Exercise 1: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The following information is from an actual news release. Write a news
release from the information provided. Remember to use Associated Press style. Use as
much information as you think necessary to create an effective release. Add phrases and
transitions to make the news release acceptable to editors. List yourself as the contact
person for the sponsor of the release, decide on the release date and write a headline.
P.O. Box 5029
MADISON'S Seventeenth Annual Pancake Festival takes place this Saturday and Sunday.
The Festival has always been non-profit, sponsored by the Betterment Association of the Madison
Area, Inc. and for the past three years, has been co-sponsored with the Madison Area Jaycees.
Civic organizations, churches, school children, City Hall employees, inmates from the Copeland
Road Prison, local businesses and residents from surrounding areas all work together to stage a
smooth-running two-day event that over the past 16 years has drawn almost a million people to this
small town of 3,200.
From last year's proceeds, money was donated to the city of Madison to be used for park
improvements. Monies also were donated to the Madison Volunteer Fire Department and the Gateway
Ambulance Service. Also a portion of the proceeds were set aside for scholarships for local high
school students.
The volunteers' successful efforts to stage the Festival show what communities can do on their
ownwith ingenuity, determination, and effort. Nobody gets paid. All work is volunteer. Chief lure of
the Festival is the picturesque and historic town itself.
The menu consists of pancakes with your choice of delectable toppings such as nuts, berries
(blueberries, raspberries or strawberries), jams, syrups, bananas, and much, much more. These
Pancake Plates will be served both days, from 7 AM to 9 PM on Saturday and Sunday. A Pancake
Plate will cost $12 for adults and $6 for children 12 and under. That one low price includes the cost of
admission to the festival and free refills for an entire day.
Visitors will also be able to purchase tickets for a drawing on a 16-foot boat, a trailer, and a 45 HP
outboard motor sponsored by the Madison Volunteer Fire Dept.
There will be over 100 booths to display a large selection of the finest arts and crafts. Booths
manned by local clubs and residents will also offer other special foods.
Country music is played continuously both days. The Festival will feature Country and Western
artist "Lionel Cartwright" on Sunday at 1:00 and 3:00 PM. Also featured will be clogging, kiddie and
carnival rides, hot dogs, ice cream, popcorn, pies, soft drinks, coffee, iced tea and cold beer served in
Festival mugs that the purchaser gets to keep as souvenirs of his visit to our event.
Madison has campgrounds and motels for guests who would like to spend the weekend. There are
many other attractions in Madison and the surrounding areas: swimming, fishing, camping, hiking,
horseback rides, boat tours, glider and plane rides, an observation tower to climb and shopping at the
town's many fine antique stores. In addition, there will also be a gigantic flea market with bargains
galore. Visitors are welcome to set up a table of their own. The registration fee for the flea market is
$10 per table.
For those planning to come by plane, the City has an airport with a 2400-foot runway. There is
no charge for landing your plane. Volunteers handle plane parking. There is also an area close to the
Festival at which arrivals in RVs may park for overnight stays for a modest fee.
Exercise 2: Writing News Release Roundups
INSTRUCTIONS: Assume that you have been asked to write a news roundup for your local
daily, and that the roundup will be published tomorrow. Summarize each of the following
news releases in a separate story for the roundup. The news releases are genuine; only a
few names and dates have been changed.
Nearly one-fourth of the children in this state must go to bed hungry every night. That's no way
to let our future generations grow and take shape.
In order to help alleviate the growing concern of hunger in our local state, SunBank has
announced that it will begin their seventh annual SunSanta food drive next June 14. Residents of the
state are encouraged to bring any canned or non-perishable food items to their nearest SunBank office
for distribution to the needy. When the food drive ends on Friday, July 6, the Christian Service Center
will pick-up and distribute all donated items to local, needy families and individuals.
For the first time, SunBank is hosting their statewide food drive in the summer months. "When
we first began the program seven years ago, there were few food drives during the winter holidays,"
explained Sara Curtis, Senior Vice President of Marketing. "However, as more and more organizations
sponsored year-end food campaigns, we have rescheduled our program for the summer months to
help replenish depleted food banks."
Last year, residents of the state donated over 78,000 items to 55 different charities. Clearly, you
“can” make a difference. So when composing your vacation packing list, don’t forget to drop off your
canned goods at your local SunBank office.
"Buggy Exhibit”"
The Dodd Science Center is preparing for an invasion of insects. Beginning with a Members
Preview Party at 2 p.m. Sunday, DSC hosts the highly successful "Insect Zoo, Arachnids Too"
developed and circulated by Great Explorations, Inc. of Boston, Massachusetts. The exhibit celebrates
the diversity and splendor of the world of insects. Over 20 species of live arthropods including
tarantulas, a bird-eating spider, walking sticks, praying mantises, grasshoppers and native and exotic
cockroaches, including the giant hissing cockroaches from Madagascar, will be in residence at DSC
during this exhibit, which opens to the public on Tuesday and will continue for 6 weeks. The staff will
conduct daily feedings and demonstrations at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
DSC's hours are:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission is $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for children ages 317. Children under 3 and members of
DSC are admitted free. Group rates and programs are available. Call DSC at 2595572 for further
The Center's unique gift shop has a wide variety of books, posters, games, and much more. Don't
forget to stop in and buy your favorite glow-in-the-dark critters and insect t-shirts.
News Release
Metro Life Church welcomes internationally known Christian leader, author, and speaker Terry
Virgo. Terry will be our special guest in our weekly Worship Celebration both this Sunday and the
following Sunday.
Terry leads the unusually large Clarendon Church in Brighton, England. In addition, he leads an
apostolic team in close relationship with more than 70 churches in the United Kingdom and throughout
the world in five other countries.
An acclaimed Bible teacher, Terry has ministered at major national and international conferences. He
and his wife Wendy have also authored a number of books, including the popular Restoration in the
Senior Pastor Danny Jones invites you to join us for the ministry of Terry Virgo. Children's ministry
will be available for the ages 19. Services are at 9 and 11 a.m. each Sunday with Bible Study at 7
p.m. The Virgos will appear at all 3 services both Sundays.
It's time to gear up for the competition, fun, and prizes at the 87th edition of the State
Fair. Although the State Fair is not until June, now is the time to prepare for the state's most
competitive event.
The theme of next June's Fair is "Carry on the Tradition" and there are plenty of contests to
enter. Whether your interest is sewing, baking, tropical fish, photography, horticulture, fine arts,
wood-carving, fashions, cheerleading, wine, or championship livestock, there's a place for you at the
Fair. This is your opportunity to showcase your talents to nearly one million people. All entries will be
judged by professionals in their field.
To enter most Family Living Events, you must be a resident of the state and entries must be
received by the State Fair Authority by Friday, April 1. Wine entries must be submitted by April
15. Livestock deadlines are May 5.
MERCY HOSPITAL is sponsoring a free presentation on Women and Depression. Participants will be
taught to:
identify the symptoms of depression
explore the dynamics of depression
learn treatment alternatives, including individual and group therapy
define issues unique to women which impact on identification and treatment of depression
The seminar will be held in the hospital auditorium next Wednesday with registration beginning at
6:30 p.m. The presentation will be from 7 9 p.m. To make a reservation call MERCY HOSPITAL at
767-0152 or 1-800-221-4223.
Marie Lozando, M.D. Dr. Lozando is Clinical Director of MERCY HOSPITAL'S Women's Issues
Deborah L. Carter, Ph.D. Associate of the Lovell Psychiatric Association.
Phyllis Williams, A.R.N.P., M.S.W. Associate of Lovell Psychiatric Association
On Friday evening of next week, the county's Mental Health Association and the Center for Women's
Medicine will present a two-hour seminar designed to provide simple, practical techniques to help
women achieve greater success and happiness in every area of their life. Through a combination of
lecture and audience participation, participants will be given the tools to "Invent Your Life" the way
they want it to be. The featured seminar leader will be Joyce Reynolds from the Swan Center for
Intuitive Living in Atlanta, Georgia. Ms. Reynolds states, "When you know how to create what you
want, you can be more productive and motivated, and have an excitement for life. You can make
your life what you want it to be." The seminar will also include a discussion of how physical health is
directly affected by the level of stress in life. Scheduled to begin at 7 PM, the workshop will be held in
the Great Hall of the Cathedral of St. Luke's, 130 Dakota Avenue. Pre-registration is
encouraged. "Early Bird" registration fees for the seminar are $10 per person for M.H.A. members
and $12 for non-members. Registration at the door will be $15 for everyone. Refreshments will be
provided. For more information or to register by telephone, please call the Mental Health Association
at 843-1563.
Exercise 3: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The following information is from an actual news release. Write a news
release from the information provided. Remember to use Associated Press style. Use as
much information as you think necessary to create an effective release. Add phrases and
transitions to make the news release acceptable to editors. List yourself as the contact
person for the sponsor of the release, decide on the release date and write a headline.
Woman To Woman Conference
Harmony In Your Life
This coming Saturday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Peabody Hotel
$35 per person tax deductible donation
Proceeds to benefit the Palmer Hospital for Children & Women
Tickets: Rosalie Bledsoe 875-6682
Press Info: Trish Weaver-Evans 628-5431
Presenting the luncheon keynote address,
nationally known television and radio personality,
psychosexual therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer will
discuss current sexual issues and how respect for
selfand for othersfosters gratifying sexual
The conference will also include 10 exciting
workshops presented by area professionals. Each
conference participant will choose three of the
*The Food TrapBreaking Its Hidden Control
*The Woman's Balance Beam
*Hello, Exercise! Good-bye Blues!
*Fashions for the Shape You're In
*Cosmetic SurgeryThe Choice is Yours!
*Why Does He Do That?
*Our Sexual Selves
*Boredom in the Bedroom
Plus: Door Prizes...Exhibits...Free Booklets & Resource Information...
Items For Purchase...Discount Coupons...Book Sales...Delicious Luncheon...
Community Referral Information...Woman of the Year Award...
Opportunities For Growth, Networking, and Fun!
Sponsors: Doctors Health Care Group
Note: Corporate Tables Available
PruCare/PruCare Plus Call: 875-6682
Palmer Hospital for Children & Women
Exercise 4: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The information provided below is from an actual news release mailed to a
daily or weekly newspaper. Only the locations and the names of some of the individuals
have been changed. Write just a lead for the news release or write an entire story from the
The Psychic Zone
Beyond the edge of understanding, yet just within the fringe of awareness… Beyond the distant future
though before the forgotten past, lies a little-understood territory of the human mind that is known
as… The Psychic Zone!
Saturday April 23 and Sunday April 24th, THE HILTON INN will become part of The Psychic Zone, as a
roving contingent of multi-talented psychics proudly present a Psychic Fair for your entertainment.
Many of the psychics will be available for private consultations. Come in and join us, whether you’re
serious about psychic phenomena, want to enjoy a FREE MINI SEMINAR, or have a private reading.
FREE MINI SEMINARS will be given at 10 AM, 12 Noon, 3 PM and 5 PM. On Saturday night, at 7:30
PM, there will be a PSYCHIC AWARENESS SEMINAR, teaching you how to Meditate, See Auras, Feel
Auras, and learn how to reduce stress. Find out how to use your Psychic Abilities. This is a paid
seminar, with the cost of admission set at $9.50 for one and all.
THE PSYCHIC ZONE is in your future, April 23rd and 24th, at THE HILTON INN.
Exercise 5: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The information provided below is from an actual news release mailed to a
daily or weekly newspaper. Only the locations and the names of some of the individuals
have been changed. Write just a lead for the news release or write an entire story from the
First Community Respite Care Weekend
Alzheimer's, the fourth leading cause of death among adults in the U.S., has a profound impact on the
entire family, thus leaving the primary care giver in a "high risk" category for stress related illnesses.
Any time off, regardless of how little, is essential in helping reduce that stress.
Next week, on Saturday and Sunday, Sand Lake Hospital will offer the area's first "Community Respite
Care Weekend," a new concept. Volunteers will offer time and loving care the entire weekend.
The Community Respite Care Project offers rest or relief to those families who are continually caring
for an Alzheimer's loved one. This weekend will give those family members the opportunity to have a
weekend off to do just as they please while their loved one is safe and in the caring hands of trained
volunteers and nursing professionals.
After this weekend's respite, similar respite care will be offered on the first weekend of each month at
the Sand Lake Hospital facility. The new program also offers in-home volunteer help and subsidized
adult day care.
"Anyone who has an interest in volunteering their time is greatly needed," says Charlotte McFarland.
Our program relies solely on volunteer power to staff both the in-home and hospital respite. We
realize many people may find this type of volunteerism difficult, however, the devoted people we do
have find much personal satisfaction and reward once they see how much they help and the difference
they make to these families."
For more information, call Charlotte McFarland, Respite Project Director, at 425-2489
Exercise 6: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The information provided below is from an actual news release mailed to a
daily or weekly newspaper. Only the locations and the names of some of the individuals
have been changed. Write just a lead for the news release or write an entire story from the
Blood Donors Needed During Summer Months
Come roll up your sleeve and give a lifesaving gift to a patient who needs you.
The summer is a time for enjoyment and relaxation, but for many local hospital patients who are ill or
injured, the summer won't be so much fun. The Blood Bank asks that you help these patients return
to good health by donating blood.
"The community blood supply traditionally decreases during this time of the year because many
regular donors are on vacation or busy with other activities,: said Linda Wallenhorst-Zito, director of
communications and marketing at the Blood Bank. "However, accidents and emergencies increase
during the summer, and many patients wanting elective surgery are forced to postpone it until more
blood becomes available."
Any healthy person at least 17 years old may donate and there is no upper age limit. Donors complete
a brief medical questionnaire and health screening that many find a good way to regularly monitor
such factors as their heart rate and blood pressure.
For additional information, call your local Blood Bank branch. Come help save a life. Someday,
someone may save yours.
Exercise 7: Writing News Releases
INSTRUCTIONS: The information provided below is from an actual news release mailed to a
daily or weekly newspaper. Only the locations and the names of some of the individuals
have been changed. Write just a lead for the news release or write an entire story from the
31st Annual Community Art Festival Begins Fall Season
Fall is the time to enjoy art festivals everywhere, and our community's 31st annual Fall Art Festival
starts the season off right with a weekend show.
Sponsored by the Jaycees, the festival will be held this Saturday and Sunday. Hours are 10:00 A.M. to
5 P.M. each of the two days.
Enjoy first class original artwork in categories including ceramics, watercolors, oils, sculpture,
photography and more. Last year's show exhibited 240 artists and drew about 22,000 visitors during
the two-day festival.
Food will be available throughout the weekend, along with entertainment, all set along New York
Avenue, between 9th and 12th Streetsa perfect setting to enjoy the fall weather and perhaps find
that special painting you've been looking for.
For more art festival information, or for information on accommodations in the city, contact the
Convention and Visitors Bureau, Box 2007. Call 847-5000.
Exercise 8: Eliminating Puffery
INSTRUCTIONS: Rewrite the following sentences and paragraphs more objectively,
eliminating all their puffery.
1. The entry deadline is Friday, March 16th, so hurry and sign up!
2. As a proponent of innovative hiring practices, the company's president has worked diligently
to hire older workers, disabled workers and the homeless.
3. The outrageously funny British farce, RUN FOR YOUR WIFE!, will romp across the Lake Street
Players stage May 2527 and May 31June 2. It will be a fun-filled evening for the entire
family, with each hilarious performance starting promptly at 8 p.m.
4. The governor has not wasted any time. Today the governor announced the selection of a
special blue ribbon search committee for the state's university system. This important group
is composed of 12 distinguished members with a broad range of interests and will immediately
begin its vital task of seeking a new chancellor to head the system.
5. If you're looking for something a bit out of the ordinary for an evening's entertainment, the
Center for Arts is the place to be at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m.
Sunday. Director Chris Allen will introduce "Love, Love, Love," an exciting new musical
comedy certain to please the entire familyand at the low price of only $9.50 a ticket.
6. Johnson is committed to his work and, while serving as head of the Chamber of Commerce in
Houston, succeeded in increasing its membership by 41 percent. His goal when he assumes
the presidency of the chamber here next week is to achieve the same type of rapid
growth. Johnson has already prepared a detailed plan of action outlining the tasks to be
accomplished in the months ahead.
7. The stellar cast includes such renowned performers as Hans Gregory Ashbaker as Rodolfo and
Elizabeth Holleque as Mimi. Holleque has become one of America’s most sought after
sopranos since winning the 2003 Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. She thrilled
audiences here with her portrayals of Marguerite in Faust last season and is sure to do the
same with her rendition of Mimi.
8. County residents have many opportunities to register to vote, and Supervisor of Elections
Diedre Morsburger likes to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. Kicking off "Voter
Registration Month" in the County on the lst of next month will be a voter registration
drive. There will be no need to travel far, Morsburger says. Deputized personnel from her
office will fan out to special booths at every major shopping mall in the county to make it easy
for residents to register to vote. Morsberger said she has set as her goal next month the
registration of 5,000 new voters.
9. Torey Pines is home to a new community of luxury custom homes with lot sizes starting at 1/2
acre and prices from $300,000. In stark contrast to the surrounding properties, which are
built on former farmland, Torey Pines stands out as a forest of extremely tall pines and offers
a distinctly different skyline. Built by twelve of the area’s most renowned custom builders,
Torey Pines homes feature floor plans and elevations that are strikingly individual. Eighteen of
the finest luxury models will open for the public's inspection and appreciation at noon this
10. Guest conductor Richard Hayman and the Symphony Orchestra will bring all the bright lights
and excitement of New York's famous theatre district to the stage of the Carr Performing Arts
Centre as they present "Broadway Bound," the final concert of the current series, at 8 p.m.
Saturday. One of this country's most sought-after "pops" conductors, Hayman is re-invited,
season after season, to conduct leading orchestras across the continent. In his usual
exuberant style, he will conduct selections from some of Broadway's most beloved musicals,
including South Pacific, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Cabaret, Cats and Les Miserables.