspected IAW guidance in Chapter 4 and Attachment 4 of this instruction. The USAP is a critical component of The Inspection System for unit commanders
and will be conducted IAW Chapter 2 of this instruction. (T-2)
1.1.3. Throughout this instruction, the term “wing/delta” is used as a substitute for any
wing/delta or equivalent unit as determined by MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders for The
Inspection System purposes. Service-level FOAs, regardless of unit equivalency, are aligned
to the HQI as subdivisions directly subordinate to a Headquarters Functional Manager,
consistent with AFI 38-101. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Field Operating Agencies also align to HQI
unless otherwise specified by the respective MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander. Throughout
this instruction, the term “commander” is also representative of a civilian “director.”
8 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Table 1.1. Department of the Air Force Inspections (Non-Nuclear).
Inspected Organization
IG Team
1, 9
SAF/IG Directed
Direct Reporting Unit
(DRU) / Field Operating
Agency (FOA)
NAF / Center
USSF Staff/
Expeditionary Unit
1. Augment as necessary
2. Submit waiver requests IAW DAFI 90-160
3. IAW Chapter 3 of this instruction
4. IAW Chapter 4 of this instruction
5. IAW Chapter 2 of this instruction
6. IAW Chapter 8 of this instruction
7. IAW Chapter 14 of this instruction
8. 48-60 Months for ANG Units
9. NGB aligned units are inspected by NGB/IG when directed by the DANG
1.1.4. Throughout this instruction, the term “Pertinent Oversight Authority” (POA) is defined
as an organization responsible for the management and oversight of a particular program or
functional area. Responsibilities can include (among others) managing and organizing
personnel, equipment, training, policy, and continual evaluation in order to support operational
planning and mission execution. There are numerous duty titles for individuals or organizations that perform POA
responsibilities in the Air Force and Space Force, such as MAJCOM/FLDCOM Functional
Manager, Functional Area Manager (FAM), Subject Matter Expert (SME), FOA, DRU,
and/or Centralized Activity. POAs at the Center, wing/delta, or equivalent units are usually the functional
SMEs within each organization. Local SMEs are usually sufficient to support CCIP-level
inspections and deficiency management; however, deficiencies levied against
organizations above the unit (e.g., MAJCOM/FLDCOM or HHQ deficiencies) should be
assigned to the POA at that next echelon or level.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 9
Figure 1.1. Applicability of Inspections Below the Headquarters Level.
1.1.5. An IG inspection is defined as any effort to evaluate an organization, function, or
process by any means or method, including surveys, interviews, assessments, evaluations,
exercises, and audits (excluding audits conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the
Air Force Auditor General [SAF/AG]). IG inspections could also include technical evaluations
or inspection/oversight activities required by law. Commanders may authorize any other
assessment or inspection activity they deem necessary. Functional entities may conduct
inspections approved by SAF/IG to provide or obtain technical information or assistance (see
Attachment 2 of this instruction).
1.1.6. Inspections are an inherent responsibility of commanding officers and civilian directors
of military organizations at all levels IAW Title 10 United States Code Section 9233,
Requirement of Exemplary Conduct, and AFI 1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities. The
purpose of inspecting is to improve and evaluate readiness, economy, efficiency, discipline,
effectiveness, compliance, performance, and surety. Commanders or staffs conduct inspections
of subordinate units/organizations.
1.1.7. Continual evaluation (CE) is the routine monitoring of leading and lagging performance
indicators of a unit by the appropriate POA in coordination with the responsible IG. This
includes analysis of metrics, data systems, inspection reports, inventory controls, requests for
assistance, Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT) Self-Assessment Checklists (SAC),
10 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
and/or any reporting system within a functional community. In many cases, this will necessitate
an on-site visit by the IG. POAs must effectively engage with supported units to identify when
a unit is performing well or struggling to accomplish its mission. POAs will make notification
of any non-compliance found through continual evaluation directly to the process owner, the
chain of command, wing/delta IG and/or MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU IG. Continual
evaluation within organizations is applied both internally and externally to discover
efficiencies and strengths, and to identify and mitigate deficiencies or weaknesses. The
continual evaluation process should identify findings, determine root causes, apply corrective
actions, ensure follow up, and share results across the organization. The IG may supplement
these efforts through exercise, inspection, and documentation. The conduct and effectiveness
of continual evaluation performed by the POA may be a focus area of the HQI. Internal continual evaluation provides an assessment of commander/director
responsibilities IAW AFI 1-2. It should be a reliable, repeatable process that is tailored to
both evaluate a commander's priorities and intent, and meet the needs and requirements
associated with the structure and mission of the organization. Continual evaluation
processes should be well understood throughout the organization, and members should
demonstrate proficiency executing these processes through multiple assessment cycles on
a recurring battle rhythm. Headquarters organizations should consider using the principles
associated with the HQI in Chapter 8 as the framework for conducting routine internal
assessments. External continual evaluation is recurring feedback provided to subordinate
commanders and process owners from AFIA, MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU IGs,
wing/delta IGs, and POAs. POAs should provide functional data/information or other
authorized inspection reports to IGs in order to inform and build the RBSS. Continual
evaluation feedback is also used to inform senior leader decision-making, program
oversight, and to identify gaps or deficiencies in existing guidance.
1.1.8. When differences arise concerning inspections governed by this instruction and other
inspection guidance (e.g., functional inspection requirements, prioritized requirements,
duplicative inspections, frequency, scope, etc.), this instruction takes precedence over other
Air Force and Space Force inspection policy and guidance unless otherwise exempt by this
1.2. Purpose of The Inspection System.
1.2.1. Evaluates leadership effectiveness, management performance, aspects of unit culture
and command climate, and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse. The Inspection System
identifies and reports issues interfering with readiness, economy, efficiency, discipline,
effectiveness, compliance, performance, and surety.
1.2.2. Enables and strengthens commanders’ mission effectiveness and efficiency through
independent assessment and accurate reporting of readiness, economy, efficiency, discipline,
and the ability to execute assigned missions.
1.2.3. Provides commanders at all levels an independent assessment of compliance with
established directives.
1.2.4. Motivates and promotes military discipline, improved unit performance, and
management excellence throughout the chain of command, within units, and across staffs.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 11
1.2.5. Supports and informs commanders’ risk management at all levels. IGs must ensure The
Inspection System supports prudent decisions by commanders that have documented or
elevated risk acceptance, as appropriate.
1.2.6. Enables MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU, ANG, and POA assessment of functional
effectiveness, field compliance, and adequacy of organization, policy, guidance, training, and
1.2.7. Provides a mechanism for senior leaders to direct a targeted, detailed, and thorough
inspection of specific programs, organizations, and issues.
1.2.8. Realizes the capability and encourages the execution of remote inspection whenever
1.3. Authorities.
1.3.1. SAF/IG reports on readiness, economy, efficiency, and the state of discipline of the
force to the SecAF, CSAF, and CSO IAW 10 U.S. Code (USC) § 9020, Inspector General.
1.3.2. Headquarters Air Force (HAF) Mission Directive (HAFMD) 1-20, The Inspector
General, and Department of the Air Force Policy Directive (DAFPD) 90-3, Inspector General,
define the SAF/IG mission. 32 USC § 105, Inspection, defines DAF authority to inspect Air
National Guard functions. The Judge Advocate General inspections (pursuant to 10 USC §
806, Judge Advocates and Legal Officers and 10 USC § 9037, Judge Advocates General,
Deputy Judge Advocates General) and The Auditor General audits, are separate statutory
obligations and have separate reporting requirements. All other inspections within the DAF
will adhere to the objectives and policies contained in this instruction and are subject to review
by SAF/IG.
1.3.3. IAW DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, delegation guidance,
SAF/IG delegates waiver coordination authority for all “T-1” compliance requirements
contained in this instruction to the Commander, Air Force Inspection Agency (AFIA/CC).
1.3.4. The Office of The Judge Advocate General (AF/JA), SAF/AG, and SAF/IG have
statutory authority and responsibility to conduct inspections and audits which must guarantee
independence, instill confidence in the system, and be free of any appearance of undue
influence. Each statutory inspection team will designate a point of contact to AFIA. AF/JA,
SAF/AG, and SAF/IG must coordinate inspections and audits with the appropriate
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU Gatekeeper. Although Gatekeepers can facilitate optimum
scheduling, they do not have the authority to approve/disapprove Article 6 inspections
(AF/JA), Air Force Audit Agency audits (SAF/AG), AFIA inspections (SAF/IG-directed), nor
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRU commander-directed inspections.
1.3.5. DAF IGs derive authority from SAF/IG's statutory and regulatory authority.
Additionally, MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta IGs also derive authority from their
respective commanders' authorities (further delegated to IG staff personnel, including
inspection augmentees and wing/delta Inspection Team [WIT/DIT] members) and will directly
report to their respective commanders. (T-1)
1.3.6. IGs are authorized to intervene during an inspection in situations involving safety,
security, surety, or procedural violations (further delegated to IG personnel, including
inspection augmentees and WIT/DIT members).
12 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
1.3.7. Nuclear surety is always subject to inspection during any IG visit to nuclear-capable
units. Inspectors will ensure potential nuclear surety deficiencies are brought to the immediate
attention of the inspection Team Chief/Chief Inspector. (T-1) In the event the IG determines
an unsatisfactory condition exists (as described in CJCSI 3263.05, Nuclear Weapons Technical
Inspections) or surety is at risk, the Team Chief/Chief Inspector must notify the appropriate
levels of command. (T-1)
1.3.8. Use of contractors as IG inspectors. IG duty is inherently governmental; thus,
contractors are prohibited from serving as IG inspectors. Contractor SMEs may gather
information for, or provide advice, opinions, or recommendations to an IG inspector who
exercises independent, objective judgment on the subject matter. The IG makes decisions
related to the inspection, including schedule, sample selection, deficiency assignment,
deficiency severity, grades, and ratings. These tasks may not be performed by a contractor. A
contractor is prohibited from serving in any capacity if there is an organizational conflict of
interest resulting from other contracts held, as determined by the responsible contracting office.
1.3.9. Access to Information and Spaces. To carry out their responsibilities, commanders will
provide Air Force and Space Force IGs expeditious and unrestricted access to and (as required)
copies of records, reports, investigations, audits, reviews, documents, papers,
recommendations, or other material to the extent authorized by law or policy and available to
or within any USAF/USSF activity. (T-0) To the extent permitted by law and policy,
commanders will grant inspectors performing official IG inspection duties access to any
documents, records, and evidentiary materials needed to discharge duties, to include data
stored in electronic repositories. (T-0) When there is uncertainty regarding the extent to which
access is permitted by law, coordinate with a legal advisor to ensure records are properly
obtained and maintained. Access to medical records. When an IG’s access to medical records is required, a
valid basis for disclosure by Air Force Medical Service organizations or the Defense Health
Agency, addressing applicable law and regulation, must be provided, and documented. The
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule protects an
individual’s privacy interest in their medical records. Violations of HIPAA regulations may
result in criminal and civil liability. Requests for medical records must comply with
regulations which provide permissible uses and disclosures of an individual’s health
information known as Protected Health Information (PHI). Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 6025.18, Implementation of the
HIPAA Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care Programs, sets forth specific rules that apply
to PHI to be carried out in a manner consistent with Department of Health and Human
Services regulations. In applying HIPAA regulatory exemptions, IG personnel must understand
the authorities of the Air Force/Space Force IG. Although the Air Force/Space Force
IG does not have a statutory basis for compelling production of PHI, DoDM 6025.18,
paragraph 4.4.d.1 permit disclosure of PHI to health oversight agencies to conduct
audits, inspections, and other activities necessary for appropriate oversight of health
care systems IAW DoD and service-specific regulations and guidelines. Medical records disclosed to and maintained by the IG remain protected by
the Privacy Act and may contain sensitive information protected by other applicable
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 13
laws. All personnel with access to medical records must ensure compliance with
HIPAA, the Privacy Act of 1974, and any other applicable laws or information
protection requirements that could apply to the use and handling of such records. Privileged information. IGs are not authorized access to material subject to any
legally recognized privilege (e.g., attorney client, applicable safety investigations, etc.)
unless voluntarily waived by the holder of the privilege. Access to classified or sensitive information. When access to classified,
caveated/controlled, or compartmented information is required, the IG will forward a visit
authorization request (VAR) through the Defense Information System for Security (or
successor system). (T-0) Upon receipt of the VAR, commanders will process the request
and ensure IG personnel have the appropriate clearance eligibility and access. (T-0) If
classification or compartmentalization restrictions preclude immediate access to
information required by inspectors, the denying commander will immediately report the
situation to the appropriate access-control authority and obtain an access-eligibility
determination. (T-2) If this authority does not grant access to the information, notify
SAF/IGI of the situation. The notice to SAF/IGI should include the location, date,
command, scope of the assistance inquiry, inspection, or investigation, who denied access,
who verified denial and/or approved denial, the reason access was denied, and the contact
details of the supervisor and commander of the organization.
1.3.10. IG reciprocity. If requested, a collocated IG may conduct inspections on behalf of the
owning unit. IGs should accommodate inspection reciprocity requests to the maximum extent
practicable. Additionally, requesting IGs will honor deficiencies reported by the inspecting IG
as if they were their own. (T-3) Concerned parties will document reciprocity requests and
periodically review them for currency (e.g., Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement
(MOU/A), support agreement). (T-3)
1.3.11. When practical, IG teams may deploy to forward locations and headquarters during
exercises and contingency operations to evaluate processes and performance. Inspectors may
observe (but not interfere with) real-world activities unless observed actions are in direct
violation of safety, security, surety, or procedural violations.
1.3.12. Inspecting contracted functions. The Contracting Officer and/or Contracting Officer’s
Representative should accompany inspectors (or WIT/DIT members) during inspections of
contracted functions. Inspectors (or WIT/DIT members) will assess, and rate contracted
functions against the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work and assess adequacy
of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work to meet mission requirements. (T-
3) Inspectors will coordinate with the Contracting Office and/or the Contracting Officer
Representative to fully understand the scope and limitations of the contracting authorities and
work closely with them to prevent a possible misunderstanding or creation of a condition which
may be the basis of a later claim against the Government. (T-3) IGs should validate findings
related to contractor functions with the Contracting Office.
1.3.13. IG Tenet of Confidentiality. Confidentiality is the protection of individual privacy.
Inspectors (including WIT/DIT members, inspection augmentees, and uncertified inspectors)
have a duty to protect the personal identity of any individual providing information to the IG
to the maximum extent practicable, particularly when the individual specifically requests
confidentiality. Disclosure of communications (and the identity of the communicant) is strictly
14 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
limited to an official basis as required. Assuring an individual’s privacy is safeguarded to the
maximum extent practicable encourages voluntary cooperation and promotes a climate of
openness in identifying issues requiring leadership intervention. The degree of confidentiality
and the specific information kept confidential vary according to the IG functions of
inspections, assistance, and investigations. During an inspection, inspectors will not normally
reveal the identities of individuals who provide information even when individuals are linked
to specific functions or interviews. (T-1). Airmen and Guardians (both military and civilian)
are responsible for maintaining confidentiality beyond the conclusion of their IG duty.
1.3.14. Protected Communications/Disclosures to Inspectors. IAW 10 USC § 1034, Protected
communications; prohibition of retaliatory personnel actions, lawful communications to an
IG are protected from reprisal (e.g., IG functional interviews, IG Sensing Sessions, etc.).
Inspectors and WIT/DIT members are representatives of the IG and are authorized to receive
disclosures the IG is designated to receive. Inspectors should understand there are distinct laws
based on the status of the person which define what communication or disclosure is protected
from reprisal. IGs will document (e.g., email, MFR) Protected Communications/Disclosures in
accordance with AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution. ANG Technicians will be in a military status in order to participate in IG Sensing
Sessions. (T-0)
1.3.15. During an inspection, inspectors will direct individuals seeking assistance or reporting
an impropriety, complaint, or criminal activity to the servicing IG IAW AFI 90-301. (T-1)
Inspection teams will have a handoff plan in place in the event a person comes forward with
an allegation of impropriety, misconduct, or criminal activity during any on-site inspection.
(T-2) Inspectors should have complaint resolution trained individuals and law enforcement
contact information immediately available. In response to any allegations of sexual assault and
sexual harassment, comply with reporting requirements IAW DAFI 90-6001, Sexual Assault
Prevention and Response Program.
1.4. Roles and Responsibilities.
1.4.1. SAF/IG. Coordinates, synchronizes, integrates, and approves/disapproves inspections and
inspection elements of The Inspection System components to eliminate duplication and
unnecessary inspections. Is the DAF Gatekeeper for inspections, evaluations, assessments, and other
inspection-related visits (including audits and inquiries) conducted by outside entities
(Office of the IG, Department of Defense [OIG, DoD]; Government Accountability Office
[GAO], and others). SAF/IG will coordinate (to the maximum extent practicable) the
activities of those organizations among themselves and with Air Force and Space Force
organizations to allow the development of timely, accurate, and useful information with
the goal of the least-possible disruption to the affected unit(s). SAF/IG will establish
guidance for the Gatekeeper process. Establishes inspection policy, guidance, and oversight for Air Force and Space
Force IG and Functional inspections, assessments, and evaluations.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 15 In consultation with SAF/AG, coordinates The Inspection System to make
efficient and effective use of Audit Agency resources and capabilities in order to eliminate
duplication of effort and minimize disruption within inspected units/organizations. Maintains and safeguards the integrity of The Inspection System and reports on
the effectiveness of the system to the SecAF, CSAF, and CSO. Conducts inspections of Special Access Programs (SAP) and other sensitive
activities IAW DoD guidance, and DAF policies, and reports results, as directed by SecAF,
CSAF, or CSO. Provides oversight of intelligence activities conducted under the provisions of
Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, and DoDM 5240.01,
Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence Activities. Publishes inspection guidance for Air Force nuclear-capable units and units with
Nuclear Weapons Related Materiel IAW DoD, CJCS, Combatant Commands, and
Department of Energy and service guidance. Informs Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear
Integration (AF/A10) of nuclear inspection issues. Develops and implements IG selection criteria, assignment policies and civilian
career programs. Provides policy and guidance for The Inspector General Information and
Inspection Reporting System (TIGIIRS), to include the Inspector General Evaluation
Management System (IGEMS), MICT, and the Air Force Gatekeeper site. Establishes SAC policy and guidance. Maintains custody of Air Force and Space Force inspection reports on behalf of
the SecAF and serves as the initial denial authority for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests for inspection reports. If necessary, directs inspection of any Air Force or Space Force program or
operation. Is the DAF focal point for interacting with the OIG, DoD, and other government
IGs by maintaining liaison with IGs from within DoD, other military services, other
statutory IGs, and other agencies concerning Department of the Air Force IG activities. Provides feedback to MAJCOM/FLDCOM, DRUs, and FOAs on the adequacy
of inspection programs. Approves Special Interest Items (SII). Provides annual By-Law reports of inspection results to the OIG, DoD and/or
HHQ. Directs the Executive IG Course, IG Training Courses, and the Nuclear Surety
Inspector Course.
16 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Assists the SecAF, CSAF, and CSO in teaching and training leaders on the
fundamental tenets of the Air Force Core Values, principles of exemplary conduct, ethics,
and command responsibilities. Disseminates information, innovative ideas, and lessons learned as a result of
inspections, and recommends processes to help inspected organizations improve and
accomplish command objectives. Serves on boards, committees, councils, and similar organizations and performs
other duties as directed by SecAF, CSAF and CSO.
1.4.2. AFIA. Provides independent inspection, evaluation, oversight, and analysis to advance
continuous improvement of mission effectiveness at all DAF levels as directed by SAF/IG
and IAW Air Force Mission Directive (AFMD) 31, Air Force Inspection Agency, and
Chapter 6 of this instruction. Oversees The Inspection System standardization and policy adherence by IG
teams conducting inspections and provides feedback to MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and
SAF/IG on the effectiveness of the teams’ assessments and deliberative/debrief processes. Collaborates with the Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG), the Air Force Medical
Readiness Agency (AFMRA), the Defense Health Agency (DHA), and
MAJCOM/FLDCOMs on policies and procedures pertaining to UEIs. As requested, integrates medical core teams with MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams
during UEIs of medical units, but will not write a separate report. Performs oversight assessments to provide independent validation and evaluation
of inspections and to promote standardization across the enterprise. Inspectors may fly as observers in inspected unit aircraft when appropriate to the
inspection role. Serves as the MAJCOM/FLDCOM equivalent for FOAs/DRUs/Activities
inspection processes. DRU HQ Inspections. DRU inspection teams should incorporate the intent
of the DRU commander and the unique mission of each DRU when developing the
RBSS. DRUs with subordinate wings/groups will rely on memorandums of agreement
(MOA) to execute inspections at the frequency detailed in Table 1.1 as follows: AFIA will inspect the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA).
USAFA will support AFIA’s Unit Effectiveness Inspection of the 10th Air Base
Wing IAW MOU between AFIA, USAFA, and the 10
Air Base Wing. AFIA will inspect AFDW Headquarters; AMC/IG will provide
inspection support to AFDW/IG as specified IAW MOU between AMC/IG and
AFDW/IG. AFIA will inspect the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation
Center (AFOTEC).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 17 Field Operating Agency (FOA) Inspections. AFIA will inspect FOAs
utilizing the HQI. FOAs inspected through an HQI may use other self-assessment
mechanisms in lieu of a CCIP program. FOA inspections will be tailored to meet the
specific needs of the command chain and the unique mission requirements. Chairs the Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI) Process Review Group. Serves as Functional Manager and Lead Command for the family of information
technology systems which comprise TIGIIRS. Provides IGEMS and MICT requirements
and funding to TIGIIRS Program Office (Air Force Program Executive Office Business
and Enterprise Systems [AFPEO BES]). Provides a summary of inspection results for inclusion in recurring IG briefings
to senior leaders and crossflows this information to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs on a
continual basis. Tracks and reports to SAF/IG open critical and significant deficiencies
noted in Nuclear Surety Inspection reports. Informs SAF/IG of significant and critical
deficiencies against higher headquarters, as required. Performs Radioactive Material permit inspections. Serves as an advisor to SAF/IG and other elements of the Air Force nuclear and
inspection enterprises on matters pertaining to nuclear inspections including (but not
limited to) those prescribed in AFPD 13-5, Air Force Nuclear Mission, and HAFMD 1-20. Manages the Air Force Core Team of certified nuclear inspectors. Independently conducts UEIs and HQIs IAW Chapter 3 and Chapter 8 of this
instruction, respectively. Administers the IG Training Course-Inspections, Readiness Exercise Advanced
Planning, Execution and Reporting (REAPER) Course and the Nuclear Surety Inspector
course. Serves as the overall DAF Gatekeeper to manage the centralized inspection
schedule, which includes inspection activities by external agencies. Serves as the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper for select FOAs and DRUs. Plans and executes the
annual Gatekeepers’ Inspection Scheduling Working Group. Serves as the lead agent for DAF By-Law reporting. AFIA will collect
MAJCOM/FLDCOM data (via the IGEMS By-Law Section) from each of the By-Law
inspection requirements performed during the reporting period. Performs any other inspection activity when directed by SAF/IG.
1.4.3. SAF/IGI. Monitors and evaluates the adequacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of The
Inspection System. Manages, develops, and implements inspection policies for unit inspection
oversight and standards, Gatekeeping, and performance-based evaluations. Coordinates on DAFI-directed and proposed inspections, assessments,
evaluations, audits, surveys, or any other special visits to ensure IG-directed and other
inspection-related activities are mutually reinforced through the Gatekeeper process.
18 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Provides MICT and IGEMS training to Air Force and Space Force Functional
representatives. Manages and administers the Special Interest Item (SII) program for the SecAF,
CSAF, CSO, and TIG. Assists OIG, DoD personnel in planning the course syllabus for the Joint IG
Training Course; instructs as required. Is the program lead for The Inspection System Governance Process. Validates non-Air Force/Space Force requests for installation access and
coordinates Gatekeeper actions to facilitate such requests. Supports The Deputy Inspector General (DIG) and the AFIA/CC in preparation
and execution of the NSI Program Review Group. Is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for processing FOIA requests
concerning nuclear inspections IAW CJCSI 3263.05. Is the release/initial denial authority for FOIA requests concerning inspections
other than NSIs. Coordinates with the Joint Staff on NSI report release. Works with Joint Staff and Service counterparts to develop inspection policy for
joint installations. Coordinates on all T-1 waivers to this instruction.
1.4.4. Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Office of Special Projects (AFOSI PJ). Conducts program security and government oversight inspections of industry and
compliance inspections of MAJCOM/FLDCOM SAPs IAW DoD guidance and DAF
policies. Reports results as directed by the SecAF, CSAF, or CSO and notifies the SAP
Central Office (SAPCO) of SAP security compliance inspection trends for potential SAP
security policy updates or updates to the SAP security inspection criteria. Inspects and/or investigates any issue under the statutory and regulatory
authorities of SAF/IG, AFOSI Commander, or the Director of AFOSI PJ. Supports and assists the Secretary of the Air Force, Inspector General, Special
Investigations Directorate (SAF/IGX), AFIA, and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs with SAP
Compliance inspections. When the IGs needs SAP security expertise on an inspection
teams (AFOSI PJ) will support as an inspection augmentees under IG statutory and
regulatory authorities consistent with SAF/IG, AFOSI Commander direction, AFI 16-701,
Management, Administration and Oversight of Special Access Programs, and this
1.4.5. SAF/IGX Serves as the principal advisor to SAF/IG and directs SAP inspections IAW
Chapter 13 of this instruction. In close coordination with the Secretary of the Air Force, Special Program
Oversight and Information Protection (SAF/AAZ) (the DAF SAPCO), develops and
implements SAP inspection policy.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 19
1.4.6. Headquarters Air Force and Space Force Directorates. Develop and prioritize inspection requirements. Coordinate requirements with
POAs then forward inspection requirements to SAF/IGI for potential inclusion in
Attachment 3 or Attachment 4 of this instruction. Coordinate additional requirements (in-person site visits and/or remote data calls)
with the appropriate Gatekeeper and SAV guidance in Attachment 2. Coordinate with the appropriate POA and Gatekeepers to schedule, validate and
integrate/synchronize current and planned inspections, assessments, evaluations, and
audits listed in Attachment 2 of this instruction. Develop and manage MICT SACs IAW Attachment 12 of this instruction. Provide appropriate representatives to support and participate in The Inspection
System Governance Process. Collaborate with POAs to monitor program health and close assigned deficiencies
IAW this instruction. Contact SAF/IGI for IGEMS and MICT training. Validate findings with MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and POAs and provide either a
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) or concurrence with a CAP as necessary for valid, actionable
deficiencies within IGEMS. If POAs do not concur with an assigned deficiency, provide
rationale for in IGEMS. Periodically review continual evaluation data and deficiencies for trends, analysis,
and reporting through IGEMS. Complete MICT training and conduct initial review of SACs and MICT content
within 90 days of appointment as a SAC owner. Eliminate non-IG inspections of wings/deltas unless approved by SAF/IG and
documented in this publication (see paragraph
1.4.7. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Teams. Conduct UEIs and nuclear inspections on RegAF, USSF, and Air Reserve
Component (ARC) units IAW Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of this instruction. Coordinate the Total
Force Associate wing/delta UEI RBSS and inspection scope development with the lead
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and supporting ARC MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG to account for
organizational specific requirements. IAW 32 USC § 105, Inspection, Gaining MAJCOM IGs (pursuant to
delegated authority) will execute inspections of ANG wings, to include areas
previously covered by separate functional assessments and applicable Total Force
guidance. (T-0) Gaining MAJCOM will include the National Guard Bureau IG
(NGB/IG) in all significant correspondence concerning ANG wing inspections policy
and execution. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will report directly to their respective
commanders. Report indications of potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse to the inspection Team
Chief and the responsible IG.
20 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 In coordination with the Command SAP Management Office (SAPMO), DAF
SAPMO, and assigned program security officer (PSO), conduct inspections of Air Force
and Space Force SAPs, other sensitive activities, and cover missions in accordance with
DoD guidance, Air Force and Space Force policies, and this instruction. Consider classified
and sensitive inspection performance in the overall UEI continual evaluation cycle and
grade. Use IGEMS to facilitate trend analysis, trend reporting, and deficiency resolution.
Minimum required information for deficiencies is described in Chapter 9 of this
instruction. Administer MAJCOM/FLDCOM MICT and IGEMS programs. Designate a Gatekeeper for notification of inspections by Air Force and Space
Force and non-Air Force/Space Force organizations. Participate in the inspection scheduling process to coordinate and deconflict
inspection efforts, including continuous schedule reviews and participation in the
Gatekeepers’ Inspection Scheduling Working Group (in-person or remote). Input
inspection activities (to include any other activities approved by the Gatekeeper)
immediately upon approval to the DAF Gatekeeping website. Develop MAJCOM/FLDCOM-specific inspector training and certification
programs for MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta-level IG Inspectors as required. Notify TIG/ DIG via classified email or message within 24 hours when an
inspection results in an INEFFECTIVE, READY-NO (see Attachment 7) or
UNSATISFACTORY overall rating, a loss of critical mission area or certification, a
serious injury occurring during an inspection event, and/or possible reception of
unfavorable national-level press attention. If further reporting is required, follow
MAJCOM/FLDCOM guidance and/or AFMAN 10-206, Operational Reporting (OPREP). Conduct periodic site visits and/or review documentation of unit activity in
conjunction with exercises and contingencies, real-world operations, self-assessments,
other inspections and/or evaluations, and other measures of sustained performance. These
measures are used to adjust the breadth, duration, and frequency of on-site inspection
activities. For areas where a MAJCOM/FLDCOM HQ has limited expertise due to
consolidation of SMEs, MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will ensure POA inclusion in these
processes. Ensure inspections de-conflict with scheduled deployments and unit force
structure changes. Tailor inspections to allow requisite unit support to Combatant
Commands. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs are the final authority for scheduling and tailoring
inspections. To meet the intent of CJCSI 3263.05, the MAJCOM’s NSI Team Chief may also
be referred to as the Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspection (NWTI) Chief Inspector. If
there is conflict between this document and CJCSI 3263.05, the CJCSI takes precedence.
1.4.8. The NGB- Air National Guard, Directorate of the Inspector General (NGB/IG):
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 21 NGB performs functions focused on policy and resourcing of ANG wings. Federal
inspections are the responsibility of gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOMs IAW 32 USC § Section
105. All evaluations of ANG wings will be implemented based on this construct. Performs inspections when directed by the Director, ANG. Acts as liaison to SAF/IG and gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs for inspection
policy related to ANG units. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG ANG Advisors (as applicable)
support NGB/IG in this role. Acts as liaison between gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and the ANG
Readiness Center for UEI continual evaluation requirements. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG
ANG Advisors (as applicable) support NGB/IG in this role. Coordinates waivers to this instruction with affected gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and SAF/IGI. Coordinates on SIIs and gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM Command Interest Items
(CIIs) prior to issuance for ANG applicability. Approves individual ANG members to perform an inspection augmentee role in
gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM-funded status (TDY/MPA). NGB/IG is the primary Gatekeeper for ANG wings. NGB/IG will assist the DAF
Gatekeeper and gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Gatekeepers with development of
MAJCOM/FLDCOM inspection schedules for ANG wings. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG
ANG Advisors (as applicable) support NGB/IG in this role. Defines NGB POA’s inspection deficiency validation process for gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM levied significant and critical deficiencies on ANG wings and/or
NGB. Defines inspection deficiency validation process for ANG wing-levied
deficiencies on NGB. Serves as lead deficiency manager for NGB A-Staff. Coordinates resolution of inspection deficiencies levied against NGB
and/or assigned POAs. Coordinates CAPs with NGB POAs. CAP approval authority for all deficiencies levied on NGB POAs. Gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM will close significant and critical UEI deficiencies and Wing IGs
will close significant and critical CCIP deficiencies.
1.4.9. Pertinent Oversight Authorities (POA), at all levels: Determine methods used to accomplish continual evaluation and oversight
requirements within respective functional areas. Regularly analyze relevant MICT/IGEMS data and other functional metrics in
order to build awareness of unit performance in areas of responsibility and share areas of
concern with the appropriate-level IG or subordinate organization commanders.
22 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Provide annual inputs to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG RBSS for subordinate units
and highlight functional area-specific risks identified through continual evaluation. Review validated inspection and self-assessment data to identify trends and/or
issues. May, in concert with any other appropriate POA and/or NGB/IG, recommend
additional MICT SACs for assigned wings/deltas to assess. May also recommend SACs
outside the scope of the primary mission for wing/delta assessment. Monitor MAJCOM/FLDCOM-published MICT SACs or supplement
HAF/Headquarters Space Force (HQSF)-level SACs to maintain situational awareness of
potential problem areas. Coordinate and approve CAPs for MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG-identified critical and
significant wing deficiencies, and MAJCOM/FLDCOM-level deficiencies (as applicable).
Additionally, consult with appropriate Air Staff and Space Staff FAMs to ensure proper
interpretation of HHQ policy. If necessary, supplement prioritized inspection requirements or develop
requirements where no requirements exist after coordination with the applicable Air Staff
and Space Staff FAM. Submit any requests for visits to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper (or DAF
Gatekeeper) for coordination and approval. Identify and coordinate for inspection augmentees with functional expertise as
requested by MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs.
1.5. Inspection Guidelines.
1.5.1. External Inspections. External inspections validate and verify internal inspection
processes and provide an independent, objective, transparent, and accountable assessment of
readiness, economy, efficiency, and state of discipline. External inspections include: Non-Air Force/Space Force Inspections. Personnel conducting inspections may or
may not be Air Force or Space Force personnel and conduct inspections on behalf of other
governmental agencies, combatant commands, or special committees. Statutory Inspections. Inspections conducted on behalf of an organization within
the Air Force or Space Force who has specific legal or statutory authorization to conduct
inspection-type activities. They include audits conducted by SAF/AG and inspections
conducted by SAF/IG and AF/JA. Certification/Accreditation/Technical Survey. Inspection-type activities
conducted as part of an accreditation or certification program. These include technical
surveys where facilities and equipment are measured or checked (e.g., boilers, pavement
evaluations, etc.).
1.5.2. No-notice and minimum-notice inspections. No-notice and minimum-notice
inspections are an essential component of The Inspection System. Consider available
manpower and resources when coordinating notification timeframes for ARC units.
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will notify ANG wing commanders a minimum of 48 hours prior to
any ANG inspections (not applicable for inspections of ANG alert force missions) and
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 23
coordinate prior with NGB/IG. Inspecting commanders will determine the amount of notice
given to inspected units. (T-3) Note: Radioactive Materials Permits are inspected on a no-
notice basis in accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission procedures.
1.5.3. Limiting factors, simulations, and deviations. For non-nuclear inspections, inspected
unit commanders will submit limiting factors, simulations, and deviations that could
potentially affect the inspection's outcome to the inspection Team Chief for approval. See
Chapter 5 of this instruction for nuclear inspection simulation/deviation guidance.
1.5.4. Inspection team footprint/constraints. The IG Team Chief should work with the
inspected unit prior to the inspection to ensure a shared understanding of inspection constraints
(space, security, escort ratio, etc.). The IG Team Chief makes the final determination on
MAJCOM/FLDCOM or wing/delta inspection team footprint but should attempt to minimize
the aggregate team composition to the maximum extent practical. When multiple IG teams are
involved in an event, the lead IG team (defined as the team with the preponderance of
inspection responsibilities at the location or IAW existing Memoranda of Understanding) will
consolidate work center and logistics requirements in order for teams to have a single,
deconflicted set of requirements for inspected units to support. (T-3)
1.5.5. Performance-based evaluations. Inspection teams should randomly select
individuals/teams for executing performance-based evaluations in lieu of the inspected unit
self-identifying individuals or teams for evaluation. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs should consider
unit assignment of leadership and management roles during complex multi-phased operations
(e.g., Logistics Movements and Aircraft Generations).
1.5.6. Classification. IGs will classify and mark inspection grades and reports IAW the
appropriate Security Classification Guide(s), CJCSI 3263.05, DoDM 5200.01V2_DAFMAN
16-1404V2, and/or DoDM 5205.07, Volume 4, Special Access Program Security Manual:
Marking, as appropriate. (T-0)
1.5.7. Releasability. Air Force and Space Force IG reports are internal memoranda and are
considered privileged information, only releasable outside of privileged information channels
with specific approval of SAF/IG or as outlined below. Commanders will ensure requests for
IG reports (or extracts therefrom), originating from sources outside the original distribution are
referred to SAF/IG for coordination and clearance. (T-1) Reports containing information that meet the requirements for Controlled
Unclassified Information (CUI) categorization in accordance with a law, regulation, or
government-wide policy will be properly marked with a CUI designation indicator on the
cover or first page of the document, and each subsequent page containing CUI will be
properly marked. CUI determination shall be done separately and prior to identifying any
potential FOIA exemptions. Decontrolling and releasing CUI records will be executed by
the originator of the information and formally reviewed in accordance with DoDI 5230.09,
Clearance of DoD Information For Public Release. Decontrolling CUI, for purposes other
than FOIA disclosure does not constitute authorization for public release. Do not release
or publish, in whole or in part, outside official DoD channels without the expressed
approval of SAF/IG. DoD members, contractors, consultants, and grantees are permitted access to
inspection reports IAW DoDM 5400.07, DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
24 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Program. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs are authorized to release inspection reports (in whole
or in part) within DoD, with a courtesy copy of the request and the report to SAF/IGI.
1.5.8. Inspection out brief/results. In coordination with the commander of the inspected unit,
the IG will determine the timing, location, and format of the inspection out brief. Inspection
out-briefs are considered a part of the inspection report and consequently fall within release
restrictions. Follow official Public Affairs guidance when considering public
acknowledgement of completion and results of an inspection. DoD members, contractors,
consultants, and grantees are permitted to attend inspection out-briefs at the discretion of the
commander if part of the very small leadership audience; however, community leaders and the
general public are not authorized access to inspection results (to include out-briefs) unless
permitted by the appropriate Security Classification Guide, DoDM 5400.07, or AFI 35-101,
Public Affairs Operations.
1.5.9. Inspection reports. For non-nuclear inspections, IGs will submit an appropriately
classified executive message providing a summary of the inspection activity and any pertinent
details to the respective Inspector General’s commander and NGB/IG for all ANG wings no
later than 5 duty days after the conclusion of the inspection out brief, unless the final report is
made available prior. (T-3). IGs at all levels will utilize the IGEMS standard report template
and are required to complete formal inspection reports and document in the appropriate version
of IGEMS no later than 30 calendar days (60 calendar days for ARC; 45 calendar days for
HQIs) from the conclusion of the inspection. (T-3). Do not reveal any survey or IG Sensing
Session data that can be attributed to an individual or sub-organization in order to protect
confidentiality. (T-0) Data should only be grouped at wing/delta (UEIs) or Organization
(HQIs) level or above. IGs will identify inspection deficiencies according to Controlled Unclassified
Information (CUI) standards and use the “Operations Security” category (when
appropriate) on the coversheet, according to Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI)
5200.48_DAFI 16-1403, Controlled Unclassified Information. Other portions of the inspection report may require CUI portion markings.
1.6. Safety Assessments, Evaluations, and Inspections. SAF/IG fully recognizes the
independent role of Safety to work on behalf of commanders and allows Safety assessments,
evaluations, and workplace/facility inspections to take place without undue influence or hardship
at all organizational levels to ensure the requirements of Title 32 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 1960, Basic Program Elements for Federal Employee Occupational Safety and Health
Programs and Related Matters, DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health Program,
and AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, are met. To the maximum extent
practical, Safety assessments should take place in concert with IG inspections.
1.6.1. Any non-Safety inspector who discovers potential Safety hazards or deficiencies
presenting Safety risk will validate them with a qualified Safety professional at the appropriate
level before including them in the report and entering them into IGEMS. (T-1) See AFI 91-
202 for Safety inspection guidance.
1.6.2. IAW AFI 91-202, Safety is responsible for providing a comprehensive report on the
status of the commander’s safety program (inclusive of all safety disciplines evaluated) to the
applicable unit commander. The Safety Evaluation Team Lead may brief the commander
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 25
outside the UEI debrief, as necessary, on substantive safety issues discovered during the
evaluation. When a MAJCOM/FLDCOM Safety evaluation is part of the UEI,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM Safety will attach the report as an addendum to the IG report.
26 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 2
2.1. General Information. A validated, accurate, and trusted CCIP is the cornerstone of The
Inspection System. An effective CCIP should provide the wing/delta commander, subordinate
commanders, and Airmen/Guardians the right information at the right time to assess risk, identify
improvement areas, determine root causes, focus limited resources, and continuously align with
the Commander’s priorities and timeline. Wing/delta commanders use CCIP data to facilitate
requests for targeted assistance from the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander and staff. The
wing/delta IG uses the CCIP to validate and verify commander self-assessments are accurate and
timely, and to independently assess effectiveness of subordinate units and programs. The intent of
assessing these components is to provide critical data to leadership about the adequacy of policy,
training, manpower, funds, equipment, and facilities.
2.2. Purpose. The purpose of the CCIP is to assess and improve readiness, efficiency, discipline,
effectiveness, compliance, and surety at the wing/delta levels. It affords commanders the ability to
assess mission sets in reference to Designed Operational Capability (DOC) statements, Joint
Mission Essential Task Lists (JMETL) and Universal Joint Task Lists (UJTL), Mission Directives,
Unit Type Codes (UTC), and/or any other authoritative tasking documents. Commanders use the
CCIP to identify a unit's ability to comply with policy and guidance, including identification of
wasteful directives and areas where resource limitations may prevent compliance or increase
mission risk.
2.3. Roles and Responsibilities.
2.3.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders will: To meet the intent of AFI 38-101 paragraph 25.2.2, "Major Command
headquarters have the full range of functional staff," MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will report
to their respective MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander. Determine which units (e.g., wing/delta-equivalents) will not receive a UEI. Some
units’ missions will not require a CCIP, so only the USAP will be inspected. The exempt
wings/deltas/equivalents will be identified in the respective MAJCOM/FLDCOM
supplement to this Instruction. Provide guidance and approve the scope and scale of subordinate units’ readiness
exercises (RE). This responsibility should not be delegated below the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM director (or equivalent), NAF commander, or Center
commander/director. MAJCOM/FLDCOM must return the approved or denied scope and
scale to wing/delta or wing/delta equivalent within 30 days of receipt.
2.3.2. Wing and FLDCOM-specified Delta commanders will: Organize the wing/delta IG as a staff function that reports directly to the
wing/delta commander. (T-1) Identify and apportion manpower to administer an effective CCIP; appoint
an IG, Director of Inspections, Superintendent, and Scheduler/Inspection Coordinator.
(T-3) Consider using the office manning templates located in Attachment 6 of this
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 27 Ensure the CCIP and USAP focus on readiness capabilities, detecting non-
compliance with applicable governing directives, and unit effectiveness through the
four major graded areas (MGAs) in Figure 3.2. (T-2) Make resources available for training of military and civilian personnel to obtain
the technical or administrative expertise required to assist with CCIP requirements. (T-3) Establish and maintain a USAP led by subordinate commanders IAW this DAFI
and chain of command guidance. (T-2) Designate a wing/delta USAP Manager and Gatekeeper. (T-3) See Attachments 6
and 14. Approve wing/delta Inspection Plans (delegable to the wing/delta IG). (T-3) Chair the Commander’s Inspection Management Board (CIMB) (delegable to the
Vice Commander). (T-2) Report CCIP information to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander via the
Commander’s Inspection Report (CCIR). (T-2) Maximize the use of IGEMS to document functional visits, observations, and
deficiencies in IGEMS to support deficiency management.
2.3.3. The Wing/Delta IG will: Manage, administer, plan, and execute the CCIP with the specific goal of
informing the wing/delta commander of areas of mission execution shortfalls and areas of
non-compliance through the four MGAs in Figure 3.2. (T-1) Develop an annual wing/delta Inspection and Exercise Plan and RBSS based on
the wing/delta commander’s guidance to enable reliable assessment of the unit’s mission.
(T-1) The wing/delta IG must include applicable programs and exercises in Table A2.1 in
the annual inspection plan. (T-1) Additional inspections should focus on individual
organizations, programs, and processes considered high-risk or of particular interest to the
wing/delta commander. The annual plan should include at least one no-notice inspection.
Input inspection activities and other activities immediately upon approval to the DAF
Gatekeeping website. Review applicable wing/delta plans and develop realistic, relevant objectives for
scenario-based inspections. (T-3) Conduct planning to deconflict scenario issues and
distribute any required special instructions. To maximize realism, host wing/delta should
include tenant units in scenario-based readiness and mission assurance assessments. Post grades, summaries, comments, deficiencies, recommended improvement
areas (RIAs), strengths, and final inspection reports in the appropriate version of IGEMS
(based on Security Classification Guidance). Manage deficiencies IAW Chapter 9 of this
instruction. Ensure inspection and exercise data is collected for all MGAs. (T-3) Manage the wing/delta CIMB. (T-3) Brief new commanders within 30 calendar days (90 calendar days for ARC) of
assuming command. (T-3) At a minimum, discuss: the commander’s requirement to lead
28 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
the subordinate USAP IAW paragraph 2.5 of this instruction, the wing/delta CCIP,
wing/delta and/or MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG business rules, upcoming IG events and
possible impacts, unit performance data, and any trending data or concerns. Encourage units to use MICT functionality for processing and filing approved
waivers. Publish MICT business rules and IGEMS business rules for wing/delta and
subordinate units. (T-3) Oversee wing/delta MICT and IGEMS system administration. (T-3) Ensure wing/delta organizations identify work centers in MICT. (T-3) Oversee the wing/delta’s Gatekeeper/scheduling process IAW Attachment 2 of
this instruction. (T-3) Provide wing/delta-specific training to unit commanders, USAP managers,
assigned IG staff members, and WIT/DIT members. Assist MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs, NGB/IG, and SAF/IG with data queries. (T-2)
2.4. Commander’s Inspection Program Methodology. The responsibility for detecting blind-
spots and non-compliance rests with commanders and supervisors at every level of the
organization. Wing/delta IGs must document non-compliance in CCIP reports within IGEMS. (T-
2.4.1. Wing/Delta IG. The IG executes inspections on behalf of the Commander. The IG is
the principal advisor for inspections and the focal point for the WIT/DIT to enable efficient
reporting to the Commander. The IG will consolidate inspections to avoid redundancy and
eliminate inspections whose benefits do not enhance the mission or outweigh the cost. (T-3)
2.4.2. There may be non-IG organizations within the wing/delta who are explicitly authorized
to inspect on behalf of the commander. In these cases, the non-IG inspectors will coordinate
requirements with the wing/delta IG. (T-3) Non-IG inspectors will provide a report to the
appropriate commander and to the IG. (T-3) The IG and the non-IG inspection Team Chief
will collaborate and determine the non-IG deficiencies to enter into IGEMS. (T-3)
2.4.3. External non-IG visits conducted by POAs and/or SMEs, which may be critical
elements to an effective CCIP will follow guidance in Attachment 2, paragraph A2.4.
2.4.4. Wing/Delta Safety. Safety will participate in IG inspections whenever possible and
provide qualified SMEs to assist with wing/delta IG inspections, when required; however, the
Safety staff may conduct annual workplace/facility inspections and unit safety assessments
independent of the IG. (T-3) The Chief of Safety will ensure IG-requested Safety SMEs are available to assist
with exercise scenario development and throughout the execution and debrief phases of the
exercise. (T-3) Safety will provide the IG any noted safety discrepancies for inclusion in
the IG report; the IG will enter all validated deficiencies into IGEMS. (T-3) Safety will provide a copy of inspection and assessment reports to the unit
commander inspected/assessed IAW established safety processes. (T-3) This report is
available to the IG office through the commander of the unit inspected.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 29
2.4.5. The wing/delta RBSS should focus on those areas important to the commander. The
RBSS may include products and sources of information for use as objective indicators of unit
or program performance. Integrating and analyzing multiple inputs enables a comprehensive
understanding of unit effectiveness and efficiency. Examples include: Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES)/
Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS). Quality Assurance and Standardization/Evaluation programs. Functional assessments, inspection results, after-action reports, and meeting
minutes. Individual Medical Readiness reports. Individual Training Records. USAP results and personal observations, to include cross-tell with commanders
of similar units. Climate surveys. MICT SAC. IGs may sample SACs in order to ensure accuracy and timeliness of
subordinate organizations’ reporting to leadership on the health of their organization. IGs may review SACs for appropriate use of Airmen's/Guardians’ time and
report concerns to the appropriate commander for action. Wing/delta Program Managers (e.g., Emergency Management manager)
will identify individual unit assessors based on the types of questions asked in the SAC.
(T-3) Wing/delta Program Managers will not delegate wing/delta-level program
questions to unit-level assessors. (T-3)
2.4.6. Agreements. If agreements are made between wing/deltas which result in one
organization relying on another organization to accomplish inspection requirements,
commanders will codify the arrangement in an MOU, Base Support Agreement, Host-Tenant
Support Agreement, or other documentation identifying specific inspection responsibilities
between applicable parties. (T-2) For guidance on Joint Base agreements, see paragraph 8.3.2
Although inspection support agreements directly with the host wing/delta are preferable
(typically in the form of Host-Tenant Support Agreements), MOUs among tenant
organizations can also be made. MOU and Host-Tenant Support Agreement should follow
guidance within DoDI 4000.19, Support Agreements, and templates can be found on the
SAF/IGI SharePoint
( Program managers should ensure tenant organizations receive adequate support
for each program under the host wing/delta’s purview as applicable under existing
agreements. IGs will utilize SMEs, as available, to conduct By-Law inspections as required by
the program’s governing policy(ies) or as stated in a Host-Tenant Support
Agreement/MOU. (T-0) An IG's one-time use of external program managers or SMEs to
meet their commander’s inspection objective does not require a support agreement.
30 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Recurring inspection support (e.g., periodic, as-needed, annual, etc.) should be codified in
a support agreement.
2.4.7. Inspection methods. IGs may use any legal and appropriate inspection methods
available to meet command intent and comply with this instruction (e.g., DEOCS, surveys,
feedback, IG Sensing Sessions). (T-2)
2.4.8. CCIP findings. The IG will assess, and report findings (i.e., strengths, recommended
improvement areas, deficiencies, and comments) using the four MGAs and associated sub-
MGAs (see Figure 3.2). (T-1)
2.5. Commander’s Inspection Program Requirements. Commanders lead self-assessment
components and wing/delta IGs execute inspection components. The CCIP inspects wing/delta-
wide and subordinate unit effectiveness while assessing cross-unit programs as directed by the
wing/delta commander. The CCIP will inspect each subordinate unit, as defined by HHQ
supplements or the CCIP inspection plan, at least once during the UEI cycle. (T-3) Commanders
will determine the appropriate scope, scale, timing, and methodology to most effectively
accomplish the objectives of the CCIP IAW this instruction. (T-3)
2.5.1. Unit Self-Assessment Program (USAP). Commanders subordinate to the wing/delta
commander will have a robust self-assessment program in place to fulfill their 10 USC §
Section 9233, Requirement of Exemplary Conduct, and AFI 1-2 responsibilities to inspect
those under their command. (T-0) This internal assessment informs the CCIP of a wing/delta’s
overall health and complements external assessments. The USAP will include communication
from SACs within the MICT. (T-3) Commanders at all levels will ensure appropriate internal
mechanisms exist to track requirement and resource mismatches, assess resultant mission risk,
and track disconnect to closure. (T-2) Attachment 14 provides guidance to aid commanders
in establishing or revising individual USAPs. An effective USAP depends on Airmen/Guardians accurately reporting the status
of compliance with directives, and on commanders using that information to determine
whether they can comply or if they should accept risk in coordination with the tiered waiver
authority assigned. Geographically separated units will maintain a robust USAP (in support
of their parent organization’s inspection or self-assessment program, as directed). (T-2) For the purposes of this instruction, any evaluation conducted by a non-IG
wing/delta member on another wing/delta unit or staff within the same wing/delta, is
considered an internal assessment and part of the USAP. Commanders will: Appoint at least one USAP Manager. (T-2) Ensure assigned SACs are assessed by appropriate members at intervals
consistent with unit-level leadership priorities and established MICT business rules.
(T-3) Ensure the USAP Manager creates and maintains self-assessment business
rules which achieve the following: Develop an assessment plan approved by the commander. (T-3) Develop and provides guidance for personnel to support the USAP. (T-
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 31
3) Notify the commander of non-compliance requiring external
assistance. (T-3) Conduct assessments and brief results to the unit commander. (T-3) Document self-identified, non-compliant observations with corrective
action plans. (T-3)
2.5.2. Wing/delta inspection and exercise program. Inspection and exercise programs are
designed to validate and verify subordinate commander self-assessments to ensure accuracy.
The IG will independently assess effectiveness of subordinate units and programs and use
IGEMS to plan, conduct, and finalize inspections. (T-1) Unit inspections. Unit inspections, commonly referred to as “vertical inspections,”
are inspections of units subordinate to the wing/delta (normally at the squadron level).
These inspections may be focused on the highest risk to mission functions of a unit or a
top-to-bottom assessment of the unit. At a minimum, IGs will conduct one unit inspection
per unit per UEI cycle. (T-3) Program inspections. Program inspections, commonly referred to as “horizontal
inspections,” assess a specific program’s health across the wing/delta (e.g., fitness
program, training, etc.). At a minimum, IGs will conduct one program inspection per unit
per UEI cycle. (T-3) Readiness Exercise. A Readiness Exercise (RE) is a practical evaluation to
validate unit readiness through performance-based observation of mission essential tasks
(METs) as tasked by a specific plan and reported on in DRRS. Exercise planners must
consider command guidance and utilize appropriate scope, scale, rigor, relevance,
recurrence, and reporting (S2R4) when developing RE scenarios. Appropriate S2R4
assures accurate readiness assessments against likely threats and potential adversaries.
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders may increase exercise scope or scale to ensure unique
unit readiness requirements are met. The RE will be reported in IGEMS-C consistent with
the Readiness Exercise Reporting Manual. REs are full-scale or functional exercises that focus on evaluating the
execution of METs as aligned with a DRRS Mission Assessment Category (MAC).
REs are informed by OPLANs, CONPLANs, Time Phased Force Deployment Data
(TPFDD), UTCs, Mission Directives, METs/METLs and especially by
MAJCOM/FLDCOM CC and wing/delta CC intent. REs that meet this definition may
be counted against the UEI cycle requirements and will be identified as an “RE” in
IGEMS-C. Commanders will use Attachment 7 to develop and execute REs. (T-1). At
a minimum, REs will be assessed against METs in IGEMS-C. (T-1) Upon completion
of REs, wing/delta IGs will use the Readiness Exercise Reporting Manual and the
Classified Readiness Assessment (CRA) Reporting Manual to capture the results of the
RE in IGEMS-C, or a higher-classification system as appropriate. (T-1). Readiness
exercise related data, or discrepancies will not be placed in IGEMS. (T-1)
32 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Wing/delta IGs will review DRRS reporting for all wing/delta DRRS-
reporting units on behalf of the wing/delta commander to verify that DRRS reporting
is consistent with Readiness Exercise event results. (T-2) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs
should validate that DRRS reporting is consistent with readiness execution events, as
defined in Attachment 7. IGs for nuclear-capable units must include internal inspections of nuclear mission
areas as they relate to the NSI MGAs in the Wing Inspection and Exercise Plan. (T-2)
2.5.3. Commander’s Inspection Management Board. The intent of the CIMB is to synthesize
CCIP data and results to proactively mitigate risks to readiness and risks from known/unknown
areas of non-compliance. The CIMB also ensures the wing/delta Inspection Plan meets the
commander’s intent. IGs should attempt to migrate the discussion from historical performance
(“here’s what we did”) to prescribing what actions the wing/delta should take (“here’s what
we should do”) to improve performance in all four MGAs IAW the commander’s vision and
priorities. Problem-solving responsibilities and the corrective action processes reside at the
lowest appropriate command level, not with the IG staff. The wing/delta commander will convene the CIMB as needed, but no less than
quarterly. (T-3) The commander (delegable no lower than the vice commander) chairs the
board. (T-2) The board consists of Group commanders or equivalent, wing/delta Staff
Agency Chiefs, and squadron commanders. (T-3) Commanders should consider including
SMEs to assist in closing deficiencies. Preparations for the CIMB include collecting applicable reports from MICT and
IGEMS that identify trends and deficiencies requiring external coordination (Joint Base
support, FAM or MAJCOM/FLDCOM Functional Manager coordination, etc.). A review
of internal and external inspections captured using a RBSS and commander’s intent
provides background for, and guides, the discussion. Include the following in the CIMB: CCIP dashboard (a tailored report of the key metrics the wing/delta
commander values and synthesized prescriptive inspection data, self-assessment
findings, questions, deficiencies/severity, and/or observations/trends, etc.). (T- 3) Key open deficiency review to include updates on CAPs, estimated close-
out dates, mitigating circumstances, recommendations for closure, and external
assistance required (if any). (T-3) Self-assessment observations review (break out by unit, key observations,
and concerns). (T-3) Upcoming events (on-site visits, CCIP calendar, and Gatekeeper events). (T-
3) Wing/delta commander objectives/feedback (include progress toward
annual requirements). (T-3) Subordinate commanders’ objectives and feedback (to include CCIP status,
issues affecting the organization, and upcoming scheduled inspections and/or external
visits). (T-3)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 33 Findings and recommendations from outside agencies. (T-3) A review of planned and completed REs to ensure that exercise events
address all applicable METs for tasked OPLANS and/or Core Tasks as defined in
DRRS and other source documents. Commander’s Inspection Report (CCIR). The CCIR is the commander's
assessment of readiness and compliance and reported to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander (gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander for ANG wings). The CCIR is
written in the framework of the four UEI MGAs and should include a summary of planned
and completed REs. The commander should use the CCIR template located on the SAF/IGI
Commanders will send a CCIR to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander no later than 90
calendar days (180 calendar days for ARC) after assuming command and annually
thereafter (based on assumption of command date). (T-2) ANG commanders will also send
the CCIR to the State Adjutant General and NGB/IG. (T-2) FOAs executing a CCIP will
send their CCIR to their parent organization. Wing/delta IGs will publish CCIRs in the
appropriate version of IGEMS no later than 30 calendar days after wing/delta commanders
transmit the report. (T-1)
2.5.4. Wing/Delta Inspection Team (WIT/DIT). The WIT/DIT consists of SMEs who augment
the IG conducting inspections and exercises under the authority of the commander. Specific
duties include providing inputs for scenario development, inspecting assigned areas/functions,
validating self-assessments, evaluating scenarios, participating in the lessons learned, and
providing inputs to reports. Personnel selected to be WIT/DIT members should possess
attributes of the highest professional standards and moral character. WIT/DIT members should
also demonstrate adherence to Air Force and Space Force core values, possess a security
clearance commensurate with duties required, and present good military bearing,
professionalism, and appearance. WIT/DIT members are not required to meet rank or
experience criteria in Chapter 11 of this instruction.
34 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 3
3.1. General Information. The UEI is an external continual evaluation of wing/delta
performance based on the four MGAs (as detailed in Figure 3.2) conducted by
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and/or AFIA. The UEI is a comprehensive compilation of a unit’s
documented performance and its capabilities throughout the UEI period.
3.2. Purpose. The UEI evaluates the CCIP for accuracy, adequacy, and relevance, while
providing an independent assessment of the wing’s ability to execute the mission, lead people,
manage resources and improve the unit.
3.3. Roles and Responsibilities.
3.3.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders: Implement and sustain the UEI IAW this instruction. Develop a staff process to facilitate the UEI RBSS and continual evaluation of
assigned and gained wing/delta. Ensure staffs analyze and address all assigned findings/deficiencies IAW Chapter
9 of this instruction.
3.3.2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs: Continually evaluate unit effectiveness with POA assistance. Analyze, develop, and build a tailored RBSS based on gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander intent and guidance in paragraphs 2.4 and 3.4.3 of this
instruction. Gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOMs will consolidate and analyze UEI continual
evaluation data for gained ANG wings/deltas. Coordinate with respective Gatekeepers to schedule and synchronize on-site visits
conducted as part of continual evaluation or Capstone events. Validate and verify wing/delta CCIPs. Coordinate with non-IG inspection team leaders to minimize any adverse effects
on units’ missions and to prevent unnecessary duplication of effort or conflict over
installation resources when non-IG inspections are synchronized by the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper. Provide updates to AFIA regarding wing/delta status (i.e., activation/inactivation
of organizations). Determine the impact of the CRA (MGA Executing the Mission, sub-element
Readiness) for the final UEI grade.
3.3.3. POAs above the wing/delta level: Participates in UEI continual evaluation processes and coordinate with
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs to identify areas of interest and/or emphasis for the UEI by
monitoring data from each wing/delta (e.g., MICT, trend analysis, and any other existing
functional processes). At a minimum, continual evaluation assessments should occur every
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 35
year and be provided to the inspecting MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and include at least one
entry per wing for each high-risk area defined in Attachment 3. Supports MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG inspections with augmentee inspectors. Should
an augmentee be unavailable, the POA will provide continual evaluation data to support
the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG RBSS to enable the IG Team Chief to determine the effect on
the inspection and any required follow-on actions.
3.3.4. Air Force Inspection Agency Medical Operation Directorate (AFIA/SG). Provides a core team of certified medical inspectors to either integrate with the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Team or inspect as a separate team coordinated with the Team
Chief. The AFIA/SG will determine desired team size and composition prior to inspection
start date. If needed, AFIA/SG will coordinate augmentation to the medical core team. Integrates medical core teams with MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams under
direction of the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Team Chief during UEIs of medical units.
Medical deficiencies will be adjudicated with the MAJCOM/FLDCOM Team Chief and
entered into IGEMS. All medical deficiencies will be managed by AFIA/SG for medical
trending purposes and standardization. Participates in MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG meetings, provides information to scoring
team for consideration, and assists with report writing as needed.
3.3.5. Air National Guard (ANG) wings/deltas. Each ANG wing/delta is gained by a
MAJCOM/FLDCOM; however, in some instances an ANG wing/delta is uniquely gained by
one MAJCOM/FLDCOM and its subordinate/supported units are gained by another. The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG is the single point of contact to execute all
aspects of the UEI inspection for multi-MAJCOM/FLDCOM ANG wings/deltas. The
gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG coordinates directly with supporting
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs to identify relevant areas that must be inspected within the
overall UEI sampling strategy. The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG grants applicable inspector access to
wing/delta IGEMS and MICT. As required, the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG includes
applicable personnel on the master Entry Authorization List (EAL) and are responsible for
coordinating lodging, vehicle, and support requests for Capstone events. Post inspection, gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will retain responsibility for
managing CAPs and deficiency closure. Corrective actions and deficiency closure will be
coordinated through supporting MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and NGB/IG. Specific responsibilities should be codified in an MOU between
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs in coordination with NGB/IG.
3.4. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Methodology. Comprehensive inspections and exercises
may be used to validate/verify the CCIP, especially in areas deemed high risk. Attachment 3 and
Attachment 4 of this instruction are the authoritative sources of Air Force and Space Force-level
inspection requirements where undetected mission risk in compliance and readiness areas is
greatest for commanders, Airmen/Guardians, and/or the mission. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams
will build a tailored inspection RBSS for each wing/delta. The inspection period begins
immediately after the UEI Capstone out-brief to the unit (see Figure 3.1).
36 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Figure 3.1. Example UEI Schedule of Events.
3.4.1. Major Graded Areas (MGA). MGAs represent key processes, procedures, and
requirements based on public law, executive orders, directives, and instructions. The MGAs
for the UEI coincide with those detailed in AFI 1-2: Executing the Mission, Leading People,
Managing Resources, and Improving the Unit (see Figure 3.2). MGA Executing the Mission,
sub-element Readiness, will be graded on the appropriate network corresponding to the
classification and is integrated into the CRA IAW Attachment 7.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 37
Figure 3.2. Major Graded Areas.
3.4.2. Concerns identified in a wing/delta CCIR are an excellent opportunity for
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs to sample deficiency management and commitment to continual
improvement and innovation (CI2). UEI reports and grades should reflect outcomes of CI2
efforts and resolution of issues identified in the CCIR.
3.4.3. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams must develop an RBSS which evaluates each wing/delta
based on assessment of the following: SecAF, CSAF, and CSO areas of emphasis and SIIs. MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander’s intent, areas of emphasis, and CIIs. SAF/IG and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG direction or guidance. POA areas of emphasis, including mandatory items in Attachments 3 and 4. Continual evaluation data. Available reports from Attachment 2 and/or other external inspections. Maturity and reliability of individual wing/delta CCIPs. Wing/delta commander emphasis areas. Inspection resource availability (e.g., temporary duty funds, inspectors).
3.4.4. Inspection Team. Under the authority of the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander, the IG
will assemble a team of a sufficient number of inspectors and inspection augmentees to
perform inspections and submit reports to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander, NAF
commander, DANG (for ANG units), and wing/delta commanders upon completion. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams do not have qualified experts assigned from every
Air Force Specialty Code, which may necessitate augmentation from SMEs throughout the
38 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Air Force, including centralized locations such as the Installation and Mission Support
Center (IMSC). Individual ANG members can perform in an inspection augmentee role in gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM upon receipt of a validated request to NGB/IG. Refer to paragraph of this instruction. Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP). The PRAP includes both the
Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) and Arming and Use of Force. Evaluate PRAP IAW
DoDI 5210.42, CJCSI 3263.05, DoDM 5210.42_AFMAN 13-501, Nuclear Weapons
Personnel Reliability Program, and AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force
Personnel. Assess overall effectiveness of the unit’s implementation of PRAP by focusing
on processes and procedures through observation, scenarios, and interviews. PRAP processes are the primary focus. Record reviews may be conducted
as part of scenario-based performance objectives or to investigate a potential
finding/discrepancy discovered during a process/procedural review. Inspectors will assess certification, continual evaluation, and removal from
PRAP duties, return to duty, training, and management processes using scenario-based
exercises, formal and informal interviews, and observing day-to-day operations to
validate/verify processes employed by the unit/installation.
3.4.5. Frequency. IAW Table 1.1 of this instruction, the UEI will follow a 24-36 month cycle
for each wing/delta (48-60 month cycle for ANG). (T-2) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will ensure
all required elements of the UEI are completed within this timeframe. The authority to extend
beyond these timelines resides with the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander. Inspection responsibilities and relationships between MAJCOM/FLDCOMs
should be formally documented using an MOU or reciprocity agreement. As outlined in
the agreement, the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM is responsible for executing all aspects of
inspections for ANG wings. The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG should coordinate with supporting
MAJCOM/FLDCOM to capture relevant data to incorporate into the inspection RBSS. The documented agreement should be submitted to SAF/IGI for review and
coordination. In addition to the Capstone visit, gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will visit ANG
wings on-site at least once between Capstone visits in conjunction with ANG wing
exercises, training events, and actual mission performance. Commanders of Total Force
Associate wings will determine reasonable/practical scope and scale of unit participation
in scheduled inspections. Units under conversion are not exempt from Unit Effectiveness Inspections (UEI).
The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG determines inspection scope and scale during the
conversion process. Designated MAJCOM IGs will provide a nuclear-focused on-site visit for nuclear-
capable units at least once between NSIs. Nuclear-focused on-site visits may be performed
in conjunction with other inspection events and exercises. Assess any validated finding
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 39
(deficiency, RIA, and strength) to relevant UEI MGAs and document as such; however, no
overall unit grade (e.g., SAT/UNSAT) is required. This data informs the UEI RBSS. Remote sampling. Remote sampling adds a critical element to the UEI which helps
validate and verify the wing CCIP. Consider the MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander’s
guidance and intent, criticality of the area, wing/delta performance, and available
MAJCOM/FLDCOM staff resources.
3.4.6. UEI survey. During each UEI cycle, MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will administer a survey
to the inspected wing/delta to capture candid, confidential beliefs, attitudes, and opinions about
matters relevant to the four MGAs (T-1). The purpose of the survey is to gather observations
since the last on-site evaluation, assist in determining inspection team composition, and inform
the RBSS for Capstone on-site evaluations. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams should distribute the survey link and instructions
to assigned wing/delta personnel no later than 90 calendar days prior to the Capstone event
(180 calendar days for ARC). MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG personnel should close out the
survey on a date which provides wing/delta personnel ample opportunity to complete the
survey while also allowing MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG personnel ample time to analyze
survey results before the Capstone event. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs should not include
subordinate and associated units gained by another MAJCOM/FLDCOM within the
primary survey of the host wing/delta unless specifically requested through MOU or
reciprocity agreement. When completing surveys on their behalf, share survey results for
associate units with gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs in order to inform their RBSS. Union considerations. Since survey participation by union members is voluntary,
the IG has no legal obligation to coordinate surveys with the union leadership unless
pursuant to a Collective Bargaining Agreement. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams will not
share survey results with union leadership under any circumstances (T-1). MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will use the SAF/IG-approved survey and may add up
to five MAJCOM/FLDCOM-identified questions (T-1). The survey results and analysis
are intended for MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG use and analysis of trends that will be used to
inform senior leadership of IG-observed trends. Survey administrators will ensure attributable results are not shown to
participants’ chain of command. IGs will NOT provide wing/delta personnel (to include
the wing/delta commander) copies of survey results under any circumstances but may
provide a non-attributable summary of UEI Survey results to the wing/delta commander.
(T-2) IG complaints in surveys. The UEI survey is not intended to be used to file formal
IG complaints. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG members will screen results for complaints and
hand off identified issues to properly trained personnel for processing via the Complaints
Resolution Program IAW AFI 90-301. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Complaints Resolution
Program personnel will determine whether the complaint is already being
analyzed/resolved or under investigation via the Automated Case Tracking System and/or
contact the wing/delta IG. Complaints should be handed off to the wing/delta IG when
40 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 AFIA will submit survey results to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM survey monitor.
During the out-brief, and in inspection reports, the Team Chief may elect to include non-
attributable validated details from surveys and report these details as IG-validated findings
without identifying specific survey participants. Include pertinent feedback to the
wing/delta on select validated significant trends and available proposed courses of action
(without compromising participant confidentiality). If survey responses include allegations of sexual assault, comply with reporting
requirements IAW DAFI 90-6001, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
Program. If survey responses include allegations of sexual harassment or unlawful
discrimination, comply with reporting requirements IAW DAFI 36-2710, Equal
Opportunity Program. Ensure comments alleging criminal behavior are provided to an AFOSI
representative or appropriate law enforcement personnel. If survey responses indicate an immediate health or welfare concern,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG personnel will make every attempt to ascertain the identity of the
individual from other comment blocks (e.g., voluntarily divulging name). If the identity
of the individual can be determined, contact the commander or First Sergeant for the
individual and request a health and welfare check.
3.4.7. On-site Capstone Visit. The Capstone event is the final on-site visit of the UEI and the
catalyst for generating a UEI report. The Capstone event should last approximately 1 week;
activities may include validation and verification of the CCIP, conducting IG Sensing Sessions,
CIIs, and an assessment of the unit’s readiness. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG continual evaluation
and unit CCIP findings already validated during the UEI cycle should not be included. The
Capstone event culminates in an assessment of all items in paragraph 3.4.1 When on-site
conditions are not feasible, remote, or partially remote Capstone events may be required (i.e.,
during heightened HPCON levels). MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will determine if conditions
favor remote inspection operations based on DoD/HHQ policy, MAJCOM/FLDCOM
instructions, and/or risk to personnel/mission.
3.4.8. IG Sensing Session-Group. The IG Sensing Session-Group is a highly structured small
group discussion (8-15 people), facilitated by a certified MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG staff
member specifically trained for this method via the in-residence IG Training Course-
Inspections. The IG Sensing Session-Group is a standardized and regulated tool for use only
by trained MAJCOM/FLDCOM and AFIA inspectors during UEIs and HQIs (may occur prior
to the Capstone event) to gather opinions, beliefs, and perceptions, and to inform the RBSS. If
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs choose to conduct group sessions, they may use their own developed
set of questions; however, they will use the SAF/IGI-approved script and structure located on
the SAF/IGI SharePoint
( and within the
UEI Guide. Wing/delta IG sensing sessions, or similar information-gathering events, should
follow the same rules as the IG Sensing Session-Group; however, wing/delta IG-led
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 41
sensing sessions must be clearly identified differently, as the IG Sensing Session-Group
lexicon is reserved for MAJCOM/FLDCOM-led events. IG Sensing Session-Group participants. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams may
randomly choose military, DoD Civilian, ANG state employees, and spouse participants
for IG Sensing Sessions-Group. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams must coordinate names of
participants with inspected units to de-conflict attendance from other duties, non-duty days
or scheduled days off. IG Sensing Session-Group attendance is a mandatory duty for
military members and DoD Civilians. (T-2) For Title 5 federal employees and state
employees, conduct IG Sensing Sessions-Group during normal work schedules and IAW
federal and local Department of Labor laws and the Master Cooperative Agreement. ANG
dual status members will be in a military status while participating in IG Sensing Sessions-
Group. (T-2) Active participation during sensing sessions is voluntary. Union considerations. The local union may have a legal right to have a
representative in each IG Sensing Session-Group when participants are subject to a
Collective Bargaining Agreement. IG Sensing Session-Group participants are not entitled
to individual representatives. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams will facilitate an IG Sensing
Session- Individual for any union employee requesting union representation after selection.
Wing/deltas IGs will coordinate with the local civilian personnel office to determine union
representation attendance. (T-2) Spouse considerations. Air Force and Space Force commanders value the
perspectives of spouses. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams may coordinate IG Sensing
Sessions-Group for spouses. Inspection teams should use any available means to
communicate available times to spouses, such as the Key Spouse networks, Military and
Family Readiness Centers, and social media. Attendance and participation are voluntary
for spouses. Document the top five IG Sensing Session-Group findings in IGEMS.
3.4.9. IG Sensing Sessions-Individual. The IG Sensing Session- Individual is a scheduled
interview between an individual unit member and an IG inspector. Inspectors will inform
military IG Sensing Session-Individual participants of the tenets of protected communications
as described in AFI 90-301. (T-1) IG Sensing Session-Individual structure. The IG Sensing Session-Individual is
used to clarify information, fact-find, or corroborate other information. IGs will use
guidance in the UEI Guide when conducting an IG Sensing Session-Individual. IG Sensing Session-Individual participants. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams may
choose military, DoD Civilian and ANG state employee participants for IG Sensing
Sessions-Individual. IG Sensing Session-Individual participation is mandatory for military
members and DoD Civilians. (T-2) For Title 5 federal employees and state employees,
conduct IG Sensing Sessions-Individual during normal work schedules and IAW federal
and local Department of Labor laws and the Master Cooperative Agreement. ANG dual-
status members will be in military status. (T-2) Union considerations. Unlike IG Sensing Sessions-Group, there are no specific
union considerations when conducting IG Sensing Sessions-Individual. Neither the
42 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
participant nor the local union has a legal right to have a representative in an IG Sensing
3.4.10. Safety augmentation to the MAJCOM IG. Safety will provide qualified SMEs to assist
with IG inspections (T-2). The IG ensures Safety SMEs are qualified to inspect the disciplines
which require an on-site inspection. Safety prepares a comprehensive report on the status of
the commander’s safety program (inclusive of all safety disciplines evaluated) and attaches
this report as an addendum to the IG report (T-0).
3.4.11. UEI scoring. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG teams will use the AFIA-provided numerical
UEI scoring tool and methodology to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of processes
related to each MGA. (T-2) The scoring tool aids in standardization of UEI ratings and enables
trending suitable for senior leader consumption. MAJCOM/FIELDCOM IGs must not
disclose scores to wings. (T-2) Inspectors will score all sub-MGAs using available data gathered during the
entire UEI cycle. (T-2) Only inspectors/inspection augmentees who have been trained in
UEI scoring methodology should participate in UEI scoring. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs should consider the unit’s CCIP accuracy and ability
to systematically detect and report problem areas to enable the command chain to perform
CI2 and apply corrective action. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will retain completed UEI scoring tools for 24 months
after the finalization of the UEI Report. (T-2) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will post the
Classified Readiness Reporting Score sheet IAW the CRA Reporting Process Manual. (T-
3.5. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Rating. The UEI report includes two distinct grades: the
wing/delta grade and an “adequacy of resources” grade. The adequacy grade provides
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders an assessment of the support the wing/delta is getting from
HHQ entities and supporting agencies. Apply the 4-tier rating system below when assessing the
wing/delta and adequacy grades.
3.5.1. The 4-tier rating system documents performance in meeting the commander’s
responsibilities outlined in AFI 1-2. The UEI Guide outlines execution of the rating system.
The Team Chief is the final decision authority on ratings assigned during a UEI. The Team
Chief may adjust the final rating but will not adjust numerical scores to match final 4-tier
ratings. Consider systemic and/or critical undetected non-compliance, mission failure, or
leadership failure when assigning a grade to the CCIP.
3.5.2. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. This rating indicates the wing/delta meets or exceeds the
criteria for an EFFECTIVE rating AND most, or all, of the following are consistently true: Mission activities, programs and processes are executed in an increasingly cost-
effective manner. Results of long-term commitment to innovation at all levels through CI2 and other
leader-sponsored means are evident. The CCIP is institutionalized, measures and reports improvements in all four
MGAs, and provides actionable feedback to HHQ on manpower, funds, equipment,
facilities, and guidance adequacy.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 43 Leaders’ decisions and priorities demonstrate genuine care for Airmen/Guardians. Leaders are engaged to help Airmen/Guardians achieve personal goals as well as
the unit’s goals. Widespread evidence exists of high proficiency, unit pride, and cohesion. Programs and processes are institutionalized and produce highly reliable results. Programs are nearly deficiency-free and efforts to benchmark and share lessons
learned with other wing/deltas are evident. Effective management systems are in place with clear indications of leadership
support, planning, use of risk management, leader-sponsored innovation, and CI2 at all
levels. Virtually all units/programs across the wing/delta have embraced a culture of
critical self-assessment. Problems are identified, commanders are aware of issues and
CAPs are in place.
3.5.3. EFFECTIVE. This rating indicates most of the following are generally true: Mission requirements are met in all mission areas (Readiness, Daily Operations,
and Installation Preparedness) and personnel are proficient. The CCIP provides the command chain an accurate, adequate, and relevant picture
of unit performance. Resources are managed in an efficient and compliant manner. Leaders treat Airmen/Guardians with respect and provide a healthy and safe work
environment. Management systems are present, conditions exist to foster leader-sponsored
innovation and CI2 efforts are evident. Programs have few significant deficiencies, and necessary waivers are in effect. Risk-based criteria are often considered when allocating resources and making
decisions. Critical processes are documented, measured and repeatable. Most units/programs across the wing/delta have embraced a culture of self-
assessment. Problems are identified, commanders are aware of issues and CAPs are in
3.5.4. MARGINALLY EFFECTIVE. This rating indicates the wing/delta does not meet the
criteria for an EFFECTIVE rating, and most of the following are consistently true: Unit personnel meet minimum performance criteria but with limited proficiency. Some key processes and activities are not carried out in a competent or compliant
manner or are personality dependent. Little to no evidence exists of conditions favorable to innovation or CI2 efforts.
44 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Risk and resource scarcity are not deliberately considered in decision-making
processes. Deficiencies exist which significantly increase risks to Airmen/Guardians, the
mission or the Air Force and Space Force. Management systems have some elements but are not working in a cohesive
process. The CCIP provides an accurate (though limited) picture of unit performance. Evidence of inconsistent treatment of Airmen/Guardians (e.g., perceived lack of
respect, favoritism, hostile work environment, etc.). Leaders do not consistently provide a
healthy and safe work environment. Many units/programs across the wing/delta have not embraced a culture of critical
self-assessment. Problems are not routinely identified, commanders are not aware of
significant issues, and/or CAPs are not sufficient.
3.5.5. INEFFECTIVE. This rating indicates the wing/delta is not EFFECTIVE and does not
meet criteria for a MARGINALLY EFFECTIVE rating; most of the following are consistently
true: The wing/delta does not demonstrate the ability to execute their primary mission. Evidence exists of systemic non-compliance, widespread disregard for prescribed
procedures or inadequate proficiency of unit personnel. The number and severity of deficiencies preclude or seriously limit mission
accomplishment and/or increase risk to Airmen/Guardians. Leaders do not treat Airmen/Guardians with respect or do not provide a healthy
and safe work environment, and wing/delta leadership fails to address these issues. Resources and programs are not well managed. Little to no evidence exists of conditions favorable to innovation or CI2 efforts. Management systems are not evident or are unproductive. Most of the units/programs across the wing/delta have not embraced a culture of
critical self-assessment. Problems are not identified, commanders are not aware of issues,
and CAPs are not in place. Regardless of performance in other areas, grade the wing/delta INEFFECTIVE
overall if the wing/delta has demonstrated a chronic inability to execute any of the unit’s
primary missions or the CCIP is not accurate, adequate, nor relevant.
3.5.6. Re-inspection for an INEFFECTIVE CCIP. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG, in
consultation with the MAJCOM/FLDCOM Commander will determine the need for a unit re-
inspection for having an ineffective CCIP. Should it be determined to re-inspect the unit,
reevaluate the wing/delta via an on-site visit to validate and verify the CCIP CAP within 12
months. Re-inspections should be tailored to the organization and/or MAJCOM/FLDCOM
requirements. Specifically, MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs should consider use of Attachment 3
and Attachment 4 of this instruction, continual evaluation data, and any other objective source
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 45
to conduct re-inspection activities. The highest possible rating for re-inspection is
EFFECTIVE. MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders may extend the re-inspection window, if
required. If the CCIP is rated EFFECTIVE during the re-inspection, the wing/delta may
return to the normal UEI cycle, based on the completion date of the original UEI Capstone. If the CCIP is rated INEFFECTIVE during the re-inspection, the wing/delta
begins a 12-month (24-month for ARC) UEI cycle. If the CCIP is rated MARGINALLY EFFECTIVE during the re-inspection, the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander will determine the inspection cycle for the wing/delta.
3.5.7. Re-inspection for other INEFFECTIVE ratings. If a wing/delta overall rating is
INEFFECTIVE or if any MGA or sub-MGA other than CCIP is rated INEFFECTIVE, the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will schedule an on-site visit within 12 months. The RBSS for the
on-site visit should focus on those areas rated INEFFECTIVE during the previous UEI and
may include other inspection areas, as well.
3.5.8. For Total Force Associates in which one or multiple units is graded INEFFECTIVE,
the respective MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will coordinate with each other and both wing/delta
commanders to determine re-inspection timeline and scope.
3.6. Unit Effectiveness Inspection Reports. The UEI report encompasses the entire UEI cycle.
The wing/delta immediately enters into the next UEI cycle on the day following the UEI Capstone
out brief to the inspected unit.
46 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 4
4.1. General Information. As a separate Service under the Department of the Air Force (DAF)
umbrella, the United States Space Force (USSF) has unique inspection requirements to meet the
intent of the National Defense Strategy (NDS), the Department of Defense (DoD) and the DAF.
Space Force IGs, under the direction of The Inspector General (TIG) and Space Force
Commanders, inspect throughout the USSF to accurately report on the readiness, economy,
efficiency and discipline of forces and resources to the Chief of Space Operations (CSO) and the
Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF).
4.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
4.2.1. The AFIA Space Inspections Directorate (AFIA/IS). AFIA/IS ensures the Space Force
IG enterprise successfully implements this instruction and manages the unique inspection
requirements to meet expectations of the SecAF, the CSO and TIG. These may include
Directed Inspections (DI), Headquarters Inspections (HQI), and Mission Thread Assessments
(MTA). Other duties of AFIA/IS include: Identifying new/emerging Space Force inspection requirements and coordinating
with SAF/IGI to codify requirements. Leading Space Force HQIs (augmented as necessary). Coordinating on Space Force waivers with deltas, FLDCOM, and SAF/IG. Coordinating with SAF/IGI on FLDCOM supplements to this instruction. Coordinating with SAF/IG for observation of USSF inspections by
USSPACECOM or other external stakeholders. Coordinating with SAF/IG for release of USSF inspection reports (Official Use
Request and FOIA).
4.2.2. AFIA. Will perform oversight of Space Force IG inspections.
4.2.3. FLDCOMs. In accordance with Chapter 3 of this instruction, FLDCOMs will
implement and sustain the UEI. FLDCOM IGs may tailor UEIs of subordinate organizations
as necessary to meet Command expectations. FLDCOM IGs will supplement this instruction
as necessary to meet the intent and expectations of the FLDCOM CC.
4.2.4. AFMC. As AFMC is the servicing MAJCOM to the USSF, an MOU between USSF
and AFMC provides Pertinent Oversight Authority (POA) assistance for support to USSF
4.2.5. Space Base Deltas (SBD) and Space Launch Deltas (SLD). In accordance with Chapter
2 of this instruction, SBDs and SLDs will implement and sustain a robust CCIP. (T-1)
4.2.6. Other Space Deltas (DEL). In accordance with Chapter 2 of this instruction, other
FLDCOM-specified DELs will implement and sustain a robust Unit Self-Assessment Program
(USAP). FLDCOM commanders may determine additional inspection requirements for other
DELs, dependent on mission sets, manpower, and the ability of the DEL to maintain a robust
IG staff. (T-1)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 47
4.3. The Mission Thread Assessment (MTA). The MTA is a directed inspection and provides
a USSF-unique assessment across specific mission areas (e.g., Space Domain Awareness, Missile
Warning, Electronic Warfare) which covers all lifecycle aspects of a space mission area across all
FLDCOMs, DRUs and Space Staff. The USSF MTA is the primary focus in scope to the Organize,
Train, and Equip (OT&E) responsibilities of the USSF. The MTA will capture the USSF’s ability
to conduct a thread of operations in a CDO/combat environment. Each mission area will be re-
assessed on a 24-36 month cycle.
4.3.1. The primary objective of the MTA is to assess USSF’s ability to prepare for and deliver
space effects/capabilities to counter adversary capabilities, concepts and tactics, techniques,
and procedures (TTPs) designed to degrade, disrupt, deny, deceive, and destroy (D5) a given
mission area. Assessment areas considered essential to this objective are: Requirements Development. Assess that joint warfighter capability requirements,
validated by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and developed IAW the
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, are addressed in programming and
budgeting activities and/or satisfied with current or future space system/capabilities. Mission Area Architecture Development. Assess that mission area architectures
being developed capture all aspects required (including cyber) to deliver a required
capability and that legacy, next-generation, and future systems/capabilities are included.
This includes addressing capability resilience and/or survivability. System/Capability Acquisition. Assess that acquisition programs have an
approved acquisition strategy and meet the intent of warfighter requirements. Operational and Developmental Testing. Assess inclusion and effective execution
of Test and Evaluation (T&E) activities in order to evaluate system capabilities and
operational suitability. Assess execution of responsibilities outlined in DoDI 5000.02 and
AFI 99-103, Capabilities Based Test and Evaluation, and associated program Test and
Evaluation Management Plans. Initial and Continuing Education. Assess USSF ability to develop highly skilled
and capable Guardians through a succinct and coordinated educational curriculum founded
on the most current USSF and Joint operational doctrine, advanced capabilities and
technologies, and relevant threat assessments. Integration of Intelligence into Operations. Assess the effectiveness of intelligence
requested and received by operational units. Assess sufficiency of intelligence to inform
operational activities in a timely manner. Assess if the intelligence is sufficient to inform a
unit of the most likely and dangerous threats to their system(s). Total Force Operations and Training. Assess operational units (deltas and
squadrons), including ARC space units, and the ability to generate, employ, and sustain
combat ready forces to operate in a contested, degraded and operationally limited (CDO)
environment IAW their mission directives and associated OPLANS and CONPLANS.
This includes assessments of a unit’s ability to demonstrate and conduct tactics, techniques,
and procedures (TTPs) and conduct training using realistic and intel-driven scenarios. Weapon System Sustainment. Assess the USSF’s ability to sustain,
modify/upgrade, and transition Operationally Accepted (OA) systems and necessary
48 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
support equipment for operational units. This includes assessing the ability of the USSF to
adequately forecast and program for sufficient funding and manning to maintain
operational capabilities. Cyber Operations and Security. Assess the effectiveness of the unit’s ability to
conduct cyber defense of critical mission systems. Assess identification of mission relevant
terrain cyber (MRT-C) and corresponding cyber security program. Determine if cyber
personnel are adequately trained and equipped to perform their assigned mission.
4.3.2. MTA secondary objectives include evaluating critical enablers to effective
CDO/combat, which include: Observations from FLDCOM/delta results, if available. Observations resulting
from inspection activity in support of MTA objectives may overlap with UEI objectives
and should be used in UEI reporting. Similarly, UEI observations that have mission impact
should be used as needed in MTA reporting. The interaction between MTA and UEI
observations is by design and should be mutually supporting. Continual evaluation and the sufficiency of guidance to enable combat readiness.
This includes an assessment on the development and distribution of guidance deemed
necessary, from an external organization, in order to sufficiently guide a unit’s activities
and operations. This assessment area is focused on the fundamental direction and guidance
a unit receives to fully understand and execute its mission in both a benign and
CDO/combat environment. Combatant Command ability to command and control (C2) USSF Capabilities. As
necessary or when requested, operations to command and control USSF capabilities should
be assessed in partnership with USSPACECOM IG. This includes associated taskings and
tasking authorities (i.e., CFSCC, NSDC, JTFSD, etc.). External customer feedback. Requests to visit Sister Services and other agencies
may be necessary to obtain additional information as it pertains to USSF operational
requirements provided. Advance coordination through the Services IGs will be required.
4.3.3. At the conclusion of the MTA cycle, AFIA/IS generates a consolidated MTA report for
SAF/IG signature. The report is for the CSO, Space Staff and FLDCOM CCs; the goal is to highlight
strengths, issues, opportunities, and follow-up areas, which becomes the baseline for the
next MTA. AFIA/IS will manage deficiencies IAW Chapter 9 of this instruction.
Deficiencies will be coordinated with FLDCOM IG for unit tracking as needed.
4.3.4. Classification should NOT be a limiting factor in this assessment. IG members
conducting MTAs will have the appropriate clearances to execute their duties. MTA reports
will be documented at the appropriate classification level to accurately capture inspection
findings. The final MTA report will be stored and distributed at the level of the highest
classification included in the report.
4.4. MTA Planning. 2436-month MTA cycles will drive the AFIA/IS inspection calendar. (T-
2) FLDCOM IGs and mission area SMEs will participate in the planning of MTA assessments,
assessment activities, and in the MTA report generation phase to ensure the most accurate
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 49
assessment of a USSF mission area is presented to the CSO and that accurate feedback is available
to each respective FLDCOM CC and key stakeholders. (T-2) AFIA/IS and FLDCOM/delta IGs
must coordinate closely to minimize inspection burden on the units. (T-2)
50 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 5
5.1. General Information. Nuclear weapon systems and the units to which they are assigned
require special consideration because of political and military importance, destructive power, and
the potential consequences of a nuclear weapons incident or accident. The Department of Defense
and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff establish the policy, guidance, and direction to ensure
compliance with those standards in the CJCSI 3263.05. The AF executes nuclear inspections as a
component of the UEI via a composite inspection methodology consisting of self-assessment,
readiness exercises, and technical inspections IAW CJCSI 3263.05. Collectively, these inspection
efforts provide compliance and capability confidence to nuclear stakeholders.
5.2. Nuclear Self-Assessment. As a critical component of Inspections System, self-assessment
allows commanders at all levels to evaluate the everyday readiness of a unit. Within units assigned
a nuclear mission, self-assessment is aligned with key areas identified in the CJCSI 3263.05,
Combatant Command requirements, and JCS directed Operations Plans.
5.2.1. Purpose. The purpose of nuclear self-assessment is to focus inward on the discipline,
efficiency and effectiveness of organic staff operations, processes, and programs IAW nuclear
directives. This process should be repeatable and capable of assessing whether (and to what
extent) the commander is meeting assigned responsibilities. Self-assessment of nuclear
missions should be customized to the structure and mission of the organization.
5.2.2. Roles and Responsibilities. The Wing Commander will: Incorporate self-assessment of key nuclear areas into the USAP. (T-3) Include self-assessment of key nuclear areas in the CCIR. (T-3)
5.2.3. Methodology. Commanders will reference applicable instructions (e.g., Combatant Command
requirements, technical orders, etc.) as the standard for the documentation, operation,
process, and procedure observed or otherwise assessed as a key component of the USAP. Documentation and reporting requirements for self-assessment will be captured
using pre-existing organic staff operations, processes, and programs IAW nuclear
directives and the USAP operating procedures (e.g., unit quality assurance reports and
trends). (T-3)
5.3. Initial Nuclear Surety Inspections (INSI). An INSI is a component of the Air Force
Nuclear Certification Program. MAJCOM IGs execute INSIs prior to the designation of a unit as
5.3.1. Purpose. The purpose of an INSI is to inspect new or modified facilities, equipment and
systems requiring nuclear certification and serves as the final step in the Operational
Certification Process IAW AFI 13-520, Aircraft and ICBM Nuclear Operations, and AFI 63-
125, Nuclear Certification Program.
5.3.2. Roles and responsibilities.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 51 Lead or Using command will, 120 calendar days prior to Initial Operating
Capability (IOC) through memorandum format, coordinate with HQ Air Force Safety
Center (AFSEC)/Weapons Safety (SEW) to determine the need for an INSI IAW AFI 13-
520 and AFI 63-125. Designated POAs will develop INSI criteria based on applicable system and
program requirements IAW AFI 13-520 and AFI 63-125. MAJCOM IGs will: Conduct INSIs using the inspection criteria developed by the applicable
POA(s). Coordinate with the POAs and HQ AFSEC/SEW to determine the need,
scope and scale, and due date for NSIs following an INSI. In collaboration with the AFIA/CC, determine size and functional
requirements for the Air Force Core Team. The MAJCOM/IG approves the final team
roster and integrates the Air Force Core Team into the MAJCOM IG inspection team. At the request of AFIA and/or other MAJCOM IGs, provide certified
inspectors to supplement their MAJCOM Team. Identify the MAJCOM IG or delegate (e.g., NSI Team Chief) as the NWTI
Chief Inspector. AFIA will: Collaborate with the MAJCOM IG on all inspection phases (plan, execute,
report, etc.) to include determination of the size and functional requirements for the Air
Force Core Team in support of the INSI. Provide the Deputy Team Chief as a component of the Air Force Core Team
to integrate with the MAJCOM IG team. The Deputy Team Chief advises the Team
Chief during all inspection phases. Perform INSI oversight (as required by the RBSS) IAW Chapter 6 of this
5.3.3. Methodology. MAJCOM IGs will use the Gatekeeper process to schedule INSIs, to include
remote inspecting portions. The MAJCOM, in conjunction with INSI stakeholders, will develop and provide
the INSI READY/NOT READY operational certification criteria to the MAJCOM IG. The
INSI READY/NOT READY operational certification criteria will include the
determination if an NSI is required following the INSI, and include timeline requirements
(i.e., within 180 calendar days). IAW AFI 63-125, the MAJCOM Nuclear Certification Manager will ensure
the operational certification criteria is included in the Certification Requirement Plan.
Operational certification criteria, approved by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center,
Nuclear Technology Surety and Certification Division (AFNWC/NTS), will be
presented to MAJCOM/IGs no later than 60 calendar days prior to the scheduled INSI.
52 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 If a follow-on NSI is required and a unit receives a “READY” rating during
the INSI, the MAJCOM will provide the scope, scale, and formal recommendation to
the MAJCOM IG. (T-1) If the MAJCOM and INSI stakeholders in coordination with the MAJCOM
IG determine the best course of action is to execute the INSI in phases, the
READY/NOT READY operational certification criteria must outline the phases and
include the required areas to be inspected in each phase. (T-1) The MAJCOM/IG will develop and coordinate the inspection plan with the POAs
to ensure all applicable areas are inspected. For currently certified units programmed to
receive a new or modified weapon system, delivery system, or weapon, conduct an INSI
prior to receipt. For units not previously nuclear-certified, if the new nuclear mission
involves a large scale, time-consuming effort, a series of inspections may be used to
complete the INSI process. MAJCOM IGs will build an inspection in IGEMS-C in accordance with
established READY/NOT READY operational certification criteria. This should include
inspector task assignment and any inspection-unique circumstances or requirements. MAJCOM IGs will forward a draft schedule of events (SOE) to AFIA Deputy
Team Chief at least 30 calendar days prior to a scheduled INSI and a final SOE prior to
inspection start. If applicable, the MAJCOM IG will review and approve inspected unit’s
simulations and deviations at least 15 calendar days prior to a scheduled INSI and provide
a copy to the Deputy Team Chief prior to inspection start. INSI remote inspecting requirements. The criteria below outline specifications
and requirements MAJCOM IGs must follow if they choose to perform certain
elements/events of the INSI remotely. Only items identified in Attachment 5 NSI Remote Inspecting Eligible
Deliverable Items” are eligible for remote inspecting. Remote events, if used, will be completed in conjunction with or prior to on-
site inspection events. Remote events, if used, will not exceed 10 duty days in total. Oversight Inspectors will be provided the opportunity to accomplish
oversight of all remote events. (T-1) INSI ratings. MAJCOM IGs will assign a “READY” or “NOT READY” rating
based on inspection criteria developed by the MAJCOM INSI stakeholders. READY. An INSI “READY” rating is required for operational certification
of the system or unit. NOT READY. A "NOT READY" rating for an INSI will require the
MAJCOM IG and INSI stakeholders, to include user nations for MUNSS, to coordinate
with the MAJCOM NCM to determine a course of action to re-accomplish the INSI. On-the-Spot Re-inspection. When a “NOT READY” rating is
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 53
awarded for a condition that can be corrected immediately, the Team Chief may, at
his or her discretion, and with concurrence from the commander of the inspected
unit, make an on-the-spot re-inspection and include the results in the final report.
Any on-the-spot re-inspection must allow sufficient time for remedial actions to
address the original deficiency resulting in the “NOT READY” rating. Once the
deficient area(s) are successfully re-inspected, the Team Chief will grade the unit
“READY” and include all deficiencies in the INSI report. Re-accomplish the INSI. In instances where on-the-spot re-inspection
is not appropriate (as determined by the Team Chief) or re-inspected area(s) are not
sufficiently corrected, the MAJCOM IG will, in conjunction with the inspected unit
commander, schedule a time to re-accomplish the INSI after the POAs determine
the unit is ready. The Team Chief may choose to limit the re-accomplished INSI
to the specific areas in which the unit was originally rated “NOT READY”. Criteria
previously rated as “READY” do not require re-inspection. When conducting an INSI and a deficiency is observed that is outside the
scope of the INSI READY / NOT READY criteria, the inspection team will follow
CJCSI 3263.05 procedures and annotate the deficiency in the final report. If a critical deficiency is assessed IAW CJCSI 3263.05, consultation
between the Team Chief and the Service Certification Authority will be initiated to
determine certification implications and subsequent actions for the INSI.
5.4. Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI). The NSI is the Air Force performance and compliance
inspection executed by MAJCOM IGs to satisfy requirements of the Nuclear Weapons Technical
Inspection (NWTI) program and frequency as directed by CJCSI 3263.05. The criterion within
this section is required for execution of an NSI in addition to those outlined in CJCSI 3263.05.
5.4.1. Purpose. The purpose of the NSI is to evaluate a certified nuclear-capable unit’s ability
to manage assigned nuclear resources and execute nuclear missions in a safe, secure, and
reliable manner.
5.4.2. Roles and Responsibilities. MAJCOM IGs will: Conduct NSIs IAW CJCSI 3263.05 and this instruction. Use applicable
guidance as the inspection standard for documentation, operations, processes, and
procedures inspected. In collaboration with AFIA/CC, determine the Air Force Core Team size
and functional requirements. The MAJCOM/IG approves the final team roster and
integrates the Air Force Core Team into the MAJCOM IG inspection team. The AFIA Commander will: Coordinate with the MAJCOM IG on all inspection phases (plan, execute,
report, etc.) to include determination of the size and functional requirements for the Air
Force Core Team in support of the NSI. Provide the Deputy Team Chief as a component of the Air Force Core Team
to integrate with the MAJCOM IG team.
54 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 At the request of MAJCOM IGs, provide certified inspectors to supplement
their MAJCOM team.
5.4.3. Methodology. NSI planning. MAJCOM IGs must use the Gatekeeper process to schedule NSIs,
to include remote inspecting portions. MAJCOM IGs will coordinate with AFIA Deputy Team Chief at least 30
calendar days prior to inspection and provide a final SOE prior to inspection start. MAJCOM IGs will build an inspection in IGEMS-C IAW pre- determined
inspection criteria and system performance requirements. The MAJCOM IG will review and approve inspected unit’s simulations and
deviations at least 15 calendar days prior to a scheduled NSI and provide a copy to
NWTI Oversight and Deputy Team Chief prior to inspection start. Units may be required to submit team assignment documents, duty rosters,
Unit Committed Munitions Lists, and/or maintenance capability letters to the
MAJCOM IG before team arrival to expedite team selection. MAJCOM IGs should
consider individual Career Field Education Training Plans, automated training records,
Load Training and Certification Documents (e.g., AF Form 2435, Load Training and
Certification Document), Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP) status,
work shifts, and ARC personnel when making team selections (maintain team integrity
to the maximum extent possible). NSI requirements. The criteria below add Air Force-specific inspection
specifications and requirements to existing DoD and CJCSI criteria: Inspectors will intervene to ensure safety, security, and reliability of nuclear
weapon systems. When using training weapons, inspectors will intervene to prevent
damage to equipment or personnel safety. No nuclear surety compliance credit is
awarded after inspector intervention. MAJCOM IG’s determinations will not be based on postulated conditions
requiring another related event or series of related events which may be credible
themselves but are not inevitable. The Team Chief will consider whether a deficiency
is the result of an individual error, a subordinate unit process or procedural error, or a
systemic unit deficiency. NSI remote inspecting requirements. The criteria below outline specifications and
requirements MAJCOM IGs must follow if they choose to conduct certain elements/events
of the NSI remotely. Only items identified in Attachment 5, NSI Remote Inspecting Eligible
Deliverable Items are eligible for remote inspection. Remote events, if used, should be inspected in conjunction with and prior to
on-site inspection events. All remote inspection items will be tracked to completion
and may require on-site follow up. Remote events, if used, will not exceed 10 duty days in total.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 55 Oversight Inspectors must be provided the opportunity to accomplish
oversight of all remote events. Oversight Inspectors must coordinate with MAJCOM
IGs on desired oversight remote inspection items.
5.4.4. NSI MGAs and ratings. MAJCOM IGs will assign overall ratings and MGA adjectival
ratings (as applicable) IAW CJCSI 3263.05 (T-0). MAJCOM IGs will incorporate the
following Air Force-specific inspection requirements: Management and Administration. Evaluate leadership, guidance, and communication of unit commander and
key supervisors. When assessing management, consider whether deficiencies are the
result of individual error or reflect management or supervisory training/experience
gaps. Evaluate status of approved nuclear security or safety waivers, exemptions,
and deviations. Evaluate Munitions Control in the planning, coordinating, directing, and
controlling of nuclear munitions/weapons activities IAW applicable AFIs. Evaluate nuclear munitions/maintenance plans and scheduling IAW
applicable AFIs. Evaluate nuclear certification processes and documentation of unit
certified/qualified personnel (e.g., maintainers, aircrew, missile combat crew members,
vehicle operators, etc.). Evaluate the nuclear Munitions Accountable Systems Officer and Nuclear
Accountability Reporting Section on all aspects of the daily accountability,
reporting/custody of the unit’s nuclear weapons, components, and spares (base and
military). Technical Operations. MAJCOM IGs will determine the scope and definitive start/stop of technical
operations. In order to minimize the inspection footprint and mirror day-to-day unit
operations, evaluate this activity by observing unit-certified teams performing required
technical operations with minimal Quality Assurance and/or other unit leadership
influence/interference. For technical operations and task evaluations, the MAJCOM IGs, at a
minimum, will use the Attachment 5, Technical Operations and Task Evaluations
Briefing Guide. Inspectors will evaluate nuclear weapons Quality Assurance and weapons
standardization during an NSI. The MAJCOM IG may task these personnel to perform
an evaluation of a maintenance operation within the area of responsibility. MAJCOM
IGs will clearly identify technical operations and/or task evaluations which require
evaluation of the Quality Assurance function. During evaluation of any nuclear-certified procedure, MAJCOM inspectors
will evaluate performance of only those individuals/teams required by the applicable
Technical Order or guiding instruction for the procedure. Intervention, participation, or
56 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
influence by any other personnel (e.g., Unit Weapons Officer, unit leadership, etc.) may
be cause to terminate the procedure if, in the judgment of the inspector, the outside
assistance calls into question the technical proficiency or knowledge of the
individual/team under evaluation. The environment in which technical operations are
conducted demonstrates technical proficiency and standardization of the unit training
program. When technical operations are conducted using training weapons, units may
simulate some aspects of security, entry control, approved explosive loading site plans,
and/or other operations which cannot be reasonably conducted otherwise if approved
by the MAJCOM IG in advance. Weapons maintenance technical operations. Evaluate applicable technical
operations designated in CJCSI 3263.05 for which the unit is tasked in Maintenance
Capability Letters and Unit Committed Munitions Lists. For comparable operations,
evaluate only one weapon system type. Certain operations listed individually may be
combined for the purpose of inspection. Inspectors will approve the starting and
stopping configuration before the operation. When weapons maintenance technical
operations are conducted using training weapons, inspectors may authorize on-the-spot
or pre-task simulations. Loading and Mating. MAJCOM IGs will evaluate a unit’s ability to conduct
a complete weapons upload and post-load procedures. Additionally, MAJCOM
commanders may direct evaluation of download procedures. Evaluate loading
operations for each applicable type and upload position (internal and external). When
loading operations are conducted in a load training facility, inspectors may authorize
on-the-spot or pre-task simulations. For custodial units supporting non-US delivery
organizations, include the US technical load monitor and associated training activities. EOD Weapon Render Safe Technical Operation. Evaluate and ascertain
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Direct-Support Units full-spectrum capability to render
safe, mitigate explosive hazards, and prevent a nuclear yield. Confirm a team’s ability
to perform these critical procedures by evaluation of weapons render safe procedures
using Joint Nuclear Weapons Publication system technical orders, weapons trainers,
UT1500 Command Disable Trainers, and supported weapons systems. Validate
certification of EOD Direct-Support Units’ ability to conduct passive diagnostics and
provide a comprehensive technical assessment of any supported weapons system
and/or aerospace platform which may be involved in an accident. Tools, Test, Tie-Down, and Handling Equipment. Evaluate Air Force-registered nuclear certified motor vehicles and vehicular
equipment. Ensure nuclear certified vehicles are maintained in a safe and serviceable
condition. Evaluate unit vehicles to ensure only nuclear certified vehicles and vehicular
equipment are used during nuclear operations. Evaluate unit equipment management to ensure only nuclear-certified
software, testers/cables, and equipment is used in support of the nuclear mission.
Evaluate equipment is maintained in a serviceable condition, equipment calibration
dates are current, and equipment limitations/restrictions are adhered to. Document any
supply issues which impact the ability to obtain replacement parts, tools, and equipment
required to operate, maintain, and sustain nuclear weapon systems.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 57 Condition of the Active/Inactive Stockpile and Retired Weapons. MAJCOM IG teams will select resources to be inspected. Ensure weapons are stored IAW applicable directives (e.g., properly
grounded, chocked, and immobilized). Ensure weapons have proper spacing, storage compatibility, and are within
explosive and active material limits. If defects are discovered on weapons, components, or equipment during
stockpile walkthroughs, ensure evaluation against applicable technical publication,
technical order, or instruction and ensure appropriate corrective actions are taken and
documented. For assets with storage bags, sample several bags to ensure required items
are inside the storage bag and properly packaged and/or sealed. Storage and Maintenance Facilities. Evaluate roads in/between storage areas and loading/missile launch areas. Evaluate nuclear-certified hoists to ensure, at a minimum, hoists are
serviceable, authorized, and have received mandatory load testing and/or safety related
inspections. Evaluate testing and exercising of emergency power generator with facility
load to include automatic transfer switching devices. Security. Evaluate unit compliance with DoDM S-5210.41_AFMAN 31-108, Nuclear
Weapon Security Manual: The DoD Nuclear Weapon Security Program, and other
required security standards for protecting War Reserve weapons and weapon systems.
Performance-based criteria is the primary means of inspection. Assess compliance with
existing requirements using a sampling strategy and in conjunction with exercise events
and/or task evaluations; where practical. MAJCOM/IGs must make an effort to ensure
performance-based criteria are evaluated similarly between installations throughout the
inspection cycle. MAJCOMs will supplement this instruction to ensure specific operating
environments and elements of the published Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Nuclear Security Threat Capabilities Assessment are addressed in exercise objectives. Weapon denial and recapture exercise planning. MAJCOM IGs, in coordination with Pertinent Oversight Authorities,
will develop realistic nuclear weapon security exercise scenarios to determine a
unit’s ability to meet Nuclear Weapons Security Standards IAW DoDM S-
5210.41_AFMAN 31-108. Use risk management and safety procedures in planning and execution
of security exercises at all levels of command. When exercises are collocated within
operational areas, exercise care to avoid scenarios which may be interpreted as an
actual hostile situation or cause accidental injury to personnel or jeopardize the
58 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
security of nuclear resources. Inspectors will develop exercise scenarios which portray an opposing
force replicating adversaries identified in the published DIA Nuclear Security
Threat Capabilities Assessment and Local Security Threat Capabilities
Assessment. Ensure distinct separation of the exercise play area from real world
mission areas using visual identification tools (safety vest/belts, exercise
controllers, etc.), safety briefings, and normal exercise Command and Control
announcements. The IG will direct the activities of opposing force, exercise
controllers, and IG trusted agents. Exercise scenarios resulting in opposing force gaining access to
simulated nuclear weapons may automatically trigger a recapture or recovery
exercise at the discretion of the inspectors. Inspectors will ensure both opposing
force and exercise controllers know “adversary intentions” for the planned attack
(e.g., weapon sabotage, destruction, theft, etc.). Exercise participants will apply appropriate Information Security and
Operations Security measures to safeguard exercise information, tactics,
techniques, and procedures. (T-1) Determine the outcome of executed security action(s) and performance, the
impact of unit compliance with technical criteria, and contribution of support
forces/supporting security systems to determine if the Nuclear Weapons Security
Standard is met. As available/applicable, inspectors may use computer modeling or
simulation as a viable measurement for developing response force scenarios based on
the DIA Nuclear Security Threat Capabilities Assessment. Safety. Evaluate compliance with explosive safety standards, explosives and active
material limits, Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance, and Weapons
System Safety Rules. Evaluate compliance, programs, implementation, and management thereof
per AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program. Assess Air Force Fire Emergency Services flights using CJCSI 3263.05
requirements and the Fire Emergency Services Assessment Program. Conduct an inspection of the Intrinsic Radiation Safety Program to ensure
controls are in place and personnel practice “as low as reasonably achievable”
(ALARA) concepts IAW AFI 91-108, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Intrinsic Radiation
and 91(B) Radioactive Material Safety Program. Supply Support. Document any supply issues which impact the ability to obtain
replacement parts, tools, and equipment required to operate, maintain, and sustain the
nuclear weapon systems and Department of Energy-furnished components. Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP). The PRAP includes both the
Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) and Arming and Use of Force. Evaluate PRAP IAW
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 59
DoDI 5210.42, CJCSI 3263.05, DoDM 5210.42_AFMAN 13-501, Nuclear Weapons
Personnel Reliability Program, and AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force
Personnel. Assess overall effectiveness of the unit’s implementation of PRAP by focusing
on processes and procedures through observation, scenarios, and interviews. PRAP processes are the primary focus. Record reviews may be conducted
as part of scenario-based performance objectives or to investigate a potential
finding/discrepancy discovered during a process/procedural review. Inspectors will assess certification, continual evaluation, and removal from
PRAP duties, return to duty, training, and management processes using scenario-based
exercises, formal and informal interviews, and observing day-to-day operations to
validate/verify processes employed by the unit/installation. Validate/verify PRAP is functioning as a commander’s program which
assures only personnel who demonstrate the highest degree of individual reliability for
allegiance, trustworthiness, conduct, behavior, and responsibility are authorized to
perform duties associated with nuclear weapons. Logistics Movement. Evaluate units supporting or having responsibility for
logistical movement of nuclear weapons by observing weapon transfer/transport, loading,
unloading, and custody transfer procedures of representative types of weapons. For
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile units, a logistical or operational transport to/from a launch
facility as defined by DoDI 4540.05, DoD Transportation of U.S. Nuclear Weapons is
evaluated as a Logistics Movement. Evaluate convoy operations, including logistical or operational transports
to/from launch facilities and weapon movement activities (including security support). Evaluate Prime Nuclear Airlift Force support plans, security support, and
logistical movements IAW applicable AFIs for Prime Nuclear Airlift Force-certified
units and installations supporting nuclear airlift missions. Prime Nuclear Airlift Force
units must demonstrate the ability to safely and properly load, transport, unload, and
transfer custody of weapons. Note: For Prime Nuclear Airlift Force units, evaluate
security support and aircrew security actions during the Prime Nuclear Airlift Force
5.4.5. Additional Air Force NSI MGAs. In addition to the MGAs outlined in CJCSI 3263.05,
MAJCOM IGs will inspect the following MGAs (as applicable): Nuclear Control Order Procedures (NCOP). Evaluate command post, aircrew,
Permissive Action Link (PAL)/Code Management System (CMS) lock/unlock teams, and
missile crew responses to nuclear control orders as well as effectiveness of applicable
Command and Control functions IAW HHQ directives. Additionally, perform records
audit of emergency action checklists in operational launch control centers, unit command
posts and combat mission folders. Methodology. Assess NCOP proficiency via performance-based evaluations
in an operationally realistic simulator. If approved facilities or simulator-use decode
documents are not available, assess NCOP via scenario-based written test. Inspectors
may use Emergency Action general knowledge written testing to supplement (but not
60 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
replace) scenario-based assessments. The passing standard for general knowledge
testing or scenario-based testing is 90 percent. Inspectors will communicate to the unit
pass/fail portions of the scenario-based testing if applicable. Bomber and Tanker aircrew. Inspectors will assess (at a minimum) aircrew
processing of posture, launch, execution, and termination Emergency Action
Procedures via performance evaluation. Grade the evaluation as “Pass” or “Fail”,
depending on aircrew taking the appropriate expected actions. Dual-Capable Fighter Aircraft aircrew. Inspectors will assess (at a
minimum) aircrew processing of Emergency Action Procedures (EAP) via
performance evaluation. Grade the evaluation as “Pass” or “Fail”, depending on
aircrew taking the appropriate expected actions. The Team Chief may award credit for
this requirement if it was observed by an NWTI-certified inspector within the last 90
calendar days. Grades and comments should be included in the NSI report. Command Post controllers. Inspectors will assess (at a minimum) a
performance-based evaluation. The assessment should include posture, launch,
execution, message relay, message piecing, termination, emergency destruction and
emergency evacuation procedures, as applicable. In the event a performance-based
evaluation cannot be performed, inspectors will administer a scenario-based written
test to the Command Post controllers as a crew. Missile combat crews. Inspectors will assess (at a minimum) a performance-
based evaluation in the Missile Procedure Trainer covering preparatory actions,
execution, and termination procedures. Rate the evaluation IAW AFGSCI 13-5201,
Volume 2, Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting (REACT) Crew Standardization
and Evaluation. In the event an operational simulator is not available, and a Nuclear
Control Order Procedures scenario-based written test is administered, inspectors will
administer tests to Missile Combat Crew Members as a crew. Use Control. Evaluate PAL/(CMS), Command Disablement System, Positive
Enable System, Active Protection System and Emergency Destruction operations
according to CJCSI 3260.01F, Joint Policy Governing Positive Control Material and
Coded Control Devices, Joint Nuclear Weapons Publication System Technical Orders, and
applicable HHQ directives. Inspect the execution of command disablement procedures and program
management (as applicable) using a weapons trainer or a UT1500 Command Disable
Trainer IAW AFI 21-205-S, Command Disable System (CDS). MAJCOM IGs will evaluate nuclear-certified aircrew and Combat Mission
Ready missile crew procedures for Positive Control Measure issue and/or alert
changeover procedures. Assess the proficiency of certified Intercontinental Ballistic Missile code
controllers. The assessment consists of a performance-based evaluation of the Wing
Codes Processing System, covering a complete Launch Facility Load Cartridge load or
a Code Change Verifier load. Additionally, conduct a records audit of Launch Control
Center and Launch Facility configuration records to validate the accurate installation
of operational codes.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 61 NCOP and Use Control Rating System and Criteria. Assess the NCOP MGA as UNACCEPTABLE if any critical deficiencies
are assessed which would create the credible possibility of compromising safety or
reliability of nuclear weapons. Assess the Use Control MGA as UNACCEPTABLE if the unit fails to
follow authorized procedures for receipt, storage, control, destruction and issue of
sealed authenticators or Class 3 code management system/weapon coding equipment,
resulting, or potentially resulting in loss of positive inventory control, unauthorized
destruction, or unauthorized issue of required materials, or incorrect codes/documents
being positioned/installed in weapons/weapon control panels. The following are examples of NCOP and Use Control UNACCEPTABLE
conditions that may result in a critical deficiency. It must be emphasized that the examples
below are not all-inclusive and may not apply in every situation. Missile crews or aircrews releasing/committing unexecuted or terminated
weapon(s). Missile crews or aircrews releasing/committing weapon(s) outside of
specific times required by EAPs. Controllers failing to properly process EAP resulting in improper unlock of
weapons or controller teams failing to properly process EAP. Missile crews or aircrews releasing/committing weapon(s) on incorrect
targets. Controller teams, missile crews or aircrews failing to properly relay
execution/termination instructions IAW established procedures. Missile crews or aircrews failing to release/commit weapon(s) when
directed. Missile crews or aircrews attempting to release/commit weapon(s) with
incorrect or incomplete targeting data. Insertion of incorrect codes data into a nuclear weapon system, weapons
control panel or weapons coding device.
5.4.6. NSI Re-inspection. Re-inspect based on guidance in CJCSI 3263.05. On-the-spot re-inspection. Once the deficient areas are successfully re-inspected,
the Team Chief will grade applicable MGAs no higher than “UNACCEPTABLE (RE-
INSPECTED to ACCEPTABLE)”. Conducted re-inspections. In instances where on-the-spot re-inspection is not
appropriate (as determined by the Team Chief) or re-inspected area(s) are not sufficiently
corrected, the MAJCOM IG will schedule a re-inspection no later than 90 calendar days
from termination of the NSI. The Team Chief may assign MGA adjectival ratings after the
re-inspection; consider whether an MGA was re-inspected to the same level/depth of a full-
scale NSI.
62 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Once deficient areas are successfully re-inspected, the overall unit rating will
SATISFACTORY)”, as determined by the Team Chief.
5.4.7. NSI reporting. MAJCOM IGs will produce an NSI report in the prescribed timeline in Chapter
1 of this instruction and distribute the report to the applicable POAs and stakeholders listed
on the SAF/IGI SharePoint
( If non-surety deficiencies are discovered during an NSI, the inspection Team
Chief will brief the inspected unit commander of the findings and document via the
MAJCOM’s UEI continual evaluation reporting mechanism. In general, deficiencies are
categorized as non-surety if the deficiency’s referenced policy is not a primary nuclear
policy document nor a supplement to a primary nuclear policy document.
5.4.8. Actions on NWTI Oversight Inspections. Throughout the conduct of NWTI Oversight inspection, the MAJCOM IG team
will meet with the NWTI Oversight team to discuss inspection activities and potential
deficiencies. MAJCOM IGs will address NWTI Oversight deficiencies during the annual Joint
Staff-hosted symposium, or sooner if otherwise directed. Courtesy copy AFIA/Nuclear
Inspections Directorate (NI) for responses to NWTI Oversight report deficiencies.
5.5. Other Nuclear Inspections/Activities. Nuclear capable/nuclear support MAJCOMs that are
not currently assessed by a DAF or higher-level nuclear assessment (i.e., NSI) must develop and
execute other inspections/activities designed to assess nuclear readiness (i.e., Nuclear Operational
Readiness Inspection). These MAJCOM-directed inspections/activities are designed to evaluate
the ability of units with a wartime or contingency nuclear/nuclear support mission to perform
assigned operational tasks. This requirement is optional for all other nuclear capable/nuclear
support MAJCOMs; however, if executed, must be in compliance with this section. AFIA will
conduct oversight of other nuclear inspections/activities IAW Chapter 6 of this instruction.
5.5.1. Participating MAJCOMs will develop a supplement(s) to this document or create a
MAJCOM-specific directive document(s) governing such inspections/activities. All
supplemental and/or stand-alone directive documents will be coordinated with SAF/IGI. MAJCOM supplemental guidance should address the following: frequency,
planning, execution (phases/elements/categories, objectives, simulations, etc.), grading
(overall and areas/sub-areas) and reporting. MAJCOM supplemental guidance may grant units Readiness Exercise (RE) credit
for completion of a properly scoped/scaled nuclear inspection/activity. (reference EX 10
Readiness Exercises in Table A2.1 See paragraph of this instruction for readiness
exercise guidance). MAJCOMs may consider properly scoped/scaled Combatant Command exercises
and evaluations for RE credit (e.g., NATO Strike Evaluations).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 63
5.5.2. In addition to reporting requirements in MAJCOM supplements, MAJCOM IGs will
ensure inspection results are captured in a CRA. MAJCOM IGs will use the Classified
Readiness Assessment (CRA) Reporting Manual to capture results of the inspection/activity in
64 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 6
6.1. General Information. The AFIA commander will perform oversight assessments to provide
independent validation and verification of Air Force and Space Force inspections and to promote
standardization across the IG enterprise.
6.2. Purpose. The AFIA commander provides feedback to SAF/IG, MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commanders, and IGs on the efficiency, effectiveness, and consistency of MAJCOM/FLDCOM
IG teams’ conduct and adherence to policy. Feedback is derived from observation of inspection
planning, execution, and reporting.
6.3. Roles and Responsibilities.
6.3.1. The AFIA Commander will: Determine which inspection events will receive an oversight inspection, with the
goal of each MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG team receiving at least one oversight every 24 to 36
months. Conduct AF-level oversight of NSIs using RBSS on a 24-month planning
cycle. Locations and units subject to oversight inspections will be selected based upon
an internal RBSS and informed by other nuclear enterprise stakeholders. Additionally,
RBSS for AF-level oversight will determine what MGAs of the NSI require an
oversight assessment and consider alignment with DTRA Oversight Inspections as
appropriate. Conduct oversight on select other nuclear inspections/activities identified in
paragraph 5.5 Locations and units subject to oversight inspections will be selected
based upon an internal RBSS and/or TIG direction and may be informed by other
nuclear enterprise stakeholders. Coordinate each visit with the respective MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and
Gatekeeper and honor the IG trusted agent system (see Attachment 2) to protect the
minimum or no-notice aspect of the inspection. Send an official notification message to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Gatekeeper
informing them of the planned AFIA oversight inspection. Include the Oversight Team
Chief and Project Officer names, oversight team size, and request for MAJCOM/FLDCOM
inspection team information and deliverables in the message. Send a message to the inspected unit point of contact and MAJCOM/FLDCOM
inspection team planner delineating specific requirements for the Oversight Team (i.e.,
work center space, network access, and logistic support requirements for the inspection). Immediately notify the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Team Chief if the Oversight
Team detects any IG activity which could negatively impact safety, security of
personnel/weapons, or validity of inspection results. Oversight Inspections will address the MAJCOM/FLDCOMs quality and
discipline of the Classified Readiness Assessment.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 65 Will ensure Oversight inspectors have the appropriate clearances to execute their
duties for USSF missions.
6.3.2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will: Provide Oversight inspectors access to inspection planning documents to include
any deliverables requested from the inspected unit, current inspection Schedules of Events,
IGEMS/IGEMS-C for the inspection (view only), approved simulations and deviations,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG team composition, qualification, and any other deliverables
requested by the Oversight inspectors NLT 30 days prior to the inspection or within 1 week
of notification/request. Allow Oversight inspectors to be present for inspection-related meetings with the
inspected unit, daily IG team meetings, deficiency validation sessions, and to be included
in correspondence with the inspected unit and/or POAs. Notify the Oversight Team of changes to the Schedule of Events or approved
simulations and deviations. Notify the Oversight Team Chief of any potential critical deficiencies. Notify the Oversight Team Chief when the final inspection report is available in
the appropriate version of IGEMS.
6.4. Oversight Inspection Methodology.
6.4.1. The Oversight Team Chief will brief the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG team on Oversight’s
role in the inspection process. The Oversight Team Chief will provide a complete out-brief of
oversight observations and findings to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Team Chief at the
conclusion of the inspection. Oversight will provide: An independent perspective of the inspected unit’s CCIP. An independent perspective of the inspected unit’s nuclear surety (nuclear
inspections only).
6.4.2. Oversight inspectors are authorized to intervene in an inspection for reasons of
personnel safety, security, or real-world critical non-compliance if the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
IGs fail to take appropriate actions to correct the situation, or if the safety, security, or
reliability of War Reserve Material is in jeopardy.
6.5. Oversight Inspection Major Graded Areas. The Oversight Inspection does not assign
ratings to IG teams; instead, oversight observations and findings are binned into six MGAs:
6.5.1. Planning. Assess MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG coordination of inspection support
requirements with the inspected unit; development, coordination, and sufficiency of the
Schedule of Events; proper coordination and approval of simulations and deviations; relevant
and realistic exercise plans; inclusion of applicable SIIs; use of performance data and remote
sampling to build a sound RBSS; inclusion of CJCSI 3263.05 and/or inspection requirements
in this instruction.
6.5.2. Execution. Assess MAJCOM/FLDCOM/IG adherence and coordination of updates to
Schedules of Events; awareness of safety, health, and security requirements; application of risk
management issues; internal inspection team communication and communication with the
66 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
inspected unit; adequacy of exercise control, pre-briefs, identifying lessons learned and overall
6.5.3. Quality. Assess completeness and quality of MAJCOM/FLDCOM-specific inspector
training, completion of required training for core inspectors and inspection augmentees,
appropriate documentation of inspector qualifications, and professionalism of IG conduct.
6.5.4. Standardization. Assess MAJCOM/FLDCOM/IG implementation of and adherence to
policy and guidance; inspector functional expertise and knowledge of inspection requirements;
standardization of event pre-brief and interview techniques; knowledge of/adherence to
approved simulations and deviations; were task evaluations realistic, relevant, and
appropriately vetted; was there a random selection of unit personnel for performance-based
6.5.5. Objectivity. Assess sufficiency of MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG deliberative processes;
thoroughness and compliance of scoring/rating methodology; objectivity of decision making;
sufficiency and effectiveness of unit and MAJCOM/FLDCOM Functional Manager validation
processes; accuracy and objectivity of MAJCOM/FLDCOM Functional Manager guidance
6.5.6. Thoroughness. Assess MAJCOM/FLDCOM/IG complete and accurate documentation
of inspection findings and repeat deficiencies; proper coordination and validation of
deficiencies external to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM; timeliness and completeness of final
inspection report; sufficiency of MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG follow-up to include
tracking/closure of critical and significant deficiencies and proper submission of CAPs to
higher headquarter agencies as applicable (validate based on previous inspection, same type).
6.6. Oversight inspection report. Upon inspection conclusion, the Oversight Team Chief will
publish a separate non-collaborative report, summarizing MAJCOM IG performance and conduct
of the inspection. The Oversight Team Chief will route the completed inspection report through
the AFIA commander and SAF/IG to the MAJCOM commander and MAJCOM IG, then publish
in the appropriate version of IGEMS.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 67
Chapter 7
7.1. General Information. This chapter has been set aside to capture emerging and rapidly
changing assessment and/or inspection requirements for force presentation models, operational
constructs, and organizational structures currently in development. This includes, but is not limited
to, Air Force Force Generation (AFFORGEN), Agile Combat Employment (ACE), and the Wing
A-Staff re-organization efforts.
7.2. Purpose. DAF-level guidance is under development and will be published when appropriate.
MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs/DRUs/FOAs may supplement this chapter as needed to capture emerging
and rapidly developing assessment and/or inspection requirements.
68 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Chapter 8
8.1. General Information. Other inspections may be directed by specific senior leaders or be
required by statute. Department of the Air Force senior leaders rely on the findings associated with
these areas to facilitate a holistic approach to evaluating Air and Space organizations.
8.2. The Headquarters Inspection.
8.2.1. General information. The Headquarters Inspection (HQI) is conducted on units that are
above the wing/delta level (MAJCOM/FLDCOM, DRU, FOA, Center, NAF). The Air and
Space staffs will not be inspected via the HQI, unless requested by SecAF, CSAF, CSO, DCS,
or TIG. Only AFIA and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs are authorized to execute an HQI. (T-1)
8.2.2. Purpose. HQIs will utilize the Commander’s Duties and Responsibilities outlined in
AFI 1-2 as the framework for the inspection. MAJCOM/FLDCOMs may supplement this
guidance to meet command intent. HQIs will address Commander/Director emphasis areas
included among inspection activities, and if applicable, combat capabilities or combat support
capabilities. HQIs will be conducted IAW Table 1.1 or when directed/requested by TIG and/or
senior leaders at the appropriate level.
8.2.3. Content. The inspecting organization will develop and document internal policies,
procedures, and training for conducting HQIs. At a minimum, each HQI will assess inspected commander priorities identified
during pre-inspection interviews conducted IAW paragraph List of focus items for assessment will be available for consideration on the
SAF/IGI SharePoint
8.2.4. Roles and responsibilities. SAF/IG, AFIA/CC and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will: Conduct HQIs on organizations identified in Table 1.1 of this instruction. A senior officer designated by TIG will lead HQIs of
MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs. A Team Chief designated by either TIG, or AFIA/CC will lead HQIs
of FOAs and DRUs. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will lead HQIs of NAFs, Centers, and
other organizations subordinate to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM. Conduct continual evaluation event(s) during the inspection cycle. Enter HQI events into the Gatekeeper website at least 12 months in advance
and notify inspected unit leadership at least 90 calendar days prior to the inspection. Members of the HQI team will complete IG Training Course-Inspections (IGTC-
I) and MAJCOM/FLDCOM HQI specific training (as applicable) prior to executing HQIs.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 69
SMEs and augmentees do not require IGTC-I but must be supervised by an HQI-trained
8.2.5. Methodology. HQIs are initiated by inspecting documents received from a data call to
the inspected organization and other collection methods. The HQI culminates with an on-site
IG event validating/verifying potential findings which are then documented in a final report.
The on-site event should strive to have a minimal footprint at the organization and gather the
information in the minimum amount of time necessary, with minimal impact to the day-to-day
operations of the organization. The inspection team will send an AFIA-approved survey to members of the
inspected organization. The inspection team analyzes survey responses and develops
subsequent on-site interview questions. At least once during the HQI inspection cycle, the inspection team should
interview senior leaders within the owning headquarters and their subordinate/supported
organizations, and key customers. Interviews should capture perspectives of the inspected
organization and pertinent information regarding adequacy of support to
subordinate/supported organizations. Inspectors may conduct pre-scheduled Individual and/or IG Sensing Sessions-
Group during every HQI cycle. The inspection team chief will provide draft executive summary to the inspected
organization’s leadership in conjunction with the final out brief. The inspecting IG team will prepare and deliver a signed, final report to the
inspected organization’s leadership and forward a copy to the AFIA/CC. All Deficiencies,
RIAs, and Strengths will be uploaded in IGEMS. (T-1) Unless directed by TIG, HQIs will
not be rated/graded.
8.2.6. Operations Center Inspections. Operations Center inspections are an assessment of
efficiency and effectiveness of an AOC (USAF) or SpOC (USSF), with emphasis on both
contingency and routine operational command and control. MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders
will provide guidance to their IG for inspecting Centers under their purview; inspection
frequency will be IAW Table 1.1 Inspection methodology should be tailored to the unique
needs of the inspected unit. All Deficiencies, RIAs, and Strengths will be documented in
IGEMS. A notional framework should be available in the inspecting organization’s
8.3. Joint Base Inspections.
8.3.1. The “Joint Base Operations Guidance” (JBOG) is the primary joint basing guidance
document, which outlines implementation guidance and responsibilities. In addition to this
document, additional supplemental guidance documents and memoranda exist to address
issues and functions not covered in the JBOG. Joint Basing information (to include the JBOG,
supplemental guidance, and categories of installation support) are included in OSD guidance
and may be found at
8.3.2. Joint Base MOAs are the binding documents for each Joint Base and describe the
organizational structures, resourcing, output levels, dispute resolutions and other agreements
developed between the Components. The Joint Base Implementation Plan is included in each
70 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
MOA. MOAs define the relationships between Components and commit Supporting
Components to deliver approved output levels. Other support agreements are possible at the
local level and fall under the following categories: Intra-service agreements (USAF to USAF, to include ARC) Inter-service agreements (USAF to other DoD Components) Intra-governmental agreements (USAF to other non-DoD Federal activities) Agreements supporting USAF to other non-Federal activities (excluding private
or commercial enterprises)
8.3.3. Roles and responsibilities. SAF/IG. Works with other Service IG(s) and the Intermediate Command Summit
to address issues which negatively impact Air Force processes, equipment and/or personnel
but are not “owned” by the Department of the Air Force (due to transfer of installation
support responsibilities), once up-channeled by AFIA and/or the MAJCOM IG Team Chief
and captured in an IG report. MAJCOM IG. Develops MAJCOM-specific Joint Base inspection guidance in the
MAJCOM supplement to this instruction (as required). Ensures any non-Air Force issues which affect unit compliance discovered
through inspection are addressed in the report and passed to AFIA for resolution. The
Team Chief will debrief issues to the senior Air Force leadership at the inspected unit
prior to debriefing the senior Supporting Component leadership at the inspected
8.3.4. Inspection methodology. Only the Supporting Component will conduct inspections of Installation Support
activities unless otherwise documented in the Joint Base-specific MOA or previously
coordinated with the Supporting Component IG. (T-0) If the Supporting Component provides an installation support function at a Joint
Base for which it does not have the required inspection expertise, the Supporting IG will
either seek augmentation from the applicable Supported Component or obtain qualification
to inspect the activity. (T-0) Mission partners work through the Joint Base Partnership Council if inspections
require Joint Base Installation Support or tasks from embedded military Joint Base
Installation Support personnel. Mission partners will comply with the Joint Base workforce
availability policy as described in the specific Joint Base MOA. (T-0) With the exception of Joint Base Installation Support functions, Air Force IGs will
inspect Airmen using Air Force inspection requirements whether the USAF is the
Supporting or Supported Component at the Joint Base. (T-2) When inspecting Joint Base
Installation Support functions, the inspection standards stem from the appropriate MOA.
When inspecting Joint Base responsibilities, structure, and governance, the inspection
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 71
standards follow OSD policy. Where there is no Joint Base guidance or policy, the
Supporting Component's policies and procedures apply.
8.3.5. Inspection Rating. Authors of final Air Force IG reports may provide an assessment of
how other Services’ installation support impacts the USAF mission but will not deliver a rating
to other Services.
8.4. Federal Recognition Inspections. Note: Throughout paragraph 8.4 and its sub-paragraphs,
the term “unit,” as applied to the ANG, is defined as any ANG unit of any size to include wing,
group, and squadron. Additionally, the term “flight” is defined as a numbered or named
organization constituted by a Department of the Air Force Manpower, Organization and Resource
(AF/A1M) letter. Gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will conduct Federal Recognition
Inspections of state units when a unit is being considered for federal recognition or when required
based on mission/organizational changes. Contact NGB/IG for instructions at
8.4.1. Federal Recognition. Under 32 USC §105, Inspection, 10 USC §10503, Functions of
National Guard Bureau, and DoDD 5105.77, National Guard Bureau, Federal Recognition is
an action by the SecAF that confirms a unit (the organized militia of a State) meets the
qualifications prescribed for the unit and composition of the ANG. Federal Recognition may be officially extended on the behalf of the CNGB under
authority from the SecAF upon gaining MAJCOM approval. Chief, National Guard Bureau
may officially grant units Federal Recognition under authority from SecAF. Federal
Recognition authorizes units to pay personnel, issue federal equipment, expend funds
incidental to operations, facilities maintenance, and services in support of the unit. Federal Recognition will only be extended to a unit following a favorable report
of inspection conducted by an inspector selected by the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM and
documented on the NGB Form 113A, Report of Inspection for Federal Recognition. The
identified unit is then formally accepted by the State and must maintain the standards
required for Federal Recognition. The unit is activated IAW appropriate Unit Manpower
Documents and has at least 20 percent of its authorized strength, to include officers and
enlisted on board at the time of the inspection for Federal Recognition. (T-1).
8.4.2. Withdrawal of Federal Recognition. CNGB or the Director, ANG (DANG), acting for
the SecAF, may withdraw Federal Recognition from a unit that fails to maintain the polices
prescribed by law in 10 USC §10503, and 32 USC §108, Forfeiture of Federal Benefits.
Withdrawal of Federal Recognition action includes the loss of Federal support such as funding,
materiel, unit identity, historical properties, and entitlements. Federal Recognition of a unit is
withdrawn by a letter from the CNGB or DANG to the state identifying the effective date and
stipulating the reason(s) for the withdrawal action. Placing Units on Probation. When the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM inspector
recommends that a unit not be Federally Recognized and disapproves the inspection,
probation may also be recommended. This action is recognized as a preliminary action
before Federal Recognition is withdrawn. Final administrative action relative to placing
units on probation or withdrawing Federal Recognition will be coordinated with the
gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM. The probation period will be determined by the CNGB or
72 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Termination of probation is vested in the CNGB. If a unit is on probation for other
than minimum strength requirements, an inspection must be performed by the gaining
command to determine which of the following recommendations should be made to the
CNGB: Take the unit off probation, extend the probationary period, grant the unit a
waiver or deactivate the unit (recognition withdrawal). Waiver Granting. Under certain circumstances, a waiver from probation may
be granted to a unit for failure to meet the standards established for all units. A waiver
for an INEFFECTIVE inspection rating is for a specified period, determined by the
CNGB, or until the next re-scheduled inspection of the unit. Waivers are normally
granted when deficiencies are not severe enough to warrant placing the unit on
8.4.3. NGB/A1M. The Division of Manpower, Organization and Resources (NGB/A1M)
oversees the procedures and actions necessary to establish ANG units. Department of the Air
Force Controlled units are constituted, by authority of the SecAF, through the HQ AF
Directorate of Manpower, Organization, and Resources (AF/A1M). These units are then
allotted to NGB. NGB then allots the units to the States/Territories for “activation” as ANG
units. Once activated, an ANG unit becomes eligible for federal recognition.
8.4.4. NGB Form 113A, Report of Inspection for Federal Recognition. The NGB Form 113A
provides the basis for the Federal Recognition Inspection. This form will be used by the gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM inspector during the Federal Recognition Inspection. The completed and
signed form is a permanent record of the unit. Ensure a separate NGB Form 113A is completed
for each inspected unit. (T-2).
8.4.5. Federal Recognition Inspection Responsibilities. Under the oversight of NGB/IG, the
following actions must be completed by NGB/A1M to federally recognize an ANG unit. (T-
2). Determine if a Federal Recognition Inspection is required prior to unit activation
with federally mandated missions. (T-1). Notify applicable State Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) that a Federal
Recognition Inspection is required. (T-1).
8.4.6. NGB/IG Notification. State JFHQ will send a formal written request to NGB/IG via
email at [email protected] stating that a Federal Recognition
Inspection is required upon notification from NGB/A1M. The request will be made using the
Federal Recognition Memo template Attachment 14 including JFHQ’s letterhead and identify
a Point of Contact (POC). (T-1). NGB/IG will: Process NGB/A1M request for inspection to respective gaining
MAJCOM/FLDCOM after receiving the letter from JFHQs. (T-2). Coordinate with gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM to identify the inspecting
officer. (T-2). Track all Federal Recognition Inspections through completion. (T-2).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 73 Ensure the NGB Form 113A is completed and coordinate (as required) on
any recommendations made by the inspector of the gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM. (T-
2). Forward completed NGB Form 113A to NGB/A1M. (T-2). The “Inspected” unit will complete all coordination actions as required by
the host inspector(s). These actions include providing a travel fund cite. (T-2).
8.4.7. The Inspecting Officer will: Coordinate details for the inspection with the unit POC. Conduct the inspection IAW this instruction using NGB Form 113A. (T-2). Complete and sign NGB Form 113A then forward to appointing
8.4.8. The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM will: Appoint a commissioned Regular Air Force officer to perform the Federal
Recognition Inspection. (T-0). The gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM or designated representative will review and
approve or disapprove the results of the Federal Recognition Inspection. The completed
and signed NGB Form 113A will be forwarded to NGB/IG via email at
8.5. By-Law Inspections. For the purposes of The Inspection System, By-Law inspections are
specific program inspections required by higher-than Air Force and Space Force policy or
authority (or as directed by SecAF/CSAF/CSO) and result in a report signed by SAF/IG.
8.5.1. Frequency. Wing/delta IGs will complete inspections and finalize reports by 30 October
each year. (T-1) If a MAJCOM/FLDCOM or ANG fails to reach 100 percent By-Law
inspection completion by 30 October, the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG, or NGB/IG for ANG
Units, will notify AFIA/CC. (T-1)
8.5.2. Methodology. Wing/delta IGs will accomplish By-Law inspections using program
guidance referenced in Attachment 2 of this instruction. (T-0) Include an evaluation of
program manager support to any tenant organizations they are responsible for to ensure
adequate support is being given to those organizations. MAJCOM/FLDCOM and NGB IGs will provide feedback on timeliness of By-
Law report submissions by sending quarterly consolidated By-Law reports to respective
wing commanders and IGs. IGs will input validated By-Law data into the respective section within the By-
Law header in IGEMS for each program separately using the format found in the “By-Law
Checklist-Users Guide” link on the IGEMS site. (T-1) Host wings accomplishing By-Law inspections for tenant units per Host-
Tenant Support Agreement/MOA will document inspection results in the tenant unit’s
parent wing report to facilitate proper By-Law reporting in IGEMS and oversight by
the appropriate wing IG. (T-1)
74 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Ensure the supported unit's results are specifically named and included in
the associated report. (T-2) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs may credit the wing IG for By-Law inspections if the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG accomplished an adequate inspection of the program(s). Notify
the wing IG of this action to prevent duplication of effort.
8.5.3. Grading. IGs must grade By-Laws at the program level using a four-tier rating scale: IN
GRADED. (T- 1) NOT GRADED is only used by HHQ to indicate By-Law programs were
validated and verified but were not holistically inspected.
8.5.4. Re-inspection. IGs must re-inspect any program(s) which receive(s) a rating of NOT IN
COMPLIANCE within 90 calendar days (180 calendar days for ARC); the program(s) will
also be inspected during the next on-site visit by a higher-level IG. (T-2)
8.6. Directed Inspections. Directed Inspections are high-priority inspections normally executed
by AFIA and/or SAF/IG personnel. SAF/IG may request assistance from MAJCOM/FLDCOM
IGs via commanders if necessary to conduct these inspections. The Directed Inspection is usually
time-sensitive, and deficiencies and recommendations are of significant interest to the Department
of the Air Force, Department of Defense, Congress, and/or the general public. A
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander may direct the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG to perform a Directed
Inspection when necessary or may request AFIA assistance.
8.7. The Department of the Air Force Special Interest Item (SII) Program. SIIs provide a
means to gather data in order to evaluate the status of corrective actions regarding specific
programs and conditions in the field based on risk to the Air and Space mission. SecAF, CSAF,
CSO, or Deputy Chiefs of Staff of the Air Force and Deputy Chiefs of Space Operations may
sponsor SIIs. There should be no more than five active SIIs at any given time.
8.7.1. Roles and Responsibilities. SAF/IG. TIG will brief SecAF/CSAF/CSO on SII content/intent before the SII is
issued and will notify MAJCOM/FLDCOM commanders and DANG when an SII is ready
for execution. SII sponsors: Will ensure proper coordination is accomplished with POAs (to include
ARC) prior to submitting a proposed SII to SAF/IG for consideration. Should contact SAF/IGI as soon as they determine an SII may be appropriate
for the issue under consideration. Sponsors should send SII nominations to SAF/IGI
via workflow message ([email protected]). Will provide a SII point of contact. The SII point of contact will contact
SAF/IGI to receive appropriate IGEMS training to access inspection findings for SIIs. Will provide SAF/IG with SII closure memorandum. At a minimum, it will
include the effective date of closure, summary of how the data will be utilized, and any
expected follow-on actions. SAF/IGI. On behalf of the AFIA/CC and SAF/IG, SAF/IGI acts as the executive
agent for development of all Air Force/Space Force SIIs.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 75 SAF/IGI will coordinate all SII proposals and obtain SAF/IG approval,
distribute approved DAF SIIs to MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs, NGB IG, and Air Force
Reserve Command (AFRC) IG, and train the sponsoring agency to access SII data for
assessment. SAF/IGI will assess potential SIIs for impact on the nuclear enterprise. SAF/IGI will provide SII notification and instructions to
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs for execution. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs. Notify all subordinate units/organizations (and NGB/IG, AFRC/IG, and
gained ARC units as applicable) of the SII requirements as soon as possible following
publication of the SII. Evaluate, rate, and report the SII IAW SII instructions. Wing/deltas. Evaluate, rate, and report the SII IAW SII instructions.
8.8. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Command Interest Items (CII). MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commanders may wish to establish MAJCOM/FLDCOM-unique procedures to gather data and/or
place emphasis on particular programs via CIIs.
8.8.1. De-confliction. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will ensure MAJCOM/FLDCOM CIIs do not
conflict with Department of the Air Force SIIs.
8.8.2. Cross-MAJCOM/FLDCOM coordination. In cases where a lead MAJCOM/FLDCOM
needs to issue a CII to other MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, the lead MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG should
coordinate with those applicable MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, recommending each
MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander issue that CII. If a CII is applicable to ANG units,
coordination will also include NGB/IG. If unsuccessful, the lead MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG may
consult SAF/IG and the Air Force or Space Force FAM for consideration of issuing an SII to
satisfy functional requirements.
8.8.3. Notification. Notify all subordinate units/organizations (including NGB/IG, AFRC/IG,
and affected gained ARC units) of the CII requirements as soon as possible following
publication of the CII.
8.9. Special Emphasis Item (SEI). The AFIA/CC may periodically issue a directive to inspect a
program or area which has generated interest or concern to the extent that SAF/IG has approved
publication of a Special Emphasis Item. The SEI will direct inspectors (MAJCOM/FLDCOM
and/or wing/delta) to pay special attention to a particular item(s) during a normal, scheduled
inspection. Detailed instructions will accompany the SEI issuance. Each SEI will be valid for a
period not to exceed 6 months (9 months for ARC) from the date on the SEI. MAJCOM/FLDCOM
IGs may nominate items worthy of consideration of an SEI during the IG Program Review Group
(PRG) or TIGs Executive Steering Group (ESG).
8.10. Self-Assessment Checklist Fragmentary Order (SACFRAGO).
8.10.1. Headquarters DAF SACFRAGO. The Inspection System gives Air Force and Space
Force FAMs a responsive capability to receive validated/verified data directly from units using
MICT via the SACFRAGO. This mechanism is an order from the Vice Chief of Staff
(VCSAF) and/or the Vice Chief of Space Operations (VCSO) to MAJCOM/FLDCOM
76 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
commanders and subordinates to complete a specified SAC in MICT for a high-priority (often
time-sensitive) requirement. Air Force and Space Force FAMs should contact SAF/IGI for
assistance in formatting the SACFRAGO prior to submitting a request for VCSAF/VCSO
approval and subsequent transmission through normal coordination channels. (T-1)
SAC Fragmentary Order. This mechanism is an order from the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander to wing/delta commanders and subordinates to complete a specified SAC for a
high-priority (often time-sensitive) requirement. MAJCOM/FLDCOM FAMs should contact
their MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG for assistance in formatting the SACFRAGO prior to submitting
a request for MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander approval and subsequent transmission through
normal coordination channels.
8.11. Cemetery Inspections. DoD requires annual inspections of cemeteries under DAF
jurisdiction which are identified as active or closed cemeteries in DAFI 34-160, Mortuary Affairs
Program (see Table 8.1). Inspections of privately-owned or historical cemeteries are not required.
The closest-assigned wing/delta IG will inspect annually (24 months for ARC) active or closed
cemeteries as part of the CCIP. (T-0) IGs will use inspection criteria in DAFI 34-160, Chapter 14
and Attachment 2, Air Force Cemetery Organizational Inspection Checklist, Standards and
Measures for assessment and document the inspection and findings in IGEMS. (T-1) IGs will
forward copies of the final report to the installation commander, Air Force Mortuary Affairs
Operations ([email protected]), and AFIA no later than 10 duty days
after inspection report is signed. (T-2) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs may inspect installation
cemeteries during on-site inspections.
Table 8.1. List of Cemeteries and MAJCOM/FLDCOM Responsible for Inspection.
Offutt AFB, NE
FE Warren AFB, WY
USAF Academy
Fairchild AFB, WA
Volk Field, WI
8.12. Wounded, Ill, and Injured Facility Inspections. Wounded, Ill and Injured (WII) Facility
Inspections ensure support for Recovering Service Members and their families when the
Recovering Service Member has been wounded or injured or has an illness that prevents him or
her from providing that support. The WII Facility inspection is a separate inspection and should
not be confused with the WII program By-Law inspection. Installation IGs will conduct Wounded,
Ill, and Injured facility inspections, as per National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2008, Joint Explanatory, Report 110-477, Section 1662, Access of recovering service members to
adequate outpatient residential facilities and IAW Attachment 8 of this instruction. (T-0)
Commanders will ensure Wounded, Ill, and Injured Facility Inspections are conducted as a
separate, distinct inspection providing a separate inspection report using a 3-tier rating scale: IN
Attachment 8 of this instruction for additional guidance and specific requirements for Wounded,
Ill, and Injured Facility Inspections.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 77
8.13. Radioactive Material Permit Inspection. A qualified Radioactive Material inspector will
conduct Radioactive Material permit inspections as required by DoDI 6055.08, Occupational
Ionizing Radiation Protection Program, AFPD 40-2, Radioactive Materials (Non-Nuclear
Weapons), conditions of the USAF Master Materials License issued by the United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to the Department of the Air Force, and other Master Materials
License documents. AFIA will send final inspection reports pertaining to NRC-regulated materials
to the NRC (after coordinating with the RIC), the Radioisotope Committee (RIC), the applicable
MAJCOM IG and Surgeon General, the permittee, and the permittee’s wing (or equivalent) IG.
AFIA will provide quarterly and annual status reports of inspections (including violation trends)
to the RIC.
8.13.1. Radioactive Material inspector qualifications. The AFIA Commander will designate
qualified Radioactive Material inspectors. In addition to the requirements in Chapter 11 and
Attachment 11 of this instruction, inspectors will attend the appropriate NRC training courses
prior to conducting corresponding permit inspections. Additional inspector qualifications are
pursuant to RIC policies corresponding to the conditions of the USAF Master Material License
or consistent with NRC policies. Radioactive Material Inspectors will only be responsible for
Radioactive Material (RAM) Inspections to ensure Air Force Master Material License
compliance with applicable NRC inspection program. Other duties will only be assigned and
occur when it is clear they will not impact the inspector’s ability to meet all NRC inspection
and training requirements.
8.13.2. Frequency. Inspection frequency is determined by the RIC Secretariat. AFIA will
inspect Radioactive Material Permits within a frequency range consistent with the most recent
criteria set forth in the NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 2800, Materials Inspection Program.
AFIA will ensure Unannounced NRC-led inspections are coordinated with the appropriate
agencies to include MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeepers.
8.13.3. Methodology. AFIA will inspect units issued a Radioactive Material Permit. The
Radioactive Material Permit Inspection serves as an independent compliance and risk-based
performance assessment of each permit and governing federal regulations. Inspectors will
conduct inspections IAW NRC Inspection Manual, Chapter 2800, and applicable program-
specific NRC Inspection Procedures. Radioactive Material permit inspections will assess
permit compliance with applicable federal regulations, conditions of the current permit, and
pre-inspection of permits requiring increased controls subject to 10 Code of Federal Regulation
Part 37, Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material.
Radioactive Material inspectors will also conduct Special Emphasis Item inspections and
conduct inspection of sites containing 91(a) or 91(b) material in accordance with AFI 91-108
or as requested by the RIC. Remote Radioactive Material Permit Inspections may only be conducted
telephonically or remotely when visual verification of the material is not required by
inspectors (i.e., permit termination granted by the RIC). Inspectors will not ask Radioactive Material personnel to perform any
unnecessary hazardous task, any task in contradiction to permit conditions or federal
regulations, or any task with the potential to disrupt operational activities. During the course of a Radioactive Material permit inspection, if a procedure or
practice is determined to be Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health, Radioactive
78 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Material inspectors may require the permittee to temporarily cease Radioactive Material
operations (Stop Action) until corrective action is taken and the concern has been
mitigated. Contact the RIC as soon as practicable if Stop Actions occur. Radioactive Material inspectors will issue violations consistent with the
categories defined in the NRC Enforcement Manual and Policy (Minor, Non-Cited, and
Severity Levels I through IV). Radioactive Material inspectors will notify the RIC
immediately when a Severity Level I-III violation is suspected or issued. Radioactive Material inspectors should conduct an exit meeting with the
permittee and/or Permit Radiation Safety Officer consistent with NRC Inspection Policy.
In cases where the inspection results in potential Severity Level I-III violations, an exit
meeting with the permittee is mandatory. In these situations, inspectors will contact the
RIC prior to the exit meeting. Radioactive Material inspectors will assign an inspection rating of “Fully
Complaint” when violations only consist of non-cited violations or no violations at all,
“Compliant” when violations only consist of minor violations and non-cited violations, or
“Not Fully Compliant” if any Severity Level I, II, III, or IV violations are cited. Radioactive
Material inspectors will use IGEMS to assign deficiencies (as per the NRC Enforcement
Manual and Policy) for tracking and closure of all Radioactive Material permit inspection
violations. The final inspection report will be co-signed by the Director, AFIA/SG, and
upload into IGEMS.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 79
Chapter 9
9.1. Purpose. IGs will ensure inspection reports document inspection activity findings, including
safety, surety, or issues of military discipline. (T-1) These concerns may directly affect an overall
inspection rating at the discretion of the inspection Team Chief (with the exception of NSIs). RIAs
are used to identify areas where a more efficient or effective course of action is available. Do not
use RIAs to document procedural deviations or non-compliance. Attachment 9 of this instruction
contains IGEMS and MICT guidance.
9.2. Self-Identified Findings. To accomplish the goal of fostering a culture of critical self-
assessment, continual improvement, and to reduce reliance on external inspection teams, trust
between commanders, Airmen/Guardians, and the IG is paramount. This trust begins with the
shared goal of improving the unit’s effectiveness. A key component to building and sustaining
trust in The Inspection System is creating an environment where Airmen and Guardians feel they
can safely report the truth with accuracy and integrity. Airmen and Guardians need to understand
that command chains and commanders' IG teams expect honest and accurate reporting. IGs at all
levels should review deficiencies or observations identified by the inspected organization and
entered into IGEMS, MICT, or other self-assessment tracking methods. IGs should ensure the
inspected organization has correctly identified the nature, validity, and severity of the deficiency
and is actively working toward corrective action. Deficiencies and observations of this nature are
not normally considered as part of the final UEI grade except in those circumstances where it
appears the wing IG and CC have not taken adequate action to ensure the deficient area is
addressed through the normal staffing process.
9.3. Validation. MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta IGs will establish and document a
validation process providing the inspected unit or the organization with the deficiency an
opportunity to clarify any findings identified during the inspection in a timely manner. (T-1) Prior
to the inspection being finalized, inspectors will coordinate with the inspected unit and the
appropriate POA on critical and significant deficiencies identified during the inspection and
document collaboration in IGEMS. (T-1) In the case of deficiencies identified during wing/delta-
level inspections, the POA is the SME, as determined by the wing/delta IG.
9.3.1. External Validation. When an IG determines the need for external validation of a
finding, inspectors will corroborate findings with the appropriate SME at the lowest possible
level. (T-3) SMEs will consult with the appropriate POA if they require interpretation of
policy. The author of a validated critical and significant HHQ deficiency will include the name
and contact information of the individual who validated the deficiency, a description of
whether the deficiency was accepted, and any concerns from the validating official in IGEMS.
(T-1) Once validated, the associated POA is responsible for assisting with deficiency
resolution. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG (AFIA/Inspection Directorate (ID) for
HAF/FOA/DRU deficiencies) will assist the POA in tracking the deficiency and notifying the
inspecting IG when the deficiency is closed.
9.3.2. Deficiency severity determination. SMEs should clarify policy and procedures or
validate whether an observed condition or action does or does not comply with policy.
Responsibility to determine severity and mission impact of the deficiency resides with the IG
Team Chief.
80 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
9.4. Deficiencies External to the Inspected Unit. When an IG is considering writing a
deficiency against an external organization, the inspecting IG Team Chief will notify the external
agency IG and SME, as appropriate, of the potential deficiency and validation details. (T-1) Once
accepted, the external agency IG and SME is responsible for managing and tracking deficiency
status to closure.
9.5. Format. IGs will ensure findings include:
9.5.1. A unique tracking number. (T-1)
9.5.2. The deficiency and contextual facts in sufficient detail necessary to clearly convey the
issue requiring resolution. (T-1) The written description alone should be adequate for the
inspected organization to begin corrective action planning.
9.5.3. Reference to the applicable instruction, technical order, or other source documentation
from which the requirement is derived. (T-1)
9.5.4. A severity (critical, significant, or minor) based on impact to the organization’s mission.
9.5.5. The corrective action OPR charged with resolving the deficiency and any Offices of
Coordinating Responsibility (OCR). (T-1) The organization's CI2 activity may facilitate
developing local CAPs.
9.5.6. For deficiencies involving host/tenant organizations outside the inspected unit’s chain
of command or non-DAF entities, categorize as HHQ/Support Agency Deficiencies. (T-1)
9.5.7. The functional area for all findings to enable functional analysis and feedback. (T-1)
9.5.8. Tier waiver level (T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3, non-tiered)
9.5.9. If the finding is related to Attachment 3, Air Force Inspection Requirements, identify
the specific program.
9.6. Deficiency Corrective Actions and Closure.
9.6.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM POAs or IG are the CAP approval and deficiency closure
authority for critical and significant deficiencies documented via MAJCOM/FLDCOM-level
inspections (see Table 9.1). For all other deficiencies, commanders will determine the
appropriate level of CAP approval and deficiency closure at the lowest appropriate command
or IG-level. (T-1). The wing/delta commander (or delegated authority) should close
deficiencies not listed above.
9.6.2. For deficiencies levied against ANG gained wings, NGB POAs approve CAPs and
gaining MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG is the closure authority.
Table 9.1. Corrective Action Plan Approval and Closure Authority.
Wing/delta commander
or IG
CCIP Deficiency
Wing/delta commander
or IG
Wing/delta commander
or IG
Wing/delta commander
or IG
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 81
1. Minor deficiencies do not require CAPs
2. May be delegated to subordinate commander
9.6.3. CAPs include Root-Cause(s), Deficiency Cause Codes assigned from Attachment 9 of
this instruction, countermeasures, CAP OPR, and estimated closure dates. CAPs are required
for critical and significant deficiencies. Commanders will ensure Root-Cause Analysis is
completed for all significant/critical deficiencies using the problem-solving approach and level
of effort best suited to the situation. (T-1). IGs will ensure this data is documented in IGEMS.
9.6.4. The CAP approval authority must approve, modify, or reject proposed CAPs within 15
calendar days of receipt (30 days for AFRC: for ANG CCIP deficiencies, 30 days or 1
Regularly Scheduled Drill period). (T-1)
9.6.5. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will provide the inspected unit with reply instructions. The
inspected unit will provide associated CAPs to MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and the POA OPR
no later than 45 calendar days (90 calendar days for ARC units) after being assigned in IGEMS.
9.6.6. The Deficiency Cause Codes listed in Attachment 9 of this instruction apply to all
inspections. CAP OPR will assign any Deficiency Cause Codes required to describe the
deficiency. (T-1)
9.6.7. IGs at all levels will validate CAPs prior to closing. Validation consists of verifying
POAs/MFM have approved, and concurred CAP and the CAP effectively addresses root cause
of the problem.
9.6.8. Deficiencies should be closed within 12 months.
9.6.9. In instances where corrective action responsibility is assigned to both a host and tenant
unit (or supported and supporting unit), IGs will assign an OPR and an OCR to correct the
identified deficiencies. (T-1)
9.6.10. Wing/delta and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will use IGEMS to assign validated DAF-
level deficiencies to the appropriate DAF Directorate and identify AFIA and any affected
POAs as OCRs. (T-1) The agency validating the deficiency is the MAJCOM/FLDCOM’s lead
for deficiency resolution and supports the DAF-level OPR in deficiency resolution. OPRs will
upload CAPs in IGEMS with enough detail to evaluate whether to close the deficiency or
retain. Close deficiencies IAW Table 9.1 SAF/IGI is the arbitration authority for any
disagreements between the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and the DAF-level functional authority.
9.6.11. Adequacy deficiency OPRs will provide associated CAPs to MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs
and AFIA/ID no later than 45 calendar days after assigned in IGEMS. (T-1) RIAs under the
Adequacy MGA must be officially acknowledged via any recorded method by the assigned
OPR in reply to the applicable IG, but no definitive action or follow up is required.
9.6.12. IAW Safety procedures, coordination with the Safety Office which validated a
deficiency is required prior to closing a Safety deficiency. (T-1)
9.7. Non-IG Findings. Any finding resultant of an assessment, inspection, or certification event
conducted by any entity outside the DAF IG enterprise is considered a non-IG finding. This
82 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
includes SAVs and other authorized inspections identified in Table A2.2 Inspected commanders
should document non-IG findings in IGEMS. If commanders choose to document SAV or other
authorized findings in IGEMS, wing/delta IGs will monitor these deficiencies and support, as
necessary. (T-3)
9.7.1. Format. Non-IG findings and other authorized inspection findings approved by the
commander for input into IGEMS will be tracked as all other IG deficiencies (or RIAs) and
will follow format requirements outlined in paragraph 9.5. (T-1)
9.7.2. Corrective Actions Closure. Follow corrective action closure procedures at the
appropriate deficiency severity level as outlined in paragraph 9.6.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 83
Chapter 10
10.1. Purpose. The governance process is executed by the four groups shown in Figure 10.1
The charter contained in Attachment 10 of this instruction outlines the function of each of these
groups and contains detailed duties and functions. Additionally, two MAJCOM/FLDCOM-level
venues facilitate oversight of inspection findings and corrective actions to provide inputs to the
governance process.
Figure 10.1. The Inspection System Governance Process.
10.1.1. The Quarterly Inspection Working Group is chaired by the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG
(delegable no lower than the MAJCOM/FLDCOM Deputy IG). Members include wing/delta
IGs and MAJCOM/FLDCOM deputy directors (NGB/IGD for MAJCOMs with ANG units),
and special staff. At a minimum, discuss negative trends identified at the command or unit
levels, significant and critical deficiencies, and any recommendations for the Semi-Annual
Inspection Council.
10.1.2. The Semi-Annual Inspection Council (SAIC) is chaired by the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander or MAJCOM/FLDCOM/CD (delegable no lower than a director). The Chair
directs participating members (to include wing/delta commanders, ANGRC/CV, HQ directors
and special staff, and others identified by the Chair). At a minimum, the council agenda will
include inspection results, trends, and recommended actions. Additionally,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will brief the following items to the SAIC: Status of significant and critical adequacy deficiencies. Any open significant and critical deficiencies greater than 12 months old, to
include date discovered and validated; the CAP; mitigation measures in place while the
deficiency remains open; anticipated closure date.
84 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Status of any active Special Interest Items, CIIs, and Special Emphasis Items.
10.2. Process to Change the List of Authorized Inspections (Attachment 2) or Mandatory
Inspection Requirements (Attachments 2, 3, and 4).
10.2.1. DAF agencies. Submit requests to change, add, or remove an inspection activity listed
in Attachment 2 or an inspection requirement listed in Attachment 3 or 4 to the appropriate
DAF FAM for coordination. DAF FAMs may submit the recommendation to SAF/IGI
([email protected]) for vetting through the Inspection System Governance
Process. Requestors must include justification, an OPR, and Continual Evaluation Plan.
SAF/IG will regularly task DAF FAMs to provide updates to existing requirements and
nominate emerging requirements through standard coordination (i.e., Task Management Tool).
10.2.2. Non-Air Force or Space Force agencies. Should contact SAF/IGI with requests to
change/add/remove an inspection activity in Attachment 2.
10.3. SAF/IG-Approved Changes. SAF/IG may modify The Inspection System to meet
SecAF/CSAF/CSO intent. Decisions reached during an IG-hosted event or IG-led Program
Review Group (to include the NSI Program Review Group) are incorporated into this instruction
with SAF/IG approval.
10.4. The Inspection System Suggestions. Airmen and Guardians may submit an idea for
improving The Inspection System to SAF/IGI ([email protected]).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 85
Chapter 11
11.1. Department of the Air Force IG Duty. IG duty is a position of high public trust. Personnel
selected for a Department of the Air Force IG assignment are functional experts with broad
contemporary experience selected from across the Department. IG-assigned personnel serve at the
wing/delta, MAJCOM/FLDCOM, AFIA, SAF, Joint, or other HHQ staffs. Personnel not assigned
to an IG staff but who support inspections are inspection augmentees.
11.2. IG Attributes. Personnel assigned to IG duty should possess attributes of the highest
professional standards and moral character, demonstrate potential for future service and continued
promotion, and provide credibility for those Airmen/Guardians, family members, and civilians
who seek IG assistance. Personnel with approved waivers related to medical profiles or religious
accommodations remain eligible for assignment. In addition to these qualities, Airmen/Guardians
selected for IG service will:
11.2.1. Possess or obtain a security clearance commensurate with the duties required as an IG
inspector. (T-1)
11.2.2. Have no record of civil conviction (other than minor offenses). (T-2)
11.2.3. Have no conviction by court-martial, non-judicial punishment, or Unfavorable
Information File in the official military personnel record. (T-2)
11.2.4. Have prior nuclear experience or experience applicable to current systems in the
respective MAJCOM prior to assignment as a nuclear inspector. (T-2)
11.3. Force Development. Commanders at all levels will manage IG manpower requirements
IAW respective A1, S1 (or equivalent), and Career Field Managers’ guidance for the most effective
and economical use of manpower. IG positions at the wing/delta are normally internally filled
11.4. Grade Requirements. Commanders have discretion to select qualified personnel based on
the needs of the unit IAW the grades prescribed below. Commanders will hire civilian personnel
in the occupational series and ranks IAW Standardized Core Personnel Documents at the Air Force
Personnel Center (AFPC) Library, AFRC Air Reserve Technician Standardized Personnel
Document Library, Fully Automated System for Classification (FASCLASS) for ANG PDs, or
ARC grade guidance. (T-3).
11.4.1. The wing/delta IG (87GXX/civilian Personnel Document) will be an O-5 or higher, or
Department of the Air Force civilian with a substantial breadth of experience, exceptional
maturity, and demonstrated sound judgment. (T-2)
11.4.2. The wing/delta IG Superintendent (8I000) will be an E-7 or higher. (T-2)
11.4.3. The wing/delta Director of Inspections (87IXX/civilian Personnel Document) will be
an O-4 or higher, or Department of the Air Force civilian with a substantial breadth of
experience, exceptional maturity, and demonstrated sound judgment. (T-3)
11.4.4. Wing/delta IG Inspectors (other than those positions listed above; excludes WIT
members and inspection augmentees). Officer IG members should be senior O-3s/civilian
86 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
equivalent or higher with more than 7 years commissioned service. Enlisted IG members will
be an E-6 (7-level) or higher. (T-3)
11.4.5. DAF and MAJCOM/FLDCOM Inspectors. Officer IG members should be senior O-
3s/civilian equivalent or higher with more than 7 years commissioned service. Enlisted IG
members will be an E-7 (7-level) or higher. (T-2)
11.4.6. Civilians assigned to the IG. Bargaining unit employees may be assigned to an IG
office (wing/delta, MAJCOM/FLDCOM, or DAF) as full-time certified inspectors or in a
clerical/administrative support role. Bargaining unit employees may also (on a part-time basis)
act as uncertified inspectors/inspection augmentees. Civilians selected for IG duty will be in
the grade of GS11 or above or civilian grades for ANG wings as determined by the National
Guard Bureau, Manpower, and Personnel Directorate (NGB-J1). (T-2)
11.5. IG Training. MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta IGs will ensure IG-assigned personnel
and WIT members are trained IAW Attachment 11 of this instruction. (T-1) At a minimum,
inspectors will complete the requirements IAW Table A11.1 prior to independently conducting
IG inspection duties. (T-1) In addition to IG-specific training, IG personnel will be familiar with
the appropriate training required within their Air Force Specialty Code series or career area,
complete appropriate education, and training commensurate with their grades, and develop
proficiency of occupational and institutional competencies commensurate with their grades to
enhance duty performance. (T-1) IGs should also be trained in and familiar with areas they inspect.
11.5.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG staffs will identify a training point of contact to coordinate
IG Training Course-Inspections for command IG-assigned inspection personnel. (T-1) These
points of contact are responsible for allocating respective command training slots and
scheduling individuals for IG Training Course-Inspections with AFIA, to include subordinate
organization personnel and any other appropriate above the wing/delta-level personnel.
11.5.2. IG senior personnel training. IG senior officers/civilian equivalents and SNCOs may
be nominated by the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG to attend the IG Executive Course at the
Pentagon on a space-available basis. Submit requests for training to SAF/IG.
11.5.3. Continuation training. IAW requirements set forth by the Council of the Inspectors
General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), all personnel authorized to wear the DAF IG
badge must complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuation training every 2 years. (T-0)
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will have the responsibility to determine training that counts for the
CE requirement. This responsibility may be delegated to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGI or IGD. IGs may obtain and utilize AFIA-provided training materials to fulfill this
requirement. Attendance at the Worldwide Training Conference may fulfill training
requirements. If an inspection organization has special circumstances, such as but not limited
to, part-time employees or employees on extended leave, they will not participate in an
Inspector General capacity until they meet the training requirement.
11.6. Inspector Certification. Certification only applies to IG-assigned personnel. The
Certification of IGs will be accomplished by the owning commander. Inspection augmentees and
WIT members are not certified inspectors, but are sensors trained to participate in the conduct of
inspections. IG inspectors must be certified within 6 months of being assigned to the IG. (T-2) A
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 87
certified inspector must validate findings identified by inspection augmentees or WIT members.
11.6.1. Commanders will certify their respective IGs. (T-1) IGs will certify other IG-assigned
inspectors (this requirement may be delegated no lower than the IGI). (T-3) Commanders and
MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta IGs may suspend, remove, or decertify IG personnel
from conducting duties of public trust for failing to adhere to IG attributes.
11.6.2. IGs must track and document all DAFI 90-302 required IG-assigned inspector training
and certification. (T-2) If dates are annotated in IGEMS this fulfills the requirement, or the
owning unit may employ other methodologies to document training.
11.6.3. Certified IG personnel must continuously adhere to the character attributes listed in
paragraph 11.2.
11.7. IG Oath. The IG oath reminds inspectors and inspection augmentees of the special trust
and confidence inherent with the IG position and of the need for impartial and independent
evaluations on behalf of the commander. Uniformed personnel and Department of the Air Force
civilians performing duties on behalf of the IG will take the IG oath (Figure 11.1). (T-1)
Contractor personnel working in an IG staff section will not take the IG oath nor be certified
inspectors. (T-0)
11.7.1. Administering the IG Oath. The commander will administer the IG oath to the IG
(delegable to the Vice/Deputy commander). (T-3)
11.7.2. The IG will administer the IG oath to IG-assigned inspectors. (T-3) This requirement
may be delegated no lower than the IGI. The inspection Team Chief will administer the oath
to inspection augmentees. (T-3)
11.8. DAF IG Duty Badge. Airmen/Guardians will not wear the IG Duty Badge until they have
completed the IG Training Course-Inspections or IG Training Course-Complaints Resolution,
certification IAW paragraph 11.6 and administration of the IG Oath in paragraph 11.7, and then
only while assigned to an IG position.
11.8.1. Authorized personnel will wear the DAF IG Duty Badge, or an approved organization
standardized IG emblem IAW DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United
States Air Force and United States Space Force Personnel. The IG emblem may include any
reprinted or embroidered likeness of the DAF IG Duty Badge.
Figure 11.1. Oath for Personnel Assigned to or Augmenting the IG.
88 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
11.8.2. Inspection augmentees may wear organization-standardized distinctive identification
when conducting inspection activities. Inspection augmentees are not permitted to wear the
badge nor any likeness of the emblem.
11.8.3. The badge or emblem is not authorized for wear when no longer assigned to an IG
staff or when withdrawn for cause by the commander. (T-2)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 89
Chapter 12
12.1. The Inspector General’s Inspection and Informational Reporting System. TIGIIRS
includes four programs of record: IGEMS, IGEMS-C, MICT, and the DAF Gatekeeper Website
(see para A2.2.2).
12.2. Inspector General Evaluation Management System. IGEMS and IGEMS-C facilitate
scheduling, planning, inspecting, and report writing for IG inspections. IGEMS is also used to
assign, monitor, and close (if applicable) all findings (strengths, RIAs, deficiencies) identified
during the inspection process. Attachment 12 of this instruction outlines IGEMS Business Rules.
12.2.1. IGs will track deficiencies to closure within the appropriate version of IGEMS. (T-1)
For classified inspection reporting, use IGEMS-C only (e.g., nuclear, readiness exercises,
CRA, etc.).
12.2.2. Do not enter PII, HIPAA, DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information,
classified information, or 10 USC § 1102, Confidentiality of medical quality assurance
records, data in IGEMS. Additionally, CUI basic markings must be manually input onto
reports IAW DoDI5200.48_DAFI 16-1403, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).
12.2.3. If a deficiency requires 10 USC § 1102 information, inspectors will enter an
abbreviated description of the deficiency into IGEMS along with the following statement: "Per
10 USC § 1102, details of this deficiency are not documented in this report." (T-0)
12.2.4. Contractor and Foreign National access to IGEMS. Contractor and Foreign National
access to IGEMS is limited to the roles of Basic User, Scheduler, and/or Planner. Contractors
and Foreign Nationals will not register as inspectors or administrators. (T-1) Administrators
will only grant United States military and DoD civilian personnel access to IGEMS-C. (T-1)
(Note: This does not apply to contracts that exist solely for IGEMS maintenance and/or
development at the DAF level.)
12.2.5. Deficiencies will not be duplicated between IGEMS and IGEMS-C. (T-1)
12.3. Management Internal Control Toolset. MICT is a DAF program of record and is a tool
for managing USAPs. MICT can facilitate the DAF and MAJCOM/FLDCOM SAC Fragmentary
Order programs by gathering time-sensitive data in an expeditious manner. Attachment 12 of this
instruction outlines MICT SAC business rules.
12.3.1. Self-Assessment Checklist (SAC). A SAC may be tailored at the lowest wing/delta
administrative levels, allowing units the flexibility to track only the most relevant questions. Compliance with a SAC does not relieve individual Airmen/Guardians of
statutory and regulatory requirements in AFIs and/or directives at the local, state, or federal
12.3.2. Airmen/Guardians will not enter PII, HIPAA, DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear
Information, or classified information into MICT. (T-0) Enter 10 USC §1102-protected data
into MICT only in the "10 USC § 1102 Protected" hierarchy of SACs. Additionally, CUI basic
markings must be manually input onto reports IAW DoDI5200.48_DAFI 16-1403, Controlled
Unclassified Information (CUI).
90 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 MAJCOM/FLDCOM SG Administrators. 10 USC §1102 administrators will
only provide appointed personnel 10 USC § 1102 administrator access in MICT.
Administrators will track 10 USC § 1102 permissions granted within the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM and only grant permissions to members who have completed 10
USC § 1102 training and have a “need to know” to perform official duties. The
MAJCOM/FLDCOM SG 10 USC §1102 administrator will provide guidance on 10 USC
§ 1102 protocols within MICT to wing/delta administrators. Wing/delta Administrators. 10 USC §1102 administrators will oversee 10 USC
§ 1102 permissions for the wing/delta and ensure completion of 10 USC §1102 training by
members requiring 10 USC § 1102 permissions. (T-2) Medical personnel complete 10 USC
§1102 training via the Relias website. All other personnel with 10 USC § 1102 MICT
permissions will complete training modules on the MICT website under the “Assistance”
tab (then “Help Guides”, followed by “SG 10 USC § 1102 Training Module”). (T-2) The
Military Treatment Facility commander should decide (in coordination with the wing/delta
commander) how many and which members are granted 10 USC § 1102 access in MICT
(typically only one or two trusted agents). If an observation is specific to a 10 USC § 1102 SAC line item in MICT, IGs
will track the observation, Root-Cause Analysis, and corrective action in the 10 USC 1102
hierarchy or on a restricted drive only accessible by a member with 10 USC § 1102 training
and permissions in MICT. (T-1) SAC Fragmentary Order. See paragraphs 8.10.1 and 8.10.2.
12.3.3. Contractors and Foreign Nationals may have access to MICT.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 91
Chapter 13
13.1. Purpose. To provide guidance for inspecting Special Access Programs (SAP) to report
program health, security, and compliance to the Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF) and the DAF
13.2. Background. SAF/IG conducts inspections of DAF SAPs and other sensitive activities
IAW DoD guidance and DAF policies and reports results as directed by the SecAF, CSAF, or
13.2.1. SAPs are inspected to ensure adequate compliance of these highly sensitive programs
and the persons charged with proper management, administration, and execution. Inspectors
use a standardized inspection methodology, which incorporates the tenets of The Inspection
System, to assess the responsible activity’s ability to successfully execute SAPs.
13.2.2. Each SAP-responsible stakeholder will complete self-assessments annually and retain
as part of their SAP security program documentation. SAF/IGX will request, at random, a
sampling of self-inspections from HAF/HQSF organizations to identify trends. SAF/IGX will
analyze results and discuss appropriate recommendations with SAF/IG and the DAF SAPCO
(as needed)
13.2.3. SAF/IGX will execute HAF/HQSF SAP inspections every 24 months. Efforts should
be made to align SAP inspections with scheduled IG inspections, where applicable. SAF/IG
may direct an out of cycle (limited-/no-notice) inspection if deemed necessary. SAF/IGX (in
coordination with AFOSI PJ and the DAF SAPCO) will execute SAP inspections of HAF
entities. AFOSI PJ, along with a DAF SAPCO augmentee, will execute SAP inspections of
MAJCOM/FIELDCOMs, FOAs and DRUs. Efforts should be made to align SAP inspections
with scheduled management inspections, UEIs, or continual evaluation, SAF/IGX may direct
an out of cycle (limited or no-notice) inspection if deemed necessary.
13.2.4. SAP inspectors partner with enterprise stakeholders to fully integrate compliance
responsibilities through continual evaluation, self-assessments, and internal control metrics
into the inspection and scheduling process. The inspection team will verify self-assessment
data, as accuracy is critical for an effective program.
13.2.5. For DAF SAP inspections, the Team Chief will be a SAF/IG O-6/civilian equivalent
or higher. AFOSI PJ will provide a Security Inspection Lead. The (DAF SAPCO (i.e.,
SAF/AAZ) will provide at least one team member for each DAF SAP inspection. The
inspection Team Chief will identify additional inspectors required in advance of the inspection
(see paragraph The SAF/AAZ representative will communicate all inspection
outcomes to DAF SAPCO, as required.
13.3. Roles and Responsibilities.
13.3.1. SAF/IGX. Provides integration of government SAP inspections into The Inspection System
for IG priorities and concerns.
92 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Directs Air Force and Space Staff SAP inspections and provides results, trends,
and issues to AFIA for inclusion into Air Force and Space Staff HQIs. Ensures coherent policy with OSD, Joint, Air Staff and MAJCOM/FLDCOM
requirements. Reviews policies, procedures, and methodologies for currency and relevance.
Makes recommendations for change to the SAP Inspection Working Group and SAF/IG
(see paragraph 13.8). SAF/IGX will coordinate with the DAF SAPCO and AFOSI PJ to conduct SAP
inspection activities, as part of the HQI battle rhythm. Incorporate SAF/IG SAP continual
evaluation activities into the respective MGAs and overall grade of the HQI.
13.3.2. DAF SAPCO. Coordinates on the SAP inspection schedule. Provides SMEs for inspections to represent the director, responsible for general
oversight of SAPs for which the DAF has responsibility. Oversees CAPs, monitoring closure of inspection deficiencies.
13.3.3. AFOSI PJ. Serves as the principal advisor to SAF/IG for SAPs. Performs program security, investigation, and counterintelligence functions for
the DAF SAPs IAW DoD guidance and DAF policies by maintaining a sufficient cadre of
investigators, special agents, analysts, and program security officers to do so. Assesses compliance by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the
management, operational, and technical security controls employed within or impacted by
information systems. Notifies the DAF SAPCO and SAF/IGX of SAP security compliance inspection
trends for potential policy updates or updates to inspection criteria. May inspect any issue under the statutory and regulatory authorities of SAF/IG,
AFOSI Commander, and/or the Director of AFOSI PJ when conducting any inquiry,
investigation, or inspection activity. Supports and assists SAF/IGX, AFIA, and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs with SAP
compliance inspections. When the IG needs security expertise on inspection teams, AFOSI
PJ will support as an inspection augmentees under IG statutory and regulatory authorities.
13.3.4. MAJCOM/FLDCOM, AFIA, wing/delta, and AFOSI IG Teams: Coordinate on the SAP inspection schedule. Provide qualified/accessed SMEs for inspections at other
MAJCOM/FLDCOM/FOA/DRUs and DAF locations (if available). Coordinate with appropriate SMEs (usually the MAJCOM/FLDCOM SAPMO
to conduct inspections of respective DAF SAP, and other SAPs the DAF participates in,
and other sensitive activities, such as Alternate Compensatory Control Measures and Cover
missions, and other sensitive activities in accordance with DoD guidance, DAF policies,
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 93
and this instruction. Integrate classified and sensitive inspection activities into the overall
UEI continual evaluation cycle, if possible, and grade. The appropriate SMEs will validate whether commanders meet compliance
requirements for SAP activities within their wing/deltas. (T-0) MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will coordinate with respective SMEs to conduct SAP
inspection activities as part of the UEI continual evaluation battle rhythm. Additionally,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs may coordinate with AFOSI PJ for functional expertise for
inspecting SAP activities. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will work with appropriate SMEs (usually the
MAJCOM/FLDCOM SAPMO) and oversight teams to ensure SAP inspections occur
during normally scheduled IG interfaces with affected units. This may include UEI
Capstone events, mid-point IG on-site visits, etc. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will notify
SAF/IGX when SAP inspections are to take place. SAF/IGX inspectors may accompany
the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG team to observe or participate in SAP inspections or to
provide oversight of the SAP inspection process.
13.3.5. DAF Compliance Stakeholders: Provide cleared personnel to augment the inspection team as necessary in the
following key areas: DAF SAPCO (OPR: SAF/AAZ) Finance (OPR: Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Operations
[SAF/FMF]) Contracting (OPR: Air Force Contracting [SAF/AQC]) Acquisition (OPR: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition,
Technology and Logistics [SAF/AQ]) Space Acquisition (OPR: Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space
Acquisition and Integration [SAF/SQ]) Security (OPR: AFOSI PJ and SAF/AAZ) Audit OPR: (Air Force Audit Agency, Field Detachment Z [AFAA/FDZ]) Operations (OPR: Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations [AF/A3]) Inspections (OPR: SAF/IGX) Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection (OPR: Deputy Chief of Staff
for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection [AF/A4]) Strategic Deterrence & Nuclear Integration (OPR: AF/A10) Define oversight foci, responsibilities, and guiding directives (i.e.,
tracking/measuring implementation/success/progress; governance of compliance). Participate in the semi-annual DAF SAP Inspection Working Group. Identify & discuss any areas of concern or areas requiring re-inspection. Conduct continual evaluation throughout the inspection cycle.
94 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 Provide continual evaluation results as part of the overall inspection score. Assist DAF organizations in developing and implementing a robust self-
assessment program for use by internal assessors and external inspectors; update as
13.3.6. Inspected Agency: Upon receipt of notification, gather the information requested in paragraph
13.10 of this instruction and forward to the Team Chief. Upon receipt of the inspection team roster, properly coordinate with SAF/AAZ
and access them IAW DoDD 5205.07 DoD Special Access Program Policy, DoDI 5205.11
Special Access Program (SAP) Security Manual: Personnel Security, AFI 16-701, and this
instruction. Secure an appropriate location for and send appropriate representatives to the in-
13.4. SAP Access. IGs will request SAP-level visit certifications and individual SAP accesses
IAW DAF SAPCO guidance instead of using DISS (or successor system). AFOSI PJ, with support
from authorized IG representatives will ensure appropriate SAP accesses, visitor badges, and
facilities access is coordinated and approved in advance of the IG team arrival. (T-0) SAF/IG may
propose an inspection, assessment, or management review of a SAP, or SAP function, to the
SecAF. In addition to DoDI 5205.11, SecAF approval of a proposed SAF/IG inspection,
assessment or management review establishes SAP access “need-to-know” for personnel required
to accomplish such activities. In addition to the “need-to-know,” these credentialed personnel must
meet the SAP access eligibility requirements, outlined in DoDM 5205.07, Volume 2. SAF/IG
investigations establish “need-to-know.”
13.5. Handling of Reports and Materials. IGs will handle inspection reports and related
materials which contain or reference SAP data (to include appendices, attachments, sensitive
relationships, etc.) within approved DAF SAP communications channels and facilities. (T-0)
Inspectors will house SAP-related inspections within the Configuration and Security Tracking
System for SAP Facilities, or a successor system identified by AFOSI PJ. (T-1) System
administrators will ensure access is controlled to only those IG representatives designated by
13.6. Oversight Meetings. SAF/IG (or a designated representative) may attend any SAP
Oversight Committee, SAPs Review Group and SAP Oversight Review Board meeting or other
SAP-related meetings as directed by SecAF and/or required by AFI 16-701.
13.7. Concept of DAF SAP Operations. SAF/IGX will coordinate with SAF/AAZ, AFOSI PJ,
and other DAF agencies designated by SAF/IG to develop an annual inspection plan/schedule for
SAF/IG approval no later than 15 December each year. With SAF/IG approval, the schedule may
be distributed to affected HAF agencies, informing them of projected inspection dates. SAF/IG
should make these inspections as minimally intrusive as possible. DAF staffs should voice
scheduling concerns with SAF/IGX as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary work stoppage due
to heavy work periods and known key staff absences.
13.8. Semi-Annual DAF SAP Inspection Working Group. Chaired by SAF/IGX; voting
membership is comprised of representatives from agencies listed in paragraph 13.3.5 of this
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 95
instruction. Invitations to attend may be extended to other non-voting agencies, upon SAF/IGX
approval. The working group meets in May and November annually (or as otherwise determined
by SAF/IGX). Topics of discussion should include:
13.8.1. Building, reviewing, and updating the 36-month schedule of inspections; corrections
to the schedule are approved by a simple majority of voting members.
13.8.2. Ensuring the schedule includes enterprise HAF offices, MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, and
13.8.3. Reprioritizing inspections, using RBSS and stakeholder feedback.
13.8.4. A review of self-assessments and inspection results/trends/corrective actions.
13.8.5. Discussion of any recommended/required changes to policy, guidance, and/or
13.8.6. Discussion of ways to improve SAP inspections and self-assessment programs.
13.9. DAF SAP Notification of Inspection. The SAF/IG inspection staff will plan activities
based on the SAF/IG-approved inspection plan. In general, the inspection notification process
occurs as follows:
13.9.1. Approximately 10-14 calendar days prior to an inspection, SAF/IG will send a
notification memorandum to the affected agency with detailed instructions included to assist
with pre-inspection requirements/deliverables. Although SAF/IG makes every effort to give
the inspected agency 10-14 calendar days notification of inspection, mission requirements and
inspector availability may drive a much shorter notification to the affected agency. SAF/IGX
must closely coordinate notifications with the inspected agency within 10 calendar days.
13.9.2. Approximately 3-4 calendar days prior to the inspection, SAF/IGX will provide the
inspected agency a list of inspectors to verify inspector clearance and access. If the inspection
is a directed no-notice inspection, the Team Chief will present the inspector roster upon team
arrival and the inspection commences immediately after verification of the roster.
13.10. DAF SAP Pre-Inspection Deliverables. Inspected organizations will send the following
items to the inspection Team Chief within 5 duty days of receiving notification of the inspection:
13.10.1. Mission Directive or other authoritative guidance.
13.10.2. Current self-assessment report to include results, status of deficiencies, corrective
actions, etc.
13.10.3. Any deviations and/or waivers to regulatory guidance the inspected agency is
operating under.
13.10.4. Status of any previous discrepancies/findings (from external audits, self-inspections,
evaluations, assessments, etc.).
13.10.5. Current Unit Personnel Roster or other authoritative document, listing the personnel
associated with SAP execution/management. Include the status of personnel not present during
the inspection (temporary duty, leave, sick, etc.).
13.10.6. Number of personnel in the inspected area accessed to SAPs.
13.10.7. Number of accountable items.
96 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
13.10.8. Number of classified/unclassified computers resident in the SAP Facility or
Temporary Secure Working Area.
13.10.9. Number of networks in each inspected area and level of authorized classification for
13.10.10. Other items of interest which may be listed in the notification of inspection.
13.11. The Inspection System DAF SAP Major Graded Areas.
13.11.1. Executing the mission. Primary mission (SAP Directive, Designed Operational Capability (DOC)
statement, or order). Air Force and Space Expeditionary Forces readiness (if applicable). Mission Assurance Command and Control. Perceived threats/hazards to the mission and preparation to meet them (e.g.,
budget, open press, re-vectoring, etc.). Control mechanisms in place/practiced (Security Classification Guides,
Memoranda of Understanding, Business Rules, Operating Instructions, etc.).
13.11.2. Leading people. Communication (vertical, horizontal and feedback). Discipline (culture of accountability, compliance, pride). Training (proficiency, team building). Professional and personal development of Airmen and Guardians. Quality of life engagement (climate and morale).
13.11.3. Management of resources. Assess adequacy and stewardship of: Manpower (stewardship, reporting of manning levels, readiness). Funds (budgetary decisions, cost-effective, accountability). Facilities (sustainability, asset management, maintenance). Guidance (access, published processes/standards, intent). Airmen and Guardian’s time (stability, predictability, balance).
13.11.4. Improving the unit. Strategic alignment with mission directive or other authoritative
document/guidance, including the SAP Annual Report. Process operations (critical processes, limiting factors). Robust self-assessment program. Data-driven decision (applicable, relevant metrics). CAPs and progress from previous inspections, audits, reports.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 97
13.12. Other Mandatory DAF SAP Inspection Areas. In addition to The Inspection System
MGAs, expect special emphasis on the following areas during each SAF, DAF,
MAJCOM/FLDCOM, FOA, and DRU SAP inspection:
13.12.1. Compliance with standards of SAP security.
13.12.2. Safeguards employed against potential for an insider threat.
13.12.3. Budget execution and fiduciary responsibility.
13.12.4. General knowledge of the SAP with which the person/agency is entrusted.
13.13. DAF SAP Inspection Process/Methodology.
13.13.1. Inspections consist of a thorough review of key documentation beginning with the
pre-inspection deliverable items.
13.13.2. The Team Chief will establish inspection team meeting times normally at the
beginning of each duty day, prior to/after lunch, and near the end of each duty day during
normal working hours to gather inspection findings and ensure appropriate inspection progress
and direction.
13.13.3. The Team Chief will provide a short in-brief describing the inspection process and
introducing inspection team members to the inspected agency/program leadership.
13.13.4. The inspected agency will provide a concise mission brief to the inspectors. The
inspected program’s leadership in-brief should be concise (generally limited to 30 minutes or
13.13.5. Once briefings are complete, inspectors will coordinate with inspected unit leadership
to ensure appropriate points of contact are available to assess MGAs and specific oversight
areas such as program acquisition functions, contract oversight, budget, legal requirements,
operations, and security (information protection, counterintelligence, and administration). The
Team Chief will meet with internal leadership to determine any requested items to include in
the inspection.
13.13.6. IG Sensing Sessions. Inspected agencies can expect inspectors to conduct individual
interviews. Commanders, directors, supervisors, and any others in the organization are advised
these interviews are protected communications between the individual being interviewed and
the inspector(s). As such, the individual(s) being interviewed are afforded the protections from
reprisal/retaliation IAW 10 USC §1034 and as defined in AFI 90-301. Do not attempt to
discuss the conversation between the inspector and the interviewee. IG Sensing Sessions-
Individual should be conducted with available DAF personnel until enough personnel are
contacted to assess appropriate inspection areas and unit personnel are afforded an opportunity
to speak with an accredited inspector.
13.13.7. Inspectors will assess customer satisfaction and responsiveness to stakeholders.
13.13.8. IGs will evaluate the USAP and documentation to ensure the inspected agency is
conducting continual evaluation essential to The Inspection System.
13.13.9. The Team Chief will brief overall inspection team findings to unit leadership at the
end of each inspection day. If potential significant and/or critical deficiencies are noted during
the inspection, the Team Chief will promptly brief unit leadership on the deficiency noted to
98 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
facilitate addressing the deficiency. This briefing may take place prior to normal end of day
leadership sessions at the discretion of the Team Chief.
13.13.10. At the conclusion of the inspection, the Team Chief will provide a verbal out-brief
to unit leadership regarding the initial findings of the inspection pending formal inspection
validation and report processing, review, and distribution. The Team Chief will debrief
pertinent issue(s) arising from the inspection to the commander at the inspected agency, as well
as the DAF oversight stakeholders as appropriate.
13.13.11. SAF/IGX will ensure SAF/IG receives summary notification of inspection
outcomes and in-person debriefs on matters identified during an inspection which require
SAF/IG visibility based upon inspection results.
13.14. DAF SAP Deficiencies. The inspection team will establish a validation process which
provides the inspected agency, or the organization owning the finding, the opportunity to clarify
and/or provide additional information in a timely manner for any potential deficiencies identified
during the inspection. The Team Chief (in coordination with the leader of the inspected agency)
will coordinate with the appropriate FAMs on critical and significant deficiencies identified during
the inspection.
13.15. DAF SAP Inspection Report. Inspectors will make every effort to write inspection
reports without specifically including SAP information. Reference SAP information only when it
is necessary for report inclusion to accurately document findings and inform SAP leadership of
corrective actions needed.
13.16. DAF SAP Inspection Follow-up. Re-inspections may occur for units receiving an overall
INEFFECTIVE rating based on coordination with SAF/AAZ, and SAF/IGI. IGs will only inspect
areas previously rated as INEFFECTIVE unless SAF/IG determines a full re-inspection is
warranted, or SAF/AAZ requests a full re-inspection.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 99
Chapter 14
14.1. General. While Expeditionary Units (e.g., deployed units, Air Expeditionary Wings, etc.)
operate under unique mission environments and no two are the same, The Inspection System can
enhance mission effectiveness using the following guidance to set expectations and facilitate The
Inspection System implementation.
14.2. Expeditionary Commander’s Inspection Program. Commanders are in the best position
to identify areas of highest risk to personnel and the mission. Commanders are responsible for
ensuring risk management decisions are properly communicated. At a minimum, expeditionary
commanders will implement the following areas of the CCIP:
14.2.1. A Unit Self-Assessment Program (USAP) to identify risk and validate readiness (T-
2). See Attachment 14. Use MICT IAW Chapter 2 of this instruction. Local checklists made available
in MICT can provide a means to ensure continuity and enable HHQ remote inspection
capabilities. The USAP should be accomplished annually.
14.2.2. Execute By-Law inspections on an annual basis for all assigned units. (T-1)
Expeditionary commanders should coordinate with the Combatant Numbered Air Force or
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG to determine which By-Law inspections are required.
14.2.3. Conduct unit inspections and exercises that enhance the mission. IG-led inspection and
exercise results will be populated in IGEMS or IGEMS-C. (T-3)
14.2.4. Conduct CIMB at least quarterly. (T-3)
14.3. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG Inspection of Expeditionary Units.
14.3.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and the commander of Air Force Forces and/or commander
of Space Force Forces will collaborate to determine the scope, scale, and frequency of external
14.3.2. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG should be cognizant of minimizing mission impact to
the Expeditionary Unit during the inspection. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will coordinate on-
site events with the inspected unit through the Gatekeeper process.
14.3.3. Pre-inspection surveys and on-site IG Sensing Sessions-Group are at the discretion of
the expeditionary commander.
14.3.4. The MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG will coordinate with the expeditionary commander to
determine inspection team size and requirements no later than 90 days prior to travel (on-site)
or inspection commencement (remote). As a general rule, plan for no more than 15 inspectors
for any on-site event.
14.4. Expeditionary Wing/Delta IG Training. IG training is vital to ensure the expertise
necessary to employ an effective expeditionary IG force with minimal training in the theater of
operations. In addition to the requirements in Attachment 11 of this instruction, deploying IG
personnel with no previous IG experience should complete wing/delta IG training at the home
100 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
station IG office, focusing on MICT, IGEMS, WIT management, CIMBs, and exercise
Lieutenant General, USAF
The Inspector General
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 101
Attachment 1
10 USC § 806, Judge Advocates and Legal Officers, 19 January 2023
10 USC § 8583, Requirement of Exemplary Conduct, 13 January 2021
10 USC § 9020, Inspector General, 5 January 2015
10 USC § 1034, Protected Communications, 19 January 2023
10 USC § 1102, Confidentiality of Medical Quality Assurance, 13 January 2021
32 USC § 105, Inspection, 19 January 2023EO 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, 4
December 1981
EO 13526, Classified National Security Information, 5 January 2010
National Defense Authorization Act FY2008, House Record 4986, Section 1662, Access of
Recovering Service Members to Adequate Outpatient Residential Facilities
CG-W-5, Joint Nuclear Weapons Classification Guide, 16 October 1995
CJCSI 3260.01F, (U) Joint Policy Governing Positive Control Material and Coded Control
Devices, 22 April 2015 (S)
CJCSI 3261.01C, (U) Recapture and Recovery of Nuclear Weapons, 31 January 2014 (S)
CJCSI 3263.05, Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections, 28 September 2020 March 2017
(Limited Releasability)
DoDD 3020.26, Department of Defense Continuity Policy, 14 February 2018
DoDD 3020.40, Mission Assurance (MA), 11 September 2018
DoDD 3150.02, DoD Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 31 August 2018
DoDD 5106.04, Defense Inspectors General, 29 May 2020
DoDD 5148.13, Intelligence Oversight, 26 April 2017
DoDD 5205.07, DoD Special Access Program Policy, 4 February 2020
DoDI 1000.04, Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), 12 November 2019
DoDI 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, 1 December 2017
DoDI 1300.24, Recovery Coordination Program (RCP), 1 December 2019
DoDI 1332.35, Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Military Personnel, 26 September 2019
DoDI 1350.02, DoD Military Equal Opportunity Program, 4 September 2020
DoDI 2200.01_AFI36-2921, Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP), 20 September 2019
DoDI 3020.52, DoD Installation Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High-Yield
Explosive (CBRNE) Preparedness Standards, 8 May 2017
DoDI 3020.45, Mission Assurance Construct, 5 May 2022
102 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
DoDI 4540.05, DoD Transportation of U.S. Nuclear Weapons, 31 August 2018DoDI 5200.48,
Controlled Unclassified Information, 6 March 2020
DoDI 5205.11, Management, Administration, and Oversight of DoD Special Access Programs
(SAPS), 4 February 2020
DoDI 5210.42, DoD Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Assurance, 27 April 2016DoDI
5210.88, Security Standards for Safeguarding Biological Select Agents and Toxins (BSAT), 26
May 2020
DoDI 5230.09, Clearance of DoD Information For Public Release, 25 January 2019
DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health Program, 21 April 2021
DoDI 6055.06, DoD Fire and Emergency Services Program, 3 October 2019
DoDI 6055.08, Occupational Ionizing Radiation Protection Program, 9 April 2021
DoDI 6055.17, DoD Emergency Management Program, 12 June 2019
DoDI 6495.02V1, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Procedures,
10 November 2021
DoDI 6495.03, Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program, 28 February 2020
DoDM 3150.2, DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Program Manual, 31 January 2014
DoDM 5105.21-V1, Sensitive Compartmented Information Administrative Security Manual:
Administration of Information and Information Systems Security, 6 October 2020
DoDM 5105.21-V2, Sensitive Compartmented Information Administrative Security Manual:
Administration of Physical Security, Visitor Control, and Technical Security, 2 November 2020
DoDM 5105.21-V3, Sensitive Compartmented Information Administrative Security Manual:
Administration of Personnel Security, Industrial Security, and Special Activities,
14 September 2020
DoDM5200.01V1_DAFMAN16-1404V1, DoD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification, 6 April 2022 DoDM5200.01V2_DAFMAN16-1404V2,
DoD Information Security Program: Marking of Classified Information, 7 January 2021
DoDM5200.01V3_DAFMAN16-1404V3, DoD Information Security Program: Protection of
Classified Information, 12 April 2022
DoDM 5210.42, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Regulation, 9 May
DoDM5210.42_AFMAN13-501, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), 19
September 2018
DoDM 5240.01, Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence Activities, 8 August
DoDM 6025.18, Implementation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule in DoD Health Care Programs, 13
March 2019
Department of Defense Joint Base Operations Guidance, 18 August 2022
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 103
DAFPD 90-3, Inspector General, 3 February 2021
DAFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program, 17 June 2021
DAFI 31-101, Integrated Defense (ID), 23 March 2022
DAFI 34-110, Warrior and Survivor Care, 25 January 2021
DAFI 34-160, Mortuary Affairs Program, 19 April 2022
DAFI 36-2710, Equal Opportunity Program, 18 June 2020
DAFI 36-3009, Military and Family Readiness Centers, 29 March 2021
DAFI 36-3107, Voting Assistance Program, 1 July 2021
DAFI 36-3802, Force Support Readiness Programs, 21 November 2021
DAFI 90-160, Publications and Forms Management, 14 April 2022
DAFI 90-5001, Integrated Resilience, 25 January 2019
DAFI 90-6001, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, 30 September 2022
DAFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 26 March 2020
DAFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 10 March 2021
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 April 2022
AFPD 10-25, Emergency Management, 23 April 2019
AFPD 16-7, Special Access Programs, 21 November 2017
AFPD 40-2, Radioactive Materials (Non-Nuclear Weapons), 19 June 2019
HAFMD 1-20, The Inspector General, 5 January 2021
AFI 1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities, 8 May 2014
AFI 10-201, Force Readiness Reporting, 23 June 2022
AFI 10-208, Air Force Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program, 10 October 2018
AFI 14-404, Intelligence Oversight, 3 September 2019
AFI 16-701, Management, Administration and Oversight of Special Access Programs, 18
February 2014
AFI 31-117, Arming and Use of Force By Air Force Personnel, 6 August 2023
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 28 July 2021
AFI 63-125, Nuclear Certification Program, 16 January 2020
AFI 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution, 28 December 2018
AFI 91-108, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Intrinsic Radiation and 91(B) Radioactive Material
Safety Program, 18 May 2020
AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 12 March 2020
Air Force Inspection System Classification Guide
104 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
USAF Master Materials License, License #42-23539-01AF, Docket #030-28641
Prescribed Forms
Adopted Forms
AF Form 2435, Load Training and Certification Document
DAF Form 679, Air Force Publication Compliance Item Waiver Request/Approval
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
NGB Form 113A, Report of Inspection for Federal Recognition (ANG)
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFDWAir Force District of Washington
AFIAAir Force Inspection Agency
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMDAir Force Mission Directive
AFMRAAir Force Medical Readiness Agency
AFOTECAir Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center
AFOSIAir Force Office of Special Investigations
AFPEO BESAir Force Program Executive Office Business and Enterprise Systems
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFSECAir Force Safety Center
ALARAAs Low As Reasonably Achievable
AMCAir Mobility Command
ANGAir National Guard
ANGRCAir National Guard Readiness Center
ARCAir Reserve Component, including both ANG and AFRC
C2Command and Control
CAPCorrective Action Plan
CCIR—Commander’s Inspection Report
CDDeputy Commander
CDOContested, Degraded and Operationally-Limited
CEContinual Evaluation
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 105
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CI2Continual Improvement and Innovation
CIICommand Interest Items
CIGIECouncil of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
CIMB—Commander’s Inspection Management Board
CJCSChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSIChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CMSCode Management System
C-NAFComponent-Numbered Air Force
CONPLANConcept Plan
CRAClassified Readiness Assessment
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
DAFIDepartment of the Air Force Instruction
DANGDirector, Air National Guard
DAFPDDepartment of the Air Force Policy Directive
DCAPESDeliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments
DELOther Space Deltas
DHADefense Health Agency
DIDirected Inspection
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DITDelta Inspection Team
DISADefense Information Systems Agency
DLADDefense Logistics Acquisition Directive
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DoDMDepartment of Defense Manual
DOCDesigned Operational Capability
DOEDepartment of Energy
DRRSDefense Readiness Reporting System
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
DTRADefense Threat Reduction Agency
EAPEmergency Action Procedures
106 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
EOExecutive Order
ESGExecutive Steering Group
FASCLASSFully Automated System for Classification
FAMFunctional Area Manager
FLDCOMField Command
FMFinancial Management
FOAField Operating Agency
FOIAFreedom of Information Act
GAOGovernment Accountability Office
GSUGeographically Separated Unit
HAFHeadquarters Air Force or Headquarters Department of the Air Force. Includes the
Secretariat, the Air Staff, and the Office of the Chief of Space Operations (Space Staff).
HHQHigher Headquarters
HQIHeadquarters Inspection
HQ USAFHAF, includes the Secretariat and the Air Staff
HAFMDHeadquarters Air Force Mission Directive
HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IGInspector General
IGEMSInspector General Evaluation Management System
IGSSInspector General Sensing Session
IGTCIG Training Course
IMSCInstallation and Mission Support Center
INSIInitial Nuclear Surety Inspections
JAJudge Advocate
JBOGJoint Base Operations Guidance
JCIDSJoint Capabilities Integration and Development System
JFHQJoint Force Headquarters
JMETLJoint Mission Essential Task Lists
JROCJoint Requirements Oversight Council
MAJCOMMajor Command
METMission Essential Task
METLMission Essential Task Listing
MGAMajor Graded Area
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 107
MICTManagement Internal Control Toolset
MACMission Assessment Category
MOAMemorandum of Agreement
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MRT-CMission Relevant Terrain Cyber
MTAMission Thread Assessment
NAFNumbered Air Force
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCOPNuclear Control Order Procedures
NDSNational Defense Strategy
NGBNational Guard Bureau
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NSINuclear Surety Inspection
NWTINuclear Weapons Technical Inspection
OAOperationally Accepted
OCROffice of Coordinating Responsibility
OPLANOperational Plan
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
OSDOffice of the Secretary of Defense
OT&EOrganize, Train, and Equip
OUROfficial Use Request
OVIOversight Inspection
PALPermissive Action Link
PHIProtected Health Information
POAPertinent Oversight Authority
PRAPPersonnel Reliability Assurance Program
PRPPersonnel Reliability Program
PRGProgram Review Group
RBSSRisk Based Sampling Strategy
REReadiness Exercise
REAPERReadiness Exercise Advanced Planning, Execution and Reporting
RegAFRegular Air Force
108 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
RIARecommended Improvement Area
RICRegulatory Information Conference
S2R4Scope, Scale, Rigor, Relevance, Recurrence, and Reporting
SAICSemi-Annual Inspection Council
SACSelf Assessment Checklist
SACFRAGOSelf-Assessment Checklist Fragmentary Order
SAFSecretary of the Air Force (Secretariat)
SAPSpecial Access Program
SAPCOSpecial Access Program Central Office
SAPMOSpecial Access Program Management Official
SAPRSexual Assault Prevention and Response
SAVStaff Assistance Visit
SBDSpace Base Delta
SEISpecial Interest Item
SIISpecial Interest Item
SLDSpace Launch Delta
SMESubject Matter Expert
SOESchedule of Events
TIGIIRSThe Inspector General Information and Inspection Reporting System
TPFDDTime Phased Force Deployment Data
TTPTactics, Techniques, and Procedures
UEIUnit Effectiveness Inspection
UJTLUniversal Joint Task Lists
USAFUnited States Air Force
USAFAUnited States Air Force Academy
USAFEUnited States Air Forces in Europe
USAPUnit Self-Assessment Program
USSPACECOMUnited States Space Command
USSFUnited States Space Force
UTCUnit Type Code
WIIWounded, Ill, and Injured
WITWing Inspection Team
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 109
Office Symbols
AF/A1MDirectorate of Manpower, Organization & Resources
AF/A10Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration
AF/A2/6Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Cyber Effects
AF/A3Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
AF/A4Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection
AF/JAThe Office of The Judge Advocate General
AF/SGThe Air Force Surgeon General
AFAA/FDZAir Force Audit Agency, Field Detachment Z
AFDW/IGAir Force District of Washington, Inspector General
AFIA/CCCommander, Air Force Inspection Agency
AFIA/IDAir Force Inspection Agency, Inspection Directorate
AFIA/ISAir Force Inspection Agency, Space Inspections Directorate
AFIA/NIAir Force Inspection Agency, Nuclear Inspections Directorate
AFIA/SGAir Force Inspection Agency, Air Force Inspection Agency Medical Operation
AFOSI PJAir Force Office of Special Investigations, Office of Special Projects
AFNWC/NTSAir Force Nuclear Weapons Center, Nuclear Technology Surety and
Certification Division
AFRC/IGAir Force Reserve Command, Inspector General
AFSEC/SEWAir Force Safety Center, Weapons Safety
AMC/IGAir Mobility Command, Inspector General
AFMRA/SG3OQAir Force Medical Readiness Agency, Operational Quality
CNGBChief, National Guard Bureau
CSAFChief of Staff of the Air Force
CSOChief of Space Operations
DIGDeputy Inspector General
NGB/A1MNational Guard Bureau, Division of Manpower, Organization and Resources
NGB/IGNational Guard Bureau, Inspector General
NGB/J1National Guard Bureau, Manpower and Personnel Directorate
OIGOffice of the Inspector General
SecAFSecretary of the Air Force
110 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
SAF/AAZSecretary of the Air Force, Special Program Oversight and Information Protection
SAF/AGThe Auditor General
SAF/AQAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
SAF/AQCAir Force Contracting
SAF/CNOffice of the Chief Information Officer
SAF/FMFDeputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Operations
SAF/IGSecretary of the Air Force, Inspector General
SAF/IGISecretary of the Air Force, Inspector General, Inspections Directorate
SAF/IGXSecretary of the Air Force, Inspector General, Special Investigations Directorate
SAF/MRAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SAF/SQAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration
TIGThe Inspector General
VCSAFVice Chief of Staff of the Air Force
VCSOVice Chief of Space Operations
AbuseIntentional wrongful or improper use of Department of the Air Force resources. Examples
include misuse of grade, position, or authority causing the loss or misuse of resources.
AirmanThe term Airman has historically been associated with uniformed members of the US
Air Force (officer or enlisted; Regular, Reserve, or Guard) regardless of grade, component, or
specialty. Today, Department of the Air Force civilians and members of the Civil Air Patrol, when
conducting missions for the USAF as the official USAF Auxiliary, are incorporated within the
broader meaning of the term when there is a need to communicate to a larger audience within the
Service, either for force development purposes or for clarity and inclusiveness by senior leaders
when addressing a larger body of personnel. All Airmen, military and civilian, support and defend
the Constitution of the United States and live by the Air Force core values. (Also see Guardian)
By-Law InspectionBy-Law inspections are specific program inspections required by higher-
than Department of the Air Force policy or authority (or as directed by SecAF/CSAF/CSO) and
result in a report signed by SAF/IG.
Capstone VisitThe final on-site inspection of the UEI cycle and the catalyst for generating a
UEI report.
Critical ComplianceSpecific areas/items that will be inspected due to their high-level interest
from DAF senior leaders, DoD and/or Congress. These areas/items, if not in compliance may:
- Result in serious injury or death of Airmen/Guardians.
- Result in damage to or loss of equipment or property.
- Impact Airmen/Guardians with increased DAF-level or higher interest.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 111
Continual EvaluationA meaningful and timely feedback mechanism primarily between
process owners, the chain of command, and Pertinent Oversight Authorities; the routine
monitoring of performance indicators; IGs may assist in the continual evaluation process.
Corrective Action PlanDocumentation used in quality management that outlines a set of steps
for addressing issues and gaps in business operations and processes that could negatively impact
the business. It describes the approach for resolving an issue that interferes with reaching company
DeficiencyAn inspection finding validated against established guidance by an IG. Depending
on the severity of the deficiency and the impact of the deficiency on the unit’s mission, a validated
deficiency will be categorized as either “CRITICAL”, SIGNIFICANT, or MINOR:
CRITICAL DeficiencyAny deficiency which results in (or could result in) widespread negative
mission impact or failure.
SIGNIFICANT DeficiencyA validated deficiency which has or could have negative mission
MINOR DeficiencyA deviation from guidance or standards; left uncorrected, the deficiency
may limit mission effectiveness.
DenialThe effect achieved by security systems and devices which prevent a potential intruder
or adversary from gaining access to a nuclear weapon.
DeviationAn acknowledged departure from established guidance.
Federal Recognition InspectionAn inspection to confirm the organized militia of a State meets
qualifications prescribed for the organization/composition of the ANG.
FindingAn identified difference between an existing condition and a commonly accepted
practice/condition; includes strengths, deficiencies, and RIAs.
FraudAny intentional deception to unlawfully deprive the Air Force of something of value or
to secure for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration not entitled.
Functional Area ManagerRefers to the organization accountable for the management and
oversight of personnel and equipment within a specific functional area to support operational
planning and execution.
GatekeeperMAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and wing/delta IG POCs who facilitate optimum
scheduling for inspections, evaluations, assessments, and other inspection-related visits (including
audits and inquiries) conducted by outside entities (Office of the IG, Department of Defense [OIG,
DoD]; Government Accountability Office [GAO], and others).
Gatekeeper ProcessThe process in which MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG and wing/delta IG POCs
facilitate optimum scheduling for inspections, evaluations, assessments, and other inspection-
related visits conducted by outside entities.
Gaining MAJCOMThe MAJCOM/FLDCOM responsible for inspecting an ANG unit.
GuardianThe term Guardian is the formal moniker when referring to members of the United
States Space Force. (Also see Airman)
112 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
IG InspectionAny IG-led effort to evaluate an organization, function, or process by any means
or method, including surveys, interviews, assessments, evaluations, exercises, and audits
(excluding audits conducted under the authority of the Secretary of the Air Force Auditor General
[SAF/AG] or Article 6 Inspections conducted under the authority of The Judge Advocate General
IN COMPLIANCEA rating which indicates a program complies with governing directives and
supports mission accomplishment despite any deficiencies.
IN COMPLIANCE WITH COMMENTSA rating which indicates a program complies with
most governing directives but does not meet some mission requirements due to deficiencies.
Initial Nuclear Surety Inspection—An inspection to evaluate a unit’s readiness to assume or
resume a nuclear mission, evaluate/certify new or significantly modified maintenance and storage
facilities, or significant changes to weapons systems or portions thereof.
InspectorA person assigned by the commander or IG to inspect IAW this instruction.
Key Work ProcessesLinked activities with the purpose of producing a stated output/outcome
(rarely operate in isolation and require evaluation in relation to other processes).
Limiting FactorA factor or condition which either temporarily or permanently impedes mission
Major Graded AreaKey processes, procedures, or requirements based on public law,
Executive Orders, DoD Directives, or Department of the Air Force policy.
Mission Thread AssessmentA CSO-directed, independent review of USSF capability to
organize, train and equip unit to execute specific space missions in a contested, degraded and
operationally-limited environment.
NOT IN COMPLIANCEA rating which indicates a program does not comply with key
elements of governing directives; deficiencies exist which may result in significant mission impact.
Nuclear Security Threat Capabilities AssessmentA Joint Intelligence Study of
capabilities/intentions of actors to gain unauthorized physical access to a nuclear weapon.
Nuclear-Capable UnitA unit/activity assigned responsibilities for employing, assembling,
maintaining, transporting, or storing nuclear weapons, associated components, and equipment.
Nuclear Mission AreaAny aspect of a unit which directly or indirectly supports a nuclear
mission and can be inspected IAW CJCSI 3263.05.
Nuclear Surety InspectionA compliance-based inspection conducted to evaluate a unit’s
ability to manage nuclear resources while complying with nuclear surety standards.
Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspection Chief InspectorThe MAJCOM IG or delegate (e.g.,
NSI Team Chief)
Nuclear Weapons Technical Surety Inspection OversightAn inspection conducted by DTRA
which provides the CJCS with an independent assessment of the MAJCOM IG’s ability to
adequately conduct a NSI.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 113
ObservationA non-validated negative finding or non-compliance found, observed, or identified
by a non-IG function during a self-assessment, a Staff Assistance Visit, or other continual
evaluation activity.
Official Use RequestA request to use a report for official purposes.
Pertinent Oversight AuthorityAn agency responsible for the management and oversight of a
program or functional area. Responsibilities can include managing and organizing personnel,
equipment, training, and policy (i.e., continual evaluation).
Readiness Exercises (RE)A Readiness Exercise (RE) is a practical evaluation to validate unit
readiness through performance-based observation of mission essential tasks (METs) as tasked by
a specific plan and reported on in DRRS.
Recommended Improvement AreaAn identified process, product, or capability which could
be improved by a suggested course of action.
Remote InspectionAn inspection conducted through the gathering and analysis of metrics,
reports, and other data without on-site inspection.
Repeat DeficiencyA condition recorded resulting from failure to comply with the same
guidance noted on a previous inspection of the same installation/unit.
RiskChance of adverse outcome or bad consequence, such as injury, illness, or loss. Risk level
is expressed in terms of hazard probability and severity.
Risk-Based Sampling StrategyA methodology employed to inspect areas deemed most-
important by commanders and POAs requiring an independent assessment by the IG.
Root Cause Analysis—A systematic process for identifying “root causes” of problems or events
and an approach for responding to them.
Self-Assessment Checklist (SAC) AuthorAny individual, or organization, that creates and
maintains an authorized SAC within MICT.
SimulationImitating essential features or capabilities as an aid to training or inspecting.
Special Interest ItemAn area of focus for management used to gather data and assess the status
of specific programs and conditions in the field.
StrengthAn area which far exceeds directives/mission requirements/expectations.
Staff Assistance VisitAny inspection, assessment, evaluation, review (etc.) of any program(s)
or unit(s) by a non-IG POA or functional SME, that is not already codified in Table A2.2 of this
Total Force AssociatesThe Associate Organization is the partner unit forming a TFA and
subordinate to the Associate MAJCOM. The associate organization shares the primary physical
resources assigned to the sponsor organization and may provide additional physical resources
necessary to support the shared mission. Associate organizations will vary from full or tailored
wings to groups, squadrons, and detachments, depending on the scope of the shared mission.
Gatekeepers, and Functional inspection team scheduling POCs who participate in the Air Force
114 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Inspection Scheduling Process are “trusted agents” for the Air Force Inspection Schedule. The IG
trusted agent system is designed to protect the minimum or no-notice aspect of the inspection.
Undetected Non-ComplianceCompliance and readiness shortfalls which result in undetected
mission risk and risk assumed at inappropriate levels.
Unit Effectiveness InspectionAn independent assessment of wing performance and
effectiveness which validates/verifies the wing’s CCIP.
WasteThe extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Department of the Air Force funds
or the consumption of DAF property which results from deficient practices, systems controls, or
White CellSMEs which act as exercise/inspection proctors who provide input and simulation
injects regarding environment, scenario and operational ability which keep the exercise/inspection
on course in an effort to measure a desired objective.
Wing/Delta Inspection TeamA team of SMEs which augment the IG staff while executing a
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 115
Attachment 2
A2.1. Wing/Delta Commander’s Inspection and Exercise Requirements. Table A2.1 outlines
mandatory commander’s Inspection Program inspection areas, including By-Laws and exercise
requirements. MAJCOM/FLDCOMs may supplement these requirements; credit for real world
events may be approved at the discretion of MAJCOM/FLDCOM commander, delegated no lower
than the MAJCOM/FLDCOM director, NAF commander, or Center commander/director.
Installation and wing/delta commanders will accomplish exercises listed in Table A2.1 at the
frequency prescribed in governing guidance but may determine the format of the exercise (except
where specified in Table A2.1 or governing guidance). (T-0) Exercise scenarios will evaluate the
ability to survive, respond to, recover from, and operate under realistic threat conditions and/or to
meet specific Combatant commander requirements in line with Attachment 7. (T-0) Exercise
planners should consider consolidating exercise requirements when feasible. Wings/deltas and
subordinate units will execute Readiness Exercises at frequencies prescribed by their
MAJCOM/FLDCOM to ensure highest levels of readiness. (T-1) Wing/delta commanders will
reference governing directives, supplemental guidance, or host/tenant MOU/MOA to determine
exercise and participation requirements. (T-1)
Table A2.1. Wing/Delta Commander’s Inspection and Exercise Requirements.
Special Inspector
By-Law Program Inspections
Trafficking in Persons
AFI 36-2921
Federal Voting
Assistance Program
(N/A for ARC)
DoDI 1000.4
DAFI 36-
DAFI 36-
Suicide Prevention
DAFI 90-
Transition Assistance
DAFI 36-
Equal Opportunity
DAFI 36-
116 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Sexual Assault
Prevention & Response
Volume 1;
DAFI 90-
To inspect case files
or Defense Sexual
Assault Incident
Database (DSAID),
inspectors are
required to be
Defense Sexual
Assault Advocate
Certified Program
certified as a Sexual
Assault Response
(SARC) and have
been granted access
to DSAID. (T-0)
Note: SAPR Level
2 is required
Intelligence Oversight
AFI 14-404
Wounded, Ill, and
DAFI 34-
AFI 90-302
DAFI 10-
Volume 1
FPCON Measures
Volume 2
Public Health
*integrated into EX1
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 117
*integrated into EX1
Continuity of
AFI 10-208
Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear
and High-Yield
Standard 4
DAFI 10-
*integrated into EX1
Readiness Exercise
AFI 10-201,
AFI 10-403,
AFI 90-302,
L, and/or
A2.2. DAF Inspection Scheduling Process. The purpose of the DAF Inspection Scheduling
Process (Gatekeeper) is to synchronize inspection efforts to maximize unit training days available
and inspection resource usage; build out-year schedules; and align non-Air Force and Space Force
inspection requirements listed in Table A2.2 with DAF inspection schedules.
A2.2.1. IGs will consolidate inspections to avoid redundancy. (T-2)
A2.2.2. Gatekeeper. Gatekeepers at all levels should ensure The Inspection System is able to
independently and efficiently inspect units on behalf of the command chain. Gatekeepers
ensure a commander’s priorities take precedence over non-mission-essential activities of any
unit/organization. Gatekeepers have the authority to approve or disapprove, schedule, de-
conflict, and eliminate duplication between inspection-type activities on behalf of the
commander unless exempted in paragraph A2.2.2.1 of this instruction.
A2.2.2.1. External visit points of contact should contact the MAJCOM/FLDCOM
Gatekeeper for scheduling coordination. Any outside agency seeking to conduct an
inspection not listed in Table A2.2 must contact the AFIA Gatekeeper for coordination.
Any outside agencies seeking to include an inspection in Table A2.2 must follow The
Inspection System Governance Process in Chapter 10. Gatekeepers cannot disapprove
Attachment 2 visits and instead should offer optimum timeframes or alternative de-
confliction from unit events. For ANG units, requestors will coordinate through NGB/IG.
A2.2.2.2. When scheduling inspections for installations with units gained by multiple
MAJCOM/FLDCOMs, MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will coordinate the inspection schedules
118 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
to conduct concurrent MAJCOM/FLDCOM inspections to the maximum extent
A2.2.2.3. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeepers will establish inspection schedules within
the MAJCOM/FLDCOM via the DAF Gatekeeper Program website, to include a projection
for the next 60 months.
A2.2.2.4. Unit commanders will provide real-world/exercise mission schedules through
the respective IG office to the MAJCOM/FLDCOM IG via the Gatekeeper site or approved
classified system via email within 60 calendar days of events and event details/schedules
30 days prior to the event. (T-2) This enables external agencies to appropriately schedule
and conduct inspections (e.g., on-site visits) throughout the course of the UEI cycle.
A2.2.2.5. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper functions include the ability to
establish/maintain situational awareness and to synchronize and de-conflict unit inspection
activity within the MAJCOM/FLDCOM. MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeepers also review
subordinate wing/delta inspection schedules via the DAF Gatekeeper Program website for
continual evaluation of inspections. Gatekeeping unit inspections may include tracking
organizations below the wing/delta-level, as needed. MAJCOM Gatekeepers will only
approve access/visibility to subordinate wing/deltas IAW MAJCOM/FLDCOM
commander guidance.
A2.2.2.6. Wing/delta Gatekeepers (in coordination with the MAJCOM Gatekeeper) will
de-conflict outside agency inspections/visits from the wing/delta inspection schedule. (T-
3) Review wing/delta flying, maintenance, and operation schedules and coordinate exercise
schedules with base agencies.
A2.2.2.7. If an inspecting authority is requesting access to an installation and the
inspection activity is not listed in Table A2.2 nor approved/requested by the wing/delta
commander. Wing/delta Gatekeepers will contact the MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper
and/or AFIA for assistance to either validate the inspection activity or deny access to the
installation. (T-1)
A2.2.2.8. For inspections and assessments listed in Table A2.2, verify timelines, approval
methods, and inspection authority.
A2.2.2.9. Safety considerations are of vital importance when conducting an inspection.
The IG and Safety staffs must closely coordinate their efforts to be mutually supportive in
meeting the commander’s intent. (T-1) The wing/delta safety office will coordinate annual
inspection/assessment schedules with the Gatekeeper for de-confliction with wing/delta
calendar events. (T-1). If high-priority scheduling conflicts occur in which the IG and
Safety staffs are unable to reach agreement, the commander will determine prioritization.
A2.2.3. Non-Air Force/Space Force Agency Access to Inspect. Any non-Air Force/Space
Force agency (DoD, DTRA, DISA, GAO, etc.) requesting access to an installation to conduct
inspection-type activities will contact AFIA and request liaison with the appropriate
MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeeper. Gatekeepers should make every effort to accommodate the
request while balancing the need to guard a unit’s calendar whitespace through synchronization
IAW commanders’ priorities. If unable to resolve the non-Air Force or Space Force agency
request, contact SAF/IGI for assistance. Civilian medical inspection agencies listed in Table
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 119
A2.2 will coordinate inspection schedules with trusted agents at Air Force Medical Readiness
Agency, Operational Quality (AFMRA/SG3OQ). AFMRA/SG3OQ coordinates directly with
AFIA and MAJCOM/FLDCOM Gatekeepers for scheduling for both notice and no-notice
A2.2.4. Non-IG Air Force or Space Force Inspection, Accreditation, and Certification Teams.
Commanders will ensure non-IG Air Force and Space Force inspection, accreditation, or
certification teams designate a scheduling point of contact via email to AFIA Gatekeeper
([email protected]). (T-2) The representative must have the authority to approve inspection
schedule changes on behalf of the inspecting entity. The scheduling point of contact will
synchronize each of these inspections, accreditations, or certifications through the appropriate-
level Gatekeeper.
A2.2.5. DAF Gatekeeper Site. MAJCOM/FLDCOM and wing/delta IGs will enter inspection
activities into the DAF Gatekeeper Site (the only authorized Gatekeeper system). (T-1)
A2.2.5.1. Access management. Administrators will provide access to the DAF
Gatekeeper Site to:
A2. MAJCOM/FLDCOM administrators (by AFIA).
A2. Wing/delta administrators (by MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs).
A2. Wing/delta users (by wing/delta IGs). (T-3)
A2.3. Authorized Inspections and Assessments. Table A2.2 contains the list of authorized
inspections at DAF installations, wings, and deltas, and includes non-DAF, statutory, certification,
accreditation, and technical survey inspections/visits.
Table A2.2. List of Authorized Inspections and Assessments.
Inspection Name
DAF Office(s) of Primary
Policy Reference(s)
Treaty Inspections
Conventional Forces in
Europe Treaty Inspection
CFE Treaty
Chemical Weapons
Convention Treaty
Chemical Weapons
New START Treaty
New START Treaty
Vienna Document 2011
Treaty Inspection
Vienna Document 2011
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Evaluate the quality and
patient experience of AF
residents in AF resident
Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical
Education, Policies and
120 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
AABB (Formerly American Association of Blood Banks)
Blood Bank Procedures
Code of Federal
Regulation 42, Part 493;
AFIP Pamphlet No. 40-
24; Public Law 100-
578; Social Security
Act; 42 U.S.C. 263a,
1302, and 1395hh
Air Force Blood Program
Blood Banking Procedures
21 Code of Federal
Regulation 200/600/800
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Certification for
possession, use, and
transfer of Biological
Select Agents and Toxins
42 Code of Federal
Regulation Part 73, 9
Code of Federal
Regulation Part 121; 7
Code of Federal
Regulation part 331;
DoDI 5210.89
Central United States Registry NATO Security Division
NATO Sub-registries,
Control Points, and
Communication Center
SAF/AA, Commander,
Headquarters United States
Air Forces in Europe-Air
Forces Africa
DoDD 5100.55
College of American Pathologists
Inspection of Laboratory
Functions and Processes
Code of Federal Reg 42,
Part 493; AFIP
Pamphlet No. 40-24
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
Deputy Disbursing Officer
(DDO) Site Visit
DoDD 5118.03, DoDD
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 121
Command Cyber
Readiness Inspection
DoDI 8500.01; DoDI
8500.02; CJCSI
Computer Network
Defense Service Provider
DoD O-8530.1-M
DoD O-8530.1; DoD O-
Performance Evaluation
DISA Circular 310-70-
DoDD 5105.19
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Automated Tank Gauge
DoD 4140.25-M Ch 8;
DESC-P-2 Para;
Cathodic Protection
AFH 32-1290; DESC-
P-12 AP1
Energy Oil Spill Response
Oil Pollution Act of
1990; DoDI 4140.25-M
Filter Separator
Inspections (American
Petroleum Institute (API)
DoDI 4140.25-M Ch 8;
IAW API 510 and
NFPA 30; 40 Code of
Federal Regulation 112;
40 Code of Federal
Regulation 280; UFC 3-
460-01; UFC 3-460-03
Fuel Tank Demolition
DoD 4140.25-M, Ch 8;
DESC-P-12, App 1
Installation Level Review
DoD 4140.25-M; DoDI
4165.14; DoDD
4165.06; UFC 3-460-
01; UFC 3-460-03; UFC
Pier Inspection (including
dredging and loading
DoD 4140.25-M Ch 8;
UFC 4-150-06; UFC 4-
150-07; UFC 4-150-08;
UFC 4-151-10;
NAVFAC MO-104.1;
NAVFAC MO-104.2;
1 & 2; UFC 3-460-01;
UFC 3-460-03; 33
122 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Pipeline Integrity
Inspection (API 570)
DoD 4140.25-M; UFC
3-460-1; UFC 3-460-3;
UFC 3-570-6; 40 Code
of Federal Regulation
112; API 570; API 574;
ASME B31.3
Rail Fuel Receipt Facility
DoD 4140.25-M;
Tank Inspections (API 653
and steel tank)
DoD 4140.25M; UFC-
3-460-3 Sect 10.3.3; 40;
Base Operating Support
Contract Inspection
DoD 4140.25-M;
Federal Acquisition
Regulation 45.1, DLAD
Defense Working Capital
Fund Financial Audit
OMB-123, DoD
4140.25-M; DLA
Energy P-7, DoD 7000-
14R; DLAI 5102
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
Balanced Survivability
DoDI 3000.08
Nuclear Weapons
Technical Inspection
DoDM 3150.02 DoD
Nuclear Weapon System
Safety Program
Manual, 31 January
2014; CJCSI 3263.05
Joint Mission Assurance
DoDD 3020.40
DoDI 3020.45
Advanced Cybersecurity
DoDI 3020.45
Integrated CBRN
Survivability and
Endurability Certification
and Assessment
Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board
DoD Explosives Safety
Management Program
DoDI 6055.16; DoDD
Department of Agriculture
Customs Border Clearance
Agency Program
DoD 4500.9R; ECI
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 123
Department of Labor (DOL) or State OSHA Equivalent
Investigation of DoD
Working Conditions
DoDI 6055.1; EO
Department of State
Passport Facility
20 USC § 211a;
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Proper Handling of
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EPA Inspections (Federal
and State)
Code of Federal
Regulation Titles § 33,
40, and 42
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Air Traffic Control
Facilities Evaluation
FAA Order 7610.4
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
National Bridge Inspection
23 Code of Federal
Regulation 650.307;
DoD Unified Facility
Criteria (UFC) 3-310-08
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Licensure and Registration
of Blood Banks
21 Code of Federal
Regulation Parts § 200,
600, 800
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Budget & Accounting
Acts of 1921 & 1950;
Legislative Reorg Act
of 1970; Congressional
Budget & Impoundment
Control Act of 1974;
GAO Acts of
1974/1980; DoDI
7650.01; Air Force
Policy Directive 65-3;
OMB Cir A-50
Health and Human Services
Compliance with Patient
Privacy Information
42 USC § 1320a-1320d-
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
124 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Information Security
Oversight Office
EOs 13526 & 13556
Joint Fire Support Executive Steering Committee
Joint Terminal Attack
Controller Training
01 JTAC (Ground)
Joint Forward Air
Controller (Airborne)
Training Standardization
JCAS AP MOA 2004-2
Joint Forward Air
Controller (Airborne)
Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA)
Survival, Evasion,
Resistance and Escape
Oversight Evaluation
DoDI O-3002.05;
DoDD 3002.1; CJCSM
3500.09; CJCSM
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Records Management
44 U.S.C. 2904(c)(7)
and 2906
National Guard Bureau (NGB)
Federal Recognition
Inspection (ANG only)
DoDD 5105.77
Chemical, Biological,
Nuclear, and High-Yield
Explosives Enhanced
Response Force Package
Standardization and
Evaluation Team
NGR 500-4
Intelligence Oversight
CNGBI 007.01A
National Security Agency (NSA)
Communications Security
CNSSI 4005
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
Alert Force Operational
Assessment (AFOA)
CONR-1AF; Instruction
Alert Force Evaluations
NNCI 90-3
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 125
Master Materiel License
and Radioactive Material
Permit Inspections
10 Code of Federal
Regulation § 30.52
Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
Personal Property
Shipping Office
Defense Transportation
Office of the IG, Department of Defense (OIG, DoD)
OIG, DoD Audits and
External Quality Control
Peer Reviews
DoDD 5106.01; DoDI
7600.02; DoDM
7600.07, AFPD 65-3
Army Air Force Exchange
Service IG Inspection
DoDD 5106.01; DoDD
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Air Force Civilian Hiring
10 U.S.C. Ch 803; 5
U.S.C. § 301 and 302;
DoDD 1400.25; AFPD
36-1; AFI 36-102
The Human Capital
Framework (HCF)
a. Installation-level
b. Delegated
Examining Units
250.203(2)(v), DoDI
1400.25- V250, AFI 36-
Agreed-Upon Procedures
for Reviewing Annual FY
Civ Payroll Withholding
Data & Enrollment
OMB Bulletin 17-03
The Joint Commission (The Joint Commission)
Inpatient and Outpatient
Healthcare Accreditation
AFMD1-48, A1.29,
Small Business Administration (SBA)
SBA Surveillance Review
Federal Acquisition
19.402(c)(5); Small
Business Act Section 15
AF/A1 (Manpower, Personnel and Services)
126 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Child and Youth Program
Public Laws 101-
189,104-106; DoDI
6060.2; DoDI 6060.3/
6060.4; AFI 34-144
Council on Accreditation
Military Child Care Act
of 1989/1996 Public
Laws 101-189 & 104-
106; DoDI 6060.02
National Association for
the Education of Young
Military Child Care Act
of 1989/1996; Public
Laws 101-189 and 104-
106; DoDI 6060.2; AFI
AF/A3 (Operations)
Mission Assurance
Assessment (formerly
Critical Asset Risk
Public Law 110-417,
Sec 903; 10 USC §
2228; DoDI 3020.45
Operations Security
(Operational Security)
External Threat-based
DoDD 5205.02; DoDM
AF/A4 (Logistics, Installations and Mission Support)
Air Force Structural
Management Assessments
(Corrosion, NDI,
Composite, Coating
DoDD3020.40; DoDI
Corrosion Surveys
Public Law 110-417,
Sec 903; 10 USC §
2228; DoDI 5000.67
HHQ Vulnerability
DoDI 2000.16 Vol 1
Statutory Inspections, Assessments, and Audits
Air Force Audit Agency
Army Air Force Exchange
Service - Quadrennial
Joint Inspection
DoDD 5106.01: DoDD
5106.4, AR 215-1; AFI
34-211 (I)
Article 6 Inspection (JAI)
10 USC §806; 10 USC
§ 8037
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 127
Facility Condition
EO 13327; DoDI
Initial Nuclear Surety
Inspection (Initial Nuclear
Surety Inspection)
CJCSI 3263.05;
HAFMD 1-20
Unit Effectiveness
10 USC § 8020
Nuclear Surety Inspection
DoD Instruction 3150.2-
M; CJCSI 3263.05
Nuclear Surety Inspection
DoDI 3150.2-M; CJCSI
Public Accountant
Contract Audits of Non-
Appropriated Fund
DoDI 7600.02; DoDI
Radioactive Material
Permit (Unannounced)
Sexual Assault Prevention
and Response &
Administration of Focus
Public Law 109-364,
120 STAT. 2205
Special Access Programs
DoDD 5205.07; DoDI
Supreme HQ Allied
Powers Europe
(SHAPE) Tactical
Evaluation Manual
Environmental Impact
Analysis Process impact
statements and
40 CFR 1500-1508, 32
Code of Federal
Regulation Part 989
Mission Sustainment Risk
DoDI 3200.21; Supp
Guidance for
Joint Bases
Air Installation
Compatible Use Zones
DoDI 4165.57
Pest Management Program
DoDI 4165.57
Energy Resilience
Readiness Exercise
10 USC § 2920
DAFI 90-1701
128 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Total Force Association
Health Assessment
Certification/Accreditation/Technical Survey
Airfield Pavement
Boiler Inspection
40 Code of Federal
Regulation Part 63;
Community College of
the Air Force, A part of
Air University, accredited
by the Southern
Association of Colleges
and Schools Commission
on Colleges
10 USC § 9415; DoDI
1322.25; DoDI 1322.33;
AFI 36-
Administration of
Information and
Information System
DoDM 5105.21-V1, V2,
Qualification Programs
(flying check rides only)
AFI 11-202 V2
AFI 10-706
Commission on Fire
Accreditation International
DoDI 6055.06
Metrology & Calibration
Technical Order 00-20-
Airfield Operations
External Compliance
AF/A3 (delegated to
FAA Order 7610.4,
FAA Order 7110.65,
FAAO 8200.1, AFMAN
13-204v1-4, DAFI 13-
A2.4. Staff Assistance Visits (SAV). The SAV is a non-IG visit conducted by Pertinent Oversight
Authorities (POAs) and/or functional subject matter experts (SMEs).
A2.4.1. SAVs may be requested by any organization but must be coordinated through the
appropriate Gatekeeper. (T-1) Additionally, organizations may request assistance from peer
organization SMEs. A HHQ Functional staff may conduct a SAV of an organization; however,
the visit must be approved by the inspected commander (or higher authority within the
inspected commander’s chain of command) and coordinated through the Gatekeeper process.
A2.4.2. The SAV is NOT an inspection and should not be treated as such by either the team
members or the unit being assisted. The unit should not use a SAV (or any other type of
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 129
Functional visit) as a tool to prepare for an IG inspection. A SAV should not be scheduled
within 180 days of an IG inspection. IGs will not use SAVs to credit inspection events. (T-2)
A2.4.3. Functional SAV guidance found in directive publications should not direct the use of
SAVs on a regular or recurring basis.
A2.4.4. Purpose:
A2.4.4.1. The SAV may help a unit better understand the intent of higher headquarters
policy and allow POAs an opportunity to provide training to the unit. If a commander or
POA have concerns with a specific program, within a specific unit, that may warrant
outside assistance to resolve the issue a SAV should be considered.
A2.4.4.2. The SAV team lead will provide the inspected organization’s commander an in-
brief and an out-brief.
A2.4.4.3. At a minimum, the in-brief will include written documentation of the following:
A2.4.4.4. Overarching intent.
A2.4.4.5. Specific objectives to be achieved by the SAV.
A2.4.4.6. SAV team “rules of engagement.”
A2.4.4.7. Anticipated time on station for the SAV.
A2.4.4.8. SAV Team Chief name and contact information.
A2.4.4.9. List of SAV team members.
A2.4.4.10. List of SAV team support requirements.
A2.4.4.11. At a minimum, the out-brief will include written documentation of the
A2.4.4.12. Areas assessed during the SAV.
A2.4.4.13. List of observations and findings. Should commanders choose to document
findings as deficiencies in IGEMS, comply with guidance in Chapter 9 and Attachment
9 of this publication.
130 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Attachment 3
A3.1. Inspection Requirements. Air Force Inspection Requirements (located on the SAF/IGI
site below) contains AF-identified inspection requirements which indicate areas of
highest risk where undetected non-compliance puts Airmen, commanders, the Department of the
Air Force, or our nation at significant risk. Air Force Inspection Requirements can be found on
the SAF/IGI SharePoint
under the DAFI 90-302” tab
( HAF FAMs may
submit changes to Air Force Inspection Requirements via The Inspection System Governance
Process, or through recurring taskers generated by SAF/IGI.
A3.2. Risk-Based Sampling Strategy. Inspect items in Air Force Inspection Requirements either
remotely or on-site during each UEI cycle; this should include validation/verification of wing IG
inspection results.
A3.3. Supplemental Guidance. MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs may supplement Air Force Inspection
Requirements with command unique items; however, MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs will not duplicate
or create items that overlap items in Air Force Inspection Requirements. MAJCOMs/FLDCOMs
will coordinate supplements to Air Force Inspection Requirements with SAF/IGI & AFIA/ET to
assess analysis and IGEMS impacts. (T-1)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 131
Attachment 4
A4.1. Inspection Requirements. Performance is assessed against the Major Graded Areas
(MGAs) derived from AFI 1-2, Commander’s Responsibilities, the effectiveness of the
commander’s self-assessment program, functional evaluations, and how well the unit is prepared
to support/execute/enable CDO operations or combat operations. Space Force Inspection
Requirements, can be found on the SAF/IGI SharePoint
under the DAFI 90-302” tab
( DAF FAMs may
submit changes to Space Force Inspection Requirements via The Inspection System Governance
Process, or through recurring taskers generated by SAF/IGI.
A4.2. Risk-Based Sampling Strategy. Inspect items in Space Force Inspection Requirements
either remotely or on-site during each UEI cycle; this should include validation/verification of
Delta IG inspection results.
A4.3. Supplemental Guidance. FLDCOMs may supplement Space Force Inspection
Requirements. with command unique items. However, FLDCOMs will not duplicate or create
items that overlap with items in Space Force Inspection Requirements. FLDCOMs will coordinate
supplements to Space Force Inspection Requirements with SAF/IGI & AFIA/ET to assess policy,
analysis and TIGIIRS impacts. (T-1)
A4.3.1. USSF units will be assessed utilizing USSF Attachment 4 under the following
Installation priority levels:
A4.3.1.1. USSF Attachment 4 Priority Level 1. Combat enabling unit/mission deemed
mission critical to the success of the assessed space mission area. Failure of this unit to
effectively execute its mission could impact the operational readiness of delivering space
combat power and national capabilities under CDO conditions and could result in serious
mission degradation to the Joint Force. All areas identified as Priority Level 1 will be
inspected by FLDCOM IGs during the course of the cycle.
A4.3.1.2. USSF Attachment 4 Priority Level 2. Combat-enabling unit/mission deemed
mission supporting to the success of the assessed space mission area. Failure of this unit to
effectively execute its mission could impact the operational readiness of delivering space
combat power and national capabilities under CDO conditions and could result in mission
degradation to the Joint Force. All areas identified as Priority Level 2 will be inspected by
FLDCOM IG during the course of the inspection cycle. FLDCOM IGs will validate
required Priority Level 2 items were accomplished as required during the inspection cycle.
A4.3.1.3. USSF Attachment 4 Priority Level 3. Combat enabling unit/mission deemed
mission enhancing to the success of the assessed space mission area. Failure of this unit to
effectively execute its mission could impact the operational readiness of delivering space
combat power and national capabilities under CDO conditions and could result in minimal
mission impact. All areas identified as Priority Level 3 will be inspected and reported on
by the installation level IG during the inspection cycle. FLDCOM IG will validate required
Priority Level 3 items were accomplished as required during CCIP review.
132 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Attachment 5
A5.1. NSI Remote Inspection Eligible Items. NSI Remote Inspection Eligible Items, (located on
the SAF/IGI SharePoint
site below), contains NSI elements and specific products/deliverables
which the MAJCOM may inspect remotely IAW paragraphs and NSI Remote
Inspection Eligible Items can be found on the SAF/IGI SharePoint
under the “DAFI 90-302” tab
( HAF FAMs may
submit changes to NSI Remote Inspection Eligible Items via The Inspection System Governance
Process, or through recurring taskers generated by SAF/IG.
A5.2. Technical Operations and Task Evaluations Briefing Guide. For technical operations
and task evaluations, the MAJCOM IGs, at a minimum, will use the Technical Operations and
Task Evaluations Briefing Guide located on the SAF/IGI SharePoint
under the DAFI 90-302”
Tab (
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 133
Attachment 6
Figure A6.1. Notional Host Wing/Delta Template.
Inspector General (87G)
Directs Commander’s Inspection Program
Direct Complaints Resolution Programs
Certifies Inspectors
Inspector General
Superintendent (8I000)
Senior Enlisted Advisor for IG
Coordinates IG manning
Provides oversight for inspections, complaints, Unit
Self-Assessments, and the WIT
Director Complaints Resolution
Analyzes/investigates IG complaints
Assists with elements of the CCIP
Director Inspections (87I)
Manages CCIP
Trains Inspectors
Assists with elements of Complaints Resolution
Inspection Team Manager
Independently assesses unit performance
Validates/verifies USAP results
Synchronizes White Cell requirements
Inspection Scheduler
Builds annual unit inspection schedule
Develops exercise scenarios
Performs unit Gatekeeper functions
Assists in Complaints Resolution
USAP Manager
Administers unit MICT and IGEMS
Manages USAP
Monitors unit deficiencies and facilitates closure
134 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Inspector (8I100)
Trained, certified, and oathed inspector
Executes unit inspections
Note: Wing/delta Commanders may modify this template based on mission, available
manpower, prioritization, and/or HHQ direction.
Figure A6.2. Notional Tenant Wing/Delta Template.
Inspector General (87G)
Directs Commander’s Inspection Program
Direct Complaints Resolution Programs
Certifies Inspectors
Inspector General
Superintendent (8I000)
Senior Enlisted Advisor for IG
Coordinates IG manning
Provides oversight for inspections, complaints, Unit
Self-Assessments, and the WIT
Director Inspections (87I)
Manages CCIP
Trains Inspectors
Assists with elements of Complaints Resolution
USAP Manager
Administers unit MICT and IGEMS
Manages USAP
Monitors unit deficiencies and facilitates closure
Inspector (8I100)
Trained, certified, and oathed inspector
Executes unit inspections
Note: Wing/delta commanders may modify this template based on mission, available
manpower, prioritization, and/or HHQ direction.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 135
Attachment 7
A7.1. Inspection Requirements. Readiness Exercise Inspection Requirements and Methodology
can be found on the SAF/IGI SharePoint
under the DAFI 90-302” tab
( Changes to
Attachment 7 may be submitted via the Department of the Air Force Form 847, Recommendation
for Change of Publication, advocated through The Inspection System Governance Process, or
through recurring taskers generated by SAF/IGI.
A7.2. Component-Numbered Air Force (C-NAF) Readiness Exercises:
A7.2.1. C-NAF Readiness Exercises assess the ability of the assigned AOC, Air Force Forces
staff, commander’s support staff, and other assigned specialty teams to survive and operate in
contested and/or degraded environments.
A7.2.1.1. MAJCOM/FLDCOM/IGs evaluate assigned C-NAFs. In addition to
requirements established in paragraph of this instruction, C-NAF Readiness
Exercises should include an evaluation of the following areas:
A7. Crisis Action Planning
A7. Deployment, Reception and Readiness Management
A7. Exercise Planning and Execution
A7. Theater Security Cooperation
A7. C-NAF Training
A7. Commander’s Special Staff Support
A7. Joint Air, Space, and Cyberspace Operations
A7. Joint Air Operations Planning
A7. Support to the Joint Force
A7. Strategy
A7. Operations
A7. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
A7. Mobility
A7. Special Teams/Support Functions
A7. Service Component Responsibilities
A7. Personnel
A7. Logistics
A7. Plans and Requirements
A7. Communications
A7. Installations and Mission Support
136 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
A7. Mission sustainment and mission capability restoration
A7. Threat and Security Protection
A7. Force Sustainability
A7. Information and Cyber Security
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 137
Attachment 8
A8.1. Wounded, Ill, and Injured Facility Inspections. Airmen/Guardians who have been
wounded, are ill, and/or are suffering from an illness that prevents them from providing support to
dependent family members may be admitted to a Wounded, Ill, and Injured Facility. Installation
Inspectors General are responsible for inspecting those facilities. Wounded, Ill, and Injured
Facility Inspections ensure support for Recovering Service Members and their families IAW DoDI
1300.24. (T-0) To ensure compliance with DoD standards, commanders and inspectors will use
the checklist at the end of this attachment (see Table A8.1) when performing the Wounded, Ill,
and Injured inspection. (T-0)
A8.1.1. Notification of Inspection Requirement. Notification of inspection requirement
Department of the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Recovery Care Coordinators will
provide monthly updates on Recovering Service Members to installation IGs no later than the
15th of each month. (T-1) IG Team Chiefs will ensure the DAF Wounded, Ill, and Injured
site is updated no later than the last duty day of the month until all actions are
completed and/or the members are no longer in the program. (T-1).
A8.1.2. Pre-Occupancy Inspection. Commanders are ultimately responsible for ensuring
appropriate steps are taken to meet member needs. The goal is to ensure individual
government-owned housing units (on-base housing units, dormitory rooms, and Temporary
Lodging Facilities) meet needs based upon the Recovering Service Member’s medical
condition(s). Upon notification, the Recovering Service Member’s commander will perform
a pre-occupancy inspection of the residence. If the Airman/Guardian physically occupies the
facility prior to receiving Recovering Service Member status (or the notification of occupancy
does not allow time for a pre-occupancy inspection), the commander will perform an
inspection of the residence as soon as possible. (T-0) Additional personnel may accompany
the commander on the pre-occupancy inspection (First Sergeant, Civil Engineering squadron
commander, housing/dorm manager, Recovery Care Coordinator, etc.). Commanders will
submit a copy of the completed checklist (Table A8.1) and documentation addressing
deficiencies to the IG Team Chief upon arrival for the follow-up inspection. (T-0)
A8.1.3. Inspection Process. IG Teams will conduct Recovering Service Member residence
inspections using inspection criteria outlined in Table A8.1. (T-0) For those Recovering
Service Members not requiring living quarters modification, paragraph A8.1.5 still applies.
Once an inspection has been scheduled, the IG Team Chief will send an inspection notification
memo to the Installation commander and Recovering Service Member’s wing/delta (or
equivalent) commander (if different than the Installation commander). (T-1) IG-led inspection
requirements include an initial inspection no later than 90 calendar days from validation and
annually from the initial inspection date of the government-provided housing facility for as
long as the recovering Airman/Guardian is in Recovering Service Member status and resides
in government-provided housing. Commanders will inspect deficient residencies at a minimum
of once every 180 calendar days until the deficiency is corrected. (T-1)
A8.1.4. Contracted and Privatized Housing Management. If housing is privatized or managed
by contracted personnel, the wing/delta IG and installation leadership should work with the
responsible contracting office to ensure the inspection takes place in a timely manner.
138 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
A8.1.5. Personal Interview. The IG Team Chief will also complete a formal one-on-one
interview (in-person or virtually) with the Recovering Service Member to ensure the owning
installation leadership is providing necessary facility modification based upon the Recovering
Service Member’s medical condition. (T-1) This interview should be documented in the WII
report in IGEMS. The Recovering Service Member’s family members are encouraged to
participate if requested by the Recovering Service Member.
A8.1.6. Joint Base Housing Facility Inspections. Regardless of which Service
"owns/manages" the government-provided housing, DAF inspectors will inspect housing
occupied by Airmen/Guardians; other Services may inspect IAW respective policy. (T-1)
There is no requirement to inspect quarters already identified/certified as DoD compliant for
Recovering Service Member (e.g., Fisher House, Malone House). Although most Americans
with Disabilities Act-compliant quarters meet DoD standards for Recovering Service
Members, the IG Team Chief will interview (in-person or virtually) Recovering Service
Members to ensure quarters are sufficient and needs are being met. (T-1)
A8.1.7. Final Report Disposition. The IG Team Chief will forward copies of the final report
(with a cover letter identifying the member by rank/name only) to the Installation commander,
member’s wing/delta commander (if different than the Installation commander), and the
commander of the affiliated Military Treatment Facility no later than 10 duty days from
finalization of the report. (T-1) The IG Team Chief will ensure the Wounded, Ill, and Injured
point of contact updates the inspection status on the DAF Wounded, Ill, and Injured
site. (T-1)
A8.1.8. Inspection Checklist. The inspection checklist in IGEMS is designed for a
combination of interview, physical inspection, and documentation review. Execute the
checklist at the location to be inspected with the Recovering Service Member, Recovery Care
Coordinator, and base housing facility representative present. The primary point of contact for
scheduling the inspection should be the Recovery Care Manager. When possible, the inspector
should review applicable documents (e.g., Pre-Occupancy Inspection checklist with associated
documents, pending work orders on the housing facility, work orders executed within the past
6 months, asbestos documentation, lead paint documentation, pest control
documentation/procedures, mold documentation, etc.) prior to the inspection. The housing
facility representative may bring applicable documents to the inspection. Rate inspected areas
Table A8.1. Air Force Wounded, Ill, and Injured Residence Inspection Checklist.
Air Force Wounded, Ill and Injured Residence Inspection Checklist
Office of
Facility Condition
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 139
Is the building envelope (i.e., roof,
exterior walls, windows, etc.) free
of leaks?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Does the HVAC system maintain a
constant temperature in the facility?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Is the electrical system in working
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Has the electrical system been
modified (or does it comply) to meet
the special needs of the patient as
determined by the case manager and
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Is the plumbing system in working
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Has the plumbing system been
modified (or does it comply) to meet
the special needs of the patient as
determined by the case manager and
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Does the facility have any open
Life/Fire Safety issues?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Has the safety system been modified
(or does it comply) to meet the special
needs of the patient as determined by
the case manager and patient?
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Does the facility have mold?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Does the facility have asbestos?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
140 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Does the facility have lead-based paint?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 1
Is the overall facility appropriate for
the special needs of the patient as
determined by the case manager and
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Does the kitchen meet or exceed the
standard for the type of
accommodation provided?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 2
Has the kitchen been modified (or
does it comply) to meet the special
needs of the patient as determined
by the case manager and patient?
Are appliances within acceptable
Are shelves/counters within
acceptable reach?
Are the floors clear of
Does area offer unimpeded
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Laundry Facilities
Does the facility have laundry facilities?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 3
Have government-owned washer/dryer
been provided if the facility only has
laundry hook- ups?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 3
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 141
Has the laundry been modified (or
does it comply) to meet the special
needs of the patient as determined
by the case manager and patient?
Are appliances within acceptable
Are shelves/counters within
acceptable reach?
Are the floors clear of
Does area offer unimpeded
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Have loaner furnishings been
provided if required?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 4
Does the facility have a
television with cable/satellite
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 5
Does the facility have a computer
with an internet connection?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 5
Does the facility have a telephone
with at least a minimum local
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 5
Have the electronic support systems
been modified (or do they comply) to
meet the special needs of the patient
as determined by the case manager
and patient?
Take into account length of
rehabilitation period when viewing
inclusion of additional electronic
equipment (i.e., stereo, video game
player, etc.)
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 5
Housekeeping/Pest Management
142 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Does the facility have a regularly
scheduled waste removal service?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 6
Does the facility have housekeeping
services if required by patient?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 8, para 8
Has the facility been
inspected/treated for pests?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 6
Does the facility have a bio-
hazard waste removal service if
required by patient?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 8, para 8
Landscaping, Grounds
Maintenance and Parking
Have provisions been made to
maintain the facility grounds (i.e., in-
house or by contract)?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 7
Does the facility have adequate parking?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 7
Does facility parking comply with the
special needs of the patient as
determined by the case manager and
Are designated parking spots
available for patient and care
provider (if needed)?
Is parking within acceptable
distance to facility?
Does area offer unimpeded
OSD Guidance
Ltr, Sec 8, para
Has the facility been added to
the snow removal plan?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 7
Physical Security
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 143
Does the facility have adequate
interior security (i.e., locks on
doors, latches on windows,
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 8
Does the facility have adequate
interior and exterior lighting, to
include parking area?
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 8
Other Areas
Has the bathroom been modified (or
does it comply) to meet the special
needs of the patient as determined
by the case manager and patient?
Are shelves/counters within
acceptable reach?
Are the floors clear of
Does area offer unimpeded
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Has the bedroom been modified (or
does it comply) with the special needs
of the patient as determined by the
case manager and patient?
Are shelves/counters within
acceptable reach?
Are the floors clear of
Does area offer unimpeded
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Has the facility entrance/egress been
modified (or does it comply) to meet
the special needs of the patient as
determined by the case manager and
Ltr, Sec 8,
para 1-13
Proximity to Treatment
Does the proximity of the housing
facility to the outpatient treatment
facility meet the special needs of the
patient as determined by the case
manager and patient?
OSD Guidance
Ltr, Sec 8, para
144 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Is adequate and accessible
transportation to the outpatient
treatment facility and other services
provided if patient does not have
personal mode of transport?
OSD Guidance
Ltr, Sec 8, para
Building Maintenance and
Housekeeping Requests
Has the base established an effective
mechanism for requesting
maintenance and housekeeping
Guidance Ltr,
Sec 7, para 9
Pre-Occupancy Inspection
Was the Pre-Occupancy Inspection
conducted by the commander or
designated representative?
DAFI 90-302,
para A8.1.2.
Have deficiencies annotated on the
Pre- Occupancy Inspection been
adequately addressed?
DAFI 90-302,
para A8.1.2.
Were any deficiencies from the Pre-
Occupancy Inspection discovered on
the IG inspection (repeat
DAFI 90-302,
para A8.1.2.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 145
Attachment 9
Table A9.1. Deficiency Cause Codes and Explanations.
Deficiency Cause Code Sub-Categories
Tools (EQ)
Adequacy of equipment/tools considered causal factor of deficiency.
EQ1: Equipment reliability (e.g., inadequate equipment maintenance, equipment
defect or design flaw)
EQ2: Inadequate/Unavailable equipment (not resource driven)
EQ3: Equipment/Tool Accountability inadequate
Guidance is considered a causal factor in the deficiency. If GD code is used,
provide specific guidance cited and select GD4 or GD5 in addition to GD1, GD2
or GD3 as appropriate.
GD1: Guidance used was inadequate or not available
GD2: Guidance used conflicted with other approved guidance
GD3: Guidance used was obsolete or not approved
GD4: Inspected unit guidance (wing or below)
GD5: Other than inspected unit guidance
Leadership or supervision considered a causal factor in the deficiency.
LS1: Supervisor/leadership involvement insufficient. Define levels (e.g.,
team/flight chief, Squadron (SQ), Group (GP), Wing (WG) or HHQ)
LS2: Ineffective communication
LS3: Decision-making process ineffective (Risk Management)
Work Environment
LS4: Workforce effectiveness limited by existing human relations climate
LS5: Physical working conditions not conducive to productivity
LS6: Ops Tempo/Workload
Use of Resources
LS7: Unit incorrectly prioritized available resources
LS8: Unit failed to adequately program resources
146 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Deficiency Cause Code Sub-Categories
Lack of resources considered causal factor of deficiency.
Funding Shortfall
RS1: Program shortfall (Department of the Air Force level)
RS2: Program shortfall (MAJCOM/FLDCOM level)
RS3: Program shortfall (wing/delta/installation level)
RS4: Parent unit withheld funding (applies to any unit through which funds are
allocated/distributed superior to the unit in question)
Personnel Shortfall
RS5: Assigned personnel less than accepted CONUS/OCONUS manning
RS6: Insufficient personnel due to temporary duty/deployment
RS7: Insufficient personnel due to medical profile
RS8: Insufficient personnel due to validated installation augmentee requirements
RS9: Awaiting security clearance
RS14: Insufficient personnel due to PRP certification/requirements
Equipment Shortfall
RS10: Awaiting resupply
RS11: Not requisitioned
RS12: Maintenance
RS13: Deployed
Safety (SE)
Safety deviation considered causal factor of deficiency.
Aviation Safety Program Management / Implementation
SE1: Aviation Safety Program management inadequate
SE2: Selected aspects of aviation safety program not effectively
implemented (describe)
SE3: Aviation Safety Supervisory support inadequate
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 147
Deficiency Cause Code Sub-Categories
Occupational Safety Program Management / Implementation
SE4: Occupational Safety Program management inadequate
SE5: Selected aspects of occupational safety program not effectively
implemented (describe)
SE6: Occupational Safety Supervisory support inadequate
Space Safety Program Management / Implementation
SE7: Space Safety Program management inadequate
SE8: Selected aspects of space safety program not effectively implemented
SE9: Space Safety Supervisory support inadequate
Weapons Safety Program Management / Implementation
SE10: Weapons Safety Program management inadequate
SE11: Selected aspects of weapons safety program not effectively implemented
SE12: Weapons Safety Supervisory support inadequate
Training considered a causal factor in the deficiency.
Training Program Management
TR1: Training Program management inadequate
TR2: Training guidance/policy/procedures inadequate
TR3: Training oversight inadequate
TR4: Training support inadequate
TR5: Controls/metrics of training process/progress inadequate
Training Program Implementation
TR6: Initial qualification training inadequate
TR7: Hands-on training inadequate
TR8: Upgrade/certification training inadequate
TR9: Training Supervisory support inadequate
TR10: Training evaluation tools inadequate
TR11: Training documentation inadequate/missing
Human Factors are considered a causal factor in the deficiency
Organizational Influences
148 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Deficiency Cause Code Sub-Categories
HF1: Ops tempo/Workload
HF2: Mission changes
HF3: Physical environment interfered with performance
Condition of Individual
HF4: Attention management (e.g., distraction/tunnel vision)
HF5: Emotional state interfered with performance
HF6: Inappropriate motivation (e.g., complacency, burn out, overconfidence)
HF7: Inappropriate substance use (e.g., drug, alcohol, self-medicated)
HF8: Fatigue
HF9: Unreported medical condition
HF10: Skill-based errorsflawed execution of highly learned task/procedure,
which requires little conscious thought to perform. Most caused by lapses of
attention/memory or the use of techniques which are usually unnoticed, but
caused an unacceptable performance (e.g., inadvertent operation, procedural
error, checklist error).
HF11: Judgment/Decision-making errorshave the necessary skills, experience
and training but make a cognitive error resulting from inappropriate planning or
choice (e.g., ignored caution/warning, inappropriate decision-making during
HF12: Intentional violationswillful non-compliance with the known rules or
standards (e.g., common practice or "everyone does," lack of discipline).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 149
Attachment 10
A10.1. Purpose. The purpose of The Inspection System Governance Process is to continuously
improve The Inspection System via changes to this instruction and other policy/guidance. The
governance process enables enterprise-wide participation, DAF evaluation and shaping of The
Inspection System, MAJCOM/FLDCOM command chain decisions regarding The Inspection
System, and preparation of decision-quality information for Senior Leader venues. The Inspection
System Governance Process does not replace DAF coordination/approval process for this
instruction or other policy documents.
A10.2. Organization. There are four components of The Inspection System Governance Process:
A10.2.1. The Inspection System Working Group. The Inspection System Working Group is
chaired by SAF/IGI and is comprised of key DAF FAM /POA O-6/civilian equivalent
representatives and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs.
A10.2.2. The Inspector General Executive Steering Group is chaired by SAF/IG and is
comprised of MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs and the AFIA commander.
A10.2.3. The Inspector General Advisory Board is chaired by SAF/IG and is comprised of
key DAF Senior Leaders outlined in Table A10.1.
A10.2.4. The Inspection System Council is chaired by SAF/IG and is comprised of
MAJCOM/FLDCOM CDs and selected FOA/DRU commanders outlined in Table A10.1.
A10.3. Methodology. SAF/IG may modify The Inspection System to meet SecAF/CSAF/CSO
intent. Decisions reached by The Inspection System Working Group, Executive Steering Group,
Inspector General Advisory Board, Inspection System Council, or during an alternative SAF/IG-
led venue (to include Workshops, Program Review Groups, etc.) are incorporated into this
instruction upon SAF/IG approval.
A10.3.1. Only those organizations indicated as voting members are authorized to vote through
representatives to The Inspection System Working Group, Executive Steering Group,
Inspector General Advisory Board, and Inspection System Council (as appropriate).
A10.3.2. Ordinarily, issues are resolved by consensus, but the Chair or any voting member
may call for a vote on an issue requiring resolution. A quorum of at least 50 percent of the
voting members plus one is required for a valid vote.
A10.4. The Inspection System Working Group. The Inspection System Working Group serves
as the action arm of the IG Advisory Board and Inspection System Council. The Inspection System
Working Group staffs, discusses, refines, and resolves O-6-level tasks from the IG Advisory Board
and Inspection System Council and integrates actions across The Inspection System. Finally, The
Inspection System Working Group prepares and forwards issues and recommendations to the IG
Advisory Board. The Inspection System Working Group meets as required.
A10.4.1. Voting membership. The Inspection System Working Group is chaired by SAF/IGI
and consists of O-6/equivalent representatives from the DAF FAMs/POAs outlined in Table
A10.4.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
150 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
A10.4.2.1. SAF/IGI will:
A10. Arrange for a suitable location to host The Inspection System Working
Group; meeting may take place virtually.
A10. Send a proposed agenda to Inspection System Working Group members
at least one month prior to the meeting.
A10. Send a finalized agenda and any read-ahead material to Inspection
System Working Group members no later than 1 week prior to the meeting.
A10. Prepare recommendations and background information for consideration
by SAF/IG, the Inspector General Advisory Board, the Executive Steering Group,
and/or The Inspection System Council (as appropriate).
A10.4.2.2. Voting members will:
A10. Forward issues and proposals for changes to this instruction for
discussion to SAF/IGI at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting (negative replies required).
A10. Provide bullet background papers and other pertinent data (slides) to
SAF/IGI on any issue(s) to be discussed.
A10.5. The Inspector General Executive Steering Group. The Executive Steering Group
enables IG senior leadership to bridge cross-cutting topics, strengthen IG relationships between
SAF/IG and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs, integrate key issues, and make decisions and provide
vectors to inform policy and other Inspection System governance meetings. The Executive
Steering Group meets semi-annually (offset from The Inspection System Program Review Group
A10.5.1. Voting membership. The Executive Steering Group is chaired by SAF/IG and is
comprised of MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs, Air Force DRU IGs, and the AFIA Commander.
A10.5.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
A10.5.2.1. SAF/IGI will:
A10. Arrange for a suitable location to host the Executive Steering Group.
A10. Send out a proposed agenda to members at least 2 weeks prior to the
A10. Send out a finalized agenda and any read-ahead material to members no
later than 1 week prior to the meeting.
A10. Identify priorities, provide vectors to Program Review Groups, and make
decisions on vetted or emerging issues.
A10.5.2.2. Voting members will:
A10. Make IG enterprise decisions based on SecAF/CSAF/CSO guidance and
propose changes to The Inspection System and this instruction.
A10. Discuss critical updates occurring in the IG enterprise and develop
courses of action for decisions.
A10. Recommend issues to forward to the Inspector General Advisory Board.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 151
A10.6. Inspector General Advisory Board. The Inspector General Advisory Board provides
DAF FAMs and Senior Leaders a recurring forum to propose and evaluate changes to The
Inspection System and to provide expertise and advice to SAF/IG, The Inspection System Council,
and other Senior Leader venues. The Inspector General Advisory Board meets semi-annually.
A10.6.1. Voting membership. SAF/IG chairs the Inspector General Advisory Board,
comprised of key FAMs/POAs or Deputies identified in Table A10.1 SAF/IGI is the Executive
Secretary for the IG Advisory Board.
A10.6.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
A10.6.2.1. SAF/IG will:
A10. Make arrangements for an appropriate time and location to host the
Inspector General Advisory Board.
A10. Send a proposed agenda to Inspector General Advisory Board members
at least one month prior to the meeting.
A10. Send a finalized agenda and read-ahead material to Inspector General
Advisory Board members no later than 1 week prior to the meeting.
A10. Brief inspection trends to the Inspector General Advisory Board (as
A10. Brief Inspection System Working Group action items and outputs (as
A10. Prepare recommendations from the Inspector General Advisory Board
for consideration by The Inspection System Council (as applicable).
A10.6.2.2. Members will decide issues/concerns to be forwarded to The Inspection
System Council for consideration.
A10.7. The Inspection System Council. The Inspection System Council provides
MAJCOM/FLDCOM and select FOA/DRU commanders a recurring forum to review the
adequacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of The Inspection System and evaluate any proposed
changes to ensure delivery of pertinent data and focus on commanders’ needs. The Inspection
System Council meets annually or in conjunction with existing MAJCOM/FLDCOM CV
A10.7.1. Voting Membership. SAF/IG chairs The Inspection System Council, comprised of
MAJCOM/FLDCOM CVs, and select FOA/DRU commanders identified in Table A10.1
SAF/IGI is the Executive Secretary for The Inspection System Council.
152 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Table A10.1. The Inspection System Governance Membership.
Group Member
IG Executive
Steering Group
IG Advisory Board
X (Chair)
X (Chair)
X (Chair)
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 153
Group Member
IG Executive
Steering Group
IG Advisory Board
A10.7.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
A10.7.2.1. SAF/IG will:
A10. Make arrangements for an appropriate time and location to host The
Inspection System Council.
A10. Send a proposed agenda to Inspection System Council members at least
one month prior to the meeting.
A10. Send a finalized agenda and read-ahead material to Inspection System
Council members no later than 1 week prior to the meeting.
A10. Brief inspection trends to The Inspection System Council.
A10. Prepare finalized changes to The Inspection System for publication in this
instruction prior to the next Inspection System Council meeting.
154 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Attachment 11
A11.1. IG Training Course-Inspections. IG-assigned inspectors will complete the one-time
mandatory IG Training Course-Inspections (IGTC-I) prior to certification. (T-1) Complaints
Resolution qualified IG must also attend IGTC-I prior to use in an inspection capacity. (T-1)
A11.2. AFIA and MAJCOM Training. AFIA and MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs may develop
organization-specific training to address specialized team, functional area, and host-nation
information for inspectors and inspection augmentees. AFIA and MAJCOM/FLDCOM training is
intended to supplement (not replace) the DAF IGTC. Additionally, AFIA will develop HQI-
specific training and provide instruction to those organizations conducting HQIs.
A11.3. Wing/Delta Training. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will establish guidelines for wing/delta
IG training programs. Wing/delta IGs will develop specific training based on available AFIA
course material, MAJCOM/FLDCOM guidelines, and commander inspection intent to train IG-
assigned inspectors, wing/delta Inspection Team (WIT) members, and inspection augmentees. (T-
A11.4. Executive Training. MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs will attend the SAF IG-administered one-
day Executive IG Course at the Pentagon within 6 months of appointment.
A11.5. Field Observation. Field observation is an over-the-shoulder shadowing by a certified
inspector to observe inspection methodology and assess readiness for inspection duties. IG-
assigned inspectors and inspection augmentees will receive a field observation by a certified
inspector prior to performing unsupervised inspection duties. (T-3) IGs determine field
observation scope and scale. Field observations may be conducted during any inspection or on-
site visit conducted by the respective IG.
A11.6. Inspector Currency. IG inspectors, MAJCOM/FLDCOM inspection augmentees, and
WIT members who have not inspected in the previous 6 months will accomplish
MAJCOM/FLDCOM or Installation/wing/delta-specific refresher training prior to participating in
an inspection. (T-3) The extent of refresher training is determined by the respective IG.
A11.7. Personnel Reliability Assurance Program (PRAP) Course. AFIA and
MAJCOM/FLDCOM IGs inspecting PRAP will complete the USAFSAM Medical PRAP course
prior to inspecting PRAP. (T-1) Wing/delta IGs may, on a space available basis, also complete the
course and will be at a minimum, unit trained on PRAP prior to inspecting.
A11.8. Readiness Exercise Advanced Planning, Execution and Reporting (REAPER)
Course. IG-assigned inspectors who assess the readiness of DRRS reporting units will attend
REAPER. (T-2) REAPER provides training on the Air Force Readiness Exercise Lifecycle
philosophy, methodology and application. Instruction focuses on planning, execution, and
reporting related to a wing/delta conducting a Full-scale Readiness Exercise IAW Attachment 7
and using the classified Inspector General Evaluation Management System (IGEMS-C).
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 155
Table A11.1. Inspector Certification Training Requirements.
IG Exec
Wing/ Delta
IG Deputy
IG Inspector
Wing/Delta IG
Wing/Delta IG w/
DRRS reporting
Wing/Delta IG
Denotes training requirement
Denotes additional inspector requirement for NSIs
Table A11.2. Inspection Augmentee Training Requirements.
Inspection Augmentee
Wing/Delta Inspection
Team Member
Denotes training requirement
156 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Attachment 12
A12.1. IGEMS Business Rules.
A12.1.1. IGs will post inspection reports in IGEMS within 5 duty days of final report
completion (ARC units, within one Regularly Scheduled Drill). (T-1)
A12.1.2. IGs will ensure the following data (at a minimum) is entered into IGEMS/IGEMS-
C: IG-identified grades, summaries, deficiencies, RIAs, strengths, mandated unit grades, and
the final report associated with each inspection. (T-1)
A12.1.3. IG teams will use IGEMS-C for classified inspection reporting (including NWTI
reports IAW CJCSI 3263.05). (T-1)
A12.2. MICT Business Rules.
A12.2.1. Any DAF publication which levies wing-level (or lower) compliance may have an
associated SAC. However, do not author a SAC if there are no wing-level requirements which
require real-time communication.
A12.2.2. Updated SACs are released quarterly (1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October).
Commanders will assess new or updated SACs within 30 calendar days (Two Regularly
Scheduled Drill cycles for ARC). (T-1)
A12.2.3. Requirements from more than one DAFI or DAFI-directed program may be
consolidated into a single SAC.
A12.2.4. POA staffs/DAF SAC authors will only reference compliance items for which the 2-
letter is the approving official (e.g., an AF/A2 SAC may not include items from an AF/A1
DAFI). DAF SAC authors may also reference higher than DAF-level compliance items from
policy documents for which the 2-letter has been assigned responsibility.
A12.2.5. For updated publications with a SAC or routine SAC updates, SAC authors may only
update or change SACs during scheduled quarterly updates.
A12.2.6. SAC authors will review and update each SAC annually (Note: Any published SAC
not reviewed in MICT within 18 months will be archived. Reviewers must select ‘Mark as
Reviewed’ to complete the review).
A12.2.7. For changes to an DAFI, SAC authors will update affected SAC line-items during
the next quarterly update cycle.
A12.2.8. SAC authors seeking an out-of-cycle update to a SAC must contact their appropriate
level MICT Administrator.
A12.2.9. When an approved waiver is in place, personnel completing the SAC will identify
the respective item as “No,” select the “Waiver” button, and attach (if enabled) or refer to the
approved waiver. (T-1)
A12.2.10. Naming Conventions. SAC authors will use one of the following naming
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 157
A12.2.10.1. When using a single DAFI as the reference for a SAC, use the DAFI number
along with the long title of the DAFI (e.g., “DAFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency
Management Program”).
A12.2.10.2. When placing a single DAFI’s requirements in multiple SACs, and those
SACs do not reference other DAFIs, then add a descriptive adjective to the end of the title
(e.g., AFI 90-301, IG Complaints Resolution - Reports of Investigationand AFI 90-301,
IG Complaints Resolution - Complaints Resolution Program”).
A12.2.10.3. When naming a SAC which uses multiple DAFIs as its reference, use the
functional program name as the SAC title (e.g., Physical Security, Computer Security, etc.).
A12.2.10.4. When naming a SAC for a policy supplement, use the HAF naming
convention and include the supplementing organization identifier (e.g., DAFPD 90-3,
Inspector General”).
158 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Attachment 13
A13.1. Purpose. To provide guidance for inspecting DAF Special Access Programs (SAP) in
order to report on the health, security, and compliance of SAPs to the Secretary of the Air Force.
A13.2. HAF Special Access Program Inspection Team Parameters.
A13.2.1. Pre-inspection (5 duty days).
A13.2.1.1. Research, review unit mission, programs, purpose, customers.
A13.2.1.2. Schedule interviews if appropriate.
A13.2.1.3. Review major processes, lines of operation, and deliverables.
A13.2.1.4. Reference SAP Oversight Review Board charts, Acquisition Oversight
Integrated Process Team charts, SAP Annual Reports, and audits; determine what items
the SAP Inspection Team should look at differently than the SAP Oversight Review Board
A13.2.2. Inspection (2-5 duty days).
A13.2.2.1. Organize under the four MGAs.
A13.2.2.2. Execute Individual/IG Sensing Sessions-Group.
A13.2.2.3. Assess agency compliance with applicable directives.
A13.2.2.4. Stakeholder SMEs review compliance with guidance, status of deliverables,
reports, and systems.
A13.2.2.5. Review steps in major process flows and steps in lines of operation.
A13.2.2.6. Security Control Assessors inspect approval/authority to operate, proper
Information Technology configuration, authorized users, Information Technology security.
A13.2.2.7. Rate overall performance and MGAs using a two-tiered scale of EFFECTIVE
A13.2.2.8. Provide informal out-brief to commander and key staff.
A13.2.3. Post-inspection (14-21 days).
A13.2.3.1. Final report signed by the inspection Team Chief and delivered to commander
or director with courtesy copy provided to SAF/AA and any required Stakeholder SME
A13.2.3.2. Results of inspections briefed to DAF SAPCO and then briefed at SAP
Oversight Review Board.
A13.2.3.3. In the event of an INEFFECTIVE rating, the unit must develop and brief a CAP
to SAF/AAZ at the Special Access Program Oversight Review Board until the deficiency
is corrected and SAF/AAZ deems it may be closed. Courtesy copy SAF/IGI on published
CAPs until the deficiency is closed via SAF/AAZ concurrence.
DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023 159
Attachment 14
A14.1. General Information. The information in this attachment is intended to be utilized as a
guide for leadership teams to build or refine individual USAPs. The information provides
suggested tactics, techniques, and procedures and is not prescriptive in nature.
A14.1.1. Commanders have the legal authority and responsibility to inspect their subordinates
and subordinate units.
A14.1.2. The USAP is led by unit commanders and directors IAW 10 USC § 9233 and AFI
1-2. The USAP provides a means for internal assessment of a Unit’s overall health and
complements external assessments. The self-assessment program may include communication
from SACs within the MICT; however, utilizing MICT alone is insufficient to be considered
an effective USAP.
A14.2. Framework. A framework for a USAP (Figure A14.1) is provided as a suggested tool to
guide the development, implementation, and re-assessment of individual USAPs.
A14.2.1. Step 1: Incorporate USAP Framework. This framework provides a structure to boost
effectiveness and efficiency and requires buy-in from relevant stakeholders. Examples of
stakeholders are commanders, division chiefs, deputies, directors of operations, senior enlisted
leaders, superintendents, FAMs, and other individuals as determined by owning commanders.
A14.2.2. Step 2: Strategic Plan. Establish a strategic plan for the USAP that aligns with unit
commander’s intent (or wing/delta CCIP, as applicable). This may include roles and
responsibilities, priorities, goals, and/or measurable objectives.
A14.2.3. Step 3: IGEMS Dashboard. Review the IGEMS Dashboard monthly. Consider
having assigned OPRs provide status updates of deficiencies and CAPs.
A14.2.4. Step 4: MICT Dashboard. Review the MICT Dashboard (or similar product if MICT
is not utilized) monthly. Consider having assigned OPRs provide status updates of deficiencies,
observations, and CAPs.
A14.2.5. Step 5: Trend / Waiver Dashboard. If available, consider a monthly review of
trending UEI deficiencies across relevant functional areas in the MAJCOM/FLDCOM or
applicable mission area.
A14.2.6. Step 6: Battle Rhythm. Establish an annual, quarterly, or monthly plan for internal
self-assessment of programs, processes, and operations. Consider including known external
A14.2.7. Step 7: Commander Self-Assessment. Consider conducting a quarterly commander
led self-assessment of the USAP program. This may be utilized to provide status updates to
the unit, unit leadership, or the CIMB. In addition to the data available on the IGEMS and
MICT Dashboards, consider soliciting input from unit stakeholders.
A14.2.8. Step 8: Assess / Adjust. Utilize the options in the previous steps to assess the focus
and efficacy of the USAP and adjust as required.
160 DAFI90-302 15 MARCH 2023
Figure A14.1. Notional Unit Self-Assessment Program Framework.