Project Management Program
The Master of Science in Project Management is an interdisciplinary and applied program which
provides STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education to project
management professionals from all disciplines.
Built upon the widely recognized Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body
of Knowledge (PMBOK®), the program uses a combination of on-campus and distance learning
resources to provide individuals with the knowledge and expertise to meet the intense global
competition demands. The program may be completed 100% online.
The Master of Science in Project Management program is accredited by the PMI Global
Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC). For further information
please visit
This handbook is designed to answer some of the frequently asked questions we receive from
students. As you read through this information, additional questions may come to mind. It is
recommended that you consult the Project Management Program website located at . Here, you will find course rotations, program contact
information, admissions and program requirements. Feel welcome to contact the program
administration for more information.
Revision 2.2, July 2020
Table of Content
Project Management Program Administration .................................................................................................... 1
Project Management Program Admission Requirements .................................................................................... 2
Master of Science in Project Management Admission Requirements ............................................................. 2
Master Science in Project Management Accelerated Option Admission Requirements ................................. 2
Project Management Certificate Program Admission Requirements .............................................................. 2
Important Links for Admission Requirements ................................................................................................ 3
Project Management Program Degree Requirements .......................................................................................... 4
Master of Science in Project Management Degree Requirements .................................................................. 4
Project Management Certificate Program Admission Requirements .............................................................. 5
Master of Science in Project Management Grade Requirement ...................................................................... 5
Project Management Program Graduation Details .............................................................................................. 6
Graduation Application ................................................................................................................................... 6
Purchasing Regalia .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Diploma ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Replacing Diploma .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Final Transcripts .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Student Services .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Project Management Program Resources ........................................................................................................ 7
Transfer Credit............................................................................................................................................. 7
Plan of Study ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Re-Admission .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Student Computer/Internet Requirements ................................................................................................... 8
Missouri State University Student ID – BearPass Number ......................................................................... 8
BearPass and E-mail Set-up & Reactivation ............................................................................................... 8
Blackboard Description and Access ............................................................................................................ 8
Changing the BearPass Account Password ................................................................................................. 9
Exam Proctoring (Online Classes Only) ..................................................................................................... 9
Student ID Cards (Students On-Campus) .................................................................................................... 9
Springfield Campus Parking ........................................................................................................................ 9
Registration ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Dropping from a Course ............................................................................................................................ 10
Changing Schedule after Schedule Change Deadline ............................................................................... 10
Veteran Student Services ........................................................................................................................... 10
Financial Assistance for Veterans ............................................................................................
................. 10
Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance ........................................................................................................ 10
Payment Methods ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Deferred Payment Plan .............................................................................................................................. 11
Graduate Assistantships ............................................................................................................................. 12
Student Change of Contact Information/Relocation .................................................................................. 12
Missouri State University Resources ................................................................................................................. 12
Library ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Bear Claw – Center for Learning and Writing .......................................................................................... 12
The Writing Center .................................................................................................................................... 12
Career Center ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Academic Calendar.................................................................................................................................... 13
Transcripts ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Academic Appeals Procedures .................................................................................................................. 13
Project Management Program Administration
Nebil Buyurgan, Ph.D.
Project Management Program Director
Glass Hall 202
Phone (417) 836–5292
Fax (417) 836–8556
Megan Dieckhoff
Student Support Specialist
Glass Hall 218
Phone (417) 836–3210
Fax (417) 836–8556
Project Management Program Admission Requirements
Master of Science in Project Management Admission Requirements
To be considered for admission, candidates are required to submit the following documents:
1. Official transcripts.
2. GMAT or GRE scores*.
3. Statement of purpose
4. Two letters of recommendation.
5. Professional resume.
*Program applicant's must apply for a waiver if they believe they qualify for an exception.
Multiple factors are considered in the review of a waiver request including undergraduate and
graduate course work, GPA, program accreditation, previous work experience, current job
responsibilities and professional certifications. All GMAT/GRE waivers are considered on a case-
by-case basis, and an approved wavier requires does not guarantee admission to the program.
Master Science in Project Management Accelerated Option Admission Requirements
Exceptional Missouri State University undergraduate students with an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher
may apply for the accelerated master’s in project management program in their junior year. If
approved, up to 12 hours of 600-level or 700-level courses may be designated as "mixed credit" and
counted toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
To be considered for admission, candidates are required to submit the following documents:
1. Official transcripts
2. A statement of purpose
3. Two letters of recommendation
4. Professional resume
Project Management Certificate Program Admission Requirements
The Certificate in Project Management provides a 12-hour graduate-level experience with
application in diverse industries and organizations. The certificate is designed to meet the needs of
individuals who are established in careers and are seeking professional growth and advancement
within their professions.
To be considered for admission, candidates are required to submit the following documents:
1. Official transcripts.
2. GMAT or GRE scores*.
3. Statement of purpose
4. Two letters of recommendation.
5. Professional resume.
*Program applicants must apply for a waiver if they believe the
y qualify for an exemption. Multiple
factors are considered in the review of a waiver request including undergraduate and graduate course
work, GPA, program accreditation, previous work experience, current job responsibilities and
professional certifications. All GMAT/GRE waivers are considered on a case-by-case basis, and an
approved waiver request does not guarantee admission to the program.
Important Links for Admission Requirements
Graduate College Admission Requirements:
International Student Admission Requirements:
Project Management Program Degree Requirements
Master of Science in Project Management Degree Requirements
The Master of Science in Project Management program requires completion of 30 hours.
a. Core Courses-21 hrs
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
TCM 701 Project Management 3 hrs
TCM 703 Project Risk Analysis 3 hrs
TCM 710 Project Leadership 3 hrs
TCM 645 Project Control Systems 3 hrs
TCM 651 Cost Analysis for Project Management 3 hrs
TCM 740 Management of Innovation and Technology Seminar 3 hrs
TCM 750 Advanced Project Management 3 hrs
* TCM 701 preferably taken as the first course, as a course in the first semester, or in special
circumstances, in the second term.
* TCM 750 Prerequisite: TCM 701 and a total of 12 graduate hours that count towards the MS in
Project Management program.
For course descriptions, please visit the Graduate Catalog.
b. Cognate Elective Courses-9 hrs
At least one graduate level TCM course is required. Approved cognate elective courses include both
on-campus and online courses. All cognate coursework must be approved by the student’s advisor
prior to completion of the coursework. Cognate elective coursework should be selected which
supports the degree program and the student’s career goals.
Students can search for graduate elective options by completing aSearch for Classes. This tool is
found in your MyMissouriState portal, registration tab, Search for classes. Please note that some
classes may have prerequisites and/or require “permission” from the instructor or Department. The
student needs to make sure they meet all prerequisites. Students can choose what electives they prefer
and submit for approval from the Academic Advisor.
*When requesting permission, students need to include their M-number and the course CRN
number. This allows the instructor/Department to know what course you are interested in.
*Students are only allowed to take 9 credit hours of MBA course work. You can contact
[email protected] for course permissions.
c. Comprehensive Examination
A comprehensive examination must be passed with a minimum of 70 on a 100 scale before the
degree is granted. Students must take this examination in their final semester.
Content and Format:
Comprehensive examination consists of a 60-question multiple choice test that covers the topics in
the all core courses required by the program. The test must be taken using MSU Blackboard system.
When students apply for graduation in their last semester, they will be added to a new Blackboard
course account named “Project Management Graduate Programs Comprehensive Exit Test”.
Comprehensive examination with random questions from a test bank will be available in that course
account. A new test will be created from the test bank if the student needs to retake the exam.
Students will have two hours to complete the test. Blackboard lockdown browser will be used, and
students will not have access to the internet, digital notes or programs on their computers. All other
material may be used during the test. At this point, it is student’s responsibility to take and pass the
test prior to the last week of class.
It is advisable for students to keep notes, books and syllabus for each course. Students should review
the main ideas and course objectives from each course. Some useful review techniques include re-
reading class notes and PowerPoints; making an outline of main concepts from each course;
preparing a glossary of key terms, theories and ideas.
Students must be aware of the Graduate College degree requirements (at
Project Management Certificate Program Admission Requirements
Select four courses from:
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
TCM 701 Project Management 3 hrs
TCM 703 Project Risk Analysis 3 hrs
TCM 720 Project Management Training 3 hrs
TCM 710 Project Leadership 3 hrs
TCM 611 Product Design and Development 3 hrs
TCM 645 Project Control Systems 3 hrs
TCM 651 Cost Analysis for Project Management 3 hrs
TCM 740 Management of Innovation and Technology Seminar 3 hrs
TCM 750 Advanced Project Management 3 hrs
Master of Science in Project Management Grade Requirement
A graduate student becomes ineligible for graduate study if more than 9 semester hours of “C+” or
lower are earned in graduate courses taken in the degree program, or if the student does not meet
any additional specific degree retention requirements imposed by a department or program. No
course with a grade "C-" or below may be applied toward a graduate degree or graduate certificate.
Project Management Program Graduation Details
Graduation Application
Complete the online Graduate A p p l i c a t i o n t o G r a d u a t e l o c a t e d under the A c a d e m i c s
Tab, Commencement Channel, in My Missouri State. MSU o ffers a Fall, Spring and Summer
commencement. You should begin the graduation process before or early in your final semester.
Purchasing Regalia
All graduates are required to wear authorized regalia (caps, gowns, tassels, master's hoods). Visit
the Missouri State Bookstore website for ordering information or the Maroon Nation store in PSU
for additional information
PM graduates need gold.
You will receive a diploma cover during the ceremony. Diplomas are issued about four weeks after
commencement provided all graduation requirements are met and all holds cleared.
The name on your diploma will be as you requested on your Application to Graduate form. The
degree, major, scholastic honors, and Honors College citations are printed on the diploma.
Options within a major and minors are not printed on your diploma but are included in degree
information on your transcript. If you have two majors under the same degree, you will receive
one diploma (one degree) listing both majors.
Replacing Diploma
Replacement diplomas are available for a $20 fee from the office of the registrar. Diploma covers
are an additional $10.
Final Transcripts
Transcripts with final grades and degree earned will be available the following Friday after
commencement provided all graduation requirements are met and all holds cleared. You will
receive one complimentary copy of your transcript with your diploma.
Student Services
Project Management Program Resources
Transfer Credit
On a case-by-case basis, the Master of Science in Project Management program may accept
graduate credits earned at other institutions. Acceptance of transfer credits is subject to the
approval of the program director and the Graduate College. Up to nine graduate level credits, taken
within the overall eight-year timeframe, can be transferred. After completion of the course(s)
approved for transfer, an official transcript should be sent to the
Graduate College.
To start the transfer process, a written petition (email) should be sent to the Program Director,
requesting review of coursework for possible transfer credit.
A petition should include the following:
Name and M number
Date of petition
Brief description of what you want the committee to consider (Which courses you would like
to transfer to replace which program requirement)
The course descriptions and syllabi of the courses involved in the petition
Detailed information on the textbook, covered topics, and total instruction hours for each
course that would like to be transferred.
A copy of the petitioner’s transcript
The program director may ask for additional documents if necessary
Plan of Study
Students are required to discuss a plan of study at the beginning of the program. This gives the
student and the advisor an idea of the time frame the student wishes to complete the program and
what electives the student is interested in. It also helps with scheduling the classes that are only
offered once a year.
The procedure for readmission of a graduate student who has not maintained continuous
enrollment (summer excluded) is based on the period of absence.
Applied and accepted, but never attended or completed a class as a graduate student: If the time
period has been less than one year, students may call the Graduate College and update their
semester application. If the time period has been more than one year, students will need to reapply
and pay the application fee again.
Return after one to three years: Students will need to reapply and be readmitted into the program.
If at least one class was completed as a graduate student in the prior enrollment, no additional
application fee will be required.
Student Computer/Internet Requirements
A PC or Mac that has been bought within the last 2 -3 years should meet the minimum
hardware requirements. Or the following items are a must:
A minimum of 1-3 GB of Ram
Internet Connection
Internet download speed: .768 Mbps (1.5 Mbps recommended)
Internet Upload speed: .384 Mbps (1.5 Mbps recommended)
Windows 7 or higher or Mac OS x 10.6 or higher
A modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari)
Web Camera: minimum of 640x480 (recommended 1280x720)
Microphone or headset
Software Requirements and Players
Word processor: Students must be capable of saving the assignment in either the file format that
the instructor is using or as a PDF file.
Missouri State University Student ID – BearPass Number
Your BearPass Number is a unique identifier created when you were admitted to Missouri State
University. If you are a student, your BearPass Number should have been printed on your letter of
admission. If you do not know your BearPass Number, please contact the Help Desk:
Phone: 417-836-5891
BearPass and E-mail Set-up & Reactivation
Every student is required to setup a computer account and e-mail. Your account will give you
access to many campus resources, including:
Your campus portal (My Missouri State), where you can register for classes, check your
grades, access your e-mail, visit Blackboard, and much more
Computer labs on campus
Wireless network access on campus
Follow the link below to setup your account.
Students must use their BearMail regularly for notifications and other official correspondence.
Blackboard Description and Access
Blackboard Learn is the Learning Management System used for distance course delivery at
Missouri State University. Instructors can use Blackboard for posting the syllabus, course
documents, homework assignments, exams, discussion posts, etc.
For help topics: See Blackboard for Students
Changing the BearPass Account Password
In order to change your password, you need to use your current password or your security questions.
The following link with take you to the Change Your Password page.
Exam Proctoring (Online Classes Only)
Locked Down Browser All students in online classes will have one major proctored exam in
each course. This requires you to have a web cam for your computer and to download the
proctoring software.
Student ID Cards (Students On-Campus)
For information on the BearPass identification card please see the following link.
Springfield Campus Parking
For more information on parking regulations, permits, parking map and visitor parking, please see
the following link.
To view your earliest date to register and eligibility to register, click on the “Academics” tab in My
Missouri State, navigate to the “Registration Tools” channel, and click on the “Registration Status”
link. If you have a hold which prevents registration, you must first take the steps necessary to
clear the hold before you can register. You may also find the registration sequence at the following
Students will begin the registration process every semester by e-mailing the Student Support
Specialist and requesting permission for particular courses or requesting additional help in
determining what courses to take.
The Office of the Registrar provides useful registration resources including registration sequence,
adding or dropping classes, class schedule search, registration demo video etc.
Dropping from a Course
The date each drop is completed shall be the date used in determining the refund of fees and the
assignment of grades. For exception to drop after the stated deadline to drop a class, refer to the
"Exception" section of the Change of Schedule policy.
Drops are not allowed after the last day to drop deadline for the course. Students may find the
specific deadlines for their courses through their My Missouri State portal, on the Academics tab,
under the "Refund Drop Deadlines."
Students should use the drop procedure judiciously as dropping courses will generally result in
extending the time required to complete a degree. In addition, dropping below a full-time or half-
time enrollment status may jeopardize insurance, financial aid, scholarship, athletic participation
eligibility and immigration status for F-1 or J-1 students.
Changing Schedule after Schedule Change Deadline
After the stated deadline to add/change classes, departmental approval will be required to add a
class or change sections of a class. Students must go the department office which offers the class
with the Registration/Change of Schedule Form with the proper signature and department stamp,
and take the completed form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
Veteran Student Services
Eligibility requirements for students requesting in-state tuition must meet the guidelines
established by university policy, as well as state and federal law. Missouri State is in full
compliance with the "Choice Act." Due to the overall complexity of the tuition policy, and changes
in law, students are asked to call or email the Office for Veteran Student Services to verify their
eligibility for instate tuition. For more information use the following link.
Financial Assistance for Veterans
The Veteran's Services office provides assistance to veterans and their eligible dependents
applying for and receiving Veteran's Administration educational benefits (G.I. Bill). For more
information, please contact Veteran Services at 417-836-4615, or stop by Carrington Hall, Room
Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance
Vocational Rehabilitation assists students with physical or emotional limitations. Benefits can
include tuition, books, and room and board allowance. Vocational Rehabilitation offices are
located throughout Missouri. If you are disabled, contact the Vocational Rehabilitation office
nearest you ( or
Veteran Student Services
Carrington Hall 314
Telephone: 417-836-6199
Fax: 417-836-7694
Payment Methods
Bills are sent to students at the end of each month. If the required minimum payment is not paid
by the due date, a finance charge of 1% will be assessed on the balance. Payments are due by the
15th day of the month. The monthly minimum payment amount is calculated by dividing the total
due at the beginning of the semester by the number of scheduled payment dates in the semester
and adding the finance charge. There is a total of four scheduled payment dates each semester
beginning in August and ending in November for the fall semester and beginning in January and
ending in April for the spring semester. Summer semester payments are due in June and July.
Deferred Payment Plan
The university offers a deferred payment plan, which allows students to make monthly payments
toward required student fees, residence hall charges, bookstore purchases, and Taylor Health and
Wellness Center charges. Enrollment in the program is automatic for all students. Those who do
not wish to participate must pay all charges when they are due.
There are several options a student can use to make a payment. To find out more about each method
please visit the following link.
Financial Services
Carrington 113
Telephone: 417-836-5632
Fax: 417-836-4443
Email: FinancialService[email protected]
Office of Student Financial Aid
Carrington Hall 101
Telephone: 417-836-5262
Fax: 417-836-8392
The Fee Payment and Refund Schedules can be found at the following link
For frequently asked questions concerning financial services please use the following link
For d e t a i l e d financial aid options for graduate students please see the following link:
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Assistantships are available in many areas to assist students with expenses and to
enhance learning while studying for advanced degrees at MSU. Graduate Assistantships are
offered in both administrative and academic areas and involve administrative, research and/or
teaching responsibilities. Whenever feasible, the assistantship assignment is closely related to the
student's program of study. Students who are enrolled as non-degree seeking, post baccalaureate
or any other non-graduate degree enrollment classification are ineligible for assistantships. To
learn more about graduate assistantships please use the following link:
Student Change of Contact Information/Relocation
Change of Address:
Students, including former students and applicants, are to submit written notification of address
changes to the Office of the Registrar via email, mail, fax, or in person. A printable Change of
Address form is available online. Contact information is listed on the Office of the Registrar home
Change of Legal Name:
Instructions for changing a student’s legal name are detailed at the following link:
Missouri State University Resources
MSU has several resources available for students on campus and distance learners. These include
interlibrary loan, research consultations, chat and text research help, and article and databases
search. Please use the following link to learn more:
collections.htm and
Bear Claw – Center for Learning and Writing
The Bear CLAW (Center for Learning and Writing) links students, faculty, and staff to campus
provided resources to encourage and assist with their academic success.
The Writing Center
Undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty use this academic support service to
workshop papers for their academic courses, creative writing, speeches, presentations, course
syllabi, and articles intended for publication. It is our philosophy that improved writing skills lead
to educational and professional success in college and beyond. Writing consultation can be done
via Email.
Career Center
The career helps students prepare for the world of work. This includes learning how to write
résumés and letters, how to conduct an effective and efficient job search, how to create a portfolio,
how to research employers, and how to interview successfully. Job Tracks is also a free tool where
students can search for jobs, upload a resume, search for employers, register for events and search
for mentors.
Academic Calendar
MSU has complete academic calendars, including deadlines associated with grading, refunds,
holidays, breaks etc., available no later than one year prior to the selected semester.
To learn more about sending or submitting transcripts to Missouri State please use the following
Academic Appeals Procedures
first, present appeal to your academic advisor and department head;
then present appeal to the dean of the college in which the department of the major is
next a written appeal to the Associate Provost-Dean of the Graduate College in Carrington 306,