Wilson and the Allied leaders from Europe attended a peace conference in Versailles, France (near
Paris). The European leaders wanted a harsh treaty to punish Germany because they blamed
Germany for starting the war. On the other hand, Woodrow Wilson’s main goal was peace and believed
that all nations should abide by the terms of his Fourteen Points. However, to get what he wanted, he
accepted the idea of blaming Germany so that in return, the European countries would support his
idea of a League of Nations.
1. How were the European leaders’ views different than Wilson’s views? WHY?
Key Terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Austria-Hungary was divided
into new, smaller nations.
Austria and Hungary would
be separated, and the new
nations of Yugoslavia and
Czechoslovakia would be
The Ottoman Empire would
no longer exist. That land
would be divided into new,
smaller territories under the
control of Britain and France,
later to become the nations of
the modern Middle East.
Germany would still exist,
but in a completely new, smaller and weaker form. Germany would be blamed for the war and
punished in the following ways:
Germany would have to give up much of its territory, losing land to France in the
west and the new nation of Poland in the east.
Germany lost its navy, and could only keep a tiny army for security within the
country (not to go to war).
Germany had to pay billions of dollars in reparations (payments for damages caused
during the war) to the Allies.
League of Nations was established an association of nations formed after World War I with
the goal of keeping peace in the future. It would be the responsibility of the League of Nations to
make sure that the terms of the treaty were not being violated.
2. How do you think the German government and people felt about the terms of the Treaty of
Versailles? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. World War I is considered a long-term cause of World War II. Why do you think this is the case?
United States Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
4. Even though President Wilson approved of the Treaty of
Versailles particularly the League of Nations the United
States DID NOT go along with this treaty because the
_______________ rejected it. They rejected it mainly because
it required the U.S. to join the _____________________.
5. What arguments could be made in favor of the U.S. joining the League of Nations?
6. What arguments do you think the Senate used against the
U.S. joining the League of Nations?
The Allied leaders of Europe all signed the Treaty of
Versailles, officially ending World War I. In order for
the United States to be part of this treaty, President
Wilson took the treaty back to the United States to
have the Senate ratify (approve) it. But people at
home, upset by the costs of war and the loss of lives,
wanted to return back to a policy of isolationism. The
U.S. Senate did not ratify the treaty because they did
not approve of the League of Nations.
7. Explain what is happening in this cartoon and the artist’s
main message.