© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the award of the PGDM
Jharna Soni
Prof. Roshan Raju
Assistant Professor, Operations
This competitive world demands for the human resources as a mandatory asset in order to improve the
organizational performance. The organizations have to strive for adopting the innovative HR practices to
improve their performance and be different among its competitors. In near future, HRM is moving from the
traditional way of HR practices to more advanced progress like automation, augmented intelligence, robotics
and AI.
AI has been proved as life changing for us. From automation of mundane and time-consuming tasks, to the
augmentation and amplification of human capabilities, AI has the potential to drastically transform the way
we live and work. For HR, this is not just an opportunity but also an urgency to adapt and adopt. The HR
professionals today are more towards optimizing the combination of human and automated work to gain a
simple and intuitive work environment. It provides them enough time to deliver the enhanced employee
To compete with AI and advanced machines, the real challenge now lies within the respective HR department
that how will they train and re-transform their workforce in understanding the AI and collaborating and
working with AI and robotics.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
Tecuci (2012) mentions that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology, made possible by
the Internet, that will soon have major impacts on our daily lives. The name of Artificial Intelligence was
verified in 1956 (Stuart & Norvig, 2016). AI traditionally refers to an artificial creation of human-like
intelligence that can learn, reason, plan, perceive, or process natural language. Such traits allow AI to bring
immense socioeconomic opportunities, and socio-economic challenges.
As AI is an Internet enabled technology, the Internet Society recognizes that understanding the opportunities
and challenges associated with AI is critical to developing an Internet that people can trust.
As machine learning is used more often in products and services, there are some significant considerations
when it comes to users’ trust in the Internet. Several issues must be considered when addressing AI, including,
socio-economic impacts; issues of transparency, bias, and accountability; new uses for data, considerations of
security and safety, ethical issues; and, how AI facilitates the creation of new ecosystems.
At the same time, in this complex field, there are specific challenges facing AI, which include: a lack of
transparency and interpretability in decision-making; issues of data quality and potential bias; safety and
security implications; considerations regarding accountability; and, its potentially disruptive impacts on social
and economic structures.
In evaluating the different considerations and understanding the various challenges, the Internet Society has
developed a set of principles and recommendations in reference to what we believe are the core “abilities” that
underpin the value the Internet provides.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has received increased attention in recent years. Innovation, made possible through
the Internet, has brought AI closer to our everyday lives. These advances, alongside interest in the
technology’s potential socio-economic and ethical impacts, brings AI to the forefront of many contemporary
debates. Industry investments in AI are rapidly increasing, and governments are trying to understand what the
technology could mean for their citizens.
1.1.2 What is Human Resources Management?
Human resource management is a separate and specialized function which all managers need to perform.
It is that branch of management which is concerned with the recruitment, selection, development and the best use
of employees. Thus, human resource management ensures that every employee makes his maximum contribution to
the achievement of organizational goals. The human resource management that we find today is the result of a
number of significant inter-related developments since the era of industrial revolution.
With the emergence of trade union movements, need for a person who could act as an important link between
management and workers was strongly felt. Such a role was initially performed by Labour Welfare Officer
confined only to the welfare activities of the employees.
With the passage of time, factory system was introduced. Thousands of persons were employed under one
roof. The need for employing more and more employees had arisen. And the role for filling and giving people
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
for the organization was given to a person known as ‘Personnel Officer’. His main function was to recruit,
select and place the employees.
As time went by, fast changing technological development necessitated new skill development and training
to existing and new employees. Human relations approach recognized people as the most valuable source in
any organization. The traditional concept of Labour welfare and Personnel Management had to be replaced
with Human Resource Management. Presently, all these aspects viz recruitment, selection, placement and
labour welfare etc. are concern of Human Resource Management.
Keeping the foregoing in view, it can be concluded that human resource management has replaced the
traditional concept of Labour Welfare and Personnel Management.
The main functions performed by Human Resource Management are:
(i) Determining the number & types of employees required.
(ii) Recruitment, selection & placement of employees.
(iii) Providing training to the employees for improving their performance & career growth.
(iv) Performance appraisals
(v) Motivating the employees by providing both financial & non-financial incentives.
(vi) Ensuring social security for employees & handling their grievances.
(vii) Defending enterprises from legal complications
(viii) Establishing amicable relations between union & management.
In any enterprise all managerial functions are performed by individuals. No enterprise can function and
achieve its objectives in the absence of efficient and competent employees. Committed, honest, determined
and loyal employees are required not only for the growth but also for the survival of organization. Therefore,
human resource is considered as the most valuable resource of an enterprise.
After deciding what is to be done and how it is to be done through planning and deciding the organization
structure, the human requirement of the organization is assessed. Staffing function starts with the process of
need assessment and goes on to recruit and select people as per the requirement of organization.
Staffing is also considered as a distinct functional area of management just as marketing management and
financial management. Further, success of employees depends upon the quality and stability of the jobs for
which they are appointed. Ensuring same is an important role played by the human resource department.
Therefore, staffing is referred to as both viz “a line as well as a staff activity” i.e. an essential function of the
management as well as a distinct functional area of management.
1.1.3 Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management:
AI technologies offer significant opportunities to improve HR functions, such as self-service transactions,
recruiting and talent acquisition, payroll, reporting, access policies and procedures. We are living in an era in
which AI capabilities are reaching new heights and have a major impact on how we operate our business.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Human resources executives have faith that merging AI into HR administration functions will benefit and
improve the overall employee experience. This will provide more capacity, more time and budget, and more
accurate information for decisive people management. According to Nilsson (2005) machines should be able
to do most of the jobs that human intelligence demands, which he calls for human-level AI.
Humans and learning machines are working together to produce an ever-increasing amount of HR data in the
cloud, and the use of artificial intelligence analyses offer better insight into how to execute and operate. The
success of any organization depends on how effectively it combines people, process and technology
intelligently to deliver transformational value at optimized cost. AI will help to efficiently automate many
back-office functions for reliable HR transactions and service delivery. This document is focused on
conversational AI capabilities for HR transactions and provides insight about intelligent automation via the
technology-agnostic chatbot. The adoption of AI in HRM and in recruiting can be called as ’the new age of
HR’, since AI changes the recruitment industry by replacing routine tasks that have been conducted by human
recruiters (Upadhyay & Khandelwal, 2018)..
What are the barriers to adopting AI technologies? What is causing the slow adoption of AI in this field?
Financial barriers can be blamed for the lack of wider tool implementation to assist in HR administrative
tasks. Other key barriers to AI adoption include:
Talent gap: it can be expensive and hard to find properly educated or skilled people.
Concern over privacy: confidential HR data must be accessed securely and available only to the authorized
Ongoing maintenance: as with other innovative technologies, AI requires deep learning and regular review
and updates.
Integration capabilities: data availability is limited, due to the HR trend toward SAAS (Software as a
Limited proven applications: many products and services are feasible based on proof of concept only.
However, the cost of using AI can be justified for the following human resource functions:
• Reducing the amount of time HR professionals spend on administrative tasks
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• Reducing the burden of shared service centers and help desks by performing HR transactions and providing
answers for routine queries
• Recruiting and retention
• Measuring return on investments
• Reducing bias in HR decision-making
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
If organizations wish to remain competitive in today’s global economy, they will need to look at ways to
incorporate conversational AI for HR transactions in their decision-making process. Organizations should rely
on AI to perform administrative duties so that HR departments may become more efficient. HR professionals
will be able to focus more on strategic planning on an organizational level. AI processes data more quickly
than the average human. It is also able to cast a wider net, bringing attention to people who employers might
not have considered or who may not even be looking for work. Having more qualified candidates from the
beginning shortens the process, enabling managers to dedicate more time to analyzing HR data and improving
strategic planning.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to know what impact the Artificial Intelligence has on Human Resource
Management in the current era or how AI will affect HRM in the future. As a concept, artificial intelligence
has been used around decades. But from last 20 years, the successful application of machine learning enabled
the boom of AI. This study is important because AI, today, has begun to engage the workforce. It is helping the
staff to manage their time effectively and add the strategic value to the organization. AI has the potential and
capability to solve many business problems as well as to make shift in productivity of the industries by
introducing automation for tedious, time consuming, mundane and repetitive tasks.
HR is one of the core functions of any organization. Adopting AI in technology in HR might give both short
term as well as long term gains. Some have been witnessed already while others are expected to be witnessed
in the near future.
There are many ways in which AI can play an important role in HR which are as follows:
1. Recruitment
Gusdorf, Myrna (2008) explained that the use of AI technology in recruitment function of HR helps the team
to analyze the resumes received and comparing it with the job description as well as the existing employee with
the same job role and then select the best suitable candidate. This eliminates the human intervention and bias
completely. Thus, AI helps in speeding up of the recruitment process.
2. Talent Management
Every organization has the need of human capital. Talent management refers to the planning done by the
organization to meet the employee’s needs. For this, the HR department undertakes the activities such as talent
management, succession management etc.
Implementing AI in this will benefit the organization in many ways. For example AI would observe minute
details such as whether an employee submitted their work sample through LinkedIn or Glassdoor. It maintains
for all the employees based on its own analysis with zero intervention. This helps the interviewers sort through
the applications ahead of time.
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3. Scheduling
There are many AI based tools like Amy Ingram and zoom.ai which learns from observing employees’
preferences overtime and then manages it in an automated manner for them. It even allows employees to
automate regular tasks like looking for a file and scheduling meetings. By doing so, employees of the
organization can focus on more important and strategic tasks. It ultimately helps in improving the employee
productivity and providing the best result.
4. On boarding Process
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
HR can automate many tasks of onboarding that would take hours otherwise. Tools like zoom.ai come here to
rescue as it can collect relevant data from new employees as well as generate their offer, send out the documents
and answer the queries. It saves time and energy of HR department such that HR team can focus on integrating
the employee into mainstream of the organization.
Thus, the purpose of AI adoption in HR is to improve the productivity and efficiency of HR so that it can meet
its core objectives. Hence, it should be kept in mind that the impact of AI technology in HR is to facilitate
employee experience at every level.
1.3 Research Questions
1. Do the software used for hiring process in your organization is based on application of AI or latest
2. Are AI - based software helping to find the best talent for the job?
3. Is AI - based software future of HR practices?
4. Is AI easing HR operations?
5. Implementing AI in HR practices will lead to the loss of Human Jobs?
6. Are organizations interested in seeing AI-based software for HR practices?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follow:
The objective of this study is to know the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource
To identify the role of AI based software in hiring the best talent from industry
To evaluate the function of AI based software specifically towards the screening process which is the
primary process of hiring and cost of using such systems
To understand the effect of AI based software on recruiters’ job
1.5 Limitations of the Study
In order to conduct this study, the following research limitations have been recognized by the researcher:
The main limitation of this research was that a low number of recruitment professional participated in the
survey/questionnaire. Of the 150 Google forms sent out to professionals, only 19 replies were received.
However, response rate of 20% is acceptable if the information collected is of good quality. In order to collect
and analyze
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the data from the respondents, the research requires a high amount of time. However, this study has a particular
deadline, which increased limitation in data analysis.
Secondly, respondent error is another limitation which can occur. Participants may make mistakes when
filling information in the questionnaires. In order to combat this, the questions provided in the questionnaires,
were easy to understand and left little room for confusion.
There are chances that the employees might have misinterpreted the questionnaire also. (Source ideal.com,
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
1.6 Statement of the Problem
To study the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resource Management.
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2.1 Literature review
Scott W. O’Connor (2020): In the article titled Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management, the
author clearly says that artificial intelligence will continue to positively shape the field of human resources
management in the coming years. HR professionals should also be more aware of the challenges that they
might face. Thus, to prepare for the future of human resource management, professionals should take the
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
necessary steps to learn about the current trends in the field, as well as lay a strong foundation of HR
knowledge that they can build upon as the profession evolves.
Prasanna Vatsa and Kusuma Gullamjji (2019): In the paper titled “To Study the Impact of Artificial
Intelligence on Human Resource Management”, it is clearly stated that the integration of HR practices with
AI based applicants definitely have a stronger impact in enhancing the organizational performance. The study
depicts that AI is everywhere in HR, be in recruitment, training, on boarding, performance analysis, retention
and so on, but many of the organizations are still lagging in integrating AI to its HR practices because of its
cost associated in integration.
Jennifer Johansson and Senja Herranen (2019): In the paper titled The Application of Artificial
Intelligence in Human Resource Management”, it is mentioned that the area of AI in recruitment is new and
there are not many organizations that has implemented AI in all parts of the recruitment process. It also
mentions that the main benefits of AI are seen as the speeded quality and elimination of routine tasks, while
major challenge is seen as the companies’ overall readiness towards the new technologies.
Albert Christopher (2019): In his article names as “Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
Management, the author says that AI based applications raise employee productivity. It has the ability to
analyze, predict, diagnose and become more capable resource while focusing on employee need and
outcomes. However, there are challenges like privacy, talent gap, maintenance, integration capabilities or
limited proven applications. AI systems must be managed carefully by finding reliable learning data sets,
using the right implementation approach, seeking clarity, eliminating bias and considering unintentional
Barbara van pay(2018): In this article how AI is reinventing HR it was clearly stated that all the organizations
mostly looking for AI solutions for their business and they are scared of letting a non-human entity handle the
procedures of business. By using the AI in organization it can reduce the time consumed for filling and hiring
the candidates who applied for the job, through screening multiple candidates, gathers data they rank the
candidates by considering other information like experience ,skill set etc., to find right person. After finding
the perfect fit for the role next main part is interviewing, now days AI interviewing software such as hike vue,
mya are used mostly. AI technology takes care from sourcing to interview which drastically reduces the
recruitment timeline and help to hire right candidates with ability to perform in specific roles and make
placements much easier and at faster rate.
Anupam jauhari (2017): In the paper title how AI and machine learning can affect HR practices today. AI
is becoming increasingly relevant and reshaping the way businesses employ and do every activity recruitment
is simple for practitioners as machine learning technology will use chatbot to carry out all activities, AI will
screen candidates and send the confirmation or rejection email to the candidates. according to the analysis of
India report of Delloite 5th annual global human capital trends 53% of companies are ready to deploy digital
tools while 22% have already deployed their tools.
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Edge Admin (2017): Now the present world is ruled by the advanced technologies, which is intimidating the
global workforce. Out of all the technologies, we can say AI is the most groundbreaking one. As importance
in the application of AI almost in each and every sector may it be banking, health care insurance etc., but the
results achieved are remarkable. AS most of the companies across the globe are adopting AI, India is also not
an exception that new firms especially(start-up’s) are now integrating their business with AI to stay more
visible and
to be competitive. Some of the start-up's that have integrated its business with AI in India are:ARYA.ai,
BOXX.ai, cuddle.ai, Imbibe, Edge networks, and Haptic to name a few.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
2.2 Research Gap
There is a particular gap regarding the recruitment and selection processes in the industry. The studies
available shows the general HR practices related to job satisfactions, organizational performance and
productivity rather than hiring methods and technologies used for hiring. Most of the previous researches are
based on how IT is transforming HR process, which is very broad area. Though AI is an application of IT, but
is relevantly different.
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3.1 Research Design
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
On the general term, the research design is viewed from two perspectives, quantitative research design or
qualitative research design. They can both be used or applied distinctively or together.
A quantitative research design is used to examine the relationship between variable by using numbers and
statistics to explain and analyze its findings and there are four types of quantitative research design:
1. Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied.
It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the
"what" question (what are the characteristics of the population or situation being studied?). The
characteristics used to describe the situation or population are usually some kind of categorical scheme
also known as descriptive categories.
In our topic there is need for data collection which will include population. So, we would be selecting this
design for research.
2. Correlational design research: This seeks to discover if two variables are associated or related in
some way, using statistical analysis, while observing the variable.
3. Experimental design research: This is a method used to establish a cause and effect relationship
between two variables or among a group of variables. The independent variable is manipulated to
observe the effect on the dependent variable. For example, a certain group is exposed to a variable and
then compared with the group not exposed to the variable.
Qualitative Research - A qualitative research design is used to explore the meaning and understanding of
complex social environments, like the nature of people’s experience, using case studies. Qualitative research
design, on the other hand, is exploratory in nature as it tries to explore not to predict the outcome.
Research Methodology: Research methodology is that the specific procedures or techniques used to identify,
select, process, and analyze information a few topics. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the
reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability. Sociologists draw on a spread of both
qualitative and quantitative research methods, including experiments, survey research, participant
observation, and secondary data. Quantitative methods aim to classify features, count them, and make
statistical models to check hypotheses and explain observations. Qualitative methods aim for an entire,
detailed description of observations, including the context of events and circumstances.
Questionnaires: Questionnaires are an honest thanks to obtain information from an outsized number of
individuals and/or people that might not have the time to attend an interview or participate in experiments.
They enable people to require their time, believe it and are available back to the questionnaire later.
Participants can state their views or feelings privately without fear about the possible reaction of the
researcher. Unfortunately, some people may still be inclined to try to give socially acceptable answers. People
should be encouraged to answer the questions as honestly as possible so on avoid the researchers drawing
false conclusions from their study.
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Questionnaires typically contain multiple choice questions, attitude scales, closed questions and open-ended
questions. The drawback for researchers is that they typically have a reasonably low response rate and other
people don't always answer all the questions and/or don't answer them correctly. Questionnaires can be
administered in a number of different ways (e.g. sent by post or as email attachments, posted on websites,
handed out personally or administered to captive audience (such as people attending conferences).
Researchers may even plan to administer the questionnaire face to face which has the advantage of including
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
people that have difficulties reading and writing. In this case, the participant may feel that s/he is participating
in an interview instead of completing a questionnaire because the researcher is going to be noting down the
responses on his/her behalf. We are going to use the Questionnaires method for the study. As it can get data
from large number of people and it can help us getting the honest opinions of the people.
Theories and literatures have been searched to support the research. Next, the problem and the research
question has been developed and research method has been elected. The next step is to collect data with using
the methods planned. After the data is collected, the researcher has analyzed the data with selected theories.
At last, the conclusion is drawn.
The research methodology adopted for this paper is a mixture of both qualitative as well quantitative research
The data for the research have been collected through the primary source of data by creating a questionnaire
and conducting a survey among the respondents. The data has also been collected from secondary sources of
data which includes the previous publishes papers as well as the articles and blogs of well-known authors.
The qualitative research methodology has been used in the sense that the record keeping method in has been
used by taking reference from the past published related papers and the articles.
3.2 Data Collection
This study utilized both primary and secondary data. The primary data was gathered with the help of a
structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 150 respondents. After considering the
reliability and the plausibility of the data, 19 completely filled questionnaires were used for data analysis. The
secondary data was collected from articles, journals and PDF’s. Primary and secondary data was interpreted
and analyzed to arrive at logical conclusion.
3.3 Data Analysis Tool
SPSS tools was used for data analysis. Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the reliability and internal
consistency of the questionnaire. Then the data was analyzed using multiple linear regression. This analysis
was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the research model in assessing the impact of Artificial
Intelligence on HRM and HR practices and also to find out if the impact was significant.
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3.4 Research Model
Figure below represents the research model used in this project. The independent variables in this research
model are Artificial Intelligence technologies and software. The dependent variable used in this study is HRM
and HR Practices.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Figure 1: The Figure above shows the Research Model adopted for the study
3.5 Research Hypothesis
H0 (Null): AI does not have a significant impact on HRM
H1 (Alternative): AI has a significant impact on HRM
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4.1 Respondent’s characteristics analysis:
This section includes the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the questionnaires. The
questionnaire was distributed to 150 respondents.
AI Based Software,
tools and
Eases HR Operations
Future of HR
Finding the best talent
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
After ensuring the integrity and the reliability of the data, 19 responses were received and analyzed. The first
part is the age, occupation and organization analysis of the respondents.
Out of 19 respondents, 15 respondents (78.9%) ie majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 20
30 years followed by the age groups of 31 40 years and 51 years & above. This is shown in figure 1 given
Figure 1: Age analysis of the respondents
From the figure 2 below, the occupation of the respondents can be analyzed. Majority of the respondents are
corporate employees (31.6%) followed by other category (31.6%) and the business category (26.3%). The
least number of the respondents belong to the working professional category.
Age Analysis
20 - 30 years
31 - 40 years
41 - 50 years
51 years & above
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Figure 2: Occupation analysis of the respondents
From the figure 3 given below, the occupation of the respondents can be analysed. Majority of the respondents
(57.8%) do not lie in the mentioned categories and lie in the other sector that includes Education sector,
Pharmaceutical Sector, Journalism, Engineering sector, etc. This is followed by the Manufacturing sector
(15.8), Retail Sector (10.5%), IT, Automobile and Consulting Sector occupying 5% each.
Figure 3: Occupation analysis of the respondents (sector wise)
Occupation Analysis
Occupation Analysis
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
4.2 Reliability analysis of the survey instrument:
The survey instrument used for this study was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was drafted by
using Likert scale. These questions were drafted to gauge the usage of Artificial Intelligence technologies in
HR Practices in organizations and their impact on the Human Resource Management.
Cronbach’s alpha was utilized to measure of the reliability and internal consistency of the survey instrument.
This method also helps to understand if the items in the questionnaire have shared covariance. According to
the output table 1, it can be seen that the Cronbach’s alpha is 0.754. This value is greater than the standard
value of 0.7 which shows that the questionnaire is reliable and have an internal consistency among the
questions. This test showed that all the questions have a shared covariance which proves that they all help to
understand and measure the same concept of sustainable HR practices.
Table 1: Cronbach’s Reliability Test Output
Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Alpha Based on
Standardized Items
N of Items
4.3 Analysis of the impact of AI on HRM
After checking the reliability and the consistency of the questionnaire, the impact and significance of Artificial
Intelligence on HRM and HR Practices was analyzed. Multiple regression analysis was used to understand
the effect of the. For this study, Artificial Intelligence technologies and AI based software were taken as the
independent variables and HRM & HR Practices like HR Operations is taken as the dependent variable. Table
2 shows the R square value of the model and this value helps to understand if the research model undertaken
is a good fit for the research data and it also explains how much variability of the dependent variable is
explained by the independent variable. From table 2, it can be seen that the R square value is 0.622. This
means that 62.2% of the variability of Human Resource Management can be explained by Artificial
Table 2: Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the
Table 3 shows the ANOVA test output which helps in understanding if the independent variables used in this
model is effective in predicting the dependent variable. From table 3 it can be seen that the sig value is 0.009
which is less than the standard p value 0.05. So it proves that the independent variables chosen for this model
(Artificial Intelligence technologies and software) are helpful in determining the dependent variable which is
HRM & HR Practices.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Table3: ANOVA
Sum of
Table 4 shows the regression test output. This helps to determine the significance and the effect of Artificial
Intelligence on Human Resource Management and HR Practices. It also shows the relationship between AI
and HRM. From table 4, it can be seen that the sig value for all the independent variables (familiarity with AI
introduction 0.005(, and (agreement of AI software helping in finding the best talent for the job 0.011) is
lesser that the standard significance value of 0.05 which proves that these factors are significant and have a
significant effect on HRM. But the other two factors have the value greater than 0.05, which shows that
currently their organizations do not use AI based software for HR Practices. From table 4, it can also be seen
that the beta values for the factors except the usage of in-house software or third party software are positive.
This implies that these factors are positively related to HRM and HR Practices.
So, on the basis of the analysis performed, the hypothesis H1 stating that AI has a positive and significant
impact on HRM can be accepted.
Thus, the H1(Alternate) hypothesis is accepted and H0(Null) hypothesis is rejected which means that
Artificial Intelligence has a significant impact on Human Resource Management.
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Table 4: Multiple Regression Output
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Do you have in-house
HRM software or you rely
on third party software
systems for hiring?
Are you familiar with
introduction of AI in hiring
Do the software used for
hiring process in your
organization is based on
application of AI or latest
To what extent do you
agree that AI-based
software are helping to
find the best talent for the
5.1 Findings
1. Majority of the organizations have adopted the AI in their Human Resource Management practices.
2. There is a positive response from the respondents that they are likely to accept the introduction of AI
at various stages of HR based functions.
3. Organizations are using the third party software, in house software, Omnidocs, Ezieka, etc as AI
software in HRM.
4. Majority of the organization is positive for the fact that AI is the future of HR.
5. Organizations which are not using AI based software would like to adopt the same in future.
5.2 Suggestions
Researchers would like to suggest that companies devise a simple and concise organizational strategy to
integrate AI into their recruitment process, based on the results of this study. Researcher would like to
recommend that recruiters should replace easy and time-consuming tasks with smart AI technology, allowing
recruiters and HR managers to concentrate more on strategic functions. Furth more, developers of smart AI
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
technologies needs to develop such platforms keeping in mind the budgetary issue of small to medium
organization as well, so that they can adopt AI in their recruitment process.
5.3 Conclusion
The incorporation of HR activities for candidates based on AI undoubtedly has a greater effect in enhancing
the efficiency of the organisation. Although AI applications do not possess emotional and cognitive abilities
like humans, these powerful AI-based HR applications may be able to interpret, forecast, diagnose, and it is a
powerful tool for any kind of organization.
Yet the real concern that is overwhelming the Global workforce is how AI is demonstrating its impact in
cutting jobs across various industries around the world. But, the truth is that it's not the advanced technologies
that replace humans, but it's more about how humans can adapt and use these developments in wealth and
prosperity development.
In the true sense, the AI-based functions would affect certain percentage of workers, and it is the responsibility
of HR leaders and companies to reflect on their employee needs and future outcomes. And, eventually, based
on our research, most companies effectively incorporate AI-related methods into recruitment, but AI is
everywhere in HR in the near future: May be in recruitment, training, on boarding, performance analysis,
retention etc.,
But most companies are still lagging behind in incorporating AI into their HR activities due to their
integration-related costs. In conclude, the application of AI should be regarded as a positive opportunity,
because AI improves life, AI produces a better future if it is clearly understood and properly used.
Prasanna Vatsa and Kusuma Gullamjji (August, 2019), To Study the Impact of Artificial
Intelligence on Human Resource Management
Jennifer Johansson and Senja Herranen (May, 2019), The Application of Artificial Intelligence
in Human Resource Management
Albert Christopher (September, 2019), Use of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource
Anupam jauhari (2017), How AI and machine learning can affect hr practices today
Barbara van pay( sep 30, 2018): In this article how AI is reinventing HR
Karan Hiren Bhalgat (August 2019), An exploration of how Artificial Intelligence is impacting
Recruitment and Selection process
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
Below is the questionnaire used for the research:
1. Do you work in a private recruitment agency or HR in an organization/company?
2. In which sector does your organization operate?
a. IT
b. Manufacturing
c. Consulting
d. Automobile
e. Retail
f. Other
3. Do you use modern technologies for e.g. AI-based screening software, Database management
software, etc. in your Hiring process?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Do you have in-house Human Resource Management (HRM) software or you rely on third-party
software systems for Hiring?
a. In house Software
b. Third Party software
5. Are you familiar with introduction of Artificial Intelligence in Hiring practices?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
6. Do the software used for Hiring process in your organization is based on application of Artificial
Intelligence or latest technologies?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
7. At how many stages of hiring process do you use such software? (You can select more than one
a. Resume Shortlisting
b. Online Assessments
c. Video Assessments
© 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org
d. Entire hiring process
e. Other process
f. None of the above
8. To what extend do you agree that AI-based software are helping to find best talent for the job?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
9. Do you think that AI-based software is future for hiring practices?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
10. Do you think that Artificial Intelligence is easing Human Resource operations?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
11. Do you now or in future will be interested in seeing AI-based software for hiring practices?
a. Yes
b. No