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Policy & Procedures
Sec. C: Students
Student Discipline
Date: 2008 02 01 / 2010 02 01 / 2011 06 30 / 2013 10 22 / 2020 09 29
Policy Statement
The St. Clair Catholic District School Board promotes a progressive discipline approach that utilizes a
continuum of interventions, supports and consequences to address inappropriate behaviour and
promote positive student behaviour.
Policy Goals
The Provincial Code of Conduct, the St. Clair Catholic District School Board Code of Conduct, the School
Code of Conduct and the
Education Act
(as amended).
Ontario Regulation 472/07, Policy/Program
Memorandum (PPM) 128 (Provincial and School Board Code of Conduct), 141 (Programs for Long Term
Suspension), 142(Expulsion Programs), 144 (Bullying Prevention) and 145 (Progressive Discipline), 119
(Developing and Implementing Equity and Inclusive Education Policies in Ontario Schools, Ontario
Regulation 181/98 (Identification and Placement of Exceptional Students), together with the Board’s
discipline policies and procedures
create expectations for behaviour for all persons on school property
and outline strategies to be taken to reduce incidents and impose appropriate consequences for pupils.
Human Rights Code
of Ontario has primacy over provincial legislation and school board policies
and procedures such that the
Education Act
regulations, including amendments to section 306
subsection 306(1) and section 310 subsection 310(1), Ministry of Education Program/Policy Memoranda
and Board policies and procedures are subject to and shall be interpreted and applied in accordance
with the
Human Rights Code
of Ontario.
It is important that all pupils have safe, caring, accepting and inclusive school environments in order to
maximize their learning potential and to ensure a positive school climate for all members of the school
community. Therefore, this policy will ensure that:
1. Pursuant to the
Education Act
, principals will maintain proper order and discipline in schools,
and pupils will be responsible to the principal for their conduct. Specific expectations for
students are stated in the School Code of Conduct. A principal may delegate some disciplinary
responsibilities to a vice principal and/or teacher of the school in accordance with the
, Ministry of Education policies and Board procedures. In such circumstances the delegation
of authority and the authority delegated will be clearly identified in Board procedures, as will
the supports available to individuals in receipt of the delegated authority.
2. Pupils will accept such discipline as would be exercised by a reasonable, kind, firm and judicious
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3. To meet the goal of creating a safe, caring and inclusive school environment, which is accepting
of all pupils and promotes the prevention of bullying, the St. Clair Catholic District School Board
supports the use of positive practices, as well as consequences for inappropriate behaviour;
such as progressive discipline, which includes suspension and expulsion, where necessary.
4. Homophobia, gender-based violence and harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, gender expression, status, socio-economic status, disability and/or any other
immutable characteristics or grounds protected by the
Human Rights Code
are unacceptable
and the Board shall support the use of positive practices to prevent such behaviour; and
authorize principals or their delegates to impose consequences in appropriate circumstances, up
to and including a referral to the Discipline Committee of the Board for expulsion from all
5. The Board will use progressive discipline to support a safe, inclusive learning and teaching
environment in which every pupil can reach his or her full potential.
6. The Board does not support disciplinary measures that are solely punitive.
7. In order to promote positive pupil behaviours that contribute to creating and sustaining safe,
comforting, accepting and inclusive learning and teaching environments, which encourage
students to reach their full potential, the Board supports the use of positive practices for:
a. Prevention, and
b. Positive behaviour management.
8. The St. Clair Catholic District School Board
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
will be
followed, and it shall be the responsibility of every school, in consultation with the school
council and the Safe School Team, to develop a comprehensive strategy that includes
expectations for appropriate student behaviour and a prevention strategy to address bullying in
a timely manner.
9. When addressing inappropriate behaviour, school staff will consider the particular pupil and the
circumstances, including mitigating factors and the nature and severity of the behaviour. A
pupil in junior kindergarten, kindergarten, grade 1, 2, or 3 shall not be suspended as per
Education Act
section 306 subsection 306(1) and section 310 subsection 310(1). Activities
listed in subsection 310(1) will still be subject to mandatory suspensions, pending the results of
an investigation. Suspension and expulsion may be considered in circumstances where the
infraction has a serious impact on the school climate.
10. In all cases where disciplinary measures might be imposed, teachers, administrators and the
Board will consider the safety and dignity of all pupils and the impact of the activity on the
school climate.
11. The ministry has updated the following resources to provide information on how staff must
handle student incidents that occur at school, at school-related activities or in any other
circumstances where the student’s behaviour can have a negative impact on the school climate:
Reporting and Responding: A Resource for Board Employees
Reporting and Responding to Incidents: A Resource for Occasional Teachers
Suspensions and Expulsions: What Parents and Students Need to Know
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This policy authorizes the creation of procedures for implementation, which might include requirements
described in Ministry of Education PPMs as matters of policy, and any such procedures shall be
considered guidelines pursuant to the Education Act and other relevant and/or related Ministry of
Education materials, all of which will be sufficient for the purposes of implementing the requirements of
Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda.