Introduction ......................................................... 3
What sort of reflective essay might I have to do?
............................................................................ 4
Writing style ........................................................ 6
Gibbs’ model of reflection .................................... 7
Description ....................................................... 8
Feelings ........................................................... 8
Evaluation ........................................................ 9
Analysis ............................................................ 9
Conclusion ..................................................... 10
Action plan ..................................................... 10
An example of a short reflective assignment .... 11
References ........................................................ 17
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During your time at University, it is likely that you
will be asked to write at least one reflective
essay. Many students find this difficult, because
reflective writing is quite different from other
assignments and discussing your own feelings
and performance in academic work can be tricky
at first. By reflecting, you will be looking back at
something which has happened in order to show
what you have learned from it. Youll need to
explain what happened, how you felt about it,
what you learned, whether you could have
handled things differently and what you need to
learn or do differently in the future. This help
guide will take you through the process of
producing a reflective essay.
What sort of reflective essay might I
have to do?
You’re most likely to be asked to write
reflectively about an incident which has
happened on your placement. You might also
have to write reflectively about the process you
went through in order to carry out a project or to
produce another assignment. This kind of
assignment feels strange at first to many
students, and you might be wondering where to
start with your essay. Before you start, check the
1. What have you been asked to write about?
For example, if you have to reflect on an incident
which occurred during your placement, can you
think of a suitable incident? Have you been given
guidelines about what kind of incident to use? It
doesn’t necessarily have to be something
negative, and you could choose to write about
something which went really well.
2. Have you been told to use a certain ‘model of
reflection’? There are many different models
which help to guide you through the process of
reflecting, and while they all help you to reach the
same end result, they may have different
headings and sections. Make sure you know
which model you have to use. The most
commonly-used model is by Gibbs (1988), which
is the model we will look at in most detail here. If
you are asked to use another model such as
Johns (1995) or What? So What? Now What?
(Borton, 1970, updated by Driscoll, 1994), you will
structure the assignment slightly differently but the
purpose and content will still be the same.
3. Have you been given any instructions about how
to present your assignment? You may have been
asked to use headings to separate the different
sections of your assignment, so make sure that
you check the requirements so that you set out
your assignment correctly.
Writing style
Reflective writing is different from most other
assignments because it is probably the only time
you will be required to use “I” and me” in an
essay. You will be writing about your own
personal experience and feelings, and in
reflective writing it is important to tell the reader
what you think and feel about things. Many
students find this difficult to get used to, as they
have always been told to avoid the use of “I” in
assignments, and to avoid giving their own
Gibbs’ model of reflection
There are six stages in Gibbs’ model, and each
will be discussed in turn here. There is also a
sample assignment at the end of this guide,
which is written using Gibbs’ model and is
structured using headings for clarity.
Gibbs’ model of reflection, from Gibbs, G. (1988).
Learning by Doing: a guide to teaching and
learning methods. Oxford: Further Education Unit.
In this section, you’ll need to explain what
happened. There might be some background
information, such as where you were working at
the time (being careful not to identify individual
people or places). Tell the reader who was
involved and describe the incident itself without
discussing your feelings yet – just the facts are
required at this stage.
Discuss your feelings and thoughts about the
incident in this section. How did you feel at the
time? What about afterwards? What did you think
at the time? What did you think about the
incident afterwards? You can discuss your
emotions honestly in this section, but make sure
to remember at all times that this is an academic
piece of writing. Be careful not to be offensive,
make sure not to identify any of the people
involved, and remember that it might not only be
your tutor who reads the assignment.
In evaluating the incident, you’ll be looking at
how well things went. How did you react to the
situation, and how did other people react? What
was good and what was bad about the
experience? If you are writing about a difficult
incident, did you feel that the situation was
resolved afterwards? Why/why not? You will
probably need some theory and the work of other
authors (references) in this section.
Leading on from your evaluation, your analysis
will look in greater depth at what might have
helped or hindered the situation and how or
why the incident came about in the first place.
Importantly, you will need to bring theory and
other authors’ work in here. The most common
reason why students get poor marks for
reflective assignments is that they don’t bring
the theory and experience together in this
In this section, think about whether you could
have done anything else during the incident, and
what you have learned from it. Could you have
responded in a different way? If you are talking
about a positive experience will you do the same
again to ensure a positive outcome, or is there
anything you could change to improve things
even further? If the incident was negative, how
could you have avoided it happening or how can
you make sure it doesn’t happen again?
Action plan
Your action plan sums up anything you need to
do in order to improve things for next time. Do
you perhaps need to learn about something or
attend some training? Could you ask your tutor
or placement supervisor for some advice? What
can you do which means that, if the situation
arises again, you will be better equipped to cope
with it?
An example of a short reflective
This example uses the headings described above
to demonstrate the kinds of things you might
need to put in each section. The references are
made up, as is the content of the assignment, it
is purely to show how a reflective assignment
might look.
Assignment – write a reflection of around
1000 words about an incident which
occurred during the first few weeks of your
teaching placement. Use Gibbs’ model, and
structure your assignment using Gibbs’
I am currently on a teaching practice placement in
an adult education college in the south-west of
learning how to teach GCSE maths to
various groups of adults. I have only just started the
placement, so I am
mainly assisting the class tutors
and have just started
planning and delivering a
small part of each lesson.
The incident occurred in an evening class during which
was due to deliver my very first session. The class
had been teaching the learners about fractions,
and my
task was to carry on with this, looking at how
to multiply two fractions. When I got to the
whiteboard, I became
so nervous that I could not start
speaking to the group. I
fumbled about with my papers
and pens, and stumbled over my first sentence so that
it did not make sense. The
students were quite
understanding, as they are all mature students who
are aware that I am new to teaching and am nervous,
but the class
teacher snapped
at me to stop being
ridiculous. She came up to the front
of the classroom
and took the lesson over from me, and I sat at the back
of the room trying not to cry. I left the
session as soon
as the class was over, and did not speak
to anyone.
I felt so miserable at the time that I considered
my teacher training course. I was
embarrassed and upset by my own inability to speak
in front of the group,
but I was also extremely angry
with the class teacher for
snapping at me in front of
the learners. I felt afterwards that she had not given
me enough time to gather my
thoughts, and that she
should have left me alone to get
over my nerves. I
was so mortified that I rang in sick the
week, and it was only when I had calmed down that I
decided I needed to speak to the placement
supervisor about this. I also realised later that it was
perfectly natural to feel nervous, as I am not used to
speaking in public.
At the time, I did not feel that the situation had been
resolved at all. I very deliberately left at the end of
class without speaking to the class teacher or the
learners. When I got home, I telephoned a fellow
and he made me feel much better. I realised
everyone feels scared at first and probably
stumbles through their first few classes. This is clear
in the
relevant literature, as Greene (2014) explains,
that nine out of ten new trainee teachers
found their
first session “incredibly daunting(p.43). It
appears that
most trainee teachers have moments of
being “tongue- tied” and “losing their way with the
lesson” (Parbold
, 2009, p.223).
The situation was made worse by both my own
actions and those of the class teacher. I feel that I
should have
stood up to her, rather than letting her
take control of the lesson, and that I should have
spoken to her
immediately after the lesson about
how I was feeling. Dealing with situations like this
immediately is preferable, as Cooper (2011) points
out. Instead, I spoke to my placement supervisor
several days later, and did not see the class teacher
again until a formal meeting
consisting of myself, the
teacher and the supervisor. Daynes and Farris (2013)
say that, by not dealing with situations immediately
and personally, and instead taking it to an authority
figure, the situation can be
made worse. The class
teacher could have felt that she
was being “ganged
up on” (Thomas, 2015, p.22), which could lead to
future problems.
The teacher’s actions also made the situation worse,
because she did not give me time to overcome my
and she deliberately embarrassed me in front
of the
class. She claimed that she had thought she
was helping
me out, but I do not believe that to be
the case. However, as we only spoke about the
incident over a week later in the meeting with the
supervisor, she
rightly argued that I should have said
something to her
at the time.
In retrospect, I would do several things differently. I
should have spoken to the class teacher immediately
after the session and voiced my opinions. I should
also have been braver and stood up for myself so that
retained control of the lesson. However, I think the
main thing I learned from the incident is that I had
built up no relationship whatsoever with the teacher
in the
preceding weeks, and that I should have made
an effort
to do so. I would then have been able to
explain how nervous I was beforehand.
Action Plan
In future, I will make sure to build up more of a
relationship with colleagues. I am working alongside
several different teachers during my placement, and I
will speak to each of them about my nerves. I have
already had a good conversation with one of them,
and we have worked out a way of team-teaching for
the next
few weeks so that I do not feel so
pressurised. I need to do this with the other class
teachers, as I cannot expect
them to understand how
I feel if I keep quiet. I also need
to speak to my fellow
trainees more often about how they feel, as I think I
will be able to learn from them.
In terms of training, I have booked onto a
presentation skills workshop at University, and intend
to follow it up by attending the practice sessions
afterwards. I need to gain more confidence with
presenting and feel this is the
best way to start.
(these are not real sources!)
Cooper, P.T. (2011). Managing situations at work.
London: Rufus Publications.
Daynes, J. & Farris, M.M. (2013). The Manager-
Employee Relationship. Oxford: Oxfordian Books
Greene, F. (2014). Teacher Trainees: The Truth. York:
Education Press.
Parbold, L. (2009). Feedback from newly-qualified
education teachers. Journal of Teacher
Training, 12(3),
Thomas, F.G. (2015). Dealing with difficult employeesa
manager’s guide. Glasgow: Meriddan Ltd
Updated July 2019