arXiv:1607.00699v1 [stat.ME] 3 Jul 2016
The State of Applied Econometrics - Causality and Policy
Susan Athey
Guido W. Imbens
July 2016
In this paper we discuss recent developments in econometrics that we view as important
for empirical researchers working on policy evaluation questions. We focus on three main
areas, wher e in each case we highlight recommendations for applied work. First, we dis-
cuss new research on identification strategies in program evaluation, with particular focus
on sy nthetic control methods, regression discontinuity, external validity, and the causal
interpretation of regression methods. Second, we discuss various forms of supplementary
analyses to make the identification s trategies more credible. These include placebo anal-
yses as well as sensitivity and robustness analyses. Third, we discuss recent advances in
machine learning methods for causal effects. These advances include methods to adjust for
differences between treated and control units in high-dimensional settings, and methods
for identifying and estimating heterogenous treatment effects.
JEL Classification: C14, C21, C52
Keywords: Causality, Supplementary Analyses, Machine Learning, Treatment
Effects, Placebo Analyses, Exper iments
We are grateful for comments .
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and NBER,
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and NBER, imb[email protected].
1 Introduc tion
This article synthesizes recent developments in econometrics that may be useful for researchers
interested in estimating the effect of policies on outcomes. For example, what is the effect of the
minimum wage on employment? Does improving educational outcomes for some students spill
over onto other students? Can we credibly estimate the effect of labor market interventions with
observational studies? Who benefits from job training prog r ams? We focus o n the case where
the policies of interest had been implemented for at least some units in an available dataset,
and the outcome of interest is also observed in that dataset. We do not consider here questions
about outcomes that cannot be directly measured in a given dataset, such as consumer welfare
or worker well-being, and we do not consider questions about po licies that have never been
implemented. The latter type of question is considered in a branch of applied work referred to
as “structural” analysis; the type of analysis considered in this review is sometimes referred to
as “reduced-form,” or design-based,” or “causal” methods.
The gold standard for drawing inferences about the effect of a policy is the randomized
controlled experiment; with data from a randomized experiment, by construction those units
who were exposed to the policy are the same, in expectation, as those who were not, and it
becomes relatively straightforward to draw inferences about the causal effect of a policy. The
difference between the sample average outcome for treated units and control units is an unbiased
estimate of the average causal effect. Although digitization has lowered the costs of conducting
randomized experiments in many settings, it remains the case that many policies are expensive to
test experimentally. In other cases, large-scale experiments may not be politically feasible. For
example, it would be challenging to randomly allocate the level of minimum wages to different
states or metropolitan areas in the United States. Despite the lack of such randomized controlled
exp eriments, policy makers still need to make decisions about the minimum wage. A large share
of the empirical work in economics about policy questions relies on observational data–tha t is,
data where policies were determined in a way ot her than random assignment. But drawing
inferences about the causal effect of a policy from observatio nal data is quite challenging.
To understand the challenges, consider the example of the minimum wage. It might be the
case that states with higher costs of living, as well as more price-insensitive consumers, select
higher levels of the minimum wage. Such states might also see employers pass on higher wage
costs to consumers without losing much business. In contrast, states with lower cost of living
and more price-sensitive consumers might choose a lower level of the minimum wage. A naive
analysis of the effect of a higher minimum wage on employment might compare the average
employment level of states with a high minimum wage to that of states with a low minimum
wage. This difference is not a credible estimate of the causal effect of a higher minimum wage:
it is not a good estimate of the change in employment that would occur if the low-wage state
raised its minimum wage. The naive estimate would confuse correlat ion with causality. In
contrast, if the minimum wages had been assigned randomly, the average difference between
low-minimum-wage states and high-minimum-wage states would have a causal interpretation.
Most of the attention in t he econometrics literature on reduced-form policy evaluation focuses
on issues surrounding separating correlation from causality in o bservat ional studies, that is,
with non-experimental data . There are several distinct strat egies f or estimating causal effects
with observational data. These strategies are often referred to as “identification strategies,” or
“empirical strategies” (Angrist and Krueger [2000]) because they are strat egies for “identifying”
the causal effect. We say that a causal effect is “identified” if it can be learned when the data
set is sufficiently lar ge. Issues of identification are distinct from issues that arise because of
limited data. In Section 2, we review recent developments corresponding to several different
identification strategies. An example of an identification strategy is one based on “regression
discontinuity.” This type of strategy can be used in a setting when allocation to a treatment
is based on a “forcing” variable, such as location, time, or birthdate being above or below a
threshold. For example, a birthdate cutoff may be used for school entrance or for t he decision
of whether a child can legally drop out of school in a given academic year; and there may be
geographic boundaries for assigning students to schools or patients to hospitals. The identifying
assumption is that there is no discrete change in the characteristics of individuals who fall on
one side or the other of the threshold for treatment assignment. Under that assumption, the
relationship between outcomes and the forcing variable can be modeled, and deviations from the
predicted relationship at the treatment assignment boundary can be attributed to the treatment.
Section 2 also considers other strategies such as synthetic control methods, methods designed
for networks settings, and methods that combine experimental and observational data.
In Section 3 we discuss what we refer to in general as supplementary analyses. By supple-
mentary analyses we mean analyses where the focus is on providing support for the identification
strategy underlying t he primary analyses, on establishing that the modeling decisions are ade-
quate to capture the critical features of the identification strategy, or on establishing r obustness
of estimates t o modeling assumptions. Thus the results of the supplementary analyses are in-
tended to convince the reader of the credibility of the primary analyses. Although these analyses
often involve statistical tests, t he focus is not on goodness of fit measures. Supplementar y anal-
yses can take on a variety o f forms, and we discuss some of the most interesting ones that have
been proposed thus far. In our view these supplementary analyses will be of growing impor-
tance for empirical researchers. In this review, our goal is to o rganize these analyses, which may
appear to be applied unsystematically in the empirical lit era ture, or may have not received a
lot of formal attention in the econometrics literature.
In Section 4 we discuss briefly new developments coming from what is referred to as the
machine learning literature. Recently there has been much interesting work combining these
predictive methods with causal analyses, and this is the part of the lit era t ure that we put
special emphasis on in our discussion. We show how machine learning methods can be used to
deal with da t asets with many covariates, and how they can be used to enable the researcher to
build more flexible models. Because many common identification strategies rest on assumptions
such as the a bility of the researcher to observe and control for confounding variables (e.g. the
factors that affect treatment assignment as well a s outcomes), or to flexibly model the factors
that affect outcomes in the absence of the treatment, machine learning methods hold great
promise in terms of improving the credibility of policy evaluat ion, and they can also be used to
approach supplementary analyses more systematically.
As the title indicates, this review is limited to methods relevant for policy analysis, that is,
methods for causal effects. Because t here is another review in this issue focusing on structural
methods, as well as one on theoretical econometrics, we largely refrain from discussing those ar-
eas, focusing more narrowly on what is sometimes referred to as reduced-form methods, although
we prefer the terms causal or design-based methods, with an emphasis on recommendations for
applied work. The choices for topics within this area is based on our reading of recent research,
including ongoing work, and we point out areas where we feel there are interesting open research
questions. This is of course a subjective perspective.
2 New De velop ments in Program Evaluation
The econometric literature on estimating causal effects has been a very active one for over three
decades now. Since the early 1990s the potential outcome, or Neyman-Rubin Causal Model,
approach to these problems has gained substantial acceptance as a fr amework for analyzing
causal problems. (We should note, however, that there is a complementary approach based on
graphical models (e.g., Pearl [2000]) that is widely used in other disciplines, though less so in
economics.) In the potential outcome approach, there is for each unit i, and each level of the
treatment w, a potential outcome Y
(w), that describes the level of the outcome under treatment
level w for that unit. In this perspective, causal effects are comparisons of pairs of potential
outcomes for the same unit, e.g., the difference Y
) Y
(w). Because a given unit can only
receive one level of the treatment, say W
, and only the corresponding level of the outcome,
= Y
) can be observed, we can never directly observe the causal effects, which is what
Holland [1986] calls the “fundamental problem of causal inference.” Estimates of causal effects
are ultimat ely based on comparisons of different units with different levels of the treatment.
A large part of the causal or treatment effect literature has f ocused on estimating average
treatment effects in a binary treatment setting under the unconfoundedness assumption ( e.g.,
Rosenbaum and Rubin [1983a]),
(0), Y
Under this assumption, associational or correlational relations such as E[Y
= 1, X
x] E[Y
= 0, X
= x] can be g iven a causal interpretation as the average treatment
effect E[Y
(1) Y
= x]. The literature on estimating average treatment effects under
unconfoundedness is by now a very mature litera t ure, with a number of competing estima-
tors and many applications. Some estimators use matching methods, some rely on weighting,
and some involve the propensity score, the conditio nal probability of receiving the treatment
given the covariates, e(x) = pr(W
= 1|X
= x). There a r e a number of recent reviews of
the general literature (Imbens [2004], Imbens and Rubin [2015], and fo r a different perspective
Heckman and Vytlacil [2007a,b]), and we do not review it in its entirety in this review. However,
one area with continuing developments concerns settings with many covariates, po ssibly more
than there are units. For this setting connections have been made with the machine learning and
big da t a literatures. We review these new developments in Section 4.2. In the context of many
covariates there has also been interesting developments in estimating heterog enous treatment
effects; we cover this literature in Section 4.3. We also discuss, in Section 2.3, settings with
unconfoundedness a nd multiple levels for the treatment .
Beyond settings with unconfoundedness we discuss issues related to a number of other iden-
tification strategies and settings. In Section 2.1, we discuss regression discontinuity designs.
Next, we discuss synthetic control methods a s developed in the Abadie et a l. [2010], which we
believe is one the most important development in program eva luation in the last decade. In
Section 2.4 we discuss causal metho ds in network settings. In Section 2.5 we draw attention to
some recent work on the causal interpretation of regression metho ds. We also discuss external
validity in Section 2.6, and finally, in Section 2 .7 we discuss how randomized experiments can
provide leverage for observational studies.
In this review we do not discuss the recent lit era ture on instrumental variables. There
are two major strands of that by now fairly mature literature. One focuses on heterogenous
treatment effects, with a key development the notion of the local average treatment effect
(Imbens and Angrist [1994], Angrist et al. [1996]). This literature has recently been reviewed in
Imbens [2014]. There is also a separate literature on weak instruments, focusing on settings with
a possibly large number of instruments and weak correlation between the instruments and the
endogenous regressor. See Bekker [19 94], Staiger and Stock [199 7], Chamb erla in a nd Imbens
[2004] for specific contributions, and Andrews and Stock [2006] for a survey. We also do not
discuss in detail bounds and partial identification analyses. Since the work by Manski (e.g.,
Manski [1990]) these have received a lot o f interest, with an excellent recent review in Tamer
2.1 Regression Discontinuity Designs
A regression discontinuity design is a research design t hat exploits discontinuities in incentives
to participate in a treatment to evaluate the effect of these treatment.
2.1.1 Set Up
In regression discontinuity designs, we are interested in the causal effect of a binary treatment or
program, denoted by W
. The key feature of the design is the presence of an exogenous variable,
the forcing variable, denoted by X
, such that at a particular value of this forcing variable, the
threshold c, the probability of participating in the program or being exposed to the tr eat ment
changes discontinuously:
= 1|X
= x) 6= lim
= 1|X
= x).
If the jump in the conditional proba bility is from zero to one, we have a sharp regression
discontinuity (SRD) design; if the magnitude of the jump is less than one, we have a fuzzy
regression discontinuity (FRD) design. The estimand is the discontinuity in the conditional
exp ectation of the outcome at the threshold, scaled by the discontinuity in the probability of
receiving the treatment:
= x] lim
= x]
= x] lim
= x]
In the SRD case the denominator is equal to one, and we just focus on the discontinuity of the
conditional expectation of the outcome given the forcing var iable at the threshold. In that case,
under the assumption that the individuals just to t he right and just to the left of the threshold
are comparable, the estimand has an interpretation as the average effect of the treatment for
individuals close to the threshold. In the FRD case, the interpretation of the estimand is the
average effect for compliers at the threshold (i.e., individuals at the threshold whose treatment
status would have cha nged had they been on the other side of the threshold) [Hahn et al., 2001].
2.1.2 Estimation and Inference
In the general FRD case, the estimand τ
has four components, each of them the limit of the
conditional expectation of a variable at a particular va lue of the forcing variable. We can t hink of
this, after splitting the sample by whether the value of the forcing variable exceeds the threshold
or no t , as estimating the conditional expectation at a bo undary point. Researchers typically wish
to use flexible (e.g., semiparametric or nonpara metric) metho ds for estimating these conditional
exp ectations. Because the target in each case is the conditional expectation at a boundary point,
simply differencing average outcomes close to the threshold on the right and on the left leads to
an estimator with poor properties, as stressed by Porter [200 3]. As an alternative Porter [2003]
suggested “local linear regression,” which involves estimating linear regressions of outcomes on
the forcing variable separately on the left and the right of the threshhold, weighting mo st heavily
observations close to the threshold, and then taking the difference between the predicted values
at the threshold. This local linear estimator has substantially better finite sample prop erties
than nonparametric methods that do not account for threshold effects, and it has become the
standard. There are some suggestions that using local quadratic methods may work well given
the current t echnology for choosing bandwidths (e.g., Calonico et al. [201 4a]). Some applications
use global high order polynomial a pproximations to the regression function, but there has been
some criticism of this practice. Gelman and Imbens [2014] argue that in practice it is difficult
to choose the order of the polynomials in a satisfactory way, and that confidence intervals based
on such methods have poor properties.
Given a local linear estimation method, a key issue is the choice of the bandwidth, that is,
how close observat ions need to be to the threshold. Conventional methods for choosing optimal
bandwidths in nonparametric estimation, e.g., based on cross-validation, look for bandwidths
that are optimal for estimating the entire regression function, whereas here the interest is solely
in the value of the regression function at a particular point. The current state of the literature
suggests choosing the bandwidth for the local linear regression using asymptotic expansions of
the estimators around small values f or the bandwidth. See Imbens and Kalyanaraman [2012]
and Cattaneo [2010] for further discussion.
In some cases, the discontinuity involves multiple exogenous variables. For example, in
Jacob and Lefgren [2004] and Matsudaira [2008], the f ocus is on the causal effect of attending
summer school. The formal rule is that students who score below a threshold o n either a language
or a mathematics test are required to attend summer school. Although not all the students who
are required to attend summer school do so (so that this a fuzzy r egr ession discontinuity design),
the fact that the forcing variable is a known function of two observed exogenous variables makes
it po ssible to estimate the effect of summer school at different margins. For example, one can
estimate of the effect of summer school for individuals who are required to attend summer schoo l
because of failure to pass the langua ge test, and compare this with the estimate for those who
are required because of failure to pass the mathematics test. Even mo r e than the presence
of other exogenous variables, the dependence of the threshold on multiple exogenous var iables
improves the ability to detect and analyze heterogeneity in the causal effects.
2.1.3 An Illustration
Let us illustrate the regression discontinuity design with data from Jacob and Lefgren [2004].
Jacob and Lefgren [2004] use administrative data from the Chicago Public Schools which in-
stituted in 1996 an accountability policy that tied summer school attendance and promotional
decisions to performance on standardized tests. We use the data for 70,831 third graders in years
1997-99. The rule was that individuals score below the threshold (2.75 in this case) on either
a reading or mathematics score before the summer were required to a t tend summer school. It
should be noted that the initial scores range from 0 to 6.8, with increments equal to 0.1. The
outcome variable Y
is the math score after the summer school, normalized to have variance
one. Out of the 70,831 third graders, 15,846 score below the threshold on the mathematics test,
26,833 scored below the threshold on the r eading test, 12,779 score below the threshold on both
tests, and 29,900 scored below the threshold on at least o ne test.
Table 1 presents some of the results. The first row presents an estimate of the effect on
the ma thematics test, using for the forcing variable the minimum of the initial mathematics
score and the initial reading score. We find that the program has a substantial effect. Fig ur e
1 shows which students contribute to this estimate. The fig ure shows a scatterplot of 1.5% of
the students, with uniform noise added to their actual scores to show the distribution more
clearly. The solid line shows the set of values for the mathematics and reading scores that would
require the students to participate in the summer program. The ar ea enclosed by the dashed
line contains all the students within the bandwidth from the threshold.
We can partition the sample into students with relatively high reading scores (above the
threshold plus the Imbens-Kalyanaraman bandwidth), who could only be in the summer program
because of their mathematics score, students with relatively high mathematics scores ( above the
threshold plus the bandwidth) who could only be in the summer program because of their
reading score, and students with low mathematics and reading scores (below the threshold plus
the bandwidth). Rows 2-4 present estimates for these separate subsamples. We find that there
is relatively little evidence of heterogeneity in the estimates of the program.
The la st row demonstrates the import ance of using local linear rather than standard kernel
(local constant) regressions. Using the same bandwidth, but using a weighted average of the
outcomes rather than a weighted linear regression, leads to an estimate equal to -0.15: rather
than benefiting from the summer school, this estimate counterintuitively suggests that the sum-
mer progr am hurts the students in terms of subsequent performance. This bias that leads to
these negative estimates is not surprising: the students who participate in the program are on
average worse in terms of prior performance than the students who do not participate in the
program, even if we only use information for students close to the threshold.
Table 1: Regression Discontinuity Designs: The Jacob-Lefgren Data
Outcome Sample Estimator Estimate (s.e.) IK Bandwidth
Math All Local Linear 0.18 (0.02) 0.57
Math Reading > 3.32 Local Linear 0.15 (0.02) 0.57
Math Math > 3.32 Local Linear 0.17 (0.03) 0.57
Math Math and Reading < 3.32 Local Linear 0.19 (0.02) 0.57
Math All Local Constant -0.15 (0.02) 0.57
2.1.4 Regression Kink Designs
One of the most interesting recent developments in t he area of regression discontinuity designs is
the generalization to discontinuities in derivatives, rather than levels, of conditional expectations.
The fir st discussions of these regression kink designs are in Nielsen et al. [2010], Card et al.
[2015], Dong [2014]. The basic idea is that at a threshold for the forcing variable, the slope of
the o ut come function (as a function of the forcing variable) changes, and the goal is to estimate
this change in slope.
To make this clearer, let us discuss the example in Card et al. [2015]. The for cing variable is
a lagged ear ning s variable that determines unemployment benefits. A simple rule would be that
unemployment benefits a r e a fixed percentage of last year’s earnings, up to a maximum. Thus
the unemployment benefit, as a function of the forcing variable, is a continuous, piecewise linear
function. Now suppose we a re interested in t he causal effect of an increase in the unemployment
benefits on the dura t ion of unenmployment spells. Because the benefits are a deterministic
function of lagged earnings, direct comparisons of individuals with different levels of benefits are
confounded by differences in lagged earnings. However, at the threshold, the relation between
benefits and lagged earnings changes. Specifically, the derivative of the benefits with respect
to lagged earnings changes. If we are willing to assume that in the absence of the kink in t he
benefit system, the derivative of the expected duration would be smooth in lagged earnings,
then the change in the derivative of the expected duration with respect to lagged earnings is
informative about the relation between the expected duration and the benefit schedule, similar
to the identification in a regular regression discontinuity design.
To be more precise, suppose the benefits as a function of lagged earnings satisfy
= b(X
with b(x) known and continuous, with a discontinuity in the first derivative at x = c. Let b
denote the derivative, letting b
(c+) and b
(c) denote the derivatives fr om the right and the
left at x = c. If t he benefit schedule is piecewise linear, we would have
= β
+ β
· (X
c), X
< c,
= β
+ β
· (X
c), X
This relationship is deterministic, making this a sharp regression kink design. Here, as before, c
is the threshold. The forcing variable X
is lagged earnings, B
is the unemployment benefit that
an individual would receive. As a function of t he benefits b, the log arithm of the unemployment
duration, denoted by Y
, is assumed to satisfy
(b) = α + τ · ln(b) + ε
Let g(x) = E[Y
= x] be the conditional expectation of Y
given X
= x, with derivative g
The derivative is assumed to exist everywhere other than at x = c, where the limits from the
right and the left exist. The idea is to characterize τ as
τ =
(x) lim
(x) lim
Card et al. [2015] propose estimating τ by first estimating g(x) by local linear or local quadratic
regression around the threshold. We then divide the difference in the estimated derivative from
the right a nd the left by the difference in the derivatives of b(x) from the right and the left at
the threshold.
In some cases, the relationship between B
and X
is not deterministic, making it a fuzzy
regression kink design. In the fuzzy version of the regression kink design, the conditional expec-
tation of B
given X
is estimated using the same approach to get an estimate of the change in
the derivative at the threshold.
2.1.5 Summary of Recommendations
There are some specific choices to be made in regression discontinuity analyses, and here we pro-
vide our recommendations for these choices. We recommend using local linear or local quadratic
methods (see for details on the implementat ion Hahn et al. [2001], Porter [2003], Calonico et al.
[2014a]) rather than global polynomial methods. Gelman and Imbens [2014] present a detailed
discussion on the concerns with global polynomial methods. These local linear methods require
a bandwidth choice. We recommend the optimal bandwidth algorithms based on asymptotic ar-
guments involving local expansions discssed in Imbens and Kalyanaraman [2 012], Calonico et al.
[2014a]. We also recommend carrying out supplementary analyses to assess the credibility of the
design, and in particular t o test for evidence of manipulation o f the forcing variable. Most impor-
tant here is t he McCrary test for discontinuities in the density of the forcing variable (McCrary
[2008]), as well as tests f or discontinuities in average covariate values at the threshold. We
discuss examples of these in the section on supplementary analyses (Section 3.4 ) . We also rec-
ommend researchers to investigate external validity of the regression discontinuity estimates by
assessing the credibility of extrapolations to other subpopulations (Bertanha and Imbens [2015],
Angrist and Rokkanen [2015], Angrist and Fernandez-Val [201 0], Dong and Lewbel [2015]). See
Section 2.6 for more details.
2.1.6 The Literature
Regression Discontinuity Designs have a long history, going back to work in psychology in the
fifties by Thistlewaite and Campbell [1960], but the methods did no t become part of the main-
stream economics literature until t he early 2000s (with Goldberger [1972, 2008] an exception).
Early applications in economics include Black [1999] Angr ist and Lavy [1999], Van Der Klaauw
[2002], Lee [2008]. Recent reviews include Imbens and Lemieux [2008], Lee and Lemieux [2010],
Van Der Klaauw [2008], Skovron and Titiunik [2015]. More r ecently there have been ma ny ap-
plications (e.g., Edenstein et al. [2016]) and a substantial amount of new theoretical work which
has led to substantial improvements in our understanding of these methods.
2.2 Synthetic Control Methods and Difference-In-Differences
Difference-In-Differences (DID) methods have become an important tool for empirical researchers.
In the basic setting there are two or more groups, at least one treated and one control, and we
observe (possibly different) units fr om all groups in two or more time periods, some prior to
the treatment and some after the treatment. The difference between the treatment and control
groups post treatment is adjusted for the difference between the two groups prior to the treat-
ment. In the simple DID case these adjustments are linear: they take the form of estimating the
average treatment effect as t he difference in average outcomes post treatment minus the differ-
ence in average outcomes pre treat ment. Here we discuss two important recent developments,
the synthetic control approach and the nonlinear changes-in-changes method.
2.2.1 Synthetic Control Methods
Arguably the most important innovation in the evalulation literature in the last fifteen years is
the synthetic control approach developed by Abadie et al. [2010, 2014b] and Abadie and Gardeazabal
[2003]. This method builds on difference-in-differences estimation, but uses arguably more at-
tractive comparisons to get causal effects. We discuss the basic Abadie et al. [2010] approach,
and highlight alternative choices and restrictions that may be imposed to further improve the
performance of the methods relative to difference-in-differences estimation methods.
We observe outcomes for a number of units, indexed by i = 0, . . . , N, for a number of
periods indexed by t = 1, . . . , T . There is a single unit, say unit 0, who was exposed to the
control treatment during periods 1, . . . , T
and who received the active treatment, starting in
period T
+ 1. For ease of exposition let us focus on the case with T = T
+ 1 so there is only
a single post-t r eat ment period. All other units are expo sed to the control treatment for all
periods. The number of control units N can be as small as 1, and the number of periods T can
be as small as 2. We may also observe exogenous fixed covariates for each of the units. The
units are often aggrega tes of individuals, say states, or cities, or countries. We a re interested in
the causal effect of the treat ment for this unit, Y
(1) Y
The traditional DID approach would compare the change for the treated unit (unit 0) between
periods t and T , for some t < T , to the corresponding change for some other unit. For example,
consider t he classic difference-in-differences study by Card [1990]. Card is interested in the
effect of the Mariel boatlift, which brought Cubans to Miami, on the Miami labor market, and
specifically on the wages of low-skilled workers. He compares the change in the outcome of
interest, for Miami, to the corresponding change in a control city. He considers various possible
control cities, including Houston, Petersburg, Atlanta.
The synthetic control idea is t o move away from using a single control unit or a simple
average of control units, and instead use a weighted average of the set of controls, with the
weights chosen so that the weighted average is similar to the treated unit in terms of lagged
outcomes and covariates. In other words, instead of choosing between Houston, Petersburg or
Atlanta, or taking a simple average o f outcomes in those cities, the synthetic control approach
chooses weights λ
, λ
, and λ
for Houston, Petersburg and Atlanta respectively, so that λ
+ λ
· Y
+ λ
· Y
is close to Y
(for Miami) for the pre-treatment periods t = 1, . . . , T
as well as for the other pretreatment varia bles (e.g., Peri and Yasenov [20 15]). This is a very
simple, but very useful idea. Of course, if pr e-b oatlift wages are higher in Houston than in
Miami, and higher in Miami than in Atlanta, it would make sense to compare Miami to the
average of Houston and Atlanta rather tha n to Houston or Atlanta. The simplicity of the idea,
and the obvious improvement over the standard methods, have made this a widely used method
in the short period of time since its inception.
The implementation o f the synthetic control method requires a particular choice for estimat-
ing the weight s. The origina l paper Abadie et al. [2010] restricts the weights to be non-negative
and requires them to add up to one. Let K be the dimension of the covariates X
, and let be
an arbitrary positive definite K × K matrix. Then let λ(Ω) be the weights that solve
λ(Ω) = arg min
· X
· X
Abadie et al. [2010] choose the weight matrix that minimizes
(Ω) · Y
If the covariates X
consist of the vector of lagged outcomes, this estimate amounts to minimizing
· Y
subject to the restrictions that the λ
are non-negative and summ up t o one.
Doudchenko and Imbens [2016] point out that one can view the question of estimating the
weights in the Abadie-Diamond-Hainmueller synthetic control method differently. Start ing with
the case without covariates and only lagged outcomes, one can consider the regression function
· Y
+ ε
with T
units and N regressors. The absence of the covariates is rarely important , as the fit
typically is driven by matching up the lagged outcomes rather than matching the covariates.
Estimating this regression by least squares is typically not possible because the number of
regressors N (the number of control units) is often larger than, or the same order of magnitude
as, the number of observations (the number of t ime p eriods T
). We therefore need to regularize
the estimates in some fashion or another. There are a couple of natural ways to do this.
Abadie et al. [201 0] impose the restriction that t he weights λ
are non-negative and add up
to one. That often leads to a unique set of weights. However, there are alternative ways to
regularize the estimates. In fa ct, both the restrictions that Abadie et al. [2010] impose may
hurt performance of the model. If the unit is on the extreme end of the distribution of units,
allowing for weights that sum up to a number different from one, or allowing for negative weights
may improve the fit. We can do so by using alternative regularization methods such as best
subset regression, or LASSO (see Section 4.1.1 for a description of LASSO) where we add a
penalty proportional to the sum of the weights. Doudchenko and Imbens [2016] explore such
2.2.2 Nonlinear Difference-in-Difference Models
A commonly noted concern with difference-in-difference methods is that functional for m as-
sumptions play an importa nt role. For example, in the extreme case with only two groups and
two periods, it is not clear whether the change over time should be modeled as the same for the
two groups in terms of levels of outcomes, or in terms of percentage changes in outcomes. If the
initial period mean outcome is different across the two groups, the two different assumptions
can give different answers in terms of both sign and magnitude. In general, a treatment might
affect both the mean a nd the va r iance of outcomes, and the impact of the treatment might vary
across individuals.
Fo r the case where the data includes repeated cross-sections of individuals (that is, the data
include individual observations about many units within each group in two different time periods,
but the individuals can not be linked across time periods or may come from a distinct sample),
Athey a nd Imbens [2006] propose a non-linear difference-in-difference model which they refer to
as the changes-in-changes model that does not rely on functional f orm assumptions.
Modifying the notation from the last subsection, we now imagine that there are two groups,
g {A, B}, where group A is the control group and group B is the treatment group. There are
many individuals in each group with potential outcomes denoted Y
(w). We observe Y
for a sample of units in both groups when t = 1 , and for group A when t = 2; we observe
(1) for group B when t = 2. Denote t he distribution of the observed outcomes in group g
at time t by F
(·). We are interested in the distribution of treatment effects for the treatment
group in the second period, Y
(1) Y
(0). Note tha t the distribution of Y
(1) is directly
estimable, while the counterfactual distribution of Y
(0) is not, so the problem bo ils down to
learning the distribution of Y
(0), based on the distributions of Y
(0), Y
(0), and Y
Several assumptions are required to accomplish this. First is that the potential outcome in
the absence of the treatment can be written as a monoto ne function of an unobservable U
time: Y
(0) = h(U
, t). Note that the function does not depend directly on g, so that differences
across gro ups are attributed to differences in the distribution o f U
across gro ups. Second, the
function h is strictly increasing. This is not a restrictive a ssumption for a single t ime period,
but it is restrictive when we require it to hold over time, in conjunction with a third assumption,
namely t hat the distribution of U
is stable over time within each group. The final assumption
is that the support of U
for the treatment group is contained in the support of U
for the control
group. Under these assumptions, the distribution of Y
(0) is identified, with the fo rmula for
the distribution given as follows:
P r(Y
(0) y) = F
(y))) .
Athey a nd Imbens [2006] show that an estimator based on the empirical distributions of the
observed outcomes is efficient and discuss extensions to discrete outcome settings.
The nonlinear difference-in-difference model can be used for two distinct purposes. First,
the distribution is of direct interest for policy, beyond the average treatment effect. Further, a
number of authors have used this approach as a robustness check, i.e., a supplementary analysis
in the terminology of Section 3, for the results from a linear model.
2.3 Estimating Average Treatment Effects under Unconfoundedness
in S ettings with Multivalued Treatments
Much o f t he earlier econometric literature on treatment effects focused on the case with binary
treatments. For a textboo k discussion, see Imbens and Rubin [2015]. Here we discuss the results
of the more recent multi-valued treatment effect literature. In the binary treatment case, many
methods have been proposed for estimating the average treatment effect. Here we focus on
two of t hese methods, subclassification with r egr ession a nd and matching with regression, t hat
have been found to be effective in the binary t r eat ment case (Imbens and Rubin [2015]). We
discuss how these can be extended to the multi-valued treatment setting without increasing the
complexity of the estimators. In particular, the dimension reducing properties of a generalized
version of the propensity score can be maintained in the multi-valued treatment setting.
2.3.1 Set Up
To set the stage, it is useful to start with the binary treatment case. The standard set up
postulates the existence of two potential outcomes, Y
(0) and Y
(1). With the binary treatment
denoted by W
{0, 1}, the realized and observed outcome is
= Y
) =
(0) if W
= 0,
(1) if W
= 1.
In addition to the treatment indicator and the outcome we may observe a set of pr etreatment
variables denoted by X
. Following Rosenbaum and Rubin [1983a] a large literature f ocused on
estimation of the population averag e treatment effect τ = E[Y
(1) Y
(0)], under the uncon-
foundedness assumption that
(0), Y
In combination with overlap, requiring that the propensity score e(x) = pr(W
= 1|X
= x),
is strictly between zero and one, the researcher can estimate the population average treatment
effect by adjusting the differences in outcomes by treatment status for differences in the pre-
treatment variables:
τ = E
, W
= 1] E[Y
, W
= 0]
In that case many estimation strategies have been developed, relying on regression Hahn [1998],
matching Abadie and Imbens [2006], inverse propensity weighting Hirano et al. [2001], subclassi-
fication Rosenbaum and Rubin [1983a], as well as doubly robust methods Robins and Rotnitzky
[1995], Robins et al. [199 5]. Rosenbaum and Rubin [1983a] established a key result that under-
lies a number of these estimation strategies: unconfoundedness implies that conditional on the
propensity score, the assignment is independent of the po tentia l outcomes:
(0), Y
In practice the most effective estimation methods appear to b e those that combine some covari-
ance adjustment through regression with a covar iate balancing method such as subclassification,
matching, or weighting based on the propensity score (Imb ens and Rubin [2 015]).
Substantially less attentio n has been paid to the case where the treatment takes on multiple
values. Exceptions include Imbens [2000], Lechner [2001], Imai and Van Dyk [2004], Cattaneo
[2010], Hirano and Imbens [2004 ] and Yang et al. [2016]. Let W = {0, 1, . . . , T } be the set of
values for the treatment. In t he multivalued treatment case, one needs to be careful in defining
estimands, and the role of the propensity score is subtly different. One natural set of estimands
is the average treatment effect if all units were switched from treatment level w
to treatment
level w
= E[Y
) Y
)]. (2.1)
To estimate estimands corresponding to uniform policies such as (2.1), it is not sufficient to
take all the units with treatment levels w
or w
and use methods for estimating treatment
effects in a binary setting. The latter strategy would lead to an estimate of τ
= E[Y
, w
}], which differs in general from τ
because of the conditioning. Focusing
on unconditional average treatment effects like τ
maintains tra nsitivity: τ
+ τ
, which would not necessarily be the case for τ
. There are other p ossible estimands,
but we do not discuss alternatives here.
A key first step is to note that this estimand can be written as the difference in two marginal
exp ectations: τ
= E[Y
)] E[Y
)], and that therefore identification of ma r ginal ex-
pectations such as E[Y
(w)] is sufficient for identification of average treatment effects.
Now suppose that a generalized version of unconfoundedness holds:
(0), Y
(1), . . . , Y
(T )
There is no scalar function of the covariates that maintains this conditional independence re-
lation. In fa ct, with T treatment levels one would need to condition on T 1 functions of the
covariates to make this conditional independence hold. However, unconfoundedness is in fact
not required to enjoy the benefits of the dimension-reducing property of the propensity score.
Imbens [2000] intr oduces a concept, called weak unconfoundedness, which requires only that the
indicator fo r receiving a particular level of the treatment and the p otent ial outcome for tha t
treatment level are conditionally independent:
, fo r all w {0, 1, . . . , T }.
Imbens [2000] shows that weak uncnfoundedness implies similar dimension reduction proper-
ties as are available in the binary treatment case. He further introduced the concept of the
generalized propensity score:
r(w, x) = pr(W
= w|X
= x).
Weak unconfoundedness implies that, for all w, it is sufficient for the removal of systematic
biases to condition o n the generalized propensity score for that particular treatment level:
r(w, X
This in turn can be used to develop matching or propensity score subclassification strategies as
outlined in Yang et al. [2016]. This approach relies on the equality E[Y
(w)] = E
, W
. As shown in Yang et al. [2016], it follows from weak unconfoundedness that
(w)] = E
|r(w, X
), W
= w]
To estimate E[Y
(w)], divide the sample into J sublasses based on the value of r(w, X
), with
{1, . . . , J} denoting the subclass. We estimate µ
(w) = E[Y
= j] as the average
of the outcomes for units with W
= w and B
= j. Given t hose estimates, we estimate
µ(w) = E[Y
(w)] as a weighted average of the ˆµ
(w), with weights equal to t he fraction of units
in subclass j. The idea is not to find subsets of the covariate space where we can interpret the
difference in averag e outcomes by all treatment levels as estimates of causal effects. Instead we
find subsets where we can estimate the marginal averag e outcome fo r a particular treatment
level as the conditional average for units with that treatment level, one treatment level at a
time. This opens up the way for using matching and other propensity score methods developed
for the case with binary treatments in settings with multivalued treatments, irrespective of t he
number of treatment levels.
A separate literature has gone beyond the multi-valued treatment setting to look at dy-
namic treatment regimes. With few exceptions mo st o f these studies appear in the biostatistical
literature: see Hern´an and Robins [2006] fo r a general discussion.
2.4 Causal Effects in Networks and Social Interactions
An important area that has seen much novel work in recent years is that on peer effects and
causal effects in networks. Compared to the lit erature on estimating average causal effects
unconfoundedness without interference, the literature has not focused on a single setting; rather,
there are many problems and settings with interesting questions. Here, we will discuss some
of the settings and some o f the progress that has been made. However, this review will be
brief, and incomplete, because this continues to be a very active area, with work r anging from
econometrics (Manski [1993]) to economic theory (Jackson [2010]).
In general, the questions in this lit era t ur e focus on causal effects in settings where units, often
individuals, interact in a way that makes the no-interference or sutva (Rosenbaum a nd Rubin
[1983a], Imbens and Rubin [201 5]) assumptions that are routinely made in the treatment effect
literature implausible. Settings of interest include those where the possible interference is simply
a nuisance, a nd the interest continuous to be in causal effects of treatments assigned to a
particular unit on the outcomes for that unit. There are also settings where the interest is in
the magnitude of the interactions, or peer effects, that is, in the effects of changing treatments
for one unit on the outcomes of other units. There are settings where the network (that is,
the set of links connecting the individuals) is fixed exogenously, and some where the network
itself is the r esult of a possibly complex set of choices by individuals, possibly dynamic and
possibly affected by treatments. There are settings where the population can be partitioned into
subpopulations with all units within a subpopulation connected, as, for example, in classroom
settings (e.g., Manski [1993], Carrell et al. [2013]), workers in a labor market (Cr´epon et al.
[2013]) or roommates in college (Sacerdote [2001]), or with general networks, where friends of
friends are not necessarily friends themselves (Christakis and Fowler [2 007]). Sometimes it is
more reasonable to think of many disconnected networks, where distributional approximations
rely on the number of networks getting large, versus a single connected network such as Facebook.
It maybe reasonable in some cases to think of the links as undirected (symmetric), and in others
as directed. These links can be binary, with links either present or not, or contain links of
different strengths. This large set of scenarios has led to the lit era t ur e becoming somewhat
fractured and unwieldy. We will only touch on a subset of these problems in this review.
2.4.1 Models for Peer Effects
Before considering estimation strategies, it is useful to begin by considering models of the out-
comes in a setting with peer effects. Such models have been pro posed in the literature. A
seminal paper in the econometric literature is Manski’s linear-in-means model (Manski [1993],
Bramoull´e and Fortin [2009], Goldsmith-Pinkham and Imbens [2013]). Manski’s origina l paper
focuses on the setting where the populat ion is partioned into groups (e.g., classrooms), and peer
effects are constant within the gr oups. The basic model specification is
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
where i indexes the individual. Here Y
is the outcome f or individual i,
is the average outcome
for individuals in the peer group for individual i, X
is a set of exogenous char acteristics of
individual i,
is the average va lue of the characteristics in individual i’s peer group, and Z
are group characteristics t hat are constant for all individuals in the same peer group. Manski
considers three types of peer effects. Outcomes for individuals in the same group may be
correlated because of a shared environment . These effects are called correlated peer effects, and
captured by the coefficient on Z
. Next are the exogenous peer effects, captured by the coefficient
on the group average
of the exogenous variables. The third type is the endogenous peer
effect, captured by the coefficient on the group average outcomes
. Manski concludes that
identification of these effects, even in the linear model setting, relies on very strong assumptions
and is unrealistic in many settings. In subsequent empirical work, researchers have often ruled
out some of these effects in order to identify others.
Graham [2008] focuses on a setting very similar to that of Manski’s linear-in-means model.
He considers r estrictions on the covariance matrix within peer groups implied by the model
assuming homoskedasticity at the individual level. Bramoull´e and Fortin [2009] allows for a more
general network configuration than Manski, and investigate the benefits of such configurations
for identification in the Manski-style linear-in-means model. Hudgens and Halloran [2008] start
closer to the Rubin Causal Model o r potential outcome setup. L ike Manski they focus on a
setting with a partitioned network. Following the treatment effect literature they f ocus primarily
on the case with a binary treatment. Let W
denote the treatment fo r individual i, and let W
denote the vector of treatments for the peer group for individual i. The starting point in the
Hudgens and Halloran [2008] set up is the potential outcome Y
(w), with restrictions placed on
the dependence of the potential outcomes on the full treatment vector w. Aronow and Samii
[2013] allow for general networks and peer effects, investigating the identifying power from
2.4.2 Models for Network Formation
Another part of the literature has focused on developing models for network for ma t ion. Such
models are of interest in their own right, but they are also important for deriving asymptotic
approximations ba sed on large samples. Such approximations require the researcher to specify
in what way the expanding sample would be similar to or different from the current sample. For
example, it would require the researcher to be specific in the way the additional units would be
linked to current units or other new units.
There is a wide range of models considered, with some models relying more heavily on opti-
mizing behavior of individuals, and others using more statistical models. See Goldsmith-Pinkham and Imbens
[2013], Christakis et al. [2010], Mele [2013], Jackson [2010], Jackson and Wo linsky [1996] for
such network models in economics, and Holland and Leinhardt [1981] for statistical models.
Chandrasekhar a nd Jackson develops a mo del for network formatio n and develops a correspond-
ing central limit theorem in t he presence of correlation induced by network links. Chandrasekhar
surveys the econometrics of network formation.
2.4.3 Exact Tests for I nteractions
One challenge in testing hypotheses about peer effects using methods based on standard asymp-
totic theory is that when individuals interact (e.g., in a network), it is not clear how interactions
among individuals would change as the network grows. Such a theory would require a model
for network formatio n, a s discussed in the last subsection. This motivates an approach that
allows us to test hypotheses without invoking large sample properties of test statistics (such as
asymptotic normality). Instead, the distributions of the test statistics are based on the r andom
assignments of the t r eat ment, that is, the properties of the tests are based on randomization in-
ference. In randomization inference, we approximate the distribution of the test statistic under
the null hypothesis by re-calculating the test statistic under a large number of alternative (hypo-
thetical) treatment assignment vectors, where the alternative treatment assignment vectors are
drawn from the randomization distribution. For example, if units were independently assigned
to treatment status with probability p, we re-draw hypothetical assignment vectors with each
unit assigned to treatment with probability p. Of course, re-calculating the test statistic requires
knowing the values of units’ outcomes. The randomization inference approach is easily applied
if the null hypothesis of interest is “sharp”: that is, the null hypothesis specifies what outcomes
would be under all possible treatment assignment vectors. If the null hypothesis is that the
treatment has no effect on any units, this null is sharp: we can inf er what outcomes would have
been under alternative treatment assignment vectors, in in particular, outcomes would be the
same as the realized outcomes under the realized treatment vector.
More generally, however, randomization inference for tests for peer effects is more compli-
cated than in settings without peer effects because the null hypotheses are often not sharp.
Aronow [2012], Athey et al. [2015] develop methods for calculating exact p-values for general
null hypotheses on causal effects in a single connected network, allowing for peer effects. The
basic case Aronow [2012], Athey et al. [2015] consider is that where the null hypo thesis rules out
peer effects but allows for direct (own) effects of a binary treatment assigned ra ndo mly at the
individual level. Given t hat direct effects are not specified under the null, individual outcomes
are not known under alternative tr eat ment assignment vectors, and so the null is not sharp. To
address this problem, Athey et al. [2 015] introduce the notion of an artificial experiment that
differs from the actual experiment. In the artificial experiment, some units have their treatment
assignments held fixed, and we randomize over the remaining units. Thus, the randomization dis-
tribution is replaced by a conditional randomization distribution, where treatment assignments
of some units are re- r andomized conditional on the assignment of other units. By focusing on
the conditio nal assignment given a subset of the overall space of assignments, and by focusing on
outcomes for a subset of the units in the original experiment, they create an artificial experiment
where the original null hypothesis that was not sharp in the original experiment is now sharp.
To be specific, the artificial experiments starts by designating an arbitrary set of units to be
focal. The test statistics considered depend only on outcomes for these focal units. Given the
focal units, the set of assignments that, under the null hypothesis of interest, does not change
the outcomes for the focal units is derived. The exact distribution of the test statistic can then
be inferred f or such test statistics under tha t conditional randomizatio n distribution under the
null hypothesis considered.
Athey et al. [2015] extend this idea to a large class of null hypotheses. This class includes
hypotheses restricting higher order peer effects (peer effects from friends-of-friends) while allow-
ing for the presence of peer effects from friends. It also includes hypotheses about the validity of
sparsification of a dense network, where the question concerns peer effects of friends according
to the pre-sparsified network while allowing for peer effects of the sparsified network. Finally,
the class also includes null hypotheses concerning the exchangeability of peers. In many models
peer effects are r estricted so that all peers have equal effects on an individual’s outcome. It
may be more realistic to allow effects of highly connected individuals, or closer f r iends, to be be
different from those of less connected or more distant friends. Such hypotheses can be tested in
this framework.
2.5 Randomization Inference and Causal Regressions
In recent empirical work, data from randomized experiments are often analyzed using conven-
tional regression methods. Some researchers have raised concerns with the r egr ession approach in
small samples (Freedman [2006, 2008], Young [2015], Athey and Imbens [2016], Imbens and Rubin
[2015]), but generally such analyses ar e justified at least in large samples, even in settings with
many covariates (Bloniarz et al. [2016], Du et al. [2016]). There is a n alternative a pproach to
estimation and inference, however, that does not rely on large sample approximations, using
approximations for the distribution o f estimators induced by randomization. Such methods,
which go back to Fisher [1925, 1935], Neyman [1923/1990, 1935], clarify how the a ct of random-
ization allows for the testing for the presence of treatment effects and the unbiased estimation of
average treatment effects. Traditiona lly these methods have not been used much in economics.
However, recently there has been some renewed interest in such methods. See for example
Imbens and Rosenbaum [2 005], Young [2015], Athey and Imbens [2016]). In completely ran-
domized experiments these methods are often straightforward, although even there analyses
involving covariates can be more complicated.
However, the value of the randomization perspective extends well beyond the analysis of
actual experiments. It can shed light on the interpretation of observationa l studies and t he
complications arising from finite population inference and clustering. Here we discuss some of
these issues and more generally provide an explicitly causal perspective on linear regression.
Most textbook discussions of regression specify the regression function in terms of a dependent
variable, a number of explanatory variables, and an unobserved component, the latter often
referred to as the error term:
= β
· X
+ ε
Often the assumption is made that in the population the units are randomly sampled f rom,
the unobserved component ε
is independent of, or uncorrelated with, the regressors X
. The
regression coefficients are then estimated by least squares, with the uncertainty in the estimates
interpreted as sampling uncertainty induced by random sampling from the large population.
This approach works well in many cases. In analyses using data fro m the public use surveys
such as the Current Population Survey or the Panel Study of Income Dynamics it is natural
to view the sample a t hand as a random sample from a large population. In other cases this
perspective is not so natural, with the sample not drawn from a well-defined population. This
includes convenience samples, as well as settings where we observe all units in the population.
In those cases it is helpful to take an explictly causal perspective. This perspective also clarifies
how the assumptions underlying identification of causal effects relate to the assumptions often
made in least squares approaches to estimation.
Let us separate the covariates X
into a subset of causal variables W
and the remainder,
viewed as fixed characteristics of the units. For example, in a wage regression the causal variable
may be years of education and the characteristics may include sex, age, and parental background.
Using the potential outcomes perspective we can interpret Y
(w) as the outcome corresponding to
a level of the treatment w for unit or individual i. Now suppose that f or all units i the function
(·) is linear in in its argument, with a common slope coefficient, but a variable intercept,
(w) = Y
(0) + β
· w. Now write Y
(0), the outcome for unit i given treatment level 0 as
(0) = β
+ β
+ ε
where β
and β
are the population best linear predictor coefficients. This representation of
(0) is purely definitional and does not require assumptions on the population. Then we can
write the model as
(w) = β
+ β
· w + β
+ ε
and the realized outcome as
= β
+ β
· W
+ β
+ ε
Now we can investigate the properties of the least squares estimator
for β
, where the
distribution of
is generated by the assignment mechanism for the W
. In the simple case
where there are no characteristics Z
and the cause W
is a binary indicator, the assumption
that the cause is completely randomly assigned leads to the conventional Eicker-Huber-White
standard errors (Eicker [1967], Huber [1967], White [1980]). Thus, in that case viewing the
randomness as arising from the assignment of the causes r ather than as sampling uncertainty
provides a coherent way of interpreting the uncertainty.
This extends very easily to the case where W
is binar y and completely randomly as-
signed but there are other regressors included in t he regression function. As Lin [2013] and
Imbens and Rubin [2015] show t here is no need f or assumptions about the relation of those
regressors to the outcome, as long as the cause W
is randomly assigned. Abadie et al. [2014a]
extend this to the case where the cause is multivalued, possibly continuous, a nd the charac-
teristics Z
are allowed to be generally correlated with the cause W
. Aronow and Samii [2013]
discuss the interpretat ion of the regression estimates in a causal framework. Abadie et al. [2016]
discuss extensions to settings with clustering where the need for clustering adjustment s in stan-
dard errors arises from the clustered assignment of the treatment rather than through clustered
2.6 External Validity
One concern that has been raised in many studies of causal effects is that of external validity.
Even if a causal study is done carefully, either in analysis or by design, so that the internal
validity of such a study is high, there is of ten little guar antee that the causal effects are valid
for populations or settings other than those studied. This concern has been ra ised particularly
forcefully in experimental studies where the internal validity is guaranteed by design. See for
example the discussion in Deaton [2010], Imbens [2010] and Manski [2013]. Traditionally, there
has been much emphasis on internal validity in studies o f causal effects, with some arguing for
the primacy of internal va lidity. Some have argued that without internal validity, lit t le can be
learned from a study (Shadish et al. [2002], Imbens [2015a]). Recent ly, however, Deaton [2010],
Manski [2013], Banerjee et al. [2016] have ar gued tha t external validity should receive more
Some recent wo r k has taken concerns with external validity more seriously, proposing a
variety of approaches that directly allow researchers to assess the external va lidity of esti-
mators for causal effects. A leading example concerns settings with instrumental variables
with heterogenous treatment effects (e.g., Angrist [2004], Angrist and Fernandez-Val [2010],
Dong and Lewbel [2015], Angrist and Rokkanen [2015], Bertanha and Imbens [2015], K owalski
[2015], Brinch et al. [2015]). In the modern literature with heterogenous treatment effects the
instrumental variables estimator is interpreted as an estimator of the local average treatment
effect, the average effect of the treatment for the compliers, that is, individuals whose treatment
status is affected by the instrument. In this setting, the focus has b een on whether the instru-
mental variables estimates are relevant for the entire sample, that is, have external validity, or
only have local validity for the complier subpopulation.
In that context, Angrist [2004] suggests testing whether t he difference in average outcomes
for always-takers and never-takers is equal to the average effect for compliers. In this context,
a Hausman test [Hausman, 1978] for equality of the or dina r y least squares estimate and a n
instrumental variables estimate can be interpreted as testing whether the average treatment
effect is equal to the local average treat ment effect; of course, the ordinary least squares es-
timate only has that interpretation if unconfoundedness holds. Bertanha and Imbens [2015]
suggest testing a combina tion o f two equalities, first that the average outcome f or untreated
compliers is equal to the average outcome for never-takers, and second, tha t the average out-
come for treated compliers is equal to the average outcome for always-takers. This turns out
to be equivalent t o testing both the null hypo t hesis suggested by Angrist [2004] and the Haus-
man null. Angrist and Fernandez-Val [2010] consider extrapolating local average treatment
effects by exploiting the presence o f other exogenous covariates. The key a ssumption in the
Angrist and Fernandez-Val [2010] approach, “conditional effect ignorability,” is that conditional
on these additional covariates the average effect for compliers is identical to the average effect
for never-takers and always-takers.
In the context of regression discontinuity designs, a nd especially in the fuzzy regression
discontinuity setting, the concerns about external validity are especially salient. In that set-
ting the estimates are in principle valid only for individuals with values of the for cing variable
equal to, or close to, the threshold at which the probability of receipt of the treatment changes
discontinuously. There have been a number of approaches to assess the plausibility of gener-
alizing those local estimates to other parts of the population. The focus and the applicability
of the various methods to assess external validity varies. Some of them apply to both sharp
and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, and some apply only to fuzzy designs. Some require
the presence of additional exogenous covariates, and o t hers rely only on the presence of the
forcing variable. Dong and Lewbel [2015] observe that in general, in regression discontinuity
designs with a continuous forcing var iable, one can estimate the magnitude of the discontinuity
as well as the magnitude of the change in the first derivative of the regression function, or even
higher order derivatives. Under assumptions ab out the smoothness of the two conditional mean
functions, knowing the higher order derivatives allows one to extrap olate away fro m values of
the forcing variable close to the threshold. This method apply bo th in the sharp and in the
fuzzy regression discontinuity design. It does not require the presence of additional covariates.
In another approach, Ang r ist and Rokkanen [2015 ] do require the presence of additional ex-
ogenous covariates. They suggest testing whether whether conditional on these covariates, the
correlation between the forcing variable and the outcome vanishes. This would imply that the
assignment can be thought of as unconfounded conditional on the additional covariates. Thus
it would allow for extrapolation away from the threshold. Like the Dong- L ewbel appro ach, the
Angrist-Rokkanen methods apply both in t he case of sharp and fuzzy regr ession discontinuity
designs. Finally, Bertanha and Imbens [2015] propose an approach requiring a fuzzy regression
discontinuity design. They suggest testing for continuity of the conditional expectation of the
outcome conditional on the treatment a nd the forcing variable, at the threshold, adjusted for
differences in the covariates.
2.7 Leveraging Experiments
Randomized experiments are the most credible design to learn about causal effects. However,
in practice t here are often reasons that researchers cannot conduct randomized experiments to
answer t he causal questions of interest. They may be expensive, or they may take too long to
give the researcher the answers that are needed now to make decisions, or there may be ethical
objections to experimentation. As a result, we often rely on a combination of exp erimental
results and observational studies to make inferences and decisions about a wide range of ques-
tions. In those cases we wish to exploit the benefits of the experimental results, in particular
the high degree of internal validity, in combination with the external validity and precision from
large scale representative observational studies. At an abstract level, the observational data
are used to estimate rich models that allow one to answer many questions, but the model is
forced to accommodate the answers from the experimental data for the limited set of questions
the latter can address. Doing so will improve the answers from the observational data without
compromising their ability to answer more questions.
Here we discuss two specific settings where experimental studies can be leveraged in combina-
tion with observational studies to provide richer answers than either of the designs could provide
on their own. In both cases, the interest is in the average causal effect of a binary treatment
on a primary outcome. However, in the experiment the primary outcome was not observed and
so one cannot directly estimate the average effect of interest. Instead an intermediate outcome
was observed. In a second study, both the intermediate outcome and the primary outcome were
observed. In both studies there may be additional pretreatment variables observed and p ossibly
the treatment indicator.
These two examples do not exhaust the set of po ssible settings where researchers can leverage
exp erimental data more effectively, and this is likely to be an area where more research is f ruitful.
2.7.1 Surrogate Variables
In the first setting, studied in Athey et al. [2016 b], in the second sample the treatment indicato r
is not observed. In this case researchers may wish to use the intermediate variable, denoted S
, as
a surrogate. Following Prentice [1989], Begg and Leung [2000], Frangakis and Rubin [2002], the
key condition for an intermediate variable to be a surrogate is that in the experimental sample,
conditional the surrogate and observed covariates, the (primary) outcomes and the treatment
are independent: Y
, X
). There is a long history of attempts to use intermediate
health measures in medical trials as surrogates (Prentice [1989]). The results are mixed, with
the condition often not satisfied in settings where it could be tested. However, many o f t hese
studies use low-dimensional surrogates. In modern settings there is often a large number of
intermediate varia bles recorded in administrative data bases that lie on or close to the causal
path between the treatment and the primary outcome. In such cases it may be more plausible
that the full set of surrogate variables satisfies at least approximately the surrogacy condition.
Fo r example, suppose an internet company is considering a change to the user experience on
the company’s website. They are interested in the effect o f that change on the user’s engagement
with the website over a year long period. They carry out a randomized experiment over a
month, where they measure details about the user’s engagement, including the number of visits,
webpages visited, and the length of time spent on the various webpages. In addition, they may
have historical records on user characteristics including past engagement, for a large number of
users. The combination of the pr etreatment variables and the surrogates may be sufficiently rich
so that conditional on the combination the primary out come is independent of the treatment.
Given surrogacy, and given comparability of the observational and experimental sample
(which requires that the conditional distribution of t he primary outcome given surrogates and
pretreatment variables is the same in the experimental and observational sample), Athey et al.
[2016b] develop two methods for estimating the average effect. The first corresponds t o estimat-
ing t he relat ion between the outcome and the surrogates in the observational data and using
that to impute the missing outcomes in the experimental sample. The second corresponds to
estimating the relation between the t reatment and the surrogates in the exp erimental sample
and use that to impute the treatment indicator in t he observationa l sample. They also derive
the biases from violations of the surrogacy assumption.
2.7.2 Experiments and Observational Studies
In the second setting, studied in Athey et al. [2016 a], the researcher again has data from a ran-
domized experiment containing informatio n on the treatment and the intermediate variables, as
well as pretreatment variables. In the observational study the researcher now observes the same
variables plus the primary outcome. If in the observational study unconfoundedness (selection-
on-observables) were to hold, the researcher would not need the experimental sample, and could
simply estimate the average effect of the treatment on the pr imary outcome by adjusting for dif-
ferences between treated and control units in pretreatment variables. However, one can compare
the estimates of the average effect on the intermediate outcomes based on the observational sam-
ple, after adjusting fo r pretreatment variables, with those from the experimental sample. The
latter ar e known to be consistent, and so if one finds substantial and statistically significant
differences, unconfoundedness need not hold. For that case Athey et al. [2016a] develop meth-
ods for adjusting for selection on unobservables exploiting the observatio ns on the intermediate
2.7.3 Multiple Experiments
An issue that has not received a s much attention, but provides fertile ground for future work
concerns the use of multiple experiments. Consider a setting where a number of experiments were
conducted. The experiments may vary in terms of the population that the sample is drawn from,
or in the exact nature of the treatments included. The researcher may be interested in combining
these experiments to obtain more efficient estimates, predicting the effect of a treatment in
another population, o r estimating the effect of a t r eat ment with different characteristics. Such
inferences are not validated by the design of the experiments, but the experiments are import ant
in making such inferences more credible. These issues are related to external validity concerns,
but include more general efforts to decompose experimentally estimated effects into components
that can inform decisions on related treatments. In the treat ment effect litera t ur e aspects of
these problems have been studied in Hotz et al. [2005], Imbens [2010], Allcott [2015]. They have
also received some attention in the literature on structural modeling, where the experimental
data are used to anchor aspects of the structural model, e.g., Todd and Wolpin [2003].
3 Supplementary Analyses
One common feature of much of the empirical work in the causal literatur e is the use of what
we call here supplementary analyses. We want to contrast supplementary analyses with primary
analyses whose focus is on point estimates of the primary estimands and standard errors thereof.
Instead, the point of the supplementary analyses is to shed light on the credibility of t he primary
analyses. They are intended to probe the identification strategy underlying the primary analyses.
The results of these supplementary analyses is not to end up with a better estimate of the effect
of primary interest. The goal is also not to directly select among competing statistical models.
Rather, the results of the supplementary analyses either enhance the credibility of the primary
analyses or cast doubts on them, without necessarily suggesting alternatives to these primary
analyses (although sometimes they may). The supplementary analyses are often based on careful
and creative examinations of the identification strategy. Although a t first glance, this creativity
may appear application-specific, in this section we try to highlight some common themes.
In general, the assumptions behind the identificatio n strategy often have implications for the
data beyond those exploited in the primary analyses, and these implications are the f ocus of
the supplementar y analyses. The supplement ary a nalyses can take on a variety of forms, and
we are currently not aware of a comprehensive survey to date. Here we discuss some examples
from the empirical and theoretical literatures and draw some general conclusions in the hope of
providing some guidance for future wo r k. This is a very active literature, both in theoretical and
empirical studies, and it is likely that the development of these methods will continue rapidly.
The assumptions underlying identification strategies can typically be stated without reference
to functional form assumptions or estimation strategies. For example, unconfoundedness is a
conditional independence assumption. There are variety of estimation strat egies that exploit the
unconfoundedness assumption. Supplementary analyses may attempt to establish the credibility
of the underlying independence assumption; or, they may jointly establish the credibility of the
underlying assumption and the specific estimation approach used for the primary analysis.
In Section 3.1 we discuss one of the most common forms of supplementary analyses, placebo
analysis, where pseudo causal effects are estimated that are known to be equal to zero. In Section
3.2 we discuss sensitivity and robustness analyses that assess how much estimates of the primary
estimands can change if we weaken the critical assumptions underlying the primary analyses.
In Section 3.3 we discuss some recent work on understanding the identification of key model
estimates by linking model parameters to summary statistics of the data. In Section 3.4 we disuss
a particular supplementary ana lysis that is specific to regression discontinuity analyses. In this
case the focus is on the continuity o f the density of an exogenous variable, with a discontinuity
as the threshold for the regression discontinuity analyses evidence of manipulation of the forcing
3.1 Placebo Analyses
The most widely used of the supplementar y analyses is what is often referred to as a placebo
analysis. In this case the researcher replicates the primary analysis with the outcome replaced
by a pseudo outcome that is known not to be affected by the treatment. Thus, the true value
of the estimand for this pseudo outcome is zero, and the goal of the supplementary a nalysis is
to assess whether the adjustment methods employed in the primary analysis when applied to
the pseudo outcome lead to estimates that are close to zero, taking into account the stat istical
uncertainty. Here we discuss some settings where such analyses, in different forms, have been
applied, and provide some general guidance. Although these analyses often take t he form of
estimating an average treatment effect and testing whether that is equal to zero, underlying the
approach is often conditional independence relation. In this review we highlight the fact that
there is typically more to be tested than simply a single average treatment effect.
3.1.1 Lagged Outcomes
One type of placebo test relies on treating lagged outcomes as pseudo outcomes. Consider, for
example, the lottery data set assembled by Imbens et a l. [2 001], which studies participants in
the Massachusetts state lottery. The treatment of interest is an indicator for winning a big prize
in the lottery (with these prizes paid out over a twenty year period), with the control group
consisting of individuals who won one small, one-time prizes. The estimates of the average
treatment effect rely on an unconfoundedness assumption, namely that the lottery prize is as
good as randomly assigned after taking out associations with some pre-lottery variables:
(0), Y
. (3.1)
Table 2: Lagged as Pseudo-Outcomes in the Lottery Data
Outcome est (s.e.)
Pseudo Outcome: Y
-0.53 (0.78)
Actual Outcome: Y
-5.74 (1.40)
The pre-treatment variables include six years of lagged earnings as well as six individual charac-
teristics (including education measures and gender). Unconfo undedness is plausible here because
which ticket wins the lo t t ery is ra ndo m, but because of a 50% response rate, as well as differences
in the rate at which individuals buy lottery tickets, there is no guarantee that this assumption
holds. To assess the assumption it is useful to estimate the same regression function with pre-
lottery earnings as the outcome, and the indicator for winning on the right hand side with the
same set of additional exogenous covariates. Formally, we partit ion t he vector of covariates X
into two parts, a (scalar) pseudo outcome, denoted by X
, and the remainder, denoted by X
so that X
= (X
, X
). We can then test the conditional independence relation
. (3.2)
Why is testing this conditional independence relation relevant for assessing unconfoundedness
in (3.1)? There are two conceptual steps. One is that t he pseudo outcome X
is viewed as
a proxy for one or both of the potential outcomes. Second, it relies on the notion that if
unconfoundedness holds given the full set of pretreatment variables X
, it is plausible that it
also holds given the subset X
. In the lottery application, taking X
to be earnings in the
year prior to winning or not, both steps appear plausible. Results for this analysis are in Ta ble
2. Using the actual outcome we estimate that winning the lottery (with on average a $20,000
yearly prize), reduces average post-lottery earning s by $5,740, with a standard error of $1,400.
Using the pseudo outcome we obtain an estimate of minus $530, with a standard error of $780.
In Table 3, we take this o ne step further by testing the conditional independence relation
in (3.2) more fully. We do this by testing the null of no average difference for two functions
of the pseudo-outcome, namely the actual level and an indicator for the pseudo-outcome b eing
Table 3: Testing Conditional Independence of Lagged Outcomes and the Treat-
ment in the Lottery Data
Pseudo Subpopulation est (s.e.)
= 0 -0.07 (0.78)
> 0 0.02 (0.0 2)
= 0 -0.31 (0.30)
> 0 0.05 (0.0 6)
statistic p-value
Combined Statistic
(chi-squared, dof 4) 2.20 0.135
positive. Moreover we test this separately for individuals with po sitive earnings two years prior
to the lottery a nd individuals with zero earnings two year s prior to the lottery. Combining
these fo ur tests in a chi-squared statistic leads t o a p-value of 0.135. Overall these analyses are
supportive o f unconfoundedness holding in this study.
Using the same approach with the LaLonde [1986] data that are widely used in the eval-
uation literature (e.g., Heckman and Hotz [1989], Dehejia and Wahba [1999], Imbens [2015b]),
the results are quite different. Here we use 1975 earnings as the pseudo-outcome, leaving us
with only a single pretreatment year of ear ning s to adjust for the substantial difference between
the trainees and comparison group from the CPS. Now, as report ed in Table 4, the a dj usted
differences between trainees and CPS controls remain substantial, casting doubt on t he uncon-
foundedness assumption. Again we first test whether the simple average difference in adjusted
1975 earnings is zero. Then we test whether both the level of 1975 earnings and the indicator for
positive 1975 earnings a r e different in the two g roups, separately for individuals with zero and
positive 197 4 earnings. The null is rejected, casting doubt on the unconfoundedness assumption
(together with the approach for controlling for covariates, in this case subclassification).
Table 4: Lagged Earnings as a Pseudo-Outcome in the Lalonde Data
earnings 1975: -0.90 (0.33) 0.006
chi-squared test 53.8 (dof=4) < 0.001
3.1.2 Covariates in Regression Discontinuity Analyses
As a second example, consider a regression discontinuity design. Covariates typically play only a
minor role in the primar y analyses there, although they can improve precision (Imbens a nd Lemieux
[2008], Calonico et al. [2014a,b]). The reason is that in most applications of regression discon-
tinuity designs, the covariates are uncorrelated with the treatment conditional o n the forcing
variable being close to the threshold. As a result, they are not required for eliminating bias.
However, these exogenous covariates can play an impor t ant role in assessing the plausibility
of the design. According to the identification strategy, they should be uncorrelated with the
treatment when the forcing variable is close to the threshold. However, there is nothing in the
data that guarantees that t his holds. We can therefore test this conditiona l independence, for
example by using a covariate as the pseudo outcome in a regression discontinuity analysis. If
we were to find that the conditional expectation of one of the covariates is discontinuous at
the threshold, it would cast doubt on the identification strategy. Note that formally, we do
not need this conditional independence to hold, and if it were to fail one might be tempted
to simply adjust for it in a regression analysis. However, the presence of such a discontinuity
may be difficult to explain in a regression discontinuity design, and adjusted estimates would
therefore not have much credibility. The discontinuity might be interpreted as evidence for an
unobserved confounder whose distribution changes at the boundary, one which might also be
correlated with the outcome of interest.
Let us illustrate this with the L ee election data (Lee [2008]). Lee [2008] is interested in
estimating the effect of incumbency on electoral outcomes. The t reatment is a Democrat win-
ning a congressional election, and the forcing variable is the Democratic vote share minus t he
Republication vote share in the current election. We look at an indicator f or winning the next
election as the outcome. As a pretreatment variable, we consider an indicator for winning the
previous election to the one that defines the forcing variable. Table 5 presents the r esults, based
on the Imbens-Kalyanaraman bandwidth, where we use local linear regression (weighted with a
triangular kernel to account for boundary issues). The estimates for the actual outcome (win-
Table 5: Winning a Previous Election as a Pseudo-Outcome in Election Data
Democrat Winning Next Election 0.43 (0.03) 0.26
Democrat Winning Previous Election 0.03 (0.03) 0.19
ning the next election) are substantially larger than those for the pseudo outcome (winning the
previous election), where we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the effect on the pseudo
outcome is zero.
3.1.3 Multiple Control Groups
Another example of the use of placebo regressions is Rosenbaum et al. [1987] (see also Heckman and Hotz
[1989], Imbens and Rubin [20 15]). Rosenbaum et al. [1987] is interested in the causal effect of a
binary treatment and focuses on a setting with multiple comparison groups. There is no strong
reason to believe that one of the comparison groups is superior to another. Rosenbaum et al.
[1987] proposes testing equality of the average outcomes in t he two comparison groups after
adjusting for pretreatment variables. If one finds that there a r e substantial differences left after
such adjustments, it shows that at least one of the comparison groups is not valid, which makes
the use of either of them less credible. In applications to evaluations of labor market programs
one might implement such methods by comparing individuals who are eligible but choose not to
participate, to individuals who are not eligible. The biases from evaluat ions based on the first
control group might correspond to differences in motivation, whereas evaluations based on the
second control group could be biased because of direct associations between eligibility criteria
and o utcomes.
Note that one can also exploit the presence of multiple control groups by comparing esti-
mates of the actual treatment effect based on one comparison group to that based on a second
comparison group. Although this approach seems appealing at first glance, it is in fact less
effective than direct comparisons of the two comparison groups because comparing treatment
effect estimates involves the data f or the treatment group, whose outcomes are not relevant for
the hypothesis at hand.
3.2 Robustness and Sensitivity
Another form of supplementary analyses focuses on sensitivity and robustness measures. The
classical f r equentist statistical paradigm suggests that a researcher specifies a single statistical
model. The researcher t hen estimates this model on the data, and report s estimates and standard
errors. The standard errors and the corresponding confidence intervals are valid given under
the assumption that the model is correctly specified, a nd estimated only once. This is of course
far from common practice, as pointed out, for example, in Leamer [1978, 1983]. In practice
researcher consider many specifications and perform various specification tests before settling
on a preferred model. No t all the intermediate estimation results and tests are reported.
A common pr actice in modern empirical wo r k is to present in the final pap er estimates of the
preferred specification of the model, in combination with assessments of the robustness of the
findings from this preferred specification. These alternative specifications are not intended to be
interpreted as statistical tests of the validity of the preferred model, rather they are intended to
convey tha t the substantive results of the preferred specification are not sensitive to some of the
choices in that specification. These alternative specifications may involve different functional
forms of t he regression function, or different ways of controlling for differences in subpopulations.
Recent ly t here has been some work trying to make these efforts at assessing robustness more
Athey a nd Imbens [2015] propose an approach to this problem. We can illustrate the ap-
proach in the context of regression analyses, although it can also be applied to mor e complex
nonlinear o r structural models. In the regression context, suppose that the object of interest is
a particular regression coefficient that has an interpretation as a causal effect. For example, in
the preferred specification
, Z
] = β
+ β
· W
+ β
the interest may be in β
, the coefficient on W
. They then suggest considering a set of different
specifications based on splitting the sample into two subsamples, with X
{0, 1} denoting the
subsample, and in each case estimating
, Z
, Z
= z] = β
+ β
W x
· W
+ β
The original causal effect is then estimated as
X ·
W 1
+ (1 X) ·
W 0
. If the original
model is correct, the augmented model still leads to a consistent estimator for the estimand.
Athey a nd Imbens [2015] suggest splitting the original sample once for each of the elements of the
original covariate vector Z
, and splitting at a threshold that opt imizes fit by minimizing the sum
of squared residuals. Note t hat the focus is not on finding an alternative specification that may
provide a better fit; rather, it is on assessing whether the estimate in the original specification
is ro bust to a range of alternative specifications. They suggest reporting the standard deviation
of the
over the set of sample splits, rather than the full set of estimates for all sample splits.
This approach has some weaknesses, however. For example, adding irrelevant covariates to the
procedure might decrease the standard deviation of estimates. If there are many covariates,
some form of dimensionality reduction may be appropriate prior to estimating the robustness
measure. Refinements and improvements on this approach is an interesting direction for future
Another place where it is natural to assess robustness is in estimation of average treatment
effects E[Y
(1) Y
(0)] under unconfoundedness or selection on observables,
(0), Y
The theoretical literature has developed many estimators in the setting with unconfoundedness.
Some rely on estimating the conditional mean, E[Y
, W
], some rely on estimating the propen-
sity score E[W
], while others rely on matching on the covariates or the propensity score. See
Imbens and Wooldridge [2009] for a review of this literature. We believe that researchers should
not rely on a single method, but report estimates estimation based on a variety of methods to
assess robustness.
Arkhangelskiy and Drynkin [2016] studies sensitivity of the estimates of the parameters of
interest to misspecification of the model governing the nuisance parameters. Another way
to assess robustness is to use the partial indentification or bounds literature originat ing with
Manski [1990]. See Ta mer [2010] for a recent review. In combination with reporting estimates
based on the preferred specification that may lead to point identification, it may be useful to
combine that with repor t ing ranges based substantially weaker assumptions. Coming at the
same problem a s the bounds approach, but from the opposite direction, Rosenba um and Rubin
[1983b], Rosenbaum [2002] suggest sensitivity analyses. Here the idea is to start with a re-
strictive specification, and to assess the cha nges in the estimates that result from small to
modest relaxations of the key identifying assumptions such as unconfoundedness. In the con-
text Rosenbaum and Rubin [1983 b] consider, that of estimating average treatment effects under
selection on observables, they allow for the presence of an unobserved covariate that should
have been adjusted for in order to estimate the average effect of interest. They explore how
strong the correlation between this unobserved covariate and the treatment and the correlation
between the unobserved covariate a nd the po t ential outcomes would have to be in order the
substant ially change the estimate for the average effect of interest. A challenge is how to make a
case that a particular correlation is substantial or not. Imbens [2003] builds on the Rosenbaum
and R ubin approach by developing a data-driven way to obtain a set of correlations between
the unobserved covariates and treatment and outcome. Specifically he suggests relating the
explanatory power of the unobserved covariate to that of the observed covariates in order to
calibrate the magnitude of the effects of the unobserved components.
Altonji et al. [2008] and Oster [2015] focus on the correlation between the unobserved com-
ponent in the relation between the outcome and the treatment and observed covariates, and the
unobserved component in the relation between the treatment and the observed covariates. In
the absence of functional f orm assumptions this correlation is not identified. Altonji et al. [2 008]
and Oster [201 5] therefore explore the sensitivity to fixed values for this correlation, ranging from
the case where the correlation is zero (and the treatment is exogenous), to an upper limit, chosen
to match the correlation found between the observed covariates in the two regression functions.
Oster [2015] takes this further by developing estimators based on this equality. What makes
this approa ch very useful is t hat for a general set of models it provides the researcher with a
systematic way of doing the sensitivity analyses that are routinely, but often in an unsystematic
way, done in empirical wo r k.
3.3 Identification and Sensitivity
Gentzkow a nd Shapiro [2015] t ake a different approach to sensitivity. They propose a method
for highlighting what statistical relationships in a dataset are most closely related to parameters
of interest. Intuitively, the idea is that covariation between particular sets of variables may deter-
mine the magnitude of model estimates. To operationalize this, they investigate in the context
of a given model, how the key parameters relate to a set of summary statistics. These summary
statistics would typically include easily interpretable functions of the data such as correlations
between subsets of varia bles. Under mild conditions, the joint distribution of the model param-
eters and the summary stat istics should be jointly norma l in large samples. If the summary
statistics are in fact asymptotically sufficient for the model pa rameters, the joint distribution
of the parameter estimates and the summary statistics will be degenerate. Mor e typically the
joint normal distribution will have a covariance matrix with full rank. Gentzkow and Shapiro
[2015] discuss how to interpret the covariance matrix in t erms of sensitivity of model parameters
to model specification. Gentzkow and Shapiro [2015] focus on the derivative of the conditional
exp ectation of the model parameters with respect to the summary statistics to assess how impor-
tant particular summary statistics are for determining the parameters of interest. More broadly,
their approach is related to proposals by Conley et al. [2012], Chetty [2009] in different settings.
3.4 Supplementary Analyses in Regression Discontinuity Designs
One of the most interesting supplementary a nalyses is the McCrary test in regression discont i-
nuity designs (McCrary [2008], Otsu et al. [2013]). What makes this analysis particularly inter-
esting is t he conceptual distance between the primary analysis and the supplementary analysis.
The McCrary test assesses whether t here is a discontinuity in the density of the forcing variable
at the threshold. If the forcing va r iable is denoted by X
, with density f
(·), and the threshold
c, the null hypothesis underlying the McCrary test is
: lim
(x) = lim
with the alternative hypothesis that there is a discontinuity in the density of the forcing variable
at the threshold. In a conventional analysis, it is unusual that the marginal distribution of a
variable that is assumed to be exogenous is o f any interest to the researcher: often the entire
analysis is conducted conditional on such regressors.
Why is this marginal distribution of interest in this setting? The reason is that the identi-
fication strategy underlying regression discontinuity designs relies on the assumption that units
just t o the left and just to the right of the threshold are comparable. The assumption underling
regression discont inuity designs is that it was as good as random on which side of the threshold
the units were placed, and implicitly, tha t there is nothing special about t he threshold in that
regard. That ar gument is difficult to reconcile with the finding that there are substantially
more units just to the left t han just to the right of the threshold. Ag ain, even though such an
imbalance is easy to take into account in the estimation, it is t he very presence of the imba lance
that casts doubt on the entire approach. In many cases where one would find such an imbal-
ance it would suggest that the forcing var iable is not a characteristic exogenously assigned to
individuals, rather that it is something that is manipulated by someone with knowledge o f the
importance of the va lue of the forcing variable for the treatment assignment.
The classic example is that of an educational regression discontinuity design where the forcing
variable is a test score. If the teacher or individual grading t he test is aware of the importance
of exceeding the threshold, they may assign scores differently than if there were not aware of
this. If there was such manipulation of the score, there would likely be a discontinuity in the
density of the forcing variable at the threshold: there would be no reason to change the grade
for an individual scoring just above the threshold.
Let us return to the L ee election data to illustrate this. For these data the estimated
difference in the density at the threshold is 0.10 (with the level of the density around 0.90), with
a standard error of 0.08, showing there is litt le evidence of a discontinuity in t he density at the
4 Machine Learning and Econometrics
In recent years there have been substantial advances in flexible methods for a nalyzing data in
computer science and statistics, a literature that is commonly referred to as the “machine learn-
ing” literature. These methods have made only limited inroads into the economics lit era t ur e,
although interest has increased substantially very recently. There are two broad categories of
machine learning, supervised” and “unsupervised” learning. “Unsupervised learning” focuses
on methods f or finding patterns in data, such as groups o f similar items. In the parlance of this
review, it focuses on reducing the dimensionality of covariates in the absence of outcome data.
Such models have been applied to problems like clustering images or videos, or putting text
document s into groups of similar documents. Unsupervised learning can be used as a first step
in a more complex model. For example, instead of including as covariates indicator variables
for whether a unit (a document) contains each of a very large set of words in the English lan-
guage, unsupervised learning can be used to put documents into groups, and then subsequent
models could use as covariates indicato r s for whether a document belongs to one of t he groups.
The number of groups might be much smaller than the number of words that appears in all of
the documents, and so unsupervised learning is a method to reduce the dimensionality of the
covariate space. We do no t discuss unsup ervised learning further here, beyond simply noting
that the method can potentially be quite useful in a pplicatio ns involving text, images, or other
very high-dimensional data, even though they have not had too much use in the economics
literature so far (for an exception, see Athey et al. [2016d] f or an example where unsupervised
learning is used to put newspaper articles into topics). The unsupervised learning literature
does have some connections with the statistics literature, for example, for estimating mixture
distributions; principal-components a na lysis is another method that has been used in the social
sciences historically, and that falls under the umbrella of unsupervised learning.
“Supervised” machine learning focuses primarily on prediction problems: given a “training
dataset” with data on an outcome Y
, which could be discrete or continuous, and some covariates
, the goal is to estimate a model for predicting outcomes in a new dataset (a “test” dataset)
as a function of X
. The typical assumption in these methods is that the joint distribution of X
and Y
is the same in the training and the test data. Note that this differs from the goal of causal
inference in observational studies, where we observe data on outcomes and a treatment variable
, and we wish to draw inferences about potential outcomes. Implicitly, causal inference ha s
the goal of predicting outcomes for a (hypo t hetical, or counterfactual) test dataset where, for
example, the treatment is set to 1 for all units. Letting Y
= Y
), by construction, the
joint distribution of W
and Y
in the training data is different than what it would be in a test
dataset where W
= 1 for all units. Kleinberg et al. [2015] argue that many important policy
problems are fundamentally prediction problems; see also the review article in this volume. In
this review, we focus primarily on problems of causal inference, showing how supervised machine
learning methods can be used to improve the performance of causal analysis, particularly in cases
with many covariates.
We also highlight a number of differences in focus between the supervised machine learning
literature and the econometrics literature on nonparametric regression. A leading difference is
that the supervised machine learning literature focuses on how well a prediction model does in
minimizing the mean-squared error of prediction in an independent test set, often without much
attention to the asymptotic properties o f the estimator. The focus on minimizing mean-squared
error on a new sample implies that predictions will make a bias-variance tradeoff; successful
methods allow for bias in estimators (for example, by dampening model parameters t owar ds
the mean) in order to reduce the variance of the estimator. Thus, predictions from machine
learning methods are not typically unbiased, and estimators may not be asymptotically normal
and centered around the estimand. Indeed, the machine learning literature places much less
(if any) emphasis on asymptotic normality, and when theoretical properties are analyzed, they
often take the f orms of worst-case bounds on risk criteria.
A closely related difference between many (but not all) econometric approaches and super-
vised machine learning is that many supervised machine learning methods rely on data-driven
model selection, most commonly through cross-validation, to choose “tuning” parameters. Tun-
ing pa r ameters may take the form o f a penalty for model complexity, or in the case of a kernel
regression, a bandwidth. Fo r the sup ervised learning methods typically the sample is split into
two samples, a training sample and a test sample, where for example the test sample might have
10% of observations. The training sample is itself partitioned into a number of subsamples,
or cross-validation samples, say m = 1, .., M, where commonly M = 10. For each subsample
m = 1, . . . , M, the cross-valida t ion sample m is set aside. The remainder of the training sample
is used for estimation. The estimation results are then used to predict outcomes fo r the left-out
subsample m. The sum of squared residuals for these M subsamples sample are added up. Keep-
ing fixed the partition, the process is repeated for many different values of a tuning parameter.
The final choice of tuning parameter is the one t hat minimizes the sum of the squared residuals
in the cross-validation samples. Cross-validation has been used for kernel regressions within the
econometrics literature; in that literature, the convention is often to set M equal to the size
of the training sample minus o ne; that is, r esearchers often do leave-o ne- out” cross-validation.
In the machine learning literature, the sample sizes are often much larger and estimation may
be more complex, so that the computational burden of leave-one-out may be too high. Thus,
the convention is to use 10 cross-validation samples. Finally, after the model is “tuned” (that
is, the tuning parameter is selected), the researcher re-estimates the mo del using the chosen
tuning parameter and the entire training dataset. Ultimate model performance is assessed by
calculating the mean-squared error of model predictions (that is, the sum of squared residuals)
on the held-out test sample, which was not used at all for model estimation or tuning. This
final step is uncommon in the traditional econometrics literature, where the emphasis is more
on efficient estimation and asymptotic properties.
One way to think about cross-validation is that it is tuning the model to best achieve its
ultimate goal, which is prediction quality on a new, independent test set. Since at the time
of estimation, t he test set is by definition not available, cross-validation mimics the process of
finding a tuning parameter which maximizes goodness of fit on independent samples, since for
each m, a mo del is trained on one sample and evaluated on an independent sample (sample m).
The complement of m in the training sample is smaller than the ultimate training sample will
be, but otherwise cross-validatio n mimics the ultimate exercise. When the tuning parameter
represents model complexity, cross-validation can b e thought of as optimizing model complexity
to balance bias and variance for t he estimator. A complex model will fit very well on the sample
used to estimate the model (good in-sample fit), but possibly at the cost of fitting poorly on
a new sample. For example, a linear r egr ession with as many parameters as observat ions fits
perfectly in-sample, but may do very poorly on a new sample, due to what is referred to as
The fact that model performance (in the sense of predictive accuracy on a test set) can be
directly measured makes it possible to meaningfully compare predictive models, even when their
asymptotic properties are not understood. It is perhaps not surprising that enormous progress
has been ma de in the machine learning literature in terms of developing models that do well
(according to the stated criteria) in real-world datasets. Here, we briefly review some of the
supervised machine learning methods that are most popular and also most useful for causal
inference, and relate them to methods traditionally used in the economics and econometrics
literatures. We then describe some of the recent literature combining machine learning and
econometrics for causal inference.
4.1 Prediction Problems
The first problem we discuss is that of nonparametric estimation of regression functions. The
setting is one where we have observation for a number of units on an outcome, denoted by Y
unit i, and a vector of features, covariates, exogenous variables, regressors or predictor variables,
denoted by X
. The dimension of X
may be lar ge, both relative to the number o f units and in
absolute terms. The target is the conditional expectatio n
g(x) = E[Y
= x].
Fo r this setting, the traditional methods in econometrics are based on kernel regression or
nearest neighbor methods (H¨ardle [1990], Wasserman [2007]). In “K-nearest-neighbor” or KNN
methods, ˆg(x) is the sample average of the K nearest observations to x in Euclidean distance.
K is a tuning pa r ameter; when applied in the supervised machine learning literature, K might
be chosen through cross-validation to minimize mean-squared error on independent test sets. In
economics, where bias-reduction is oft en paramount, it is more common to use a small number
for K. Kernel regression is similar, but a weighting function is used to weight observations
nearby to x more heavily than those far away. Formally, the kernel regression the estimator
ˆg(x) has the form
ˆg(x) =
· K
for some kernel function K(·), sometimes a nor ma l kernel K(x) = exp(x
/2), or bounded
kernel such as the uniform kernel K(x) = 1
. The properties of such kernel estimators are
well established, and known to be poor when the dimension of X
is high. To see why, note that
with many covariates, the nearest observations across a large number of dimensions may not be
particularly close in any given dimension.
Other a lt ernat ives fo r nonparametric regression include series regression where g(x) is ap-
proximated by the sum of a set of basis functions, g(x) =
· h
(x), for example polyno-
mial basis f unctions, h
(x) = x
(although the polynomial basis is rarely an attractive choice
in practice). These methods do have well established properties (Newey and McFadden [199 4]),
including asymptotic normality, but they do not work well in high-dimensional cases.
4.1.1 Penalized Regression
One of the most important methods in the supervised machine learning literature is the class
of penalized regression models, where one of the most popular members of this class is LASSO
(Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, Tibshirani [199 6], Hastie et al. [2009, 2015]).
This estimator imp oses a linear model for outcomes as a function of covariates and attempts to
minimize an objective that includes the sum of square residuals as in ordinary least squares, but
also adds on an a dditional term penalizing the magnitude of regression parameters. Fo rmally,
the objective function for these penalized regression models, after demeaning the covariates and
outcome, and standardizing the variance of the covariates, can be written as
· X
+ λ · kβk , (4.1)
where k·k is a general norm. The standard practice is to select the tuning parameter λ through
cross-validation. To interpret this, note that if we t ake λ = 0, we are back in the least squares
world, and obtain the ordinary least squares estimator. However, the ordinary least squares
estimator is not unique if there are more regressors than units, K > N. Positive values fo r λ
regularize this problem, so that the solution to the LASSO minimization problem is well defined
even if K > N. With a positive value for λ, there are a number of interesting choices fo r t he
norm. A key feature is that for some choices of the norm, the algorithm leads to some of the
to be exactly zero, leading to a sparse model. For example, the L
norm kβk =
leads to optimal subset selection: the estimator selects some of the β
to be exactly zero, and
estimates the remainder by o rdinary least squares. Another interesting choice is the L
kβk =
, which leads to ridge regression: all β
are shrunk smoothly towards zero, but
none are set equal to zero. In that case there is a very close connection to Bayesian estimation.
If we specify the prior distribution on the β
to be Gaussian centered at zero, with variance equal
to λ, the estimator for β is equal to the posterior mean. Perhaps the most important case is
kβk =
|. In that case some of the β
will be estimated to be exactly equal to zero, and
the remainder will be shrunk towards zero. This is the LASSO (Tibshirani [1996], Hastie et al.
[2009, 2 015]). The value of the tuning par ameter λ is typically choosen by cross-validation.
Consider the choice between LASSO and ridge regression. From a Bayesian perspective,
both can be interpreted a s putting independent prior distributions on all the β
, with in one
case the prior distributions being normal and in the other case the prior distributions being
Laplace. There appears to be little reason to favor one rather than the ot her conceptually.
Tibshirani [1996] in the o riginal LASSO paper discusses scenarios where LASSO performs better
(many of the β
equal or very close to zero, and a few that are large), and some where ridge
regression perfo rms better (all β
small, but not equal to zero). The more important difference
is that LASSO leads to a sparse model. This can make it easier to interpret and discuss
the estimated model, even if it does not perform any better in terms of prediction than ridge
regression. Researchers should ask themselves whether the sparsity is important in their actual
application. If the model is simply used for prediction, this feature of LASSO may not be of
intrinsic importance. Computationally effective algorithms have been developed that allow for
the calculation of the LASSO estimates in large samples with many regressors.
One important extension that has become popular is to combine the ridge penalty term that
is proport ional to (
) with the LASSO penalty term that is proportional to
in what is called an elastic net (Hastie et al. [2009, 2015]). There are also many extensions of
the basic L ASSO methods, allowing for nonlinear regression (e.g., logistic regression models) as
well a s selection of groups of parameters, see Hastie et al. [2009, 2015].
Stepping back from the details of the choice of norm for penalized regression, one might
consider why the penalty term is needed at all outside the case where there a r e more covariates
than observations. For smaller values of K, we can return to the question of what the goal
is of the estimation procedure. Ordinary least squares is unbiased; it also minimizes the sum
of squared residuals for a given sample of data. That is, it focuses on in-sample goodness-
of-fit. One can think of the term involving the penalty in (4.1) as taking into account the
“over-fitting” error, which corresponds to the expected difference between in-sample goodness
of fit and out-of-sample goodness of fit. Once covariates ar e normalized, the magnitude of β
is roughly proportional to the potential of the model to over-fit. Although the gap between
in-sample and out-of-sample fit is by definition unobserved at the time t he model is estimated,
when λ is chosen by cross-valida t ion, its value is chosen to balance in-sample and out-of-sample
prediction in a way that minimizes mean- squared error on an independent data set.
Unlike many supervised machine learning methods, there is a large literat ure on the formal
asymptotic properties of the LASSO; t his may make the LASSO more attractive as an empirical
method in economics. Under some conditions standard least squares confidence intervals based
ingoring the variable selection feature of the LASSO are valid. The key condition is that the
true value for many of the regressors is in fact exactly equal to zero, with the number of non-zero
parameter values increasing very slowly with the sample size. See Hastie et al. [2009, 2015]. This
condition is of course unlikely to hold exactly in applications. LASSO is doing data-driven model
selection, and ignoring the model selection for inference as suggested by the theorems based on
these sparsity assumptions may lead to substant ial under-coverage for confidence intervals in
practice. In addition, it is important to recognize that regular ized regression models reward
parsimony: if there are several correlated variables, LASSO will prefer to put more weight on
one and drop the others. Thus, individual co efficients should be interpreted with caution in
moderate sample sizes or when sparsity is not known to hold.
4.1.2 Regression Trees
Another important class of methods fo r prediction that is only now beginning to make inroads
into the economics literature is regression trees and its generalizations. The classic reference for
regression trees is Breiman et al. [1984]. Given sample with N units and a set of regressors X
the idea is to sequentially partitio n the covariate space into subspaces in a way that reduces the
sum of squared residuals as much as possible. Suppose, for example, that we have two covariates
and X
. Initially the sum of squared residuals is
Y )
. We can split the sample by
< c versus X
c, or we can split it by X
< c versus X
c. We lo ok for the split (either
splitting by X
or by X
, and the choice of c) that minimizes the sum of squared residuals.
After the first split we look at the two subsets (the two leaves of the tree), and we consider the
next split for each of the two subsets. At each stage there will be a split (typically unique) that
reduces the sum of squared residuals the most. In the simplest version of a regression tree we
would stop once the reduction in the sum of squared residuals is below some threshold. We can
think of this as adding a penalty term to the sum o f squared residuals that is proportional to
the number of leaves. A more sophisticated version of the regression trees first builds (grows) a
large tree, and then prunes leaves that have little impact on the sum of squared residuals. This
avoids the problem that a simple regression tree may miss splits that would lead to subsequent
profitable splits if the init ial split did not improve the sum of squared residuals sufficiently. In
both cases a key tuning pa r ameter is the penalty term on the number of leaves. The standard
approach in the literature is to choose that through crossvalidation, similar to that discussed in
the LASSO section.
There is relatively little asymptotic theory on the pr operties of regression trees. Even estab-
lishing consistency for the simple version of the regression tree, let alone inferential results that
would allow for the construction of confidence intervals is not straightforward. A key problem
in establishing such properties is that the estimated regression function is a non-smooth step
We can compare regression trees to common practices in applied work of capturing nonlin-
earities in a variable by discretizing the variable, for example, by dividing it into deciles. The
regression tree uses the data to determine the appropriate “buckets” for discretization, thus po-
tentially capturing the underlying nonlinearities with a more parsimonious form. On the other
hand, the regression tree has difficulty when the underlying functional form is truly linear.
Regression trees are generally dominated by other, more continuous models when the only
goal is prediction. Regression trees are used in practice due to their simplicity and interpretabil-
ity. Within a partition, the prediction f r om a regression tree is simply a sample mean. Simply
by inspecting the tree (that is, describing the partition), it is straightforward to understand why
a particular observation received t he prediction it did.
4.1.3 Random Forests
Random forests are one of the most popular supervised machine learning methods, known for
their reliable “out-of-the-box perfor ma nce that does not require a lo t of model tuning. They
perform well in prediction contests; for example, in a recent economics paper (Glaeser et al.
[2016]) on crowd-sourcing predictive algorithms for city governments through contests, the win-
ning a lgorithm was a random forest.
One way to think about random forests is that they are are an example of model averaging.”
The prediction of a random forest is constructed as the average of hundreds or thousands of
distinct regression trees. The regression trees differ from one another for several reasons. First,
each tree is constructed on a distinct training sample, where the samples are selected by either
bootstrapping or subsampling. Second, at each potential split in constructing the tree, the
algorithm considers a random subset of covariates as potential variables for splitting. Finally,
each individual tree is not pruned, but typically is “fully grown” up to some minimum leaf size.
By averaging distinct predictive trees, the discontinuities of regression trees are smoothed o ut,
and each unit receives a fully personalized prediction.
Although the details of the construction of ra ndo m forests are complex and look quite dif-
ferent than standard econometric methods, [Wager and Athey, 2015] argue that random forests
are closely related to other non-parameteric methods such as k-nearest-neighbor algorithms and
kernel regression. The prediction for each point is a weighted average of nearby points, since
each underlying regression tree makes a prediction based on a simple average of nearby points,
equally weighted. The main conceptual difference between random forests and the simplest ver-
sions of nearest neighbor and kernel algorit hms is that there is a data-driven approach to select
which covariates a r e important for determining what da ta points are “nearby” a given point.
However, using the data to select the model also comes at a cost, in t hat the predictions of the
random forest are asymptotically bias-dominated.
Recent ly, Wager and Athey [2015] develop a modification of the random forest where the
predictions are asymptotically nor mal and centered around the true conditiona l expectation
function, and also propose a consistent estimator for the asymptotic variance, so that confidence
intervals can be constructed. The most import ant deviation from the standard random forest is
that two subsamples are used to construct each regression tree, one to construct the partition of
the covariate space, and a second to estimate the sample mean in each leaf . This sample splitting
approach ensures that the estimates from each component tree in the fo r est are unbiased, so that
the predictions of the forest are no longer asymptotically bias-dominated. Although asymptotic
normality may not be crucial for pure prediction problems, when the random forest is used as
a component of estimation of causal effects, such properties play a mo re important role, as we
show below.
4.1.4 Boosting
A general way to improve simple machine learning methods is boosting. We discuss this in the
context of regression trees, but its application is not limited to such settings. Consider a very
simple algor it hm f or estimating a conditional mean, say a tree with only two leaves. That is, we
only split the sample once, irrespective of the number of units or the number of features. This
is unlikely to lead to a very good predictor. The idea behind boo sting is to repeatedly apply
this naive method. After the first application we calculate the residuals. We then a pply the
same method to the residuals instead of the original outcomes. That is, we again look for the
sample split that leads to the biggest reduction in the sum of squared residuals. We can repeat
this many times, each time applying the simple single split regression tree to the residuals from
the previous stage.
If we apply this simple learner ma ny times, we can approximate the regression function in a
fairly flexible way. However, this does not lead to an accurate approximation for all regression
functions. By limiting ourselves to a naive learner that is a single split regression tree we can only
approximate additive regression functions, where the regression function is the sum of functions
of one of the regressors at a time. If we want to allow for interactions between pairs of the basic
regressors we need to start with a simple learner that allows for two splits rather than one.
4.1.5 Super Learners and Ensemble methods
One theme in the supervised machine learning literature is that model averaging often performs
very well; many contests such as those held by Kagg le are won by algorithms that average many
models. Random forests use a type of model averaging, but all of the models that are averaged
are in the same family. In practice, performance can be better when many different types of
models are averaged. The idea of Super Learners in Van der Laan et al. [2007] is to use model
performance to construct weights, so that better performing models receive more weight in the
4.2 Machine Learning Methods for Average Causal Effects
There is a large literature on estimating treatment effects in settings with selection on observ-
ables, or unconfoundedness. This literature has largely focused on the case with a fixed and
modest number of covariates. In practice, in order to make the critical assumptions more plausi-
ble, the number of pretreatment variables may be substantial. In recent years, researchers have
introduced machine learning methods into this literature to a ccount for the presence of many
covariates. In many cases, the newly proposed estimators closely mimic estimators developed
in the literature with a fixed number of covariates. From a conceptual perspective, being able
to flexibly control for a large number of covariates may make an estimation strategy much more
convincing, particularly if the identificatio n assumptions are only plausible once a large number
of confounding variables have been controlled for.
4.2.1 Propensity Score Methods
One strand of the literatur e has focused on estimators that directly involve the propensity score,
either through weighting or matching. Such methods had been shown in the fixed number of
covariates case to lead to semiparametrically efficient estimators for the average treatment effect,
e.g., Hahn [1 998], Hirano et al. [2001]. The specific implementations in those papers, relying on
kernel or series estimation of t he propensity score, would be unlikely to work in settings with
many covariates.
In order to deal with ma ny covariates, researchers have proposed estimating the propensity
score using random for ests, b oosting, or LASSO, and then use weights based on those esti-
mates following the usual approaches from the existing literature (e.g., McCaffrey et al. [2004],
Wyss et al. [2014]). One concern with these methods is that even in settings with few covari-
ates t he weighting and propensity matching methods have been found to be sensitive to the
implementat ion of the propensity score estimation. Minor changes in the specification, e.g.
using logit models versus probit models, can change the weights substantially for units with
propensity score values close to zero or one, and thus lead to estimators that lack robustness.
Although the modern nonparametric methods may improve the robustness somewhat compared
to previous methods, t he variability in the weights is not likely to improve with the presence of
many covariates. Thus, procedures such as “trimming” the data to eliminate extreme values of
the estimated propensity score (thus changing the estimand as in [Crump et al., 2009]) remain
4.2.2 Regularized Regression Methods
Belloni et al. [2014a,b, 2013] focus on regression estimators fo r average treatment effects. For
ease of exposition, suppo se one is interested in the average effect for the treated, and so the
problem is to estimate E[Y (0)|W
= 1]. Under unconfoundedness this is equal to E[E[Y
0, X
= 1]. Suppose we model E[Y
= x, W
= 0] as x
. Belloni et a l. [2 014a] point
out that estimating β
using lasso leads to estimators for average treatment effects with poor
properties. Their insight is that the objective function for LASSO (which is purely based on
predicting outcomes) leads the LASSO to select covariates that are highly correlated with the
outcome; but the objective fails to prioritize covariates that are highly correlated with the treat-
ment but only weakly correlat ed with outcomes. Such variables ar e po t ential confounders for the
average treatment effect, and omitting them leads to bias, even if they a r e not very important
for predicting unit-level outcomes. This highlights a g eneral issue with int erpreting individual
coefficients in a L ASSO: because the LASSO objective focuses on prediction of outcomes rather
than unbiased estimation, individual parameter estimates should be interpreted with caution.
LASSO penalizes the inclusion of covariates, and some will be omitted in general; LASSO will
favor a more parsimonious functional form, where if two covariates are correlated, only one will
be included, and its parameter estimate will reflect the effects of both the included and omitted
variables. Thus, in general LASSO coefficients should not be given a causal interpretation.
Belloni et al. [2013] propose a modification of the LASSO that addresses these concerns and
restores the ability of LASSO to produce valid causal estimates. They propose a do uble selection
procedure, where they use LASSO first to select covariates that are correlated with the outcome,
and t hen again t o select covariates that are correlated with the treatment. In a final ordinary
least squares regression they include the union of the two sets of covariates, greatly improving
the properties of the estimators for the average treatment effect. This approach accounts for
omitted variable bias that would otherwise appear in a standard LASSO. Belloni et a l. [2014 b]
illustrate the magnitude of the bias that can occur in real-world datasets from failing t o account
for this issue. More broadly, these papers highlight the distinction between predictive modeling
and estimation of causal effects.
4.2.3 Balancing and Regression
An alternative line of research has focused on finding weights that directly balance covariates
or functions of the covariates between treatment and control groups, so that once the data has
been re-weighted, it mimics more closely a randomized experiment. In the earlier literature
with few covariates, this approach has been developed in Hainmueller [2012], Graham et al.
[2012, 2016]. More recently these ideas have also been applied to the many covariates case in
Zubizarreta [2015], Imai and Ratkovic [2014]. Athey et al. [2016c] develop an estimator that
combines the balancing with regression adjustment, in the spirit of the double robust estimators
proposed by Robins and Rotnitzky [1995], Robins et al. [1995], Kang and Schafer [2 007]. The
idea is that, in o rder to predict the counterfactual outcomes that the treatment gr oup would have
had in the absence of the treatment, it is necessary to extrapolate from control observations. By
rebalancing the data, the amount of extrapolat ion required to account for differences between
the two groups is reduced. To capture remaining differences, regularized regression can be used
to model outcomes in the absence of the treatment.
The g eneral form o f the Athey et al. [2016c] estimator for the expected control outcome for
the treated, that is, µ
= E[Y
= 1] = E[Y
= x, W
= 0], is
They suggest estimating
using LASSO or elastic net, in a regression of Y
on X
using the
control units. They suggest choosing the weights γ
as the solutio n to
γ = arg min
(1 ζ) kγk
+ ζ
subject to
= 1, γ
This objective function balances the bias coming from imbalance between the covariates in the
treated subsample and the weighted contr ol subsample and the variance from having excessively
variable weights. They suggest using ζ = 1 /2. Unlike methods that r ely on directly estimating
the treatment assignment process (e.g. the propensity score), the method controls bias even
when the process determining treatment assignment cannot be represented with a sparse model.
4.3 Heterogenous Causal Effects
A different problem is that of estimating the average effects of the treatment for each value
of the features, that is, the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) τ(x) = E[Y
= x]. This problem is highly relevant as a step towards assigning units to optimal
treatments. If all costs and benefits of the treatment are incorporated in t he measured outcomes,
understanding the set of covariates where CATE is positive all that matters for determining
treatment assignment; in contrast, if the policy might be applied in different settings with
additional costs or benefits that might be different than those in the training data, or if the
analyst wants to a lso gain insight about treatment effect heterogeneity,
The concern is that searching over many covariates and subsets of the covariate space may
lead to spurious findings of treatment effect differences. Indeed, in medicine (e.g. for clinical
trials), pre-analysis plans must be registered in advance to avoid the problem that researchers
will be tempted to search for heterogeneity, and may instead end up with spurious findings.
This problem is more severe when there are many covariates.
4.3.1 Multiple Hypothesis Testing
One approach to this problem is to exhaustively search for t r eat ment effect heterogeneity and
then correct for issues of multiple testing. By multiple testing, we mean the problem that ar ises
when a researcher considers a large number of statistical hypotheses, but analyzes them as if
only one had been considered. This can lead to “false discovery,” since across many hyp othesis
tests, we expect some to be rejected even if the null hypothesis is true.
To address this problem, List et al. [2016] propose to discretize each covariate, and then loop
through the covariates, testing whether the treatment effect is different when the covariate is low
versus high. Since the number of covariates may be large, standard approaches to correcting
for multiple testing may severely limit the power of a (corrected) test to find heterogeneity.
List et al. [2016 ] propose an approach based on bootstrapping that accounts for correlation
among test statistics; this approach can provide substantial improvements over standard multiple
testing approaches when the covariates are highly correlated, since dividing the sample according
to each of two highly correlated covariates results in substantially the same division of the data.
A drawback of this approach is that the researcher must specify in a dvance all of the hy-
potheses to be tested; alternative ways to discretize covariates, and flexible interactions among
covariates, may not be possible to fully explore. A different approach is to adapt machine
learning methods to discover particular forms of heterogeneity, as we discuss in the next section.
4.3.2 Subgroup Analysis
In some settings, it is useful to identify subgroups that have different treatment effects. One
example is where eligibility for a government program is determined according to various criteria
that can be represented in a decision tree, or when a doctor uses a decision tree to determine
whether to prescribe a drug to a patient. Another example is when an algorithm uses a simple
lookup table to determine which type of user interface, offer, email solicitation, or ranking o f
search results to provide to a user. Subgroup analysis has long been used in medical studies
([Foster et al., 201 1]), but it is of t en subject to criticism due to concerns of multiple testing
([Assmann et al., 2000]).
Athey a nd Imbens [forthcoming] develops a method that they call “causal trees.” The
method is based on regression trees, and its goal is to identify a partit ion of the covariate
space into subgroups based on treatment effect heterogeneity. The output of the method is a
treatment effect and a confidence interval for each subgroup. The approach differs from standard
regression trees in several ways. First, it uses a different criterion for building the tree: rather
than f ocusing on improvements in mean-squared error of the prediction of outcomes, it focuses
on mean-squared error of treatment effects. Second, the method relies on sample splitting” to
ensure that confidence intervals have nominal coverage, even when the number of covariates is
large. In particular, half the sample is used to determine the optimal partition of the covariates
space (the tree structure), while the other half is used to estimate treatment effects within the
Athey a nd Imbens [forthcoming] hig hlight the fact that the criteria used for tree construction
and cross-validation should differ when the goal is to estimate treatment effect heterogeneity
rather than heterogeneity in outcomes; the factor s that affect the level of outcomes might be
quite different from those that affect treatment effects. To operationalize this, the criteria used
for sample splitting and cross-validation must confront two problems. First, unlike individual
outcomes, the treatment effect is not observed fo r any individual in the dataset. Thus, it is not
possible to dir ectly calculate a sample average of the mean- squared erro r of treatment effects,
as this criterion is infeasible:
. (4.2)
However, the approach exploits the fact t hat the r egr ession tree makes the same prediction
within each leaf. Thus, the estimator ˆτ is constant within a leaf , and so the infeasible mean-
squared error criterion can be estimated, since it depends only on averages of τ
within leaves.
The second issue is that the criteria are adapted to anticipate the fact that the model will be re-
estimated with an independent data set. The mo dified criterion rewards a partition that creates
differentiation in estimated treatment effects, but penalizes a partition where t he estimated
treatment effects have high variance, for example due to small sample size.
Although the sample-splitting approa ch may seem extreme–ultimately only half the data
is used for estimating treatment effects–it has several advantages. One is that the confidence
intervals are valid no matter how many covariates a re used in estimation. The second is that
the researcher is free to estimate a more complex model in the second part of the data–the
partition can be used to create covariates and motivate interactions in a more complex model,
for example if the researcher wishes to include fixed effects in the model, or model different
types of correlation in the error structure.
Other related approaches include Su et al. [2009] and Zeileis et al. [2008], who propose stat is-
tical tests as criteria in constructing part it ions. Neither of t hese approaches address the issue of
constructing valid confidence intervals using the results of the partitions, but Athey and Imbens
[forthcoming] combines their approaches with sample splitting in order to obtain valid confi-
dence intervals on treatment effects. The approach of Zeileis et al. [2008] is more general than
the problem of estimating t reatment effect heterogeneity: this paper proposes estimating a po-
tentially rich model within each leaf of the tree, and the criterion for splitting a leaf of the tree
is a statistical t est based on whether the split improves goodness of fit of the model.
4.3.3 Personalized Treatment E ffects
Wager and Athey [2015] propose a method for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects based
on random forests. Rather tha n rely on the standard r andom forest model, which focuses on
prediction, Wager and Athey [2015] build r andom forests where each component tree is a causal
tree [Athey and Imbens, forthcoming]. Relative to a causal tree, which identifies a partition and
estimates treatment effects within each element of the par tition, the causal forest leads t o smooth
estimates of τ (x). This type of method is more similar to a kernel regression, nearest-neighbor
matching, or o ther f ully non-parametric methods, in that a distinct prediction is provided for
each value of x. Building on their work for prediction-based r andom forests, Wager and Athey
[2015] show tha t the predictions from causal forests are asymptotically normal and centered on
the true CATE for each x, since causal trees make use of sample splitting. They also propose
an estimator for the variance, so that confidence intervals can be obtained. Relative to existing
methods from econometrics, t he random forest has been widely documented to perform well (for
prediction problems) in a variety of settings with many covariates; and a pa r ticular advantage
over methods such as nearest neighbor matching is that the random forest is r esilient in the face
of many covariates tha t have little effect. These covariates are simply not selected for splitting
when determining the partition. In contrast, nearest neighb or mat ching deteriorates quickly
with additional irrelevant covariates.
An alternative approa ch, closely related, is based on Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
(BART) [Chipman et al., 2010]. Hill [2011] and Green and Kern [2012] apply these methods to
estimate heterogeneous treatment effects. BART is essentially a Bayesian version of random
forests. Large sample properties of this method are unknown, but it appears to have good
empirical performance in applications.
Another approach is based on the LASSO [Imai and Ra t kovic, 2 013]. This approach esti-
mates a LASSO model with the t r eat ment indicator interacted with covariates, and uses LASSO
as a variable selection algorithm for determining which covariates are most important. In order
for confidence intervals to be valid, the true model must be a ssumed to be sparse. It may be
prudent in a particular datset t o perform some supplementary analysis to verify that the method
is not over-fitting; for example, one could test the approach by using only half of the data to es-
timate the LASSO, and then comparing t he results to an ordinary least squares regression with
the variables selected by LASSO in the other half o f t he data. If the r esults are inconsistent,
it could simply indicate that using half the data is not good enough; but it also mig ht indicate
that sample splitting is warranted to protect against over-fitting or other sources of bias that
arise when data-driven model selection is used.
A natural application of personalized treatment effect estimation is to estimating optimal pol-
icy functions. A literature in machine learning considers this problem ([Beygelzimer and Langford,
2009]; [Dud´ık et al., 2011]); some open questions include the ability to obtain confidence intervals
on differences between policies obtained from these methods. The machine learning literature
tends to focus more on worst-case risk analysis rather than confidence intervals.
4.4 Machine Learning Methods with Instrumental Variables
Another setting where high-dimensional predictive methods can be useful is in settings with
instrumental variables. The first stage in instrumental variables is typically purely a predic-
tive exercise, where the conditional expectation of the endogenous variables is estimated using
all the exogenous variables and excluded instruments. If there are many instruments, and
these can arise from a few instruments interacted with indicators for subpopulations, or from
other flexible transformations of the basic instrument, standard methods are known to have
poor properties (Staiger and Stock [1997]). Alternative methods have focused on asymptotics
based on many instruments (Bekker [1 994]), or hierarchical Bayes o r random effects methods
(Chamberlain and Imbens [2004]). It is possible to interpret the latter approa ch as instituting
a form of “shrinka ge” similar to ridge.
Belloni et al. [2013] develop LASSO methods to estimate the first (as well as second) stage
in such settings, providing conditions under which valid confidence intervals can be obtained.
In a different setting Eckles and Bakshy [forthcoming] study the use o f instrumental variables
in network settings. Encouragement to take particular actions that affects friends an individual
is connnected to is randomized at the individual level. These then generate many instruments
that each only weakly affect a particular individual.
5 Conclusion
This review has covered selected topics in the area of causality and policy evaluation. We have
attempted to highlight recently developed approaches for estimating the impact of policies.
Relative to the previous literature, we have tried to place more emphasis on supplement ary
analyses tha t help the analyst assess the credibility of estimation and identification strategies.
We further review recent developments in the use of machine learning for causal inference;
although in some cases, new estimation methods have been proposed, we also believe that the
use of machine learning can help buttress the credibility of policy evaluation, since in many
cases it is impor tant to flexibly control for a large number of covariates as part of an estimation
strategy for drawing causal inferences from observational data. We believe that in the coming
years, this literature will develop further, helping researchers avoid unnecessary functional form
and o t her modeling assumptions, and increasing the credibility of policy analysis.
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