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Spring 2012
The population growth and control of African elephants in Kruger The population growth and control of African elephants in Kruger
National Park, South Africa:: Modeling, managing, and ethics National Park, South Africa:: Modeling, managing, and ethics
concerning a threatened species concerning a threatened species
William C. Fulton
Regis University
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Fulton, William C., "The population growth and control of African elephants in Kruger National Park, South
Africa:: Modeling, managing, and ethics concerning a threatened species" (2012).
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A thesis submitted to
Regis College
The Honors Program
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for Graduation with Honors
William Fulton
May 2012
Thesis written by
William Fulton
Approved by
Thesis Advisor
Thesis Reader
Accepted by
Director, University Honors Program
The Population Growth and Control of African Elephants in Kruger National Park,
South Africa: Modeling, Management and Ethics Concerning a Threatened Species
Figure 1: Elephant Population vs. Time
Figure 1: Based on exponential growth, this graph (plotting total elephant numbers
against years) projects the effects of density-independent growth on the elephant
population of Kruger National Park, South Africa. Exponential growth predicts nearly
1000% growth over a fifty-year period.
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Figure 2: Elephant Population vs. Time
Figure 2: Based on exponential growth and contraceptives, this graph (plotting total
elephant numbers against years) projects the effects of density-independent growth on the
elephant population of Kruger National Park, South Africa. This model predicts a lower
(but still large) growth rate and final population increase of nearly 300%.
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Figure 3. Elephant Population vs. Time
Figure 3: Based on exponential growth, contraceptives, predicted effects from rainfall
and small-scale population removal of fifty elephants per annum (culling, translocation,
etc.), this graph (plotting total elephant numbers against years) projects the effects of
density-independent growth on the elephant population of Kruger National Park, South
Africa. This model predicts the lowest long-term positive growth rate of any model run,
both those presented in the thesis and those rejected for inaccuracy. This model suggests
an approximate 130% growth rate over 50 years.
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Table 1: This table represents the elephant population in Kruger
National Park, South Africa from 1994 to 2009 as determined by
annual aerial survey. Data was not available for years with blank
Table 2: This table represents the projected growth of the elephant population in Kruger
National Park, South Africa if not checked by density-dependence or management
actions over the next fifty years. Shaded cells represent the projection. The formula for
calculation was: =[previous]*exp(0.0474)
1994 7806 2008 15811 2022 30213 2036 58667 2050 113919
1995 8064 2009 16315 2023 31680 2037 61515 2051 119448
1996 8320 2010 17107 2024 33218 2038 64501 2052 125247
1997 8371 2011 17937 2025 34830 2039 67632 2053 131326
1998 8869 2012 18808 2026 36521 2040 70915 2054 137701
1999 9152 2013 19721 2027 38294 2041 74358 2055 144385
2000 9596 2014 20678 2028 40153 2042 77967 2056 151394
2001 10062 2015 21682 2029 42102 2043 81752 2057 158743
2002 10459 2016 22735 2030 44145 2044 85720 2058 166448
2003 10967 2017 23838 2031 46288 2045 89881 2059 174528
2004 11454 2018 24995 2032 48535 2046 94244
2005 12467 2019 26209 2033 50891 2047 98819
2006 12427 2020 27481 2034 53361 2048 103615
2007 13050 2021 28815 2035 55951 2049 108645
1994 7806
1995 8064
1996 8320
1997 8371
1998 8869
1999 9152
2002 10459
2004 11454
2005 12467
2006 12427
2007 13050
2008 15811
2009 16315
Table 3: This table represents the projected growth of the elephant population in Kruger
National Park, South Africa if checked only by contraception efforts over the next fifty
years. Shaded cells represent the projection. The formula for calculation was :
1994 7806 2009 16315 2024 24737 2039 35297 2054 50364
1995 8064 2010 17107 2025 25330 2040 36143 2055 51572
1996 8320 2011 17937 2026 25937 2041 37010 2056 52809
1997 8371 2012 18613 2027 26559 2042 37897 2057 54076
1998 8869 2013 19060 2028 27196 2043 38806 2058 55373
1999 9152 2014 19517 2029 27849 2044 39737 2059 56701
2000 9596 2015 19985 2030 28517 2045 40690
2001 10062 2016 20464 2031 29200 2046 41666
2002 10459 2017 20955 2032 29901 2047 42665
2003 10967 2018 21458 2033 30618 2048 43689
2004 11454 2019 21972 2034 31352 2049 44736
2005 12467 2020 22499 2035 32104 2050 45809
2006 12427 2021 23039 2036 32874 2051 46908
2007 13050 2022 23591 2037 33663 2052 48033
2008 15811 2023 24157 2038 34470 2053 49185
Table 4: This table represents a typical instance of the projected growth of the elephant
population in Kruger National Park, South Africa if checked by contraception efforts and
stochastic rainfall projections over the next fifty years assuming causality between
correlations of peak rainfall/NDVI and conception rates. Shaded cells represent the
projection. The formula for calculation was :
=[previous]*EXP((RANDBETWEEN(1185,2375)*(10^-5))*(1+IF(I59 < 437,-
0.5,0)+IF(I59 > 637,0.25,0))+ (IF(RANDBETWEEN(1,13)=1,RANDBETWEEN(-9,-
5)*0.01,0))) where the range 0.01185 0.02375 represents the projected effectiveness of
contraception, the I59 value represents rainfall (generated randomly about the long-term
mean), and the final value represents the chance of a seasonal weather fluctuation severe
enough to cause drought and increased mortality (between 5 and 9%).
1994 7806 2009 16315 2024 16245 2039 17485 2054 18559
1995 8064 2010 15180 2025 16590 2040 17724 2055 18772
1996 8320 2011 15298 2026 16899 2041 17853 2056 19312
1997 8371 2012 15604 2027 17195 2042 18214 2057 19675
1998 8869 2013 15791 2028 17316 2043 18738 2058 19945
1999 9152 2014 15924 2029 17496 2044 19039 2059 20095
2000 9596 2015 16099 2030 17904 2045 19475
2001 10018 2016 16418 2031 18322 2046 18409
2002 10459 2017 16600 2032 17243 2047 17668
2003 10945 2018 16953 2033 15955 2048 17893
2004 11454 2019 16007 2034 16072 2049 18162
2005 12467 2020 16298 2035 16352 2050 18433
2006 12427 2021 16568 2036 16696 2051 18859
2007 13050 2022 16952 2037 16913 2052 19269
2008 15811 2023 16131 2038 17143 2053 18210
Table 5: This table represents a typical instance of the projected growth of the elephant
population in Kruger National Park, South Africa if checked by contraception efforts and
stochastic rainfall projections over the next fifty years assuming causality between
correlations of peak rainfall/NDVI and conception rates combined with annual culling of
50 animals. Shaded cells represent the projection. The formula for calculation was the
same as in Table 4 above, excepting the inclusion of a -50 in the formula.
1994 7806 2010 15786 2026 14866 2042 16067 2058 17031
1995 8064 2011 15793 2027 15100 2043 15440 2059 17085
1996 8320 2012 15906 2028 15145 2044 15711
1997 8371 2013 16111 2029 15204 2045 15953
1998 8869 2014 14713 2030 15371 2046 16104
1999 9152 2015 13849 2031 15506 2047 16186
2000 9596 2016 14019 2032 14622 2048 16322
2001 10018 2017 14056 2033 14813 2049 16610
2002 10459 2018 14198 2034 14851 2050 16718
2003 10945 2019 14363 2035 14979 2051 16871
2004 11454 2020 14558 2036 15073 2052 17131
2005 12467 2021 14785 2037 15309 2053 17420
2006 12427 2022 14928 2038 15445 2054 17611
2007 13050 2023 15142 2039 15700 2055 16337
2008 15811 2024 15206 2040 15915 2056 16724
2009 16315 2025 15368 2041 15937 2057 16845
Writing this thesis has been a bit like riding a roller-coaster: full of ups, downs,
and crazy turns also, I’ve never done anything like it until now. What I thought it would
be at first has changed radically over the course of the project, and there was work that I
did that doesn’t really belong in this thesis document at the final curtain. I started this
project looking for a genuine mathematical problem that I could address, and found out
more about elephants than I ever thought I could.
I’d like to thank first Dr. Trenary, not only for being my thesis advisor, but also
for being a great teacher and a real inspiration, and for both expecting my best and
accepting my mistakes as learning tools. Without his classes and help, I never would have
explored math long enough to develop my passion for it.
I also need to thank Dr. Kleier for being my reader, even though before I walked
into her office to pitch this project, we hadn’t ever met each other. Her comments and her
encouragement have been top-notch, and her help has been invaluable.
My list of acknowledgements would be incomplete without Dr. Bowie, the
Honors Director. Over the past four years, Dr. Bowie has encouraged us to search for
magis and meaning, from the first time I met him to the present day. We tell ourselves
stories in order to live, and I have been privileged to have such a wise character in my
narrative. I would not have been able to produce this thesis without his advice and
My family have also been instrumental in my success, and I have to single out my
father for allowing me to work long hours sometimes through the night at his office,
and my fiancée for being so tolerant of the time I’ve spent ignoring her to focus on
completing my work in Honors, including this thesis.
Finally, thank you to my fellow Honors students. Every time I have spoken to
high school students visiting Regis and considering Honors, the chief virtue that I
extolled was the community, and I would be remiss not to acknowledge the support I
have received from my classmates and peers. Thank you for being part of my life for the
past four years, and for sharing the burden and pleasure of the Honors program.
Elephants are hard to count. Despite the apparent implausibility of such a
statement, it is true (at least in the wild). Although elephants are the world’s largest land
animals, their size necessitates that they (as a species) are spread out over proportionately
large distances, making accurate counts difficult and cost-intensive many “counts” in
parks with large (n > 50) populations rely on statistical inferences that may or may not be
accurate, based on data collected from aerial surveys conducted from helicopters or
fixed-wing aircraft. Despite the difficulty of obtaining information, we have a vested
interest in gathering these data about elephant populations because elephants are an
endangered species (as of 2012, elephants are classified as “vulnerable” by the IUCN).
Furthermore, as international awareness of and interest in conservation increases, so does
the widespread sense that people generally and the African societies in direct contact with
elephants specifically must act to not only protect the existing population but ensure the
ability of the population to grow to a non-endangered threshold. This goal is complicated
by the concurrent goal of maintaining biodiversity because of the unique “elephant
problem” (Caughley 1976): There are not enough elephants in the world (in the sense that
most conservationists and biologists believe that to guarantee the future of African
elephants, there is a minimum necessary population threshold), and yet where elephants
exist indeed, thrive there are too many of them. That is to say that many elephant
populations in wildlife preserves currently are near or exceed the density at which
elephant drastically change their landscapes through grazing, debarking of trees, and
other ecological impacts (Kerley, 2008; van Aarde, 2008). This landscape-scale impact
often negatively impacts biodiversity by extirpating or threatening the extirpation (local
extinction) of preferred species of tree or aloe (Kerley, 2008). In order to accomplish
both conservation goals, it becomes useful to understand elephant population variations,
trends, and the factors which affect them. Towards that end, I am developing a
mathematical model to explain and predict population variations and outcomes. Part of
evaluating the management decisions involves not only choosing actions which bring
about acceptable consequences in the ecosystem, but are also in and of themselves
acceptable actions to the concerned parties (for example, increasing the land available to
wildlife preserves by demolishing or preventing the construction of buildings or farms
might be beneficial to the elephant population but not be acceptable to the general
public). Therefore, part of assessing the model and the management decisions and their
outcomes must be to consider not only the numerical impacts but also the social
ramifications for elephants and the ethical issues surrounding management.
In this thesis I will discuss an approach to modeling and several possible
applicable models, as well as discussing one particular model that describes and projects
the population changes and constraints in Kruger National Park, South Africa. This
model will include several different management options, with preference placed on
projected effectiveness of implementation and ethical considerations. The ultimate goal
of the modeling process is to obtain a mathematical representation of the elephant
population which can accurately predict the growth or decline of elephant populations for
the purpose of maintaining biodiversity.
The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the largest land animal on the
planet. An herbivore, the African savannah elephant is separate species from its cousins
the Asian elephant and the forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), which is also native to
Africa. Although there is strong genetic evidence that the two species are distinct, for
conservation purposes the IUCN has as recently as 2007 classified Loxodonta africana
and Loxodonta cylcotis as the same species (Carruthers 2008). Elephants are what’s
known as megaherbivores, meaning herbivores which on average weigh more than 1,000
kg. Elephants are not picky eaters; they are both browsers and grazers (Owen-Smith
2006). There are approximately between 500,000 and 700,000 African elephants in the
wild as of the 2007 African Elephant Status Report released by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (Blanc 2007). These elephants have no natural predators as
adults, although predators like lions will attack juvenile elephants given the opportunity
(Loveridge 2006). Rather than being in danger of extinction or extirpation in most areas,
then, the African elephant population is on the whole increasing (Blanc 2007), and this is
particularly true in southern Africa (Carruthers 2008).
Human intervention is the most important factor to a sustainable elephant
population in the wild. Of the four main issues affecting African elephant conservation as
identified in the African Elephant Status Report by the World Conservation Union, three
were directly caused by humans, and the fourth indirectly: habitat loss/fragmentation,
human-elephant conflict, poaching or hunting and negative localized environmental
impacts, respectively (Blanc 2007). Although hunting and poaching gained notoriety for
decimating elephant populations in the nineteenth and late twentieth centuries, it is not
currently a major factor in elephant population dynamics because of increased
international regulation of the ivory trade and increased policing in African states (Twine
2008). Habitat loss and fragmentation is instead the most immediate problem, along with
its consequence of negative localized impacts (Kerley 2008; Shrader 2010). Although
there are dozens of established parks in Africa both public and private, there are
increasingly few areas available to be turned into parkland. This means that elephant
populations are often physically separated and unable to expand beyond the boundaries of
their parks, particularly when the conservation areas in question are fenced (van Aarde
2008). From the perspective of genetic diversity, this means that either conservationists
must transfer individuals between parks for breeding to ensure genetic diversity or larger
spaces for parks must be obtained.
Because of the enclosed nature of the wildlife preserves in which elephants reside,
their populations are necessarily bounded by the resources inside the preserves. As adult
elephants have no natural predators and hunting/poaching has been largely eliminated,
the size of any given population is limited primarily by the amount of available food and
water; these resources are also consumed by the other animals in the park. This makes
predicting the growth of elephant populations a complicated process.
Mathematical modeling is the process of describing a real-world situation with a
mathematical equation. Modeling almost always involves a simplification of the
processes at hand in order to produce a model which is workable at the expense of some
realism. A model is generally considered valid if it accurately describes the system in
question. There are several stages to building a successful model. One of my two primary
sources of modeling theory suggests the following eight stages: establishment of
goals/objectives, identification of system features/boundaries, development of the
mathematical/simulation model, sensitivity analysis, verification, validation, stability
analysis and finally application (Williams 2002). As many of these as possible are
included in the model presented later/
The first stage (establishment of goals/objectives) can be relatively
straightforward. There are five possible goals of building a model (all of which are to
some extent mutually exclusive): generality, realism, accuracy, identification of
information deficiency, and management decisions (Williams 2002). General population
models are designed to be broadly applicable across many species/environments. Such
models are evaluated based on their ability to highlight general patterns in population
shifts, and are characterized by model simplicity, a lack of biological detail, and low
precision when representing particular biological systems (Williams 2002). Population
models designed to be highly realistic focus on biological mechanisms and thus
incorporate highly detailed descriptions of biological processes, with precise
mathematical terms describing them. The level of detail limits the generality of the model
and may cause imprecision when estimating model parameters. Furthermore, the
precision of terms in the model may cause erroneous assumptions about the validity of
the model to a layperson (Williams 2002). Model accuracy is particularly important for
predictive models, i.e. models that seek to predict population changes under varying
conditions. Predictability is often obtained by limiting the scope of the model, to the
detriment of realism and generality (Williams 2002). Sometimes, the goal of the modeler
is to explore the adequacy of the available data and identify the lacking information
which must be provided to further understanding of a problem or system. Models
developed for this purpose often are broadly conceptual and sometimes consist of
graphical/logical representations of biological interactions (Williams 2002). These
models attempt to forecast the biological impacts of management decisions, accounting
for both population effects and management costs/benefits. A distinguishing
characteristic is that these models include decision variables which influence population
dynamics (Williams 2002). Of these five goals, the one on which this thesis focuses is the
fifth, management decisions.
The second stage of Williams’ approach to modeling is identifying the system
features and boundaries. Some of the primary concerns when building a model are the
selection of what is to be included and what is to be excluded (Williams 2002).In the case
of this thesis, the system will be Kruger National Park, South Africa. The features and
boundaries will be representative of the park as far as possible, including rainfall, NDVI,
age structure, and existing population size.
The third stage is development of the mathematical/simulation model. In the case
of this thesis, several potential models will be discussed before one is selected.
Essentially, the development of the mathematical model rests on seven things to include:
accumulators, sources, sinks, flow, flow regulators, exogenous variables and artificial
controls (Williams 2002). Accumulators include elephant population, net primary
production of plants (NDVI), water resources, and other resource/population
aggregations. A source represents an input to the system from without, like precipitation
into a water accumulator, whereas a sink represents an output of the system to the
external, i.e. population loss from death or fire. Flow is the internal, directional
movement of material between accumulators, in which one accumulator is depleted and
one is increased, as in birth, death, migration, and transfer of individuals between parks.
Flow regulators (unsurprisingly) regulate the rate at which flows occur, and may
represent birth rate, death rate, etc. Exogenous variables are factors that influence the
movement of material across system boundaries, influencing but not being influenced by
the dynamics of the system, and include sources and sinks (as well as other nonmaterial
information transfers). Controls represent management decisions (adding/removing
artificial water supplies, for example).
Some existing models will now be presented, and their parameters, advantages, and
disadvantages mentioned.
Exponential Growth Model
P(t) = P
is the initial population
k is the growth/decay rate
t represents time
Simple, easy to compute
Grossly inaccurate over long periods of time for most (non-
microbial) populations
The Logistic Model
dP/dt = rP(1 P/K)
P is population size
K is the environmental carrying capacity
r defines the growth rate
Incorporates a regulatory constraint imposed by the environment
Generality inhibits precision
Cohort Model
Rather than a particular mathematical expression to describe the
population, this is a conceptual approach useful when the population in
question is divided into distinct categories (Ex: populations on distinct
game reserves are modeled individually) The model combines the distinct
population models into a metapopulation model. The cohort approach can
be generalized to age structures, genders, etc.
Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model
System of differential equations:
dx/dt = (a - by)x
dy/dt = (-m + nx)y
Where a by is the intrinsic growth rate of the prey and m
+ nx is the intrinsic growth rate of the predator population,
a,b,m,n >0 and determined by the data available
The system is self-regulating and capable of equilibrium
The system is easily modified to account for competition instead of
predation and can be manipulated to account for density-
The model only accounts for two species without regard to outside
After examining the data and attempting to fit several variations on these models to the
existing population data, the model which best fits the data collected in Kruger since
elephant culling ceased in 1994 is the exponential growth model, suggesting that there are
few (if any) natural braking effects on the growth rate of the population in Kruger at this
time. The next section will discuss in more detail the constructed model.
Some preliminary testing suggests that the following are the essential elements to
modeling the “natural growth of an elephant population, as well as the effects of the
management decisions that can be applied to the population in order to affect the
population’s size or growth rate: Rainfall/water and food availability, current/recent
population size/density, and age structure (which influences breeding and death rates) are
essential elements, while culling, contraception, translocation and property expansion are
potential management tools. These are described below.
The first element that will be included is rainfall/water availability: elephants are
“water-dependent” (Kerley 2008); adult elephants drink approximately 225 liters (or 60
gallons) per day (Blanc 2007); and there is strong evidence that rainfall influences
conception rates (Gough and Kerley 2006). Published studies suggest that most elephants
drink every 1-2 days (Owen-Smith 2007) or, in drier climates, at intervals of at most 5
days (Viljoen 1988). Therefore, droughts increase elephant mortality significantly,
particularly among juvenile elephants younger than twelve (Dudley et al., 2001). This is
not only because the juveniles die of dehydration, but also because the probability of
predation rises significantly (Loveridge 2006). Although grown elephants have only one
natural predator (Homo sapiens), lions will attack juvenile elephants which are
undefended by adults. For a variety of reasons, juvenile elephant mortality attributable to
lion predation rises during extended periods of drought (Loveridge 2006).
Current and recent population size and density are also important: The larger an
elephant population that is unconstrained by management actions or carrying capacity is,
the higher the growth rate however, there is evidence to suggest that birth rates (and
therefore growth rates) rise when density is artificially lowered, as by culling (van Aarde
2008). There is evidence that the converse is true, and growth rates slow naturally when
densities are high (van Aarde et al 1999) but the population density at which growth rates
slow is dependent on several factors, including resource availability, and the relationship
is not well studied (van Aarde 2008).
Age structure is both important and difficult to determine because of the relatively
long lifespan of the African elephant. Although studies of elephant longevity are
uncertain, there is a general consensus that the average age to which an elephant might
live is approximately 60 (Blanc 2007). However, the probabilities that elephants will
reach this age are low, particularly given that poachers tend to target elephants with the
largest tusks because tusk growth is proportional to age (Sukumar et al. 1988) This means
that poachers tend to target the most experienced elephants in a herd, thereby reducing
the average age by eliminating the oldest elephants. This is significant because McComb
et al (2001) show that families with older matriarchs have greater reproductive success,
which may be attributable to greater experience and more nuanced communication ability
(McComb 2001), and therefore the model should incorporate higher growth rates
corresponding to family groups with matriarchs older than some threshold, approximately
40-45. However, studies have determined that elephants 15-25 years old contribute the
most to population growth (van Aarde 2008), and also that manipulating the proportion of
juveniles to adults in a population through culling is the most effective way to stabilize
population growth with culling (Woolley 2008).
The most historically used (and most controversial) management option is culling,
which consists of killing elephants and may be applied for various reasons. Culling to
reduce population (almost universally for the purpose of reducing undesirable effects of
high elephant densities) is only effective in the short term, as reducing density may lead
to optimal population growth rates (Caughley 1983; van Aarde 2008), unless culling is
done selectively by age category (Woolley 2008; Slotow 2008). Furthermore, culling to
reduce population is an unpopular management choice among many of the “stakeholders”
in the continued existence of elephants, animal rights groups being some of the most
vocal and easily recognizable. Culling as an intervention in cases of “rogue” elephants
elephants which are excessively aggressive towards humans or other endangered species
is philosophically distinct from culling to control population, and is in common use
when elephants pose immediate threats to people or human livelihoods, as may occur
when elephants escape from fenced-in conservation areas and threaten crops, or when an
elephant which has witnessed poaching or culling becomes aggressive towards humans,
to give two examples (For this reason, current best practice is to cull entire herds at once
(Slotow 2008). Culling to destroy aggressive animals does not have a significant effect on
elephant population dynamics (Slotow 2008).
One of the newest management options is also the least tested during long periods
of time: contraception. As a management tool, contraception is relatively new: the first
elephant contraceptive was developed in 1989 for other species and first tested on
elephants in the wild in 1996 (Bertschinger 2008). Therefore, the long-term physical and
social effects of applying contraceptives to elephants are unknown; however, in the short
term, contraception is effective. In a study by Mackey et al (2009), contraception of 75%
of the female elephant population led to a reduction in population growth rates of
approximately 64% (Mackey 2009). The most common contraceptive in use is PZP
(porcine zona pellucida vaccine), which is preferred over other methods of contraception
like castration for reasons of cost on a large scale and behavioral changes caused by
gonadectomies (Bertschinger 2008). Some potential effects (as identified by Kerley and
Shrader 2007) include increased risk of physical harm to contracepted females due to a
fourfold increase in the frequency of estrous and consequently increased incidences of
sexual attention from bulls, although as Bertschinger points out, this is a controversial
assertion (Bertschinger 2008), as well as potentially increased “male-male aggression
over mating opportunities” (Kerley 2007), fundamental changes in herd dynamics due to
a decreased ratio of adult females to calves, and the potential negative impact on the
practice of “allomothering”, the process by which young female elephants serve a kind of
“motherhood apprenticeship” (Lötter 2008). As every article on contraception notes,
these potential long-term effects may or may not occur, and further research is needed.
Translocation, another management option, is the removal of elephants from one
place to another. This diminishes local elephant densities on a similar scale to culling, but
does not involve the killing of elephants. It may also be undertaken in order to either
introduce elephants to a game reserve often done because the presence of elephants in a
game preserve increases eco-tourism (Grobler 2008) or to introduce genetic diversity to
a population (Grobler 2008). Translocation therefore has the benefit that the overall
population is not diminished. However, translocation of elephants to reduce local density
effects has the same effect as culling in that it creates optimal reproductive conditions,
tending to raise the birthrate and therefore nature compensates for the affected densities.
Furthermore, as a method to curb negative elephant density effects, translocation is a
temporary solution at best. The primary factor limiting translocation as a tool for
population management in light of density effects is the absence of available land to
which elephants may be transported (Grobler 2008); the secondary factor is cost:
technological and innovative advances have been made so that it is not a technical
challenge to translocate any number of elephants over any distance (Grobler 2008). For
social reasons, entire family groups are translocated together.
A fourth management option is water provision/deprivation. This management
option was developed both because elephants are highly water-dependent and because
many conservation areas are naturally dry (Chamaillé-Jammes 2007); however, the
effects of providing or removing artificial waterholes on elephant populations or the plant
life in surrounding areas are not yet well understood (Kerley 2008).
Finally, one last management option is property expansion: One of the most
effective and least feasible management tools, property expansion is simply adding area
to existing wildlife preserves. This is an ideal solution insofar as adding area viable for
elephant populations has the potential to reduce density effects on the local scale while
allowing for a larger total elephant population. This is an impossible solution insofar as
the land which might be annexed is virtually all in use for agricultural, industrial, or
otherwise cultural pursuits. Autocratically displacing the people whose livelihoods are
tied up in this land is ethically dubious at best, and funds to buy land are often finite and
low to nonexistent. Therefore property expansion is ideal from a management perspective
and impractical from an economic perspective. This is why private game reserves are
useful for the conservation of elephants.
We start with a simple expression of exponential growth, where the rate of growth
is fitted to an existing data set using Microsoft Excel and time is measured discretely in
years. Using this software and the Kruger National Park elephant population data from
the last eighteen years (Table 1), an average rate of 4.74 percent growth per annum was
extrapolated. Using this figure and the assumption of density-independent growth, a first
crude population projection was established for the next fifty years (Figure 1, Table 2),
which suggests that the elephant population will increase tenfold over the timespan of the
model less than the natural lifespan of an elephant. Although this is a highly unlikely
figure, it is not known at what density elephant populations experience density-dependent
effects (Woolley 2008), and so we let the assumption stand in order to investigate the
consequences of management decisions, which will act as artificial density-dependent
parameters. Our model begins like this:
Next, using data extrapolated from Grobler (2008) and Mackey (2009), we assume
contraception of 80% of the female population will produce a reduction in the growth rate
of 50% (Figure 2, Table 3) which implies the population will still quadruple within fifty
We then refine the model further by taking into account a combined factor of rainfall and
NDVI, which are positively correlated with conception rates (Gough and Kerley, 2006)
by increasing the population growth rate by 125% two years annual rainfall is more than
(approximately) one standard deviation from the annual mean and decreasing the
population growth rate by 75% when annual rainfall is less than one standard deviation
from the annual mean. NDVI was assumed to be proportional to rainfall and did not act
as an independent variable.
R: Rainfall measured in mm/year
Rainfall was determined stochastically based on available data and long-term averages
for Kruger National Park, assuming a normal distribution and periodic drought episodes
resulting in mortality rates of 5-9% every 13-16 years, based on studies of density
dependence and drought mortality (Dudley et al., 2001 and Woolley 2008). The resulting
population growth projection predicts doubling the population inside fifty years (Table 4,
Figure 3). Adding either annual culling of 100 juvenile females or annual translocation of
the same to the model both increases the stability of the model (the range of the projected
population after 50 years is decreased by 18%) and results in an average growth rate of
less than half a percent, resulting in steady but slow growth and an increase in the
population of 130% over the next fifty years (Table 5, Figure 4), which allows for
incremental increases in density and therefore ideal conditions for biological
d: Probability of a drought that causes between 5-9% mortality
This is the most effective model within the parameters of the data extrapolated from the
literature because it achieves the biodiversity goals of conservation managers seeking to
balance elephant populations with the changes high elephant densities make to their
environments. However, this model is not ideal. The data necessary to better define some
of the relationships in the model is in some cases unpublished (particularly extensive
historical rainfall records or the precise age structure of the elephant population in Kruger
National Park) or even uncollected (as is the case with the long-term effects of
contraception). Therefore, many of flow regulators in the model are not necessarily
accurate, although they are based on published information available from peer-reviewed
journals and park data when available. Although this uncertainty exists, it should be
noted that the model agrees with the vast majority of literature in emphasizing the effects
of contraception, drought-related mortality and age-based culling (real or simulated by
translocation) as the most effective ways to limit population growth, and that the model
fits the available data.
The management decisions that are the most effective may not necessarily be the
most ethical ones; this next section will explore the ethical discussions surrounding
various kinds of management, in order from most contentious to least contentious topic:
Culling, contraception, and land acquisition/park creation.
Culling, or killing elephants, is by far the most ethically contentious management
decision. The advocates of culling often approach the issue from an ecosystem-oriented
value perspective, whereas the opponents of culling most often approach the issue from a
perspective that values animal rights. As mentioned above, the model benefits both in
stability and overall growth rate from the inclusion of culling as a management technique,
so it is particularly relevant to bear in mind.
Opponents of culling most often object of grounds of cruelty and animal rights.
As an ethical issue, let us first examine animal rights. Many intellectual approaches to
animal rights have links to the work of Peter Singer, who makes the claim that humans do
not deserve any more or any less than any other member of the natural world, and
therefore have no business claiming ethical superiority over other creatures (Singer,
1985). He justifies his anti-exceptionalist attitude by counting all animals as morally
relevant by virtue of their ability to experience pain or distress and also pleasure (Singer
1985). However, Singer acknowledges that, as humans have more complex and intricate
experiences of these things than do other animals, killing a human can be worse than
killing a snake (Singer 1985) which is essentially a utilitarian approach. This approach
could justify culling if the number of elephants had enough of a negative impact of the
other members of the ecosystem; however, there is not enough information on elephant
impact on surrounding species to determine an appropriate metric with the specificity one
would like (Lötter 2008). After Singer, Tom Regan developed a theory of animal rights in
which was the most prominent theory explicitly valuing individuals over populations
(Lötter 2008).
Regan’s view (or a variation thereof) is the one most commonly held among
opponents of culling today. Although Regan draws on some of Singer, he rejects the
utilitarian conclusions in favor of the opinion that killing individual animals is
unacceptable independent of the outcomes for the other members of the ecosystem
(Lötter 2008), and generally favors a laissez-faire attitude towards human intervention in
the affairs of nature.
Beyond appealing to theories of animal rights, opponents of culling also cite
studies and observations which demonstrate that elephants are, along with dolphins and
primates, some of the most “intelligent” species alive. Physiologically, the volume of an
elephant’s brain is comparable (proportionally) in size and complexity to humans (van
Aarde). Elephants are highly social creatures with well-defined social structures (Gough
and Kerley, 2006). They also exhibit curiosity, playfulness, and apparently grieve for
their dead by exhibiting behavior such as trying to lift recently dead elephants onto their
feet, identifying and examining the carcasses of dead elephants both within and without
family groups, and similar behavior (Douglas-Hamilton et al., 2006). It is this last feature
that critics of culling emphasize the most, along with studies that suggest culling has a
negative effect on the behavior of nearby elephants (Lötter, 2008). Although the
attribution of “intelligence” to elephants based on these behaviors is projection and
inference, there is a strong emotional argument to be made.
In favor of culling, there is the argument that in spite of some apparent social
similarities between humans and elephants, the most significant difference between
elephants and humans is that elephants cannot reason abstractly, and cannot explain or
understand the effects of their behaviors on their surrounding ecosystem (Lötter, 2008).
Furthermore, Regan’s argument is problematic insofar as animals (including elephants)
do not have the same accountability of action (or, in other words, agency) that people do.
Astter notes, not only do humans have the greatest agency of all animals, but humans
have also already interfered with nature, and must take responsibility for it, interfering to
conserve the most natural state which can be achieved (Lötter 2008). This is the view
taken by many ecosystem-oriented ethical positions, including the IUCN, WWF and
South African National Parks (SANParks). This position implies a holistic approach to
conservation, in which all aspects of conservation areas should be protected so as to
allow and enable nature to function, as far as possible, on its own without human
interference or even without benevolent human intervention” (Lötter 2008). Despite the
injunction against interference, this approach tends to favor the use of human intervention
in order to maintain the overall health of the ecosystem.
Another perspective is that of traditional African approaches to elephants, which
can be summarized as respectful, sustainable use (Lötter, 2008). Although there is not a
single, unambiguous interpretation of traditional African use of natural resources
including elephants, there is general consensus that it involves sustainable consumption
(Lötter, 2008). This perspective would support the sustainable killing of elephants for
commercial gain, whether that would take the form of hunting for food, culling and
selling ivory for the benefit of local people, or selling hunting licenses (Schmidtz, 1997;
Lötter 2008). Although this does not directly address the issue of culling from a
management perspective, it does inform various alternatives to culling that serve the
same purpose (i.e. total reduction in numbers).
Contraception, while less contentious than culling, relies on many of the same
interference/non-interference arguments made above. Particular to this issue are the
unknowns related to contraception’s long-term effects on individual elephants and herd
dynamics. Proponents view contraception as an effective and non-lethal management tool
with few downsides, whereas opponents tend object to interference generally, cost, or
potential future effects (Bertschinger, 2008). In particular, many researchers have
suggested that large-scale contraception necessary to reduce growth rates would also
reduce the number of newborn calves in a herd to the point where the formative practice
of allomothering would be severely affected (Bertschinger 2008). As a “motherhood
apprenticeship”, allomothering gives young female elephants the opportunity to learn
how to raise calves in the social setting of the herd (Kerley, 2007; Bertschinger, 2008).
Opponents’ objections to high contraception rates primarily center around the possibility
that reduced numbers of calves would lead to a decline in the opportunities for
allomothering or an increase in the size of family groups in order to maintain
allomothering, both of which run counter to the philosophy of non-interference (Lötter,
2008) suggested by animal-rights activists.
On the surface, land acquisition/park creation is an ideal solution to the problem
of high elephant densities; however, ethical issues arise regarding the treatment of
citizens who may be either forced off of the land they live on or forced to change their
way of life in order to adapt to park creation. Elsie Cloete notes that the traditional way to
establish a conservation area is to either evict entirely or conditionally accommodate
humans previously occupying the new conservation space (Cloete, 2008). In the context
of Cloete’s article, conditionally accommodate means to essentially prevent subsistence
farmers from continuing with their way of life by preventing farmers from using more
deterrents than loud noises to drive away elephants, who can eat or trample an entire
year’s worth of crops within a single day. Therefore increasing the land available to
conservation areas displaces indigenous populations either physically or occupationally
(Cloete 2008).
There is a clear need for conservation programs to manage not only elephants but
their ecosystems as well. This management should be guided by science and ethical
discussion working in tandem. In this thesis, I presented a model that suggests a
managerial course of action informed by projected population growth linked to
population density. This model suggests widespread contraception and small-scale
culling efforts. When ethics are included, this prescription is modified somewhat to
suggest that of the killing of elephants that should occur, it should be done in such a way
that the community benefits (i.e. the elephants should be processed for meat and tusks,
and the proceeds used for local charities or other community-based and locally-
designated sources) and also so that the elephants experience a minimum of suffering.
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