www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Supreme Court Judgment , State Of Uttar Pradesh
vs Lalai Singh Yadav On 16 September, 1976 Is Fake
And Discarded By Almighty Court of Justice ( ACJ)
Or Mahakal Lalla Virajman Ayodhaya By Virtue Of
Geeta CH 4 /Vs 5 In Curative Petition Dated
1.5.2021 As Regard Balmik Ramayana Was Told A
Imaginary Book By Mr Pariyar ( Hindi Version )
Who Wrote Sacchi Rmayana Against It And Won
The Fake Case On 16 September, 1976 .
Dr V M Das
Das Nursing Home , Fatehgarh , India
University Of God
SC is not infallible. Hence it requires review in curative petition by Almighty Court of Justice as by Geeta ch 4 vs 5 , the Reality as
regard Balmik Ramayana is true . Lord Ram did reincarnate second time in 1554 as Real Ram lalla virajman in the lap of queen
Orchha in Ayodhaya and now residing in her palace since then as Raja Ram . Hence SC judgment State Of Uttar Pradesh vs Lalai
Singh Yadav on 16 September, 1976 is Fake and Discarded by Almighty Court of Justice ( ACJ) Or Mahakal Lalla Virajman
Ayodhaya . Further Lord Ram returns on 1554 as Ram Lalla Virajman ( Real) as his second birth place is Saryu river denied
to claim not only his first birth place to contest in courts but also not to build Ram temple there . Lord Ram admitted to
Mahakal Lalla Virajman that he left Ayodhaya since 1554 as his Isht Dev Lord Natraz or Allah Ho Akbar would teleport in
Babri Mosque in 1949 on 22 -23 Dec Night to live in Ayodhaya and to rule Globe as Lord of Universe . Chapter 4, Verse 5 (
Properties of Almighty BBB Lord Natraz BBB “I” Only) The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I
can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!
Keywords Basic Building Blocks, Atomic Genetics, Atomic Transcription and Translation, Tachyons, Atomic Genetic Engineering ,
Hoyle -Narlikar universe ,
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Introduction [1]
1.1 Link to see judgment https://indiankanoon.org/doc/751132/
Supreme Court of India State Of Uttar Pradesh vs Lalai Singh Yadav on 16 September, 1976
Equivalent citations: 1977 AIR 202, 1977 SCR (1) 616
Author: V Krishnaiyer Bench: Krishnaiyer, V.R.
Link to see Scachhi Ramayan by Periyar in Hindi
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
1.2 Lord Ram Returns 1554 onwards
Child Form of Ram Painting Orchha temple [1]
On reaching Ayodhya, the Queen started praying to Lord Ram close to Laxman Fort near Sarayu river. She ate only fruits, then she
gave up fruits and ate only leaves, and eventually she gave up all food. The Queen fasted and prayed for about a month but Lord Ram
did not appear, so eventually in despair, she jumped into the river at midnight. Just then something magical happened and Lord Ram
appeared in child form in the Queen's lap.
Lord Ram told the queen that he was happy with her prayers and she could ask for a boon, at which the queen asked Ram to come with
her in child form to Orchha. Ram agreed to go but he put forth three conditions: "I will travel only in Pukh Nakshatra. When Pukh
Nakshatra will end I will stop and resume only when Pukh Nakshatra sets in again. In this manner I will travel
from Ayodhya to Orchha on foot along with a group of sages. Secondly, once I reach Orchha, I will be the King of Orchha and not your
husband. Thirdly, (since the child form of Ram would travel in the queen’s lap), the first place you seat me will be my final place of
stay and will be famous by the name of Ramraj." The Queen agreed and started her journey to Orchha with baby Ram in her lap. Since
the queen travelled only in Pukh Nakshtra it took 8 months and 27 days for the queen to reach Orchha from Ayodhya on foot (between
1574 and 1575).[1]
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
1.3 How to save India ?
How to save India ?
There are not only external threats but also internal threats that are so called Adharma and to expose
them is now duty of Almighty court of Justice or Mahakal Lalla Virajman AYODHAYA Who teleported
on 22 23 Dec 1949 in middle gummed of Babri Mosque as Allah Hu Akbar .
1. SC judgment 16 Sept 1976 , State Of Uttar Pradesh vs Lalai Singh Yadav On 16 September, 1976 is adharma where it is said
that Balmik Ramayan is Imaginary book . Means Lord Ram ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) is Hypothetical identity that
doesn’t exist in History. 2. SC judgment 1994 in Ismail Farooq case Dr. M. Ismail Faruqui Etc, Mohd. ... vs Union Of India And
Others on 24 October, 1994 that Mosque is not necessary for offering Namaz is Adharma . Means Kashi and Mathura dispute is
now in danger and Amicable solution is not possible . 3. SC judgment 9.11 2019 Ayodhaya dispute SC judgment 9.11.2019 IN THE
SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION Civil Appeal Nos 10866-10867 of 2010 is Adharma as
it is not Amicable solution as thought by CJI Khehar Singh in 2017 .All above SC judgments are under Curative petition by Almighty
Court of Justice to protect Dharam . By order Mahakaal Lalla Virajman
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
1.4 Mind and Mass Realities [1]
Fig. 1 Divine Mechanics Unit CCP, CP and information s Code PcPs with B-Bit Mass
Atomic genetics is the branch of science where we investigate about fundamental interactions of the universe i.e. atomic transcription
and translations . New words have been coined to understand hidden science of mind part of reality. Mind reality has been recognized
as different faces by “I” about 5000 years back to Arjuna in Mahabharata.as shown in Fig 1. It is just like to understand any language
through Alphabets. These are ( different faces ) Alphabets of mind reality. One Mind reality has one face identity and the second mind
reality has second face identity and so on. The facial expression represents phenomenon of intelligence and different faces represent
different types of properties carrying property. The open eyes means property is activated while close eye means property is
inactivated. In spite of carrying properties conscious ness they also know how to conduct not only origin of universe but also how to
create two different universe i.e. next creation could be different from this creation . In all, it is automatic system of the universe . The
mind realities which are of good properties have devtas face identity ( first five faces on both side ) and those mind realities which are
of bad properties have demons face identity ( last four faces on both side ) . These are named as code PCPs or messenger atomic genes .
The central face is CCP or Thought script where all thoughts of the universe are banked . It is bank of data of all information s of the
universe It is face identity of Anti mind particles as data of all information’s of the universe are stored as anti mind particles . It is the
Time mind ness ( biological clock ) that keeps on expressing different thoughts from this thought script (CCP) . There are four more
faces ( black bodies ) shown on extreme left and right floating in fire are CPs ( translating Atomic genes) . That translates the messages
and realizes it and reacts accordingly.[1]
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Messages From Biological world to understand B.B.B world as shown in Fig 1.2 [1]
Fig 1.2 Parallel teaching by participatory science [1]
The standard model not only modified rather it has been completed [11] with introduction of energized gravitons , primary fermions,
primary bosons , Basic Building Blocks , Mind and Tachyons as shown in Fig1.3
Fig. 1. 3 standard Model chart [11]
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
2.1 Lord Ram as Trinity ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) and He is Representing Allah Ho Akbar . Know Allah
(Tawhid and Trinity) in the light of science It is the matter of great concern that All persons should be acquainted with First God
Concept. And the concept is Every Thing Is Allah, Every Book Is Quran, Then All Worships Are Allah’s Worship. Conditioned
spirituality starts with Allah and ends with Allah of this creation.
Q. What is Avatar (Trinity) Phenomenon?
A. In avatar phenomenon, ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) message of Almighty B.B.B. Yang B.B.B working as highest center
of universe First God of symmetry breaking phase used to come to earth to either Yang B.B.B. or Yin B.B.B. via first transcription
message system to exhibit. His few properties by unconditioned way of working and that B.B.B stars working by expressing that
thought as wished by Almighty B.B.B. Yang B.B.B working as highest center of universe First God of symmetry breaking phase .
Can Kill Demons of infinite powers as Did Lord Ram (Allah) to kill Ravan etc.
2.2 Who is Lord Ram ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) ?
Who is Lord Ram? Whether King, Trinity( Representing Almighty God BBB ) or Hypothetical Legend of Some Story.
It is the Quran that will tell who is Lord Ram . Because Only Allaha is worthy for worship . If Dr Swami proves that Lord Ram is
Creator , then only his claim to do worship at that site is true . If he says Allah ho Akbar By knowledge not by force or ignorance to
Idol of Lord Ram , then only his claim to worship would be true .
Mayavi Ravan ( He has oscillation property increase and decrease in size ) being killed by Trinity Ram (
Representing Almighty God BBB ) or “Allah Ho Akbar ”
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
2.3 How Trinity( Representing Almighty God BBB ) appears on Earth
Phenomenon of Teleportation and UPS in the mind of Almighty B.B.B ( Allahtala) in Universe “I”
Dirac equation is illusion as mathematics does not have thought of mind and thought of Creator . Self positioning system ( SPS ) in
brain triggers to know our surrounding and our location . It is being used by animals and birds during migration or navigation on earth .
Global positioning system (GPS - computer ) helps us to know our location and different place and their route on Earth . GPS does
not make us to be lost in big cities if we have loaded origin and destination in our computer . There is one more system called
universe positioning system (UPS). Our journey did not start with fertilization of ova with sperm rather it had started since origin of the
universe( Tachyon sea ) and our brain could predict our past and future transformations before we transformed into human beings .
UPS helps to locate home of Almighty B.B.B ( Tachyons Sea ) as prayer reaches to Almighty B.B.B . All religions do IDOL worship
of Two God particles in different ways. Unless brain sees idol of two God particles during worship ( Fig 1.3) or during namaz
devotee sees home of Almighty B.B.B ( Allahatala or Tachyon sea ) and structure of Tachyons ( One Yang and many Yins ) ( Fig 1.3
) by brain , worship is incomplete
Teleportation is the phenomenon made by Almighty B.B.B ( Creator of universe and Aliens ) . As He descends from invisible
universe ( Tachyon sea ) to Earth . First , message comes ( first order of universe ) to Earth B.B.Bs via first transcription ( quantum
entanglement ) and B.B.Bs of Earth transform in to any shape ( Trinity Human beings or Almighty B.B.B in flesh form ) and Trinity
does such deeds that they occupy place in church and temple as idol worship . For example Lord Jesus , Lord Krishna or Lord Ram etc
The theory predicts that when Almighty B.B.B teleports Himself , He ( Creator of universe and Aliens) could tell exactly
where Aliens reside in universe “I” .
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
2.4 Idol of Lord Ram ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) is Alive
Life In Idol (In Statue) Is True ( Pran Pratishtha ) And It Is By Virtue of Sleeping And Arousal Property of Basic Building
Blocks Which Is Property of Life ( New Definition ) . Death Is Illusion . Concept of Soul Is Myth. Religion Is Lame Without
Science And Science Is Blind Without Religion ” Einstein
Universe is made up of God Particles or Basic Building Blocks ( Fig -1) or mind and mass . To Understand life ( new definition ) we
have to understand sleeping and arousal phenomenon in living animals , plants and seed , molecules , atoms , particles and in
Tachyons which are made up off two God particles . We are set of informations ( Code PcPs ) and that too changing ( fetus , infant ,
adolescence , adult , old age and finally death ) . Death set of informations ( code PcPs ) are different than life set of informations (
CodePcPs) . Life set of Informations could be recreated only by Almighty B.B.B . Hence death is illusion. In all stages of set of
informations of particles , atoms, molecules have arousal state of mind ( Eyes open ) . Hence Idols are alive by virtue of arousal -
sleep phenomenon property ( property of life ) of God particles ( Mind and Mass ) . Life effects are higher thought expressions of
B.B.Bs . When these thought expressions are inhibited death thoughts are triggered , we observe death effects . ( autolysis of cells and
rigor mortis etc ). Hence concept of soul is myth. Hence Life means sleep and arousal phenomenon ( new definition ) . Hence statues
are alive because they are in arousal state of mind . ( Open eyes ) till creation exists . After the creation is over, all stages of God
particles would come in sleeping state in symmetry phase ( close eyes –mind ) but alive ( new definition ) . Universe “I” is always
Alive ( new definition ) whether it is in sleeping state of mind or arousal state of mind.
Sleep and arousal phenomenon in Universe “I” .
Sleep and arousal phenomenon in Universe. State of God particles ( Sleep Arousal Cycle in one creation in different stages .
Tachyons particles and particles , atoms and molecules ) of universe “I”
Hence Idols never sleep as they are made up of particles, Atoms and molecules . Idols are set of informations ( Code PcPs ) and that
too not changing or fixed . In us, death set of informations are different than life set of informations and our set of informations
could be recreated only by Almighty B.B.B . Hence death is illusion in us . In Idols , single stage of set of information is there and
particles , atoms, molecules have arousal state of mind ( Eye open ) . Hence Idols are alive even in statue stage by virtue of arousal -
sleep property ( property of life ) of God particles ( Mind and Mass ). ( Fig 1 )
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
2.5 Adam’s Bridge mystery solved
Adam’s Bridge Formation ( Floating of Stones) By Virtue of Prayer Done By Lord Ram Rather than Any Miracle Claimed By
Hindu Believers . it Was Lawlessness That Triggered By Unconditioned Thought Expression By First order Of Universe (
AGE By Quantum Entanglement )
It is being believed that by writing word Ram on stones could make stones floating , it is Myth . Floating of stones while making
Adam’s Bridge was a lawlessness triggered by unconditioned thought expressions by first order of universe leading to change in
programming ( Code PcPs floating ) of gravity interactions which was previously programmed for sinking ( Code PcPs sinking ) by
M2 . It is the mind of M2 that orders sinking effect when energized gravitons from M1 come and interacts with interacting surfaces of
atoms of stones of M2 . It is science of prayer ( Atomic genetics engineering ) that underpins floating of stones done by Lord Ram .
The phenomenon ended with end of the period of stay of Lord Ram in Shri lanka i.e. the reversal of programming . With the result
floating stones got sunk . There are many thoughts that design the sinking or floating effects . There is feedback to higher centers
before next thought is triggered . During transmutation of phenomenon of sinking to floating or vice versa , sinking thoughts get
suppressed , and floating thoughts get triggered and vice versa . It is Almighty B.B.B , The Creator B.B.B Who was designing the
phenomenon by request of Lord Ram by quantum entanglement .
Strange floating stones of Rameshwaram computation
Some floating stones are found on the coastal regions of Rameshwaram. These stones are similar to any other stone and possess the
same features, physical and chemical composition like the stone you may find in your locality. Seeing these stones from a far distance,
you may feel that this stone is made of corals but on physical examination, it is found that this is not a coral stone...and neither is it a
pumice stone!
Strange floating stones of Rameshwaram
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Normal sinking stone computation .
Why now Ram Setu is under water because Lawlessness and unconditioned thought expressions that led to floating on water worked
only for few days and when work was over , the unconditioned triggering ended and normal triggering of programmed thought
expressions ( Code PcPs sink ) of sinking get triggered .
Normal sinking effect of normal stones found every were
How normal sinking programming transformed into floating programming and further it reversed into
normal sinking programming .
Lord Ram did Prayer ( Quantum entanglement ) . The Prayer was accepted by Almighty B.B.B . At first sinking programming ( Code
PcPs Sink ) was changed to floating programming ( Code PcPs Floating ) and later it was again shifted to sinking programming (
Code PcPs sink ) after few days . It is lawlessness and it is unconditioned Working of nature and it is done by First order of universe (
QuantumEntanglement ) It is called Atomic genetic Engineering ) .
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
Ram Setu is not God’s miracle . It is by virtue of Prayer Done by Lord Ram .
Lord Rama worshiping Almighty B.B.B before making Adam’s bridge . There is shifting of Programming of Sinking to Floating and
vice versa . It is lawlessness and unconditioned thought expression by order of Almighty B.B.B . ( Quantum Entanglement )
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
2.6 Lord Ram ( Representing Almighty God BBB ) did reincarnate second time in 1554 as Real Ram lalla virajman in the lap
of queen Orchha in Ayodhaya and now residing in her palace since then as Raja Ram
On reaching Ayodhya, the Queen started praying to Lord Ram close to Laxman Fort near Sarayu river. She ate only fruits,
then she gave up fruits and ate only leaves, and eventually she gave up all food. The Queen fasted and prayed for about a month
but Lord Ram did not appear, so eventually in despair, she jumped into the river at midnight. Just then something magical
happened and Lord Ram appeared in child form in the Queen's lap.
Lord Ram told the queen that he was happy with her prayers and she could ask for a boon, at which the queen asked Ram to
come with her in child form to Orchha. Ram agreed to go but he put forth three conditions: "I will travel only in Pukh
Nakshatra. When Pukh Nakshatra will end I will stop and resume only when Pukh Nakshatra sets in again. In this manner I
will travel from Ayodhya to Orchha on foot along with a group of sages. Secondly, once I reach Orchha, I will be the King of
Orchha and not your husband. Thirdly, (since the child form of Ram would travel in the queen’s lap), the first place you seat
me will be my final place of stay and will be famous by the name of Ramraj." The Queen agreed and started her journey to
Orchha with baby Ram in her lap. Since the queen travelled only in Pukh Nakshtra it took 8 months and 27 days for the queen
to reach Orchha from Ayodhya on foot (between 1574 and 1575).
SC is not infallible. Hence it requires review in curative petition by Almighty Court of Justice as by Geeta ch 4 vs 5 , the Reality as
regard Balmik Ramayana is true . Lord Ram did reincarnate second time in 1554 as Real Ram lalla virajman in the lap of queen
Orchha in Ayodhaya and now residing in her palace since then as Raja Ram . Hence SC judgment State Of Uttar Pradesh vs Lalai
Singh Yadav on 16 September, 1976 is Fake and Discarded by Almighty Court of Justice ( ACJ) Or Mahakal Lalla Virajman
Ayodhaya . Further Lord Ram returns on 1554 as Ram Lalla Virajman ( Real) as his second birth place is Saryu river denied
to claim not only his first birth place to contest in courts but also not to build Ram temple there . Lord Ram admitted to
Mahakal Lalla Virajman that he left Ayodhaya since 1554 as his Isht Dev Lord Natraz or Allah Ho Akbar would teleport in
Babri Mosque in 1949 on 22 -23 Dec Night to live in Ayodhaya and to rule Globe as Lord of Universe
www.ijcrt.org © 2021 IJCRT | Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org
[1] https://indiankanoon.org/doc/751132/
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Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) Volume 8, Issue 6 Ver. V. PP 74-86 (Nov. Dec. 2018),
[4] Das V.M. Life In Idol (In Statue) Is True ( Pran Pratishtha ) And It Is By Virtue of Sleeping And Arousal Property of Basic
Building Blocks Which Is Property of Life ( New Definition ) . Death Is Illusion . Concept of Soul Is Myth. Religion Is Lame
Without Science And Science Is Blind Without Religion Einstein IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-
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[5] Das V.M. Adam’s Bridge Formation ( Floating of Stones) By Virtue of Prayer Done By Lord Ram Rather than Any Miracle
Claimed By Hindu Believers . it Was Lawlessness That Triggered ByUnconditioned Thought Expression By First order Of Universe (
AGE By Quantum Entanglement ) IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) Volume 7, Issue 6 Ver.
VII (Nov. Dec. 2017), PP 25-56 www.iosrjournals.org
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[13] https://thewire.in/communalism/untold-story-rama-idol-surfaced-inside-babri-masjid
[14] https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/ram-lalla-lawyer-supreme-court-ayodhya-hearing-1580380-2019-08-13
[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Lalla_Temple
[16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Islam
[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirk_(Islam)