M.S.Ed. Thesis Guide
ted 12.2020
Partially adapted from the University Graduate School guide
Contact Information………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Thesis Timelines & Guidelines………………………………………………………………………. 3
Thesis Components Specifications……………………………………………………………........... 4
Thesis Formatting…………………………………………………………………………………..... 6
Appendix A. M.S.Ed. Thesis Proposal and Committee Approval…………………………………... 8
Appendix B. M.S.Ed. Thesis Defense Announcement………………………………………………. 9
Appendix C. M.S.Ed. Thesis Acceptance………………………………………………………… 10
Appendix D. M.S.Ed. Thesis Title page……………………………………………………………. 11
Appendix E. M.S.Ed. Thesis Copyright page………………………………………………………. 12
Appendix F. M.S.Ed. Thesis Abstract page………………………………………………………… 13
IU ScholarWorks Permission form…………………………………………………………………. 14
The Graduate Studies Recorder is available via email, phone, zoom, or in person.
Graduate Studies Office (GSO)
W. W. Wright Education Building, Suite 2100
201 North Rose Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405-1006
856-8504 (phone)
812-856-8566 (TDD)
At least 3 months prior to Thesis Defense:
Form your three member Thesis Committee. At least two members, one whom will serve at thesis director, must
be from the major area of study. The committee is responsible for supervising the preparation of a thesis proposal
and work on the thesis study, and for administering an oral defense.
Submit a signed M.S.Ed. Thesis Proposal and Committee Approval form (Appendix A) to your department office.
The department will submit it to the recorder in the Graduate Studies Office (GSO).
A meeting with the thesis director must be held to discuss if Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is needed.
For research using human subjects, all students should view http://researchcompliance.iu.edu/hso/index.html. If
needed, evidence of IRB review and approval must be attached to the signed M.S.Ed. Thesis Proposal and
Committee Approval form (Appendix A).
Work with your committee and department office to arrange a mutually agreeable time for your Thesis defense
and to reserve a location on campus.
Enroll in 3 – 6 credit hours of 599 – Master’s Thesis in Education as part of the minimum 36 credits hours
required for the Master’s degree.
Review your approved Plan of Studies (POS) for any needed updates. https://info.educ.indiana.edu/epos/.
Apply for graduation at: https://education.indiana.edu/students/graduates/masters/graduation-
At least 30 days prior to defense:
Submit a M.S.Ed. Thesis Defense Announcement (Appendix B) to your department. They will submit it to the
recorder in the Graduate Studies Office.
Note: The announced date, time, and place cannot be changed without the approval of the Associate
Dean of Graduate Studies. You defense will be posted on the School of Education website.
Provide the thesis to each committee member to give them sufficient time to read and critic your work.
Verify that there are no holds on your academic record by contacting Student Central at scu@indiana.edu
. The
Registrar will not release a diploma or transcript until holds are resolved.
During the Thesis Defense:
Have your FULL committee sign the M.S.Ed. Acceptance Page (Appendix C). The thesis director will hold this
document until your edits have been accepted. Once the edits have been accepted, the thesis director should
notify the department chair that the 599 grade(s) can be changed (all grades must be changed by the 27
of the
degree conferral month or earlier). The Thesis Director gives the Acceptance Page to the department office, who
will submit it to the recorder in the Graduate Studies Office.
By the 15
of the degree conferral month (degrees awarded monthly):
Submit your thesis to the Graduate Studies master’s recorder at [email protected] via pdf for format review.
The IUScholarWorks Permission
form for Theses and Dissertations (page 14) should be attached in the email
separate from the thesis. Check your IU email regularly during this time in case additional format changes are
needed. A final pdf of the thesis (after formatting edits have been approved by the Graduate Studies recorder)
must be sent to the recorder.
By the 27
of the degree conferral month:
The department will submit the signed Acceptance page to the recorder in the Graduate Studies Office. No proxy,
electronic, or copies of signatures are permitted.
Your thesis must comply with certain guidelines. Be sure to read the list of requirements thoroughly
before you begin, and check the list carefully before you submit.
is front matter should be in the following order. The front matter refers to the title page through the
end of the table of contents/supplemental materials. Required sections are indicated in bold while optional
sections are italicized.
Title Page (required)
Acceptance Page (required)
Copyright Page (optional)
Dedication (optional)
Acknowledgements (optional)
Preface (optional)
Abstract (optional by department)
Table of Contents (required)
Supplemental Materials (lists of tables, figures, appendices, etc.) (optional)
Title Pagerequired (see Appendix D for format)
The title page should be a separate page and no longer than one page. Begin 2 inches from the top
of the page. All other margins will be 1 inch.
All content should be centered horizontally and vertically.
Font size for title should be no smaller than 12-point font and no larger than 16-point font.
No font on the title page should be in bold.
No page number should appear on the title page. The title page is considered page i, but actual
pagination begins on the acceptance page as page ii.
The student’s name must be the same as the primary legal name in the IU system. The primary
legal name is that which is displayed on the student’s unofficial SIS transcript. Students can
update their primary legal name through Student Central at [email protected]
The month and year indicated on the title page is the month and year when all requirements have
been completed for the awarding of the Master's degree by the School of Education. This is not
necessarily the month in which you defend your thesis.
Acceptance Page – required (see Appendix C for format)
This page confirms the committee's approval and acceptance of your thesis. A completed, but
unsigned copy of the original Acceptance Page should be included in the thesis. The original
is submitted to the department office, who will give it to the GSO Recorder.
Thesis Committee and Date of Defense are left justified.
Committee name and signature lines are right justified. Behind each name place the post-
nominal initials (Jane Doe, Ph.D.)
Acceptance page is always page ii.
Copyright Page – optional (see Appendix E for format)
The copyright page is a separate page and no longer than one page. All content should be centered
horizontally and vertically.
NOTE: If you choose to copyright your thesis, YOU MUST REGISTER by following these steps
by the U.S. Copyright Office (http://www.copyright.gov/register/literary.html
). If you
have trouble, call
them at (202) 707-8250. Generally, students copyright their work if they think
they might publish it under
their own name at a later date. If you are unsure about this, please
talk to your advisor.
Dedication, Acknowledgements, or Preface opt
You may wish to include a dedication, a set of acknowledgments, or a preface. The latter are designed to
recognize people or agencies to whom you feel grateful for any academic, technical, financial, or personal
aid. As a matter of courtesy, you would ordinarily mention the members of your committee, as well as
institutions that provided funding or anyone else who helped. For the dedication page, all content should be
centered horizontally and vertically. Only the dedication itself should be on the dedication page; no title
should appear. Acknowledgements and Prefaces pages should have a title.
Abstract, unsigned - optional by department (see Appendix F for format)
As people will learn about your work through your abstract, you should spend time and effort in the
composition of both the abstract and the title of your work. Try to convey the essence of your work, not just
the results of your findings. You should also work to phrase your title so that it truly describes the content
and will be easily found in the database index. The index is based on key words, so be specific about your
Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins must be one inch.
Committee name and signature lines are right justified. Use post-nominal initials. All
other information
is centered.
Font must match rest of thesis.
An unsigned copy is included in the thesis. The original is submitted to the department
office, who will give it to the GSO Recorder.
Table of
Contents required
Include a table of contents to guide readership of your thesis. Add an entry for your curriculum vitae
(CV) to the table of contents. The CV should be the last item in your thesis and listed last on the table
of contents. Since CV pages should not have a page number, the table of contents entry for it should
note only the presence of the CV at the end with no page number indicated. Add an entry/entries (as
is appropriate) for the reference/bibliography page/pages to the table of contents. Please remove your
address, phone, and email information.
tal Materials optional
Include lists of tables, figures, appendixes, abbreviations, or other supplemental materials, if appropriate.
Main Bod
y of Thesis
Font size must be no larger than 12 point and to smaller than 11 point, except in the case of footnotes,
which should be 11 point.
Top, Bottom, Left, and Right must be one inch.
Resume/Curriculum Vitae - required
Include a resume/curriculum vita at the end of the thesis, after the main content. Do not add any page
number(s) to the resume/curriculum vitae. Your CV should be in the same font and have the same
margins as the rest of your thesis and should not contain your home address, phone, email address, or any
page number. Please list your M.S.Ed. degree as completed in the same month as listed on the title page.
IU Scholar Works form – required
Please complete the form and attach it separately to the email when submitting your thesis. This form is
required to submit your final thesis.
Font size should be either 11 or 12 point for the entire document. The only exception being the title on the
title page, footnotes, tables/charts, and picture/table descriptions. Font up to size 16 point may be used for
the document’s title on the title page, only. Font as small as 10 point may be used for footnotes, the content
of tables/charts, and picture/table/chart descriptions.
Black font is used throughout the thesis. The only exception being areas where a different font color serves
a purpose in explaining or highlighting some aspect of the research/thesis in a way black font could not.
Be consistent in font style throughout your thesis. The following font styles are recommended for the ease
with which they convert to a PDF. All theses have to be converted to a PDF in the submission process.
Bookman Old Style
Cambria Lucida Bright
Times New Roman
The material should be double-spaced. Long quotations should be single- spaced with wider margins.
Photographs and Images
If photographs or detailed graphics are part of the work, make sure they are crisp and clear to achieve the
best possible quality.
Margins should be 1 inch on all sides, unless otherwise stated.
These margin requirements apply to all materials included in the thesis, including figures, tables, maps,
plates, etc., and any preliminary material you choose to include.
Page Layout
Ordinarily, the text and any other materials will appear on the right-hand page only. If, however, you and
your committee agree that it is necessary to include facing material on the left-hand page as well, be sure to
leave a 1½" margin on the right-hand side of the facing page.
Running heads are not used in thesis submissions. Please limit the content of your header and footer space
to the page number only.
Page Numbers
Page numbers must be clear, consecutive, and printed on every page, including appendices, tables, figures,
maps, charts, photographs, etc., except for the title page and vita page.
Lowercase Roman numbers (e.g. i, ii, iii) are used for the pages preceding the main body of work. Arabic
numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3) are used in the body of the work, the bibliography and the appendices. The title page
counts as page i but does not bear a number.
Begin the a
ctual numbering with the acceptance page as page ii, and continue with lowercase Roman
numerals until the start of the actual body of the thesis. That page, whether part of your full introduction or
of your first chapter, should be numbered using the Arabic numeral 1, and every page thereafter should be
numbered consecutively until you reach the resume/CV page.
dinarily, page numbers should be centered at the top or bottom of the page, entered midway between the
edge of paper and the text.
References, Citations, Bibliography, and Footnotes
Check with your department on this requirement. This format depends largely on your particular field or
topic. For example, footnotes can appear either on the page where the annotation occurs, the end of each
chapter, or the end of the thesis. Be sure to follow the conventions of your department or discipline.
Recommended Style Manuals
“The Chicago Manual of Style”
Turabian, Kate L., “A Manual for Writers” Modern
Language Association (MLA) style sheet
American Psychological Association (APA) style sheet (especially for works in the social sciences)
Recommended Dictionaries for Spelling and Usage
Webster’s Third International Dictionary
Webster’s Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary
move content above line and line when submitting this form
Name ______________________________________________________________________ ID# _____________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Major _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Proposed Thesis Title __________________________________________________________________________________________
Thesis Committee
Name Typed Signature Date
Thesis Director________________________________________________________________________________________________
Member _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Member _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Department Chair______________________________________________________________________________________________
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies ___________________________________________________________ Date _______________
A copy of the thesis proposal (and IRB approval, if needed) must be attached to this form.
(Separate page, content centered on page, limit of one page)
Remove content above line and line when submitting this form
Announcing the Oral Thesis Defense of
(Student's Name)
for the
Master of Science in Education Degree
(Day, Date, Time)
(Room, Building)
Thesis: (Title)
(Summary: The summary of the thesis should be limited to one page and not more than 300 words. It should
contain a statement of the problem, a description of the methods or procedures used, and a formulation of the
results and conclusions. Unlike the abstract, which is for specialists in the field, an attempt should be made in the
summary, whenever possible, to communicate the findings in language and style that can be understood by the
university community at large.)
Major Field of Studies
Major: (Field)
Educational Career
Degree, institution, year graduated (major area
not needed, ex. “B.A., Indiana University., 2015”)
Committee in Charge
Professorial Rank (Name), Thesis Director (Phone Number), (Department) (Alphabetically
list other
committee members)
Approved: (Signature and Thesis Director’s Name Typed)
(Any member of the Graduate Faculty may attend. As a courtesy, please notify the Thesis Director in advance.)
Separate page, content centered on page, limit of one page
Remove content above line and line when submitting this form
Accepted by the School of Education Faculty, Indiana University,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Education.
Student Name
Thesis Title:
M.S.Ed. Thesis Committee
(Chairperson’s signature)______________________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
(Committee member’s signature)_______________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
(Committee member’s signature)_______________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
Date of Thesis Defense (MM/DD/YYYY)
Separate page, content centered on page, limit of one page
Remove content above line and line when submitting this form
(Author's Name)
Submitted to the faculty of the School of Education in partial
fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree
Master of Science in Education
in the Department of (Department Name)
Indiana University
(MM/YYYY degree will be granted)
Separate page, content centered on page, limit of one page
(In Microsoft Word, Alt-Ctrl-C (hold down all at once) will make the copyright sign.)
Remove content above line and line when submitting this form
© (enter correct year)
(Student's Name)
Remove content above line and line when submitting this form
Student’s Name Centered
The a
bstract is double-spaced and limited to 350 words. The paragraph(s), layout, indention, and line
spacing should match the layout, indention, and line spacing of the rest of your thesis. Graduate
Studies must receive an original copy of the abstract, bearing the original signature of each member
of the thesis committee. A blank/unsigned copy of the same abstract should be included in the thesis
for submission.
M.S.Ed. Thesis Committee
(Chairperson’s signature)____________________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
(Committee member’s signature)______________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
(Committee member’s signature)______________________________
(Name typed, Post-Nominal Initials)
IUScholarWorks Permission Form for Theses and Dissertations
Thesis/dissertation title
Author name
Author email
Subject keywords
Creative Commons licensing
By default, all items in the repository are protected by copyright, with all
rights reserved for you, the copyright holder. As an alternative to reserv-
ing all rights, you may consider licensing your work under a Creative
Commons license. If you wish to assign a Creative Commons license to
your thesis/dissertation, please select one of the options below.
Attribution (CC-BY)
Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA)
Attribution-NoDerivs (CC-BY-ND)
Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC)
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Embargo duration
By default, your work will be made imme-
diately open access; however, you have the
option to delay its availability for up to 5
6 months
1 year
2 years
IUScholarWorks License
By signing and submitting this license, you (the creator or copyright owner) grant
to Indiana University a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable right to reproduce,
translate (as defined below), and/or distribute your submission (including the
abstract) worldwide in print and electronic format and in any medium, including
but not limited to audio or video.
You agree that Indiana University may, without changing the content, translate
the submission to any medium or format, now known or later developed, for
preservation or access, and provide basic metadata that describes the contents for
You also agree that Indiana University may keep more than one copy of this sub-
mission for security, back-up and preservation.
You represent that the submission is your original work, and that you have the
right to grant the rights contained in this license. You also represent that your sub-
mission does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe upon anyone’s copyright.
If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright, you
represent that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright
owner to grant Indiana University the rights required by this license, and that such
third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text
or content of the submission.
If the submission is based upon work that has been sponsored or supported by
an agency or organization other than Indiana University, you represent that you
have fulfilled any right of review or other obligations required by such contract or
Indiana University will clearly identify your name as the creator and/or copyright
owner of the submission, and will not make any alterations, other than as allowed
by this license, to your submission. We agree to not make available any files that
are embargoed until the embargo has expired.
If you are submitting this item on behalf of the rights holder, you must have the
rights owner’s written permission to accept this license on his/her behalf.
Signature Date