Complete one Introductory Psychology Course (with minimum grade of "C"):
Grade Credits Term
AP credit for Psych 111 (score 4 or 5 on AP Psych exam) 4
111 (Introduction to Psychology) 4
112 (Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science) 4
114 (Honors Introduction to Psychology) 4
115 (Honors Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science) 4
Complete one Statistics Course (with a minimum grade of "C-" or Pass/P):
Not sure which Stats course to take? Check out this guide!
Datasci 101 formerly Stats 206/Datasci 101 (Introduction to Data Science) OR
Stats 250 (Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis) 4
Stats 280 (Honors Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis) 4
Complete three Breadth Group Courses:
Biopsychology/Cognitive Breadth Group
Grade Credits Term
220 (Introduction to Biopsychology, for Non-BCN or Non-Neuroscience Majors) 4
235 (Introduction to Evolution and Behavior) 4
240 (Introduction to Cognitive Psychology) 4
Developmental/Psychopathology Breadth Group
250 (Introduction to Developmental Psychology) 4
270 (Introduction to Abnormal Psychology) 4
Social/Personality/Gender Breadth Group
280 (Introduction to Social Psychology) 4
290 (Introduction to Personality Psychology) 4
291 (Introduction to the Psychology of Women) 4
University of Michigan - Department of Psychology
Credits from pre-requisites do not count toward the 32 required major credits.
Psychology majors are urged to consult with an advisor within the Department at least once per year to review their
progress toward the major requirements.
Courses that are graded “credit/no credit” may be used to satisfy the categorical requirement for a laboratory course, but
do not count toward the 32 credits needed to complete the Psychology major.
Students may declare the Psychology major once they have passed an Introductory Psychology course (with a "C" or
better), Statistics 206/250/280 (with a "C-" or better, or Pass/P), and completed the online Pre-Major Tutorials at
All courses, with the exception of the Stats pre-requisite and non-graded labs, must be taken for a letter grade.
Effective Fall 2021 - present; updated on 7/17/24
Psychology Major Worksheet
One course from each of the following three breadth groups must be completed. Additional breadth courses do not count
towards the major credits.
Psychology Lab Requirement
Option 2: Two courses from A (Methods Based Labs)
Grade Credits Term
300 (Research Methods Psych NS Special Topics) 3
301 (Research Methods Psych SS Special Topics) 3
302 (Research Methods in Cognitive Neuroscience) 3
303 (Research Methods in Psychology) 3
331 (Experiential Research Methods in Psychology) - by application:
(case-sensitive link)
previously titled Research Methods in BCN
341 (Advanced Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology) 3
342 (Research Methods in Human Electroencephalography) previously taught as Psych 340
351 (Advanced Laboratory in Developmental Psychology) 3
357 (Research Methods in Educational and Cross-cultural Contexts) 3
366 (Field Biology and Behavioral Methods) 3
371 (Advanced Laboratory in Psychopathology) 3
381/SOC 472 (Advanced Laboratory in Social Psychology) 3
383 (Introduction to Survey Research I) 3
391 (Advanced Laboratory in Personality) 3
422 (Faculty Directed Advanced Research) 3 - 4
423 (Faculty Directed Advanced Research/Upper Level Writing) 3 - 4
451 (Advanced Research in Adolescent Psychology) 4
Service Learning/Community Based Courses:
211 (Project Outreach) 3
305 (Practicum in Psychology) 3 - 4
306 (Project Outreach Group Leading) 3
307 (Practicum in Child Development and Care) 3
311 (Practicum in Facilitating Intergroup Dialogues) 3
324/SOC 324/UC 324 (Advanced Practicum in Intergroup Relations) 1 - 4
325/AMCULT 321 (Detroit Initiative) 3 - 4
404* (Field Practicum) C/NC
405* (Field Practicum in a University Setting) C/NC
Research-Based Courses:
226 (Undergraduate Research in Psychology- UROP) 3 - 4
322* (Faculty Directed Research - C/NC) C/NC
326 (Faculty Directed Research - letter-graded) 3 - 4
422 (Faculty Directed Advanced Research) 3 - 4
423 (Faculty Directed Advanced Research - ULWR) 3 - 4
Psychology Thesis Sequence (optional)
424 (Senior Honors Research I) 3 - 4
426 (Senior Honors Research II - ULWR) 3 - 4
428 (Senior Thesis: Research I) 3 - 4
429 (Senior Thesis: Research II - ULWR) 3 - 4
The lab requirement must be met in one of the following three ways for a minimum of 6 credits. Each course must be
taken for at least 3 credits in a single term. It is recommended to complete the methods lab soon after completing the
Stats pre-requisite, as methods labs build off of the foundation established in Stats. Students interested in research
experience (e.g., PSYCH 326 or 331) should try to apply to labs no later than first semester of their junior year. Many labs
do not accept seniors. To find research opportunities, visit:
Option 3: Honors Thesis or Senior Thesis sequence
A – Methods-Based Labs
*Experiential based labs that are graded Credit/No Credit may fulfill the categorical requirement for this lab; however, the credits do
not count towards the 32 major credits.
Option 1: One course from A (Methods Based Labs) AND one course from B (Experiential Labs)
The Senior and Honors thesis sequences are advanced research opportunities during the final two semesters. To be
eligible, students must gain significant research experience prior to their final year. Psych 424 and 428 fulfill the
experiential/research lab; Psych 426 and 429 fulfill the methods lab and ULWR. Interested students should consult with
an advisor and view the website for more information:
B – Experiential Labs
Psychology Upper Level Elective Requirement
300 Level Courses
Grade Credits Term
400 Level Course(s)
Psychology Off-Tier Course Option
Psych 225 (Psychology of Human Sexuality)
CogSci 200 (Introduction to Cognitive Science)
Additional Upper-Level Elective, if needed, to achieve 32 major credits:
Psychology GPA Requirement
▫ Watch Wolverine Access for openings and/or waitlists
0, 1, 2=General 6=Evolution & Behavior
3=Biopsychology 7=Clinical
4=Cognitive 8=Social
5=Developmental 9=Personality
Middle Digit Trick: The middle digit of Psychology Department undergraduate courses indicates the area of Psych with which the course is
associated, with a few exceptions:
▫ Attend first day of class and speak with the GSI or Professor (If class has a discussion section, you must get permission from the GSI to be
enrolled in the section, then you will automatically be enrolled in the corresponding lecture.)
Major GPA = Major MHP / MSH = / =
► Get involved in Research! If you are planning on attending any type of graduate program, especially within the field of Psychology, you will need
research experience. You can do this for research-based lab credit. Visit for more information.
Must earn a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in ALL courses taken within the Psychology
Department, as well as any non-Psych courses that are counting towards the major. Stats is not included in the major
GPA. Transfer courses are not calculated into the GPA unless the grade appears on the official UM transcript. Once you
have declared, your major GPA can be viewed through your LSA Audit Checklist:
A minimum of 32 credits are required. The pre-requisite courses are not included in the total credits. If you have
completed all the above coursework but have not reached 32 credits, you must complete additional Psych coursework at
the 300-level or above until at least 32 credits are achieved. List additional coursework below.
At least 4 courses for at least 12 credits: 2 courses must be at the 300-level and at least 1 course at the 400-level. 1 off-
tier course may be substituted for a 300-level course (see below). Psych 420/421 may NOT be the only 400-level course.
For a complete list of courses that count towards this requirement, view the term-specific course charts:
One course from this list may be substituted for a 300-level upper level elective course.
Transfer courses may be applied toward your major, but at least 24 credits must be completed in-residence through the University of Michigan's
Department of Psychology (includes pre-requisite and major credits). Of those 24 credits, at least 12 credits must be in upper level courses (300+, letter
graded) in Psychology. Visit for more information.
Registration Tip: If courses are closed: