revised 10/13/2021
University Human Resources
Remote Working
Remote Work Agreement is required to document a work arrangement in which an employee has been authorized to
work remotely on a consistent, scheduled basis, either for part of their assigned hours (often referred to as “hybrid”) or
entirely. Remote Work Agreements are intended for situations in which an employee is performing assigned duties that
would normally be carried out on-campus or at a university worksite.
Remote Work Agreements are not required for occasional and intermittent worksite flexibility considered mutually
beneficial between an employee and their supervisor.
Consistent with longstanding practice, academic faculty have flexibility to choose the location in which they do their work,
aside from scheduled on-site classes, required on-site office hours, and required on-site staff meetings or other
engagements. Academic faculty do not need a Remote Work Agreement to continue these usual work practices.
Remote Work Agreements are not required for approved leaves of absence, including sabbaticals.
Employee Name (please print):
Last Name
First Name
University ID: Title:
Supervisor Name (please print):
Agreement Dates: ___________________ ___________________
Begin Date
End Date
This remote working agreement will be reviewed on the following dates:
These conditions for remote working are agreed upon by the employee, the supervisor, and the Dean/VP or Designee.
The employee will work at:
Street Address
City, State, Country
If the employee is working outside the State of Oregon or Internationally, there is additional information and approval steps
that must be completed. Please see:
The employee's remote work schedule will be as follows (e.g. two days working in the office and three days working at
designated remote work location):
The position description is current and reflects the job duties the employee will perform while working remotely.
Needed equipment to perform job duties from the employee's designated remote work location will include the following:
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If University-owned equipment will be used by the employee at the remote work location, please provide the relevant
equipment information in the table below. By completing the table below and signing the Remote Work Agreement, the
employee agrees to abide by all university equipment policies and guidance (OSU Property Loan Agreement Policy
No University equipment will be used at the remote work location.
Employee's initials: Supervisor's initials:
University equipment will be used at the remote work location.
Item Description
Asset Serial Number
Communication between the employee and their office (e.g., e-mail, voice mail, etc.) will be handled as follows:
Additional conditions agreed upon by the remote working employee and the supervisor are as follows:
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This agreement is subject to the terms and conditions stated in the OSU Remote Work (Telecommuting) Policy, a
copy of which is attached.
I have read and understand both the OSU Remote Working Policy and this agreement. I agree to abide by and
operate in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in both documents. I agree that the sole purpose
of this agreement is to regulate remote working and it neither constitutes an employment contract nor an
amendment to any existing contract. I understand that this agreement may be terminated at any time within
generally three (3) working days advance notice by either myself or the University.
1. Employee & Labor Relations Officer Date
3. Supervisor Signature Date
2. Employee Signature Date
4. Dean/VP or designee Signature Date
Employee & Labor Relations Officers
Bill Sexton (
) Classified and Student Employees
Trina Young ( – Professional Faculty, Academic Faculty, and Graduate Assistants
Employee & Labor Relations Officer should be set up as first signature in DocuSign.
revised 10/13/2021
Remote Working Policy
(Formerly Telecommuting Policy)
Oregon State University (OSU) supports remote working where there is an operational need, or there is potential for
University savings. This policy applies to all OSU employees when the assigned work meets the following definition.
A Remote Work Agreement is required to document a work arrangement in which an employee has been authorized to
work remotely on a consistent, scheduled basis, either for part of their assigned hours (often referred to as “hybrid”) or
entirely. Remote Work Agreements are intended for situations in which an employee is performing assigned duties that
would normally be carried out on-campus or at a university worksite.
Remote Work Agreements are not required for occasional and intermittent worksite flexibility considered mutually
beneficial between an employee and their supervisor.
Consistent with longstanding practice, academic faculty have flexibility to choose the location in which they do their work,
aside from scheduled on-site classes, required on-site office hours, and required on-site staff meetings or other
engagements. Academic faculty do not need a Remote Work Agreement to continue these usual work practices.
Remote Work Agreements are not required for approved leaves of absence, including sabbaticals.
Home worksite is defined as the employee’s home, utilizing furniture and equipment normally provided by the employee.
Satellite work location is defined as a work site that is not located at a University operational facility or in the employee’s
Furthermore, remote working is defined as work and transportation alternatives that substitute home-to-work commuting
with the option of working at a home worksite or a satellite work location while meeting the business needs of the University.
This policy complies with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
To ensure an effective, productive remote working program, OSU establishes the following policies:
Professionalism in terms of job responsibilities, work products, and customer or public contact will continue to follow
the same high standards as are currently being met by OSU employees at their onsite work locations. Business visits,
meetings with customers, or regularly scheduled meetings with co-workers shall not be held at the home worksite.
The employee's duties, obligations, and responsibilities remain unchanged under a Remote Working Agreement. The
employee will meet or communicate with their supervisor to receive assignments, review work progress, and complete
work as often as the supervisor determines to be necessary.
A current and updated position description is to be attached to the Remote Working Agreement upon submission.
In order to be approved for remote working, an employee must be self-motivated, have minimal requirements
for face-to-face daily supervision, and have demonstrated appropriate productivity and use of work time.
Remote working is not suitable for all employees and/or positions. Any employee who wants to work remotely must
discuss the request with their supervisor. The employee's supervisor and, if required, the Dean/VP will make the final
decision about whether the employee's job is suitable for remote working.
Participation in OSU's remote working program is entirely voluntary. A supervisor may not require an employee to
work remotely. No employee has the "right" to working remotely. The employee, supervisor, or dean/director/department
head may terminate the Remote Working Agreement at any time with advance notice (generally 3 working days).
The employee's salary, benefits, workers' compensation, and other employer insurance coverage shall not change due
to remote working. An employee who is remote working is not entitled to reimbursement for travel mileage to attend work
unit meetings. There may be some implications for employees working out of state or internationally.
The supervisor and employee will formulate objectives, expected results, and evaluation procedures for work
completed while the employee is working remotely. The supervisor and employee will meet at pre-determined intervals
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to review the employee's work performance.
Remote working may be appropriate for the purposes of child and/or dependent care during the transitional timeframe
of Fall 2021. During normal conditions, employees working remotely are expected to make appropriate arrangements for
child and/or dependent care, recovering from an illness or caring for an ill family member during the agreed-upon work
Remote working employees shall not perform personal business or activities during agreed-upon work hours.
While remote working, the employee must be reachable via telephone, network access, or e-mail during agreed-
upon work hours. The employee and supervisor will agree on how to handle work-related telephone messages.
An FLSA non-exempt employee shall not work overtime without prior supervisory approval. If the employee works
overtime that has been approved in advance, compensation or compensatory time off will be provided in accordance with
eligibility guidelines and applicable laws and policies. The employee understands that failure to obtain prior approval for
overtime work may result in discontinuance of remote working and other appropriate disciplinary action.
Remote workers are advised to contact their insurance agent and tax consultant for information regarding home
worksites and coverage for equipment that is damaged, destroyed, or stolen.
Work Site
A designated workspace shall be maintained by the remote worker that is quiet, free of distractions, and kept in a
clean, professional, and safe condition, with adequate lighting.
Employees agree to have a safe and suitable workspace prior to beginning remote work. This includes a space
free of obvious safety hazards (such as tripping or electrical hazards), as well as a space that has been reviewed
for ergonomics (for which the employee should complete the ergonomic self-assessment:
assessment_worksheet.pdf. If additional ergonomic evaluation assistance is needed, employees may contact
Environmental Health & Safety at to request assistance. The employee is responsible to
maintain the space in a safe condition.
Oregon State University provides workers’ compensation coverage, as required by state regulations, for
employees who are injured during the course and scope of employment. Injuries sustained by an employee in a
remote location and in conjunction with their regular work duties may be covered by the university’s workers’
compensation policy. Employees must report all accidents and injuries to their supervisor immediately, verify if
medical attention is planned, and comply with all university reporting requirements. Timely completion and
submission of claim documentation is very important. For additional questions regarding accident reporting and
workers’ compensation, contact Insurance & Risk Management Services at
or visit
The University will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, property or liability insurance, or other
incidental expenses (utilities, cleaning services, etc.) associated with the use of the employee's home worksite or a
satellite location.
The University is not liable for damages to the employee's property that may result from participating in the remote
working program.
Supplies, Equipment and Software Usage
Supply needs must be preauthorized by the employee's supervisor. Out-of-pocket expenses for supplies will be
reimbursed if authorized prior to purchase.
OSU is not required to provide worksite furniture for employees assigned to work remotely on a part-time basis.
Worksite furniture for employees approved to work remotely full-time may be approved, if needed, and must
receive prior approval for the supervisor. Worksite furniture cannot be committed by the supervisor without prior
approval of the supervisor's dean/director/department head.
The need for specialized material or equipment must either be minimal or flexible.
The following conditions shall apply to use of computers, software, other University equipment, and internet
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The remote worker will provide their own equipment, software, and internet access. If agreed upon by the
supervisor, the employee may qualify for reimbursement for monthly internet service fees through the
Communication Services Policy 03-140-501. The Communication Services Policy supersedes any
agreement made between the supervisor and the employee for purposes of working remotely under this
Should an employee be provided University equipment or software by the University to work remotely,
these University resources in the home worksite or satellite work location may not be used for personal
The employee agrees not to duplicate University-owned software. The employee also agrees to abide by the
licensing regulations and restrictions for all software under license to Oregon State University.
A computer used for University business must be plugged into a surge protector and have current virus
protection maintained.
Restricted-access materials shall not be removed from the OSU on-site work location or accessed through
the computer unless approved in advance by the supervisor and the appropriate security access administrator.
The employee agrees to use the appropriate remote access method to process university data. These methods vary
for when a person or a university provided workstation is used. For assistance reach out to the Customer
Experience Service Desk at 541-737-8787.
OSU is not responsible for loss, damage, or wear of employee-owned equipment because of the Remote Work
The employee shall promptly notify their supervisor when unable to perform work assignments due to
equipment failure or other unforeseen circumstances. The employee may be assigned to another project and/or
work location that may necessitate termination of the Remote Working Agreement.
The employee and supervisor agree to submit to OSU Inventory Control a completed University Equipment Loan
Agreement for equipment, furniture, specialized material, or other such items prior to moving or installing these items at the
home or satellite work location.
The employee will protect University information from unauthorized disclosure or damage and will comply with federal,
state, and university rules, policies and procedures regarding disclosure of public and official records. Work done at the
employee's remote work site is regarded as official University business. All records, documents, and correspondence,
either in paper or electronic form must be safeguarded for return to the University. Release or destruction of records should
be done only in accordance with statute and University policy and procedure, and with the knowledge of the employee's
supervisor. Electronic/computer files are considered University records and shall be protected as such.
The employee shall surrender all University/state-owned equipment and/or data documents immediately upon request.