M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
he Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
has traditionally encouraged entities to report
major classes of gross cash receipts and gross cash
payments and their arithmetic sum—the net
cash flow from operating activities (the direct
method, DM). Very few financial statement preparers, how-
ever, adhere to the guidance because the indirect method
(IM) continues to be the most favored presentation method
for preparers of cash flow statements (Accounting Standards
In 1987, the FASB published Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards 95 (SFAS 95), “Statement of Cash
Flows,” which set the stage for the statement of cash flows as
we know it today. Over the Statement’s 29-year history, rule-
making bodies made two noteworthy attempts to require the
DM, and another attempt is probably on the horizon. The
first attempt occurred when the Statement was released. The
second attempt occurred in 2008 when the FASB and the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued a
joint discussion paper titled “Preliminary Views on Financial
Statement Presentation.” The discussion paper proposed,
among other things, a mandate for the DM. As part of an
overall tightening of the cash flow activity classification rules,
attempts continued in 2014 and 2015.
In this article, we provide a history of the cash flow state-
The Statement of Cash Flows
and the Direct Method of
Which method of presentation is
better for the cash flow statement:
the direct method (DM) or the indirect
method (IM)? The issue is still being
By Nathan H. Jeppson, Ph.D., CPA; John A. Ruddy, CPA, CFA; and David F. Salerno, Ph.D., CPA
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
ment, followed by an analysis of the public’s response
to the most recent attempt to mandate the direct
method. Then we describe the FASB’s current ongoing
efforts regarding the direct method, and we close with
an analysis of which method is preferable.
Prior to the release of SFAS 95, Accounting Principles
Board Opinion 19 (APB 19), “Reporting Changes in
Financial Position,” allowed the reporting of cash flows,
but it was not a requirement. SFAS 95 established
the current rules for the statement of cash flows—
classifying cash flows into operating, investing, or
financing activities.
The guidance of SFAS 95 allowed a choice of either
the DM or IM of presentation for cash flows from oper-
ating activities. Although SFAS 95 did not require the
DM, it encouraged the DM in lieu of the IM. The
FASB passed SFAS 95 by a four-to-three vote with two
of the three dissenting members concerned that the
statement would have reduced usefulness by not re-
quiring the DM. Specifically, they argued that using the
IM would fail to “provide relevant information about
the cash receipts and cash payments of an enterprise
during a period.” Providing relevant information about
a business entity’s cash flows was the stated overall pur-
pose of SFAS 95.
Ever since SFAS 95 was issued, it has become clear
that businesses have largely disregarded the FASBs en-
couragement to use the DM. The FASB and the IASB
said they issued the discussion paper in response to
users’ concerns that “existing requirements permit too
many alternative types of presentation and information
in financial statements is highly aggregated and incon-
sistently presented, making it difficult to fully under-
stand the relationship between the financial statements
and the financial results of an entity.” The discussion
paper raised the issue of making the DM mandatory
and contained guidance concerning a detailed reconcili-
ation of cash flows to comprehensive income.
Recent Attempts to Mandate the Direct Method
The most significant attempt to mandate the direct
method began in 2001, when the FASB and the IASB
separately initiated projects to review the presentation
of each financial statement. As part of the international
accounting standards convergence, the Boards agreed to
consider two independent projects in 2004. The rule-
making bodies agreed the projects would have three
distinct phases:
l Phase A would outline the required financial state-
ments and the required reporting periods.
l Phase B would consider details of financial statement
presentation, including whether the DM would be
used for the presentation of cash flows from operating
l Phase C would consider the required information and
presentation required for interim financial statement
By October 2008, the joint project titled Financial
Statement Presentation had progressed to the point
where the FASB and the IASB were ready to receive
preparer and user feedback. They issued the document
“Preliminary Views on Financial Statement
Presentation.” From October 2008 to April 2009, they
solicited feedback regarding the proposed changes to fi-
nancial statements (see Figure 1 for a statement of cash
flow event timeline). While the document proposed
changes in format and presentation for all four basic fi-
nancial statements, a substantial amount of responses
addressed using the DM in the presentation of cash
flows. During the feedback period, the Boards received
229 comment letters. Additionally, they received nine
unsolicited comment letters prior to the comment pe-
riod and one comment letter after the comment period.
In the next section we analyze the responses to provide
a deeper understanding of the IM popularity and argu-
ments in favor of the DM.
The Financial Statement Presentation project was
put on hold in October 2010, but subsequent develop-
ments indicate the statement of cash flows will likely
undergo future revisions. In April 2014, the FASB
launched a project aimed at clarifying certain existing
principles on statement of cash flows with the objective
of increasing “consistency in the classification of cash
inflows and outflows as operating, investing, or financ-
In April 2015, the Board issued an exposure draft
that would require not-for-profit entities to use the
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
direct method of cash flow presentation. We discuss this
in detail in the section “Current Developments and
Ongoing Efforts to Mandate.”
As we describe next, the FASB has indicated the
mandatory use of the direct method is still preferred for
business enterprises.
Discussion of the Public’s Response to
Mandating the Direct Method
The most recent justification for mandating the DM
comes from the objectives of the discussion paper pro-
posals, which state that financial reports should contain
three features:
l Cohesiveness, which the FASB and the IASB defined
as the ability to clearly see the relationship between
items across all the financial statements;
l Disaggregation of information, which only allows
combining account balances for presentation if the
items are economically similar; and
l Presentation of information such that it allows users
to assess the firms liquidity and financial flexibility.
The Boards believed the DM was superior to the IM
in possessing these features.
Letters in response to the discussion paper provide
opinions of interested parties. We reviewed the 229
comment letters, but 32 letters did not address the pre-
sentation or format of the cash flow statement. Of the
197 that did address the cash flow statement, four did
not discuss the debate regarding the direct vs. the indi-
rect format, and 13 letters did not express a format
We analyzed the 180 remaining comment letters that
both discussed the debate between cash flow statement
formats and expressed a preferred cash flow statement
format. We classify the letters by country, business type,
segment classification, and financial statement user
type and provide summary tables that categorize the
Figure 1: Timeline of Significant Events in Development of Statement of Cash Flows
November 1987:
FASB issues
SFAS 95,
“Statement of
Cash Flows” (now
codified as ASC
Topic 230).
2004: FASB and
IASB agree to
consider financial
statement project
July 2010:
FASB issues
staff draft
on financial
April 2015:
FASB issues
exposure draft
to require DM
for NFPs.
2001: FASB
and IASB
begin projects
to review
2009: User
period on
put on
2015: FASB
decides to
allow DM
or IM for
April 2014:
to clarify
on the
of cash
| 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2015 |
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
comment letters and aggregate the results. The remain-
der of this section provides a detailed breakdown of the
180 comment letters and five tables that classify and
summarize the comment letter contents. Tabulating the
data presents the reader with the same information the
FASB received and does not draw any statistical infer-
ences about the opinions of the overall population.
The comment letter analysis results show that, of the
respondents who commented on and expressed a pref-
erence for a particular cash flow statement format, 81%
disapproved of the DM requirement. These results are
in contrast to Wallace, et al., who reported that the ma-
jority (57.2%) of respondents of four key countries
(Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and the United
States) favored making the DM mandatory.
These re-
sults are from an FASB survey in 1987 before SFAS 95
was issued.
Table 1 provides preferences for cash flow formats by
country/region. Of the 180 response letters, 53 were
from the U.S. and 127 (70%) from the remaining coun-
Table 1: Preferences by Country for Method of Presenting Cash Flows
from Operations
Number for Number for
Total Direct Method Indirect Method
Country/Region Respondents Quantity Percent Quantity Percent
Australia 12 5 41.7% 7 58.3%
Austria 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Belgium 3 0 0.0% 3 100.0%
Canada 15 3 20.0% 12 80.0%
Denmark 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Europe 8 0 0.0% 8 100.0%
Finland 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
France 8 0 0.0% 8 100.0%
Germany 13 1 7.7% 12 92.3%
Greece 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Hong Kong 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
India 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Ireland 3 3 100.0% 0 0.0%
Italy 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Japan 5 0 0.0% 5 100.0%
Malaysia 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Netherlands 4 0 0.0% 4 100.0%
New Zealand 4 3 75.0% 1 25.0%
Pakistan 1 1 100.0% 0 0.0%
Poland 1 1 100.0% 0 0.0%
Scotland 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
South Africa 3 2 66.7% 1 33.3%
Spain 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Sweden 2 0 0.0% 2 100.0%
Switzerland 5 0 0.0% 5 100.0%
Taiwan 1 1 100.0% 0 0.0%
U.K. 28 2 7.1% 26 92.9%
U.S. 53 12 22.6% 41 77.4%
Zambia 1 0 0.0% 1 100.0%
Total 180 34 18.9% 146 81.1%
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
tries. These responses are consistent with the notion
that strong support exists for the DM in countries
where it has been a required format in the past. For ex-
ample, three of the four respondents in New Zealand
favored the direct cash flow format. In Australia, where
12 respondents expressed a preferred method, 41.7%
favored the direct cash flow format. Table 1 also shows
the preference for countries where the DM has not
been mandated in the past. For example, in the U.K.,
where the direct cash flow format has never been re-
quired, only 7.1% of the 28 respondents were in favor of
mandating direct cash flow disclosures.
Table 2 presents preferences for the two methods by
segment classification. At 92%, respondents from indus-
try are the most supportive of the IM, presumably be-
cause of the ease of compilation since all of these re-
spondents need to make regular cash flow disclosures.
Respondents from public accounting firms and other or-
ganizations had nearly equal support for the DM with
28.6% and 30.4%, respectively.
Table 3 shows the respondents’ preferences catego-
rized as either preparers or users of financial statements.
To make the categorization, we coded public account-
ing firms and industry respondents as preparers and fi-
nancial analysts as users. We classified the remaining re-
sponses as either preparers or users based on whether
they crafted their response letter from the perspective
of a preparer or user. Note that substantially more re-
spondents commented as preparers than as users (153
vs. 27). Less than 16% of the preparers favored the
DM, and 37% of users preferred the DM. Clearly the
IM enjoys favor with both groups as more than 84% of
preparers and 63% of users prefer to use it. As might
be expected, a larger percentage of users (37%) pre-
ferred the DM, reflecting the likelihood that users of
financial statements attach more value to direct cash
flow information.
Regarding financial statement users, two financial an-
alyst organizations submitted comment letters worth
noting. The first was from the CFA Institute Centre for
Financial Market Integrity, representing 100,000 ana-
lysts, portfolio managers, financial advisors, and other
Table 2: Preferences by Segment for Method of Presenting Cash Flows
from Operations
Number for Number for
Total Direct Method Indirect Method
Classification Respondents Quantity Percent Quantity Percent
Public accounting firms 42 12 28.6% 30 71.4%
Industry 87 7 8.0% 80 92.0%
Other 46 14 30.4% 32 69.6%
Undisclosed 5 1 20.0% 4 80.0%
Total 180 34 18.9% 146 81.1%
Table 3: Preferences by Role for Method of Presenting Cash Flows
from Operations
Number for Number for
Total Direct Method Indirect Method
Classification Respondents Quantity Percent Quantity Percent
Preparers 153 24 15.7% 129 84.3%
Users 27 10 37.0% 17 63.0%
Total 180 34 18.9% 146 81.1%
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
investment professionals in 134 countries. The Institute
indicated strong support for the DM, suggesting it
would improve transparency of operating cash flows and
thus be more useful to analysts and other users. The
letter indicated that the IM makes it more difficult for
investors to perceive any possible earnings manage-
ment. An illustration showed the extent to which Enron
engaged in financial engineering to overstate operating
cash flows and suggested that the company did not ex-
pect investors would notice the diminishing cash flows
under the IM.
The Institute also responded to the allegation that
the transition cost to the DM is prohibitive. It sug-
gested that these costs are notoriously difficult to esti-
mate and that, in the past, preparers have overstated
implementation difficulties associated with proposed
reporting improvements. The comment also addressed
the difference between the indirect-direct method that
involves an accrual-to-cash approach and the direct-
direct approach that captures cash transaction data. It
points out the contradictory and counterintuitive posi-
tions of those opposed to the direct mandate; oppo-
nents agree cash is king yet they support less useful
methods to present cash flows. Although it prefers the
direct-direct method, the Institute indicates concerns
about the indirect-direct method are unwarranted. It ar-
gues that if a company maintains proper accrual records,
adjustments to cash basis will be reliable and useful.
The second notable analyst letter was from the CFA
Society of the UK. The letter represented an unofficial
supplement to the Institute’s letter discussed earlier
and provided survey results from the Society’s mem-
bers. The Society received 351 responses, which consti-
tuted slightly less than 5% of its membership of 8,000
U.K. investment professionals. It reported that a small
majority favors the DM and suggested that the benefits
outweigh the costs. At least 80% of the Society’s mem-
bers, however, stated that the FASB and the IASB
needed to improve the statements transparency
through increased note disclosures.
Table 4 compares the responses of a group titled
“banks and financial institutions” (“banks”) to other in-
dustries. Banks submitted 21 comment letters, and
businesses from other industries submitted 159 com-
ment letters. An overwhelming 95.2% of banks pre-
ferred the IM, and 79.2% of businesses from other in-
dustries preferred the IM. Twenty banks preferred the
IM because of its usefulness to users of bank financial
statements. The one bank that preferred the DM com-
mented on its usefulness when reading the financial
statements of other businesses, such as when a bank re-
views a client’s financial statements to decide whether
to make a loan.
Regarding the overall tone of the 21 bank comment
letters, many respondents suggested that the statement
of cash flows (regardless of the method prepared) lacks
the functionality needed for analyzing banking institu-
tions. For example, the banks indicated the statement
does not contain information about a given bank’s liq-
uidity risk exposure. The letters also emphasized that
banks manage cash flows on a comprehensive basis that
does not fit easily into the statement categories.
The banks also maintained it would be too costly to
change to the DM. Several banks stated they were un-
aware of any user groups that would prefer banks to use
the DM. Of the banks currently using International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), they preferred
mandating IFRS 7, “Financial Instruments: Disclosures,”
Table 4: Preferences for Financial Classification for Method of
Presenting Cash Flows from Operations
Number for Number for
Total Direct Method Indirect Method
Classification Respondents Quantity Percent Quantity Percent
Banks and financial 21 1 4.8% 20 95.2%
Other industries 159 33 20.8% 126 79.2%
Total 180 34 18.9% 146 81.1%
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
disclosure requirements instead of changing the cash flow
statement format. As a matter of background, IFRS 7 re-
quires two main categories of disclosures: information
about the significance of financial instruments and infor-
mation about the nature and extent of risks arising from
financial instruments.
The bank and financial institutions respondents gen-
erally agreed that although the DM might be relevant
for other industries, it should remain optional for banks,
which is in contrast to prior banker survey results. As
stated in the responses to Exposure Draft #23 for SFAS
95, bankers preferred the DM.
They said that the DM
is more useful to financial statement users and suggest
converting from IM data to DM information imposes an
additional cost for users. We found no such preference
by bankers in the recent data.
Table 5 outlines the arguments from respondents
in support of their preferences regarding cash flow
As shown in Panel A, of the respondents who
favored the DM format, the most common reason was
that the DM provided useful information (50.0%). The
second most common reason was “cohesiveness and
disaggregation (35.3%),” which was the rationale the
FASB and the IASB cited for undertaking the financial
statement presentation project. Several respondents
stated they believed the benefits outweighed the costs
of DM disclosures (8.8%). Last, the category titled
“Other” includes any remaining reason for support of
the DM.
Panel B of Table 5 shows that cost (61.0%) was the
largest concern to those who responded negatively to
the DM format. Generally, large companies with elabo-
rate structures and complicated enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems are most affected. Yet only a
limited number of respondents provided a cost estimate
for their implementation and ongoing budget estimate
for DM presentation. To the researchers’ knowledge,
no one has conducted a comprehensive investigation
of the cost/benefit tradeoff of converting to the DM.
Intel Corp., however, estimated it would cost more than
Table 5: Arguments Provided by Respondents in Support of Their Preferences
Panel A: Reasons for Direct Method of Cash Flow Presentation Taken
rom the 34 Letters Written in Support of Direct Cash Flow Format
Direct method provides useful information 17 50.0%
Direct method achieves cohesiveness and disaggregation 12 35.3%
Benefits outweigh costs 3 8.8%
Other 9 26.5%
Panel B: Reasons against Direct Method of Cash Flow Presentation
Taken from the 146 Letters Written in Dissent
Cost concern/costs outweigh benefits 89 61.0%
Not convinced direct method better information 36 24.7%
Indirect method provides useful information 14 9.6%
Management should have the choice 11 7.5%
Statement of cash flows rarely used in decision making 10 6.8%
Direct method too complex to implement/understand 9 6.2%
Does not achieve cohesiveness and disaggregation 4 2.7%
Indirect method connects better to other financial statements 4 2.7%
Other 19 13.0%
The sums of the frequencies and percentages do not match the total number
of letters because some respondents provide more than one reason.
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
$5 million to implement the DM and another $2 mil-
lion per year post-implementation. Alcoa and Deutsche
Bank estimated implementation would cost between
$20 million and $30 million and in the double-digit mil-
lion euro range ($15+ million), respectively.
The respondents who opposed a DM mandate stated
they did not believe the DM provided more useful in-
formation (24.7%). Some respondents’ explanations did
not appear to consider the financial statement user’s
perspective. For example, 7.5% of respondents stated
management should choose the method. Others said
the DM was too complicated (6.2%) or did not achieve
the cohesiveness and disaggregation (2.7%) goals of the
FASB and the IASB.
The FASB recently again began efforts to require the
DM for business enterprises. As the Figure 1 timeline
shows, two recent developments indicate this is the
case. In April 2014, the Board began a new project ti-
tled Clarifying Certain Existing Principles on
Statement of Cash Flows. The project includes two
main objectives. The first objective is to provide guid-
ance on how to classify particular cash flows that may
contain aspects of more than one category, such as a
cash flow from a derivative instrument that may have
features of both investing and financing activities. The
second objective is to provide classification guidance for
specific transaction types. In the last five years, as many
as 600 companies have had to file restatements because
of cash flow misclassifications.
These objectives indi-
cate that the FASB had plans to further develop the
Even more recently and more importantly, the Board
initiated a project that seemed to signal a new attempt
to mandate the direct method for business enterprises.
In April 2015, it issued an exposure draft for not-for-
profit organizations titled “Presentation of Financial
Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities.” The Board re-
quested comments on a requirement for not-for-profit
entities to prepare their statements of cash flow using
the DM. In a departure from prior proposed guidance,
including the 2008 discussion paper we discussed, the
proposal did not require entities to simultaneously pre-
pare a separate reconciliation of net income to net cash
flows from operating activities.
To obtain feedback on the proposal, the FASB sur-
veyed 227 members of its Not-For-Profit Resource
Group (NFPRG), which included auditors and prepar-
ers who had specific experience with the DM. The
Board received 91 responses, and the results were con-
sistent with the reported results for the 2008 discussion
paper. While 39% agreed the DM conveyed informa-
tion that provided incremental benefits, 51% did not
believe the incremental benefit outweighed the incre-
mental cost.
Although the 2015 project pertains to not-for-profit
organizations, the FASB may have intended to extend
the not-for-profit DM mandate to for-profit business en-
tities. FASB Vice Chairman James L. Kroeker said, “I’d
challenge you to look at the changes we’re making for
not-for-profits that would eliminate the use of the indi-
rect method of cash flows.” He added, “There’s the
idea that perhaps we would extend that to business en-
terprises as well,” thus indicating that the Board may
make another attempt to mandate the direct method
presentation for business enterprises.
Kroekers comments also indicated that the mandate
may not require the DM to be accompanied by a recon-
ciliation to net income. In December 2015, however,
the FASB voted four to three to allow not-for-profit en-
tities to use either method in their presentation of cash
flows. They also decided to allow not-for-profit entities
to utilize the direct method without requiring the inclu-
sion of an indirect reconciliation of operating cash flows.
Prior to the decision, the FASB had received mixed
support from respondents to its proposals, with some re-
spondents indicating the direct method should not be
required for not-for-profit entities until it is required for
business entities.
While it is true that the DM’s straightforward presenta-
tion may be more advantageous to some users, the IM
brings another level of usefulness to the statement. The
reconciliation of accrual basis net income with cash pro-
vided by operating activities offers an initial assessment
of earnings quality by showing the magnitude of accrual
changes employed to arrive at net income each period.
M A N A G E M E N T A C C O U N T I N G Q U A R T E R L Y S P R I N G 2 0 1 6 , V O L . 1 7 , N O . 3
Indeed, the level of discretionary accruals and portion
of accruals that result in actual cash flows in a timely
manner are two methods for assessing earnings quality
that are discussed in the academic literature.
Because companies often manage earnings to meet a
targeted amount of earnings per share with the aggres-
sive use of accruals, persistent increases in current re-
ceivables accompanied by accrual net income similar to
that of the prior period (or close to zero) could indicate
the presence of earnings management. While profes-
sionals can conduct earnings quality assessments by
other means, the cash flow statement prepared using
the IM readily shows the differences in accrual- vs.
cash-basis income and the changes in accruals.
Therefore, in our opinion, eliminating the option for
the IM or allowing the DM without reconciliation to
net income could result in a less useful statement for
some users.
As the accounting community struggles to come to
terms with the presentation of cash flows, many respon-
dents state the DM is likely more advantageous for
some users. This is a position that the existing literature
supports, but the consensus favored the IM throughout
the life of the statement. Over the years, opinions re-
mained remarkably consistent. As we described, the
comments from the NFPRG in 2015 are consistent with
those for the 2008 discussion paper and with the 1987
consensus for Exposure Draft #23 issued for SFAS 95 at
the Statements inception. The one notable exception is
banks that preferred the DM for SFAS 95 but favor the
IM in the 2008 discussion paper. Over the Statement’s
life, interested parties have indicated that the cost of
switching to the DM is not worth any incremental bene-
fit over the IM that might exist. Because rule makers
have consistently favored mandating the DM, it is likely
that the Statement will undergo a transformation in the
future. The discussion to mandate the DM is almost
certainly going to continue, so accounting and finance
professionals will need to consider the potential costs
and benefits of the DM and IM going forward.
Note: On August 18, 2016, the FASB issued ASU
No. 2016-14, “Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958):
Presentation of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit
Entities.” The Board says these new rules complete
Phase I of the project. They continue to allow nonprof-
its to choose either the DM or IM to present operating
cash flows, and they no longer require the inclusion of
an indirect reconciliation of operating cash flows. But
more could happen in other areas.
Nathan H. Jeppson, Ph.D., CPA, is an assistant professor
in the accounting department at Montana State University
at Bozeman. You can reach Nathan at (406) 994-6204 or
John A. Ruddy, CPA, CFA, is an assistant professor in the
finance department at the University of Scranton in
Scranton, Pa. You can reach John at (570) 941-4303 or
David F. Salerno, Ph.D., CPA, is an assistant professor in
the accounting department at the University of Scranton.
You can reach David at (570) 941-4313 or
1 David M. Katz, “FASB Revisits the Cash-Flow Statement,”
CFO, September 30, 2014.
2 Tammy Whitehouse, “FASB Proposal May Foreshadow
Changes to Cash Flow Rules,” Compliance Week, April 24, 2015.
3 It should be noted that the 91 respondents in the 2015 NF-
PRG and the 229 respondents to the 2008 discussion paper
were self-selected participants when they commented. Thus,
similar to prior studies, self-selection bias may exist, so it can-
not be assumed the discussion represents the opinions of all
preparers and users of financial statements.
4 R.S. Olusegun Wallace, Mohammed S.I. Choudhury, and
Maurice Pendlebury, “Cash Flow Statements: An International
Comparison of Regulatory Positions,” The International Journal
of Accounting, Volume 32, Issue 1, January 1997, pp. 1-22.
5 Ibid.
6 While some letter writers only provided one explanation for
their preference, many provided two. No more than two argu-
ments were tallied for each letter.
7 Jeffrey Hales and Steven Orpurt, “A Review of Academic
Research on the Reporting of Cash Flows from Operations,”
Accounting Horizons, September 2013, pp. 539-578.
8 Tammy Whitehouse, “FASB Shifts Gears on Cash-Flow
Classification Issues,” Compliance Week, April 7, 2015.
9 Tammy Whitehouse, “FASB Proposal May Foreshadow
Changes to Cash Flow Rules,” Compliance Week, April 24, 2015.
10 For a discussion of discretionary accruals, see Jennifer Jones,
“Earnings Management During Import Relief Investigations,”
Journal of Accounting Research, Volume 29, Issue 2, Autumn
1991, pp. 193-228; for a discussion of accruals and cash flows,
see Patricia Dechow and Ilia Dichev, “The Quality of Accruals
and Earnings: The Role of Accrual Estimation Errors,” The
Accounting Review, Volume 77, Supplement 2002, pp. 35-59.