Agency #005.16
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Effective Date: July 3, 2020
Table of Contents
Section 1.00 Title .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Section 2.00 Regulatory Authority ............................................................................................................................... 1
Section 3.00 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 4.00 Applicability ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Section 5.00 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 6.00 The Code of Ethics; Standards of Ethical Conduct .................................................................................. 8
Section 7.00 Recommended Disciplinary Action ........................................................................................................ 9
Section 8.00 Fines and Fees ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Section 9.00 Disclosure of Records ........................................................................................................................... 12
Section 10.00 Mandatory Filing of Allegation and Ethics Violations Review .......................................................... 14
Section 11.00 Procedures for the Investigation of an Ethics Complaint ..................................................................... 14
Section 12.00 Procedures for the Initial Determinations and Recommendations
of the Ethics Subcommittee ................................................................................................................. 18
Section 13.00 Motions before the Ethics Subcommittee or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee ....................................... 21
Section 14.00 Evidentiary Hearings ........................................................................................................................... 22
Section 15.00 Subpoenas ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Section 16.00 State Board Review ............................................................................................................................. 27
Section 17.00 Appeal to Circuit Court ........................................................................................................................ 30
Appendix A Summary of Timeline for the Ethics Complaint Process
Appendix B List of Actions and Fines
Appendix C Explanations and Guidance to Clarify the Intent of the Code of Ethics
Appendix D Sanction Guidelines for Ethical Violations
1.00 Title
1.01 These rules shall be known as the Arkansas Department of Education Division of
Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for
Arkansas Educators.
2.00 Regulatory Authority
2.01 These rules are promulgated pursuant to the State Board of Education’s authority
under Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-11-105, 6-17-401, 6-17-410, 6-17-422, 6-17-425, 6-
17-426, 6-17-428, 25-15-201 et seq., and Act 475 of 2019.
2.02 All rules, procedures, hearings and appeals relating to the Code of Ethics
complaints shall be promulgated and implemented under the Arkansas
Administrative Procedures Act, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-201 et seq.
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3.00 Purpose
3.01 The purpose of the Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators
(Code of Ethics) is to define standards of ethical conduct for all educators,
whether licensed or employed under a legal waiver from licensure, and to outline
procedures for receiving complaints, authorizing and conducting investigations,
and recommending enforcement of the Code of Ethics.
3.02 The professional, ethical educator contributes to the development and
maintenance of a supportive student-focused learning community that values and
promotes human dignity, fairness, care, the greater good and individual rights.
These values are the ethical premises for the standards of professional behavior
and ethical decision-making established in this Code of Ethics. By establishing
standards of ethical conduct, the Code of Ethics promotes the health, safety, and
general welfare of students and educators and ensures the citizens of Arkansas a
degree of accountability within the education profession.
4.00 Applicability
4.01 The valid Arkansas educator’s license of any person shall be subject to the
conditions, requirements, and mandates of the Code of Ethics, procedures, and
recommendations for enforcement.
4.02 An educator who is employed under a waiver of licensure granted by the State
Board to an educational entity is subject to the conditions, requirements, and
mandates of the Code of Ethics, procedures, and recommendations for
enforcement, including public notification of violations of the Code of Ethics
and fines equivalent to those for licensed educators.
4.03 A preservice teacher who is assigned to a school as a student intern in a
supervised field experience or supervised clinical experience is also subject to
the Code of Ethics. A sanction adopted by the State Board of Education may be
imposed on a license when, and if, it is issued to the sanctioned preservice
5.00 Definitions
5.01 Acted upon means that the State Board has taken an action to address an ethics
complaint by revoking, suspending, or imposing another sanction upon an
educator’s license.
5.02 An Authorized Ethics Complaint Investigation is an ethics complaint that has
been: (1) validated by the Chief Investigator of the PLSB or his or her designee
as being submitted by an identifiable person; and (2) authorized for investigation
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based upon reasonable belief by the Ethics Subcommittee that if the allegation is
true, it would constitute a violation of the Code of Ethics as set forth in these
rules committed by an Arkansas educator. The Ethics Subcommittee shall
investigate an ethics complaint that it determines is credible. (Ark. Code Ann. §
5.03 AELS means the Arkansas Educator Licensure System.
5.04 Code of Ethics means the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators established by
the PLSB under Ark. Code. Ann. § 6-17-422.
5.05 DESE means the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
5.06 Dispositions are the values, commitments, and professional ethics that influence
behaviors toward students, families, colleagues and communities and that
contribute to student learning, motivation, and development as well as the
educator’s own professional growth. Dispositions are guided by beliefs and
attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility and
social justice.
5.07 Educator means:
5.07.1 A person holding a valid educator’s license issued by the State
Board; even if the license expires during the pendency of the ethics
complaint process.
5.07.2 A person employed under a waiver from licensure; or
5.07.3 A preservice teacher; or
5.07.4 A person employed under an emergency teaching permit.
5.08 Educational Setting means any public school, open enrollment public charter
school, virtual public school, or education service cooperative in Arkansas
serving students in any of grades pre-K through 12.
5.09 Educator’s License means a teaching license, an administrator’s license,
lifetime teaching license, ancillary license, provisional license, or any other
license or permit issued by the State Board.
5.10 Ethics Complaint means an allegation of violation form that states alleged facts
that if true would constitute an ethics violation of the Code of Ethics, and is
signed under penalty of perjury by the person filing the ethics complaint,
validated by the PLSB Chief Investigator, or his or her designee, and authorized
for investigation by the Ethics Subcommittee. An ethics complaint may also be
a finding made in an audit report forwarded to the DESE by the Arkansas Joint
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Legislative Auditing Committee under Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-426.
5.11 Ethics Subcommittee means the subcommittee established by the PLSB to
receive and investigate ethics complaints, and enforce the Code of Ethics
through recommendations to the State Board.
5.11.1 The Ethics Subcommittee is composed of five (5) members with
proportionate representation as the PLSB of public school teachers and
administrators plus one (1) member from any other category of
representation on the PLSB.
5.12 Ethics Hearing Subcommittee means the subcommittee appointed by the PLSB
to conduct evidentiary hearings under these rules. The Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee is composed of six (6) members, at least two (2) of whom shall
have served on the Ethics Subcommittee and three (3) of whom may be
appointed by the PLSB based on educational experience. One (1) of the
members shall be appointed to represent non-licensed teachers.
5.13 Ethics Violation is an act or omission on the part of an educator, when the
educator knew, or reasonably should have known, that such acts or omissions
were in violation of the Code of Ethics as set forth in these rules.
5.13.1 An ethics violation does not include: A reasonable mistake made in good faith; or Acts or omissions undertaken in accordance with the
reasonable instructions of a supervisor; or An act or omission under circumstances in which the
educator had a reasonable belief that failure to follow the
instructions of a supervisor would result in an adverse job
action against the educator.
5.14 Filed means an allegation of violation form, a motion, or other document has
been stamped by PLSB staff with a date acknowledging when the document
arrived at the offices of the PLSB staff.
5.15 Hearing Officer means an impartial Arkansas licensed attorney who serves in a
quasi-judicial role, i.e. opening the hearing, introducing the parties, swearing
witnesses, and ruling on objections.
5.16 Impairment means the state of being mentally or physically diminished,
weakened, or damaged, with respect to performing the educator’s professional
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5.17 Level 1 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is a public notification that a
nonlicensed educator has violated the Code of Ethics in a manner equivalent to a
violation that warrants a written reprimand. The purpose of a Level 1 Public
Notification is to publicly admonish the nonlicensed educator;
5.18 Level 2 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is a public notification that a
nonlicensed educator has violated the Code of Ethics in a manner equivalent to a
violation that warrants the probation of a license. The purpose of a Level 2
Public Notification is to publicly admonish the nonlicensed educator and place
conditions or requirements on the educator for a specified period of time.
5.19 Level 3 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is a public notification that a
nonlicensed educator has violated the Code of Ethics in a manner equivalent to a
violation that warrants the suspension of a license. The purposes of a Level 3
Public Notification are is to publicly admonish the nonlicensed educator and for
a specified period of time: (a) to place conditions or requirements on the
nonlicensed educator; (b) to notify the public that the nonlicensed educator is not
recommended for employment or volunteering in an educational setting; and (c)
notify the public that the nonlicensed educator is not eligible for teaching or
testing duties.
5.20 Level 4 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is a public notification that a
nonlicensed educator has violated the Code of Ethics in a manner equivalent to a
violation that warrants the revocation of a license. The purpose of a Level 4
Public Notification is to notify the public that the educator is not recommended
for employment or volunteering in an educational setting, and that the
nonlicensed educator is not eligible for future licensure.
5.21 Monitoring Conditions or Restrictions may include any actions or alternative
sanctions allowed under the Administrative Procedures Act. Such conditions or
restrictions may include, but are not limited to requiring that an educator, at the
educator’s expense, submit a new criminal background check or submit other
requested information such as current employment, compliance with
recommended counseling, treatment, education or training. The Ethics
Subcommittee may recommend the length of the monitoring period to the State
5.22 NASDTEC Clearinghouse means the searchable database administered by the
education departments of members of the National Association of State
Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC). The
Clearinghouse is viewable only by member agencies responsible for educator
licensure/certification and discipline and additional interested education
organizations approved by NASDTEC.
5.23 Nonrenewal means that an expired license will not be renewed. Nonrenewal
may be permanent or temporary. There is no reinstatement of a license after
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permanent nonrenewal. Nonrenewal will apply when an educator’s license
expires after the occurrence of the alleged ethics violation.
5.24 PLSB means the Professional Licensure Standards Board.
5.25 Pre-kindergarten means an early childhood education program that serves
students from birth to enrollment in kindergarten.
5.26 Preponderance of Evidence is the greater weight of the relevant evidence;
superior evidentiary weight that, though not sufficient to free the mind wholly
from all reasonable doubt, is still sufficient to induce a fair and impartial mind to
one side of the issue rather than the other. It is determined by considering all of
the relevant evidence and deciding which evidence is more credible. A
preponderance of the evidence is not necessarily determined by the greater
number of witnesses or documents presented. If, on any allegation against an
educator, it cannot be determined whether the allegation is more likely true than
not true, the allegation cannot be considered to have been proved.
5.27 Preservice Teacher means an unlicensed person who is enrolled as a student in
an educator preparation program approved by the DESE.
5.28 Private Letter of Caution is a non-punitive communication from the Ethics
Subcommittee to an educator in response to an ethics complaint against the
educator. Private Letters of Caution may be provided to an educator by the
Ethics Subcommittee of the PLSB in lieu of recommending other discipline.
Private Letters of Caution do not make any factual findings but inform the
educator that the conduct alleged in the complaint or its investigation falls within
the broad range of the Code of Ethics but that the circumstances and mitigating
factors do not warrant disciplinary action. Private Letters of Caution remain in
the files retained by the PLSB staff, but are not placed in an educator’s licensure
file at the DESE. A Private Letter of Caution is not submitted to the State Board
for approval and it does not constitute a sanction for the purposes of the Code of
Ethics. As a result, Private Letters of Caution cannot be the basis for a request
for an evidentiary hearing before the Ethics Subcommittee or the State Board.
5.29 Probation is the placing of conditions, requirements or circumstances on the
status of an educator’s license issued by the State Board for a period of time
established by the State Board. Generally, an educator whose license is under
probation must sufficiently satisfy such conditions, requirements or
circumstances in order to maintain or be reinstated to the original non-
probationary teaching license status. The probation will remain permanently in
the DESE file of the educator and in the files retained by the PLSB.
5.30 Public Information for the purpose of these rules is information publicly
available from news media or public record.
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5.31 Reasonable belief is a belief based upon knowledge of facts and circumstances
that are reasonably trustworthy, and that would justify a reasonable persons
belief that: (1) a violation of the Code of Ethics as set forth in these rules has
been committed; and (2) that the named educator committed such a violation. A
reasonable belief is not based upon mere suspicion or conjecture.
5.32 Relevant evidence (or material evidence) is evidence having any tendency to
make the existence of any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the
matter more probable or less probable than it would be without the evidence.
5.33 Revocation is the invalidation of any educator’s license. The revocation will
remain permanently in the DESE file of the educator and in the files retained by
the PLSB. An Educator whose license has been revoked may refer to the
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Educator
Licensure on the reinstatement of a revoked license.
5.34 State Board means the Arkansas State Board of Education.
5.35 School hiring official means the person designated by a school who is
responsible for hiring or making final recommendations for the hiring of an
educator who holds an Arkansas teaching or administrator’s license, or an
educator who will be employed under a waiver granted by the State Board.
5.36 School-sponsored activity is any event or activity sponsored by the school or
school system which includes but is not limited to athletic events, booster clubs,
parent- teacher organizations, or any activity designed to enhance the school
curriculum (i.e., foreign language trips, etc.) whether on school-campus or not.
5.37 Sexual abuse has the same meaning as given to the term in Ark. Code Ann. §
12-18-103(20)(D) as it applies to a caretaker, but shall include a victim who is
younger than twenty-one (21) years of age and is still a student.
5.38 Student is any individual enrolled in any state’s public or private schools from
pre-kindergarten through grade 12.
5.39 Supervisor under these rules means an administrator authorized by the district or
school board to administer professional employee discipline up to and including
recommending termination or nonrenewal.
5.40 Suspension is the temporary invalidation of any teaching educator’s license for a
period of time specified by the State Board. The suspension will remain
permanently in the DESE file of the educator and in the files retained by the
5.41 Take action means that, based on a preponderance of the evidence, the Ethics
Subcommittee or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, makes a determination and
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recommendation based on an ethics complaint.
5.42 Valid educators license means that the educators license was current, on
probation, or under suspension at the time of an alleged ethics violation. A valid
educators license that expires after the occurrence of the alleged ethics violation
is still subject to an ethics complaint process relating to the alleged ethics
5.43 Waiver from licensure means a waiver from rules and/or laws governing
educator licensure granted under:
5.43.1 The Arkansas Quality Charter Schools Act of 2013, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-
23-101 et seq., to a public charter school in the approval of its original
charter or an amendment to its charter;
5.43.2 Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-103 to a school district;
5.43.3 The District of Innovation Program, Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-2801 et seq.,
to a School of Innovation; or
5.43.4 Any other educational entity pursuant to Arkansas law.
5.44 Written Reprimand is a written admonishment from the State Board to the
named educator for his or her conduct. The written reprimand cautions that
further unethical conduct will lead to a more severe action and is associated with
a monetary fine of the educator. The written reprimand will remain permanently
in the files retained by the PLSB.
6.00 The Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators
All Arkansas Educators, preservice teachers, and those employed under a waiver of licensure
must adhere to the Code of Ethics represented below. An allegation of unethical conduct,
authorized for investigation, and subsequently considered by the Ethics Subcommittee or the
Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, and the State Board shall be based upon an alleged violation of
the following:
Standard 1: An educator maintains a professional relationship with each
student, both in and outside the classroom.
Standard 2: An educator maintains competence regarding his or her
professional practice, inclusive of professional and ethical
behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions, and responsibilities
relating to his or her organizational position.
Standard 3: An educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations associated with
professional practices.
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Standard 4: An educator entrusted with public funds and property, including
school sponsored activity funds, honors that trust with honest,
responsible stewardship.
Standard 5: An educator maintains integrity regarding the acceptance of any
gratuity, gift, compensation or favor that might impair or appear
to influence professional decisions or actions and shall refrain from
using the educator’s position for personal gain.
Standard 6: An educator keeps in confidence secure standardized test materials
and results and maintains integrity regarding test administration
Standard 7: An educator maintains the confidentiality of information about
students and colleagues obtained in the course of the educator’s
professional services that is protected under state law or regulations,
federal law or regulations, or the written policies of the educator’s
school district, unless disclosure serves a professional purpose as
allowed or required by law or regulations.
Standard 8: An educator, while on school premises or at school-sponsored
activities involving students, refrains from:
a) using, possessing and/or being under the influence of alcohol or
unauthorized drugs/substances, and/or possessing items
prohibited by law,
b) possessing or using tobacco or tobacco-related products, e-
cigarettes, e-liquid, or vapor products, or
c) abusing/misusing prescription medications or other authorized
substances as evidenced by impairment.
7.00 Recommended Disciplinary Action
7.01 The Ethics Subcommittee or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee is authorized to
recommend to the State Board Levels of Public Notification for a nonlicensed
educator, or for a licensed educator, a written reprimand or the probation,
suspension, revocation, nonrenewal, or non-issuance of an educator’s license.
The Ethics Subcommittee or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee is also authorized to
recommend the placement of conditions or restrictions on the activities of the
educator that would assist the educator via training, coursework or rehabilitative
treatment. (All costs would be paid by the educator.) The State Board may
direct the PLSB to monitor progress toward the completion of any corrective
action. Any of the following shall be considered cause for recommendation of
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disciplinary action against an educator:
7.01.1 An initial determination by the Ethics Subcommittee that, based
on a preponderance of the evidence, a violation of the Code of
Ethics as set forth in these rules has occurred.
7.01.2 Following an evidentiary hearing before the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee, the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee finds, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that an educator violated the
Code of Ethics as set forth in these rules.
7.01.3 An agreement between an educator and the Ethics Subcommittee
or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee as to the facts and/or the
recommendation for disciplinary action.
7.01.4 A failure to comply with the payment of any imposed fines, fees,
or other conditions or restrictions imposed by the State Board.
7.01.5 Audit reports forwarded to the DESE by the Arkansas Legislative
Joint Auditing Committee pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-
7.01.6 Disciplinary action against an educator’s license/certificate in
another state on grounds inconsistent with ethical conduct
specified in Section 6.00 or as stated in this section.
7.02 An individual whose license has been revoked or nonrenewed, or suspended or
temporarily nonrenewed of any state shall not serve as a volunteer or be
employed as an educator, consultant, paraprofessional, aide, substitute teacher,
official and/or judge of a school-sponsored activity or be employed in any other
position with a school district, open enrollment public charter school, or
education service cooperative following his or her revocation or permanent
nonrenewal, or during the period of suspension or temporary nonrenewal for a
violation of the Code of Ethics.
7.02.1 An individual who has received a Level 3 Public Notification of Ethics
Violation, for the period of time specified in the Level 3 Public
Notification: Is not recommended for employment or for volunteering in
an educational setting, including without limitation
performing teaching or testing duties; and Is not eligible for licensure.
7.02.2 An individual who has been issued a Level 4 Public Notification of
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Ethics Violation is not recommended for employment or for volunteering
in an educational setting, including without limitation performing
teaching or testing duties and is not eligible for licensure on and after the
issuance of the Level 4 Public Notification.
7.04 In lieu of imposing a disciplinary action as set forth above, the PLSB Ethics
Subcommittee may provide the accused educator with a Private Letter of
Caution. A Private Letter of Caution may not be appealed by the educator.
8.00 Fines and Fees
8.01 The PLSB may recommend to the State Board for approval as authorized by
Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-17-422(h)(3)(c) and 6-17-428, monetary fees to be paid by
a person for the issuance, reissuance, fine, or penalty associated with the process,
procedures, or enforcement of requirements necessary to issue or maintain an
Arkansas teaching license.
8.01.1 Fine amounts are listed in Appendix B to these rules, which is
attached and is hereby fully incorporated into these rules as if
fully set forth herein.
8.01.2 Nonrefundable fees for applications pertaining to an educator’s
license are published on the DESE website as approved by the
State Board.
8.01.3 The State Board shall use the revenue collected from the fees and
fines for the operation of the PLSB.
8.02 An educator shall pay a fine imposed by the State Board within ninety (90) days
of the State Board’s final order.
8.03 Failure to pay fines and fees may result in the DESE recommending that the
State Board suspend the educator’s license pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-
217. The DESE will not renew a license until all fines and fees have been paid.
9.00 Disclosure of Records
9.01 When the State Board issues a written reprimand for violation of the Code of
Ethics, it will be reported to the DESE but is not publicly viewable in AELS.
The DESE will disclose written reprimands if requested and pursuant to state or
federal law.
9.02 Disciplinary actions are publicly reported as follows:
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9.02.1 The probation of a license is reported on AELS and the NASTDEC
Clearinghouse during the period of probation and until all conditions
are met. Following the successful completion of probation, the
probation is removed from public view on AELS and the NASTDEC
Clearinghouse, but is maintained permanently in the educator’s files
at the DESE and PLSB;
9.02.2 A Level 2 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is reported on
AELS for the period of time stated in the notice and until all
conditions are met. Upon the successful completion of the period of
time and all requirements stated in the Level 2 Public Notification,
the notification is removed from public view in AELS, but is
maintained permanently in the educator’s files at the DESE and
9.02.3 The suspension or temporary nonrenewal of a license are reported on
AELS and the NASTDEC Clearinghouse. Upon the reinstatement
of the license, AELS and the NASDTEC Clearinghouse will reflect
that the license is reinstated, and the suspension or temporary
nonrenewal is maintained permanently in the educator’s files at the
9.02.4 A Level 3 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is reported in
AELS. Upon the successful completion of the period of time and all
requirements stated in the Level 3 Public Notification, the
recommendation against employment and volunteering is removed
from AELS, but the evidence of a Level 3 Public Notification is
maintained permanently in the educator’s files at the DESE and
PLSB; and
9.02.5 The revocation or permanent nonrenewal of a license is permanently
reported on AELS and the NASDTEC Clearinghouse and is
maintained permanently in the educator’s files at the DESE and
9.02.6 A Level 4 Public Notification of Ethics Violation is permanently
recorded on public view in AELS and maintained permanently in the
educator’s files at the DESE and PLSB.
9.03 AELS will contain the following information:
9.03.1 The Standard of Ethical Conduct violated;
9.03.2 The sanction approved by the State Board; and
9.03.3 A copy of the final order of the State Board.
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9.06 Records of the Ethics Subcommittee and Ethics Hearing Subcommittee shall be
retained in accordance with the Arkansas General Records Retention Schedule.
9.07 In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-428, all records and all hearings,
meetings, and deliberations of the Ethics Subcommittee and Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee relating to an ethics complaint are confidential and exempt from
the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, Ark. Code Ann. § 25-19-101 et seq.
9.08 All documents relied upon by the State Board for its decision-making are public
9.08.1 All hearings before the State Board are publicly viewable through
live-streamed video and are archived on the DESE website.
9.08.2 State Board orders concerning ethics violations are publicly
available on the DESE website. Orders on written reprimands will
be removed after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of the
order, but orders concerning probation, suspension, nonrenewal, or
revocation shall remain on the website for the period of time
required in the order.
9.09 Subject to preemption or prohibition by other state or federal law, all records
pertaining to an ethics complaint are open for inspection and copying by the
person against whom the complaint is lodged and his or her representative.
Videos, recordings, or other materials that the PLSB cannot redact will be made
available to the educator or his or her representative at the PLSB office only.
9.10 Information such as personal contact information, social security numbers,
student names, and other information protected by state or federal law will be
redacted or released as permitted by law.
9.11 In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-208, disclosure shall not be required
of the research or records, correspondence, reports, or memoranda to the extent
that they contain the opinions, theories, or conclusions of the attorney for the
agency or members of his or her staff or other state agents.
10.00 Mandatory Filing of Allegation and Ethics Violations Review
10.01 A supervisor at an Arkansas public educational setting school shall file an ethics
complaint if he or she observes or has reasonable cause to suspect that an
educator has violated Standard 1 involving the sexual abuse of a student.
10.02 The failure to submit an ethics complaint under this section is a violation of
Standard 3.
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10.03 This provision does not satisfy the legal obligation by the supervisor or an
educator as a mandated reporter of child maltreatment under Ark. Code Ann. §
12-18-402 of the Child Maltreatment Act.
11.00 Procedures for the Investigation of an Ethics Complaint
11.01 Submitting an Allegation of Violation of the Code of Ethics - Any person
wishing to submit an allegation of an ethics violation must use the Allegation of
Violation form (allegation form) developed by the PLSB.
11.01.1 An allegation form shall be completed and signed under penalty of
perjury by the complainant. Only an original signature will be
accepted. A facsimile or electronic signature on the form will not be
accepted and the form will be returned or the complainant will be
required to submit a form with an original signature.
11.01.2 An allegation form shall be submitted to the Assistant
Commissioner designated on the allegation form. The Assistant
Commissioner shall forward the allegation form to the PLSB office
for filing. The allegation form may be filed with the PLSB by
submitting it to the DESE, a public school district, or a
public school superintendent. If an allegation form is received by a public school
district or a public school superintendent, the public
school district or superintendent must forward all signed
allegations directly to the DESE; the failure to do so
may be considered a violation of the Code of Ethics.
11.02 Automatic submission for investigation - The following will automatically go
to the Ethics Subcommittee of the PLSB for the opening of an investigation:
11.02.1 Public information that an educator may have committed a violation
of the Code of Ethics; and
11.02.2 Audit reports forwarded to the DESE by the Arkansas Joint
Auditing Committee pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-426.
11.02.3 If the Ethics Subcommittee votes that the Chair should submit an
allegation form, the Chair shall recuse herself or himself from any
further consideration of the complaint. If necessary, the PLSB may
appoint a board member to the Ethics Subcommittee for the limited
purpose of resolving a complaint filed under this section.
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11.03 Validation - The Chief Investigator of the PLSB or his or her designee will
review the allegation form and verify that the allegation form: (1) has been
submitted by an identifiable person; (2) was signed under penalty of perjury; (3)
concerns alleged unethical conduct and;(4) obtain any updated information and/or
additional evidence concerning the allegations, from the time the allegation was
originally submitted to the PLSB.
11.03.1 After an allegation of a violation is validated, it cannot be
withdrawn by the complainant. However, the Ethics Subcommittee
may take a written request for withdrawal into consideration when
determining whether to authorize an investigation based on the
11.04 Action by the PLSB on an Allegation of Violation - An allegation will become
a complaint once it has been:
11.04.1 Filed with the PLSB as provided under 11.01 with an original
11.04.2 Validated by the PLSB Chief Investigator or his or her designee as
being submitted by an identifiable person; and
11.04.3 Determined by the Ethics Subcommittee as credible and if true,
would constitute a violation by an Arkansas educator of the Code of
Ethics as set forth in these rules.
11.05 Action by the PLSB Ethics Subcommittee
11.05.1 The Ethics Subcommittee will determine whether to grant authority
to the PLSB investigative staff to investigate the allegation.
Authority to investigate the allegation will be based upon a
reasonable belief that the allegation, if true, constitutes a violation of
the Code of Ethics committed by the alleged educator.
11.05.2 Any member of the Ethics Subcommittee of the PLSB who works
with or for the educator against whom the allegation is submitted
shall recuse himself/herself from any discussion, hearing, or
deliberations concerning the accused educator. A member shall
recuse himself/herself if there is any relationship that would prevent
him/her from making a fair and impartial decision on the educator’s
11.05.3 The Ethics Subcommittee is not limited to the standard alleged on
the form but may consider all of the evidence submitted with the
allegation in determining which, if any, standard may have been
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11.05.4 If the Ethics Subcommittee votes not to authorize investigation, the
allegation shall be dismissed and the matter shall be closed without
further action against the educator. There is no notification to the
educator either of the allegation or of the denial of authority to
11.05.5 If the Ethics Subcommittee votes to authorize investigation of the
allegation, the allegation becomes an authorized ethics complaint. Within ten (10) business days of authorization, the
PLSB staff shall notify the named educator in writing
concerning the initiation of the investigation and provide
the educator with a copy of: The complaint and documents or evidence
provided by the complainant, as provided in
Section 9.00; and The provisions of Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-
428 or other state statutory law applicable to
an ethics violation and the applicable rules
in effect at the time the ethics complaint is
filed. The PLSB staff shall also provide to the complainant
written notice of the authorization to investigate their
alleged violation(s).
11.05.6 If, in the course of an authorized investigation, the PLSB
investigative staff discovers credible information that the named
educator has committed additional violations of the Code of Ethics,
the PLSB staff may request additional authority to investigate from
the Ethics Subcommittee. The authorization of an additional investigation will
restart the calculation of the statutory timelines.
11.05.7 In the event that PLSB staff discovers credible information that
another educator has violated the Code of Ethics the PLSB staff may
request that the Ethics Subcommittee Chair submit an allegation
form with the DESE. If the Ethics Subcommittee votes that the
Chair should submit an allegation form, the Chair shall recuse
herself or himself from any further consideration of the complaint.
If necessary, the PLSB may appoint a board member to the Ethics
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Subcommittee for the limited purpose of resolving the complaint.
11.06 Completion of the Investigation
11.06.1 The Ethics Subcommittee shall complete its investigation of an
ethics complaint and take action within: One hundred fifty (150) calendar days of authorizing the
investigation; or If a hearing is conducted, within one hundred eighty
(180) calendar days of authorizing the investigation.
11.06.2 Upon completion of the investigation and final report of
investigation, the PLSB staff will provide to the accused educator or
his or her representative: The final report of investigation; Except as provided under Section 9.00, a copy of the
documents and evidence concerning the investigation of
the ethics complaint. If the educator requests a transcript of a
video or recording, the PLSB office may
provide the transcript, redacted as
necessary. At its option, the PLSB may outsource
the transcription at the educator’s
expense. If a request for a transcript will cause the
resolution of the case to exceed the
statutory timeline, the PLSB may decline
the transcript request or request that the
educator agree to extend the timeline
until the educator receives and submits
payment for the transcript; Written notice that the Ethics Subcommittee will
consider taking action against the named educator; and A copy of the rules in effect at the time the ethics
complaint is filed.
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11.06.3 The named educator or his/her attorney will be allowed thirty (30)
calendar days from receipt of the notice, documentation, and
evidence from the Ethics Subcommittee to submit any further
response in writing.
11.06.4 At the conclusion of the thirty (30) calendar days or upon receiving
the written response from the educator, the PLSB staff will send the
final report of investigation and educator’s response to the members
of the Ethics Subcommittee.
11.06.5 The PLSB will consider a notice as received on the earliest of one of
the following dates: The date a letter mailed by certified mail was received
by the educator, as confirmed with the United States
Postal Service; On the tenth (10th) calendar day from the date a letter
was mailed by regular mail, if the educator or his or her
representative does not sign for the certified letter, and
the letter sent by regular mail is not returned to the
PLSB; or The date the educator or his or her representative
accesses the documents sent by secure file link.
12.00 Procedures for the Initial Determination and Recommendation of the Ethics
12.01 The Ethics Subcommittee shall take action on the ethics complaint by making an
initial determination and recommendation not more than sixty (60) days after
receipt of: (1) the educator’s written response to the final report of investigation,
or (2) the expiration of the educator’s time to provide a written response to the
final report of investigation.
12.01.1 The Ethics Subcommittee shall review the results of the
investigation including the PLSB staff’s final report of investigation
and, if submitted as required by these rules, the written response
from the educator who is the subject of the ethics complaint.
12.01.2 Following the review, if the Ethics Subcommittee finds that the
educator violated the Code of Ethics as set forth in these rules, the
Ethics Subcommittee shall issue an initial decision and may
recommend any appropriate action as set forth in these rules.
Agency #005.16
ADE 291-19 The Ethics Subcommittee shall refer to the Sanction
Guidelines for Ethical Violations approved by the PLSB
(Appendix D) when making the initial determination and
12.01.3 The initial recommendation shall be considered a proposal for
decision under Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-210 and shall contain a
statement of the reasons for the decision and each issue of fact or
law necessary for the decision.
12.01.4 Private Letter of Caution - The Ethics Subcommittee may also
issue a Private Letter of Caution in lieu of recommending a
disciplinary action.
12.02 Notice to the Educator
12.02.1 The PLSB staff will notify the named educator in writing of the
recommendation of the Ethics Subcommittee within ten (10)
business days following the Ethics Subcommittee’s initial
determination and recommendation.
12.02.2 The notice will further inform the educator that he or she may
request an evidentiary hearing, at which the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee may retain the Ethics Subcommittee’s
recommendation, or may modify it, including finding no evidence to
support a finding of a violation.
12.02.3 There is no right to an evidentiary hearing. or an appeal from a
Private Letter of Caution.
12.03 Educator’s response -
12.03.1 The educator may reject the recommendation of the Ethics
Subcommittee of the PLSB and request an evidentiary hearing
before the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee by submitting the request
to the PLSB attorney in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of
the date the educator receives the notice.
12.03.2 If an educator fails to respond to notification of the initial
recommendation of the Ethics Subcommittee within thirty (30)
calendar days, the initial recommendation will become a final
recommendation without an evidentiary hearing and will be
forwarded to the State Board for a final decision.
12.03.4 The PLSB staff shall notify the educator that the final
recommendation will be submitted to the State Board as part of its
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consent agenda. The State Board may remove the case from its consent
agenda and set the case for further review pursuant to
Section 16.01.
12.03.5 If the educator allows his or her license to expire after the date of the
alleged ethics violation, the complaint process will continue through
its completion.
12.04 Notice to Complainant - The PLSB staff shall provide a written notice to the
complainant when the Ethics Subcommittee determines the evidence does not
support a finding of an ethical violation and closes the file. However, the Ethics
Subcommittee rationale for not authorizing an investigation shall remain
13.00 Motions before the Ethics Subcommittee or Ethics Hearing Subcommittee
13.01 An educator or his or her representative who has requested an evidentiary
hearing may file a motion by serving it on the attorney for the PLSB who shall
file-stamp the motion indicating the date it is received and promptly transmit the
motion(s) to the Chair of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee for consideration at
the next available Ethics Hearing Subcommittee meeting.
13.02 Once an evidentiary hearing has been requested, all motions must be filed no
later than fourteen (14) calendar days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
The responding party shall have seven (7) calendar days to respond to a motion.
13.03 Filing a motion that requests that the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee take an
action prior to the requested or scheduled evidentiary hearing extends the time
limits set out in these rules and Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-428 by the amount of
time required to rule on the motion.
13.04 Requests regarding procedural matters, including requests for additional time for
the hearing or for continuation of a hearing or proposed stipulated settlements,
may be considered on the motions or papers submitted, or the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee Chair may allow oral argument. The PLSB attorney and the
educator may propose a stipulation to dispose of any procedural or substantive
matters at any time subject to final approval by the Ethics Hearing
13.05 The Chair of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee Chair may consider any motion
that is not timely filed as set forth herein when there is good cause for the
untimely filing.
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14.00 Evidentiary Hearings
14.01 Request for and scheduling of an evidentiary hearing.
14.01.1 If the educator requests an evidentiary hearing, the hearing will be
held before the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee within one hundred
eighty (180) days of the date the investigation was authorized, or at
a time and date agreed between the parties.
14.01.2 The PLSB staff shall notify the educator in writing of the date, time
and location of the evidentiary hearing.
14.01.3 Each party shall disclose to the other the names of all witnesses and
identify all evidence the party intends to use at the hearing. The
notice will also state a date by which the exchange shall take place.
14.01.4 The educator or the PLSB representative may request a continuance
of a scheduled evidentiary hearing. Such a request shall be made in
the form of a written motion as provided in Section 13. For
reasonable circumstances, including without limitation, inclement
weather, state or national emergencies, or other unforeseeable
events, the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee may, on its own motion,
continue a scheduled evidentiary hearing.
14.02 Hearing procedures.
14.02.1 An evidentiary hearing shall be conducted on the record before a
court reporter.
14.02.2 The Ethics Hearing Subcommittee may use a hearing officer.
14.02.3 The Ethics Hearing Subcommittee shall use the “preponderance of
the evidence” standard to determine whether a violation of the Code
of Ethics occurred. The representative of the PLSB will have the
burden of proving each fact of consequence to the determination by
a preponderance of the evidence.
14.02.4 A representative of the PLSB and the educator (or his/her attorney)
shall have up to one (1) hour each to present their cases to the Ethics
Hearing Subcommittee. The Chair of the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee may grant additional time to either or both parties, if
necessary. A motion for additional time will be considered timely if
it is submitted to the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee as
provided in Section 13.
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14.02.5 Witnesses shall be sworn in by the Chair or hearing officer. Except
for the educator and PLSB investigator, witnesses shall remain
outside of the hearing room until called to testify. The proceedings
of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee are by law confidential and
witnesses shall not discuss the case or any evidence or documents
concerning the case before, during, or after the hearing except in the
presence of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee.
14.02.6 Each party will have the opportunity, should it so choose, to make
an opening statement. The statement shall be no longer than five (5)
minutes in length. The Chair or hearing officer may grant additional
time to either or both parties, if necessary.
14.02.7 The PLSB shall present its case (and opening statement, if it so
chooses) first.
14.02.8 Any written documents, photographs or any other items of evidence
may be presented to the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee with the
permission of the Chair or hearing officer. The items of evidence shall be marked as either “PLSB
Exhibit Number 1(et seq.)” or “Educator’s Exhibit
Number 1 (et seq.).” After an item of evidence has been presented to the
Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, the introducing party
shall give one (1) copy to the court reporter for the
record and one (1) copy to each member of the Ethics
Hearing Subcommittee and hearing officer.
14.02.9 After one party has questioned a witness, the other party shall have
an opportunity to cross-examine the witness. The Chair or hearing
officer may also grant either party the opportunity for re-direct
examination or to offer rebuttal testimony.
14.02.10 Cross-examination, re-direct, and rebuttal are not included in the
one-hour time period for case presentation, but the limitation or
extension of time is at the discretion of the Chair or hearing officer.
14.02.11 While the scope of each party’s presentation ultimately lies within
the Chair’s or hearing officer’s discretion, case presentation should
be arranged in such a way as to avoid redundant testimony.
14.02.12 Each member of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee shall also have
the opportunity to ask questions of any witness or any party at any
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14.02.13 After the rebuttal evidence has been presented, the educator shall
have up to ten (10) minutes to present a closing statement, if desired.
The Chair or hearing officer may grant additional time if necessary.
14.02.14 After the educator has made a closing statement, or waived the
opportunity for the same, the representative of the PLSB shall have
up to ten (10) minutes to make his/her closing statement, if desired.
The Chair or hearing officer may grant additional time if necessary.
14.02.15 The Ethics Hearing Subcommittee may: Maintain, reject, or modify the Ethics Subcommittee
recommendation; or Issue a non-punitive Private Letter of Caution.
14.02.16 After closing statements have been made (or the opportunity to
make them has been waived), the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee may
go off the record for deliberations and will ask that all parties leave
the room during this time. After a decision has been made parties
will be asked to return to the hearing room and the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee will orally announce the decision or may take the
case under advisement and render a decision at a later time.
14.02.17 The Ethics Hearing Subcommittee shall state in its written decision
the following: Its determination as to whether the educator violated
one or more standards of the Code of Ethics; Its findings as to the evidence supporting each
determination of a violation; Its recommendation to the State Board, if any, for
disciplinary action, including the sanction,
conditions, and time periods to be met; and A statement of each issue of fact or law necessary for
the decision.
14.03 Notice of Evidentiary Hearing Decision
14.03.1 Within ten (10) business days following the action taken by the
Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, the PLSB staff will notify the
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educator in writing of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee’s action
taken on the evidentiary hearing.
14.03.2 Following the notice of action taken, the PLSB attorney shall send
to the educator: The Ethics Hearing Subcommittee’s written findings
and recommendation. The evidentiary hearing recommendation
is a proposal for decision under Ark.
Code Ann. § 25-15-210.
14.03.3 After receiving the written findings and recommendations, the
educator may object and request a review by the State Board
pursuant to Section 14.04.
14.04 Educator’s Request for State Board Review
14.04.1 The educator shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt
of the written findings and recommendations of the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee to object and request a review by the State Board.
14.04.2 If the educator does not request a State Board review within the 14-
day period, the findings and recommendation shall become final and
the PLSB will submit them to the State Board on its consent agenda. The State Board may remove the case from its consent
agenda and set the case for further review pursuant to
Section 16.01.
15.00 Subpoenas
15.01 At the request of a party to a proceeding pending before the PLSB or its
subcommittees, the Chair of the PLSB may issue a subpoena and bring before
the PLSB, or the Chair of the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee may issue a
subpoena and bring before the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, as a witness any
person in this state. The PLSB Chair or the Chair of the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee may, on his or her own motion, issue a subpoena at any time.
15.02 A party requesting a subpoena must make the request in writing to the PLSB
staff attorney. Requests for subpoenas made to the PLSB shall be delivered to
the office of the PLSB Attorney no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the
PLSB hearing for which the subpoena is requested.
15.03 The party requesting the subpoena is responsible for serving the subpoena on the
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witness in the manner provided for by statute or rule for the service of subpoenas
in civil cases or by any form of mail addressed to the person to be served with a
return receipt requested and delivery restricted to the addressee or agent of the
addressee. The requesting party is responsible for the payment of any fees or
mileage associated with the appearance of the witness subject to the subpoena.
15.04 The subpoena shall:
15.04.1 Be in the name of the PLSB or the PLSB Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee as applicable;
15.04.2 State the name of the proceeding; and
15.04.3 Command each person to whom it is directed to give testimony at
the time and place specified in the subpoena in one (1) of the
following ways: In person; Before a certified court reporter under oath at the place
of the witness’ residence or employment; By video-taped deposition at the place of the witness’
residence or employment, or at another location agreed
to between the parties; or By live video communications from the witness’
residence, place of employment, or a nearby facility
capable of providing video transmission to the PLSB or
the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee.
15.05 The manner of providing testimony under the subpoena shall be conducted by
video conference testimony unless another manner is agreed upon by the PLSB
or the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee, as applicable, and the person who is the
subject of the subpoena.
15.06 The subpoena may require the witness to bring with him or her any book,
writing, or other thing under his or her control that he or she is bound by law to
produce in evidence.
15.07 A witness who has been served by subpoena and who appears in person to testify
at the trial or case pending before the PLSB or the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee
shall be reimbursed for travel and attendance as provided by law.
15.07.1 The cost of serving a subpoena and all associated costs for the
testimony, such as a deposition, shall be borne by the requesting
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15.08 If a witness is served with a subpoena and fails to provide testimony in
obedience to the subpoena, the PLSB may apply to the circuit court of the county
in which the PLSB is holding the proceeding for an order causing the arrest of
the witness and directing that the witness be brought before the court.
15.08.1 The court will have the power to punish the disobedient witness for
contempt as provided by the Arkansas Rules of Civil Procedure.
15.09 A witness who has been served with a subpoena may challenge the validity of
the subpoena in the circuit court of the county in which the witness resides or is
16.00 State Board Review
16.01 The State Board may remove a PLSB recommendation from a consent agenda
for further review as follows:
16.01.1 The State Board will request that the review be placed on the action
agenda for its next available regularly scheduled monthly board
meeting and provide its rationale for the review.
16.01.2 The educator or his/her attorney may elect to: Appear at the subsequent review meeting and have the
opportunity to make a statement at the State Board
review for up to ten (10) minutes. The PLSB may also
have up to ten (10) minutes to testify. Additional time
may be granted at the discretion of the board chair. The
board members may ask questions of either party at the
subsequent review; or Request a full review of the evidentiary hearing
transcript and evidence, if an evidentiary hearing has
already been conducted and the State Board is removing
a consent agenda item for a recommendation from the
PLSB Evidentiary Hearing Subcommittee.
16.01.3 If the educator or his/her attorney does not make any of the above
elections, or does not appear for the subsequent review meeting, the
State Board shall conduct the subsequent review without the
educator or his/her attorney and make a final decision.
16.01.4 The State Boards final decision, made at the meeting at which the
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subsequent review is conducted, may be appealed by the educator to
Circuit Court as provided under Section 17.00.
16.02 When an educator objects to the Ethics Hearing Subcommittee’s evidentiary
hearing findings and recommendation, the educator may request a review by the
State Board by filing with the PLSB attorney his or her written objections and
brief within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the Ethics Hearing
Subcommittee’s written findings and recommendations on the evidentiary
16.02.1 The parties may agree to allow the educator additional time to file
the written objections and brief. The educator/educator’s attorney
may also request that the State Board grant the educator additional
time to file the written objections and brief. A request for additional
time shall specify the reason for the request and shall be in the form
of a written motion. The PLSB attorney will provide the State Board
with the motion and any response.
16.03 Written Objections and Briefs
16.03.1 The transcript will be provided to the State Board by the PLSB
attorney and the educator should not include any part of the
transcript in the written objections and brief.
16.03.2 The written objections, brief, and PLSB’s response shall use the
following caption and shall bear the signature of the party or, if
represented by counsel, the attorney for the party:
____________________ PLSB CASE NO.: __________
16.03.3 The PLSB attorney may file a written response to the educator’s
objections and brief within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt of
the educator’s objections and brief.
16.03.4 The PLSB attorney shall prepare a redacted copy of the Ethics
Hearing Subcommittee hearing transcript and hearing exhibits to be
filed with State Board.
16.03.5 The PLSB’s findings and recommendations, the educator’s
objections and brief, the PLSB’s response, and the redacted
transcript will be submitted to the State Board and will be heard by
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the State Board at the next available meeting date or at a later date if
agreed between the parties.
16.03.6 All requests for an extension of time to file written objections or
responses, for extended time for oral argument, or for any other pre-
hearing matter shall be made in the form of a motion to the State
Board Chair in a timely manner to give notice and opportunity for a
response to the other party before the hearing date. The PLSB
attorney will provide the State Board with the motion and any
16.04 Oral Argument; Testimony
16.04.1 Either the PLSB or the educator may request oral argument.
16.04.2 The request should be submitted in writing by the party at the time
the written objections or response, as applicable, is filed.
16.04.3 If oral argument is requested, the PLSB attorney shall introduce the
item on the agenda, then the educator will have ten (10) minutes to
present an oral argument in opposition to the findings and
16.04.4 The PLSB’s attorney will then have (10) minutes for oral argument
in support of the findings and recommendations.
16.04.5 Upon good cause shown, the Chair of the State Board may grant
either party additional time for oral argument.
16.05 Testimony
16.05.1 The hearing is on the consideration of the transcript, the pleadings,
and oral argument only. However, at the request of the State Board
Chair, the educator and the PLSB investigator for the case or the
Chief Investigator may provide testimony. All testimony from the
educator, the PLSB investigator, or the Chief Investigator shall be
given under oath.
16.06 Order; Findings
16.06.1 After consideration of the findings and recommendations, the
records, objections, briefs, and arguments, the State Board shall issue
a decision on the record and will provide a final written decision,
including findings of fact and conclusions of law, separately stated.
16.07 Notices
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16.07.1 Following the issuance of the State Board’s final written order, the
PLSB staff shall provide the following written notices: Notice to Educator - Within thirty (30) calendar days
following the State Board review, the PLSB shall
provide to the educator by personal service or by mail
a copy of the final decision or order. Notice to Complainant - The PLSB staff shall
provide written notice to the complainant when the
State Board has issued its final written order on the
recommendation of the Ethics Subcommittee or
Ethics Hearing Subcommittee. Notice to Employing Educational EntityThe
PLSB staff shall provide written notice to the
employing educational entity, if any, when the
educator’s license has been suspended, nonrenewed
(temporarily or permanently), or revoked by the State
Board or a Level 2, 3, or 4 Public Notice of Ethics
Violation is approved by the State Board.
17.00 Appeal to Circuit Court
17.01 The educator may file an appeal of the State Board’s final order to circuit court
within thirty (30) days pursuant to the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act,
Ark. Code Ann. § 25-15-201 et seq.
17.02 The 30-day time period for filing an appeal in circuit court shall run from the
date the educator receives the final written order of the State Board.
Appendix A
ADE 291-30
Summary of Timeline for the Ethics Complaint Process
PLSB Action Educator Action Deadline
Initial Review of Allegation / Authorization
of Investigation
First available meeting following
verification of an allegation of violation
Notice to Complainant if no Authorization
of Investigation
Notice to Educator of Authorization of
10 business days after authorization
Response of Educator to Ethics Complaint 30 calendar days after receiving notice
Initial Determination and Recommendation First available meeting after receiving the
response or expiration of educator’s
response time (within 150 days after
authorization of investigation)
Response of Educator to Initial
Determination and Recommendation notice
(reject and request evidentiary hearing)
30 calendar days of receiving the notice
If no rejection schedule for State Board
consent agenda
Placed on the next available agenda. State
Board may remove from consent and set for
subsequent review.
If rejected, schedule Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled within 180 days from the date
the investigation was authorized, unless the
parties agree otherwise
Motions concerning a hearing Motions concerning a hearing 14 calendar days before hearing date
Request for subpoenas 10 calendar days before hearing date
Taking action on evidentiary hearing At the conclusion of the hearing, or at a
later time if taken under advisement
Notice to Educator of action taken 10 business days after taking action
Notice to Educator of written findings and
As soon as is practicable after receipt of the
hearing transcript
Response to notice of the findings and
recommendation (submits a request for
State Board review by filing written
objections and brief)
14 calendar days of receiving the written
findings and recommendations
Response to educator’s written objections
and brief
14 calendar days after receiving written
objections and brief
Scheduling State Board review Placed on the action agenda for the next
available State Board meeting
Notice to Educator of State Board Order;
Notice to Complainant of State Board
As soon as is practicable after receipt of the
hearing transcript
Filing of an appeal to Circuit Court Within 30 days of receiving the written
order of the State Board
Appendix B
ADE 291-31
Nonpayment of fines may subject the educator to further disciplinary action.
Action Taken Maximum Fine
Complaint is not substantiated – No action taken; Case closed.
Not Applicable
Compliance with recommended training, conditions, or
restrictions, or treatment or rehabilitation with periodic
All expenses paid
by the educator.
Private Letter of Caution $0
Written Reprimand / Level 1 Public Notification of Ethics
Up to $100
Probation of License / Level 2 Public Notification of Ethics
Up to $250
Suspension of License or Temporary Nonrenewal / Level 3 Public
Notification of Ethics Violation
Up to $500
Permanent Revocation or Permanent Nonrenewal of License /
Level 4 Public Notification of Ethics Violation
Up to $500
Appendix C
ADE 291-32
Explanations and Guidance to Clarify the
Intent of the Code of Ethics
The purpose of this Appendix C is to provide greater clarity and intent of each ethical standard
listed in Section 6.00 of this rule. Therefore, Appendix C is not designed to supersede the
required standard of ethical conduct but rather to provide some rationale of the intent and
purpose and thus the proper application of each ethical standard of conduct. It is recognized that
Appendix C is a general application of the intent and purpose of each ethical standard and is
considered a guide and not all inclusive of each and every interpretation and application of the
Code of Ethics as required in Section 6.00.
Employer/Employee or Contractual Relationship. The Code of Ethics is designed as a model
of minimum standards for maintaining the public’s respect for, and support of, educators. It is
not intended to regulate the employer/employee or contract relationship between any public
school district and its educators.
The Code of Ethics is an overarching and superior set of standards and rules intended to establish
and contribute to the development and maintenance of a supportive student-focused learning
community that values and promotes human dignity, fairness, care, the greater good, and
individual rights.
Standard 1 An educator maintains a professional relationship with each student, both in
and outside the classroom.
Guidance: This standard goes to the core of a professional educator’s expected conduct and
relationship with all students and transcends criminal behavior or other actions which violate
law. The professional relationship with students is such behavior and action which promotes at
all times the mental, emotional, and physical health and safety of students. An educator should
show respect for and not demean, embarrass, or harass students.
An educator should not participate in and should discourage bullying based on such
characteristics as race, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation or identity, age,
disability, or religion. "Bullying" means the intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation,
ridicule, defamation, or threat or incitement of violence against a student by a written, verbal,
electronic, or physical act that may address an attribute, as defined in A.C.A. § 6-18-514, of
the student and that causes or creates actual or reasonably foreseeable: (a) physical harm to a
student or damage to the student's property; (b) substantial interference with a student's
education; or (c) a hostile educational environment for one (1) or more students due to the
severity, persistence, or pervasiveness of the act.
Educators should maintain professional relationships with students while using social-
networking technology tools.
Appendix C
ADE 291-33
A professional relationship is one where the educator maintains a position of educator/student
authority with students even while expressing concern, empathy, and encouragement for
students. In that position of authority, an educator may nurture the student’s intellectual,
physical, emotional, social and civic potential. An educator may display concern and
compassion for a student’s personal problems and, when appropriate, refer the student for school
counseling or other help.
Standard 2 An educator maintains competence regarding his or her professional practice,
inclusive of professional and ethical behavior, skills, knowledge, dispositions,
and responsibilities relating to his or her organizational position.
Guidance: This standard addresses the professional educator’s obligation to implement best
practices and maintain competence in skills and knowledge. An educator has many dispositions
that are required in the course of instruction. Educators have a responsibility to exercise
professionalism and competence when dealing with members of the school community.
Members of the school community include, but are not limited to, administrators, teachers, staff,
parents, guardians, school board members, residents of the school district’s community.
Standard 3 An educator honestly fulfills reporting obligations associated with professional
Guidance: This standard covers those situations where there is an intentional or knowing
attempt to deceive or mislead an educational entity. Honest errors or mistakes or inaccuracies
are not intended to be encompassed by this standard. To uphold this standard an educator
should be honest when reporting data and information to the DESE, the Arkansas Legislative
Audit, the Arkansas State Board of Education, and other state and federal governmental
agencies. Honestly reporting grades is also a part of this standard. It is also important that an
educator honor this standard when giving information to recommend an individual for
employment, promotion, or licensure as well as when reporting professional qualifications,
criminal history, college credits and degrees, awards, and employment history. Similarly the
failure to timely submit information covers those situations where there is a knowing failure to
submit or provide information. The State Board of Education may take direct action to
revoke, suspend, or place on probation an educator whose conduct violates Ark. Code Ann. §
6-17-410(d)(1)(A)(vii) and (viii) without submission of an ethics complaint. It is important to
note that noncompliance with mandated child abuse reporting laws also falls within this
Appendix C
ADE 291-34
Standard 4 An educator entrusted with public funds and property, including school
sponsored activity funds, honors that trust with honest, responsible
Guidance: An educator must be a good steward of public funds, personnel and property
dedicated to school related purposes. The use and accounting for these resources under the
educator’s control must comply with state and federal laws that regulate the use of public
funds and property. The use of such resources for personal gain, other than incidental
personal benefit for which there is no public education purpose would not be in keeping with
the intent of this standard.
Standard 5 An educator maintains integrity regarding acceptance of any gratuity, gifts,
compensation or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional
decision or actions and shall refrain from using the educator’s position for
personal gain.
Guidance: The standard is intended to prohibit that conduct which is solely for personal
gain and creates an appearance of a conflict of interest in the role as an educator. The
standard of conduct called for by this section involves an examination of the total
circumstances surrounding the gratuity, gift, compensation, or favor. Factors to consider
include the value of the gratuity, gift or favor, the reasonableness of any compensation;
the timing of the gratuity, gift, compensation, or favor; and the relationship between the
educator and the person from whom the gratuity, gift, compensation, or favor comes.
Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-24-113 an educator may accept awards and grants as
provided for therein. Ark. Code Ann. § 6-24-112 contains some specific prohibited
transactions involving gratuities or offers of employment. The second part of this
standard requires that the educator does not use the position for personal gain.
Standard 6 An educator keeps in confidence secure standardized test materials and results
and maintains integrity regarding test administration procedures.
Guidance: When standardized tests are administered, educators should maintain the
confidentiality of those parts of the standardized test materials that are to remain confidential
such as actual test items and test booklets in accordance with state law, regulation, and testing
policy. This standard applies to all educators, whether licensed or non-licensed. Licensed
educators should be reminded that this standard is in addition to conduct prohibited by law
and the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Rules Governing Test Security,
Testing Violations, and Alleged Testing Improprieties. The State Board may take direct
action to revoke, suspend, or place on probation, the license of an educator whose conduct
violates this section standard without the filing of an ethics complaint.
Appendix C
ADE 291-35
Standard 7 An educator maintains the confidentiality of information about students and
colleagues obtained in the course of the educator’s professional services that is
protected under state law or regulations, federal law or regulations, or the
written policies of the educator’s school district, unless disclosure serves a
professional purpose as allowed or required by law or regulations.
Guidance: At times educators are entitled to and/or for professional reasons need access to
certain student records, as well as other educators’ records. Much of this information is
confidential and the educator should maintain that confidence unless the disclosure serves
some legitimate educational purpose as allowed or required by law. The Federal Education
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) addresses the confidentiality of certain student records.
Such federal and state laws permit disclosure of some student information and restrict the
disclosure of other student information. Educators should respect and comply with these and
other similar confidentiality laws. Confidential student information may include student
academic and disciplinary records, health and medical information, family status and/or
income, assessment/testing results, and Social Security information. Educators shall not
knowingly or maliciously disclose confidential information about a student or colleague.
Guidance: This standard sets forth the expectation of the professional educator concerning
using, possessing, or being under the influence of the listed substances while on school
premises or at school-sponsored activities involving students or being in violation of state
law governing the using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or
unauthorized/illegal drugs/substances while on school property or at school-sponsored
activities involving students.
Standard 8 An educator, while on school premises or at school-sponsored activities
involving students, refrains from:
a) using, possessing and/or being under the influence of alcohol or
unauthorized drugs/substances, and/or possessing items
prohibited by law,
b) possessing or using tobacco or tobacco-related products, e-
cigarettes, e-liquid, or vapor products, or
c) abusing/misusing prescription medications or other authorized
substances as evidenced by impairment.
Appendix D
Level 1 Public
Level 2 Public
Level 3 Public
Level 4 Public
Letter of Caution
Licensure Action:
Licensure Action:
Licensure Action:
Suspension or Temporary
Licensure Action:
Revocation or
Permanent Nonrenewal
To privately inform
that the conduct is
broadly speaking a
violation but the
circumstances and
mitigating factors do
not warrant
disciplinary action; No
To publicly admonish
and caution that
further unethical
conduct will lead to a
more severe action;
Fine imposed up to
To publicly admonish
and place conditions or
requirements on the
educator and/or status of
a license for a specified
period of time; Fine
imposed up to $250
To publicly admonish and
place conditions or
requirements on the educator;
to notify the public that during
the specified period the
educator is not recommended
for licensure or employment or
volunteering in an education
setting; and to temporarily
invalidate an educator’s license
for a specified period of time;
Fine imposed up to $500
To notify the public that the
educator is not
recommended for
employment or volunteering
in an educational setting, is
not eligible for future
licensure, and to
permanently invalidate an
educator’s license;
Fine imposed up to $500
Weighting factors
(one or more
Weighting factors
(one or more
Weighting factors
(one or more
Weighting factors (one or
more present):
Weighting factors (one
or more present):
a. Only one
b. Actions are
viewed as
unethical, but do
not warrant
c. Negligent or
reckless act or
omission, but
very low in
d. No detrimental
impact on
e. No prior history
of similar
a. Only one
b. Actions are
viewed as
unethical, and if
continued could
have a
impact on
c. No prior history
of similar
d. Some low level
negative impact
on student
e. Low level of
damage to, loss
of or misuse of
school district
property or
f. Reasonably
should have
known that
actions violated
the Code of
a. One or more
b. Evidence of some
prior history of
similar behavior
c. Some low to
moderate level
negative impact on
d. Moderate level of
damage to, loss of,
or misuse of school
district property or
e. Knew that actions
violated the Code
of Ethics
a. Multiple violations
b. Violations that occur
over a period of years
c. Moderate to high level of
negative impact on
d. Moderate to high level of
damage to, loss of, or
misuse of school district
property or funds
e. Willful or intentional
violation of the Code of
a. Multiple violations
b. Violations that occur
over a period of years
c. Moderate to high level
of negative impact on
d. High level of damage
to, loss of, or misuse of
school district property
or funds
e. Willful or intentional
violation of the Code
of Ethics
f. Act of child
g. Criminal offense
involving a student