November 202
A Guide to Quantitative
Research Proposals:
Aligning Questions,
Goals, Research
Design, and Analysis
Elizabeth Tipton, Ph.D.
1.0 Overview 03
2.0 Articulate Clear Research Questions 04
3.0 Set Clear Goals 05
4.0 Shape the Study Design from the Research
Question(s) and Goal(s) 07
4.1 Sample: Recruitment approaches 07
4.2 Measures: Operationalization of outcomes and variables 08
4.3 Interventions: Explanatory studies and causality 09
5.0 Conclusions, Samples, Estimates, and Uncertainty 10
6.0 Writing a Strong Quantitative Proposal 12
7.0 Appendix: Further Resources 13
A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
3A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
The purpose of this guide is to provide a broader
framework for thinking about and approaching
quantitative research grant proposal writing. It is divided
into four sections. The first section highlights the types
of questions that can be answered with quantitative
research. The second section provides further guidance
in specifying the questions and goals of a study, including
the population and how conclusions will be drawn. The
third section focuses directly on the research design,
including how the sample will be recruited, the use of
appropriate measures, and questions of causality. The
fourth section focuses on the modeling of outcomes and
uncertainty due to sample size, providing guidelines and
questions to ensure that the analyses are appropriate for
the question type and goals of the study.
Importantly, although this guide presents an approach
for thinking about research and a variety of examples, we
do not rigidly specify how a researcher should convey this
information in a proposal. There are a variety of formats
and organizations possible, and depending upon the
research question and type, proposals may need to spend
more space on one part versus another.
What are the possible conclusions or implications of the
research once it is finished?
Be sure to define the population to whom the results of
your study are intended to apply, and conversely, where
they may not.
The parameter(s) of focus (i.e., to be estimated) should
be clearly defined.
It is important that you identify the types of conclusions
you intend to draw and the criterion through which you
will arrive at these decisions.
Be sure to clearly explain the research design and how
this design will enable you to estimate the parameters of
For a given goal and conclusion, you should explain
how you arrived at the sample size that is necessary to
warrant these conclusions.
In this essay, noted scholarElizabeth Tiptonelaborates onhow to
best articulateresearch design in grant proposals. Thisessayis
a companion piece to our “A Guide to Writing Successful Field-
Initiated Research Grant Proposals, which provides general
information about the elements of grant writing. We also have
guides for proposals focused on qualitative methods and
research practice partnerships. These essays offer some insights
for grant-proposal crafting as a writing genre. They are not
intended to bestand-alone guides for writing grant proposals,
receiving a Spencer grant, or conducting research.We recognize
that there are numerous valuable approaches to conducting
research and urge scholars to consider the specific concerns in
their respective disciplinary and methodological fields.
Question Type Example Possible claims
Descriptive: Who, What, When,
Why, Where, How?
What types of students dropped out
of high school over the past 20 years?
There is a problem/ gap/ inequality/
process/ phenomenon.
Explanatory: Does a change in X lead
to an increase/ decrease in outcome Y?
Does dropping out of high school
reduce future earnings?
A policy/ practice should be implemented
/expanded/ removed/ changed.
Predictive: Does this model /
algorithm improve our ability to
predict future outcomes?
Can we identify in advance the
students likely to drop out
This algorithm/ model should be
Well-written proposals offer clear and appropriate
alignments from the guiding research question(s) through
the study design, data, sample, analysis, and its implications.
Quantitative researchand proposalstypically involve
one or more of three types of questions: descriptive,
explanatory, and predictive. Descriptive questions
focus on understanding and describing a problem, gap,
procedure, or practice. Explanatory questions – also called
‘causal’ questions – move beyond describing a problem,
focusing instead on possible interventions, practices, or
policies that are able to cause changes in outcomes or
practices. Importantly, both descriptive and explanatory
questions tend to focus on broad populations or samples
and aggregate analyses across these in the past or
present. Predictive questions, in comparison, focus on the
development of algorithms and models to identify and
predict future outcomes, often for individuals.
Determining if a question is descriptive, explanatory, or
predictive is often more complicated than it might seem,
because the same methods (e.g., regression) can often be
used to answer all three questions. One helpful approach in
determining the question type is to focus on the possible
claims that can be made once the study is finished, i.e., the
implications of the study. If the findings will be interpreted
as evidence supporting the use of a policy or practice, then
the question is likely explanatory.
If the implication is that a new algorithm or model should
be used to identify students or schools in need of an
intervention, then the question is predictive. Finally, if the
conclusion is that a form of inequality, social structure, or
problem is now better understood, the question is likely
descriptive. Table 1 provides examples for each of these
question types to help determine the kind of question
being asked.
The type of question asked should be in clear alignment
with the choice of research design, analysis plan, and
potential conclusions drawn. For example, when asking
a question that is inherently explanatory (e.g., if a policy or
intervention improves outcomes for students),
the research
design and analysis plan should be appropriate for research
(e.g., a design that appropriately addresses causality).
Without clear alignment between question and design,
the conclusions and goals of the proposed study will not
be met using the design and analysis strategy provided.
Importantly, this is true even if the method used in the study is not a
randomized experiment. Furthermore, the fact that a change is suggested
means that the intervention under study is something that can be
manipulated and is not an attribute of an individual (e.g., race, gender)
or group (e.g., urbanicity).
2.0 Articulate Clear Research Questions
4A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Table 1. Three general kinds of quantitative questions
Often the goal of the study is not merely to report a
statistice.g., an estimate or confidence intervalbut to
also draw a conclusion or make a decision based upon this
estimate. For example, in an explanatory question, the study
may conclude that an intervention is successful if there is
(a) evidence that the sample effect size estimate is > 0.20
standard deviations (or another threshold), and (b) that
there is evidence the effect is non-zero in the population
(e.g., a hypothesis test based on a Type I error of 0.05). In a
descriptive study, there may not be a decision per se, but
instead, the goal may be to precisely estimate a measure
(e.g., of poverty or achievement). In this case, a margin of
error might be specified. Finally, in a predictive study, a
new method or algorithm might be considered useful if it
has a lower mean-squared-error than an existing measure
or reaches a target accuracy metric. Importantly, these
criteria given here are only examples. Others might be more
appropriate depending on the case. What is important,
however, is that criteria are stated in advance. Table 2
below provides examples of these for each of the types of
Clear questions and goals shape research design and
analytic strategies. When misaligned, research projects fall
apart in their logic. For example, if a proposed explanatory
study seeks to determine if an intervention can improve
student learning broadly for all students, but then indicates
that the schools in the study are all found in a single large
urban school district, the results will not be able to meet the
proposed goal. Persuasive research proposals are careful,
therefore, to ensure that the questions asked are answerable
and stated inquiry goals are feasible using the proposed
research design and analysis methods.
3.0 Set Clear Goals
Offer a clearly defined and specific research question and
goals for the study, once the question type is identified.
This specification will ultimately narrow the question from
a broader class of interest for studye.g., about inequality
in all schoolsto the narrower class that can be feasibly
answered in the proposed study, given the budget and
real-world constraints. For example, while inequality may
be a broad concern, in a particular study one might focus
specifically on school funding inequality in North Carolina
elementary schools in 2018-2019. This specificity does not
make the research any less important—but it does help in
defining the scope of the claims that can be made from the
In framing a study, it is important to define the population
to whom the results are intended to apply, and conversely,
where they may not. It is often helpful to turn to population-
level data, such as the Common Core of Data (an annual
census of schools), the American Community Survey, the U.S.
Census, or national probability survey data like the
Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), to define the
characteristics of this population. For example, it may be that
the study focuses on rural students of color in the American
South, or that the study focuses on schools in Texas. Keep in
mind that the population definition is broader than simply
reporting summary statistics on the sample in hand (unless
the population of interest is the sample, which is possible).
Distinguishing between a sample and population often
involves asking questions like, “What is this sample a case
of?” and “Where might results of this study not apply?
Once a target population is defined, offer a clear definition
of the parameter(s) of focus in the study. This requires
narrowing the question and anticipating the kinds of
‘output’ for focus in the quantitative analyses. For an
explanatory question, the goal may be to estimate the
average treatment effect, subgroup treatment effects, or
treatment effect differences. For a descriptive question,
the goal may be to provide summary statistics (e.g., means,
standard deviations, correlations), or the amount of variation
in an outcome explained by different subsets of variables.
For a predictive question, the goal may be to develop an
algorithm that can predict well (e.g., 95% accuracy) an
outcome for each student or school in the population. Again,
it is important to distinguish here between the parameter,
which is unknown in the population, and the estimator,
which is based on the model and data in the study.
A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Topic Questions Descriptive Explanatory Predictive
Population What population is this
study about? What is it
not about? (What are
inclusion/ exclusion
High school students
in public schools in the
U.S. that were included
in NELS.
Public, regular,
elementary schools
serving > 50% students
on free-or reduced-
priced lunch in
Elementary school
students in Texas in
public schools captured
in the state longitudinal
data system.
Parameter What is the population
quantity of interest?
(There may be more
than one).
What is the average
and variation of X? How
correlated is X with
Y? How much of X is
explained by Y and Z?
What is the average
treatment effect of X
on Y?
What is the predicted
value of Y given observed
Criteria Is there a decision to be
made? If so, what is the
criterion – how will you
know there is “enough”
evidence or that the
model is “good”?
The estimates of the
mean will have a margin
of error within X units,
giving confidence
intervals with a width of
The intervention is
effective if there is
sufficient evidence (p <
.05) that the treatment
effect is non-zero in the
population and if the
estimated effect size is
medium in size (e.g., ≥
0.20 SDs).
The algorithm is effective
if it predicts Y better (e.g.,
has lower MSE) than
other available methods.
Table 2. Goals, Questions, and Examples
6A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
A researcher might plan to collect data themself, for
example, in a survey or experiment. An important
consideration is how to approach recruiting a sample
that represents the population of interest. A probabilistic
selection plan may be ideal, but not often very feasible,
particularly with uncommon subgroups. However,
researchers must contend with this question even when
the sample will be recruited based mainly on convenience
e.g., using Facebook or MTurk or by recruiting schools in
neighboring school districts. Importantly, this may mean
that budgetary and resource constraints of the study will not
allow for generalizability to a target population. In this case,
the target population specified may need to be narrowed,
and the logics made clear in a proposal.
Just as importantly, to make claims about how a sample is
related to a population, data collection is needed. In a study
about college students, for example, it may be helpful to
know the demographics of students in the population and
to collect similar demographics for those in the sample.
This will allow an assessment for reporting the degree of
similarity between the sample and target population. It is
important for a proposal of this type to offer a clear plan for
data collection and analyses.
Finally, it is important to note that all studies have
limitations, particularly based on the type of sample
recruited (or data available) compared to the population
more broadly. There is no perfect study, and reviewers
understand this. Convincing proposals, therefore, anticipate
problems, carefully examine possible approaches, and
acknowledge study limitations.
Shape the Study Design from the
Research Question(s) and Goal(s)
Research design connects the specific research question to
the study’s claim or conclusions. The design operationalizes
how the sample will be collected, how outcomes will be
measured, and if relevant, how causality will be determined.
Importantly, there may be multiple ways to design a study.
This is a place where creativity and ingenuity show. However,
some approaches are particularly well suited to specific
question types. This section gives a broad overview of these
problems and common approaches.
4.1 Sample: Recruitment approaches
Regardless of question type, nearly all studies focus on
a sample, not the full population. As a result, how this
sample is (or was) recruited has broad implications for
generalizability to the target population (defined in Section
3.0). In some studies, these data may have been previously
collected. For example, descriptive and predictive research
often turn to large national probability samples, like the Early
Childhood Longitudinal Survey (ECLS). The fact that these
studies involved the random selection of units (e.g., schools)
into the survey enables clear generalizations to
a target population. Here the documentation to these
surveys can help determine any particular concerns for
generalization. For example, they may have excluded
particular parts of the population (e.g., private schools), they
were collected only during a specific period of time, or there
may be concerns with non-response.
In other studies, the analyses focus on existing data that
were not collected probabilistically. This type of data
is particularly common for predictive and descriptive
questions, where rich data on subgroups or processes are
available only for those that completed a survey or who
interacted with a particular product. For example, data
may have been collected by a publisher on how students
interacted with an online educational game or via an Mturk
or Facebook survey regarding attitudes and beliefs about
inequality. In these cases, the prevailing design concern
is with how those that are in the data (e.g., completed the
survey) might or might not represent the target population.
How might this impact study results if those motivated
to complete the survey on inequality are those with the
strongest feelings? Or what if those schools that have
provided data on an educational software platform tend to
be highly concentrated in private schools in San Francisco?
These external validity bias concerns should be considered.
A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
4.2 Measures: Operationalization of
outcomes and variables
Regardless of question type, all studies require careful
consideration of how important outcomes and variables
will be operationalized and measured within a study. For
example, at a broad level, a study might focus on the effect
of socio-economic status (SES) on student achievement
outcomes, and particularly a sample of schools in North
Carolina. But how should socio-economic status and
achievement be measured? There are a variety of ways SES
has been conceptualized in the literature (e.g., free- or
reduced-priced lunch indicators, based on mother’s income,
based on mother’s income and occupational prestige, etc.).
Similarly, achievement can be measured in many ways—
based on a proximal measure specific to the study in hand
(e.g., knowledge of fractions), a researcher-developed
measure, a more distal measure available in extant data (e.g.,
NC state second-grade math score), and so on. The
relationship between SES and achievement depends upon
the operationalization of each.
One concern here is with regard to construct validity—how
well an item measures what it says it measures. This is a
high-level question and requires one to think carefully about
(a) what exactly the broader construct is, (b) what possible
candidate operationalizations (i.e., items) there are available,
and (c) how to tease apart empirically how well these
candidates actually meet the study goal.
At a more specific level, there are concerns with
measurement validity, which has to do with the level of
measurement, the variable encoding, and the reliability of
this measurement. The level of measurement might be, for
example, at a particular time-point for a person, a general
person-specific measure, at the classroom or school level. To
continue this example, the relationship between SES and
achievement could be measured at the student level or the
school level – and again, these relationships may differ.
Furthermore, SES could be encoded as a dichotomous
variable (e.g., low-SES versus not), as a continuous variable, or
as an ordinal variable.
A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Reliability has to do with the ‘consistency’ or ‘repeatability
of selected measures. Reliability statistics (e.g., Cronbach’s
alpha) are often provided for existing measures, particularly
test scores and other psychological constructs. However,
these statistics are specific to the populations and samples
studied. In this example, an achievement test (or items from
it) might have been shown to be highly reliable for 8
students, but it may not be for 4
-grade students. Similarly,
the entire achievement test may have high reliability, but the
sub-score focused only on fractions may not.
Just as with sample recruitment, there is no perfect study
with respect to measurement. Persuasive proposals make
clear how constructs will be measured and encoded,
available information on the reliability of these measures,
and possible limitations to these approaches. Compelling
proposals anticipate problems, carefully examine possible
strategies, and acknowledge study limitations.
Just as with sample recruitment and measurement, there
is no perfect study with respect to causality. For a particular
study, the most compelling proposals identify the most
robust possible design given the budget and resource
constraints. Persuasive proposals anticipate potential
threats to causality in the study and carefully plan for
approaches to mitigate these. For example, this might
include planned robustness or sensitivity analyses, as well
as clear statements about assumptions required and
possible study limitations.
4.3 Interventions: Explanatory studies
and causality
In an explanatory study, the goal is to make a causal claim,
by estimating the effect of an intervention. In the literature,
this is referred to as
internal validity. Here the ‘gold standard’
design is a randomized experiment. In such an experiment,
students, classrooms, teachers, or schools might be
randomized to receive a new intervention. It is important
here to carefully think through questions like: What is the
comparison condition? What are the components of the
intervention? How will the intervention be implemented? Is
there any chance the intervention might be shared with the
comparison condition?
Given the difficulties of implementing randomized
experiments, researchers often turn to quasi-experiments
instead to answer causal questions. These research designs
include regression discontinuity, instrumental variables,
interrupted time-series, and non-equivalent control group
designs. In all of these cases, since the intervention is
not randomized, it can be challenging to tease apart the
effect of the intervention itself from the selection of the
intervention. In other words, those that implement an
intervention may also be different in a variety of ways
from those that do not implement the intervention. For
example, students that are retained for an additional year
of Kindergarten typically differ in other ways (e.g., age, SES)
from those who are not, making it difficult to tease apart the
“effect” of grade retention from other experiences and
A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Question Type Example Models and Methods
Descriptive Geographic (e.g., GIS). Networks. Summary statistics. Correlations. Regression.
Explanatory Average difference in group means (randomized experiment). Regression with
controls. Difference-in-difference. Propensity scores. Instrumental variables.
Two-stage least squares. Non-parametric regression (e.g., regression discontinuity).
Predictive Regression. Machine learning. Artificial intelligence. Supervised learning.
Given this estimator, the next concern is with uncertainty
and the ability of the sample in this study to answer the
question and meet the goals of the study defined previously.
All estimators have a measure of uncertainty associated
with them, and these measures of uncertainty depend
on the research design. For example, if schools are the
unit of sampling or random assignment and outcomes
are measured on students, then standard errors should
take this clustering into account. Similarly, clustering and
selection probabilities should be considered in the standard
errors calculated using analyses of large national probability
surveys (e.g., ECLS).
Conclusions, Samples, Estimates,
and Uncertainty
Once the question type, goals, and study design are
clear, the proposal should clearly define the models and
methods that will be used to estimate the parameters
of focus and draw conclusions based upon the specified
criterion. Depending upon the question, the models
and methods used might range from very simple (e.g.,
means, correlations) to very complex (e.g., multilevel
models). Models should be chosen to estimate the target
parameters (Section 3.0), as well as to appropriately
account for sources of uncertainty. Table 3a presents a
possible, but not exhaustive, sampling of methods and
models. As highlighted before, the same methods (e.g.,
regression) can be used for all three question types.
For a given model, one should clearly identify the
parameter estimator. For example, in a descriptive
study, the sample correlation may be reported, while in
an explanatory study, the analytic focus may be on the
second-stage regression coefficient associated with an
instrument in an instrumental variable analysis. Or, more
commonly, a regression model may be used with many
control variables to estimate the average treatment effect
of an intervention in a quasi-experiment; in which case, the
coefficient of focus is that associated with the intervention,
not those associated with the controls.
Table 3a. Example models and methods
10A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Topic Questions Descriptive Explanatory Predictive
Estimator What is the estimation /
prediction strategy (e.g.,
boosted regression)?
Summary statistics –
means and SDs – will
be calculated for each
question. When there are
multiple items regarding
the same construct,
latent variables will be
regression coefficient
in a hierarchical linear
model that accounts for
nesting of students in
schools (unit of random
Bayesian predictive
models using multivariate
hierarchical models with
X specifications will be
used to predict X. Half of
the data will be set aside
for validation.
Uncertainty /
What is the measure of
certainty (e.g., standard
error, predictive validity,
reliability)? How do
design parameters
affect this measure?
When estimating the
mean, the margin of
error is a function of
sample size and the
residual variation.
Standard error: a
function of the intra-class
correlation, sample
size, and effect size.
Prediction intervals are
a function of the sample
size, residual variation
in the population, and
covariate variation in the
Sample size Given the goals
and estimators and
uncertainty, what sample
size is required?
For a margin of error of
X, a sample size of X is
The minimum
detectable effect size
(MDES) for power of
80% with α = .05 is X.
To classify students with
X% error, a sample size of
X is required.
Table 3
b provides a handful of examples for each of these
three concernsestimator, uncertainty, and sample size.
Persuasive proposals clearly convey the degree of certainty
(precision) or uncertainty expected in the estimates, as a
result of sample size and budgetary and other constraints,
and how this degree of certainty will affect any conclusions
the researcher seeks to draw. Here, the alignment between
what is desired (the goal) and what is possible (the
uncertainty) is important. For example, a proposed study
that seeks to determine if an intervention will improve
student achievement (a hypothesis test question) but has
a very small sample with limited statistical power (e.g.,
0.20) is unlikely to be funded. This is not to say that small
studies, exploratory projects, or pilot studies cannot be
considered strong and fundable proposals, but simply that
the conclusions that such studies can possibly draw should
be tempered by the scope of the project.
11A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
In most studies, to some degree the degree of uncertainty
can be anticipated in advance through a power
Measures of uncertainty can be written as functions of
design parameters (i.e., sample characteristics that are
knowable before a study is started). For example, the
standard error of a regression coefficient is a function
of the sample size (n), the variation in the covariate in
the sample (s
), the residual variation (σ
) and the degree
of multicollinearity (VIF). Or, in a group-randomized
experiment, the uncertainty is a function of the intra-class
correlation (ρ, the degree of clustering), as well as the
number of student (n) and school (J) observations. Even in
prediction models, the ability to classify well is a function
of covariate features and sample size. In all cases, some or
all of these characteristics are knowable in advance based
on previous studies or extant data, and software is available
to help conduct these analyses. Thus, given the decisions
and conclusions that will be made from a study and the
estimation strategy used, researchers should be able to
determine the sample size that is necessary to warrant
these conclusions.
Table 3b. Estimators, Uncertainty and Sample Size Examples
In conclusion, no amount of fancy statistical modelling
can make up for a poor study design. Compelling research
proposals take this to heart, clearly defining the logic of the
research process from beginning to end. As outlined in this
guide, this involves:
Accurately determining the type of question being asked.
Cleary stating the specific population and parameters
under study and how conclusions will be drawn from the
Carefully describing the research design, including sample
recruitment, measurements, and, when required, strategy
for identifying causality.
Appropriately selecting a model for estimation and
indicating that the sample size of the study will be
appropriate for drawing the stated conclusions and
Perhaps more important than any one of these steps,
however, is the alignment of these steps throughout
the proposal. The alignment between the question,
goal, design, and analysis are of utmost importance.
For additional resources on quantitative research design,
please refer to the appendix, which includes articles,
books, software, and training opportunities.
6.0 Writing a Strong Quantitative
12A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
13A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Appendix: Further
Descriptive research questions:
1. Loeb, S., Dynarski, S., McFarland, D., Morris, P., Reardon, S., & Reber, S. (2017).
Descriptive analysis in education: A guide for researchers. (NCEE 2017–4023).
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education
Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
Explanatory versus predictive questions:
2. Schmueli, G. (2010) To explain or to predict? Statistical Science, 25(3): 289-310.
Explanatory versus predictive questions:
3. Murnane, R. J., & Willett, J. B. (2010).Methods matter: Improving causal
inference in educational and social science research. Oxford University Press.
4. Morgan, S. L., & Winship, C. (2015).Counterfactuals and causal inference.
Cambridge University Press.
1. A best practice is to pre-register hypotheses, allowing confirmatory
and exploratory tests to be clearly defined. In education, the Registry of
Educational Effectiveness Studies (free) provides formats for pre-registering
both experiments and quasi-experiments.
General overview and guide:
2. Duran, R. P., Eisenhart, M. A., Erickson, F. D., Grant, C. A., Green, J. L., Hedges,
L. V., & Schneider, B. L. (2006). Standards for reporting on empirical social
science research in AERA publications: American Educational Research
Association.Educational Researcher,35(6), 33-40.
3. The Generalizer is a free webtool that can be used to help define a target
population of schools (both K-12 and higher education) in the United States,
and to develop a recruitment plan to represent this population.
Measurement and Causality:
4. Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2002).Experimental and quasi-
experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston: Houghton
1. The Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness maintains a
professional development library (with videos of prior workshops) as well as a
list of software useful to researchers.
2. There are several options available for conducting analyses of statistical
power including:
G*Power (both PC and Mac, free) – for laboratory experiments, t-tests, ANOVA,
and individually randomized trials.
Optimal Design (PC based, free) – for cluster-randomized designs (e.g., school
randomization), randomized block designs (e.g., classrooms within schools
randomized), and longitudinal growth models.
PowerUp! (Excel-based, free) – cluster randomized designs, randomized
block designs, as well as mediators and moderators of treatment effects in
these designs.
3. There is a wide range of workshops available each year funded by IES and NSF
intended to build methodological capacity for education researchers. Those
interested may want to sign up to be on the IES and NSF listservs to receive
announcements of future workshop opportunities. As of February 2020, there
are five available to researchers:
NSF funded workshops (focus on STEM education):
o Study Design (Summers 2021 – 2023)
o Introductory Meta-Analysis (Summers 2021 – 2023)
o Quantitative Methods and Measurement Intro
(Summers 2020 – 2022)
IES funded workshops:
o Advanced Meta-Analysis (Summers 2018 – 2021)
o Cluster Randomized Trials (Summers 2007 – 2021)
14A Guide to Quantitative Research Proposals
Spencer Foundation
625 North Michigan Avenue
Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60611