v. ) Criminal No. 1:23-CR-____
Defendant )
I, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) being
duly sworn, hereby depose and state as follows:
1. I am an investigative or law enforcement officer of the United States, within the
meaning of Section 2510(7) of Title 18, United States Code, and am empowered by law to conduct
investigations of, and to make arrests for offenses enumerated in Title 18, United States Code,
Section 2516.
2. I am a Special Agent with the FBI assigned to the Washington Field Office. During
my time with the FBI, I have received training at the FBI Academy located at Quantico, Virginia,
specific to counterintelligence and espionage investigations. Since 2021, I have been assigned to
a counterintelligence squad at the Washington Field Office where my primary duties include the
investigation of espionage and other national security matters, including violations of Title 18,
United States Code, Sections 794 and 793. I currently am assigned to investigate
counterintelligence and espionage matters.
3. I have training in the preparation, presentation, and service of criminal complaints,
and have been involved in the investigation of numerous types of offenses against the United
States. I have also been trained in the preparation, presentation, and service of arrest and search
warrants, and have executed both arrest warrants and search warrants in previous cases.
4. Based on my training and experience and the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there
is probable cause to believe that Abraham Teklu Lemma (“Lemma”) violated 18 U.S.C. § 794(a)
(gathering or delivering defense information to aid a foreign government); 18 U.S.C. § 794(c)
(conspiracy to gather or deliver defense information to aid a foreign government); and 18 U.S.C.
§ 793(e) (having unauthorized possession of National Defense Information (“NDI)). I therefore
make this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint charging Lemma with these offenses.
5. These acts occurred in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, involved the
transportation of classified NDI from and through the District of Columbia to another state or
country, and involved electronic communications from or through the District of Columbia
and another state or country in furtherance of the conspiracy, and are thus within the venue
of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3237.
Additionally, as classified NDI was transmitted to another country, which is outside the
jurisdiction of any State or district, venue is proper in this District pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
§ 3239.
6. The facts in this affidavit come from your affiants personal observations,
training and experience, and information obtained from other U.S. Government officers and
witnesses. This affidavit is intended merely to show there is sufficient probable cause for
Lemma’s arrest and does not set forth all your affiant’s knowledge about this matter.
7. For the reasons set forth below, there is probable cause to believe that Lemma
committed violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 794 (a), and (c), and 793(e).
8. Under 18 U.S.C. § 794(a), “[w]however, with intent or reason to believe that it is
to be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation, communicates,
delivers or transmits, or attempts to communicate, deliver or transmit, to any foreign government
. . . or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, subject, or citizen thereof . . . any document,
writing, . . . or information relating to the national defense” shall be imprisoned “for any term of
years or for life[.]”
9. Under 18 U.S.C. § 794(c), “[i]f two or more persons conspire to violate this section,
and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the
parties to such conspiracy shall be subject to the punishment provided for the offenses which is
the object of such conspiracy.
10. Under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), “[w]hoever having unauthorized possession of, access
to, or control over any document . . . or information relating to the national defense which
information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or
to the advantage of any foreign nation, . . . willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the
officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it shall be fined or imprisoned not
more than ten years, or both.
11. Under Executive Order 13526, the unauthorized disclosure of material classified at
the TOP SECRET level (TS), by definition, reasonably could be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to the national securityof the United States. Exec Order 13526 §
1.2(a)(1), 75 Fed Reg. 707, 707-08 (Jan. 5, 2010). The unauthorized disclosure of information
classified at the SECRET level (S”), by definition, reasonably could be expected to cause
serious damage to the national security of the United States. Exec. Order 13526 § 1.2(a)(2). The
unauthorized disclosure of information classified at the CONFIDENTIAL level (“C”), by
definition, reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national securityof the United
States. Exec. Order 13526 1.2(a)(3).
12. Sensitive Compartmented Information (“SCI”) is classified information related to
intelligence sources, methods, and analytical processes. SCI is to be processed, stored, used, or
discussed in an accredited Secured Compartmented information Facility (“SCIF”), and only
individuals with the appropriate security clearance and additional SCI permissions are authorized
to access such classified national security information. For a foreign government to receive access
to classified information, the originating United States agency must determine that such release is
13. Pursuant to Executive Order 13526, information classified at any level shall be
lawfully accessed only by persons determined by an appropriate United States government official
to be eligible for access to classified information, who has signed an approved non-disclosure
agreement, who has received a security clearance, and who has a “need to know” the classified
information. Classified information shall only be stored or discussed in an approved facility.
14. As described more fully below, there is probable cause to believe that Lemma did,
improperly and unlawfully, search for, access, secrete, remove, possess, obtain, and retain
classified NDI, and conspired to and did transmit classified NDI to a representative, officer, agent,
employee, subject, or citizen of a foreign nation, intending or believing that such information
would be used to the injury of the United States and to the advantage of a foreign nation.
Lemma’s U.S. Government Security Clearances and U.S. Government Employment
15. Lemma is a naturalized citizen of the United States who was previously a citizen of
an African country (the “Relevant Country”). Lemma currently resides in Maryland. Lemma is a
U.S. Government contractor who has worked with various U.S. Government agencies since at least
July 2019. Lemma indicated in his resume that he was employed by a bank in Maryland prior to
his employment as a U.S. Government contractor.
16. Lemma was previously employed by another U.S. Government agency (“U.S.
Agency 1”) starting in November 2020 and ending in December 2021.
17. Lemma has been working as a Help Desk Technician assigned to the Bureau of
Intelligence and Research with the U.S. Department of State (“DOS”) since at least 2021. Lemma
works at a State Department facility in Washington, D.C., as an Information Technology (IT”)
administrator, and has access to DOS classified systems. In that capacity, Lemma has “downdraft
authority, meaning he is authorized to move classified material between classified systems, and is
authorized to move unclassified information from a classified to an unclassified system. Lemma
is permitted to access non-DOS classified systems and portals, but only if required as part of his
work-related duties. To access non-DOS classified systems or portals, Lemma is required to have
a specific IT service request for those systems from a DOS employee. Absent a work-related
request to access those systems, Lemma is not authorized to access non-DOS classified systems
or portals. Lemmas workspace at DOS is located in a SCIF.
18. In addition to DOS, where he works evening hours, Lemma is also currently
employed as a contract management analyst at the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) during the
day. He has been employed by his current DOJ component since in or around May 2022, and has
access to classified information.
19. Lemma has had a TOP SECRET security clearance since at least 2020, and
obtained SCI access in July 2021. As part of that clearance, Lemma was given instruction on the
proper handling of classified information, including the proper storage of classified information.
As part of his employment at both DOS and DOJ, Lemma has also been required to take regular,
annual training that includes refresher training on the proper marking and handling of classified
20. Because Lemma held a security clearance and was assigned to various government
agencies, both as an employee and as a private contractor, the U.S. Government entrusted Lemma
with access to sensitive government materials, including classified NDI if he possessed a need to
know the classified NDI to perform his work functions.
Lemma Viewed Classified Information Outside the Scope of His Employment and
Removed Classified Materials from the SCIF
21. On numerous occasions since at least July 2022, while having authorized access to
the classified DOS computer system, Lemma has navigated and searched several non-DOS
classified portals through the classified DOS computer system without authorization and accessed
non-DOS intelligence reports (“Intelligence Reports”).
22. Between on or about December 19, 2022, and August 7, 2023, Lemma copied and
pasted information from at least 85 Intelligence Reports regarding many topicsthe majority of
which relate to the Relevant Country. Lemma accessed these Intelligence Reports without a need-
to-know the classified information contained therein. During the same period, Lemma accessed
at least an additional 48 Intelligence Reports without a need-to-know. According to DOS records,
Lemma has, on multiple occasions, also printed and downloaded SECRET and TOP SECRET
classified information from the Intelligence Reports using the DOS system. The printed and
downloaded material related primarily to the Relevant Country. Lemma had no need-to-know this
information and was not authorized to print or download it.
23. On or about February 9, 2022, Lemma traveled to the Relevant Country, where
Lemma has family ties, and returned to work at DOS and DOJ in the United States in or around
July 2022. Review of Lemma’s activity by DOS has confirmed that since his return in July 2022,
Lemma has downloaded over 100 documents containing classified information from the DOS
classified system to CDs and/or DVDs. This activity was unauthorized and outside the scope of
Lemma’s job duties.
24. On or about April 12, 2023, Lemma again traveled to the Relevant Country, and
returned to DOS in June 2023.
25. Since at least June 2023, DOS has confirmed that Lemma copied and pasted
classified information f rom Intelligence Reports from non-DOS classified portals into Microsoft
Word (“Word”) documents on the classified DOS computer system without authorization or a
need-to-know the information. DOS’s review of Lemma’s activity showed that Lemma deleted
classification markings from the portions of the Intelligence Reports he copied into Word
documents. DOS records further show Lemma then downloaded those Word files from the DOS
classified system onto CDs and/or DVDs, which could then be taken out of the SCIF. The material
from Intelligence Reports that Lemma was reviewing and copying was classified at the TOP
SECRET and SECRET levels, and also related primarily to the Relevant Country.
26. More recently, between July 10, and August 18, 2023, Lemma copied classified
information from numerous Intelligence Reports onto CDs or DVDs from the DOS classified
system on at least three occasions. DOS records indicate Lemma completed approximately 10
downloads on August 18, 2023, most of which were classified at the TOP SECRET or SECRET
27. On or about August 2, 2023, Lemma was observed using the DOS classified
computer system, and accessing non-DOS classified portals outside of his authorized access.
Lemma was observed accessing TOP SECRET Intelligence Reports about the same region o f the
world where the Relevant Country is located, without any request submitted to him at the IT help
desk or a need-to-know the specific classified information. As Lemma was reviewing the
classified material, he was observed writing on a sheet of paper in a manner that indicated to your
affiant that he was taking notes about the classified information. Lemma was then observed taking
the piece of paper and folding it multiple times before placing it in his right pants pocket. Lemma
was then observed leaving DOS and proceeding to his vehicle. At approximately 10:35 p.m., after
leaving his workplace and while parked in a parking garage near his residence, Lemma remained
in his vehicle for over twenty minutes with the interior vehicle lights on.
28. On or about August 7, 2023, Lemma was again observed at work using the DOS
classified computer system and accessing non-DOS classified portals to review classified
Intelligence Reports outside of his authorized access. Lemma copied portions of TOP SECRET
Intelligence Reports that he accessed within those portals, pasted them into one or more Word
documents, removed the classified portion markings from the pasted text in the Word documents,
and then burned the Word documents containing the classified information to a CD/DVD that
appeared to have a green label. Your affiant is aware that DOS maintains CD/DVDs with green
labels for its employees, which are plainly marked “Unclassified,” and which are for use to store
and maintain unclassified material only. The material copied by Lemma included material
classified at the TOP SECRET level. Lemma was observed placing the disk with the green label
inside his jacket pocket before leaving the classified area and exiting the building. At
approximately 8:35 p.m., Lemma left work before the end of his shift, entered his vehicle while
still wearing the jacket, remained stationary for several minutes, and then moved his vehicle to his
workplace garage. Lemma then traveled into Maryland and was observed walking into his
29. On or about August 15, 2023, Lemma was again observed at work using the DOS
classified computer system and accessing non-DOS classified portals to review Intelligence
Reports outside of his authorized access. The material reviewed by Lemma included material
classified at the TOP SECRET level. Lemma was observed taking a sheet of paper and writing
notes on the paper for approximately 15 minutes while viewing the classified portal. Lemma then
folded the paper and placed it in his right front pocket. He then left the SCIF and proceeded to his
vehicle. Lemma then traveled into Maryland and was observed walking into his residence.
30. On or about August 18, 2023, Lemma was again observed at work using the DOS
classified computer system and accessing non-DOS classified portals outside of his authorized
access. Lemma copied portions of Intelligence Reports accessed on those non-DOS portals, pasted
them into one or more Word documents, removed the classified portion markings from the pasted
text in the Word documents, and then burned the Word documents containing the classified
information to a CD/DVD with a green label. The material copied by Lemma included classified
material marked at the TOP SECRET level. Lemma was observed placing the disk with the green
label into his pocket before leaving the DOS building. Lemma then traveled into Maryland and
was observed walking into his residence.
31. DOS has confirmed that the above activities were not authorized as part of
Lemma’s IT administrator duties and that Lemma did not have authority to remove classified
information from DOS. DOS has also confirmed Lemma did not receive specific IT requests to
transfer classified material to Word, remove the classification markings, or download the
information onto CDs and/or DVDs.
Lemma Has Conspired with an Agent of a Foreign Government to Transmit NDI
32. In or around August and September 2022, Lemma transmitted classified NDI,
including documents, photographs, notes, maps, and information relating to the Relevant Country
and neighboring countries over an encrypted messaging application (Encrypted Messaging
Application A”) to a particular account (“Account 1”) on multiple occasions, including on the
following two dates. First, in or around August 2022, Lemma transmitted satellite imagery from
the region of the Relevant Country. This information was classified at the TOP SECRET level.
Second, in or around September 2022, Lemma transmitted information related to a third-party
countrys activities in the region of the Relevant County. This information was classified at the
SECRET level.
33. Your affiant believes that Account 1, to which Lemma transmitted classified NDI,
is used by or on behalf of an official of an intelligence service of the Relevant Country (“Foreign
Official”) based upon information gathered through the course of this investigation, including the
a. In May 2022, the Foreign Official applied for a visa to visit the United States;
that application listed the Foreign Official’s phone number (“Telephone Number
1) and the Foreign Official’s official, government affiliation with the Relevant
b. According to open-source research, Telephone Number 1 is linked to a profile on
Encrypted Messaging Application A; the profile associated with Telephone
Number one includes a profile image of knot.
c. In September 2022, Account 1 had the same profile image of a knot; additionally,
the Foreign Official’s first name, which matches the name on his visa application,
is the name of the user of Account 1as displayed in communications with Lemma.
d. In or around August 2022, the profile picture associated with Account 1, which
was displayed during communications with Lemma, was a headshot of an
individual that resembles the Foreign Officials appearance in his visa application
photo and other open-source photographs identifying the Foreign Official. This
includes photos from the Relevant Country’s official government website for its
intelligence service, which also identifies the Foreign Official by name and
official government title.
34. Lemmas communications with the Foreign Official over Encrypted Messaging
Application A included a discussion of military activities of a rebel group involved in an armed
struggle against the government of the Relevant Country. In one communication, Lemma sent an
image relating to events in the Relevant Country and advised the Foreign Official,[y]our team
analyze this and establish some sort of sense to this. In another exchange, the Foreign Official
told Lemma, “[w]e making [sic] significant progress on averting the … in few days we will achieve
the critical milestones ….not to happen again. Therefore, it’s not a long time we are asking. Good
if you can check and [sic] back to me what u can do.” (ellipses in original). Similarly, the Foreign
Official advised Lemma, “[i]t is great to identify the forward deployed command centers and
logistic centers,” in response to Lemma discussing locations in the Relevant Country.
35. In other chats, the Foreign Official provided specific subjects where he would like
information from Lemma (e.g. logistic centers). Lemma responded, “[a]bsolutely, I have been
focusing on that all this week . . . . In other chats with the Foreign Official, Lemma sent photos
of a “military compound.In or around September 2022, the Foreign Official stated, “[i]t’s time
to continue ur support. Lemma responded, “Roger that!” In another chat, the Foreign Official
Accordingly, consistent with this paragraph, I hereinafter refer to the user of Account 1 as the
Foreign Official.
praised Lemma’s efforts, stating “[a]lways this beautiful country have [sic] some special people
who scarify [sic] their life to protect our proud history. You always remembered. It doesn’t matter
the results.
36. An authorized search of Lemma’s electronic accounts (“Electronic Accounts)
confirmed Lemma possessed and retained digital photographic copies, notes, maps, and
information of the above-referenced classified NDI that he transmitted to the Foreign Official. The
Electronic Accounts were not government accounts or on a secure network authorized to store
classified NDI.
37. Additionally, between April 13, and June 21, 2023, Lemma’s Electronic Accounts
were accessed from the Relevant Country’s IP address 31 times, including when Lemma was no
longer present in the Relevant Country. As discussed above, Lemma traveled to the Relevant
Country in April through June 2023, and returned to the United States before June 16, 2023. The
investigation has revealed that on June 16, 20, and 21, 2023, Lemma badged into DOS to work on
those dates. Lemma then copied and burned a CD and/or DVD containing information from
Intelligence Reports using the DOS classified system without proper authorization. Records
provided by the Provider of the Electronic Accounts confirmed that the Electronic Accounts were
accessed from the Relevant Country on June 16, 2023 (while Lemma was in the United States).
38. Your affiant understands this activity is consistent with the account holder
providing another person in a foreign country with access to the account. Your affiant is also
aware of advanced Operations Security (“OPSEC”), where persons will surreptitiously
communicate with one another through shared access to an account with one user being in one
location and the other in a different location.
39. Furthermore, messages sent while Lemma was in the Relevant Country establish
Lemma was aware that the Foreign Official was located in the Relevant Country. Specifically, on
April 17, 2023, Lemma messaged the Foreign Official, “I hope we’re using current [Country A]
situations for our advantage” and that “I would like to talk. Country A is a country that shares a
border with the Relevant Country. Two days later, the Foreign Official messaged Lemma with
the name of a hotel located in the capital of the Relevant Country and the time “5pm. Lemma
responded, “Okay!
Lemma Has Deposited Sums of Money in Several U.S. Banks that Coincide with His
Obtaining, Retaining, and Transmitting Classified Information
40. On or about July 15, 2023, Lemma entered a branch office of a U.S. bank in
Maryland (“Bank 1”) and attempted to deposit over $11,700. Lemma was observed angrily
discouraging an employee of Bank 1 from filing a Currency Transaction Report (“CTR”) with the
U.S. Department of Treasury.
Specifically, Lemma tried to convince the employee that his
transaction was not subject to reporting despite deposits in excess of $10,000. According to
records obtained during the investigation, Lemma deposited $11,773.84 in cash into his account
at Bank 1 on that date.
Subsequently, on or about July 24, 2023, Bank 1 issued a CTR for this
transaction. Lemma downloaded classified reports from DOS close in time to this July 15, 2023
depositspecifically, Lemma copied at least 16 reports July 11-14, 2023.
41. Lemma’s cash deposits are also correlated to travel to the Relevant Country. On or
about February 6, 2022, Lemma printed a classified document and then travelled to the Relevant
U.S. Department of Treasury Regulations require the issuance of a CTR with the U.S. Department
of Treasury memorializing any cash transaction of more than $10,000. See 31 C.F.R. §1010.306
and 110.310 (requiring financial institution to file a CTR for cash transactions over $10,000 to be
made within 15 days).
Additional records from Bank 1 have been requested to confirm how much of this amount was
initially obtained from the cashing of checks before the full deposit, and how much was additional
Country three days later, on or about February 9, 2022. Lemma returned from his trip on or about
April 30, 2022, and deposited $4,300 in cash that same day.
42. Review of Lemma’s U.S. Bank 1 account records further revealed that Lemma
made several large deposits, totaling in excess of $55,000, into U.S. Bank 1 between January 1,
2022 until July 17, 2023. These deposits include: a deposit of $10,000 on or about December 7,
2022, in Silver Spring, Maryland; a deposit of $9,680.22 on or about August 17, 2022, on K Street,
N.W. in the District of Columbia; a deposit of $1,936.06 on or about August 18, 2022, in Metro
Center in the District of Columbia; and a cash deposit of $11,373.63 on or about February 23,
2023, in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Additional investigation revealed that on or about December
7, 2022, Lemma entered a branch office of a U.S. bank in Maryland (“Bank 2”) and opened two
joint accounts with another individual, providing $2,000 in cash as an opening deposit.
43. Lemma’s efforts to dissuade reporting by a bank employee and his previous
employment with a bank demonstrate Lemma was familiar with banking notification requirements,
such as CTRs. Lemma intentionally structured his transactions to avoid such reporting
requirements. Specifically, Lemma’s deposits on August 17, 2022, and August 18, 2022, which
in total exceeded over $11,000, were split across the two days. Lemmas deposits on December
7, 2022, which in total exceeded over $12,000, were similarly split across two banks.
Conspiring to and Delivering Defense Information To Aid Foreign Government in
Violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 794(a) and (c)
44. With the intent to and reason to believe it would be used to the injury of the United
States or to the Advantage of the Relevant Country, Lemma obtained documents, photographs,
A number of these cash deposits appear to involve Lemma cashing a check and depositing it
along with additional cash.
notes, maps, and information related to the national defense, and willfully communicated,
delivered, and transmitted that NDI to a representative, officer, agent, employee, subject, or citizen
of the Relevant Country, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 794(a).
45. With the intent to and reason to believe it would be used to the injury of the United
States or to the advantage of the Relevant Country, Lemma conspired with a representative, officer,
agent, employee, subject, or citizen of the Relevant Country , to obtain and willfully communicate,
deliver and transmit, documents, photographs, notes, maps, and information related to the national
defense, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 794(c).
Having Unauthorized Possession of NDI in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 793(e)
46. With reason to believe it could be used to the injury of the United States or to the
advantage of the Relevant country, Lemma willfully retained and failed to deliver the NDI to an
officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 793(e).
47. Your affiant submits that the facts set forth in this affidavit establish probable cause
to believe Lemma committed violations of 18 U.S.C. Sections 794(a) and (c), and 793(e).
48. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the information provided above is true
and correct.
Respectfully submitted,
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C.
Attested to by the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1. by
telephone on August 23, 2023.