Supplier and Payee Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Enrollment
A. Instructions
suppliers and payees must use this form to initiate or change existing Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments made through the USPS Accounts
Payable System.
Suppliers/Payees: Submit completed form to Contracting Ofcer, Contracting Ofcer Representative, Postmaster, or USPS contact.
USPS Personnel: Send completed form via one of the following methods:
By email:
By fax: (650) 577-4640
B. Supplier/Payee Information (Supplier/Payee completes.)
Privacy Act Statement: Your information will be used to support the transmittal of electronic payment data to your nancial institution. Collection is authorized by 39 U.S.C.401, 404, 410, 1001, 1005, 1206,
and 2008.
Supplying the information is required to transmit your payment electronically. We do not disclose your information to third parties without your consent, except to act on your behalf or request, or as legally
required. This includes the following limited circumstances: to a congressional ofce on your behalf; to agencies and entities to facilitate or resolve nancial transactions; to a U.S. Postal Service auditor; for
law-enforcement purposes, to labor organizations as required by applicable law; incident to legal proceedings involving the Postal Service; to government agencies in connection with decisions as necessary;
to agents or contractors when necessary to fulll a business function or provide products and services to customers; to a permit holder or the presenter of a mailing being made on the customer’s behalf; and
records regarding individuals who are indebted to the U.S. Postal Service or another federal agency may be disclosed to the Ofce of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue
Service, and the Department of the Treasury, when under an approved computer-matching agreement. For more information regarding our privacy policies visit
1. Supplier/Payee Name 2. Supplier Taxpayer Identication Number (TIN)
3a. Supplier Contact Person Name 4. Remittance Address (as stated in the contract) (No., street, ste., PO Box number, city,
state, ZIP + 4
3b. Supplier Contact Email Address (if available)
3c. Supplier Contact Telephone Number
5. Mailing Address (only if different from Item 4)
6a. Does this EFT payment request cover all USPS payments to you?
Yes No
7. If no to 6a, provide all contract number(s) and payment sites to which this EFT payment
request applies. (Attach list if more than one).
6b. Existing Accounts Payable Supplier Number (if available)
C. Supplier/Payee Certication (Supplier/Payee completes and signs this section.)
I certify that I am entitled to receive the payments, described above, from the USPS. By signing this form, I authorize the USPS to transmit these payments to the nancial institution named below, and
for the nancial institution to deposit the payments in the account number specied. The nancial institution listed below has provided or veried the accuracy of the information recorded in Section D.
Warning: Furnishing of false information on this form may result in a ne of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both (18 U.S.C. 1001).
1. Printed Name 2. Title
3. Signature 4. Date
D. Financial Institution Information
Instructions: Supplier/payee completes items 1–5 of this section. Return the completed form with a cancelled or voided check to the requester. If supplier/payee does not submit a cancelled or voided
check, then supplier/payee must have his or her Financial Institution complete items 69.
1. Financial Institution (Bank) Name 2a. Financial Institution (Bank) Branch Address
3a. Supplier/Payee (Depositor) Account Name 2b. ACH/EFT Coordinator Name
3b. Supplier/Payee (Depositor) Account Number 2c. Financial Institution (Bank) Email 2d. Telephone Number
4. Branch Routing Transit Number (9 digits) 5. Type of Account (include a cancelled or voided check)
Checking Savings
6. Name of Authorized Bank Ofcial 7. Title of Authorized Bank Ofcial
8. Authorized Bank Ofcial Signature 9. Date Signed
E. USPS Contact Information and Certication (USPS completes and signs this section.)
I veried that the supplier completed this form and that the supplier/payee information in Sections B and C matches the information in our les or contracting records.
1. USPS Contact Person Name: (Print name) 2. USPS Contact Telephone Number 3. USPS Contact Email Address
4. Signature 5. Date
PS Form 3881-X, October 2022 This form is available on the Intranet at