Procedures for Redressal of Grievances in Compliance to Regulation 3.5 of
MERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum & Electricity Ombudsman)
Regulations, 2020
The preamble of the Electricity Act, 2003 (EA 2003) mentions protection of consumer
interest as one of the prime goal. As per Section 42 (5) of the EA 2003, every Distribution
Licensee ought to establish a forum for redressal of consumer grievances in accordance with
notified Regulations.
MERC on 21 September, 2020 has notified MERC (Consumer Grievance Redressal
Forum & Electricity Ombudsman) Regulations, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as “the
Regulation, 2020”) superseding Regulation, 2006. Web based Internal Complaint Redressal
System (ICRS) is important feature of new Regulation which will replace existing Internal
Grievance Redressal Cell (IGRC). Regulation 3.5 mandates Distribution Licensee to publish
internal procedures for redressal of Grievances in consonance with Regulations, 2020.
The objective of Regulation, 2020 is to ensure that every distribution licensee has a
clearly identifiable entity within its organization for addressing the complaints/grievances of
consumers and specifying mechanism for grievance redressal. As per the Regulation, 2020,
the Forum shall follow the principles of natural justice, including, inter-alia the following:
(a) It shall protect the interest of consumers;
(b) It shall inform consumers of their rights;
(c) It shall facilitate and expedite the redressal of grievances.
(d) It shall ensure that consumers can also have a remedy in the event of failure or
delay on the part of the Distribution Licensee in redressing their complaints.
Grievances falling within the purview of any of the following provisions of the EA 2003
or conditionalities mentioned below are excluded from the jurisdiction of the ICRS and
(a) Unauthorized use of electricity as provided under section 126, 127 and 152 of the
EA 2003;
(b) Offences and penalties as provided under section 135 to 139 of the EA 2003;
(c) Accident in the distribution, supply of use of electricity as provided under section
161 of the EA 2003;
(d) In cases where proceedings in respect of the same matter and between the same
Complainant and the Licensee are pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or
any other authority, or a decree or award or a final order has already been passed
by any such court, tribunal, arbitrator or authority; and
(e) In cases where the Grievance has been submitted two (2) years after the date on
which the cause of action has arisen;
Where Grievance cannot be made in writing, the Forum shall render all reasonable assistance
to the person making the Grievance orally to reduce the same in writing and in filling up the
format set out in Schedule A to these Procedures.
A. Internal Complaint Redressal System (ICRS)
(a) A consumer may register his/her complaints in person by visiting MSEDCL field
offices or through call to toll free telephone numbers, electronically/digitally
through SMS, online registration, web-chat facility and mobile application or the
web-based portal of MSEDCL for Internal Complaint Redressal System.
(b) The Complainant can create their own logins wherein they can lodge multiple
complaints and keep a track of all individual complaints till the complaint is
(c) All complaints received shall be automatically assigned/sent to the respective
division, for speedy redressal;
(d) The respective division is required to provide remedy on the complaint within three
(3) working days in case of complaints related to non-supply, connection, re-
connection or disconnection of supply and fifteen (15) working days for all other
complaints, from the date of registering the complaint;
(e) The concerned officer shall take necessary action on the complaint and update
and/or close the same on the portal;
(f) There will be escalation index for nonresolution/ non-closure of complaint
depending on the time elapsed from the date of registering the complaint;
(g) Executive Engineer (Admin.) of Zone Offices has been assigned for overall
superintendence of resolution of complaints by way of ICRS.
(h) Complainant can file his/her feedback with a suggestion window for the service
B. Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF)
(a) In the event of a consumer not satisfied with the remedies provided through ICRS,
the consumer may file his/her grievances before the respective Consumer
Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF).
The List of CGRFs, their addresses and their area of Jurisdiction is given separately
in Annexure A.
The grievances must be submitted in the prescribed format. The said format is
enclosed herein as Schedule A or is available in downloadable format on the web
portal (www.mahadiscom.in) and also available at all cash-collection centers and
offices of MSEDCL.
(b) Consumer may either directly or through his duly authorised representative, can
submit his/her Grievance on the web portal (www.mahadiscom.in) or to the
appropriate Forum under whose jurisdiction his/her connection exists. Consumer
may submit grievances in-person, through post, email/fax, through web-portal or
at the nearest complaint receiving center.
(c) All complaints should clearly state nature of grievance/complaint along with
supporting documents and relief sought.
(d) Consumers must note that grievances will be admitted only if it is filed within 2
years from the date on which the cause of action has arisen.
(e) The consumer may opt for third party inspection (if required). Such request for third
party inspection to obtain independent report must be submitted to the Forum and
the cost of the same must be deposited by consumer in advance.
(f) The Forum will communicate the date of hearing of the Grievance in writing to the
Complainant. Further hearing schedule will also be available on the MSEDCL
(g) A Consumer, MSEDCL or any other person who is a party to any proceedings before
the Forum may either appear in person or authorize any representative other than
an Advocate (within the meaning of the Advocates Act, 1961), to present his case
before the Forum and to do all or any of the acts for the purpose, subject to
production of duly authenticated authorization made by the party in favour of such
representative, and subject to the condition that he, -
is appearing on an individual case basis;
has a pre-existing relationship with the Complainant (such as: a relative,
neighbor, business associate or personal friend);
is not receiving any form of, direct or indirect, remuneration for appearing
before the Forum and files a written declaration to that effect;
demonstrates to the Forum that he is competent to represent the party.
(h) Any party appearing through a representative, shall be bound by the acts or
omissions of such representative:
(i) Nodal Officer of MSEDCL shall arrange and co-ordinate to furnish paragraph-wise
comments to the Forum on the Grievance within five (5) working days (for
Grievance related to non-supply, connection, re-connection or disconnection of
supply) or fifteen (15) working days (all other Grievances) of receipt of the copy of
Grievance from the Forum failing which the Forum shall proceed on the basis of the
material available on record:
(j) Forum may grant extension of maximum seven (7) days to MSEDCL for submission
of reply on case to case basis, except in case of Grievance related to non-supply,
connection, re-connection or disconnection of supply, wherein no extension may
be granted for submission of reply.
(k) The CGRF will pass appropriate Order within 15 working days for non-supply,
connection, re-connection & disconnection related matter and within 60 working
days for all other matters.
(l) A certified copy of the Order passed by the Forum shall be communicated to the
parties within 3 days of such Order. Additionally Orders passed will also be available
on MSEDCL Website.
(m) MSEDCL shall intimate the compliance of the Order of the Forum to the Forum and
the Complainant and shall also be updated on the web portal within seven (7)
working days from the date of compliance.
(n) Any person if aggrieved by an order of the Forum may apply for Review within 30
days of the date of Order subject to following:
Where no appeal or Representation has been preferred;
On account of some mistake or error apparent from the face of the record;
Upon the discovery of new and important matter or evidence which, after the
exercise of due diligence, was not within his knowledge or could not be
produced by him at the time when the order was passed.
(o) The review application shall be accompanied by such documents, supporting data
and statements as the Forum may determine.
C. Electricity Ombudsman
(a) In case the complainant is not satisfied with the remedy provided by the CGRF, the
consumer may approach the Electricity Ombudsman (EO). The addresses of the
Electricity Ombudsmen and their area of Jurisdiction are given in Annexure B.
(b) Any Complainant, who is aggrieved by the non-redressal of his Grievance by the
Forum, may, either directly or through his duly authorised representative, make a
representation for redressal of his Grievance to the Electricity Ombudsman within
sixty (60) days from the date of the Order of the Forum.
(c) The representation may be submitted either in person or through post, email or fax
or on the web-based portal of the Electricity Ombudsman and must be in the
format as specified in Schedule B herein.
(d) All representations to the Electricity Ombudsman must clearly state the name and
address of the consumer, facts giving rise to the representation supported by
documents and the relief sought from the Electricity Ombudsman.
(e) For appearing before the Electricity Ombudsman, the parties or their
representatives should exhibit the same qualities as required for representations
before the CGRFs viz. production of duly authenticated authorization. The
Electricity Ombudsman may within itsdiscretion disallow any representative to
appear in any case on account of breach of the terms of the undertaking or
(f) The consumer can file a representation before the Electricity Ombudsman only if
the grievance falls under the following categories:
The Forum has rejected the Grievance
The Forum has not passed an order on the Grievance for its redressal within
a maximum period of 15 days or 60 days, as applicable
There has been undue delay in the disposal of the Grievance
The Representation is made within 60 days from the date of the Forum’s
(g) If any party, including the Distribution Licensee, is aggrieved by an order of the EO,
then a review may be filed within 30 days from the date of such order subject to
Where no appeal or Representation has been preferred;
On account of some mistake or error apparent from the face of the record;
Upon the discovery of new and important matter or evidence which, after the
exercise of due diligence, was not within his knowledge or could not be
produced by him at the time when the order was passed.
(h) The review application shall be accompanied by such documents, supporting data
and statements as the Electricity Ombudsman may determine.
- For Consumer: After being aggrieved by CGRF Order, the Consumer may approach
Electricity Ombudsman. For filing appeal against Electricity Ombudsman, the
consumer may approach Hon’ble High Court under Writ Jurisdiction.
- For MSEDCL: MSEDCL can challenge the Order of CGRF/ Electricity Ombudsman in
the Honble High Court under Writ Jurisdiction.