Ultraviolet - Visible
Spectroscopy (UV)
Introduction to Ultraviolet -
Visible Spectroscopy
Background Theory
Absorption of ultraviolet and visible radiation
Absorption of visible and ultraviolet (UV) radiation is
associated with excitation of electrons, in both atoms
and molecules, from lower to higher energy levels.
Since the energy levels of matter are quantized, only light
with the precise amount of energy can cause transitions
from one level to another will be absorbed.
The possible electronic transitions that light might cause are
In each possible case, an electron is excited from a full
(low energy, ground state) orbital into an empty
(higher energy, excited state) anti-bonding orbital.
Each wavelength of light has a particular energy
associated with it. If that particular amount of energy is
just right for making one of these electronic transitions,
then that wavelength will be absorbed.
The larger the gap between the energy levels, the greater
the energy required to promote the electron to the higher
energy level; resulting in light of higher frequency,
and therefore shorter wavelength, being absorbed.
All molecules will undergo electronic excitation following
absorption of light, but for most molecules very high
energy radiation (in the vacuum ultraviolet, <200 nm) is
required. Consequently, absorption of light in the UV-visible
region will only result in the following transitions:
Therefore in order to absorb light in the region from
200 - 800 nm (where spectra are measured), the molecule
must contain either
V bonds or atoms with non-bonding
orbitals. A non-bonding orbital is a lone pair on, say,
oxygen, nitrogen or a halogen.
π bonds are formed by sideways overlap of the half-filled
p orbitals on the two carbon atoms of a double bond.
The two red shapes shown in the diagram below for
ethene are part of the same π bonding orbital.
Both of the electrons are found in the resulting π bonding
orbital in the ground state.
Copyright © 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry www.rsc.org
1.Also known as UV-visible spectrophotometry
2.For further reading about bonding refer to http://www.chemguide.co.uk/analysis/uvvisiblemenu.html#top
Molecules that contain conjugated systems,
i.e. alternating single and double bonds, will have their
electrons delocalised due to overlap of the p orbitals in the
double bonds. This is illustrated below for buta-1,3-diene.
Benzene is a well-known example of a conjugated
system. The Kekulé structure of benzene consists of
alternating single double bonds and these give rise to the
V system above and below the plane of the
carbon – carbon single bonds.
As the amount of delocalisation in the molecule increases
the energy gap between the π
bonding orbitals and π
anti-bonding orbitals gets smaller and therefore light of
lower energy, and longer wavelength, is absorbed.
Although buta-1,3-diene absorbs light of a longer
wavelength than ethene it is still absorbing in the UV
region and hence both compounds are colourless.
However, if the delocalisation is extended further the
wavelength absorbed will eventually be long enough to
be in the visible region of the spectrum, resulting in a
highly coloured compound. A good example of this is the
orange plant pigment, beta-carotene – which has
11 carbon-carbon double bonds conjugated together.
Beta-carotene absorbs throughout the UV region but
particularly strongly in the visible region between 400
and 500 nm with a peak at 470 nm.
Groups in a molecule which consist of alternating single
and double bonds (conjugation) and absorb visible light
are known as chromophores.
Transition metal complexes are also highly coloured,
which is due to the splitting of the d orbitals when
the ligands approach and bond to the central metal ion.
Some of the d orbitals gain energy and some lose
energy. The amount of splitting depends on the central
metal ion and ligands.
The difference in energy between the new levels affects
how much energy will be absorbed when an electron is
promoted to a higher level. The amount of energy will
govern the colour of light which will be absorbed.
For example, in the octahedral copper
complex, [Cu(H
yellow light has sufficient energy to
promote the d electron in the lower
energy level to the higher one.
Copyright © 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry www.rsc.org
Copyright © 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry www.rsc.org
It is possible to predict which wavelengths are likely to
be absorbed by a coloured substance. When white light
passes through or is reflected by a coloured substance,
a characteristic portion of the mixed wavelengths is
absorbed. The remaining light will then assume the
complementary colour to the wavelength(s) absorbed.
This relationship is demonstrated by the colour wheel
shown on the right. Complementary colours are
diametrically opposite each other.
UV-visible spectrometers can be used to measure the
absorbance of ultra violet or visible light by a sample,
either at a single wavelength or perform a scan over a
range in the spectrum. The UV region ranges from 190
to 400 nm and the visible region from 400 to 800 nm.
The technique can be used both quantitatively and
qualitatively. A schematic diagram of a UV-visible
spectrometer is shown above.
The light source (a combination of tungsten/halogen
and deuterium lamps) provides the visible and near
ultraviolet radiation covering the 200 – 800 nm.
The output from the light source is focused onto the
diffraction grating which splits the incoming light into
its component colours of different wavelengths,
like a prism (shown below) but more efficiently.
For liquids the sample is held in an optically flat, transparent
container called a cell or cuvette. The reference cell or
cuvette contains the solvent in which the sample is
dissolved and this is commonly referred to as the blank.
For each wavelength the intensity of light passing
through both a reference cell (I
) and the sample cell (I)
is measured. If I is less than I
, then the sample has
absorbed some of the light.
The absorbance (A) of the sample is related to I and I
according to the following equation:
The detector converts the incoming light into a current,
the higher the current the greater the intensity. The chart
recorder usually plots the absorbance against wavelength
(nm) in the UV and visible section of the electromagnetic
spectrum. (Note: absorbance does not have any units).
UV-Visible Spectrometer
UV Region
Visible Region Colour Wheel
800 nm - Visible Region
400 nm190 nm
620 nm
590 nm
570 nm
495 nm
450 nm
If a substance
absorbs here...
...it appears
as this colour
Red 620-750 nm
Orange 590-620 nm
Yellow 570-590 nm
Green 496-570 nm
Blue 450-495 nm
Violet 380-450 nm
400 nm
UV Region
Visible Region Colour Wheel
800 nm - Visible Region
400 nm190 nm
620 nm
590 nm
570 nm
495 nm
450 nm
If a substance
absorbs here...
...it appears
as this colour
Red 620-750 nm
Orange 590-620 nm
Yellow 570-590 nm
Green 496-570 nm
Blue 450-495 nm
Violet 380-450 nm
400 nm
UV-Visible Spectrum
The diagram below shows a simple UV-visible absorption
spectrum for buta-1,3-diene. Absorbance (on the vertical axis)
is just a measure of the amount of light absorbed.
One can readily see what wavelengths of light are
absorbed (peaks), and what wavelengths of light are
transmitted (troughs). The higher the value, the more
of a particular wavelength is being absorbed.
The absorption peak at a value of 217 nm, is in the ultra-violet
region, and so there would be no visible sign of any light being
absorbed making buta-1,3-diene colourless. The wavelength
that corresponds to the highest absorption is usually referred
to as “lambda-max” (
The spectrum for the blue copper complex shows that the
complementary yellow light is absorbed.
The Beer-Lambert Law
According to the Beer-Lambert Law the absorbance is
proportional to the concentration of the substance in
solution and as a result UV-visible spectroscopy can also
be used to measure the concentration of a sample.
The Beer-Lambert Law can be expressed in the form of
the following equation:
A =
A = absorbance
l = optical path length, i.e. dimension of the cell
or cuvette (cm)
c = concentration of solution (mol dm
e = molar extinction, which is constant for a
particular substance at a particular
wavelength (dm
If the absorbance of a series of sample solutions of
known concentrations are measured and plotted
against their corresponding concentrations, the plot of
absorbance versus concentration should be linear
if the Beer-Lambert Law is obeyed. This graph is known
as a calibration graph.
A calibration graph can be used to determine the
concentration of unknown sample solution by measuring
its absorbance, as illustrated below.
Since the absorbance for dilute solutions is directly
proportional to concentration another very useful
application for UV-visible spectroscopy is studying
reaction kinetics. The rate of change in concentration of
reactants or products can be determined by measuring
the increase or decrease of absorbance of coloured
solutions with time. Plotting absorbance against time one
can determine the orders with respect to the reactants and
hence the rate equation from which a mechanism for the
reaction can be proposed.
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Maximum absorption at this wavelength
200 220 240 260 280 300
wavelength (nm)
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
wavelength (nm)
Modern Applications of UV Spectroscopy
UV-visible spectroscopy is a technique that readily allows one
to determine the concentrations of substances and therefore
enables scientists to study the rates of reactions, and determine
rate equations for reactions, from which a mechanism can
be proposed. As such UV spectroscopy is used extensively
in teaching, research and analytical laboratories for the
quantitative analysis of all molecules that absorb ultraviolet
and visible electromagnetic radiation.
Other applications include the following:
In clinical chemistry UV-visible spectroscopy is used
extensively in the study of enzyme kinetics.
Enzymes cannot be studied directly but their activity can
be studied by analysing the speed of the reactions which
they catalyse. Reagents or labels can also be attached to
molecules to permit indirect detection and measurement
of enzyme activity. The widest use in the field of clinical
diagnostics is as an indicator of tissue damage.
When cells are damaged by disease, enzymes leak into
the bloodstream and the amount present indicates the
severity of the tissue damage. The relative proportions of
different enzymes can be used to diagnose disease,
say of the liver, pancreas or other organs which
otherwise exhibit similar symptoms.
UV-visible spectroscopy is used for dissolution testing
of tablets and products in the pharmaceutical industry.
Dissolution is a characterisation test commonly used by
the pharmaceutical industry to guide formulation design
and control product quality. It is also the only test that
measures the rate of in-vitro drug release as a function of
time, which can reflect either reproducibility of the product
manufacturing process or, in limited cases,
in-vivo drug release.
In the biochemical and genetic fields UV-visible
spectroscopy is used in the quantification of DNA
and protein/enzyme activity as well as the thermal
denaturation of DNA.
In the dye, ink and paint industries UV-visible spectroscopy
is used in the quality control in the development and
production of dyeing reagents, inks and paints and the
analysis of intermediate dyeing reagents.
In environmental and agricultural fields the quantification
of organic materials and heavy metals in fresh water can be
carried out using UV-visible spectroscopy.
Copyright © 2009 Royal Society of Chemistry www.rsc.org