International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
Friend Recommendation based on Hashtags Analysis
Ali Choumane
, Zein Al Abidin Ibrahim
LARIFA, Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Nabatieh, Lebanon
Email : [email protected], zein.ibrahi[email protected]
Social networks include millions of users constantly looking for new relationships for personal or professional
purposes. Social network sites recommend friends based on relationship features and content information. A
significant part of information shared every day is spread in Hashtags. None of the existing content-based
recommender systems uses the semantic of hashtags while suggesting new friends. Currently, hashtags are
considered as strings without looking at their meanings. Social network sites group together people sharing
exactly the same hashtags and never semantically close ones. We think that hashtags encapsulate some people
interests. In this paper, we propose a framework showing how a recommender system can benefit from hashtags
to enrich users profiles. This framework consists of three main components: (1) constructing user’s profile
based on shared hashtags, (2) matching method that computes semantic similarity between profiles, (3)
grouping semantically close users using clustering technics. The proposed framework has been tested on a
Twitter dataset from the Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection consisting of 81306 profiles.
Social Networks Recommender Systems Semantic Similarity Hashtag analysis Clustering
1. Introduction
Recently, social networking websites such as Facebook,
Flickr, MySpace, Twitter, etc. have been noticed a rapid
growth in the number of registering members. For example,
Twitter counts more than 500 million users and about 350K
tweets sent per minute
. The users need to improve their
connections in the social networks, by having new links with
others or by being new members in groups or pages of
interests. Currently available social networks automatically
recommend people to help users find known contacts and
discover new relationships. The recommendation is either
based on the network relationships (graph topology of the
network) or on the content information (interests, skills,
shared posts, etc.). The first kind of approach is better at
finding known contacts whereas the second ones are stronger
at discovering new friends [1]. Relationship-based approach
estimates some features in the graph such as the number of
common friends. It suggests friends having the highest
numbers of mutual friends. Other features are used like the
distance between users in the network graph. Content
information-based approach computes similarities between
users while taking into account their shared information and
profiles’ attributes and suggests the top k similar users.
Regardless of the method used for recommendation, users
need accurate recommendation to help them developing their
own personal networks or businesses as well as social
network sites are used also for marketing purposes.
Nowadays, it is rare to publish posts on social sites without
citing Hashtags in order to highlight an idea, topic or event.
None of the existing recommender systems integrate the
semantic of hashtags in the similarity computation between
users which constitutes the main contribution of this paper.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 shows existing
works in the domains of the social information retrieval and
recommender systems. Section 3 shows the architecture of
the proposed framework consisting of three main components
while sections 4, 5 and 6 explain in depth each of these
components. Hence, section 4 discusses the need for an
accurate hashtag segmentation method and shows our
proposition in this way. Section 5 shows how we compute the
similarity between profiles and section 6 shows some
experiments using clustering to identify k-nearest profiles.
Finally, section 7 concludes the paper and proposes some
future works.
2. Related Work
Social network sites have introduced new communication
way by allowing people from diverse areas to meet, interact,
share interests and ideas, etc. This encourages a huge number
of users to join and reap the potential benefits provided by
them [2]. The user generated content poses a challenge in
term of information retrieval but presents an advantage for
recommender systems. Far away from social networks,
recommender systems emerged as an independent research
area in the mid-1990’s. The recommendation problem is
mainly reduced to the problem of estimating ratings for the
items that have not been seen by a user. This estimation is
usually based on the ratings given by this user to other items
and on some other information. Once we can estimate ratings
for the yet unrated items, we can recommend to the user the
items with the highest estimated ratings [3].
International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
Recommender systems can be classified into three categories,
based on how recommendations are made [4]:
1. Content-based recommendations: the user is
recommended items similar to the ones the user
preferred in the past;
2. Collaborative recommendations: the user is
recommended items that people with similar tastes
and preferences liked in the past;
3. Hybrid approaches: these methods combine
collaborative and content-based methods
Recently, there has been increasing interest toward
developing recommender systems for social network sites
namely social recommender system, with the aim to suggest
information such as blogs, news, web pages, images, tags or
individuals [1] by exploiting social network information that
are likely to interest users.
Individual recommendation, also known as friend
recommendation, represents the main concern of this paper.
Several researchers work on this topic. [5] tried to identify
missing links in the social network graph. They made
recommendation of friends by considering the graph
topology, such as computing common neighbors between
users. [2] proposed a collaborative filtering framework to
facilitate users in exploring new friends based on their
interaction intensity and attribute similarity. [1] evaluated
two categories of algorithms for recommending people: the
first category is based on social relationship information from
the social network graph (number of common friends, for
example) while the second category is based on content
similarity taking into account common keywords between
users. They showed that relationship based algorithms
outperform content similarity ones in terms of user response.
We think that the existing content-based recommender
systems have not fully exploited the user’s profile
information while computing similarities. As mentioned in
the previous section, hashtag becomes one of the most
popular communication practice in social networks and are
used to highlight ideas, topics or events. Therefore, in order
to overcome the misperformance of content-based
recommender systems, we suggest to integrate hashtag
meaning in the similarity computation. In this paper, we
propose a system that computes the similarity between
profiles by using only the hashtags. This can be considered as
an important attribute and can be integrated in any content-
based recommender system.
3. Proposed Framework
The main idea of this paper concerns the building of a
recommender system that helps users finding new
relationships on social networks according to their profiles.
This system is not based on existing relationship properties of
a social network graph, such as the number of common
friends or the raw distance between users in the social graph.
Our system is based on the information content and more
precisely the semantic of cited hashtags.
In social networks, each user is represented by her/his profile
which may contain personal information such as the user’s
name, email, address, age, hobbies, skills, posted texts,
images and videos, friend list, etc. The FOAF project defines
a set of relevant subjects and properties related to user’s
profiles. Researchers consider these properties to develop
social information retrieval and recommender systems. As
mentioned in the previous section, the semantic content of the
user’s textual posts is not fully taken into consideration. In
fact, users cite hashtags in their posts to highlight a special
meaning about an event or a topic of interest. A hashtag is a
word or an un-spaced phrase prefixed with the hash
character, #, to form a label. This phrase can be a single
word, an acronym, or multiple words joined, and usually
identifies the topic of the user’s post.
A hashtag allows social sites to group similarly tagged
messages, and the retrieval of messages containing hashtags.
For example, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter allow users to
input a specific hashtag to search all the posts containing it,
by exact syntactic matching without looking into the meaning
or the words composing the hashtag. In fact, we think that
users citing the hashtag #googleabout are somehow interested
in Google Company or Google products. The hashtag
#androidgames shows that one of the user’s interests is
android games. A recommender system that explores hashtag
meanings would be able to suggest new android games to
users citing the hashtag #androidgames. Such a system would
also suggest new relationships of people sharing interest to
android games although they have not cited the same hashtag.
Some other single word hashtags like #shopping, #christmas,
etc. give also an idea about the topics of interest of the users
citing them.
Figure 1: Framework Architecture
International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
Figure 1 shows the different components of our framework.
In the component “Component 1” of this framework, we
consider building for each user a profile based only on the
hashtags she/he cited. This profile is complementary to the
FOAF profile. By constructing a hashtag-based profile, we
mean that the different significant tokens that compose a
hashtag should be extracted and added to the user’s profile
(cf. section 4). The component Component 2” concerns the
semantic similarity measures between profiles that allows
producing a similarity matrix. Each element of the similarity
matrix contains a measure of similarity between two profiles
(cf. section 5). In Component 3” we apply a clustering
algorithm in order to produce a set of clusters each containing
a set of semantically related profiles (cf. section 6). These
clusters are the basis of our recommender system, i.e. this
gives the possibility to recommend to each user some
potential relationships from the cluster she/he belongs to.
4. Hashtag Segmentation
A common practice in current social networks is to identify
the subjects of a post by means of hashtags, e.g.,
#Mancherster, #LiesPeopleAlwaysTell, #toobad, #ff,
#skypeisnotworkingagain [6].
As defined above, a hashtag is a word or an un-spaced phrase
prefixed with the hash character. Hence, a hashtag can be
made up of one, two, or more words. In order to use a
hashtag, it should be decomposed into its composing words.
As much as the number of words increases as much as the
complexity of this hashtag and the difficulty of segmenting it
into the exact composing words increase. For instance,
suppose that we have the hashtag #dependentrelationship,
this hashtag can be split as dependent relations hip, as
dependent relationship, or as dependent relation ship. How to
decide what is the right or the most likely segmentation?
Same problem arises with the hashtag #airportend that can be
split as air portend, or as airport end, and also as air port
In our work, we developed a segmentation algorithm that
proceeds on two main steps:
1. The first step uses an English lexicon to find all the
possible sequences of words that may compose a
hashtag. For example, the hashtag
#throwbackthursday has two lexically correct
throwback thursday
throw back thursday
This is a lexical step that allows eliminating any
segmentation with invalid words, i.e. not found in
the dictionary. To accomplish this step, we used the
English Lexicon Project
made by Washington
University consisting of 80000 words [7]. Note that
sometimes the hashtag itself is a valid word in the
dictionary and added as possible segmentation, for
example the hashtag #worldwide has two possible
segmentations, according to the dictionary: world
wide and worldwide. In this case, we choose the
single word as the right segmentation.
English Lexicon Project :
2. If at least two possible segmentations arise from the
first step, we proceed with a disambiguation step in
order to find the most probable sequence of words.
We developed a probabilistic model based on
bigram frequencies. Note that an n-gram is a
contiguous sequence of n items from a given
sequence of text or speech [8]. The items can be
phonemes, syllables, letters, or words according to
the application. In our context, we consider word
items. An n-gram of size 2 (n=2) is a bigram.
Several corpuses exist and provide bigram
frequency counts. We used the bigram list provided
by the Corpus of Contemporary American English
. For each bigram in this list, we computed
its probability representing how much this bigram is
likely to appear in an English sentence.
To find the most probable segmentation of a
hashtag, we consider that each generated
segmentation is represented by a path in a Markov
model. We select the segmentation with the highest
path probability, i.e. the highest product of
probabilities along the path.
Consider the hashtag #worldwidefestival in order to
illustrate this step.
The lexical segmentation step produces the
following possibilities:
worldwide festival
world wide festival
The segmentation worldwide festival has the bigram
probability of 0.0022. The probability of
segmentation world wide festival is equal to
probability of the bigram world wide multiplied the
probability of the bigram wide festival which is 0.05
x 0.0099 = 0.00049. Hence, the segmentation
worldwide festival is produced.
To evaluate the hashtag segmentation algorithm, we selected
the top 387 hashtags trending on social networks in January
2015. We performed an offline segmentation leading to
97.9% success rate. This means that only 8 hashtags are not
correctly segmented. Looking in details, we noticed that the
corresponding bigrams of 3 hashtags are not found in the
COCA corpus. In the other 5 cases, the lexical step failed
because the hashtag words are not found in the used English
5. Profiles Matching
Given the set of cited hashtags of a user, we are now able to
derive her/his profile consisting of the different significant
words composing these hashtags (cf. section 4). In this
section, we show our profiles matching algorithm used to
determine whether or not any two profiles share common
topics of interest. The algorithm we propose is a generic
matching algorithm that measures the semantic similarity
between any two profiles. It is generic because it is designed
to measure the similarity between any two set of words, not
necessarily user’s profiles. Such an algorithm could be used
to extend our framework to images and videos
International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
recommendations as well as such items are usually described
by keywords and hashtags.
In order to compute the semantic similarity between profiles,
we introduce first the semantic similarity between words.
5.1 Semantic similarity between words
Semantic similarity relates to computing the similarity
between conceptually similar but not necessarily lexically
similar terms. In our framework, we used a similarity
measure based on WordNet [9]. WordNet is a large lexical
database developed at Princeton University. It attempts to
model the lexical knowledge of a native speaker of English.
WordNet can also be seen as ontology for natural language
terms. It contains around 100,000 terms, organized into
taxonomic hierarchies. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
are grouped into synonym sets (synsets). The synsets are also
organized into senses (i.e., corresponding to different
meanings of the same term or concept). The synsets (or
concepts) are related to other synsets higher or lower in the
hierarchy by different types of relationships. The most
common relationships are the Hyponym/Hypernym (i.e., Is-A
relationships), and the Meronym/Holonym (i.e., Part-Of
relationships). For example, taxonomic hierarchies in
WordNet allow deriving that the term feather is
semantically related to the term bird as well as the term
bus to the term train, etc. Several methods for
determining semantic similarity between terms have been
proposed in the literature and most of them have been tested
on WordNet [10]. Each of the existing measures takes two
WordNet concepts c1 and c2 (i.e., word senses or synsets) as
input and returns a numeric score that quantifies their degree
of relatedness.
The existing semantic similarity methods are classified into
four main categories [11]:
1. Edge Counting Methods: Determine the similarity
between two concepts as a function of the length of
the path linking the terms and on the position of the
terms in the taxonomy.
2. Information Content Methods: Measure the
difference in information content of the two
concepts as a function of their probability of
occurrence in a corpus. More general concepts with
many hyponyms have less information content than
more specific terms with less hyponyms.
3. Feature based Methods: Measure the similarity
between two terms as a function of their
probabilities or based on their relationships to other
similar terms in the taxonomy. Common features
lead to increase the similarity and vice versa.
4. Hybrid Methods: Measure the similarity by
combining the above ideas.
Information Content (IC) is a measure of specificity for a
concept. Higher values are associated with more specific
concepts (e.g., pitchfork), while those with lower values are
more general (e.g., idea). Information Content is computed
based on frequency counts of concepts as found in a corpus
of text. The frequency associated with a concept is
incremented in WordNet each time that concept is observed,
as are the counts of the ancestor concepts in the WordNet
hierarchy (for nouns and verbs) [11].
The library WordNet::Similarity
implements three
Information Content measures: “res” [12], “jcn” [13], and
“lin” [14]. The measure proposed in [12] computes the
similarity between two concepts as the information content of
the most specific concept that both have in common in the is-
a hierarchy. The measures proposed in [14] and [13] are both
based on the measure proposed in [12]. In our work, we used
“lin” measure as it produces a normalized similarity value
between 0 and 1 by taking the ratio of the shared information
content, explained above in res” measure, to that of the
individual concepts.
Let Sim_Words(W
, W
) be the semantic similarity between
the words W
and W
. This measure will be used in our
profiles matching algorithm proposed in the next section.
5.2 Semantic similarity between profiles
Consider two user’s profiles P
and P
consisting of n and m
words, respectively. To measure the similarity between these
profiles, noted Sim_Profiles(P
, P
), we proceed as follows:
1. We create n x m matrix corresponding to the words
in P
and P
2. We fill in this matrix with the semantic similarity
values between each couple of words (cf. section
5.1). Let Sim_Words(W
, W
) the semantic
similarity between the word W
at row r of profile P
and the word W
at column c of profile P
3. Let Sum and Counter be two variables initialized to
4. Find the highest value in the matrix; Let H
be this
where r and c represents row and column
indices. This value represents the best matching
between a word from P
and a word from P
. We
mean by best matching in the matrix the most
semantically similar words.
5. Let Sum = Sum + H
; Let Counter = Counter + 1
6. Assign the value -1 to all the matrix row r and
column c to discard them from the coming steps.
7. If all the rows or all the columns of the matrix
values are -1, go to step 8, otherwise repeat from
step 4.
8. We reach this step because all the matrix values are
set to -1. The semantic similarity between the
profiles P
and P
is the average of summed H
, i.e.
, P
) = Sum/Counter.
Consider the following example to illustrate the semantic
similarity method between profiles. Let P1 and P2 be two
profiles each represented by a set of words. We consider that
the words of P1 and P2 are extracted through the hashtag
segmentation algorithm (cf. section 4).
P1 = {Information, Office}
P2 = {Salary, Work, Company}
According to the steps 1 and 2 of the proposed algorithm, we
construct a matrix filled with the semantic similarity scores
between words (Sim_Words explained above). We obtain the
following matrix:
International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
Words of profile P1
In the above matrix, we can note that the highest semantic
similarity is between the words work and office (value =
According to the steps 4 to 7 of the proposed algorithm, we
find the indices (r, c) of the cell containing the highest value.
We associate the word of P2 on the row r to the word of P1
on the column c. Then, we replace all the cells on the row r
and all the cells on the column c by -1. The process is
repeated until all the matrix rows and columns become -1. In
the above example, the first best matching is H
= 0.781
(row 2 and column 2). This means that the word Work is best
matched with the word Office. After setting the values of the
row 2 and column 2 to -1, we obtain:
Words of profile P1
We find again the best matching from the resulting matrix.
Hence, the second best matching is H
= 0.388. The word
Company is best matched with the word Information. The
matrix becomes:
Words of profile P1
The resulting matrix has all its values set to -1. We break the
algorithm and we go to step 8. The final semantic similarity
between the profiles P1 and P2 is then computed as follows:
Sim_Profiles(P1 , P2) = (0.781+0.388)/2 = 0.584
The method proposed in this section will be used in the data
clustering explained in the next section.
6. Clustering Profiles and Evaluation
By partitioning the profiles into clusters (groups) we can
discover related profiles, i.e. users that share common
interests. Clustering methods can be applied on a dataset of
profiles in order to partition them into clusters such that
profiles in the same cluster are more similar to each other
than profiles in different clusters according to the matching
algorithm explained in the previous section.
We used the Twitter dataset from the Stanford Large
Network Dataset Collection
. The Twitter dataset in this
project consists of 81306 profiles. Each profile consists only
of a list of hashtags, i.e. the hashtags cited by the
corresponding user. The data is anonymously collected where
each profile is represented by an identifier.
We applied our hashtag segmentation algorithm proposed in
section 4 on the 81306 profiles. We obtained for each profile
a set of significant words. This step took around 20 hours of
mono-thread processing on 2.3 GHZ CPU core.
We randomly selected 10000 profiles in order to perform the
clustering step. We computed a similarity matrix between the
selected profiles. Each value in this matrix represents the
similarity between two profiles based on the profile matching
algorithm proposed in section 5. We applied the k-medoids
clustering method [15]. This is a partitioning technique that
clusters the dataset into k clusters. We applied it with 3
different values for k (30, 40 and 50 clusters). The following
figures show the profiles distributions in the clusters. For
example, in figure 2, the cluster number 26 contains the
highest number of profiles (~1200 profiles). The number of
clusters is chosen randomly but the number k can be
increased or decreased based on some criteria such as to
obtain compact clusters.
For a given profile, the system can recommend it some of the
most similar profiles in the same cluster. However, the
system can construct the social graph for the profiles in the
same cluster and recommend profiles as in the traditional
methods of the literature but in the same cluster.
Figure 2: Number of profiles in each cluster obtained by k-medoids with
Figure 3: Number of profiles in each cluster obtained by k-medoids with
International Journal of Computer Science: Theory and Application
Figure 4: Number of profiles in each cluster obtained by k-medoids with
7. Conclusion
We presented a new approach for recommending friends in
social networks. Our approach is based on the semantic
content of Hashtags. We implemented a framework that
allows constructing user’s profiles by extracting hashtag
tokens. A semantic matching method is than used to compute
the similarity between profiles. Clustering techniques are
finally implemented in order to group together semantically
close users. Users in the clusters share some interests based
on the contents they publish on social networks. Hence, these
clusters can be used as the basis of any social recommender
system in order to suggest for each user, the top k-neighbors
from the cluster she/he belongs to.
As future work, we aim to integrate the hashtag feature to a
recommender system that takes into account content attributes
defined by the FOAF project. Moreover, we plan to combine
hashtag feature and social graphs of profiles in the same
framework in order to exploit all valuable information.
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