Friends of Lake Ouachita
1424 Blakely Dam Road
Royal, Arkansas 71968
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD: Friends of Lake Ouachita Committee Minutes
DATE: June 3, 2019
CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by Jerry Shields
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
Dustin Thomason, Biologist, Lake Ouachita Project Office
Amy Shultz, Natural Resource Specialist, Lake Ouachita Field Office
Members Present:
Alan Atkins
Robert Cavanaugh
Ron Mayfield
Jerry Williams
Bill Barnes
George Dooley
Jerry Shields
Tom Butler
Bruce Engstrom
John Simpson
Phillip Carr
Al Gathright
Jo West Taylor
Review of Minutes: Robert C. moved to approve minutes from the May 6
meeting with
change made. Jo W. seconded, minutes approved.
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair Results:
Jerry shared results from the election of officers: He will remain Chair, and Robert C. will be
Vice Chair of the committee.
Final Decision on HWY 27 N. Strip Mine: Ron M. shared no decision has been made yet. The
close of comments was May 29
2019 Lake Cleanup: Jo W. asked to represent the committee and pursue a grant for the cleanup
event. Jerry mentioned in the past, banners and free bags were given to volunteer events through
Keep Arkansas Beautiful. Amy S. shared National Public Lands Day also sends cleanup
supplies if you register your event online-she will send the link to Jo W. A date will be set by
the August meeting for the event, and Jerry asked Jo W. to look into having some posters made
to advertise for the event.
Hickory Nut Mountain Coalition Plan Status: Jerry S. shared a meeting will be set with
Norman Wagoner, Ouachita National Forest Supervisor, this month. Jerry will give an update at
the August FOLO meeting on the outcome of the meeting with Mr. Wagoner. Ron M. shared a
woman had posted on Facebook about some offensive graffiti on the Hickory Nut Mtn. Vista (a
swastika). George D. inquired who owned and maintained the road going to the vista. Jerry
stated the Forest Service Jerry shared if the meeting outcome was not positive for the renovations
to the roadway and vista, the next steps could possibly be surveys/petitions of community
members in favor of the renovations. Jerry further stated the Montgomery County Judge was in
contact with the senators and representatives about this project.
LOViT Trail:
ADA Beaver Infestation: Jerry shared there was a beaver infestation on the ADA trail. Phillip
C. stated they were also having problems with beavers and otters at Shangri La docks. Jerry
further shared there is a problem with ticks around the exercise equipment at the ADA trail and
asked if the Corps could treat the area with some roundup. Jerry shared the trail dogs had
repainted the restroom at the ADA trail and the Corps had installed a nice walkway to the bottle
refill station. Jerry asked if the Corps could cut the grass by the creek so hikers can see the
E-Coli Issues: Jerry mentioned the inquiries/complaints on Facebook about the E-Coli at Lake
Ouachita beaches and recreation areas. Ouachita Project Biologist, Dustin Thomason, discussed
E. Coli-it is a coliform bacteria stated it is present in all animal waste. We know the Canada
Geese population have a lot to do with E-Coli contamination. Dustin further shared, Derick W.
had ordered flare guns and whistles to shoot as a deterrent for geese at the swim beaches. It was
suggested to host a special veteran goose hunt at Ouachita. Other means of controlling the geese
were discussed. Bruce E. believes hiring a contract for trained dogs to scare geese off beaches
would be best. Amy S. shared why the Corps would not be going this route: Cannot enforce
leash law if these dogs are allowed off leash to chase geese, also, if any of the dogs were to be
perceived as being aggressive toward a visitor, it is a liability the Corps isn’t willing to take.
There was some discussion as to whether Game and Fish or Fish and Wildlife could contract
trained dog handlers at Ouachita. Amy suggested they ask Stacy S. prior to contacting these
agencies. Dustin shared the Corps geese control permits come through the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife. Jerry asked about the possibility of using live traps. Dustin stated you might be able to
trap during molting season. Dustin further shared that when a test comes back higher than
allowable limits for E-Coli at the beaches, there has to be two additional tests come back below
the limit threshold to be able to open the beach. The committee suggested putting up “Do Not
Feed the Geese Signs”. Amy stated she believed some of those signs were already out, but
would ask about posting additional signage. Jerry S. asked Jerry W. if relocating geese would be
an issue. Jerry W. stated it would not.
Grab-A-Bag: Tom B. asked if all the new Grab- a -Bag containers had been installed. Amy
stated she would ask Derick and Stacy and let him know. Suggestion was made to put Grab a
Bags on floating restrooms. Amy will pass along suggestion. Bill B. shared Todd Gadberry
services the floating restrooms for the contract company.
USACE Operational Review: Jerry S. shared the Crystal Springs Courtesy Dock had been
damaged by a large boat. “Butch” had been out to evaluate the damage and had estimated 3-5K
for repairs. Amy shared anything over 3 K, the Corps has to go through a special contract
process to purchase. Bill B. made a motion to support FOLO paying the excess amount of repair
over the 3K USACE pays at the discretion of FOLO Inc. Motion approved.
Amy passed out the possible grant lists to the committee.
Amy shared the Memorial Day holiday report for Lake Ouachita with the committee-relatively
few incidents for number of visitors, and no injury reports.
Jerry asked about the possibility of creating new campsites at Denby Day Use area since the day
use at Denby is seldom utilized. Amy will pass along suggestion.
Committee asked about parking regulations….they used to be strictly enforced, and now they are
not. Amy stated the Corps does not have enough parking areas to accommodate all the campers
and visitors, especially on holiday weekends. As long as they are parked near the campsite (not
on shoreline), and not blocking roadways or facilities, the Corps is lenient on parking.
Committee asked if two campers can still camp on one site. Amy stated yes, a lot of times they
are warned about electricity possibly going out if overloaded. Jerry stated they need to look into
making campsites more useable making sites with RV and Tent pads on one site. Bill asked if
FOLO could purchase materials and build sites in Corps campgrounds. Amy stated, if it was
approved, they could. Would depend on area and plans. Jerry inquired about campsite location.
Amy stated if sites are not near the water, they will not be utilized. Committee would like to
pursue grants to build additional campsites. Bill shared the biggest cost with constructing more
sites is if you have to purchase another restroom which is 80-100K. Jerry asked the committee to
search for more areas to put additional campsites in recreation areas.
Amy shared one of the possibilities for obtaining a grant would be to build a swing
set/playground at the Crystal Springs Day Use since the swing set has been torn down due to
damage. Jerry asked the committee members to look over the possible project list and pick
something they are interested in to work on getting a grant to accomplish.
Closing Comments: Bill B. stated he had met in Little Rock with the Parks and Tourism
Commission and the state tourism is down due to people thinking the entire state is closed due to
flooding. They are getting inquiries from out of state visitors asking if the state is closed. They
put together a unified press release that the Arkansas River is flooded, but the rest of Arkansas is
not and is open for business. They are also putting out a map on what roads are closed. They
will do a media blitz of this information on social media and the local news stations. They are
also putting out a release that E. Coli only closed the State Park beach at Ouachita, and all other
beaches are open. Bill B. asked if the Corps would pass this along to Vicksburg.
Jerry asked about the fisheries grant. Amy will send out the email with the grant information to
the committee members. Al G. asked about the status of non-native aquatic vegetation. Dustin
stated the Corps would be doing a survey later this month, and he would provide an update.
They also conduct a survey in September. Dustin also shared information on the upcoming
Cedar Glade restoration and cedar utilization for fish habitat.
Bill B. moved to adjourn, Jon S. seconded. Meeting adjourned @ 7:10