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In the loop
New human capital disclosure rules:
Getting your company ready
October 2020
(updated April 2021)
With up to 85% of a company’s costs tied up in people (, stakeholders looking
to allocate investment dollars want to understand how management sees the company’s
strategic and operational requirements. The SEC introduced new disclosure requirements
in August 2020 designed to provide stakeholders insight into human capitalfrom the
operating model, to talent planning, learning and innovation, employee experience, and
work environment. The disclosures may help stakeholders evaluate whether a business
has the right workforce to meet immediate and emerging business challenges and the
nature and magnitude of the related investments. However, there are questions as to what
is required to comply with the principles-based rules.
In certain SEC lings, a public company is now required to disclose:
the number of employees and a description of its human capital resources, if material
to the business as a whole; and if material to a particular segment, that segment should
be identied
any human capital measures or objectives, if material, that the registrant focuses on
in managing its business, such as those related to the development, attraction, safety,
engagement, and retention of employees
The rules do not include a denition of “human capital” or a list of required measures
to disclose. The principles-based approach (1) reects an expectation that disclosures
will be tailored to a company’s own business or industry using management’s
judgment and (2) allows for the disclosures to evolve in response to changes in a
We also are not adopting a denition of the term “human capital”
because this term may evolve over time and may be dened by
different companies in ways that are industry specic. This approach
is consistent with the view expressed by a number of commenters
that noted that there are many denitions of human capital and that
the concept, while generally well understood, is often tailored to the
circumstances and objectives of individual companies.
Release on Modernization of Regulation S-K Items 101, 103, and 105
I am particularly
supportive of the
increased focus
on human capital
disclosures, which for
various industries and
companies can be an
important driver of
long-term value.
– Jay Clayton, then SEC Chairman
In the loop
was updated in April 2021 to include insights from our review of human
capital disclosures in recent Form 10-K filings.
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National Professional Services Group
The new rules, which are part of the SEC’s broader project to modernize Regulation
S-K, became effective November 9, 2020. As a result, 2020 Form 10-Ks and other lings
subject to Regulation S-K led on or after this date need to include the new disclosures.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 4
Scoping Reliability and consistency
Inventory all
human capital
measures or
objectives that
you focus on in
managing the
Narrow the
inventory to
include the
measures that
are material to an
understanding of
the business.
Step 3
processes and
controls over
the preparation
and reporting of
human capital
Consider subsequent
measurement and reporting.
Human capital measures
should be consistent from
period to period. Changes to
how the measures are used or
calculated should be disclosed.
While every company will differ, the following can help guide your approach.
Companies are evaluating which objectives or measures to disclose to comply with the
principles-based requirements and meet investor and regulator expectations. Jay Clayton,
then SEC Chairman, noted that he expects to see "meaningful qualitative and quantitative
disclosure, including, as appropriate, disclosure of metrics that companies actually use in
managing their affairs.” But beyond that general guidance, companies have broad
flexibility. Although specific to each company depending on its workforce strategy, we
recommend companies consider the following, including a specific focus on two areas that
significantly impacted most companies in 2020: COVID-19 and diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI).
Human capital resources
Human capital resources, while not dened
in the rules, may include employees,
non-employees, such as contract
workers, and others.
Objectives or measures
The rules require disclosure
of human capital objectives
or measures used to
manage the business
if material to an
understanding of the
business. Companies
need to consider
whether to include a
qualitative objective
and/or a quantitative
measure in each area
of human capital.
Example human
capital metrics
in well-being
Number of
per manager
and training
Revenue or
prot per
(e.g., gender,
age, ethnicity)
of safety
retention or
turnover rate
costs; labor
cost per
Ethics &
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National Professional Services Group
Sources of measures
The rules require companies to consider the measures used by management in running
the business, which may include those reported in an enterprise balanced scorecard, or
board or executive reporting, or considered in executive compensation.
Companies might also consider what aspects of human capital have been previously
communicated as being critical to the business, whether in public lings, investor and
employee briengs, or other public statements. For example, companies may have
included explicit references to their human capital resources in their proxy lings;
environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) disclosures; as well as during
shareholder engagement.
Various resources may also help companies focus on what investors and other
stakeholders consider to be meaningful:
International Organization for Standardization recommendations on human capital
reporting standards
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board sector-specic human capital metrics
World Economic Forum report (published with the Big 4 accounting rms) that denes
common metrics for sustainable value creation and ESG reporting, which includes
human capital
PwC’s Saratoga benchmarking tool that provides industry-specic metrics in various
areas of human capital: workforce productivity, span of control, succession, recruiting
costs, hire quality, labor costs, turnover, diversity, HR cost, and organizational
Other frameworks, such as those developed by Morgan Stanley Capital International
(MSCI) or Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
Lastly, companies might consider whether peer disclosures create an expectation for
comparable disclosures.
Material to the business
The requirements are rooted in materiality. The SEC considers information material if there
is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider it important in making
an investment or voting decision. This may be an appropriate benchmark in identifying
which human capital measures or objectives are material to the business.
Focusing human capital disclosures in light of current events
As the rule indicates, human capital disclosures should evolve over time as companies
respond to risks and challenges. There are perhaps no better examples of risks and
challenges a company needs to address than the COVID-19 global pandemic and the
need for diversity, equity, and inclusion. In this rst year of adoption, we suggest focusing
human capital disclosures in these areas if material to the business.
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National Professional Services Group
The COVID-19 crisis spotlighted the importance of having policies that protect employees
and invest in their well-being. For months, companies have grappled with how to adapt
their human capital management to retain their workforce, provide a safe workplace,
accommodate remote workers, and respond to difculties in supply chains. Areas of a
company’s human capital management that might be impacted by COVID-19 include
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
DEI has become not only an area of public policy, but also an issue of corporate
responsibility. Stakeholders want to know how companies are creating an equitable
workplace, and how they plan to respond to other DEI matters, including ensuring
diversity at the management and board levels. DEI measures or objectives to consider
that might be material to a company’s business include the following:
Diversity measures related to employee identities, such as race and ethnicity, gender
identity and expression, sexual orientation, culture, veteran status, age, disability,
marital status, or religious and spiritual beliefs
Equity measures related to providing employees equal access to opportunities, such
as equity in pay, the percentage of a company’s management team that is diverse, or
recruiting strategies aimed at providing fair opportunities for diverse talent
Inclusion efforts, such as networks or programs that connect employees so
they can support one another and advise company leadership on the needs of diverse
Metrics alone may not tell the full story of a company’s values, the scope of its DEI
programs, or the true investment it has made in its employees. A thorough narrative that is
linked to a company’s corporate purpose and mission can help bridge this gap.
Well being
Recognizing the toll remote work and other
challenges can take on their employees,
many companies are implementing
various programs or initiatives to invest
in their employees’ well being.
Some companies are seeing
increased focus by their Boards and
stakeholders on key roles beyond
the C-suite and future plans for
Lay offs
Some companies especially hard hit
by the pandemic have had to either
temporarily or permanently let go of
some of theirworkforce.
Health and safety of employees,
especially in essential services, has
become a top priority for companies.
Onboarding new employees while
much of the workforce is working
remotely has posed signicant
challenges, often requiring companies
to digitally upskill theiremployees.
Many companies have had to change
compensation or pay structure for
employees and/or management in
response to declines in business
COVID-19 and the impact on human capital
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National Professional Services Group
Reliability and consistency
The new human capital disclosures should be supported by effective controls and
procedures. For example, when included in the annual report, they will be subject to the
company’s disclosure controls and procedures (DCP), but when included in other lings,
such as registration statements, separate controls may be needed. As your company
considers the appropriate controls over these new disclosures, questions could include:
What is the quality of the data underlying the disclosures?
What governance exists over this data? Does it ow through the disclosure committee,
board of directors, and/or audit committee?
Based on the type of ling, are the disclosures subject to DCP or are there other
processes and controls that support the reliability of the information reported?
Do we have a policy on scoping, measurement, and presentation of the information to
aid consistency between periods?
Will consumers of the human capital information be condent in its accuracy
Do we have a process for determining when changes to measures are needed and disclosed?
Follow the data
Quality data is foundational to disclosures. Companies may face challenges in obtaining,
analyzing, and reporting on the data, including the following.
Key challenges Where to start
and key
No requirements for specic
metrics—companies have to decide
what is material and most applicable
What is “material to the business”
changes from period to period,
but the principles surrounding the
evaluation should remain the same
Dene a set of relevant metrics and
proactively identify what information to
report, how to source it, and who the
key stakeholders are
Establish processes for revisiting key
metrics each period
sources and
Data comes from various nancial
and nonnancial systems
Manual intervention is often required
Historical data may not be available
Identify standardized data
Process and
Limited controls or attestations over
the data
Limited governance - data was
not reviewed by the disclosure
committee, board of directors, and/
or audit committee
Establish clear processes, controls,
and attestations appropriate for each
disclosure (e.g., DCP for disclosures in
the annual report)
Establish governance protocols,
including ensuring key information is
shared with the disclosure committee
and the audit committee
and analytics
No standardized reporting process
Data consolidation may be manual
and may not always lend itself to
actionable insights
Limited self service analytics tools
Expand existing reporting frameworks
to include this data when applicable
Increase communication and
collaboration between human resource
and nance personnel to proactively
drive actionable insights
Use data analysis and visualization tools
to automate reporting and analysis
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National Professional Services Group
What have filers disclosed?
We looked at more than 2,000 Form 10-Ks led from November 9, 2020, the effective date
of the new rules, through February 28, 2021. In these Form 10-Ks, we noted:
89% included both qualitative and quantitative metrics
75% included disclosures related to COVID-19 and the impact to human capital,
the majority of which were qualitative
66% disclosed DEI information (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, veteran status,
culture, strategy, age, religion), much of which was qualitative; many companies did not
include measures or objectives related to diversity at the management level, and the
uantitative DEI metrics disclosed primarily included the total number of employees and
gender percentages
Other trends include:
Percent of 10-K lings that include*:
Employee demographics
Employee headcount, geographical distribution, job function, education level, regular/part-time
Employee lifecycle
Hiring/recruitment, learning/development, mobility, retention, succession planning, turnover
Health and safety
Total rewards
Employee compensation, benets
Labor relations
Collective bargaining
Employee feedback
Engagement/satisfaction scores
*Includes both quantitative and qualitative disclosures
future of human capital reporting
The change of administration in the White House and the SEC could inuence the focus
on human capital disclosures. Two SEC Commissioners dissented to the nal rule and
pushed the Commission to play a more active role in enhancing reporting for topics such
as ESG, including climate change.
Amid these broader
unknowns, a company should make sure it accurately and thoroughly
describes the impacts on human capital of current events, COVID-19 and the focus on
DEI in particular, if material. In addition, it should periodically assess whether the human
capital measures disclosed continue to be the most relevant. Appropriate controls and
processes will need to be maintained, especially when it comes to the underlying data
supporting human capital disclosures.
Effective and transparent disclosure of human capital initiatives will provide stakeholders
with a new window into how a company manages its workforce and invests in its people
to create long-term value.
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This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional
Sheri Wyatt
Partner, Digital Assurance &
Transparency – ESG
Brandon Yerre
Principal – Organization and
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