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A. This Administrative Regulation applies to the recruitment, hiring and promotion process
for full- and part-time permanent CSEA and POA classified staff in compliance with Equal
Employment Opportunity standards and in alignment with the District’s commitment to
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
The Chancellor shall have primary responsibility for
selection of District Services classified staff; and each college president shall have primary
responsibility for selection of classified staff for their respective campus.
B. The Chancellor has the authority to hire employees with subsequent ratification by the
Board of Trustees.
C. District Human Resources shall work with the colleges, District Services departments, and
the search committee chairs to implement the hiring process appropriately.
D. Definitions:
1. Board: The Board of Trustees of the South Orange County Community College
2. Chair: Chair of the hiring committee.
3. Chancellor: The Chancellor of the South Orange County Community College
District or designee.
4. Closing Date: Designated last date for applications to be applied to a posted
5. College President: The president or designee at the college where the classified staff
will work.
6. Committee: The hiring committee, also known as the search committee.
7. CSEA: California School Employees Association.
8. Department: The operational unit to which the position will be assigned.
9. District: The South Orange County Community College District.
10. EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity.
11. Executive Director: The Executive Director of Human Resources or designee.
12. Executive: The appropriate executive most directly responsible given the position or
context (i.e. Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, President, Vice President, or designee).
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13. HR Specialist: The Human Resources Specialist assigned to the job recruitment.
14. Hiring Manager: The line administrator/manager responsible for the position to be
15. Initial Screening Date: Designated initial date for complete applications to be
considered for any recruitment posted as “open until filled”.
16. Interview Equipment and Supplies: Computer with overhead projector and screen,
whiteboard and markers, pens, pencils, calculators, water carafe, and cups.
17. HR: District Human Resources.
18. Operational Unit: The department, school, or division, as appropriate.
19. POA: Police Officers Association.
20. Procedures: Employee Recruitment Procedures (Classified Staff employees), of the
South Orange County Community College District.
21. Screen to Determine Complete Application: All pertinent information is complete on
the application: name; contact information: address, telephone, email; education
history (if required); employment history: employer name, position/s held, assignment
details, beginning and ending dates, reason for leaving; salary; professional references:
one or more; licenses and/or certificates listed (if required); any required documents
(resume, cover letter, transcripts, certificates, etc.) as determined by the Hiring
Manager and specified in the recruitment announcement.
22. Screen to Determine Minimum Requirements Met: Evaluating the applicant’s
education and experience based on the information provided on the application, in
accordance with the Education and Experience Guidelines criteria specified in the job
23. Vice Chancellor: Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or designee.
E. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest in Hiring: All committee members are required to
complete the District Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest in Hiring form and adhere to
the requirements.
F. Exceptions: The Hiring Manager or the Executive Director may request in writing that the
Executive reduce or extend the time period for any step or authorize an exception to any of
the procedural steps set forth in this regulation. Such exceptions shall be as narrow as
possible to address, in a reasonable manner, the unusual circumstances posed. Any request
for an extension or exception shall state in writing the unusual circumstances necessitating
the extension or exception.
G. Compliance: This Administrative Regulation is intended to comply fully and be interpreted
in a manner consistent with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including
but not limited to the Board of Trustees’ equal employment opportunity regulations. Any
provision that directly conflicts with any applicable state or federal law or regulation may
be disregarded and a procedure that complies with the superseding authority shall be
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developed and approved by the Vice Chancellor, or designee, and approved by the
H. Oversight: It is the primary responsibility of the Executive to ensure the integrity of the
procedures established by this regulation. If, in the opinion of the Vice Chancellor of
Human Resources the process has been substantially violated or abused, they may order
that an error be corrected, that a portion of the process be redone, that a member of the
Committee be excluded from further deliberations, that the process be terminated, or that
some other remedial action be taken to assure the integrity of the process. Additionally, if,
in the opinion of the Executive, the college or the District cannot fiscally support the
position, the Executive may terminate the process.
I. Interpretation: Technical questions and minor problems will ordinarily be resolved by the
HR Specialist in consultation with the Executive Director.
J. Any question regarding the interpretation of the procedures presented in this regulation,
which cannot be resolved by the HR Specialist and the Chair or Hiring Manager, shall be
submitted in writing to the Executive Director.
K. If in the judgment of the HR Specialist, Chair, Hiring Manager, or Executive, a problem of
interpretation occurs that threatens the viability or integrity of a Committee’s duties as
described herein, all parties shall be immediately notified by the Executive Director, and
the hiring process shall be suspended pending resolution of the problem. The Executive, in
consultation with the Executive Director, shall attempt to resolve any problem or difference
of interpretation of this regulation.
A. When the need for hiring a new classified staff employee is determined and recommended
by the Executive, a job requisition is completed and submitted by the Hiring Manager, or
designee and submitted.
B. Job Announcement Content: The job announcement will be based on the formal job
description. Care must be taken to ensure that the job description is current and job-related.
Where applicable, it shall contain, at a minimum:
1. Position Number;
2. Opening and closing/initial screening dates;
3. Summary of duties and responsibilities;
4. Minimum knowledge, education/training, and experience;
5. Desirable qualifications;
6. Application requirements and procedures;
7. Special testing, if applicable;
8. Submission of materials, if required;
9. EEO Statement;
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10. Starting salary and benefits;
11. Funding source (general/grant/categorical);
12. Work schedule of position (days/hours);
13. Supplemental questions (can be added to the job announcement, and are encouraged
when hiring specialized positions); and
14. Special requirements if a bilingual position is requested.
C. When a position is opened, it will be announced by HR with sufficient time to advertise
the position. All positions will be advertised for at least ten (10) working days in order to
maximize the effectiveness of the advertisements, unless otherwise requested. All
exceptions must be approved by the Executive. The Hiring Manager will work with HR
to recruit for the open position.
D. Announcement information will be distributed to appropriate professional trade sources.
E. Standard Advertising: All openings are advertised through HR. The HR Specialist will
inform the Hiring Manager of the advertising that will be placed for the position.
F. Supplemental Advertising: The Hiring Manager may obtain supplemental advertising by
submitting the appropriate form to HR and allocation of funding from their department
A. Submission: Applications, resumes and other required materials are accepted only by HR
via the District’s online employment website.
B. Application Period: Applications may be submitted for a set period of time or open until
filled, as determined by the Hiring Manager, in consultation with HR.
C. Open Until Filled: In the case where a position is “open until filled,” screening may not
begin until at least ten working days after advertising has appeared in some public forum.
When a position is determined as “open until filled,” the Hiring Manager, in consultation
with HR will establish an Initial Screening Date (First Review Date to consider the
complete applications received). HR will continue to accept applications, which will be
reviewed only under the following circumstances:
1. If, by the Initial Screening Date, an insufficient number of applications are determined
by HR, in consultation with the Hiring Manager.
2. If, after the initial screening, the Committee determines that additional applicants are
necessary to continue with the selection process, HR will be notified and HR will
forward all completed applications received since the First Initial Screening Date, up
to a new established date for accepting applications (the Hiring Manager, in
consultation with HR, will establish a new Initial Screening Date. HR will continue to
accept applications and this process will continue until the recruitment is filled or
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A. Size: The Committee will consist of no more than seven (7) and no fewer than three (3)
voting members.
B. Membership: The Hiring Manager will recommend the members for the Search
Committee. The Committee will be diverse (gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) and include three
(3) voting members at a minimum: the Committee Chair, one (1) member of the classified
bargaining unit selected in consultation with and appointed by CSEA/POA leadership, and
at least one other committee member. The committee may include faculty members, and/or
other experts where applicable, which may be from outside the college or District. The
majority of Committee members should have a background of a suitable nature to assure
sufficient expertise to evaluate the candidates.
1. Committee Chair: The Hiring Manager serves as Committee Chair (Chair). The Hiring
Manager may appoint a management designee to serve as Chair.
2. EEO Representative: Only a trained staff member may serve as an EEO representative
at any time during the process. The EEO Representative is a non-voting member. The
same EEO Representative need not serve throughout the entire process. When
possible, the HR Specialist assigned to the recruitment will serve as the EEO
3. Membership Appointment Process: The Chair, working with the HR Specialist,
confirms the Committee meets the diversity guidelines recommended by the California
Community College Chancellor’s Office. The Executive approves the appointment of
all Committee members and forwards the membership list to HR.
C. Replacement: If the size of the Committee falls below the required minimum number of
members, the Chair will appoint a replacement unless such member was appointed by a
governance group pursuant to law or contract. When it becomes necessary to appoint a
replacement, the Chair will also determine whether to terminate the process and re-open
the search.
D. Terminate Process: The Executive, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor may terminate the
process if, in their judgment, the formation of the Committee has violated the integrity of
the hiring process.
E. Participation: Committee members are expected to be available as necessary for Committee
functions, to fully participate in all required meetings, trainings, and related Committee
responsibilities, and to complete screening functions in a timely manner. Any member who
fails to complete screening in a timely manner, or who misses Committee meetings, will
be subject to removal by the Executive after consultation with the Chair and HR. The work
of a Committee member who withdraws prematurely or is removed will not be counted in
the uncompleted phase or section of the process.
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A. Preparation: Prior to meeting with the Committee, the Chair will analyze the position
requirements as follows (the HR Specialist will serve as a resource in this process as
1. The HR Specialist will screen for completeness, and/or for the established education
and experience requirements as published in the job description.
2. The Chair will provide a list of the selected applicants to the HR Specialist, who meet
the established criteria, for HR to prepare materials for orientation.
3. Prepare a draft of evaluative criteria, interview questions, and assessment activity (if
one is to be used) for Committee review and input at the Committee orientation
B. Orientation: The Chair will schedule and conduct a Committee orientation meeting in
collaboration with HR and the EEO Representative to:
1. Explain roles, duties, expectations, process, and notify the Committee if the Executive
has determined a need for a second-level interview;
2. Review the job description with the Committee and agree on the application screening
criteria, which shall be job related (knowledge, education/training, and experience) and
based on the District hiring policy;
3. Develop a hiring timeline with meeting dates and deadlines;
a. The timeline will include the application screening deadline, candidate selection
meeting date, candidate interview date(s), and reference checks due date.
b. Copies of the timeline will be distributed to each Committee member and to the HR
Specialist immediately after the meeting.
4. Determine the length of the interviews. Include a time limit for the candidate to
review/sign application upon arrival, any assessment assignments, presentations,
discussion periods, breaks, and meal period;
5. Have each Committee member sign a Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest in Hiring
statement; and
6. Review the interview questions and other requirements (such as assessment
assignments, presentations, etc.) drafted by the Chair and agree upon the questions and
other requirements to be used when interviewing the selected candidates.
a. All questions and other requirements will be job-related and composed with the
intent of evaluating the candidate’s knowledge and abilities in relation to the
minimum and desirable requirements as published in the formal job announcement.
b. The questions and other requirements agreed upon by the Committee must be
provided to HR prior to the scheduling of interviews (a minimum of ten (10)
business days prior to first established interview date).
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c. All interview questions and other requirements will be kept confidential throughout
the process.
C. Submission and Approval of Materials: The Chair will forward the interview questions to
be asked of each candidate, as well as any assessment assignment, exercise, presentation,
or other requirements, a hiring timeline, and the Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest in
Hiring statement signed by each member to HR.
1. The Executive Director or designee reviews all Committee approved questions and
other requirements to ensure compliance with District policies and state and federal
laws and regulations, and must approve all interview questions and other requirements
prior to the interview.
2. The Executive Director or designee may make editorial changes to the interview
questions; however, if a particular question is deemed to be in need of substantive
changes, these changes will be made in consultation with the Chair.
A. Determination of Application Completeness: The application will be screened for
completeness using the guidelines provided in the Section I.D. Definitions, as well as for
additional required application materials (pre-determined by the Hiring Manager) as
specified in the job announcement.
1. The HR Specialist will screen for completeness.
B. Determination of Minimum Requirements: The application must specify the applicant’s
education and experience in accordance with the Education and Experience Guidelines
criteria specified in the job description.
1. The HR Specialist will screen for the Education and Experience criteria.
2. The HR Specialist may consult with the Chair should a question arise in the
interpretation of the Education and Experience Guidelines.
3. The HR Specialist will update online applicants and prepare for committee screening.
C. Evaluation of Applications (Committee Screening): Each Committee member will review
applications considered “complete” and meets the “minimum requirements” using the
District’s online software.
1. All applications shall be evaluated on the basis of the screening criteria that were
established in the orientation meeting.
2. Qualified Applicants, who are current SOCCCD classified bargaining unit employees,
shall be interviewed with the submission of an application.
3. Each Committee member shall rate each applicant using a numeric rating scale.
4. Each Committee member will enter a specific reason(s) for not recommending an
applicant for an interview in the comment box during the review process.
D. Recommendation of Candidates for Interview: The Chair shall schedule a Committee
meeting for the purpose of selecting the candidates for interview.
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1. The Committee meets to draw the line to determine the number of candidates to be
invited for an interview. The list of scores will not include names.
A. Logistics: The HR Specialist will coordinate all aspects of the interviews (e.g. room
reservation and setup, assessment administration and monitoring, greeting of candidates,
and interview equipment and supplies). HR Specialist will inform and work with the Chair
on any requested special accommodation needs of selected candidates.
B. Interview Scheduling: HR will schedule selected candidates for an interview according to
the schedule adopted by the Committee, giving candidates at least ten (10) working days’
notice of the interview. Exceptions to the ten-day notice may be granted by the Executive
C. Materials:
1. The HR Specialist will make candidate documents and interview files available to the
Chair for the Committee, prior to the first scheduled interview.
2. The Chair will retain all screening documentation developed during the candidate
selection process for submission to the HR Specialist once the interview process is
D. Set Time: Each candidate will be afforded approximately the same maximum amount of
time as other candidates for an interview.
E. Review of Interview Questions: The Committee will determine whether candidates will
have the opportunity to review the interview questions and the time allotted for the
interview in advance of their interview.
F. Assessment Assignment: If the candidate is required to provide an assessment assignment
as part of the interview process, all efforts will be made to administer the assessment
assignment immediately prior to the interview.
G. Interview Questions: Each candidate will be asked the same interview questions in the
same order.
1. During the interview, follow-up questions may be asked to clarify or further investigate
a response given by a candidate. If, in the judgment of the EEO Representative, a
follow-up question violates standards of non-discrimination, the EEO Representative
will direct the candidate to disregard the question.
2. Follow-up questions should be kept to a minimum to maintain consistent standards of
candidate evaluation throughout the interview process.
3. Any question by the candidate pertaining to conditions of employment, such as salary,
benefits, or policy, must be referred to HR.
H. Group Discussion: Committee members will be given an opportunity to discuss each
candidate and rate them accordingly after each interview.
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1. No discussion of any candidate may take place unless all committee members are
2. Committee members are encouraged to discuss the candidates’ fulfillment of job
related criteria in a candid and thorough manner.
3. The EEO Representative will be responsible to ensure discussion is limited to job
related criteria, based on the candidate’s materials provided (application, resume,
presentation, additional assessment assignments, etc.), and their interview.
4. A comprehensive discussion of all candidates will take place among the committee
members prior to finalizing the ranking and selecting the finalist(s).
I. Progressive Ranking: Each Committee member is responsible to exercise their independent
judgment in ranking each candidate.
1. Following the Committee’s discussion of a candidate, each committee member will
rank the candidate using the progressive ranking form provided to the Chair by HR.
2. The committee members will rank each candidate based on the candidate’s interview,
presentation, assessment exercise, and requested supplementary materials only
(previous screening ranks will not be considered in this process). Committee members
are not permitted to accept any materials from any candidate into the interview that are
not required of all candidates.
3. At the conclusion of the Committee’s comprehensive discussion of all candidates, the
Chair will record a justification for the final ranking of each interviewed candidate on
a form provided to the Chair by HR.
J. Recommendation for Hire and/or Selection of Finalists for Second-level Interviews: At the
conclusion of all interviews, the Chair displays the name of each Committee member’s top
candidate in alphabetical order. This becomes the final candidate list to either hire or to
progress to a second-level interview.
1. The Committee discusses each of the final candidate’s qualifications for the position
(other interviewees are not discussed).
2. Following the discussion, each Committee member re-ranks the final candidates on
their Progress Ranking form. Only the final candidates are ranked at this time.
3. The Chair and EEO Representative tally the rankings on the form provided to the Chair
by HR.
4. The Chair announces the results of the re-ranking to the committee and the committee
members discuss the results, to reach a consensus on the ranking of the final candidates.
5. The Chair completes the Record of Candidate Selection Process form, Box 1 (if
candidates are recommended for second-level interviews), or Box 2 (if a candidate is
recommended for hire). See item K below should the Committee decide not to make a
6. Based on the discussion with the committee, the Chair completes the front side of the
Record of Candidate Selection Process form giving the specific reason(s) for not
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recommending a candidate as a finalist, signs the form, and forwards the completed
form to the Executive.
7. When there is a second-level interview, it is preferred that at least three (3) candidates
be recommended. If the Committee recommends fewer than three (3) finalists for a
second-level interview, the Executive Director or designee, in consultation with the
Executive, may decide to proceed with fewer than three (3) finalists, reopen
recruitment, or terminate the process.
K. Terminating a Recruitment: A recruitment will be terminated by the Hiring Manager when
the Committee decides not to make a recommendation or the Executive does not want to
forward a recommendation to the Chancellor.
1. The Hiring Manager shall notify the HR Specialist when the recruitment is to be
2. The Hiring Manager will finalize and complete all forms, obtain the appropriate
signatures, and forward the completed and signed forms to the HR Specialist.
3. The Hiring Manager or designee will close the job requisition in the electronic system.
L. Re-announcing the Position: The Hiring Manager or designee must complete a new job
requisition in the electronic system when a new recruitment for the position is desired.
A. Timing: Professional reference checks shall be performed prior to the submission of the
recommended candidate(s) name(s) to the Executive. Reference checks for POA
candidate(s) shall be conducted according to POST regulations.
B. Required Professional References: Each applicant will be asked to provide at least three
(3) reference contacts who can address professional competencies and appropriate practical
1. The Chair will contact the HR Specialist to obtain any additional references that may
be required.
C. Reference Contacts: The Chair, or designated Committee member, will conduct the
authorized professional reference checks and record the information on the appropriate HR
form. The District may, with authorization by the Vice Chancellor, elect to use a third-
party reference checker.
1. It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that reference checks are made on all
recommended finalists using a reference check form provided by HR.
2. The reference checker(s) will seek information that is relevant to the selected finalist’s
qualifications for the job.
3. The reference checker(s) will ask no question that is impermissible under applicable
laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, or that seeks information unrelated to
the qualifications for the position.
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4. The reference checker(s) will not provide any derogatory or confidential information
about the finalist or any assessment of the quality of the finalist’s qualifications to
anyone who is a reference to the candidate.
5. Additional questions may be added to the reference check form, as long as the
question(s) are asked of all finalists. In such cases, all additional questions shall be
reviewed and approved by the HR Specialist prior to beginning the reference check.
6. If the individual provided as a reference is unavailable, or if the candidate fails to
provide sufficient references, the Chair may request additional references for
candidates from HR, as needed. Additional references may be checked by the reference
D. Verify Employment:
1. Upon receiving written recommendations for finalists from the Executive, the HR
Specialist will verify the titles and dates presented on the finalist(s) application.
A. Interview: The Executive or designee may interview the candidates in conjunction with
other persons as designated by the Executive and/or designee. Such persons may vary from
position to position. All such participants serve strictly in an advisory role to the Executive
or designee in making the final selection.
B. Consultation: The Executive may consult the Chair before and/or after the second-level
C. Content: The Executive or designee may ask any job-related questions, may ask follow-up
questions, and may request clarification of ambiguous or unclear questions. The Executive
Director or designee must review any questions, exercises or other requirements prior to
the interview to ensure compliance with District policies and state and federal laws and
D. Second-level Interview Schedule: Finalists will be given at least a five (5) business day
notice of the interview. However, if offered to them, candidates may consent to an
expedited interview schedule without the five day notice to minimize travel or other
inconvenience. This expedited schedule may be granted as a courtesy to candidates and
does not signify that the candidate will be recommended as a finalist.
E. Termination of Recruitment: After the completion of all second-level interviews, the
Executive may decide to stop the process and will contact the Chair.
F. Second Level Reference Checks: Following candidate interviews, the Executive may
conduct further job-related professional reference checks.
A. Recommendation for Appointment: After the successful candidate has been selected by the
Executive, District Human Resources will extend a conditional offer of employment and
present to the Chancellor for approval. Once approved by the Chancellor, the appointment
will be placed on the Board of Trustees Docket for ratification.
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1. If an offer is not accepted by the first finalist, the HR Specialist will consult with the
Chair to determine if the offer should be extended to the next highest ranked candidate.
2. If the Committee had not determined the next highest ranked candidate, the Chair may
reconvene the Committee to determine if the offer is to be extended to the next highest
ranked candidate or if the recruitment should be terminated and if a request to re-
announce should be made.
3. Upon final determination of the selection and/or termination of recruitment process,
HR will notify all applicants, internal and external, who are not selected.
B. Background Checks: Consistent with applicable federal and state law, and when job-
related, after conditional offer of employment has been made, but prior to the
commencement of employment, drug testing, TB risk assessment, physical examinations
and other background checks as required for the specific position will be initiated and
completed by HR. Any required physical exams will be paid for by the District. All such
background checks must be successfully completed prior to the start of employment. If a
finalist fails to satisfy HR in regard to the result of any investigation, HR may revoke the
conditional offer of employment.
Education Code Sections 88003, 88004, 88009, and 88013