CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
SUpervised exercise- therapy and Patient
Education Rehabilitation (SUPER)
versus minimal intervention for young
adults at risk of knee osteoarthritis after
ACL reconstruction: SUPER- Knee
randomised controlled trial protocol
Adam G Culvenor ,
Thomas J West,
Andrea M Bruder,
Mark J Scholes,
Christian J Barton,
Ewa M Roos ,
Edwin Oei,
Steven M McPhail,
Richard B Souza,
Jusuk Lee,
Brooke E Patterson ,
Michael A Girdwood,
Jamon L Couch,
Kay M Crossley
To cite: CulvenorAG, WestTJ,
BruderAM, etal. SUpervised
exercise- therapy and Patient
Education Rehabilitation
(SUPER) versus minimal
intervention for young adults at
risk of knee osteoarthritis after
ACL reconstruction: SUPER-
Knee randomised controlled
trial protocol. BMJ Open
2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history and
additional supplemental material
for this paper are available
online. To view these les,
please visit the journal online
AGC and TJW are joint rst
Received 13 September 2022
Accepted 20 December 2022
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Dr Adam G Culvenor;
a. culvenor@ latrobe. edu. au
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2023. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Introduction Anterior cruciate ligament injury and
reconstruction (ACLR) is often associated with pain,
functional loss, poor quality of life and accelerated
knee osteoarthritis development. The effectiveness of
interventions to enhance outcomes for those at high risk
of early- onset osteoarthritis is unknown. This study will
investigate if SUpervised exercise- therapy and Patient
Education Rehabilitation (SUPER) is superior to a minimal
intervention control for improving pain, function and quality
of life in young adults with ongoing symptoms following
Methods and analysis The SUPER- Knee Study is a
parallel- group, assessor- blinded, randomised controlled
trial. Following baseline assessment, 184 participants
aged 18–40 years and 9–36 months post- ACLR with
ongoing symptoms will be randomly allocated to one
of two treatment groups (1:1 ratio). Ongoing symptoms
will be dened as a mean score of <80/100 from four
Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS
subscales covering pain, symptoms, function in sports
and recreational activities and knee- related quality of
life. Participants randomised to SUPER will receive a
4- month individualised, physiotherapist- supervised
strengthening and neuromuscular programme with
education. Participants randomised to minimal intervention
(ie, control group) will receive a printed best- practice
guide for completing neuromuscular and strengthening
exercises following ACLR. The primary outcome will be
change in the KOOS
from baseline to 4 months with a
secondary endpoint at 12 months. Secondary outcomes
include change in individual KOOS subscale scores,
patient- perceived improvement, health- related quality of
life, kinesiophobia, physical activity, thigh muscle strength,
knee function and knee cartilage morphology (ie, lesions,
thickness) and composition (T2 mapping) on MRI. Blinded
intention- to- treat analyses will be performed. Findings will
also inform cost- effectiveness analyses.
Ethics and dissemination This study is approved by the
La Trobe University and Alfred Hospital Ethics Committees.
Results will be presented in peer- reviewed journals and at
international conferences.
Trial registration number ACTRN12620001164987.
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is
one of the most common serious knee inju-
ries in young, healthy people participating
in sports involving jumping, pivoting and
cutting activities.
Treatment success is often
judged on a timely return to sport.
Yet, 55%
do not return to competitive sport,
and half
will develop post- traumatic knee osteoar-
thritis (OA), unacceptable persistent pain,
functional loss and poor quality of life before
The exercise- therapy programme was developed
and piloted with patients and clinicians, aligns with
American College of Sports Medicine recommenda-
tions and is described based on the Consensus on
Exercise Reporting Template.
Sufciently powered trial evaluating change from
baseline to 4 months (primary endpoint) and 12
months facilitating longer- term effectiveness eval-
uation of exercise- therapy and education.
This trial will evaluate both the illness (ie, symp-
toms) and disease (ie, structure) of osteoarthritis
and include cost- effectiveness analysis.
While outcome assessors are blinded to group
allocation and physiotherapists delivering the in-
tervention are blinded to the control intervention,
participant blinding was not possible due to the type
of interventions.
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
the age of 40 years.
Occupational and carer responsibil-
ities in many of these young adults also create formidable
societal and economic burden.
OA can be characterised by symptoms such as pain and
functional limitations and/or structural joint changes
seen on imaging. Both symptoms and structural changes
are common within the first decade after ACL reconstruc-
tion (ACLR), yet they are often discordant.
5 8
tional government- endorsed OA initiatives recommend
evaluating symptoms and structure in OA clinical trials to
address the heterogeneity of the disease.
Identifying interventions that can improve knee-
related symptoms and prevent or slow structural changes
in young adults following ACLR is an international
10 11
Exercise- therapy improves pain and function
in older populations with primary (non- traumatic) knee
but effective treatments to improve structure (ie,
disease- modifying interventions) have thus far proven
Secondary prevention strategies for those with
early manifestations (or at high risk) of OA, such as
following ACLR, offer potential to alter the OA trajec-
14 15
Targeted exercise- therapy might slow structural
with preliminary studies reporting improved
knee cartilage composition in people at risk of OA (post-
and with non- traumatic early OA over 4
and 12 months, respectively.
18 19
People who report inadequate recovery (ongoing symp-
toms and impaired function) 1 year after ACLR are likely
to have worsening symptoms and rapidly deteriorating
joint structure in the future.
These young adults with
inadequate recovery urgently need treatment options to
alter their OA trajectory. Our feasibility study indicated
that a full- scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) eval-
uating a physiotherapist- led, exercise- therapy and educa-
tion programme for young adults with ongoing symptoms
approximately 1 year after ACLR (ie, when no further
improvement is likely without treatment) is feasible and
likely associated with a clinically worthwhile effect for
pain, function and quality of life.
The primary aim of this RCT is to estimate the average
effect of SUpervised exercise- therapy and Patient Educa-
tion Rehabilitation (SUPER) compared with a minimal
intervention control on knee- related pain, function and
quality of life in young adults with ongoing symptoms
at high risk of early- onset knee OA 9–36 months after
ACLR. We hypothesise that the SUPER intervention will
result in greater improvements in knee- related pain,
symptoms, function and quality of life after 4 months
(primary endpoint) and 12 months (secondary endpoint)
compared with a minimal intervention control. Secondary
aims are to assess 4- month and 12- month effectiveness
of SUPER on: (1) self- reported global rating of change
(GROC) and achievement of acceptable symptoms; (2)
health- related quality of life; (3) physical activity; (4)
kinesiophobia; (5) thigh muscle strength and function;
and (6) change in knee cartilage health. Intervention and
healthcare resource use will also be recorded to inform
economic evaluation.
Study design
This study protocol describes a pragmatic, parallel-
group assessor- blinded RCT conforming to the Standard
Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional
Trials statement.
Reporting of the completed RCT will
conform to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting
Trials statement for reporting RCTs
in conjunction
with the Template for Intervention Description and
Replication (TIDieR),
and the Consensus on Exercise
Reporting Template (CERT) guidelines.
The trial will
be conducted at a single university site (La Trobe Univer-
sity) in Melbourne, Australia with enrolment planned to
occur over 3 years (2021–2023) and 12- month follow- up
completed in 2024. The primary endpoint will be at 4
months (immediately following the intensive supervised
exercise- therapy phase), with additional follow- up at a
minimum of 12 months (further longer- term follow- up
dependent on funding). The study was prospectively
registered on the Australian & New Zealand Clinical Trial
Registry (ACTRN12620001164987).
One hundred and eighty- four young adults fulfilling the
eligibility criteria (table 1) will be included.
Recruitment procedure
Trial flow is outlined in figure 1. Participants will be
recruited from approximately 15 collaborating private
orthopaedic surgeons and 8 public hospital sites in
Victoria, Australia. Consistent with our pilot work,
28 29
potentially eligible participants (ie, individuals with an
ACLR from our network of collaborating private ortho-
paedic surgeons or public hospitals) will be mailed study
information inviting them to contact a member of the
research team. Additional participants will be recruited
from the general community via advertisements in local
newspapers, community magazines and newsletters (eg,
university staff bulletins, sports club newsletters), posters
in the community and social media.
Volunteers responding to the invitation letter or adver-
tisements will be screened for eligibility using a three-
stage process. First, screening questions will be asked via
telephone or email. Second, potentially suitable volun-
teers will be sent the Knee injury and OA Outcome Score
(KOOS) questionnaire electronically (or hard copy if
preferred) to confirm symptomatic eligibility. Third, base-
line MRI scans will be assessed to confirm the absence of
any pathology potentially necessitating surgery (eg, graft
rupture, symptomatic cyclops lesion). If both knees are
eligible, the most symptomatic knee will be considered as
the index knee for the trial.
Randomisation procedure, concealment of allocation and
Eligible, willing and consenting volunteers will be
randomised to the SUPER or control group after base-
line assessment, commencing as soon as possible. A
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
computer- generated randomisation schedule has been
developed a priori by an independent statistician in
random permuted blocks of 4–8 to maintain a periodical
allocation ratio of 1:1. To ensure concealed allocation,
the randomisation schedule will be stored electroni-
cally in the secure Research Electronic Data Capture
(REDCap) system and only accessible to an unblinded
researcher once baseline measures have been obtained.
Investigators conducting study assessments will be
blinded to group allocation. As the primary outcome is
self- reported, participants are considered assessors; there-
fore, participants (and thus assessors) will be blinded to
previous scores. Physiotherapists and participants cannot
be blinded to group allocation owing to the type of inter-
ventions. An independent statistician, blinded to group
allocation, will perform the primary RCT analysis. To
reduce risk of interpretation bias, blinded results from
the analyses (group A compared with group B) will be
presented to all authors, who will agree on two alternative
written interpretations before the data manager unblinds
the randomisation code.
Supervised exercise-therapy and Patient Education Rehabilitation
Participants allocated to SUPER will participate in a
supervised exercise programme, developed based on best
available evidence for patients with ACLR and other knee
injuries including OA,
and with input from patients
and experienced physiotherapists. An overview of the
SUPER programme aligning to the CERT guidelines is
contained in online supplemental file 1 and summarised
as per TIDieR guidelines in table 2. The SUPER inter-
vention aims to increase lower- limb muscle strength,
endurance and power, functional performance and
neuromuscular control, increase understanding of knee
health, facilitate return to desired sports activity and
enhance physical activity. Registered physiotherapists
with 3 years of experience treating patients following
ACLR will deliver SUPER in community settings following
a 4- hour training workshop supplemented with 3 hours of
online webinars. To minimise participant travel burden,
study physiotherapists will be located at 12–14 private
physiotherapy clinics across greater Melbourne and
regional Victoria.
SUPER is divided into two phases:
Phase 1 (0–4 months). Participants will be provided with
details of the SUPER intervention verbally and via an inter-
vention handbook detailing all exercises and an exercise
logbook, and provided access to videos of all exercises.
Participants will complete their exercise programme
supervised by a physiotherapist twice per week in phase
1, with at least one additional unsupervised session at a
gym or home encouraged (table 2). Participants/physio-
therapists will also have the option of a second opinion
by a member of our clinical expert physiotherapy team
if SUPER is failing to facilitate improvement (either at 2
or 4 months post- baseline). Second opinion will provide
assessment and guidance on exercise- therapy and patient
education needs.
Phase 2 (5–12 months). The intervention provided in
phase 2 will depend on whether the following predefined
criteria are met at the 4- month follow- up assessment:
participant’s goals are met (ie, goals set with treating
physiotherapist at start of phase 1), participant satisfied
with current symptoms/function (ie, responded ‘yes’
to patient- acceptable symptom state question (see the
Outcomes section for details)) and GROC reported as at
least ‘better’.
Table 1 Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Aged 18–40 years at the time of ACLR Synthetic ACLR graft
9–36 months following ACLR Concomitant intra- articular knee fracture
Symptomatic ACLR knee: mean score of <80/100
from four Knee injury and OA Outcome Score
subscales covering pain, symptoms, function in
sports/recreation and quality of life
Planning to relocate interstate/internationally in following 12 months or
unable to commit to study assessments
Willing and able to participate in exercise- therapy
2–3 times per week for at least 4 months
Any of the following in the past 3 months: knee re- injury, surgery or
injection (either knee)
Undertaken rehabilitation in past 6 weeks (for conditions affecting either
Contraindications to MRI
Planning knee surgery in following 12 months (eg, graft rupture, cyclops
lesion (localised anterior arthrobrosis) on MRI)
Other reasons for exclusion (health condition affecting physical function,
mentally unable to participate, pregnancy, unable to understand English,
ACLR, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; OA, osteoarthritis.
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
For participants meeting all criteria, phase 2 will
involve ongoing independent exercise- therapy sessions
(approximately 30–60 min duration, two to three times
per week at a gym or home). Participants may request
a physiotherapy booster session if they become unsure
about continuing self- management or exercise- therapy
or predefined criteria are no longer met. Booster sessions
can continue once per week and will focus on the priority
exercises and discussion of self- management strategies.
Participants not meeting all criteria at the end of phase
1 will be offered ongoing once per week supervised
exercise- therapy in phase 2. Once all criteria are met,
participants will continue unsupervised exercise- therapy
sessions at a gym or home with physiotherapy booster
sessions as required (as per above criteria). All partic-
ipants will be offered a membership to a local gym to
encourage unsupervised exercise- therapy during phase
2. An additional booster session with the treating phys-
iotherapists will occur at 8 and 11 months post- baseline.
Exercise- therapy will be tailored to each participant
to match their individual preferences, goals and clin-
ical presentation (eg, muscle strength, pain severity, and
personal, sporting, work and functional needs). The
exercise- therapy programme consists of five ‘priority’
exercises and four optional exercises (table 2 and online
supplemental file 2). The total number of exercises
prescribed (maximum number of nine) will depend on
the participant’s available time and willingness, and phys-
iotherapist clinical reasoning—but will always include the
five ‘priority’ exercises.
Each exercise has three to six levels of difficulty. Phys-
iotherapists will supervise and progress exercises based
on defined criteria guided by American College of Sports
Medicine strength training principles
and perceived
difficulty using rating of perceived exertion and minimal
pain (eg, <3/10 on Numerical Pain Scale) (details in
online supplemental file 1).
Figure 1 Flow of participants through the study. KOOS, Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; RCT, randomised
controlled trial; SUPER, SUpervised exercise- therapy and Patient Education Rehabilitation.
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
Table 2 Overview of intervention delivery described according to the TIDieR guidelines
Brief name SUPER intervention Minimal intervention control
Why Exercise- therapy to enhance muscle strength, function
and physical activity can improve pain and quality of life in
older adults with OA
and address risk factors for post-
traumatic OA.
The booklet was produced based on information
provided to patients and thus, accurately reects usual
What materials Participants receive an intervention handbook detailing all
study details, exercises and logbook, and access to videos
of all exercises.
Participants receive a ‘best- practice guide’ booklet
of possible exercises with no specic exercise
prescription frequency.
What procedures Five priority exercises targeting: (1) weight- bearing knee
extension; (2) open- chain knee extension; (3) plyometrics;
(4) balance/agility; (5) knee exion and four optional
exercises targeting: (a) trunk; (b) hip abductors; (c) hip
adductors; (d) calf–each with 3–6 levels of difculty.
Physiotherapists prescribe strength exercises (3×8–12
reps) with perceived exertion criteria (aim ≥7/10) and
progressed as per ACSM and periodisation guidelines (1-
week/month easier ~5/10 exertion). Dedicated education
sessions at week 1 and week 4, supported by slides and
Booklet explained at randomisation. Exercise
options provided (similar to SUPER intervention),
but not prescribed. Participants expected to
exercise unsupervised. Participants may contact the
physiotherapist by phone once only to ask questions/
get clarication.
Who provided Registered physiotherapists with ≥3 years of relevant
experience, trained to deliver all components (exercise and
One appointment with a registered physiotherapist
with ≥3 years of clinical experience, not involved in
delivering SUPER intervention, to explain booklet
How Delivered supervised in groups and individually (supported
by unsupervised sessions) in phase 1, progressing to
completely unsupervised in phase 2.
Delivered unsupervised.
Where Supervised sessions at private physiotherapy clinics and
unsupervised sessions at gym/home.
Booklet explained at La Trobe University, Melbourne.
Gym and home exercise options provided.
When and how much Phase 1 (0–4 months):
Frequency and duration
Supervised sessions (30–60 min) 2 times/week
Unsupervised sessions (30–60 min) 1–2 times/week
Number of sessions:
32 supervised+16 unsupervised
Phase 2 (5–12 months):
Frequency and duration
Progress to unsupervised sessions 2–3 times weekly
(dependent on meeting predened criteria*).
Two supervised (booster) sessions at 8 and 11 months
post- baseline.
Number of sessions:
2 supervised+108 unsupervised
Unsupervised exercise- therapy (self- prescribed
frequency) after one face- to- face appointment.
Tailoring Tailored selection and progression of lower- limb muscle
strength, power and neuromuscular control exercises and
education based on participant preferences, goals and
clinical presentation.
Standardised exercise examples and education.
Modications Modications will be reported. If state and/or institution COVID- 19 pandemic restrictions prevent face- to- face
follow- up assessments, participants will be encouraged to continue assigned treatment until face- to- face
assessments can be conducted. If restrictions prevent supervised rehabilitation, telerehabilitation options will be
offered wherever possible.
How well (planned) Treating physiotherapists receive prior training in how to
deliver and supervise the programme. Fidelity assessed
by auditing. Participant adherence to supervised and
unsupervised sessions assessed through logbooks,
clinic attendance sheets and online (fortnightly/monthly)
How well (actual) This will be reported in the primary paper.
*Predened criteria for ceasing supervised sessions in phase 2=participant’s goals are met, participant satised with current symptoms/function and
global rating of change reported as at least ’better’.
ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine; OA, osteoarthritis; SUPER, SUpervised exercise- therapy and Patient Education Rehabilitation; TIDieR,
Template for Intervention Description and Replication.
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
Patient education was co- designed with experienced
physiotherapists and pilot study participants
and aims to
support the exercise- therapy programme and build moti-
vation and capability to sustain the exercises during and
after the initial 4- month supervised phase (table 2). Indi-
vidualised health education regarding expectations and
goals, exercise principles, improving adherence, pain/
fear management, long- term outcomes, weight control,
and appropriate physical, occupational and sporting
activity promotion will be delivered during the physio-
therapy treatment sessions. Two dedicated education
sessions of 45–60 min duration will be delivered during
phase 1 (week 1 and week 4). Participants will be coun-
selled regarding physical activity levels with a targeted
training programme adhering to Australian Physical
Activity Guidelines and given an activity monitor (Garmin
vívofit 4 activity tracker) if they do not have access to one
to support measurement and attainment of physical
activity goals.
Minimal intervention control
Reflecting current standard care, the minimal interven-
tion control group will receive a ‘best- practice guide’
booklet and one face- to- face appointment with a regis-
tered physiotherapist with 3 years of clinical experience
(not involved in treating participants in the SUPER inter-
vention) to explain booklet elements and answer ques-
tions about its contents. The booklet outlines similar
exercises and patient education as in the SUPER inter-
vention (online supplemental file 3). However, exercise
is expected to be performed unsupervised (table 2).
Participants may also contact the treating physiother-
apist by phone on one occasion to ask questions or get
further clarification but will not be provided with infor-
mation extending the scope of the booklet. The booklet
was produced based on the information provided by 10
high- volume orthopaedic surgeons in Melbourne to their
patients post- ACLR. Participants will be encouraged at the
4- month assessment to continue following the booklet up
until the 12- month assessment.
Irrespective of group allocation, participants will be
asked to refrain from other musculoskeletal therapies
(eg, chiropractic care, osteopathy, myotherapy, intra-
articular injections) for their knee pain during the trial.
Participants will be allowed to continue care for other
unrelated pre- existing conditions.
Data collection procedure
Data will be collected at baseline and 2, 4 and 12 months
after randomisation, with 4 months the a priori primary
endpoint as this coincides with the completion of the
supervised exercise- therapy intervention in phase 1.
Where possible, data will be collected and managed
using a secure web- based software platform (REDCap)
hosted at La Trobe University,
which has equivalent
measurement properties to paper- based completion.
This strategy was used in our pilot study following ACLR,
with demonstrated feasibility.
Paper versions will also be
available if preferred by participants.
Baseline characteristics
Participant characteristics including height, body mass,
waist girth, leg length, knee injury and rehabilitation
details, socioeconomic details (eg, education level,
employment status), family history of OA, sporting
history and health literacy (Rapid Estimate of Adult
Literacy in Medicine
) will be collected. Surgical details
will be recorded from surgical files including date, graft
type and concomitant injuries/procedures. We will also
record knee- related objective measures (table 3).
Primary outcome
The primary outcome is the change in KOOS
score from
baseline to 4- month follow- up. KOOS
is the mean score
for the self- reported KOOS subscales pain, symptoms,
function in sports and recreational activities and quality of
life, which has been used in RCTs following ACL injury.
and all KOOS subscale scores range from 0
(worst) to 100 (best). The KOOS is a valid and reliable
knee- specific questionnaire for assessing patient- reported
outcomes in various knee injury populations (eg, from
knee injury to OA) and is widely used globally.
39 40
Secondary outcomes
KOOS subscales
To allow for clinical in- depth interpretation, scores for
the five KOOS subscales will be reported individually (ie,
pain, symptoms, function in sports and recreational activ-
ities, activities of daily living and quality of life).
Physical performance
Peak isometric knee extensor and flexor muscle strength
and rate of force development will be assessed in sitting
using reliable and valid methods at 60° of knee flexion
on isokinetic equipment (Biodex Medical Systems, New
York, USA).
A battery of lower- limb functional tasks
commonly used following ACLR will assess functional
performance: (1) single hop for distance; (2) triple cross-
over hop for distance; (3) side- hop; (4) vertical hop and
(5) one- leg rise.
5 42 43
Such a battery produces high reli-
ability and sensitivity in populations following ACLR.
Details of physical performance tests are found in online
supplemental file 4.
Perceived global change score and patient-acceptable symptom
GROC will be assessed for pain and function with the
questions: ‘Overall, how has your knee pain changed
since the start of the study?’ and ‘Overall, how has your
knee function changed since the start of the study?’, and
answered on a 7- point Likert scale ranging from ‘much
worse’ to ‘much better’ and dichotomised to ‘improved’
(‘much better’, ‘better’) versus ‘not improved’ (‘a little
better’ to ‘much worse’). Satisfaction with current knee
function (ie, patient- acceptable symptom state (PASS))
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
will be assessed with the question: ‘Considering your knee
function, do you feel that your current state is satisfac-
tory? With knee function, you should take into account
all activities during your daily life, sport and recreational
activities, your level of pain and other symptoms, and also
your knee- related quality of life.’ This will be answered by
‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Participants not satisfied with current knee
function at follow- up assessments (ie, answering ‘no’
to the PASS question) will be asked a second question
relating to treatment failure: ‘Would you consider your
Table 3 Overview of data collection
Baseline 2 months 4 months 12 months
Participant characteristics
Age X
Sex X
Height, body mass, waist girth X X X
Country of birth X
Education level X
Living situation X
Smoking history X
Health literacy (REALM) X
Employment status X X X
Prior knee injury/treatment X
ACL injury, surgery and rehabilitation details X
Sport/activity participation X X X
Family history of osteoarthritis X
Medication use X
Comorbidities X
Flexion/extension range of motion X X X
Joint line tenderness (medial and lateral) X X X
Crepitus X X X
Effusion (sweep test) X X X
Stability (Lachman’s, pivot shift) X
Patient- reported outcomes
Knee injury Osteoarthritis Outcome Score X X X X
EQ- 5D- 5L X X X X
Tegner Activity Scale X X X X
Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia X X X
Global rating of change X X X
Patient- acceptable symptom state X X X X
Health and Labour Questionnaire X X X
Work Limitations Questionnaire X X X
ACL- Quality of Life Questionnaire X X X
Knee pain (current and worst in last week) X X X X
Physical performance tests
Hop performance (four tests) X X X
One- leg rise X X X
Isometric thigh muscle strength X X X
Lower- limb loading X X X
MRI outcomes X X X
Average daily steps X X X
All participants will receive either a fortnightly (during phase 1) or monthly (during phase 2) online questionnaire via the secure online platform
(REDCap) (or hard copy mailed, or phone call depending on participant preference) to assess sports activity, adherence to exercise therapy and any
adverse events/other treatment.
ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; REALM, Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine.
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
current state as being so unsatisfactory that you think the
treatment has failed?’ This will also be answered by ‘yes’
or ‘no’.
Knee joint structure
Unilateral knee MRIs will be obtained in supine with
the lower- limb in neutral alignment using a 3T scanner
(Signa Pioneer, General Electric Healthcare, Milwaukee,
USA) and 18- channel knee coil. Sequences acquired will
include proton density- weighted fat- suppressed fast spin-
echo sequences in the sagittal, coronal and axial planes,
a T2 mapping multi- echo spin- echo sagittal sequence and
a sagittal fast spoiled gradient echo sequence (figure 2
and online supplemental file 5). Changes in carti-
lage collagen content and orientation in extracellular
matrices reflecting degeneration will be defined by quan-
titative changes in T2 relaxation times
from baseline
to 4- month and 12- month follow- up assessments. Knee
cartilage thickness changes over 4 and 12 months will
also be assessed.
Post- processing software incorporating
semiautomated registration and manual segmentation
in 3D will be used for both T2 relaxation time and carti-
lage thickness. Knee OA features (eg, cartilage defects,
meniscal tears, bone marrow lesions, osteophytes) will
be scored with established scoring systems
48 49
at baseline
and 12- month follow- up by a trained reader blinded to
clinical outcomes. Individual OA feature worsening will
be defined as increase in the size or depth of lesions as
previously established.
Bone shape at the knee will also
be assessed using edge- detection semiautomated segmen-
tation with 3D triangulated meshes of bone rigidly
registered on a reference template to extract the most
important modes of variation of bone shape.
Other outcomes
Fear of movement
Knee- related fear of movement will be assessed with the
Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia.
This scale has estab-
lished reliability and validity in musculoskeletal pain
53 54
Physical activity
The Tegner Activity Scale will assess self- reported activity
level. It is a valid and reliable numerical scale from 0 (sick
leave because of knee problems) to 10 (competitive knee-
demanding sports at an elite level), with each value indi-
cating the ability to perform certain activities.
physical activity will be captured using a Garmin vívofit 4
activity tracker (Garmin International, Kansas, USA) or
participant’s own device, if appropriate.
Quality of life
We will assess knee- related quality of life, with the ACL-
Quality of Life Questionnaire,
and health- related quality
of life with the EQ- 5D- 5L.
These measures are reliable
and valid for knee pain populations.
58 59
Lower-limb loading
Lower- limb loading will be assessed using ground reaction
force data during unilateral and bilateral weight- bearing
tasks (squat, hop and drop- jump) using force plates and
ForceDecks software (Vald Performance, UK).
Knee pain
Current and worst knee pain (and how much partici-
pants are bothered by pain) in the previous week will be
assessed on a 100 mm Visual Analogue Scale (0=no pain/
bother, 100=worst pain/bother imaginable).
Treatment-related outcomes
Adherence, exercise level/intensity and other treatments received
during the trial
Adherence with the supervised exercise- therapy sessions
(ie, number of sessions attended out of 32 possible phase
1 sessions) and intensity/progression of the exercises will
be recorded by treating physiotherapists and participants.
Inadequate adherence is defined as participating in <22
(70%) supervised sessions. Participants in both groups
will record adherence to home exercises and any co- inter-
ventions received in a logbook and via fortnightly (phase
1) and monthly (phase 2) online questionnaires.
Adverse events
Any adverse events will be recorded fortnightly during
phase 1 and monthly during phase 2 via questionnaires.
Furthermore, open probe questioning will enquire about
possible adverse events at each of the follow- ups. Health-
care use data obtained as part of cost- effectiveness anal-
ysis at final follow- up will also be checked for potential
adverse events. An adverse event is defined as any unde-
sirable experience causing participants to seek medical
treatment. A serious adverse event is defined as any
undesirable event/illness/injury classified as having the
potential to significantly compromise clinical outcome
or results in significant disability or incapacity, and those
requiring inpatient hospital care. Adverse events will be
categorised into index knee or other sites and will be
assessed for severity by the trial management committee.
Data management
Most outcome data will be collected and managed via
REDCap web- based software (hosted at La Trobe Univer-
sity), facilitating simultaneous data entry. For paper- based
data collection, data will be entered by a single investi-
gator with a second investigator conducting random
checks of a subset of manually entered documents
Figure 2 MRI protocol. (A) Sagittal fast spoiled gradient
echo sequence; (B) sagittal, coronal and axial proton density-
weighted fat- suppressed spin- echo sequence; and (C)
sagittal multi- echo spin- echo sequence.
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Open access
to ensure accuracy. For data analysis, personal data,
including participant names, contact details, date of birth
and MRI scans, will be stored on the La Trobe University
server Research Drive Storage, separately from deidenti-
fied (numbered) data. All subsequent study data will be
identified by participant number only.
Due to the minimal known risks associated with the
interventions being evaluated, this study will not have a
formal data monitoring committee and does not require
an interim analysis. Any unexpected serious adverse events
or outcomes will be discussed by the trial management
committee (identical to the authors of this protocol).
Sample size calculation
This trial has been powered to detect a clinically signifi-
cant between- group difference for the primary outcome
. The overall effect size for exercise therapy on
self- reported pain and disability is moderate (0.50).
With this effect size, to achieve 85% power at a two- sided
0.05 significance level on the KOOS
, 146 participants are
required. To account for a 20% drop- out, we will recruit
184 participants. This sample size will be sufficient to
detect a minimal important change (MIC) in KOOS
9 points in patients following ACLR (with SD of 15).
38 60
Stopping rule
If the intended sample size is not reached at 36 months
after recruitment commencement, the inclusion of partic-
ipants will stop at 160, which will ensure a power of 80%
for the primary outcome of KOOS
, anticipating up to
20% loss to follow- up. Including a minimum of 160 partic-
ipants will also provide 90% power to detect a statisti-
cally significant difference (α=0.05) on the secondary
outcome of cartilage quality on MRI (change in cartilage
T2 relaxation time) between the SUPER intervention and
minimal intervention control groups (anticipated effect
size of 0.59).
Statistical analyses
Analysis will be performed according to the intention-
to- treat principle with the statistical analyst blinded to
group allocation. Descriptive statistics and generalised
linear mixed models (adjusted for baseline measure and
referral source (private vs public) as fixed effects) will
be used to examine the effect of group allocation on the
primary and secondary outcomes. For binomial secondary
outcomes (eg, cartilage defect worsening, proportion of
participants ‘improved’ on the GROC scale, proportion of
participants who had a KOOS
change exceeding the MIC
of 9 points), binomial (logistic) family will be selected. As
this is a randomised trial, we do not plan to adjust for
other potential confounders (eg, age, sex), but if notable
imbalance between groups in potential confounders
is observed, we will examine the effect of adjusting for
potential confounders (fixed effects).
While the primary
analysis approach is intention- to- treat, per- protocol anal-
ysis will also be conducted excluding those who have
inadequate adherence with the SUPER intervention to
assist with clinical interpretation of findings. Planned
exploratory subgroup analyses including repeating anal-
ysis by injury characteristics (eg, isolated vs combined
ACL injury) will be conducted given the known risk of
a combined injury (eg, concomitant meniscal/cartilage)
on OA outcomes.
Two sensitivity analyses are planned.
The first will use multiple imputation for missing data,
assuming these data are considered missing at random.
The second will exclude participants who experienced
a subsequent new acute traumatic lower- limb injury (or
surgery) severe enough to require a period of non- weight-
bearing assuming this may have influenced the outcomes
of those participants, unless the injury was sustained while
completing the trial intervention activities.
Healthcare resource use and productivity
The resources required to deliver each intervention and
treatment- related healthcare resource use including
co- interventions for knee- related symptoms (eg, medi-
cines, complementary treatments and details of hospital
presentations) will be recorded. This information will
be collected from several sources (Medicare and Phar-
maceutical Benefits Scheme databases (rebated and
out- of- pocket costs), as well as participant logbooks and
questionnaires) for the trial period. The Health and
Labour Questionnaire
and the Work Limitations Ques-
will also be collected for the trial period to
inform estimates of productivity losses. Methods of cost-
effectiveness analysis will be reported elsewhere.
Process evaluation
Semistructured interviews will be conducted on a subset
of participants (until data saturation is reached) following
the intervention. Interviews will explore beliefs/experi-
ences; knowledge and understanding of interventions
received including potential benefits; acceptability and
perceived effectiveness of the intervention; and reasons
for adhering (or not) to exercise- therapy and education
provided. Purposive sampling will be used to recruit inter-
view participants based on characteristics and outcomes
of trial. Interviews will be audio recorded, transcribed and
analysed using Framework Analysis.
Data will be coded
deductively according to the code structure generated by
the interview topic guide, and an inductive thematic anal-
ysis will be applied until no new themes emerge.
Patient and public involvement
Patients and clinicians are integral throughout each
stage of this project. Patients and clinicians co- designed
the intervention, research questions and study methods.
This input was gained from: (1) discussions with leading
clinicians managing ACL injuries during SUPER devel-
opment; (2) collation of orthopaedic surgeon–patient
education material to inform the control intervention;
(3) qualitative interviews with participants and treating
physiotherapists from our pilot study as part of formal
process evaluation strategies
; (4) qualitative interviews
with symptomatic patients with an ACLR as part of our
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Open access
previous studies
; and (5) patient and clinician focus
groups providing feedback on study recruitment mate-
rial, participant handbooks and education content.
Preliminary results will be presented and discussed with
patient representatives before the results are written up
for peer- reviewed publication. Patients and clinicians will
provide input into the dissemination of study results by
assisting with the decision on what information to share
and in what format.
This study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki and
has been approved by the La Trobe University Human
Research Ethics Committee (HEC- 19447), the Alfred
Hospital Ethics Committee (HREC 537/19) and Services
Australia External Request Evaluation Committee
(RMS0879). Written informed consent will be obtained
from participants prior to enrolment (online supple-
mental file 6).
Study outcomes will be widely disseminated through
a variety of sources. Primary and key secondary objec-
tives will be submitted to a peer- reviewed journal. Other
secondary objectives will be addressed in separate publi-
cations. Authorship will be in accordance with guidelines
provided by the International Committee of Medical
Journal Editors. Our publication strategy will be comple-
mented by submission of abstracts to key national and
international conferences. Any important protocol
amendments will be reported to the approving ethics
committees, registered at ANZCTR and communicated
in the primary RCT report.
ACL injuries and subsequent reconstructions have
increased 43% in Australia over the previous 15 years,
with similar increases observed in the USA,
and greater
increases in England.
Half of all patients undergoing
ACLR will have a poor long- term outcome including
persistent symptoms, impaired quality of life and acceler-
ated structural decline.
5–7 70
This underscores an urgent
need for secondary prevention strategies to prevent
symptomatic and structural OA decline—an epidemic of
young people with old knees.
The current RCT will be the first to evaluate the symp-
tomatic and structural benefits of a physiotherapist-
supervised exercise- therapy and education intervention
for young adults at high risk of post- traumatic knee OA.
While outcome assessors are blinded to group alloca-
tion and physiotherapists delivering the intervention are
blinded to the control intervention, owing to the type
of interventions (ie, exercise therapy and education),
blinding of participants is not possible. The difference
in frequency of physiotherapy sessions between the
two groups means that the contextual effects related to
supervised physiotherapy treatment are also not able to
be isolated. We did not include a wait- list control group
as this would have reduced equipoise and increased
the risk of resentful demoralisation (if used instead
of our minimal intervention control) and consider-
ably increased the required sample size (if used as a
third comparator group). Furthermore, only patient-
reported outcomes are collected at 2- month follow- up
to minimise participant burden. We also acknowledge
that the wrist- worn activity tracker (Garmin vívofit 4)
or other commercial devices that participants wear may
under/overestimate daily step counts; however, the
differences with research- grade accelerometers appear
This fully powered phase III trial represents
an important step towards optimising management to
achieve better outcomes and curtail the rapid trajectory
of post- traumatic knee OA following ACL injury and
Author afliations
La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, School of Allied Health,
Human Services and Sport, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
Australian IOC Research Centre, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation & Centre for Healthcare
Transformation, School of Public Health & Social Work, Queensland University of
Technology, Kelvin Grove, Queensland, Australia
Clinical Informatics Directorate, Metro South Health, Woolloongabba, Queensland,
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA
Twitter Ewa M Roos @ewa_roos and Brooke E Patterson @Knee_Howells
Acknowledgements We thank physiotherapists, Mick Hughes and Randall
Cooper, for assistance in intervention design. We thank the orthopaedic surgeons
assisting with participant recruitment: Hayden Morris, Chris Kondogiannis, Nathan
White, Mark O’Sullivan, Matthew Evans, Ashley Carr, Justin Wong, Dirk van Bavel,
Matthew Alexander, Ben Campbell, Altay Altuntas, Simon Talbot, Raphael Hau,
Luke Spencer, David Mitchell. We thank the staff at each of the public hospitals
involved in participant recruitment: Lara Kimmel & Susan Liew (Alfred Hospital),
Emily Cross & Andrew Bucknill (Royal Melbourne Hospital), Jimmy Goulis & Juliette
Gentle (Northern Hospital), Chris Cimoli, David Berlowitz & Andrew Hardidge
(Austin Hospital), Peter Choong (St Vincent’s Hospital), Leanne Roddy & Raphael
Hau (Box Hill Hospital), Libby Spiers & Phong Tran (Footscray Hospital), Peter
Schoch, Katelyn Bailey, Caitlin Knee & Richard Page (Barwon Hospital), Leonie
Lewis & David Mitchell (Ballarat Hospital). We thank the physiotherapists involved
in treating the participants at Complete Sports Care, Clifton Hill Physiotherapy, Flex
Out Physiotherapy, Lake Health Group, Melbourne Sports Physiotherapy, Mill Park
Physiotherapy, Symmetry Physiotherapy, Grand Slam Physiotherapy, Melbourne
Sports Medicine Centre, Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy Centre, Lifecare La
Contributors AC, KC, CB, ER, EO and SMM conceived the study and obtained
funding. AC, KC and CB designed the study protocol with input from ER, EO and
SMM. SMM provided statistical expertise and will conduct primary statistical
analysis. EO, RBS and JL provided imaging expertise and will lead imaging
analysis. AC drafted the manuscript with input from TJW, KC, CB, ER, EO, SMM,
RBS, JL, AMB, BEP, MG, JLC and MJS. All authors have read and approved the nal
Funding This trial is supported by the National Health and Medical Research
Council (NHMRC) of Australia (ID: 1158500). AC is a recipient of an NHMRC
Investigator Grant (GNT2008523), CB was a recipient of a Medical Research Future
Fund Translating Research Into Practice (MRFF TRIP) Fellowship (ID: 1150439).
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CulvenorAG, etal. BMJ Open 2023;13:e068279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068279
Open access
Disclaimer The funders have no role in the study design and will not have any role
in its execution, data management, analysis and interpretation or on the decision to
submit the results for publication.
Competing interests CB is the owner of a business providing physiotherapy
treatment and exercise classes for some participants enrolled in this study. CB will
have no role in the decision of which clinic participants attend for study treatment.
All other authors declare no competing interests.
Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were involved in the
design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research. Refer to
the Methods section for further details.
Patient consent for publication Not required.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
peer- reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
is non- commercial. See:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
Adam GCulvenor http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9491-0264
Ewa MRoos http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5425-2199
Brooke EPatterson http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6570-5429
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