(Project Title)
THIS Agreement is made and entered into this day of (month), 201_, by and between
EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT, a public entity, hereinafter called
type of entity [ corporation, etc.]), hereinafter called "CONSULTANT."
WHEREAS, DISTRICT requires consulting services for (need for project); and
WHEREAS, DISTRICT has completed (completed projects that pertain to this project -
optional); and
WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has submitted a proposal to provide consulting services for (state
type -"preparation of planning documents", "preparation of design documents", or
"construction management support services”) for the (project title) and CONSULTANT
represents that it has the experience, licenses, qualifications, staff expertise and where necessary
the required Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registration to perform said services in a
professional and competent manner; and
WHEREAS, DISTRICT Board of Directors has authorized the contract by Motion
Number ;
1.1 CONSULTANT agrees to furnish services set forth in Exhibit A, Scope of Services,
attached hereto and incorporated herein. The services authorized under this Agreement
shall also include all reports, manuals, plans, and specifications as set forth in Exhibit A.
1.2 CONSULTANT's work products shall be completed and submitted in accordance with
DISTRICT's standards specified, and according to the schedule listed, in Exhibit A. The
completion dates specified herein may be modified by mutual agreement between
DISTRICT and CONSULTANT provided that DISTRICT’s Project Manager notifies
CONSULTANT of modified completion dates by letter. CONSULTANT agrees to
diligently perform the services to be provided under this Agreement. In the performance
of this Agreement, time is of the essence.
1.3 It is understood and agreed that CONSULTANT has the professional skills necessary to
perform the work agreed to be performed under this Agreement, that DISTRICT relies
upon the professional skills of CONSULTANT to do and perform CONSULTANT’s
work in a skillful and professional manner, and CONSULTANT thus agrees to so
perform the work. CONSULTANT represents that it has all the necessary licenses to
perform the work and shall maintain them during the term of this Agreement.
CONSULTANT agrees that the work performed under this Agreement shall follow
practices usual and customary to the (state type - for example "engineering") profession
and that CONSULTANT is the engineer in responsible charge of the work for all
activities performed under this Agreement. Acceptance by DISTRICT of the work
performed under this Agreement does not operate as a release of CONSULTANT from
such professional responsibility for the work performed.
1.4 CONSULTANT agrees to maintain in confidence and not disclose to any person or
entity, without DISTRICT's prior written consent, any trade secret or confidential
information, knowledge or data relating to the products, process, or operation of
DISTRICT. CONSULTANT further agrees to maintain in confidence and not to disclose
to any person or entity, any data, information, technology, or material developed or
obtained by CONSULTANT during the term of this Agreement. The covenants contained
in this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement for whatever cause.
1.5 The originals of all computations, drawings, designs, graphics, studies, reports, manuals,
photographs, videotapes, data, computer files, and other documents prepared or caused to
be prepared by CONSULTANT or its subconsultants in connection with these services
shall be delivered to and shall become the exclusive property of DISTRICT. DISTRICT
is licensed to utilize these documents for DISTRICT applications on other projects or
extensions of this project, at its own risk. CONSULTANT and its subconsultants may
retain and use copies of such documents, with written approval of DISTRICT.
1.6 CONSULTANT is an independent contractor and not an employee of DISTRICT.
CONSULTANT expressly warrants that it will not represent that it is an employee or
servant of DISTRICT.
1.7 CONSULTANT is retained to render professional services only and all payments made
are compensation solely for such services as it may render and recommendations it may
make in carrying out the work.
1.8 It is further understood and agreed by the parties hereto that CONSULTANT in the
performance of its obligations hereunder is subject to the control or direction of
DISTRICT as to the designation of tasks to be performed, the results to be accomplished
by the services hereunder agreed to be rendered and performed, and not the means,
methods, or sequence used by the CONSULTANT for accomplishing the results.
1.9 If, in the performance of this agreement, any third persons are employed by
CONSULTANT, such person shall be entirely and exclusively under the direction,
supervision, and control of CONSULTANT. All terms of employment, including hours,
wages, working conditions, discipline, hiring, and discharging, or any other terms of
employment or requirements of law, shall be determined by CONSULTANT, and
DISTRICT shall have no right or authority over such persons or the terms of such
1.10 It is further understood and agreed that as an independent contractor and not an employee
of DISTRICT, neither the CONSULTANT nor CONSULTANT’s assigned personnel
shall have any entitlement as a DISTRICT employee, right to act on behalf of DISTRICT
in any capacity whatsoever as agent, nor to bind DISTRICT to any obligation
whatsoever. CONSULTANT shall not be covered by DISTRICT’s worker’s
compensation insurance; nor shall CONSULTANT be entitled to compensated sick leave,
vacation leave, retirement entitlement, participation in group health, dental, life or other
insurance programs, or entitled to other fringe benefits payable by DISTRICT to
employees of DISTRICT.
2.1 For the Scope of Services described in Exhibit A, DISTRICT agrees to pay
CONSULTANT actual costs incurred, subject to a Maximum Cost Ceiling of $(dollars).
Compensation for services shall be in accordance with the method and amounts described
in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. CONSULTANT acknowledges
that construction work on public works projects requires DIR registration and is subject
to prevailing wage rates and includes work performed during the design and
preconstruction phases of construction including, but not limited to, inspection and land
surveying work. CONSULTANT certifies that the proposed cost and pricing data used
herein reflect the payment of prevailing wage rates where applicable and are complete,
current, and accurate.
2.2 In case of changes affecting project scope resulting from new findings, unanticipated
conditions, or other conflicts or discrepancies, CONSULTANT shall promptly notify
DISTRICT of the identified changes and advise DISTRICT of the recommended
solution. Work shall not be performed on such changes without prior written
authorization of DISTRICT.
3.1 This Agreement shall become effective upon execution of the second signature.
CONSULTANT shall commence work upon receipt of DISTRICT's Notice to Proceed,
which shall be in the form of a letter signed by DISTRICT's Project Manager.
DISTRICT's Notice to Proceed will authorize the Contracted Services described in
Exhibit A with ceiling prices described in ARTICLE 2 COMPENSATION. No work
shall commence until the Notice to Proceed is issued.
(Include the following paragraph only if your scope of services includes Optional
3.2 DISTRICT may at its option issue a Notice to Proceed for some or all of the Optional
Services tasks described in Exhibit A. Compensation for Optional Services shall be in
accordance with the method and amounts described in Exhibit B.
4.1 This Agreement may be terminated by DISTRICT immediately for cause or upon 10 days
written notice, without cause, during the performance of the work.
4.2 If this Agreement is terminated CONSULTANT shall be entitled to compensation for
services satisfactorily performed to the effective date of termination; provided however,
that DISTRICT may condition payment of such compensation upon CONSULTANT's
delivery to DISTRICT of any and all documents, photographs, computer software,
videotapes, and other materials provided to CONSULTANT or prepared by
CONSULTANT for DISTRICT in connection with this Agreement. Payment by
DISTRICT for the services satisfactorily performed to the effective date of termination,
shall be the sole and exclusive remedy to which CONSULTANT is entitled in the event
of termination of the Agreement and CONSULTANT shall be entitled to no other
compensation or damages and expressly waives same. Termination under this Article 4
shall not relieve CONSULTANT of any warranty obligations or the obligations under
Articles 1.4 and 7.1.
4.3 This Agreement may be terminated by CONSULTANT upon 10 days written notice to
DISTRICT only in the event of substantial failure by DISTRICT to fulfill its obligations
under this Agreement through no fault of the CONSULTANT.
5.1 DISTRICT designates (District Project Manager's name) as its Project Manager, who
shall be responsible for administering and interpreting the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, for matters relating to CONSULTANT's performance under this Agreement,
and for liaison and coordination between DISTRICT and CONSULTANT.
CONSULTANT may be requested to assist in such coordinating activities as necessary as
part of the services. In the event DISTRICT wishes to make a change in the DISTRICT's
representative, DISTRICT will notify CONSULTANT of the change in writing.
5.2 CONSULTANT designates (Consultant Project Manager's name) as its Project
Manager, who shall have immediate responsibility for the performance of the work and
for all matters relating to performance under this Agreement. Any change in
CONSULTANT designated personnel or subconsultant shall be subject to approval by
the DISTRICT Project Manager. (The following sentence is optional.) CONSULTANT
hereby commits an average of (1 to 100) percent of (Consultant Project Manager's
name) time on this project for the duration of the project.
6.1 CONSULTANT expressly agrees that this Agreement is subject to DISTRICT’s Contract
Equity Program (“CEP”). CONSULTANT is familiar with the DISTRICT’s CEP and
Equal Opportunity Guidelines, and has read and understood all of the program
requirements. CONSULTANT understands and agrees to comply with the CEP and all
requirements therein, including each of the Good Faith Efforts. CONSULTANT further
understands and agrees that non-compliance with the CEP requirements may result in
termination of this Agreement.
(Paragraph 6.2 to be used when there is subcontracting/subconsulting opportunities. See CEP
office for details.)
6.2 Designated CEP compliance for the duration of this Agreement is listed in Exhibit C,
which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. CONSULTANT shall maintain records
of the total amount actually paid to each subconsultant. Any change of
CONSULTANT’S listed subconsultants shall be subject to approval by the DISTRICT’S
Project Manager.
7.1 Indemnification
CONSULTANT expressly agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DISTRICT
and its Directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss,
liability, expenses, claims, suits, and damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or
pertaining to, or relating to CONSULTANT’s, its associates’, employees’,
subconsultants’, or other agents’ negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct in the
operation and/or performance under this Agreement.
Where applicable by law, the duty to indemnify, including the cost to defend is limited in
accordance with California Civil Code § 2782.8.
(OR if contract is NOT with a design professional (engineers, architects, landscape
architects, land surveyors or their firms) USE THIS PARAGRAPH 7.1 INSTEAD:
7.1 Indemnification
CONSULTANT expressly agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless DISTRICT
and its Directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all loss,
liability, expense, claims, suits, and damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or
resulting from CONSULTANT's, its associates’, employees’, subconsultants’, or other
agents’ negligent acts, errors or omissions, or willful misconduct, in the operation and/or
performance under this Agreement.
7.2 (For construction management support Agreements only)
CONSULTANT shall perform part of the work at sites where the DISTRICT's facilities
are to be constructed, and which may contain unknown working conditions and
contaminated materials. CONSULTANT shall be solely responsible for the health and
safety of CONSULTANT's employees. CONSULTANT shall designate in writing to
DISTRICT the field employee who is responsible for the health and safety of its
employees. The responsible employee shall have experience and knowledge of all
Federal, State and local health and safety regulation requirements. All CONSULTANT
personnel on construction sites shall have received all OSHA required health and safety
7.3 (For construction management support Agreements only)
In the event that any hazardous materials are encountered during the services provided by
CONSULTANT or the work undertaken by construction contractors, DISTRICT shall
sign any and all manifests relating to the generation, treatment, disposal or storage of all
wastes associated with the work. Additionally, nothing contained in this Agreement shall
be construed or interpreted as requiring CONSULTANT to assume the status of a
generator, storer, treater, transporter, or disposal facility as those terms appear within the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 USCA, Section 6901, et seq. (RCRA), or
within any state statute of similar effect governing the generation, storage, treatment,
transportation, or disposal of wastes.
7.4 (For construction management support Agreements only - include only if design
consultant and CM consultant are not the same)
It is agreed and understood by CONSULTANT and DISTRICT that the design services
have been completed by (design consultant's name) and therefore, CONSULTANT did
not undertake any design activity or have design responsibility of the facilities to be
constructed prior to execution of this Agreement.
7.5 Insurance Requirements
Insurance Requirements are as stated in Exhibit D, Insurance Requirements.
Any notice which DISTRICT may desire or is required at any time to give or serve
CONSULTANT may be delivered personally, or be sent by United States mail, postage prepaid,
addressed to:
(consulting firm's name)
Attention: (contact, usually the consultant's project manager),
or at such other address as shall have been last furnished in writing by CONSULTANT to
Any notice which CONSULTANT may desire or is required at any time to give or serve upon
DISTRICT may be delivered personally at EBMUD, 375 - 11th Street, Oakland, CA 94607-
4240, or be sent by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to:
Director of (Wastewater Department or Engineering and Construction Department)
P.O. Box 24055
Oakland, CA 94623-1055
or at such other address as shall have been last furnished in writing by DISTRICT to
Such personal delivery or mailing in such manner shall constitute a good, sufficient and lawful
notice and service thereof in all such cases.
9.1 This Agreement represents the entire understanding of DISTRICT and CONSULTANT
as to those matters contained herein. No prior oral or written understanding shall be of
any force or effect with respect to those matters covered hereunder. This Agreement may
only be modified by amendment in writing signed by each party.
9.2 This Agreement is to be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. The
services called for herein are deemed unique and CONSULTANT shall not assign,
transfer or otherwise substitute its interest in this Agreement or any of its obligations
hereunder without the prior written consent of DISTRICT.
9.3 Should any part of this Agreement be declared by a final decision by a court or tribunal
of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, invalid or beyond the authority of either
party to enter into or carry out, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder
of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect, provided that the
remainder of this Agreement can be interpreted to give effect to the intentions of the
9.4 Multiple copies of this Agreement may be executed by the parties and the parties agree
that the Agreement on file at the DISTRICT is the version of the Agreement that shall
take precedence should any differences exist among counterparts of the Agreement.
9.5 This Agreement and all matters relating to it shall be governed by the laws of the State of
9.6 The District’s waiver of the performance of any covenant, condition, obligation,
representation, warranty or promise in this agreement shall not invalidate this Agreement
or be deemed a waiver of any other covenant, condition, obligation, representation,
warranty or promise. The District’s waiver of the time for performing any act or
condition hereunder does not constitute a waiver of the act or condition itself.
9.7 There shall be no discrimination in the performance of this contract, against any person,
or group of persons, on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry,
gender including gender identity or expression, age, marital or domestic partnership
status, mental disability, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), medical condition
(including genetic characteristics or cancer), veteran or military status, family or medical
leave status, genetic information, or sexual orientation. CONSULTANT shall not
establish or permit any such practice(s) of discrimination with reference to the contract or
any part. CONSULTANTS determined to be in violation of this section shall be deemed
to be in material breach of this Agreement.
Consultant shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR §§ 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and
60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals
based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with disabilities, and
prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin in the performance of this
contract. Moreover, these regulations require that covered prime contractors and
subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment
individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, protected
veteran status or disability.
CONSULTANT shall include the nondiscrimination provisions above in all subcontracts.
9.8 CONSULTANT affirms that it does not have any financial interest or conflict of interest
that would prevent CONSULTANT from providing unbiased, impartial service to the
DISTRICT under this Agreement.
(If this Agreement is to be executed using digital signatures via DocuSign instead of wet
signatures, use the following paragraph. Otherwise, delete it.)
9.9 Digital Signatures. The Parties agree that this Agreement may be executed using digital
(If this Agreement is to be executed by having each party wet sign a separate signature page
and submitting all signed pages in original format or via scanning for compilation with the
final Agreement, use the following paragraph. Otherwise, delete it.)
9.10 Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which taken together shall constitute
one and the same Agreement.
Unless terminated pursuant to Article 4 herein, this Agreement shall expire when all tasks have
been completed and final payment has been made by DISTRICT.
(NOTE: do not have a page break leaving signatures by themselvesmust have at least the
“in witness whereof” paragraph on signature page)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in duplicate.
By: Date
(Insert title - Director of Engineering and Construction or Manager of Support Services)
Approved As To Form
for the Office of the General Counsel
By: Date
Rev. 6/2/2021
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Project Title)
CONSULTANT shall provide the following:
Contracted Services
(State each task with associated task number; specifically call out any survey work)
Optional Services
(State each task with associated task number)
(List schedule milestones and completion dates)
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Project Title)
Compensation for services provided in Exhibit A, SCOPE OF SERVICES, shall be in
accordance with the methods and specific amounts described in this Exhibit.
1. DISTRICT shall pay CONSULTANT only the actual costs incurred, subject to the
Maximum Cost Ceiling. CONSULTANT certifies that the cost and pricing information
used herein are complete, current and accurate. CONSULTANT acknowledges that it will
expend public funds and hereby agrees to use every appropriate method to contain its fees
and minimize costs under this Agreement.
2. Compensation for CONSULTANT services authorized shall be on a cost reimbursement
basis and include Direct Labor, Indirect Costs, Subconsultant Services and Other Direct
Costs. Costs to be paid comprise the following:
2.1 Direct Labor
Direct labor costs shall be the total number of hours worked on the job by each
employee times the hourly rate for the employee's labor. Hours worked shall be
rounded-up to the nearest quarter-hour (0.25) increment. Labor rates shall be
based on a normal 8-hour day, 40-hour week.
2.2 Indirect Costs
DISTRICT shall pay CONSULTANT an overhead expense equal to (insert
overhead rate) percent of labor costs incurred by CONSULTANT.
CONSULTANT acknowledges and agrees that this overhead compensation is in
lieu of itemized payments for indirect and overhead expenses which includes, but
is not limited to:
Clerical, word processing and/or accounting work.
Vehicle usage and mileage between CONSULTANT’s office and
DISTRICT offices or work locations within DISTRICT service area. For
work outside of the DISTRICT’s services area, DISTRICT approval to
charge for vehicle usage and mileage and other travel expenses must be
obtained prior to the expenses being incurred.
Parking (DISTRICT does NOT provide parking to CONSULTANT in the
DISTRICT Administration Building, located at 375 11th Street, Oakland,
California. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for parking elsewhere).
Postage, or for certified or registered mail. Extraordinary postage,
overnight delivery, or messenger delivery charges must be approved in
Routine copying costs for in-house copying.
Local telephone charges, including cellular phone, modem and
telecopier/FAX charges.
Office space lease.
Office supplies.
Computer equipment.
Computer usage charges.
Books, publications and periodicals.
Miscellaneous hand tools or equipment rental.
Safety training, seminars or continuing education.
Local meals, transportation or other travel charges.
Inadequately described or miscellaneous expenses.
The above items are illustrative, rather than exhaustive.
2.3 Subconsultant Services
Subconsultant services shall be billed at cost (plus a (insert rate) percent markup).
2.4. Other Direct Costs
Other Direct Costs shall be approved by DISTRICT in advance in writing, and
shall be billed at cost, without markup. These costs include, but are not limited to
the following:
2.4.1. Automobile expenses at (insert rate) cents per mile when CONSULTANT
is required to travel outside of the DISTRICT’s service area. Mileage will
NOT be reimbursed for rental car expenses, where the rental agreement
specifies unlimited mileage.
2.4.2. DISTRICT will pay for necessary and reasonable travel expenses provided
the travel is approved in advance by DISTRICT Project Manager, and
providing that:
Each expense is separately identified (air fare, hotel, rental car)
with an amount and date incurred. Confirming documents may be
Charged mileage for vehicle mileage shall not exceed the current
allowable Internal Revenue Service rate.
Air travel is coach or economy rate for refundable tickets.
Business and first class rates will not be reimbursed.
Lodging accommodations are moderately priced.
Meal charges are reasonable. (Reimbursement for meals will only
be made in conjunction with out-of-town travel.)
Taxis or shuttles are used rather than rental cars whenever cost
Rental cars are intermediate or compact class only.
2.6 Budget Amounts
Contracted Services
Optional Services
Maximum Cost Ceiling*
* (Maximum Cost Ceiling is the sum of Contracted and Optional Services. If
your scope has no Optional Services, delete the Contracted and Optional
Services columns.)
The Maximum Cost Ceiling shown above is based upon the cost estimate and
labor hours attached hereto as Exhibit B-1 and Exhibit B-2. Costs described
above, comprising Direct Labor, Indirect Costs, Subconsultant Services and Other
Direct Costs shall be payable up to the Maximum Cost Ceiling as specified
2.7 Billing and Payment
CONSULTANT shall invoice DISTRICT monthly for the actual costs incurred
for work performed during the previous month. Actual costs shall include Direct
Labor, Indirect Costs, Subconsultant Services, and Other Direct Costs as specified
herein. Actual costs shall be invoiced by task as described in Exhibit A. Invoices
shall set forth a description of the actual costs incurred and the services
performed, the date the services were performed and the amount of time spent
rounded to the nearest quarterly hour increment (.25) on each date services were
performed and by whom. Supporting documentation for the invoice shall be
organized to clearly identify the task charged and shall be supported by such
copies of invoices, payroll records, and other documents as may be required by
DISTRICT to authenticate invoiced costs. Copies of all invoices from any
subconsultant(s) and outside service(s) shall be attached. (Insert the following
sentence if paragraph 2.9 below applies and is included in agreement. “Where
CONSULTANT is required by law to pay prevailing wage rates, supporting
documentation for such work shall be in accordance with guidelines set forth
below and shall include certified payroll reports. “) DISTRICT shall pay
CONSULTANT within thirty (30) days, upon receipt of a proper CONSULTANT
invoice, (Optional insert - include the following words here only if retention will
be accumulated: "the amount invoiced less a ten percent (10%) retention
amount,"), provided that all invoices are accompanied by sufficient cost
documentation, and DISTRICT Form P-47 (Subcontractor Payment Report - CEP
Participation), to allow the determination of the reasonableness and accuracy of
said invoice. (Optional insert - include the following sentence here only if
retention will be accumulated: "The retention accumulated to date shall be paid
by DISTRICT upon DISTRICT's acceptance of the final version of all
documents specified in ARTICLE 1 - SCOPE OF WORK, paragraph 1.6.")
The Maximum Cost Ceiling is in effect for the entire Scope of Services. If the
authorized Maximum Cost Ceiling is reached, CONSULTANT shall complete the
agreed-upon work for the authorized Maximum Cost Ceiling. Labor hours may be
reallocated within the tasks without renegotiation of the Agreement with written
approval from the DISTRICT Project Manager in such a manner so as not to
exceed the Maximum Cost Ceiling. In no event shall the Maximum Cost Ceiling
be increased unless there is a written amendment of this Agreement.
2.8 Budget Status Reports
For the duration of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall provide DISTRICT
with ("bi-weekly" or "monthly" depending on duration of project) budget status
reports that include, in tabular or graphical format, for each report period: (1) the
original cumulative projected cash flows for the duration of the project (prepared
at the start of the project), (2) the actual cash flows for the work completed to
date, (3) the current projected cash flows to complete the project, and (4) the
earned value (the amount of work actually completed to date compared to the
budget expended). Current projected cash flows shall be based on all
CONSULTANT and subconsultant time sheets up to a date within 3 weeks of the
date of the budget status report.
2.9 Prevailing Wages and Other Requirements for Construction Inspection, and
Construction Related Work During Design and Preconstruction Phases of
Construction. (Optional Insert include this paragraph 2.9 and all its
subparagraphs if your Scope of Services includes construction, alteration,
demolition, installation, maintenance, repair work, or other construction
related work during the design or preconstruction phases of construction
including but not limited to inspection and land surveying.)
2.9.1 All Contractors and Subcontractors of any tier bidding on, or offering to
performing work on a public works project shall first be registered with
the State Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Section
1725.5 of the Labor Code. No bid will be accepted nor any contract
entered into without proof of the Contractor and Subcontractors’ current
registration with the DIR (LC § 1771.1).
2.9.2 All public works projects awarded after January 1, 2015, are subject to
compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR (LC § 1771.4) and all
Contractors are required post job site notices, “as prescribed by
regulation” (LC § 1771.4).
2.9.3 Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the District has obtained
from the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, the
general prevailing rates of per diem wages and the general prevailing rates
for holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the Work is to be
performed, for each craft, classification, or type of worker needed to
execute the contract. A copy of the prevailing wage rates is on file with
the District and available for inspection by any interested party at
2.9.4 The Contractor shall post a copy of the general prevailing rate of per diem
wages at the jobsite pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code.
2.9.5 Pursuant to Section 1774 of the Labor Code, the Contractor and any of its
Subcontractors shall not pay less than the specified prevailing rate of
wages to all workers employed in the execution of the contract.
2.9.6 The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the State or the District, forfeit not
more than the maximum set forth in Section 1775 of the Labor Code for
each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the
prevailing rates for the work or craft in which the worker is employed
under the contract by the Contractor or by any Subcontractor under him.
The difference between the prevailing wage rates and the amount paid to
each worker for each calendar day or portion thereof for which such
worker was paid less than the stipulated prevailing wage rate shall be paid
to such worker by the Contractor.
2.9.7 General prevailing wage determinations have expiration dates with either
a single asterisk or a double asterisk. Pursuant to California Code of
Regulations, Title 8, Section 16204, the single asterisk means that the
general prevailing wage determination shall be in effect for the specified
contract duration. The double asterisk means that the predetermined wage
modification shall be paid after the expiration date. No adjustment in the
Contract Sum will be made for the Contractor’s payment of these
predetermined wage modifications.
2.9.8 The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall keep an accurate payroll
record, showing the name, address, social security number, work
classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and
week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice,
worker or other employee employed in connection with the Work. The
payroll records shall be certified and shall be available for inspection in
accordance with the provisions of Section 1776 of the Labor Code.
Certified payroll records shall be on the forms provided by the DIR or
contain the same information required on the Department’s form
2.9.9 For public works projects awarded on or after April 1, 2015, or that are
still ongoing after April 1, 2016, no matter when awarded, each Contractor
and Subcontractor shall furnish the certified payroll related records as
more specifically described above and in Labor Code section 1776 directly
to the Labor Commissioner (see LC § 1771.4). These records shall be
provided to the Labor Commissioner at least monthly or more frequently
if required by the terms of the Contract. For exception on projects covered
by collective bargaining agreements like a PLA, please see Labor Code
section 1771.4.
2.9.10 In the event of noncompliance with the requirements of Section 1776 of
the Labor Code, the Contractor shall have 10 days in which to comply
subsequent to receipt of written notice specifying in what respects such
Contractor must comply with said Section. Should noncompliance still be
evident after such 10-day period, the Contractor shall, as a penalty to the
State or the District, forfeit the amount set forth in Section 1776 of the
Labor Code for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker,
until strict compliance is effectuated. Upon the request of the Division of
Apprenticeship Standards or the Division of Labor Standards
Enforcement, such penalties shall be withheld from progress payments
then due.
2.9.11 Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1810, et seq. of the Labor Code the
time of service of any worker employed upon the work shall be limited
and restricted to eight hours during any one calendar day, and forty hours
during any one calendar week, unless work performed by employees of
the Contractor in excess of eight hours per day, and forty hours during any
one calendar week, shall be permitted upon compensation for all hours
worked in excess of eight hours per day at not less than one and one half
times the basic rate of pay.
2.9.12 The Contractor shall, as a penalty to the State or the District, forfeit the
amount set forth in Section 1813 of the Labor Code for each worker
employed by the Contractor or by any Subcontractor for each calendar day
during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight
hours in any calendar day and forty hours in any one calendar week in
violation of the provisions of Labor Code, Sections 1810, et seq.
2.9.13 The Contractor and every Subcontractor shall keep an accurate record
showing the name of and the actual hours worked each calendar day and
each calendar week by each worker employed by him in connection with
the Work; the record shall be kept open at all reasonable hours to the
inspection of the District and to the Division of Labor Standards
Enforcement of the State of California.
2.9.14 In the performance of a public works contract, the Contractor and any
Subcontractor shall comply with the provisions concerning the
employment of apprentices in Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code and any
amendments thereof. In the event the Contractor or any Subcontractor
willfully fails to comply with this requirement the Contractor or
Subcontractor shall be subject to the penalties for noncompliance in Labor
Code section 1777.7.
2.9.15 The Contractor and every Subcontractor shall post at the workplace and
comply with all required wage related workplace postings. Copies of the
required postings may be downloaded or ordered electronically from the
Department of Industrial Relations website at
(Note: this table is prepared by the consultant. The following is provided to show format.)
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Project Title)
Direct Labor
Subconsultant # 1
Subconsultant # 2
Hourly Rate ($/hr.)
I. Contracted Services
Task 1.1:
Task 1.2:
Task 2.1:
Task 2.2:
Subtotal I.
II. Optional Services
Task 3:
Task 4:
Subtotal II.
Subtotals I. & II
* ODCs = Other Direct Costs.
** Includes any prime consultant markup in subconsultant hourly rates.
*** Insert hourly rate.
(Note: this table is prepared by the consultant. The following is provided to show format.)
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Project Title)
Subconsultant # 1
Subconsultant # 2
I. Contracted Services
Task 1.1:
Task 1.2:
Task 2.1:
Task 2.2:
Subtotal I.
II. Optional Services
Task 3:
Task 4:
Subtotal II.
(* Include both consultant and subconsultant hours. Also, include the percent time commitment for key personnel if a critical
issue for success of the project.)
East Bay Municipal Utility District
(Project Title)
(Name of
Subconsultant's firm) $(dollars) (1 to 99)
(Name of
Subconsultant's firm) $(dollars) (1 to 99)
TOTAL $(dollars) (1 to 99)
* Does not include consultant's markup. (Include this footnote only if your contract
includes markup on subconsultants.)
** Based on a Maximum Cost Ceiling amount of $(dollars).
I. Provisions Applicable to All Required Insurance
A. Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of Services, and for any additional
period of time as specified below, CONSULTANT shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain
insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below.
B. CONSULTANT shall provide Verification of Insurance as required by this Agreement by
providing the completed Verification of Insurance as requested below signing and submitting
this Exhibit D to the DISTRICT. The Exhibit D may be signed by an officer of the
CONSULTANT (Agent) or by the Insurance Broker for the CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT
shall update Exhibit D throughout the specified term of the insurance required by this Agreement
by resubmitting the completed Exhibit D prior to the expiration date of any of the required
insurance. The updated Exhibit D shall become a part of the Agreement but shall not require a
change order to the Agreement. The Notice to Proceed shall not be issued, and CONSULTANT
shall not commence Services until such insurance has been accepted by the DISTRICT.
C. CONSULTANT shall carry and maintain the minimum insurance requirements as defined in
this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall require any subcontractor to carry and maintain the
minimum insurance required in this Agreement to the extent they apply to the scope of the
services to be performed by subcontractor.
D. Acceptance of verification of Insurance by the DISTRICT shall not relieve CONSULTANT
of any of the insurance requirements, nor decrease liability of CONSULTANT.
E. The insurance required hereunder may be obtained by a combination of primary, excess
and/or umbrella insurance, and all coverage shall be at least as broad as the requirements listed in
this Agreement.
F. Any deductibles, self-insurance, or self-insured retentions (SIRs) applicable to the required
insurance coverage must be declared to and accepted by the DISTRICT.
G. At the option and request of the DISTRICT, CONSULTANT shall provide documentation of
its financial ability to pay the deductible, self-insurance, or SIR.
H. Any policies with a SIR shall provide that any SIR may be satisfied, in whole or in part, by
the DISTRICT or the additional insured at its sole and absolute discretion.
I. Unless otherwise accepted by the DISTRICT, all required insurance must be placed with
insurers with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A- V.
J. CONSULTANT shall defend the DISTRICT and pay any damages as a result of failure to
provide the waiver of subrogation from the insurance carrier.
K. For any coverage that is provided on a claims-made coverage form (which type of form is
permitted only where specified) the retroactive date must be shown and must be before the date
of this Agreement, and before the beginning of any Services related to this Agreement.
L. Insurance must be maintained and updated Verification of Insurance be provided to the
DISTRICT before the expiration of insurance by having CONSULTANT’s insurance broker or
agent update, sign and return Exhibit D to the DISTRICT’s contract manager. For all claims-
made policies the updated Verification of Insurance must be provided to the DISTRICT for at
least three (3) years after expiration of this Agreement.
M. If claims-made coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-
made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the effective date of this Agreement or the start
of any Services related to this Agreement, CONSULTANT must purchase an extended reporting
period for a minimum of three (3) years after expiration of the Agreement.
N. If requested by the DISTRICT, a copy of the policies’ claims reporting requirement must be
submitted to the DISTRICT for review.
O. Where additional insured coverage is required, the additional insured coverage shall be
“primary and non-contributory,” and will not seek contribution from the DISTRICT’s insurance
or self-insurance.
P. CONSULTANT agrees to provide immediate Notice to the DISTRICT of any loss or claim
against CONSULTANT arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way relating to this Agreement, or
Services performed under this Agreement. The DISTRICT assumes no obligation or liability by
such Notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or
claims if they are likely to involve the DISTRICT.
Q. CONSULTANT agrees, upon request by the DISTRICT, to provide complete, certified
copies of any policies and endorsements within 10 days of such request (copies of policies may
be redacted to eliminate premium details.)
R. It is CONSULTANT’s responsibility to ensure its compliance with the insurance
requirements. Any actual or alleged failure on the part of the DISTRICT to obtain proof of
insurance required under this Agreement shall not in any way be construed to be a waiver of any
right or remedy of the DISTRICT, in this or any regard.
S. Notice of Cancellation/Non-Renewal/Material Reduction The insurance requirements
hereunder are mandatory and the DISTRICT may, at its sole and absolute discretion, terminate
the services provided by CONSULTANT, should CONSULTANT breach its obligations to
maintain the required coverage and limits set forth in this Agreement. No coverage required
hereunder shall be cancelled, non-renewed or materially reduced in coverage or limits without
the DISTRICT being provided at least thirty (30) days prior written notice, other than
cancellation for the non-payment of premiums, in which event the DISTRICT shall be provided
ten (10) days prior written notice. Replacement of coverage with another policy or insurer,
without any lapse in coverage or any reduction of the stated requirements does not require notice
beyond submission to the DISTRICT of an updated Verification of Insurance which shall be met
by having the CONSULTANT’s insurance broker or agent update, sign and return this Exhibit D
II. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance Coverage
A. Workers’ Compensation insurance including Employer’s Liability insurance with minimum
limits as follows:
Coverage A. Statutory Benefits Limits
Coverage B. Employer’s Liability of not less than:
Bodily Injury by accident: $1,000,000 each accident
Bodily Injury by disease: $1,000,000 each employee
Bodily Injury by disease: $1,000,000 policy limit
B. CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or
maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
C. If there is an onsite exposure of injury to CONSULTANT, subcontractor, and/or
subcontractor’s employees under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, the
Jones Act, or under laws, regulations or statutes applicable to maritime employees, coverage is
required for such injuries or claims.
D. If CONSULTANT is self-employed, a sole proprietorship or a partnership, with no
employees, and is exempt from carrying Workers’ Compensation Insurance, CONSULTANT
must return the completed Verification of Insurance confirming that CONSULTANT has no
employees and is exempt from the State of California Workers’ Compensation requirements.
E. If CONSULTANT is self-insured with respect to Workers’ Compensation coverage,
CONSULTANT shall provide to the DISTRICT a Certificate of Consent to Self-Insure from the
California Department of Industrial Relations. Such self-insurance shall meet the minimum limit
requirements and shall waive subrogation rights in favor of the DISTRICT as stated below in
section “F.”
F. Waiver of Subrogation. Workers’ Compensation policies, including any applicable excess and
umbrella insurance, must contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement providing that
CONSULTANT and each insurer waive any and all rights of recovery by subrogation, or
otherwise, against the DISTRICT, its directors, board, and committee members, officers, officials,
employees, agents, and volunteers. CONSULTANT shall defend and pay any and all damages,
fees, and costs, of any kind arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way relating to
CONSULTANT’s failure to provide waiver of subrogation from the insurance carrier.
Verification of Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance Coverage
By checking the box and signing below, I hereby verify that the CONSULTANT is
exempt from the State of California’s requirement to carry workers’ compensation
As the CONSULTANT’s insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries workers’ compensation insurance as required
by this Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required insurance.
Self-Insured Retention:Amount: $
Policy Limit: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________
III. Commercial General Liability Insurance (“CGL”) Coverage
A. CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or
maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
B. The insurance requirements under this Agreement shall be the greater of (1) the minimum
coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum limits
of coverage of any insurance policies or proceeds available to the Named Insured. It is agreed that
these insurance requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is broader or that
includes higher limits than the minimums required herein. No representation is made that the
minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the obligations of the
C. Minimum Requirements. CGL insurance with minimum per occurrence and aggregate limits
as follows:
Bodily Injury and Property Damage $2,000,000 per occurrence & aggregate
Personal Injury/Advertising Injury $2,000,000 per occurrence & aggregate
Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 per occurrence & aggregate
D. Coverage must be on an occurrence basis.
E. Coverage for Products, and Completed Operations, and Ongoing Operations must be included
in the insurance policies and shall not contain any “prior work” coverage limitation or exclusion
applicable to any Services performed by CONSULTANT and/or subcontractor under this
F. Insurance policies and Additional Insured Endorsement(s) Coverage shall be included for all
premises and operations in any way related to this Agreement.
G. There will be no exclusion for explosions, collapse, or underground liability (XCU).
H. Insurance policies and Additional Insured Endorsement(s) shall not exclude liability and
damages to work arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way relating to services performed by
Subcontractor on CONSULTANT’s behalf.
I. Contractual liability coverage shall be included and shall not limit, by any modification or
endorsement, coverage for liabilities assumed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement as an
“insured contract.”
J. Waiver of Subrogation. The policy shall be endorsed to include a Waiver of Subrogation
ensuring that the CONSULTANT and its insurer(s) waive any rights of recovery by subrogation,
or otherwise, against the DISTRICT, its directors, board, and committee members, officers,
officials, agents, volunteers, and employees. CONSULTANT shall defend and pay any and all
damages, fees, and costs, of any kind, arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way resulting from
CONSULTANT’s failure to provide the waiver of subrogation from its insurance carrier(s).
K. “Independent CONSULTANT’s Liability” shall not limit coverage for liability and/or
damages arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way resulting from Services provided under this
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the DISTRICT, its directors, board, and committee
members, officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers must be covered as Additional
Insureds on a primary and noncontributory basis on all underlying, excess and umbrella policies
that shall be evidenced in each case by an endorsement. The Additional Insureds must be covered
for liability arising in whole, or in part, from any premises, Products, Ongoing Operations, and
Completed Operations by or on behalf of CONSULTANT, in any way related to Services
performed under this Agreement.
L. A severability of interest provision must apply for all the Additional Insureds, ensuring that
CONSULTANT’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made
or suit is brought, except with respect to the policies’ limit(s).
Verification of Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance Coverage
As the CONSULTANT’S insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries Commercial General Liability insurance, as
required by this Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required
Self-Insured: Amount: $
Policy Limit: Per Occurrence: $ Aggregate: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________
IV. Business Auto Liability Insurance Coverage
CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or
maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
A. The insurance requirements under this Agreement shall be the greater of (1) the minimum
coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum
limits of coverage of any insurance policies or proceeds available to the Named Insured. It is
agreed that these insurance requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is
broader or that includes higher limits than the minimums required herein. No representation is
made that the minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the
obligations of the CONSULTANT.
B. Minimum Requirements. Auto insurance with minimum coverage and limits as follows:
Each Occurrence Limit (per accident) and in the Aggregate: $2,000,000
Bodily Injury and Property Damage: $2,000,000
C. Coverage must include either “owned, non-owned, and hired” autos or “any” automobile
This provision ensures the policy covers losses arising out of use of company-owned vehicles
(“owned autos”), employee’s personal autos (“non-owned autos” meaning not owned by
company/insured) or autos that are rented or leased (“hired autos”).
D. If CONSULTANT is transporting hazardous materials or contaminants, evidence of the
Motor Carrier Act Endorsement-hazardous materials clean-up (MCS-90, or its equivalent) must
be provided.
E. If CONSULTANT’s Scope of Services under this Agreement exposes a potential pollution
liability risk related to transport of potential pollutants, seepage, release, escape or discharge of
any nature (threatened or actual) of pollutants into the environment arising out of, pertaining to,
or in any way related to CONSULTANT’s and/or Subcontractor’s performance under this
Agreement, then Auto Liability Insurance policies must be endorsed to include Transportation
Pollution Liability insurance. Alternatively, coverage may be provided under the
CONSULTANT’s Pollution Liability Policies if such policy has no exclusions that would restrict
coverage under this Agreement. Coverage shall also include leakage of fuel or other “pollutants”
needed for the normal functioning of covered autos.
F. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the DISTRICT, its directors, board, and committee
members, officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers must be covered as Additional
Insureds on a primary and noncontributory basis on all underlying and excess and umbrella
policies. The Additional Insureds must be covered for liability arising in whole, or in part, from
any premises, Products, Ongoing Operations, and Completed Operations by or on behalf of
CONSULTANT, in any way related to Services performed under this Agreement.
G. A severability of interest provision must apply for all the Additional Insureds, ensuring that
CONSULTANT’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made
or suit is brought, except with respect to the insurer’s limits of liability.
Verification of Business Auto Liability Insurance Coverage
As the CONSULTANT’S insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries Business Automobile Liability insurance, as
required by this Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required
Self-Insured: Amount: $
Policy Limit: Per Accident/Occurrence $ Aggregate: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________
V. Professional Liability (also known as Errors and Omissions) Insurance Coverage
A. CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or
maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
B. The insurance requirements under this Agreement shall be the greater of (1) the minimum
coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum
limits of coverage of any insurance policies or proceeds available to the Named Insured. It is
agreed that these insurance requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is
broader or that includes higher limits than the minimums required herein. No representation is
made that the minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the
obligations of the CONSULTANT.
C. Minimum Requirements: Professional Liability Insurance with minimum limits as follows:
Each Claim or Occurrence Limit: $2,000,000
Aggregate Limit: $2,000,000
D. If Coverage is written on a claims-made form, the following shall apply:
1. The retroactive date must be shown, and must be before the date of the Agreement or the
beginning of the Services.
2. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for a minimum
of three (3) years after completion of the Services.
3. If claims-made coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another
claims-made policies form with a retroactive date prior to the effective date of the
Agreement, CONSULTANT must purchase an extended period of coverage for a minimum
of three (3) years after completion of the Services.
E. Insurance shall include prior acts coverage sufficient to cover the services under this
F. Coverage shall be included for all premises and operations in any way related to this
Verification of Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance Coverage
As the CONSULTANT’S insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries Professional Liability insurance as required by
this Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required insurance.
Self-Insured: Amount: $
Policy Limit: Per Claim $ Aggregate: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________
VI. Pollution Liability Insurance Coverage
A. CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured or
maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
B. The insurance requirements under this Agreement shall be the greater of (1) the minimum
coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum
limits of coverage of any insurance policies or proceeds available to the Named Insured. It is
agreed that these insurance requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is
broader or that includes higher limits than the minimums required herein. No representation is
made that the minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the
obligations of the CONSULTANT.
C. Minimum Requirements: Pollution Liability Insurance with minimum limits, as follows:
Each Claim or Occurrence Limit: $2,000,000;
Aggregate Limit: $2,000,000.
D. Coverage must be included for bodily injury and property damage, including coverage for loss
of use and/or diminution in property value, and for clean-up costs arising out of, pertaining to, or
in any way related to the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration,
release or escape of contaminants or pollutants, arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way
resulting from any Services performed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement; including any
transportation of hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, or contaminants.
E. If Coverage is written on a claims-made form, the following shall apply:
1. The retroactive date must be shown, and must be before the date of the
Agreement or the beginning of the Services.
2. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided
for a minimum of three (3) years after completion of the Services.
3. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another
claims-made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the effective date of the
Agreement, CONSULTANT must purchase an extended period of coverage for a minimum
of three (3) years after completion of the Services.
F. Insurance shall include prior acts coverage sufficient to cover the services under this
Verification of Pollution Liability Insurance Coverage
As the CONSULTANT’S insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries Pollution Liability insurance, as required by this
Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required insurance.
Self-Insured: Amount: $
Policy Limit: Per Claim $ Aggregate: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________
VII. Excess and/or Umbrella Liability Insurance Coverage
A. CONSULTANT’s insurance shall be primary and any insurance or self-insurance procured
or maintained by the DISTRICT shall not be required to contribute to it.
B. The insurance requirements under this Agreement shall be the greater of (1) the minimum
coverage and limits specified in this Agreement; or (2) the broader coverage and maximum
limits of coverage of any insurance policies or proceeds available to the Named Insured. It is
agreed that these insurance requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is
broader or that includes higher limits than the minimums required herein. No representation is
made that the minimum insurance requirements of this Agreement are sufficient to cover the
obligations of the CONSULTANT.
C. Minimum Requirements: It is expressly understood by the parties that CONSULTANT’s
Excess and/or Umbrella Liability policies shall, at minimum, comply with all insurance
requirements set forth within this Agreement.
1. Coverage for Products, Completed Operations, and Ongoing Operations must be included
in the insurance policies and shall not contain any “prior work” coverage limitation or
exclusion applicable to any Services performed under this Agreement and, if it is a claims-
made policy, it must be maintained for a minimum of three (3) years following final
completion of the Services.
2. Coverage shall be included for all premises and operations in any way related to this
3. There will be no exclusion for explosions, collapse, or underground damage (XCU).
4. Insurance policies and Additional Insured Endorsements shall not exclude coverage for
liability and damages from services performed by Subcontractor on CONSULTANT’s
5. Contractual liability coverage shall be included and shall not limit, by any modification or
endorsement, coverage for liabilities assumed by CONSULTANT under this Agreement as
an “insured contract.”
6. “Independent CONSULTANTs Liability” shall not limit coverage for liability and/or
damage arising out of, pertaining to, or in any way related to Services provided under this
7. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the DISTRICT, its directors, officers, officials,
agents, volunteers, and employees must be covered as Additional Insureds on a primary and
noncontributory basis on all excess and umbrella policies. The Additional Insureds must be
covered for liability arising in whole or in part from any premises, Products, Ongoing
Operations, and Completed Operations by or on behalf of CONSULTANT, in any way
related to Services performed under this Agreement.
8. A severability of interest provision must apply for all the Additional Insureds, ensuring
that the CONSULTANTs insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a
claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the policy’s limits.
9. CONSULTANT and its excess and/or umbrella Liability insurance coverage must waive
any rights of subrogation against the DISTRICT, its directors, officers, officials, employees,
agents, and volunteers, and CONSULTANT shall defend and pay any damages as a result of
failure to provide the waiver of subrogation from the insurance carrier(s).
D. CONSULTANT shall defend and pay any damages as a result of failure to provide the waiver
of subrogation from the insurance carrier(s).
Verification of Excess and/or Umbrella Liability Insurance Coverage
As the CONSULTANT’S insurance broker/agent, I hereby verify that I have reviewed and
confirmed that the CONSULTANT carries Excess and/or Umbrella Liability insurance, as
required by this Agreement, including the relevant provisions applicable to all required
Self-Insured: Amount: $
Policy Number:
Policy Period: from: to:
Insurance Carrier Name:________________________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent: Print Name:___________________________________________
Insurance Broker or Agent’s Signature: ____________________________________________