Clin. Invest. (2012) 2(7), 655657
Small sample sizes in clinical trials:
a statisticians perspective
Lucinda Billingham*
, Kinga Malottki
& Neil Steven
Small sample sizes can occur in Phase III clinical trials, either by design because
the disease is rare or as a result of early closure due to recruitment failure. In either
case there is a need to think differently about the statistical analysis, as the more
traditional approaches may be problematic. In the case of a rare disease, there is an
opportunity to plan the statistical analysis to account for the expected small numbers
of patients; whilst in the failed trial, there may be a need to change the statistical
analysis plan in order to maximize the usefulness of the information provided by the
unexpected smaller number of patients. Clinicians have to make difficult treatment
decisions for their patients on a daily basis and although small sample sizes are not
ideal, there are ethical arguments to consider. Patients with rare diseases have the
right for treatment decisions to be based on some level of unbiased evidence and in
a failed trial it is ethical to analyze the data in such a way that the data can still aid
decisions and, thereby, provide some return for the investment made by patients
and funders.
Traditionally, Phase III trial designs are based on hypothesis testing. Typically,
this approach tests the null hypothesis of no treatment effect against the alternative
hypothesis that there is a treatment effect. The size of the trial is based on
maximizing the chances of making a correct conclusion from the trial data; in
particular, trials are designed to have a good chance (usually 90%) of rejecting
the null hypothesis (at a 5% significance level) when a prespecified minimum
clinically relevant treatment effect truly exists, a feature known as power. The
problem with this approach in a trial with small sample size is that the analysis
will be underpowered and the trial is unlikely to make the correct conclusion. Less
conventional methodological approaches are supported if they help to improve the
interpretability of trial results [1,2].
Clinical trials aim to gather unbiased evidence regarding a treatment effect but,
rather than trying to provide a definitive answer through hypothesis testing, an
alternative view is to consider trials as a way of reducing uncertainty about the size of
a treatment effect. If one starts from the premise that there is considerable uncertainty
regarding this unknown quantity, then data from even small numbers of patients
in a well-designed clinical trial will make steps towards reducing that uncertainty.
This improved information will help clinicians in the treatment decisions that they
need to make with their patients. This alternative statistical view lends itself to using
a Bayesian approach to analysis [3,4]. This was the view and methodology proposed
by one of the earliest papers to discuss designing trials in rare diseases [5] and the
Bayesian approach was also advocated at that time more generally in relation to
small clinical trials [6]. We support this Bayesian approach, but there are issues in
its implementation that we would like to highlight in this editorial.
MRC Midland Hub for Trials Methodology
Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS
Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
*Author for correspondence:
E-mail: l.j.billingham@bham.ac.uk
Keywords: Bayesian analysis • Merkel cell carcinoma • rare diseases
• recruitment failure • standardized likelihood
ISSN 2041-6792
10.4155/CLI.12.62 © 2012 Future Science Ltd
For reprint orders, please contact [email protected]
The Bayesian approach allows external and
subjective information about the size of the treatment
effect, expressed as a prior probability distribution,
to be combined with trial evidence to give a posterior
probability distribution for the size of the treatment
effect. This approach ensures that the trial is reducing
the uncertainty about the treatment effect from a level
that already exists. For example, if there is relatively
strong prior evidence that the treatment is effective, either
through subjective belief or by summarizing existing
evidence, then a small trial that supports this may be all
that is required to change clinical practice. However, the
situation becomes more complex if the trial data and prior
evidence conflict. An additional key advantage with the
Bayesian approach is that the results from a trial can be
expressed in terms of direct probabilities of the treatment
effect being a certain size. For example, the sort of result
that one would be able to conclude in terms of a survival
outcome is that, given prior evidence and the trial data,
there is a 70% chance that the treatment truly reduces
the hazard of death by at least 10% (i.e., hazard ratio
<0.9). In small studies, this type of reporting could be
used practically by clinicians in discussion with patients
and enable evidence-based treatment decisions, whilst
a non-significant result from hypothesis testing would
simply be regarded as inconclusive or, at worst, evidence
of no treatment effect.
…although small sample sizes are not ideal, there
are ethical arguments to consider.
Further to the proposal by Lilford and colleagues, a
strategy was developed for designing trials to evaluate
interventions in rare cancers, specifically in terms of
survival time as an outcome measure [7–9]. It proposed
a methodology for creating a prior distribution from
existing evidence. The strategy suggests searching the
literature for all evidence relating to a proposed trial,
even including studies where there are only tentative
similarities in terms of type of cancer, treatment and
end points, and including all levels of evidence from
randomized controlled trials to single case study
reports. This evidence can then be combined into a
prior distribution for the treatment effect with weights
allocated in relation to pertinence, validity and precision.
In principle this idea is sensible, but in practice such an
approach is problematic, as discovered when applying this
methodology to design a trial of adjuvant chemotherapy
in stage I-III Merkel cell carcinoma. Such broad search
strategies can produce large numbers of potentially
relevant papers and in rare diseases it is unlikely that
any of these will be high-level evidence. From around
27,000 references identified in searches related to the
planned Merkel cell carcinoma trial, approximately 1000
were found to be potentially relevant and the majority
were case studies with a single-arm study as the best
level of evidence. Reviewing these and extracting data is
extremely time-consuming and estimating hazard ratios
from such studies without direct treatment comparisons
is not straightforward. More importantly, such evidence
is potentially so biased that the prior probability
distribution would not be believable. In addition, the
poor quality evidence is allocated very low weights in
the strategy, 0.3 for single arm study to 0.05 for case
study compared to 1 for a randomized controlled trial
and, therefore, despite the large effort needed to extract
and combine such information, it ends up contributing
very little to the prior. One has to question the value of
undertaking such a strategy.
If one starts from the premise that there is
considerable uncertainty regarding this unknown
quantity, then data from even small numbers of
patients in a well-designed clinical trial will make
steps towards reducing that uncertainty.
Given this difficulty in producing an evidence-based
prior and the fact that many clinicians nd it difficult
to accept the inclusion in the analysis of a prior based on
subjective beliefs, we need to consider the alternatives.
Actually, the Bayesian approach can still be applied
by using a noninformative prior distribution. This is
effectively a uniform probability distribution that reflects
the fact that every size of treatment effect is equally likely,
because there is no evidence to believe otherwise. An
analysis with this type of prior ensures that the posterior
probability distribution for the treatment effect is totally
dominated by the data from the trial. Technically, the
distribution coincides with the likelihood, which is a
probability function that shows how strongly the data
support every possible value of the treatment effect.
When combined with a noninformative prior, this is
often referred to as a ‘standardized likelihood[4] and
such an approach could be called a likelihood-based
Bayesian analysis’. The reason that such an approach
is still useful is that, as specified earlier, it enables the
results to be expressed in terms of direct probabilities of
the treatment effect size being within a certain range
but this time based purely on the results from the trial.
This type of approach can be effective in maximizing
the value of the information from a trial that has failed
to recruit. In terms of rare diseases, if such an analysis is
planned, then a sample size can be chosen that is feasible
and ensures that the posterior probability distribution
has an acceptable level of uncertainty that will enable
clinical decisions. This approach using standardized
likelihood has been suggested before as a useful approach
to presenting trial results to clinicians [10,11], not only
future science group
EDITORIAL Billingham, Malottki & Steven
for small sample sizes but as a companion analysis to
traditional approaches in trials of any size. Although
the concept is appealing, noninformativeness is not
necessarily straightforward [11].
Finally, there is an inclination to use a simple
approach, called conjugate analysis, to estimate the
posterior distribution, as proposed in the strategy by
Tan and colleagues [7]. Essentially, this means that the
posterior probability distribution is estimated simply
by combining values of the parameters that define the
distributions of the prior and likelihood, weighted
according to the amount of information in each.
Unfortunately, the exact scenario where this simplistic
approach to Bayesian analysis may fail is when there is
a small sample size. In the long run, randomization in
a clinical trial will produce balanced patient groups,
but with small sample sizes there is a high chance of
imbalance in terms of potential prognostic factors and,
therefore, these need to be adjusted for in the analysis
through statistical modeling. Thus, a more sophisticated
approach to estimating posterior distributions for the
treatment effect may be required, such as using Markov
chain Monte Carlo methods [4].
In summary, we recommend a Bayesian approach
for the analysis of trials with a small sample size, as it
will give results that will help clinicians make treatment
decisions. The inclusion of a prior is only likely to be
acceptable if it is based on believable data and, although
using noninformative priors may be preferable, it is not
necessarily a straightforward option. With small sample
sizes, it may be necessary to estimate the treatment
effect within a statistical model in order to adjust for
the likely imbalances in prognostic factors between the
treatment groups.
The authors would like to thank K Abrams, Professor of Medical
Statistics at University of Leicester, for mentoring in Bayesian
methodology and to A Mander at the MRC Biostatistics Unit in
Cambridge for rst suggesting the terminology likelihood-based
Bayesian analysis’. The authors would also like to thank M Pritchard
who piloted the work on Merkel cell carcinoma as his project for MSc
Clinical Oncology at the University of Birmingham.
Financial & competing interests disclosure
L Billingham and K Malottki are supported by a grant from the
Medical Research Council (grant number G0800808). L Billingham
is also supported by Cancer Research UK. This research is partially
supported by the European Network for Cancer Research in Children
and Adolescents (FP7-HEALTH-F2-2011, contract number
261474). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial
involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest
in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed
in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this
1 European Medicines Agency Committee for
Medicinal Products for Human Use.
Guideline on clinical trials in small
populations. CHMP/EWP/83561/2005
2 Gupta S, Faughnan ME, Tomlinson GA,
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4 Spiegelhalter DJ, Abrams KR, Myles JP.
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5 Lilford RJ, Thornton JG, Braunholtz D.
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Small sample sizes in clinical trials EDITORIAL
future science group
Clin. Invest. (2012) 2(7)