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HelioSwarm: A Multipoint, Multiscale
Mission to Characterize Turbulence
Kristopher G. Klein
, Harlan Spence
, Olga
, Matthew Argall
, Lev Arzamasskiy
, Jay
, Theodore Broeren
, Damiano
, Anthony Case
, Benjamin Chandran
, Li-Jen
, Ivan Dors
, Jonathan Eastwood
, Colin
, Antoinette Galvin
, Vincent Genot
, Jasper
, Michael Hesse
, Butler Hine
, Tim
, Lan Jian
, Justin Kasper
, Matthieu
, Matthew Kunz
, Benoit Lavraud
, Olivier
Le Contel
, Alfred Mallet
, Bennett Maruca
, William
, Jonathan Niehof
, Helen O’Brian
, Christopher
, Alessandro Retino
, Christopher Reynolds
, Owen
, Alexander Schekochihin
, Ruth Skoug
, Charles
, Sonya Smith
, John Steinberg
, Michael
, Adam Szabo
, Jason TenBarge
, Roy
, Bernard Vasquez
, Daniel Verscharen
, Phyllis
, Brittany Wickizer
, Gary Zank
and Ellen
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson,
AZ 85721, USA.
Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham,
NH 03824, USA.
Observatoire de Paris, LESIA, Meudon, 92190, France.
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 08540, USA.
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of
Chicago Chicago, IL, 60637, USA.
BWX Technologies, Inc. Washington DC, 20001, USA.
Heliophysics Science Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, USA.
arXiv:2306.06537v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 10 Jun 2023
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Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London London, SW7
2AZ, UK.
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London
Dorking, RH5 6NT, UK.
Institut de Recherche en en Astrophysique et Planetologie,
31028 Toulouse, France.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
Ames Research Center, NASA, Mountain View, CA, 94043,
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de
l’Espace, CNRS and Universit´e d’Orl´eans, 45071 Orl´eans, France.
Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, 08540 USA.
Laboratoire d’astrophysique de Bordeaux, Univ. Bordeaux,
CNRS, Pessac, France.
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, CNRS/Sorbonne
Universit´e/Universit´e Paris-Saclay/Observatoire de Paris/Ecole
Polytechnique Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Paris, 75005
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware,
Newark, DE 19716, USA.
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz,
Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of
Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3PU, UK.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Las Alamos, NM 87545, USA.
Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian Cambridge,
MA 02138, USA.
Department of Space Science, University of Alabama in
Huntsville Huntsville, AL 35899, USA.
Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706, USA.
*Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s): [email protected];
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HelioSwarm (HS) is a NASA Medium-Class Explorer mission of the
Heliophysics Division designed to explore the dynamic three-dimensional
mechanisms controlling the physics of plasma turbulence, a ubiquitous
process occurring in the heliosphere and in plasmas throughout the uni-
verse. This will be accomplished by making simultaneous measurements
at nine spacecraft with separations spanning magnetohydrodynamic and
sub-ion spatial scales in a variety of near-Earth plasmas. In this paper, we
describe the scientific background for the HS investigation, the mission
goals and objectives, the observatory reference trajectory and instrumen-
tation implementation before the start of Phase B. Through multipoint,
multiscale measurements, HS promises to reveal how energy is trans-
ferred across scales and boundaries in plasmas throughout the universe.
Keywords: Turbulence, Space Plasma, Heliophysics, NASA Mission,
1 Introduction
Turbulence is multiscale disorder. It is the process by which energy that has
been injected into a system is transported between fluctuating magnetic fields
and plasma motion with larger and smaller spatial scales. Once this cascade
of energy reaches sufficiently small scales, dissipation mechanisms can act
efficiently to remove energy from the fluctuations, leading to heating of the con-
stituent particles. Observations from single spacecraft provide only information
along a single path through a turbulent system; leveraging such measure-
ments to understand turbulence relies on assumptions about the underlying
spatial and temporal structure. Clusters of four spacecraft provide more infor-
mation about spatial structure, but are sensitive to only a single scale for a
given configuration. Understanding fundamental processes such as turbulence
requires characterizing the underlying fluctuations and their dynamic evolu-
tion across many characteristic scales simultaneously. HelioSwarm (HS) is a
Heliophysics Division NASA Medium-Class Explorer mission designed to make
such multiscale observations.
HS, currently in Phase B-prep, is the first mission that will make the
required measurements to transform the current understanding of space
plasma turbulence, using a first-ever swarm of nine spacecraft (SC), composed
of one Hub and eight Nodes. The nine spacecraft, comprising the HelioSwarm
Observatory, co-orbit in a lunar resonant Earth orbit, with a 2-week period,
a mean-apogee radius of 60R
and a mean-perigee radius of 11R
where R
= 6.371 × 10
m is the Earth’s radius. This orbit, illustrated in
Figure 1, enables measurements of a variety of near-Earth plasma environ-
ments, including the pristine solar wind (SW), the magnetically connected
foreshock, the magnetosheath, and the magnetosphere. Carefully designed
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4 HelioSwarm
-60-30 0 30 60
Solar Wind
& Foreshock
-60-30 0 30 60
0 1000
´1000 0 1000
Hour 2478 X
The Hel ioSwarm Observatory:
Phase-B Desi g n Reference Mission
´1000 0 1000
´1000 0 1000
´1000 0 1000
´1000 0 1000
Node Hub
Fig. 1: HelioSwarm Observatory Configuration drawn from the Phase B
Design Reference Mission (DRM) trajectory. In the right row, the Observa-
tory location (black pentagon) and orbits relative to Earth over the 12-month
science phase are shown in both the X-Y and X-Z GSE planes. Lunar position
is indicated by an open circle for reference, with different regions of near-
Earth plasmas indicated with color. The connected foreshock is here defined
based on a typical Parker spiral orientation. The remaining panels charac-
terize two-dimensional projections of the relative configurations of the eight
Nodes (black) with respect to the central Hub (red) in Geocentric Solar Eclip-
tic (GSE) co¨ordinates. A video of the HS DRM Configuration throughout the
Science Phase is available in Online Resource 1.
trajectories produce separations between the spacecraft spanning magnetohy-
drodynamic (MHD) and sub-ion (e.g., ion gyroradius) spatial scales, allowing
us to address a broad set of questions about the three-dimensional dynam-
ics of magnetized turbulence. Answering these open questions was identified
as a science priority in the 2013 Heliophysics Decadal Survey[1] and is deeply
rooted in decades-earlier recommendations by the space science community in
the 1980 report by the Plasma Turbulence Explorer Study Group[2]. As the
first multipoint, multiscale mission, HS gives an unprecedented view into the
nature of space plasma turbulence.
In Sec. 2, we describe the scientific motivation for HS and in Sec. 3 we
enumerate the specific mission goals and objectives. Secs. 4 and 5 describe the
requirements on what the missions will measure and the observatory trajecto-
ries and instrumentation. Sec. 6 illustrates the application of analysis methods
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to synthetic data modeling future observations drawn from numerical simu-
lations of turbulence. Conclusions and ongoing work towards the scheduled
launch date at the end of this decade are discussed in Sec. 7.
2 Scientific Background and Motivation
Turbulent systems consist of fluctuations spanning a wide range of spatial
and temporal scales. Fluctuations interact nonlinearly, typically with a net
transfer of energy from larger to smaller spatial scales. This process, the
energy cascade, couples the injection range of scales, through a lossless inertial
range, into a dissipation range where heating occurs. Turbulence in plasmas
is significantly more complex than in hydrodynamics: plasma motion couples
to dynamically significant electromagnetic fields, the system possesses many
characteristic spatial and temporal scales, supports many different waves and
fluctuations, and in weakly collisional systems many mechanisms other than
viscosity can act to dissipate the cascade. Additional details on the current
state of plasma turbulence research can be found in recent reviews, e.g. [35].
The most energetic SW fluctuations are non-compressive [6] with properties
resembling Alfv´en waves [79]. Different types of fluctuations nonlinearly inter-
act in different ways [8, 1013] resulting in dramatically different outcomes.
The ubiquity of turbulence in space and astrophysical plasmas makes it a lead-
ing candidate for the process governing the thermodynamics of a wide range of
systems. For instance, turbulence is conjectured to enable angular momentum
transport in accretion disks [14], amplify galactic magnetic fields [15], affect
transport processes [16] and establish high temperatures [17] in the intraclus-
ter medium of galaxy clusters, determine the dispersal and mixing of elements
in the Interstellar Medium (ISM) [18], and play a key role in star formation
SW turbulence at the injection scales is driven by large-scale structures[20,
21]. Recent observations from Parker Solar Probe (PSP) indicate that this
regime is formed due to SW processing in the near-Sun environment [22, 23].
Measurements of the scale-to-scale rate of energy transfer, the cascade rate,
near the end of the injection range generally agree with rates near the start of
the inertial range, as has been explicitly demonstrated with Magnetospheric
Multiscale (MMS) observations [24].
Inertial-range observations [25] exhibit scale-invariant energy transfer con-
sistent with Kolmogorov theory [26, 27]: turbulent structures splitting into
ever-smaller fluctuations while conserving energy. The inertial range plasma
behaves like a MHD fluid [28], with MHD turbulence theory describing rele-
vant phenomena in space physics and astrophysics [2931] and predicting some
SW features [5, 32, 33]. For example, Figure 2 shows a composite interplane-
tary magnetic field (IMF) power spectrum from three magnetometers at 1 AU
measured over different time intervals from tens of days to an hour as the SW
rapidly sweeps past the spacecraft.
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6 HelioSwarm
Fig. 2: Single spacecraft missions only provide statistical properties of SW tur-
bulence averaged over both long times and different kinds of turbulence. This
approach relies on Taylor’s hypothesis to map observed time series to advected
structures, measuring only a single 1D slice of the turbulence (red line in inset)
and thus only provides a crude measure of turbulent properties. Previous mul-
tipoint missions, e.g. MMS and Cluster, are only able to characterize spatial
structure at a single-scale. The HS observatory will encompass MHD and ion
scales scales simultaneously, enabling the characterization of multiscale struc-
ture and dynamics of turbulence in near-Earth plasmas. Adapted from [5] and
MHD theory adequately describes the inertial range spectral slope, but
provides no guidance in the critical higher-frequency transition connecting
inertial and dissipation ranges, which begins near the proton gyrofrequency
/2π. At observed frequencies of f
0.33 Hz in the SW at 1 AU—
approximately equivalent to advected length scales of L
= v
1200 km, the inertial range scale-invariance ends. This break arises before
sub-ion scales (e.g., ion gyroradius, ρ
), typically at apparent frequencies of
3 Hz (length scales 100 km) [35]. In Figure 2 this breakdown is
seen as a change in spectral slope at the transition between inertial and dissi-
pation ranges. The spectral break suggests a change in the dominant physical
processes and a loss of cascaded energy. The energy removed from the cascade
is partitioned between the ions and electrons, with its dissipation leading to
the heating of these charged particles.
This process of turbulent dissipation is why SW plasma is much hotter than
simple theories of adiabatic expansion would predict [36]. If the SW were an
adiabatically expanding ideal gas, the protons at Earth would be much cooler
than observed [20] and protons at Jupiter orbit ( 5 AU) would be 8 times
cooler than at 1 AU, in contrast to Voyager observations [37]. Non-adiabatic
heating via turbulence dominates plasma thermodynamics throughout much
of the solar system, and is a leading candidate for accelerating the SW [38, 39].
The exact heating mechanisms leading to this heating are a matter of
substantial debate. Determining the nature of these mechanisms requires
observing 3D distributions of the turbulent fluctuations. Plasma turbulence
is inherently anisotropic due to preferred directions associated with the IMF
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[11, 40], radial expansion[41] and large-scale gradients [4244]. If turbulent
fluctuations vary primarily parallel to the IMF (slab-like) [45], then non-
compressive, Alfv´enic fluctuations would, at small scales, ultimately dissipate
energy via ion-cyclotron wave (ICW) heating [46]. However, for fluctuations
that vary mostly perpendicular to the IMF (quasi-2D [47] or “critically bal-
anced” [48]), ICW heating is exceedingly weak. In this regime, dissipation
instead occurs via other mechanisms such as Landau damping [49] or stochas-
tic heating [50]. Recent work on imbalanced cascades [51, 52] complicates these
models by providing a pathway for low-frequency, anisotropic turbulence fluc-
tuations to develop small scale structure parallel to the magnetic field, enabling
dissipation via ICWs. If turbulent structures are highly anisotropic sheets,
they may undergo magnetic reconnection, which causes heating and particle
acceleration [53, 54]. To distinguish among these requires an accurate deter-
mination of the 3D power distribution. Previous determinations using single
spacecraft use long time series for sufficient statistics, [33, 5557], combining
together intervals of turbulence with very different properties. The regulation
of energetic particle transport, in both SW [58] and astrophysical plasmas [59],
is also sensitive to the turbulence spectrum and its anisotropies.
At a fundamental level, the nature of turbulent fluctuations in magnetized
plasmas remains unknown: is it an MHD extension of hydrodynamic eddies
[32], a quasi-2D system [60], critically balanced wave-like fluctuations [11, 48],
or a dynamically evolving mixture? The complexity of plasma turbulence pre-
cludes simple, analytic solutions. Numerical simulations are invaluable but
limited by incomplete physics and small system size[61]. Confined laboratory
plasmas [6264] have similarly limited scale separations and access to SW-like
physical parameters.
The SW is a natural laboratory where we can finally answer these ques-
tions by concurrently observing turbulent energy transfer and ion heating over
a targeted range of scales. However, single-spacecraft observations of SW tur-
bulence are fundamentally limited. Multi-spacecraft missions enabled advances
by creating geometric configurations to sample single-scale plasma structure
without relying on Taylor’s hypothesis (futher discussed in Section 3.1.1).
While four- (Cluster[65], MMS[66]) and five-spacecraft (Time History of Events
and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)[67]) missions pro-
duce configurations that allow for single-scale measurements [68, 69], they still
cannot explore multiple scales simultaneously in three dimensions. Even with
advanced analysis techniques, scales sampled using four spacecraft cover at
most a factor of 10, as demonstrated for instance with the wave-telescope
technique [70, 71], nowhere near the > 2 orders of magnitude necessary to
simultaneously measure across inertial and dissipation ranges. HS’s configura-
tions created by 9 spacecraft provide the first simultaneous multiscale view of
plasma turbulence, targeting key scales from MHD to sub-ion scales. By mea-
suring plasmas at multiple scales simultaneously, the HS Observatory promises
transformative impacts in our understanding of turbulence, which will be a
boon for heliophysics, astrophysics, and plasma physics [7274].
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3 HelioSwarm Goals and Objectives
HS advances Goal 4 of the 2013 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Helio-
physics Decadal Survey [1] (DS) which calls on the community to ”[d]iscover
and characterize fundamental processes that occur both within the heliosphere
and throughout the universe.” Magnetized plasma turbulence is the primary
mechanism responsible for transforming energy injected at largest scales into
small-scale motions, eventually dissipating as plasma heat. Plasma turbulence
is universal, responsible for energy transfer in such diverse systems as the solar
corona, SW, pulsar wind nebulae, accretion discs, interstellar medium, planet
formation regions, and laboratory fusion devices. Only the SW is both of suffi-
cient size for multiscale observations and accessible for in situ measurements.
Turbulence is identified as one of eight DS Goals for SW/Magnetosphere
Interactions (SWMI): “Understand the origins and effects of turbulence and
wave particle interactions.” Because of that importance, turbulence is also
identified as a SWMI Decadal Imperative: “Implement...a multi-spacecraft
mission to address cross-scale plasma physics.” Likewise, the NASA Helio-
physics Roadmap [75] highlights “Understand[ing] the role of turbulence and
waves in the transport of mass, momentum, and energy” as one of its key
Research Focus Areas of high priority. Long standing heliophysics mysteries
— as how the solar coronal temperature increases by orders of magnitude and
how the SW is accelerated and heated remain unanswered after decades of
research because we lack detailed understanding of how energy in turbulent
plasmas heat particles. HS advances these NAS and NASA science priori-
ties, and will specifically resolve six science objectives (O) associated with two
overarching science goals (G).
(G1) Reveal the 3D spatial structure and dynamics of turbulence in a
weakly collisional plasma.
G1O1 Reveal how turbulence energy transfers in the typical SW plasma
as a function of scale and time.
G1O2 Reveal how the turbulent cascade of energy varies with background
parameters in different SW environments.
G1O3 Quantify the transfer of turbulent energy between fields, flows, and
proton heat.
G1O4 Identify the thermodynamic impacts of intermittent structures on
(G2) Ascertain the mutual impacts of turbulence, variability, and bound-
aries near large scale structures.
G2O1 Determine how SW turbulence affects and is affected by large-
scale structures such as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Corotating
Interaction Regions (CIRs).
G2O2 Determine how driven turbulence differes from that in undisturbed
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The HS goals and objectives in turn define the observatory and instrument
requirements, detailed in Secs. 4 and 5.
3.1 G1: Reveal the 3D spatial structure and dynamics of
turbulence in a weakly collisional plasma
Most of our limited present understanding of turbulence is based on sin-
gle point observations. Clusters of four spacecraft provide improvements by
exploring processes occurring at a single size scale at a single time. As any
three points define a plane, extraction of non-coplanar 3D information (such
as curls or gradients) requires four points and appropriate analysis methods
[76, 77]. However, turbulence is fundamentally multiscale; HS for the first time
simultaneously explores the dynamics of processes at multiple size scales.
3.1.1 G1O1: Reveal how turbulent energy transfers in the
typical SW plasma as a function of scale and time
Using the undisturbed SW as a natural laboratory, with typical plasma param-
eters, HS measures fluctuations in the plasma velocity and density (δv and δn)
and magnetic field (δB) at MHD to sub-ion scales simultaneously using the
instrument suite described in Sec. 5. These data reveal how turbulent energy
is distributed and transferred as a function of space and time. Turbulent fluc-
tuations are affected by local magnetic fields [11, 47, 78, 79], so we must
characterize SW turbulence relative to the local IMF direction. Such studies
have been performed with data from single spacecraft; c.f. the review in Chen
(2016) [57], and necessarily rely upon the assumption of essentially frozen tur-
bulence structures, an approximation known as the Taylor hypothesis [8083]
that neglects temporal variations and can infer only 1D variation along the
SW flow direction. These studies also frequently assume that the turbulence is
insensitive to the angle between the SW velocity and the magnetic field, using
variations in θ
to study the functional dependence of the turbulence on the
angle between the wavevector and magnetic field θ
. Recent work [41] sug-
gests that this assumption may not be valid; verifying this claim will require
sampling the turbulent structures both along and transverse to the magnetic
field direction simultaneously, a measurement that HS is designed to produce.
With HS, the Taylor hypothesis can be directly evaluated. Spectral infor-
mation is also available from proven analysis techniques (Sec. 6) such as
2-point correlations, structure functions, space-time correlations, and cascade
rate analysis [25, 33, 47, 55, 8486], from which it is possible to extract
information about 3D spectral structure [84, 87, 88] and its intrinsic, scale-
dependent decorrelation times. These techniques frequently use measurements
of the velocity and magnetic fields directly, or the Elsasser variables (z
δv ±δb) [89] in which the magnetic field is expressed in Alfv´en(velocity) units
(δb = δB/
) and δ indicates the use of a fluctuating quantity.
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A prominent example of the use of Elsasser variables is the MHD 3
= 4ϵ
, (1)
an analytic result involving spatial increments x of the Elsasser fields
= z
(x + x) z
(x), and ... denotes ensemble average. This relation
can be used to determine the energy cascade rate associated with the forward
and backward Elsasser fields ϵ
[87]. Formally, this requires knowledge of 3D
anisotropies. Previous studies have usually made assumptions about isotropy
[9094] or only measured ϵ over limited range of scales [24]. HS can imple-
ment the isotropic form at all nine spacecraft, but also can integrate the 3D
form of the 3
-order law at several scales simultaneously, making use of all 36
spacecraft pairs to compute the 2-point spatial increments. HS provides simul-
taneous 3D multipoint knowledge needed to infer spatial gradients contained
in the 3
-order equation, quantifying directly those key terms for the first
time, bypassing simplifying assumptions about isotropy, to measure cross-scale
energy transfer rates definitively.
No comprehensive observational evidence exists to distinguish between pro-
posed theories of turbulent energy transfer. A review of such theories can be
found in NAS 2020 Plasma Decadal Panel white papers [9597] and other
reviews [11, 98]. Candidate energy transfer processes are related to relevant
dynamical timescales that include wave propagation, random and coherent
sweeping of small structures by larger structures, and nonlinear wave distor-
tion [99103]. Numerical simulations provide insights regarding which of these
are important but results remain inconclusive due to fundamental limitations
associated with the necessary trade offs between the volume of space simu-
lated and the physical processes included in the equations evolved. HS provides
observations to distinguish and refine our understanding of the relevance of
these processes.
3.1.2 G1O2: Reveal how turbulent cascade of energy varies
with background parameters in different SW
Turbulence and plasma conditions in fast and slow SW differ systematically in
terms of density, temperature anisotropy, and collisional age [7, 90, 91, 104
106]. Slow SW turbulence is more highly variable in nature than the fast SW
[104] and due to its longer transit from the Sun, has more time to evolve
toward a fully developed state. These differences have been assessed in limited
fashion with single-point ([107, 108], e.g., Wind, Voyager) and single-scale [24]
(e.g., MMS) measurements. The varying SW speed is also associated with
variations in proton number density, temperature, alpha particle density, and
IMF strength. Plasma β = 8πnk
, the ratio of thermal to magnetic
pressure, a particularly important regulator of plasma processes [109], and
power imbalances (such as cross helicity σ
and residual energy σ
, [110]),
are also highly variable in the SW. These parameters influence the underlying
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energy cascade from MHD to sub-ion scales. HS targets to study the impact
of this variability on the dynamics of the turbulence.
3.1.3 G1O3: Quantify transfer of turbulent energy between
fields, flows, and proton heat
Dissipation of turbulence is one of the most important factors influencing
heating and particle energization in the universe. Consequently, our goal of
investigating energy transfer must include how the cascade heats protons. Pro-
tons are of primary importance as they are the dominant species in terms of
both mass and momentum. How and how much energy is delivered to protons
via dissipation processes determines the overall partitioning of energy across
all species. Primary candidate mechanisms include: ICWs and cyclotron res-
onances [111]; Landau damping [49]; stochastic heating by large amplitude
turbulent fluctuations [50]; and energization through intermittent structures,
including magnetic reconnection [112] and trapping in secondary magnetic
islands [113].
Current observations do not provide clarity. For example, intense ICWs are
commonly observed during times when plasma instabilities are present [114]
in extended “storms” during quiet SW and radial IMF [115]. Because ICWs
are capable of substantial heating of SW ions, it is important to understand
exactly how often they occur. ICWs may be omnipresent but can only be
detected by a single spacecraft when the SW flow is aligned with the local IMF
(i.e., radial field configurations). Applying methods such as the wave telescope
technique to HS observations, Sec. 6, will identify ICWs when the IMF is not
radial, thus establishing definitively whether ICWs are always present or not.
All aforementioned mechanisms occur at ion time and length scales and
create characteristic signatures in underlying proton velocity distribution func-
tions (VDFs); each mechanism deposits differing fractions of energy to the
protons [50, 116, 117]. The absence or presence of these signatures reveals
which dissipation pathways operate; their relative strengths quantify their rel-
ative importance. Measurements of proton temperature at ion heating time
scales allows HS to quantify proton heating directly. One analysis method, col-
loquially referred to as ’PiD’, makes use of the measured pressure tensor Π
and flow gradients S
to compute the full pressure-strain interactions
Π : S which is the rate of production of proton internal energy [118]. These
methods are enabled in HS by simultaneous measurement of proton distribu-
tion functions and 3D multiscale turbulence, a combined capability lacking
in all previous missions. HS will allow us to directly quantify relationships
between the distribution of turbulence fluctuations and transformation into
proton heat.
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3.1.4 G1O4: Identify thermodynamic impacts of intermittent
structures on protons
Intermittency is a universal property of turbulence in which dissipation pro-
cesses concentrate into small fractions of available volumes [119, 120], giving
rise to current sheet structures. Such structures have been studied in numeri-
cal simulations [121] and in situ observations [122]. Intermittency dramatically
impacts how turbulence heats plasma [123]. Cluster and MMS pioneered the
ability to resolve thin structures with 4-point curlometer and gradient tech-
niques [124, 125]. While revolutionary, such techniques probe only a single
scale at a time. HS provides combinatorically more spacecraft groupings and
simultaneous access to multiple scales, tremendously expanding 3D anisotropic
measures of intermittency with well-developed analysis tools, as described in
Sec. 6.
By measuring intermittency of turbulent fluctuations at inertial and ion
scales simultaneously, HS differentiates between models of nonlinear coupling,
that predict enhanced amplitudes of Elsasser fluctuations δz at small scales
compared to a scale-independent normal distribution of amplitudes. HS also
resolves the intermediate scales to provide further differentiation.
3.2 G2: Ascertain the mutual impacts of turbulence,
variability, and boundaries near large scale structures
While undisturbed SW is a pristine environment, disturbed SW occurs from
impacts of either large scale structures of solar or heliospheric origin or Earth’s
magnetosphere and provides different environments to explore. Impacts are
mutual: turbulence can impact large-scale structures and boundaries and those
same structures can in turn change the nature of turbulence. Goal Two focuses
on these mutual interactions.
3.2.1 G2O1: Determine how SW turbulence affects and is
affected by large-scale structures such as CMEs and
Passage of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (CMEs)[126] or corotating
interaction regions (CIRs)[127, 128] disturb the SW from its pristine state.
These large-scale features re-inject energy and thus modify SW turbulence.
While turbulence levels are reduced within CME structures, HS enables 3D
characterization of this (possibly weak) low-plasma β turbulence contained
within a large scale force-free structure. Near CMEs, driven turbulence departs
significantly from that of the pristine SW; HS will diagnose 3D turbulence
modifications associated with diffusive shock acceleration [129] near fast CMEs
and waves driven by the CME’s propagation[130]. Passage of both CMEs and
CIRs through pristine SW turbulence allows us to explore differences in these
environments, enabling us to determine when and how specific energy transfer
and heating processes become important.
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3.2.2 G2O2: Determine how driven turbulence differs from
that in undisturbed SW
The terrestrial bow shock, foreshock, and magnetosheath are permeated with
magnetic and plasma fluctuations, strongly driving and modifying the tur-
bulent spectrum across inertial and dissipation scales both in amplitude and
shape[68]. These regions represent parameter regimes not accessible in pristine
SW. The dynamics in these locations are significantly different; for example,
ions reflected off the bow shock can lead to the self-generation of turbulence,
which takes the form of non-linear wave penetrating into the inner magne-
tosphere [131], while at the shock, turbulence generates high-speed jets that
regularly impact the magnetopause, resulting in dayside reconnection [132].
Turbulence is also seen to drive magnetic reconnection in these regions [133].
Finally, magnetospheric regions can be turbulent [134137], but of a differ-
ent nature (e.g. magnetically dominated) [138]. Objective Two explores this
variety of accessible systems to compare how driven environments differ from
pristine SW.
4 HelioSwarm Observatory Design
The specific design of the HS Observatory is driven by decades of measurements
from near-Earth plasmas of characteristic length and time scales as well as
derived dimensionless parameters that are predicted to govern the behavior of
magnetized turbulence.
4.1 Quantities to be Measured
As discussed in Sec. 3.1.1, the primitive variables that describe magnetized
turbulence at MHD scales are the Elsasser variables [89] composed of magnetic
fields and particle densities and velocities. G1O1 requires measurements of
the IMF, SW proton density, and SW velocity. It must do so in undisturbed,
most-probable SW for which the range of proton densities is 1.6 to 20 cm
and magnetic field can be as large as 25 nT , but typically larger than 2.6 nT
(at the 90% occurrence rate) [35, 139]. To resolve at the lowest typical field
strength, we require 10% resolution (0.26 nT), corresponding to 0.15 nT per
axis. Such measurements allow construction of Elsasser variables, needed for
magnetized turbulence analysis at each measurement location.
Measurements of the SW proton density, velocity and IMF must be made
at multiple points in 3D encompassing the turbulent cascade during aver-
age SW conditions, within large scale structure analysis intervals—equivalent
to approximately one hour long continuous observations— at cadences, time
knowledge, and sensitivities required to resolve and align SW and IMF
variations down to sub-ion scales.
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14 HelioSwarm
] (km)
] (km)
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
300 400 500 600 700 800
Projected Performance
Instrument Requirement
1.2 1 0 0.2
Fig. 3: (a) Joint PDF of proton gyroradius ρ
and spectral break scale L
as measured by the Wind spacecraft at Earth’s L1 point [35, 139]. HS’s baseline
separations between spacecraft will cover from 3000 km to 50 km (blue box),
allowing the observatory to simultaneously measure MHD, transition, and sub-
ion physical processes in 85% of the pristine SW. (b) PDF of SW velocity
drawn from the same database, compared to FC instrumental requirements
and project performance, illustrating that HS will capture both typical and
extreme proton velocities. (c) PDF of the advected SW ion timescale ρ
compared to HS instrument cadences, demonstrating that HS will resolve the
IMF past ion-scales in nearly all the SW, and resolve both the ion-scale plasma
processes in typical SW conditions. In all panels, the red numbers indicate the
percentile of the cumulative distribution below the given value.
4.2 Spatial Resolution
To measure the multiscale nature of turbulence, HS’s baseline separations
between the nine spacecraft are designed to simultaneously span MHD scales
and ion kinetic scales, enabling the simultaneous resolution of MHD and
sub-ion processes and the transition between these scales, exemplified by the
observed spectral break [84, 108, 109, 140143] (see also Figure 2). Values
for these physical dimensions are empirically known from decades of SW
observations[35, 105, 139, 143]. Figure 3 shows the joint probability distri-
bution function (PDF) of the proton gyroscale ρ
and spectral break scale
= v
. These observations define three ranges: MHD scales at
> 1200 km; transition scales between 100 and 1200 km; and sub-ion struc-
tures < 100 km. HS’s baseline requirements are established to resolve these
characteristic scales simultaneously in 85% of the pristine SW, enabling the
Observatory to “encompass the turbulent cascade.”
4.3 Temporal Resolution
The Observatory measurement cadence and timing knowledge provide the tem-
poral resolution necessary to resolve advected SW structures. This analysis
requires measuring at time cadences from MHD scales down to the sub-ion
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HelioSwarm 15
Given the observed distribution of SW velocities, see Figure 3b, we can
calculate the ratio of the proton gyroscale ρ
to v
to construct an advected
proton timescale, Figure 3c, which plots the observed distribution against
instrumental measurement rates. The fluxgate magnetometer (MAG) measures
at 16 samples per second (Sps) overlapping with the searchcoil magnetometer
(SCM, at 32 Sps) providing continuous coverage of larger and/or more slowly
advecting structures, while also resolving ion-scale structures traveling at the
fastest v
( 800 km/s); The proton density (n) and velocity (v) are mea-
sured by Faraday cups (FCs) at a rate of 8 Sps, resolving ion scale structures
( 100 km) traveling at typical speeds (400 km/s); Measurements of the pro-
ton temperature by the ion electrostatic analyzer (iESA) provide the necessary
context for the kind of turbulence HS is embedded in, with sufficient temporal
resolution to resolve changes in proton velocity distributions to help determine
the energy transfer processes associated with ion scale structure.
In order to resolve characteristic SW wave propagation directions across
multiple points, HS requires post-facto, relative pairwise separation knowledge
of 10% the separation distances. Timing requirements are driven by apply-
ing analysis methods described in Section 6 to synthetic data combined with
models for temporal uncertainty.
4.4 Observatory Stability
Simultaneous statistical analysis of turbulence (e.g. Sec. 6.1) requires not only
separations spanning the previous described spatial scales but also samples
taken over long enough periods of time to capture the nonlinear reshaping
of the underlying structures. One can calculate the correlation time scale τ
by determining the time lag necessary to reduce an autocorrelation of some
measured quantity F by 1/e from it’s zero-lag value
A [F (t), F (t + τ )] = F (t)F (t + τ) = F (t)F (t)/e, (2)
where < ... > denotes an appropriate ensemble average. Analysis performed
on intervals measured within a correlation time are effectively sampling the
same population of turbulent fluctuations, and thus can be combined to study
the statistical properties of that plasma. Observations of the correlation time
scale in the SW[144, 145], illustrated in Figure 4, typically find it ranges from
tens of minutes to approximately an hour. This duration of SW data provides
robust turbulence analysis yet is short enough to effectively sample the same
parcel of SW. These observations drive the timescales over which the observa-
tory spacecraft separations need to be constant, a requirement the HS Design
Reference Mission (DRM) satisfies, enabling the accrual of usable intervals for
the application of analysis approaches outlined in Sec. 6; the average relative
change in the vector baselines increases slowly in time (red line), reaching 0.7%
at 60 minutes and 1.5% at 120 minutes.
Springer Nature 2021 L
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16 HelioSwarm
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
P[Correlation Time]
[Time (min)]
1 Hour
1000 0 1000
Time (min)
S/C Relative
Fig. 4: PDF of correlation time measured by ACE (left panel) [144] compared
to the average change in HS DRM baseline separation magnitudes as a function
of time (red line). At right, the x
projection of the evolving Node
positions relative to the Hub, with color indicating time since apogee; the
significant overlap in positions illustrate the relative stability of the observatory
# Spacecraft 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Baselines 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Tetrahedra 1 5 15 35 70 126 210 330
Polyhedra 1 6 22 64 163 382 848 1816
Table 1: Number of baselines, tetrahedral, and polyhedral (with at least four
vertices) configurations that can be constructed from N Spacecraft.
4.5 Spatial Configurations
In conjunction with spatial separation requirements, the application of the
analysis approaches in Sec. 6 require specific spatial configurations. Given N
spacecraft, there are N(N 1)/2 distinct pair-wise baseline separations. Sim-
ilarly, for N spacecraft, one can construct
unique tetrahedral
configurations, or
polyhedral configurations with at least four ver-
tices. The number of baselines, tetrahedra, and polyhedra are tabulated as a
function of the number of spacecraft in Table 1. The orientation and geome-
tries of these configurations have been carefully tailored so that they span the
appropriate size-scales and directions to address the mission objectives, as dis-
cussed in the following subsections and illustrated in Fig. 5. Determining when
the HS Observatory satisfies these configurational requirements is character-
ized in 1-hour units, during which baseline separations are effectively constant,
see Fig. 4. The number of hours satisfying these requirements are laid out in
Table 2.
Springer Nature 2021 L
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HelioSwarm 17
-60-30 0 30 60
Solar Wind
-60-30 0 30 60
0 0.3 0.60.9 1.2
` P
# s pacecraft
0 1000
´1000 0 1000
Hour 2472
The HelioSwarm Observatory:
Phase-B Design Reference Mission
0 1000
´1000 0 1000
0 1000
´1000 0 1000
3D Configuration
Hub Nodes
Fig. 5: Summary plot of HelioSwarm Observatory Phase-B DRM positions
and separations. Top Row Relative positions between the Hub (red) and eight
Nodes (black) projected into the GSE co¨ordinate system at hour 2472 from
the DRM. Bottom Left Projected vector components of the 36 inter-spacecraft
baseline separations (black dots) demonstrate coverage of MHD and ion-kinetic
scales, as well as the transition region in-between. The lunar resonant orbit of
the observatory (black dot) in the GSE co¨ordinate system is shown as colored
lines in the upper-right inset, with the moon’s location (open circle) included
to illustrate scale. Times with orthogonal coverage over all three scales, high-
lighted in color, arise in the pristine SW (red lines), the magnetically connected
SW (green) and the magnetosphere/magnetosheath (blue). Bottom Right The
size and geometric configurations of the polyhedra constructed by spacecraft
subsets of the HelioSwarm observatory. The number of spacecraft is indicated
by color, while the size of the polyhedra L and its regularity (the RMS of
the elongation E and planarity P ) are indicated on the ordinate and abscissa
respectively. The times when there are at least two regular polyhedra with
characteristic sizes more than a factor of three different are indicted in the
upper inset, using the same color scheme as the 3D Configuration inset. As
quantified in Table 2, due to the high eccentricity of the orbit, the Observa-
tory samples these regions near apogee for a substantial fraction of the orbit
period. A video of the HS DRM Geometries throughout the Science Phase is
available in Online Resource 2.
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18 HelioSwarm
4.5.1 3D Configurations
To calculate cascade rates, correlation scales, and structure functions to char-
acterize the multiscale and 3D nature of turbulence, the 36 unique baselines
between HS’s nine spacecraft have vector components spanning three orthog-
onal directions along, transverse, and normal to the Earth-Sun line (Radial,
Tangential, Normal (RTN) co¨ordinates) with amplitudes covering MHD, tran-
sition, and sub-ion scales, while simultaneously the magnitudes of the baseline
vectors also span these three ranges of scales. These 3D configurations, illus-
trated in Figure 5, resolve variations along and across the local magnetic field
and flow directions, necessary for verifying theories of anisotropic turbulent
transfer and distribution of energy.
4.5.2 Polyhedral Configurations
The polyhedral configuration is satisfied when at least two of HS’s constituent
polyhedra, each satisfying
+ P
0.6, have at least a factor of three
difference in L, simultaneously measuring the spatial structure of turbulence
at multiple scales.
HS configurations are also designed for multi-point analysis techniques
which determine spatial gradients and distributions of power (e.g., wave-
telescope, curlometer, and related gradient analysis techniques [76, 77]. Spatial
gradient methods require the SC be arranged in a quasi-regular fashion,
occupying vertices of pseudo-spherical polyhedra. One can characterize the
geometry of these polyhedra by calculating the eigenvectors of the volumetric
R =
) (r
where r
is the mesocenter of the configuration, and r
resents the positions of the individual SC. The square roots of the three
eigenvalues of R represent the major, middle, and minor semiaxes of the con-
figuration, a, b, and c. These values can be interpreted directly by defining a
characteristic size L = 2a, as well as the elongation E = 1
and planarity
P = 1
. Figure 6 illustrates the distribution of polyhedra from a single hour
of the HS Observatory configuration. Polyhedra with small elongation E and
planarity P,
+ P
0.6, can be used to accurately measure structure
of sizes on the order of the characteristic size L [71, 146]. HS’s 9 spacecraft
produce 382 polyhedra with at least 4 vertices, the minimum needed for 3D
analysis techniques, and at many different scales. Additionally, HS has con-
figurations where at least two pseudo-spherical polyhedra exist with at least
a 3:1 ratio in L. These formations, referred to as polyhedral configurations,
simultaneously measure spatial structure of turbulence at multiple scales.
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HelioSwarm 19
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
L (km)
Planarity (P)
Elongation (E)
Hour 2474
Fig. 6: The distribution of planarity (P), elongation (E), and characteristic
size (L, with blue and red representing the smallest and largest scales respec-
tively) of all 382 polyhedra with at least 4 vertices for the HS DRM at an
arbitrarily selected hour 2474. The different regions in E-P space are labeled to
characterize the geometries of these polyhedra. The Observatory trajectories
are designed to have multiple pseudo-spherical polyhedra with significantly
different sizes to enable measurements of spatial structures at MHD- and ion-
scales simultaneously.
4.6 Observatory Orbits
The HS Observatory accesses the near-Earth regions of interest with a 2-
week, lunar-resonant, high Earth orbit (HEO) [147150]. The HS Observatory
design and onboard propulsion produce inter-spacecraft separations both along
and across the Sun-Earth line. The Nodes perform routine trim maneuvers to
maintain customized configurations that satisfy the 3D and Polyhedral require-
ments over the mission lifetime. Since the science orbit is nearly inertially
fixed (with a low rate of apsidal precession), the apogee rotates through the
SW, foreshock, and magnetosphere-dominated regions as the Earth completes
a single orbit of the Sun. This progression allows the Observatory to sample
the pristine SW and regions of strongly driven turbulence during the 12-month
Science Phase, addressing both G1 and G2.
Given an empirical model for the extent of the magnetosphere [151] and
the average orientation of the IMF combined with the phase B DRM trajecto-
ries, the HS Observatory spends thousands of hours in the required near-Earth
regions of interest, with hundreds of hours in both of the required spatial con-
figurations in each region; see Table 2 for summary of hours and Figure 5
for an illustration of the residence time in the regions. Measurements from
all instruments are recorded throughout the orbits outside of thruster oper-
ations, eclipses, and calibration activities and transmitted regardless of the
Observatory configuration.
4.7 Mission Duration
As discussed in Sec. 3.1.2, SW parameters drive the behavior of turbulence,
and more extreme values of these parameters are useful for distinguishing com-
peting theories. To establish the minimum number of hours needed for HS
science data sufficiency, we note that 10 hours in extremely high ( 10)
Springer Nature 2021 L
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20 HelioSwarm
Phase B DRM; LRD 2028 Fig. 5 Total 3D Polyhedral
Solar Wind Red 2881 777 1068
Foresho ck Green 2470 977 852
Magnetosphere/Magnetosheath Blue 3149 650 639
Science Phase 8850 2404 2559
Objective Total 3D Polyhedral
Pristine SW G1O1 2015 544 747
Extreme SW G1O2 58 16 21
SW w/ Large Scale Structure G2O1 546 147 202
Strongly Driven Turbulence G2O2 5619 1627 1491
Table 2: HS measures thousands of hours in targeted near-Earth regions of
space, with hundreds of hours in optimal polyhedral (Sec. 4.5.2) and 3D con-
figurations (Sec. 4.5.1) for the application of analysis approaches outlined in
Sec. 6, providing measurements to advance the understanding of turbulence in
typical (G1O1,G2O2) uncommon (G2O1) and extreme (G1O2) plasma condi-
and low ( 0.1) plasma β enabled strong characterization of the spectral
break, differentiating between predicted dissipation mechanisms [109]. Using
this assessment, the required number of hours of observation for the Baseline
Mission was developed by analyzing two decades of Wind [35, 139] data to
ensure that we would adequately sample the full range of SW variability. Our
methodology was to generate PDFs of parameters controlling turbulent behav-
ior, e.g. SW speed (v
), plasma beta (β), proton temperature (T
), balance
of power between Sunward and anti-Sunward propagating fluctuations (cross
helicity, σ
[152]), difference between kinetic and magnetic energy (residual
energy σ
[110]), SW collisionality (Coulomb number N
[153, 154]), and
Alfv´en Mach number (v
). Obtaining 10 hours of measuring turbu-
lence at relatively large and small values of these parameters determines the
overall requirements for the number of hours in polyhedral and 3-D configura-
tions; from the widths of the parameter PDFs, we determined that measuring
500 (100) hours in the 3D (polyhedral) configuration in the pristine SW, which
then result in HS measuring 10 (2) hours of turbulence with extreme param-
eters both higher than the 98th percentile and lower than 2nd percentile of
those values (corresponding to β 0.1 and β 10 [109]), a sufficient num-
ber of intervals at the very most extreme parameters to accomplish Mission
science. Magnetosheath plasmas that will also be measured by HS typically
have even higher values of β
[138]. Measurements of these extreme intervals
allow for the identification of different turbulent processes that are preferred
in different parameter regimes, and will also be useful for providing accessible
analogies to astrophysical systems where the thermal pressure dominates, e.g.,
the ISM (β
10) or accretion disks (β
Large scale structures (LSS) generated by the Sun– e.g., CMEs, or produced
as the SW propagates, e.g., CIRs can drive different kinds of turbulence com-
pared to SW w/o LSS. By using in situ SW measurements of these structures
over the last two solar cycles [126, 128], we calculate the filling fraction during
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the 12-month Science Phase of these two kinds of structures for a 2028 Launch
Readiness Date (LRD) based upon equivalent phases from Solar Cycles 23 and
24; the total anticipated LSS hours for this LRD are tabulated in Table 2.
The average CME filling fraction is 2.15% (1.9%/2.4% in Solar Cycle 23/24)
while the CIR filling fraction is 16.8% (19.8%/13.8% in Solar Cycle 23/24).
These rates correspond to 62 hours of CME observations, with 16/23 hours
in 3D/polyhedral configurations and 484 hours of CIR measurements, with
131/179 hours in 3D/polyhedral configurations. We have repeated this exercise
for other LRDs, and found that regardless of launch date, there will be a
sufficient number of hours of observed CMEs and CIRs to provide data to
bring closure to G2O1.
4.8 Resilience, Redundancy, and Robustness of
Multi-satellite Observatory
Multi-SC swarm design offers innovations in flexibility and reconfiguration of
the observatory. Orbital mechanics forces create continuously evolving relative
positions among the 9 SC in HS. With known exceptions, the nominal swarm
configuration has redundancy in most of the 3D baselines and tetrahedral
vertices and accrues successful hours of science data collection well above the
Robustness above required performance and redundancy in spatial config-
urations create resilience in the event of contingencies. For the case of the loss
of any one (or two) Nodes, the required number of hours in both configurations
can be achieved within the duration of the 12-month Science Phase through a
repositioning of the remaining Nodes to construct the configurations for which
sufficient hours have not been achieved.
4.9 Place within the Heliospheric System Observatory
HS stands alone, but would also be part of the Heliospheric System Observa-
tory (HSO) which provides additional opportunities for joint mission studies.
Parker Solar Probe (PSP) [155] and Solar Orbiter (SolO) [156] are making
high-cadence plasma and IMF measurements of the innermost heliosphere.
These inner-heliospheric missions provide only single point measurements, but
these inform limits on injection scale structures that cascade into smaller struc-
tures as they propagate to 1 AU. Together with HS, and supplemented by
Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) imaging[157],
these observations allow for estimates of 1-AU-scale evolution and radial
and longitudinal gradients. At intermediate scales (10
km), HS observations
in combination with other missions in the HSO positions near the Sun-
Earth L1 point (e.g., Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)[158], Wind[159],
Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP)[160], Deep Space Cli-
mate Observatory (DSCOVR)[161]) provide opportunity for long-baseline
correlations and to address the long-open question of local geometries of inter-
planetary shocks and flux ropes. These same HSO missions provide additional
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22 HelioSwarm
SW composition information to augment HS alpha particle measurements.
Conjunctions with MMS[66] may also prove useful in extending the range of
scales over which energy transfer and dissipation can be studied. Finally, given
that energetic particle propagation is impacted by SW turbulence, ACE, Wind,
Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), and IMAP energetic par-
ticle measurements can test the effect of turbulence models and mechanisms
HS quantifies. Joint study opportunities will depend on what HSO assets are
operating when HS launches, but the breadth of the positions and instrumen-
tation of missions within the HSO will enable a variety of examinations of
fundamental processes at play in our Heliosphere.
5 HelioSwarm Mission Implementation
HS was selected as a Heliophysics Division Medium Explorer (MIDEX) mission
by NASA Science Mission Directorate in 2022, and is currently in the formula-
tion phase. MIDEX missions are affordable testbeds for flagship science, from
a cost and risk implementation perspective. The HS hardware and operations
approach are all extremely high heritage to minimize overall project risk.
The HS architecture consists of one central Hub, an ESPA-class (EELV
Secondary Payload Adapter) spacecraft provided by Northrop Grumman, and
eight co-orbiting Nodes, SmallSats provided by Blue Canyon Technologies,
both high heritage, 3-axis stabilized spacecraft. The Hub, Sec. 5.5, carries the
eight Nodes to the science orbit. Pairs of Nodes will then separate from the
Hub over four consecutive 14-day orbits. Each Node, Sec. 5.6, possesses identi-
cal instrument suites (IS) consisting of three high-heritage, high-TRL sensors
optimized for HS: the Faraday Cup (FC, Sec. 5.2), provides high cadence mea-
surements of the SW density and flow, the Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG,
Sec. 5.1.1), and Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM, Sec. 5.1.2), provide mea-
surements of the IMF at cadences sufficient to probe fluctuations from MHD
to sub-ion scales. The Hub has the same IS as the Nodes, plus an ion Electro-
static Analyzer (iESA, Sec. 5.3), another high-heritage, high-TRL instrument
that will provide high cadence measurements of the proton and alpha particles
in order to characterize the local turbulence and to quantify ion heating. An
electron Electrostatic Analyzer, Sec. 5.4), included as a Student Collaboration
Option for installation on the Hub, provides additional context for the plasma
environment sampled by the HS Observatory.
The instruments were specifically selected to be both capable of address-
ing the science objectives when used as an Observatory and for having high
heritage to ensure the fabrication, integration, and testing approaches for the
required nine copies of flight model instruments, along with their costs and
schedules, would be low risk.
5.1 Magnetometers
HS uses a combination of flux gate (MAG) and search coil (SCM) magne-
tometers to measure the IMF over the required frequency range indicated by
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HelioSwarm 23
Observable Requirement Projected Performance Instrument
Multi-point vector DC to 2-Sps DC to 16-Sps MAG
DC IMF B ±100nT ±128nT (all SC)
0.15 nT per axis 0.1 nT per axis
Multi-point vector 0.1 to 32-Sps up to 32-Sps SCM
AC IMF B 15/1.5 pT/
Hz at 1/10 Hz 6/0.6 pT/
Hz at 1/10 Hz (all SC)
Multi-point 0.15 s 0.125 s FC
proton density n
0.2 - 20 cm
0.1 - 50 cm
(all SC)
±6% ±5%
Multi-point 0.15 s 0.125 s FC
proton velocity v
250 - 800 km/s 212 - 840 km/s (all SC)
±3% Accuracy ±1%
Single-point 0.3 s 0.15s iESA
proton temperature T
5 × 10
K 10
K (Hub)
±5% ±1.8%
Single-point temperature 0.3 s 0.15s iESA
0.2 5 0.1 10 (Hub)
±6% ±3.4%
Single-point α-proton Hourly Averages 10 s iESA
density ratio
0 40% 0 100% (Hub)
±10% ±3.4%
Table 3: Plasma and magnetic field observables measured across the HS
Observatory. Required cadences, ranges, and accuracy for the measurements,
as well as the projected performance and the instrument that will provide the
measurement are organized by column.
Figure 2 (DC 3600 s to sub-ion < 0.15 s). Two different magnetometer types
are required owing to sensitivities required, especially at high frequencies (15
pT/ Hz at 1 Hz and 1.5pT/ Hz at 10 Hz see noise floors on Figure 2);
these same sensitivities impose mission requirements for DC and AC magnetic
cleanliness. The MAG and SCM instruments overlap in frequency allowing for
cross-calibration and the production of a merged data product, as has been
performed for other missions [162, 163].
5.1.1 Flux Gate Magnetometers (MAG)
The MAG is a dual core fluxgate magnetometer designed and built by Imperial
College London (Imperial) which will be carried on every HS SC to measure
the local magnetic field. The MAG design is based on direct heritage from
the successful Solar Orbiter [164] magnetometer (Fig. 7) with modifications
taken from the soon-to-fly JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) instrument.
HelioSwarm MAG will carry just one sensor on each spacecraft, at the end of
a dedicated 3 m boom to minimise the effects of spaceraft fields, connected to
the instrument electronics box via a harness. The electronics box will contain a
power supply and Front End Electronics board: the latter will drive the sensor
and digitise the signal, sending it directly to the spacecraft digital processing
unit (DPU) where it will be filtered and decimated to 16 vectors/s on a common
timeline with the SCM.
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24 HelioSwarm
Fig. 7: MAG is based on the flight-proven Solar Orbiter magnetometer design.
MAG operations are straightforward, with the instrument operating
throughout the science orbit. The instrument will have a 4 pT resolution in its
most sensitive range of ±128 nT but can range automatically up to 60, 000 nT
and can therefore operate in a full Earth field before launch.
MAG data will be calibrated at Imperial College, with inter-calibration
between S/C performed to ensure that derived products such as volumetric
currents are reliably estimated. MAG therefore contributes directly to the
multi-point vector magnetic field measurement observable in Table 3, but is
also central to the AC magnetic field measurement as well as some plasma
products such as temperature anisotropies.
5.1.2 Search Coil Magnetometers (SCM)
The SCM is a heritage set of magnetic sensors designed and built by Labora-
toire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP) and Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie
de l’Environnement et de l’Espace (LPC2E) selected to measure the IMF’s
higher frequencies needed to capture advected ion-scale structures. The HS
SCM design is based on the most recent sensor developed for the ESA JUICE
mission by LPP [165167]. LPP and LPC2E will be responsible for the testing
and calibration of the instruments.
The SCM consists of a tri-axial set of 20 cm long magnetic sensors with
associated preamplifier (ASIC) mounted at the tip of a 3 m boom opposite to
the MAG boom. Each sensor axis consists of two windings (a primary and a
secondary) around an internal PEEK mandrel inside which the ferromagnetic
core (mu-metal) used on other flight heritage missions, (e.g. Cluster [168] or
THEMIS [169]) resides. Windings are connected to the preamplifier which
drives the analog signal down the SCM boom harness to the IDPU which
performs the digitization. SCM ground calibration is performed at the National
Magnetic Observatory of Chambon-la-forˆet using a facility upgraded by LPP
for MMS and BepiColombo.
Each primary winding response is modified through a flux-feedback applied
via a secondary winding to produce the frequency response and phase stability
needed for Observatory-level analyses.
SCM has a single science operational mode drawing a steady 0.3 W. The
three differential analog outputs of the SCM preamplifier are anti-alias filtered
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Fig. 8: JUICE SCM heritage instrument with its ASIC preamplifier.
and digitized by the IDPU receiving electronics at 128 Sps then filtered to
32 Sps to satisfy HS observational requirements described in Table 3. This
science operational mode is only interrupted during the in-flight calibration
sequence. This sequence, scheduled for one per orbit and following events such
as maneuvers and eclipses, will follow procedures successfully implemented on
MMS, PSP, and SolO. It is performed to assess the stability of the transfer
function through the mission using a calibration signal provided by the IDPU.
5.2 Faraday Cups (FC)
The Faraday Cup (FC) is a heritage-based design developed at the Smith-
sonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), in conjunction with University of
California, Berkeley (UCB), and Draper Laboratories. The sensor makes mea-
surements of the radial VDFs of SW ions along with the flow angle of the
incoming beam to measure proton densities and velocities over the ranges and
sensitivities typical of the pristine SW.
Previous Faraday Cups have been employed on a wide variety of missions
including Voyager [170], Wind[171], DSCOVR[161], and PSP[172, 173]. Two
of the HS FC electronics boards (the logic/signal analysis board and the low-
voltage power supply) are direct copies of the PSP electronics. A third board
(the high-voltage power supply) is a fully-qualified backup design from the PSP
instrument development. The instrument uses an oscillating electric poten-
tial to create an electric field that accepts or rejects particles based on their
energy/charge. Particles with large enough E/q to successfully transit the elec-
tric field deposit their charge onto collector plates that measure the incoming
current of SW particles.
A Faraday Cup instrument is placed on the sun-facing side of each space-
craft so that an unimpeded view is maintained in the direction of the Sun.
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Fig. 9: The Faraday Cup mechanical design (as of the concept study report).
The mounting bracket is displayed in a semi-transparent mode. The instrument
consists of two main subassemblies: the sensor (the top cylindrical section)
and the electronics module (the lower rectangular box), which are connected
by flexible coaxial cables.
Because Elsasser analysis involves measurements from both the IMF and
SW, cross-sensor timing, pointing, and alignment requirements between the
magnetometers and FC are levied.
The Faraday Cup operates in a single operational configuration throughout
all phases of the mission. The instrument starts at its lowest voltage (ener-
gy/charge) and steps its way upward through 16 voltage windows while making
measurements of the incoming SW current on each of its four collector plates in
each window. The instrument keeps track of the maximum current measured
in the previous spectrum so that the following spectrum can be measured with
a more focused voltage range with better resolution.
The FC instrument design parameters have been determined by analyz-
ing the historic distribution of all measurements made by the Wind Faraday
Cup instrument. The aperture sizes, voltage ranges, and field-of-view for the
HelioSwarm instrument are designed to capture more than 98% of the SW
conditions (velocities, densities, and temperatures) that have been previously
observed. The resulting voltage range will allow for measurement of proton
velocities in the range of about 200-850 km/s.
The Faraday Cup instruments provide a measurement of the radial dis-
tribution functions of the SW plasma on each of the nine spacecraft along
with plasma quantities derived from those distributions. By calculating the
moments of the distribution and by fitting an assumed functional form to the
distribution, the vector velocity, density, and radial temperature can be pro-
vided. These data products contain 8 measurements per second and fulfill the
multi-point measurement requirements of the velocity and density of the SW,
as shown in Table 3.
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5.3 Ion Electrostatic Analyzer (iESA)
The iESA is a particle sensor designed and built by Institut de Rescherch
en Astrophysique et Planetologie (IRAP, Toulouse, France), Laboratoire
d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux (LAB, Pessac, France), University of New Hamp-
shire (UNH, USA), and Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL, UK), with
IRAP technical leadership and heritage. The direct heritage instrument is the
Proton and Alpha Sensor [174] onboard the Solar Orbiter mission [175], with
some sub-systems inherited from other past particle instrumentation led by
IRAP (on STEREO, MAVEN, Cluster, etc.). iESA measures the full proton
and alpha particle distribution functions with an unprecedented combination
of high energy, angular and time resolutions (cf. Table 3).
As illustrated in Figure 10, entrance deflectors allow for the sweeping of
input elevation angles ±24
from the main detection plane with 3
binning, which is resolvable with the use of a collimator. The deflected and
collimated ions are then subject to E/q selection through a classic top-hat
electro-static analyzer. The E/q selected ions are focused onto the main detec-
tion plane, which comprises 16 channel electron multipliers (CEMs). These
perform a 10
gain in charge collection on anodes with 3
resolution in azimuth
over an angular range of ±24
as well, allowing for a homogeneous ±24
of view with 3
angular resolutions, in both elevation and azimuth angles.
The iESA electronics contains (1) a front-end board comprising 16 CEMs with
associated anodes and amplificators, (2) a high-voltage board to supply the
entrance deflectors, analyzer plates, and CEMs with the required (static or
sweeping) high voltages, as well as (3) an FPGA and (4) a low-voltage power
supply board dedicated to instrument control and power.
iESA operations are based on the sequential stepping of the electrostatic
analyzer and entrance deflector high voltages. The instrument implements SW
beam-tracking strategies [174], using previous measurements, to dynamically
set the energy and angular bins of the next sample, allowing for faster mea-
surement cadence. The iESA is highly versatile and the tracking strategy can
implement any combination of energies and angles. Instrument operation will
be adapted to the science target, but a primary operation mode is expected to
be a Proton Tracking mode measuring the 3D VDFs of SW protons with high
energy (8%) and angular (3
) resolutions at a cadence down to 150 ms, well
into the sub-ion timescales. To characterize alphas, a Proton-Alpha Tracking
mode will be used, with 48 energy bins and a 450 ms cadence, though longer
accumulation times can be used to enhance counting statistics as needed.
5.4 Student Electron Electrostatic Spectrograph Student
In addition to the magnetic field and ion instruments previously listed in
this section, HS has also proposed to include a Student Electron Electrostatic
Spectrograph (SEE) Student Collaboration project to measure ambient, low
energy electrons. This electron instrument would be mounted on the Hub SC,
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28 HelioSwarm
Fig. 10: iESA subsystem components (as of the concept study report), include
the deflectors, collimators, and analyzer spheres (top), as well as the 16 channel
electron multipliers, front end electronics, low- and high-voltage power supply,
and FPGA board.
and would be used to study the connectivity of the local magnetosphere, solar
wind, and cis-lunar space via measurements of low-energy electron popula-
tions. The project would be co-led by graduate and undergraduate students,
with the prime deliverable from the SEE project a cohort of future scientists
educated in the lifecycle of a NASA mission, including instrument develop-
ment and merger of science goals with hardware design. A backup design for
SEE has PSP and ESCAPADE flight heritage [176].
5.5 The Hub
Northrop Grumman (NG) provides the Hub spacecraft. This ESPA-class
spacecraft serves as the central relay for all Nodes within the Observatory and
is based on the high-heritage ESPAstar line which was designed to carry sepa-
rable payloads to orbit. The Hub is 730 kg at launch, including the hydrazine
propellant necessary for carrying it and all the Nodes into the HS science orbit,
illustrated at the top of Fig. 11. The Hub is capable of generating 1165 W of
power via its single deployable solar array. As configured for science, the Hub
spans a maximum dimension of 8.4 m.
5.6 The Nodes
The Node spacecraft are Blue Canyon Technologies (BCT) Venus-class space-
craft with standard accommodations for hosting the HS payload. As configured
for HS, the SmallSat Nodes are just over 70 kg each and use onboard propul-
sion to maintain the proper swarm geometry. The Nodes generate 200 W of
power and provide a single mechanical interface to the HS payload. With
booms deployed, bottom left of Fig. 11, the maximum tip-to-tip dimension of
the Nodes is just over 6m.
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Fig. 11: Transfer (top) and Science (bottom) Configurations for the Hub
(Sec. 5.5) and Node (Sec. 5.6) S/C.
5.7 Observatory Architecture
The HS flight system will launch with the Hub carrying all 8 Nodes through a
series of phasing loops and a lunar swingby into the science orbit over a period
of approximately 72 days. Once the science orbit (a High Earth Orbit P/2 lunar
resonant orbit with apogee greater than 60R
and perigee less than 12R
pairs of Nodes are separated from the Hub spacecraft and instrument checkouts
and calibrations occur during the 81-day commissioning phase. Once the
Nodes have been maneuvered into their proper locations in the observatory,
the 12-month science phase begins. HS uses a Hub-and-spoke communications
architecture in which the Hub is the only direct link to the ground (via S-
band, DSN) and each Node receives commands from and relays science data
directly to the Hub via S-band crosslinks.
The Mission Operations Center (MOC) is hosted out of ARC, with engi-
neering support centers for Hub and Nodes at NG and BCT respectively. The
Science Operations Center (SOC) is hosted out of the PI-institution, UNH,
which is also responsible for delivering L1-L4 data products to NASA SPDF;
see Sec. 5.8. The HS missions operations approach strategically uses the inher-
ent orbital dynamics of the observatory; the swarm naturally “expands” and
“contracts” over each 14-day orbital period. The Flight Dynamics team has
designed the staggering of the Node-Hub closest approaches around perigee
to facilitate periods of high-rate data downlink for each Node each orbit. As
the observatory begins to expand out towards apogee, the polyhedral perfor-
mance, Sec. 4.5.2, requirements are satisfied. At apogee and on the contraction
back in towards perigee, the longest-baseline 3D performance requirements are
satisfied, Sec. 4.5.1.
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5.8 Data Processing and Selection
The Science Data Center (SDC) at the UNH SOC supports HS data processing,
produces timing and other ancillary data that are provided to the instru-
ment teams, releases and archives L0-L4 data with associated calibrations, and
provides data selection tools to the community.
Automated processes transfer L0 telemetry data from the HS MOC to the
SOC within 24 hours of ground receipt. Upon L0 receipt, the SOC performs
packet format checks (e.g., valid headers, checksums). The SOC prepares a
timing product to correct Node clock differences relative to the Hub timing
and processes IS housekeeping (HK) to calibrated units (L1). L0 data are
provided to the instrument teams for processing, with timing corrections and
L1 HK included as additional inputs. The instrument teams generate and
validate L1 (measurements in engineering units), L2 (science data—magnetic
field measurements, particle velocity distributions and the associated moments
and fits— in payload co¨ordinates), and L3 (science data in RTN co¨ordinates)
data products within 30 days of receipt.
L1-L3 data are retrieved by the SOC from the instrument teams within
24 hours of processing and summary plots generated. L4 data products, e.g.
a merger of the MAG and SCM data or combined magnetic field and pro-
ton products from across the observatory, are produced at the SOC within 5
working days.
Upon completion of IS commissioning, the SOC begins a period of data
product and instrument performance validation. As data for each orbit are
downlinked, they are routinely and automatically processed. During the subse-
quent orbit, the SDC lead co¨ordinates instrument team validation of the data.
Validation activities proceed through individual calibration and Observatory-
level calibrations. As calibrations are updated, previous orbits’ data are
reprocessed with the updated calibrations, so the process iterates with increas-
ing data volumes of increasing refinement. Validated, calibrated L2 through
L4 data are provided to NASA SPDF for public access upon completion of
the validation period, anticipated to be no more than 5 months, which may
be shortened if reasonable calibrations are available sooner.
Because HS comprises nine spacecraft with slowly changing relative posi-
tions in an equally dynamic plasma environment, specialized tools to assist
researchers in their data selection will be developed and implemented at the
SOC. Many techniques employed by the researchers require specific Observa-
tory configurations. To aid the researcher in the selection of processed data,
the SOC is developing interactive queries, but all science data are downlinked
and processed regardless of observatory configuration. As an example, Figure 5
shows a snapshot from a preliminary data selection code using DRM orbit
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6 Analysis Approaches
A variety of multi-spacecraft Analysis Approaches have been previously
developed for missions such as Cluster and MMS. These methods include
calculations of
Cascade Rate, measuring of the transfer of turbulent fluctuation energy
from one spatial scale to another [e.g. 177, 178],
2-point correlation, measuring the temporal and spatial scale over which
a spectral element is remade by nonlinear processes [e.g. 179, 180],
Structure Functions, determining the statistics turbulent field increments
to reveal scale-dependent, intermittent turbulence[e.g. 181, 182],
Wave telescope, determining the wavevectors of plasma waves and their
associated 3D power distributions[e.g. 183, 184],
Pressure-strain interaction, measuring the dilation, (P ·) ·U, which
describes the local conversion between flow and thermal energy[e.g. 185,
Curlometer & Gradient Methods, which construct current sheets and
other intermittent structures from spatially distributed measurements[e.g.
125, 187].
Many of these methods and their applications have been documented in ISSI
review articles over the last several decades[76, 77]. In this section, we apply
some analysis approaches to synthetic timeseries constructed using DRM
trajectories corresponding to selected HS configurations through different
numerical simulations of turbulence including two-fluid [188, 189] and hybrid-
PIC [34, 190] nonlinear simulations and quasilinear simulations [191, 192].
We note that due to computational limitations, all the numerical codes used
make approximations in terms of the physical processes included and/or the
scales simulated. Therefore, we do not expect the numerical simulations to be
completely representative of actual plasma turbulence at all scales, and differ-
ences between simulations and HS observations will drive improvements of the
modeling of turbulent transport and dissipation.
6.1 Multipoint Correlations and Structure Functions
Multipoint spectral analysis, 2nd-order structure functions, and space-time
correlation functions yield distributions of turbulent energy in configura-
tion space [55, 76, 77] and, through time-lagging, decorrelation times for
fluctuations at measured spatial scales [180].
Figure 12 illustrates the temporal and spatial decorrelation of signals
from synthetic magnetic field data set constructed by sampling a hybrid-PIC
numerical simulation [34] over trajectories defined by the DRM described in
Section 4.6. The correlation is calculated between all nine trajectories at each
point in the timeseries as
R(|r|, τ ) = b(x, t) · b(x + r, t + τ). (4)
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Fig. 12: The spatial-temporal correlation calculated from synthetic HS mea-
surements extracted from a hybrid-PIC simulation of turbulence[34]. By using
all nine trajectories, we are able to resolve the spatial and temporal depen-
dences of Eqn. 4 independently, unlike the auto-correlation from a single
trajectory, presented in the upper right-hand panel, which effectively samples
along the red arrow in the lower left panel, convolving together spatial and
temporal variations.
These correlation values, and how quickly they depart from unity, character-
izes the temporal and spatial scales over which fluctuations are remade by
nonlinear terms, and represents a key statistical property of turbulent dis-
tributions [193] that will be used in G1O1 and G1O2. For comparison, an
example auto-correlation produced using lagged timeseries from a single tra-
jectory (upper right panel) mixes together spatial and temporal dependence.
HS will disentangle spatial and temporal correlations which single SC convolve
The measurement of intense fluctuations at smaller scales while simulta-
neously measuring the distribution of fluctuations at larger scales differen-
tiates between models of scale-dependent intermittency, testing theoretical
predictions[100, 194197]. Intermittency also affects different types of proton
heating mechanisms in different ways, with the associated coherent struc-
tures greatly affect the efficiency of certain processes. For example, stochastic
heating occurs when fluctuation amplitudes at the scale of a particle’s gyro-
radius become large [50, 198], which are enhanced near coherent structures.
Conversely, dissipation mechanisms such as Landau damping are less affected
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n = 6
n = 5
n = 4
n = 3
n = 2
n = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 13: HS’s multiscale configuration enables the calculation of multiple
orders of structure functions (left panel), that when fit to a power-law S
(center) or recombined into quantities such as kurtosis S
(right) can be
compared to theoretical predictions [e.g. [26, 194, 195]] to characterize the
scale-dependent intermittency in turbulence (G1O4).
by intermittency [123]. HS multiscale measurement of higher order intermit-
tent statistical measures, along with temperature and temperature anisotropy
reveal deep connections between cascade, intermittency and dissipation.
One means of quantifying the intermittency of a system is illustrated in
Figure 13, where we calculate the scale-dependent structure function S
synthetic times series drawn from the same hybrid numerical simulation of
turbulence [34]. Instead of using increments drawn from a single timeseries
(λ = τ v
) = [δz(t + τ ) δz(t)]
[182], increments are calculated using all nine timeseries combined with HS’s
spatial resolution and configurations and a modified form of Taylor’s hypoth-
esis [179] allowing for orders of magnitude more samples to be used at a given
scale both along and transverse to the magnetic field and flow directions,
(t + τ) x
(t)] = ⟨{δz[x
(t + τ)] δz[x
enabling the calculation of the higher order structure functions spanning ion
kinetic (blue, left panel), transition (purple), and MHD (red) scales; for N
increments measured, structure functions of order n = log
[N] 1 can be
resolved [199, 200]; HS enables the study of higher order S
than previous
missions, where differences between theoretical descriptions are more easily dis-
tinguishable. From these measurements of S
, theories about intermittency as
a function of scale [181], which describe how frequently and how abruptly sharp
structures of different sizes and shapes arise, are tested by fitting S
over different scale ranges (center); the trending of the fit parameters with
order n is used to validate, falsify, or improve theories [e.g. [26, 194, 195]. Com-
bined with other metrics such as kurtosis (right panel) as well as the analysis
method presented in Figure 14, HS characterizes turbulent intermittency as a
function of scale addressing G1O4.
Fig. 14 illustrates with the same simulated synthetic DRM timeseries used
for Fig. 12 another way in which HS will provide science closure on G1O4 by
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34 HelioSwarm
Fig. 14: HS measures intermittency at MHD (red) and sub-ion (blue) scales
simultaneously from different numerical simulations, providing science closure
on G1O4 by differentiating between models of nonlinear coupling that predict
enhanced amplitudes of normalized Elsasser fluctuations δz
at small scales
(right, from a turbulent hybrid-PIC simulation [34]) compared to a scale-
independent normal distribution of amplitudes (left, drawn from ensemble of
randomly-phased wave modes.).
using its 36 baseline separations to simultaneously quantify the distribution of
turbulent fluctuations at large and small scales. Following Mallet et al 2015[48],
we define the fluctuation amplitude increment
= |δz
| = |z
+ r
) z
)| (7)
where r
is the separation in the plane perpendicular to the mean magnetic
field direction B
. Using both the synthetic HS timeseries drawn from a hybrid-
PIC simulation, as well as timeseries constructed from a collection of randomly
phased waves, we calculate δz
as a function of scale λ = |r
| for an ensemble
of separations. We then calculate the median value of the increment δ
a series of bins spaced logarithmicaly in λ, and normalize the probability dis-
tribution function of the increments in each bin by the median. For the trivial
case of randomly-phased waves, the increments are normally distributed, and
there is no variation as a function of scale. For the case of simulated turbulent,
the intermittency increases with decreasing scale, seen in the transition from
red (large, MHD scales) to blue (smaller, ion-kinetic scales). As the intermit-
tency of a turbulent system depends on the nature of the nonlinear interactions
that transport energy through a system, these types of distributions represent
a sensitive test of different models of turbulence.
6.2 Curlometer and Gradient Techniques
Wave telescope and curlometer techniques reveal the nature of fluctuations and
identify structures within turbulence. Gradient estimation is closely related
and is required for determining the pressure-strain tensor and the production
rate of internal energy.
As an example of a novel application of gradient techniques enabled by a
multi-spacecraft observatory, estimates for the spatial gradients from synthetic
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Fig. 15: HS’s SC positions (red points) enable a high-fidelity reconstruction
(perfect measurements shown in blue, measurements with included systematic
errors in green) of the magnetic field (arrows) over a larger volume of space,
enabling the simultaneous study of ion-scale structures (e.g., current sheets,
shown as contours at left) with sufficient accuracy to address G1O4 (regions of
reconstruction with less than 5% and 10% error shown at right, as explained
in the text).
timeseries drawn from a two-fluid numerical simulation of turbulence[188] are
used in a first-order reconstruction to reconstruct a 3D synthetic magnetic
field, shown in Figure 15 and described in detail in [201]. By using a weighted
average of the first-order estimates for the reconstructed magnetic field drawn
from the spatial gradients determined from the 126 unique tetrahedra that
comprise the HS Observatory, we accurately reproduce the magnetic field over
large volumes of the simulation. For a selected DRM interval in a good poly-
hedral configuration, we reconstruct the simulated turbulent magnetic field
(black/blue arrows indicate the simulated/reconstructed field). Averaging over
many spatial locations in the simulation, this analysis method yields 5% rel-
ative error over a volume of nearly 1.82 ×10
(solid blue line, right panel)
and 10% error over a volume of 3.208 × 10
(dashed blue line).
To quantify the impact of systematic errors on this analysis technique,
we introduce random offsets replicating estimated systematic errors to each
component of the measured magnetic field at all nine SC (green lines). This
produces reconstructed volumes of 3.66×10
) km
for the 5% (10%)
error thresholds. By leveraging the large number of tetrahedral configura-
tions sensitive to many length scales simultaneously, HS enables simultaneous
studies of both MHD-scale structure as well as much smaller current sheets,
bringing closure to questions about the transfer of energy from fields to flows
(G1O3) and associated heating near ion-scale intermittent structures (G1O4).
As discussed at the beginning of this section several other multispacecraft
analysis methods, previously implemented on missions such as MMS and Clus-
ter, can be immediately applied to HS observations, or extended to incorporate
information from all nine spacecraft in the observatory, e.g. [178, 202205].
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7 Conclusions
Turbulence is the process by which energy contained in fluctuating magnetic
fields and plasma motion cascades from larger to smaller spatial scales, and
ultimately into thermal energy of charged particles comprising the plasma. In
addition to being a key process that heats cosmic plasmas, it also creates the
conditions in which all universal plasma processes (e.g., magnetic reconnec-
tion, shocks, particle acceleration) act, both within the heliosphere and in all
astrophysical domains. Due to its fundamentally multiscale nature, only spa-
tially distributed, simultaneous measurements provide the data needed to bring
closure to outstanding questions about the distribution and transfer of turbu-
lent energy. HS achieves its mission objectives through an innovative swarm
implementation of high-heritage mission elements, ranging from instruments,
to spacecraft, operations, and analysis tools. HS provides a paradigm shift in
mission design where the many elements of the swarm and the way they inter-
act form an Observatory that is far more than the sum of its parts. As the
first multipoint, multiscale mission, HS gives an unprecedented view into the
nature of space plasma turbulence.
Acknowledgements We are deeply indebted to the incredible members
of the HelioSwarm science, engineering, and proposal teams whose tireless
efforts enabled this mission. Construction and analysis of the HelioSwarm
Observatory Design Reference Mission trajectories was supported in part
by the HelioSwarm Project funded under NASA’s Prime contract no.
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