Preflight Checks Overview
PitStop Pro
1. Copyrights............................................................................................................................................... 6
2. About this document............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Checks on PDF Standards.......................................................................................................................8
3.1 PDF/X Compliancy..................................................................................................................................8
3.2 PDF/A Compliancy..................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Embedded PostScript fragments...........................................................................................................9
3.4 Trapnet annotation (PDF/X)....................................................................................................................9
3.4.1 Trapnet annotations: PDF/X Requirements...............................................................................10
3.5 Version Key........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Pre-separated pages............................................................................................................................11
3.7 Unknown objects.................................................................................................................................. 11
3.8 Annotation in printable area................................................................................................................ 11
3.9 Output intent.........................................................................................................................................12
3.10 Default color spaces...........................................................................................................................12
4. Checks on Document.............................................................................................................................13
4.1 PDF Version.......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Compression not optimal.....................................................................................................................13
4.3 Compressed objects.............................................................................................................................13
4.4 Encoding............................................................................................................................................... 14
4.5 Damaged...............................................................................................................................................14
4.6 Trapnet annotation (flag)......................................................................................................................14
4.7 Binding.................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.8 Fast Web View...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.9 PostScript device needs....................................................................................................................... 15
4.10 Security usage.................................................................................................................................... 16
4.11 Security: Printing................................................................................................................................16
4.12 Security: High-resolution printing......................................................................................................16
4.13 Security: Copying or extracting content.............................................................................................16
4.14 Security: Content accessibility........................................................................................................... 17
4.15 Security: Editing content.................................................................................................................... 17
4.16 Security: Editing annotations and authorizations.............................................................................. 17
4.17 Security: Filling in form fields and signing........................................................................................17
4.18 Security: Document Assembly........................................................................................................... 17
4.19 Info: Title, Subject, Author, Keyword, Creator................................................................................... 18
4.20 Info: Producer.....................................................................................................................................18
4.21 Info: Date............................................................................................................................................ 18
5. Checks on Page..................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Page box layout.................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.1 Page boxes................................................................................................................................. 20
5.1.2 Page boxes: example................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.3 Press layout................................................................................................................................22
5.1.4 Screen viewing layout................................................................................................................ 22
5.2 Position media box............................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Different page sizes..............................................................................................................................23
5.4 Different page orientations.................................................................................................................. 23
5.5 Page size...............................................................................................................................................24
5.6 Page is scaled...................................................................................................................................... 24
5.7 Empty page........................................................................................................................................... 24
5.8 Number of pages..................................................................................................................................25
5.9 Objects outside page box..................................................................................................................... 25
5.10 Page size: fit to columns / fit to rows................................................................................................26
5.11 Safe type zone.................................................................................................................................... 26
5.11.1 Safety box and safe type zone................................................................................................. 27
5.12 Bleed................................................................................................................................................... 28
6. Checks on Transparency....................................................................................................................... 29
6.1 Transparency (with spot color/with overprint).....................................................................................29
6.2 No blending color space...................................................................................................................... 29
7. Checks on Color.................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Ink coverage......................................................................................................................................... 30
7.2 Color: RGB............................................................................................................................................30
7.2.1 Color management.....................................................................................................................31
7.3 Color: Calibrated RGB or gray.............................................................................................................31
7.4 Color: Impure gray............................................................................................................................... 32
7.5 Color: Impure black............................................................................................................................. 32
7.6 Color: Lab............................................................................................................................................. 32
7.7 Color: Indexed.......................................................................................................................................33
7.8 Number of separations........................................................................................................................ 33
7.9 Spot color..............................................................................................................................................33
7.10 Spot color "All"...................................................................................................................................34
7.11 Spot color: bad suffix......................................................................................................................... 34
7.12 Spot color: ambiguous....................................................................................................................... 35
7.13 Spot color: alternate...........................................................................................................................35
7.14 NChannel............................................................................................................................................ 35
7.15 ICC based............................................................................................................................................36
7.16 ICC: wrong profile text/line art or wrong profile images.................................................................. 36
7.16.1 About ICC profiles.................................................................................................................... 37
7.17 ICC: default color spaces...................................................................................................................37
7.18 Pattern or shading..............................................................................................................................37
7.19 Wrong color tints................................................................................................................................38
PitStop Pro
7.20 Wrong spot color................................................................................................................................ 38
7.21 Not suited for viewing........................................................................................................................ 38
7.22 Not suited for calibrated display........................................................................................................39
7.23 ICC: unwanted profile text/lineart or image...................................................................................... 39
8. Checks on Rendering............................................................................................................................ 40
8.1 Custom transfer curve......................................................................................................................... 40
8.2 Custom halftone................................................................................................................................... 40
8.3 Custom UCR or Custom BG................................................................................................................ 41
8.4 Rendering intent...................................................................................................................................41
8.5 Wrong intent text/line art or images................................................................................................... 42
8.5.1 Types of rendering intents.........................................................................................................42
8.6 Halftone phase......................................................................................................................................43
9. Checks on Font......................................................................................................................................44
9.1 TrueType font........................................................................................................................................44
9.2 Type 1 font............................................................................................................................................ 44
9.3 Type 3 font............................................................................................................................................ 45
9.4 Multiple Master font.............................................................................................................................45
9.5 City font.................................................................................................................................................46
9.6 Composite font..................................................................................................................................... 46
9.7 Font from Vendor................................................................................................................................. 46
9.8 Font Name............................................................................................................................................47
9.9 Not embedded...................................................................................................................................... 47
9.10 Embedded OpenType.......................................................................................................................... 48
9.11 Embedded completely/subset............................................................................................................ 48
9.12 Embedded completely for Composite................................................................................................49
9.13 Embedded Acrobat emulatable font.................................................................................................. 50
9.14 Font Style: Outline, Bold or Italic.......................................................................................................50
10. Checks on Text.................................................................................................................................... 51
10.1 Text size.............................................................................................................................................. 51
10.2 Black text............................................................................................................................................51
10.3 White text............................................................................................................................................ 52
10.4 Invisible text........................................................................................................................................53
11. Checks on Images............................................................................................................................... 54
11.1 Compression: Color/grayscale or 1-bit..............................................................................................54
11.1.1 Compression mechanisms explained......................................................................................54
11.2 JPEG compression ratio.....................................................................................................................55
11.3 16 bits per channel.............................................................................................................................56
11.4 Alternate images................................................................................................................................ 56
11.5 OPI.......................................................................................................................................................56
11.6 OPI is missing.....................................................................................................................................57
11.7 OPI is incompatible............................................................................................................................ 57
11.8 Image is rotated................................................................................................................................. 58
11.9 Image is flipped.................................................................................................................................. 58
11.10 Image is sheared.............................................................................................................................. 58
11.11 Image is scaled.................................................................................................................................58
11.12 Resolution......................................................................................................................................... 59
11.12.1 Image resolution.....................................................................................................................59
11.12.2 Resampling (downsampling) explained................................................................................. 60
12. Checks on Layers................................................................................................................................ 61
12.1 Layers..................................................................................................................................................61
13. Checks on Annotations........................................................................................................................ 62
13.1 Text type..............................................................................................................................................62
13.2 Other type........................................................................................................................................... 62
13.3 Print setting........................................................................................................................................ 63
13.4 External hyperlink...............................................................................................................................63
14. Checks on Other Objects..................................................................................................................... 64
14.1 JavaScript............................................................................................................................................64
14.2 Actions.................................................................................................................................................64
14.3 Form fields..........................................................................................................................................64
14.4 Thumbnails......................................................................................................................................... 65
14.5 Bookmarks..........................................................................................................................................65
14.6 Article Threads................................................................................................................................... 65
14.7 Unused destinations........................................................................................................................... 66
14.8 Marked content...................................................................................................................................66
15. Checks on Line Art.............................................................................................................................. 67
15.1 Line weight......................................................................................................................................... 67
15.2 Invisible Line Art.................................................................................................................................67
15.3 Nodes.................................................................................................................................................. 67
15.4 Flatness...............................................................................................................................................67
15.5 White line art...................................................................................................................................... 68
PitStop Pro
1. Copyrights
2016 Enfocus BVBA all rights reserved. Enfocus is an Esko company.
Certified PDF is a registered trademark of Enfocus BVBA.
Enfocus PitStop Pro, Enfocus PitStop Workgroup Manager, Enfocus PitStop Server, Enfocus
Connect YOU, Enfocus Connect ALL, Enfocus Connect SEND, Enfocus StatusCheck, Enfocus, Enfocus PDF Workflow Suite, Enfocus Switch, Enfocus SwitchClient, Enfocus
SwitchScripter and Enfocus Browser are product names of Enfocus BVBA.
Adobe, Acrobat, Distiller, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, FrameMaker, PDFWriter,
PageMaker, Adobe PDF Library
, the Adobe logo, the Acrobat logo and PostScript are
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Datalogics, the Datalogics logo, PDF2IMG
and DLE
are trademarks of Datalogics, Inc.
Apple, Mac, Mac OS, Macintosh, iPad and ColorSync are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2008
Server, Windows 2008 Server R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Colors displayed here may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult
current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE
and other Pantone, Inc.
trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.
Pantone, Inc., 2006.
OPI is a trademark of Aldus Corporation.
Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Monotype Baseline is a trademark of
Monotype Imaging Inc.
Quark, QuarkXPress, QuarkXTensions, XTensions and the XTensions logo among others, are
trademarks of Quark, Inc. and all applicable affiliated companies, Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. and
in many other countries.
This product and use of this product is under license from Markzware under U.S.Patent No.
Other brand and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders. All specifications, terms and descriptions of products and services are
subject to change without notice or recourse.
PitStop Pro
2. About this document
This documents gives an overview of the checks that can be enabled in a Preflight Profile. In this
document, the checks are subdivided into a number of categories similar to the way they are
represented in the Enfocus Preflight Profile Editor.
For more information about the configuration of Preflight checks (or the creation of Preflight
Profiles in general), refer to the PitStop Pro/Server Reference Guide on the Enfocus website.
For more information on the messages resulting from these checks, refer to the PitStop
Preflight Report Help, available as well on the Enfocus website.
PitStop Pro
3. Checks on PDF Standards
The PDF Standards category contains checks and fixes that are specific to one of the PDF/X or
PDF/A standards. However, there are more criteria a PDF document should meet to comply with
a PDF/X or PDF/A standard. These criteria are checks that you can find in the other categories
of the Enfocus Preflight Profile Editor. Examples are the PDF version, which can be checked in
the Document category, or the use of transparency (in the Transparency category).
To make it easier to verify PDF/X and PDF/A compliance, the Enfocus Preflight Profile Editor
has two special checks called PDF/X Compliancy and PDF/A Compliancy (see below). You can
use these checks to verify whether all the relevant properties of the PDF document comply with
the selected PDF/X or PDF/A standard. You can also select the corresponding fixes, all collected
in one single dialog.
3.1 PDF/X Compliancy
Allows you to check if the document is conform to the PDF/X specification of your choice.
Note: This is a global check which resolves any need for other PDF/X checks in this and
other categories of the Preflight Profile Editor. If you try to enable another check that is
already covered by this check, a warning appears.
Supported versions
Possible fixes
As the PDF/X Compliancy checks includes a number of different checks, several problems may
be detected. You can choose which ones to fix automatically. Note that there are different fixes
for different PDF/X versions.
To enable the appropriate fix(es)
1. Select the Make PDF/X-(version) compliant checkbox.
2. Click Edit Fixes.
3. In the right pane, double-click the fixes you want to enable.
4. Configure the fixes in the left pane.
5. Click OK.
PitStop Pro
3.2 PDF/A Compliancy
Allows you to check if the document is conform to the PDF/A specification of your choice.
Note: This is a global check which resolves any need for other PDF/A checks in this and
other categories of the Preflight Profile Editor. If you try to enable another check that is
already covered by this check, a warning appears.
Supported versions
Possible fixes
As the PDF/A Compliancy checks includes a number of different checks, several problems
may be detected. You can choose which ones to fix automatically. There are different fixes for
different PDF/A versions.
To enable the appropriate fix(es)
1. Select the Make PDF/A-(version) compliant checkbox.
2. Click Edit Fixes.
3. In the right pane, double-click the fixes you want to enable.
4. Configure the fixes in the left pane.
5. Click OK.
3.3 Embedded PostScript fragments
Allows you to find all fragments of embedded PostScript in the PDF document.
Embedded PostScript fragments do not show up in the screen preview, but could change the
appearance of the printed document. They are generally undesirable in a print production
Possible fixes
PitStop can remove the embedded PostScript fragments.
3.4 Trapnet annotation (PDF/X)
Allows you to check if the PDF document contains trapnet information conform to the PDF/X
In printing, even the slightest misregistration of the plates can cause gaps or color
shifts between colored objects to appear. Trapping is a technique that compensates for
PitStop Pro
misregistration by expanding adjacent colored objects so that they overlap. Trapping can be
performed by the source application, in the PDF, by dedicated trapping tools, or during the RIP-
If the traps in a document were added before the PDF document was created, they are included
in the PDF file as trap networks. A page may have more than one trap network, e.g. one for each
intended output device, but all the different trap networks are stored in the same trap network,
also called trapnet annotation. When printed, the trapnet annotation provides all the required
trapping information for the page.
For more information, refer to Trapnet annotations: PDF/X Requirements on page 10.
Note: If you want to search for a particular trapped flag, you can enable another trapnet
annotation check, i.e. in the Document category. See Trapnet annotation (flag) on page
Possible fixes
There is no separate fix available. However, if you select the PDF/X Compliancy check and the
corresponding fix (Make PDF/X compliant), you have the possibility to enable the Trapped flag
3.4.1 Trapnet annotations: PDF/X Requirements
When trapnet annotations are found in the document, PDF/X-1a:2001 requires that:
The trapped flag in the document is set to either True or False (Unknown is not allowed).
If the trapped flag is False, the document does not contain trapnet annotations.
If the trapped flag is True, the document is completely trapped, and the document contains
trapnet annotations.
Font substitution is not used.
The CMYK color space is used.
When trapnet annotations are found in the document, PDF/X-3:2002 requires that:
Trapping occurs only when all the fonts in the document are embedded.
The CMYK color space is used.
3.5 Version Key
Allows you to check if the PDF/X version key is set to the version of your choice.
Supported versions
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
PitStop can set the PDF/X version key to the appropriate version.
Note: Remember that changing the version key does not in itself change the compliance
of the document with one of the PDF/X standards. It will however allow you to continue
and to certify your PDF.
3.6 Pre-separated pages
Allows you to check if the PDF document contains pages that already have been separated.
A pre-separated PDF contains pages that have been separated into their CMYK components.
In offset printing each of these colors is printed with a separate plate. This means that each
page in a PDF document is separated into its four constituent colors: cyan, magenta, yellow and
black. For example, a pre-separated PDF file for a two-page CMYK print job, results in a PDF file
with 8 pages.
This separation process is usually carried out by the RIP, and not in the source PDF document.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided. Problems will have to be fixed in the source application.
3.7 Unknown objects
Allows you to check if the document contains unknown objects.
Unknown objects in this context are objects that are not defined in the PDF 1.3 standard. The
PDF/X standards require all objects in the document to be “known”, or defined in the PDF 1.3
This avoids differences in output between older and newer RIPs, for example. Older RIPs may
not be able to process certain objects, and produce blank pages, whereas a more recent RIP can
deal with those objects correctly and will produce the intended output.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
3.8 Annotation in printable area
Allows you to check if the document contains annotations (other than trapnet annotations) inside
the printable area.
The printable area is defined by the bleedbox if it is present; otherwise the trim box is used. The
PDF/X standards do not allow annotations in the printable area of a document, because they
may be printed on top of the page contents, which can lead to an undesirable output.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
PitStop can either remove the annotations inside the printable area, or move them outside the
printable area.
3.9 Output intent
Allows you to verify that the Output Intent is present and valid according to the selected PDF/X
According to the PDF/X standards, a PDF document must contain information on the intended
output. The output intent identifies what the final output destination of the document is, enabling
everybody involved in the workflow to take the output intent into account. For example, a color
proof may take into account the type of paper on which the document will be printed.
Possible fixes
If the output intent of a PDF is not valid according to the PDF/X standards, the fix depends on the
If an ICC profile or an ICC characterization is defined, although it shouldn't, PitStop can
remove it.
If the ICC profile or the ICC characterization is defined, but does not match the required
version, PitStop can replace it with a selected version.
3.10 Default color spaces
Allows you to verify whether the default color spaces conform to the PDF/X standard.
Objects in a PDF document, i.e. text, line art or images, can be tagged with an ICC profile. This
is called using ICC profiles “at object level”, which is quite common. However, ICC profiles can
also be defined at a “higher level”, such as pages. For example, a page in a PDF document can
contain RGB images and it can have an RGB ICC profile assigned “at page level”. In this case,
the RIP will apply the ICC profile to all RGB objects on that page. This mechanism is referred to
as “default color spaces”.
There is a rule in the PDF/X-3:2002 standard saying that default color spaces must be present
for all colors that are not covered by the output intent. This means that if the output intent is
CMYK, for example, the following rules apply:
CMYK and gray objects do not require default color space definitions.
A default RGB ICC profile needs to be assigned to all pages on which RGB objects are used.
This check verifies that the default color spaces are present and valid according to PDF/X rules.
If they are not, you will need to add default color spaces.
Possible fixes
If the color spaces do not comply, PitStop can set the color spaces using the ICC profiles (for
Gray, RGB and CMYK) of your choice.
PitStop Pro
4. Checks on Document
4.1 PDF Version
Allows you to check if a particular Acrobat or PDF version is used in the PDF.
There is a difference between the version number of the PDF standard used by the document
and the version number of Adobe Acrobat with which the document is compatible. For example,
PDF 1.3 is supported by Adobe Acrobat 4.x and later. The Acrobat version is the sum of the two
numbers that make up the PDF version, for example: PDF 1.7 = Acrobat 8.
If a PDF document uses an Adobe Acrobat or PDF version that is higher than supported by your
workflow, problems may occur. For this reason, you should consider using versions which are
earlier than the most recent one for documents that will be widely distributed.
Possible fixes
If the Acrobat or PDF version is different than expected, PitStop can change it to the desired
4.2 Compression not optimal
Checks if the latest and most efficient compression mechanisms have been applied in the PDF
Compression mechanisms are used to reduce the file size of a PDF. Previous versions of Adobe
Acrobat (2.1, 3.0, 4.0) featured less advanced compression mechanisms; this check allows you
to find and correct them.
If your document contains objects which were left uncompressed for a specific reason, for
example to preserve metadata, select the option Ignore non-compressed objects.
Possible fixes
Enable the Use ZIP compression where applicable checkbox.
4.3 Compressed objects
Checks if the document has been compressed using the PDF Optimizer feature in Adobe Acrobat
6.x or later versions.
Compressing the document structure information (including tags, accessibility features
and tagged PDF information) results in a smaller file size. However, this can cause version
compatibility problems. A PDF file with document structure compression can be opened and
printed in Adobe Acrobat 5.0, but any structure information will not be visible in Adobe Acrobat
5.0. Only Adobe Acrobat 6.x and later versions can use compressed structure information as if it
were uncompressed.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
Remove object compression.
4.4 Encoding
Checks if the PDF file contains ASCII- or binary-encoded elements.
ASCII encoding was formerly required to ensure that PDF files could be safely transported via e-
mail or the Internet. However, most e-mail software in use today handles non-ASCII documents
normally, eliminating the need to ASCII-encode your document. The increase in file size when
you use ASCII encoding can be substantial.
Possible fixes
Change the encoding to the desired format (ASCII or binary).
4.5 Damaged
Checks if the PDF file is damaged.
A PDF file can be damaged, for example, if you downloaded it from the Internet and the file
transfer was incomplete.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.6 Trapnet annotation (flag)
Checks if the PDF's trapped flag is set to a specific status.
The trapped flag in a PDF document indicates whether the document has been "trapped", i.e.
corrected for slight color misregistrations, or not. The trapped flag must be defined in PDF/X
The flag can be set to:
True: The document has been trapped, or the document creator has decided that it should
not be trapped.
False: The document has not been trapped.
Unknown: The document status is not certain.
Note: The status Unknown leaves room for errors in the workflow and should be
avoided, especially if you cannot contact the document creator for details on PDF
document’s trapping.
Note that you can also check if the trapnet annotation conforms to the PDF/X standard, by
selecting the corresponding check in the PDF Standards category. See Trapnet annotation (PDF/
X) on page 9.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
You can immediately change the trapped flag as required.
4.7 Binding
Checks if the PDF is bound on the left or on the right.
Left-edge or right-edge binding affects the way the pages of a PDF document are arranged
when they are viewed in the Continuous-Facing page layout.
The binding should be set to match the reading direction of the text:
Left-edge for text read from left to right. Use this setting for documents intended for a
Western audience.
Right-edge for text read from right to left.
Possible fixes
If you are searching for left-edge binding, you can immediately change it into right-edge binding
and vice versa.
4.8 Fast Web View
Checks if the PDF is optimized for the Web.
A document that has been optimized for the Web often has a significantly smaller file size. This
is achieved by replacing images that occur more than once in the document with pointers to the
first instance of these images. Also, the PDF document is restructured to allow page-at-a-time
downloading over the Internet: only the page viewed by the user is downloaded, thus avoiding
long loading times for larger PDF documents.
This Adobe Acrobat feature is called Fast Web View and it enables page-at-a-time downloading
of the PDF document. If you are planning to publish the PDF document on the Internet, you
should make sure Fast Web View is enabled.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.9 PostScript device needs
Checks if the document contains PostScript Level 3-specific features such as transparency
or smooth shadings. If this is the case, you need a PostScript Level 3 output device to obtain
high-quality output, as older printer drivers and printers cannot interpret the feature found in
PostScript Level 3.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
4.10 Security usage
Checks the PDF's security settings to see if the document is secured, and if so, which type of
security (linked to the Adobe Acrobat version) is used.
You have the following options:
An Acrobat version (4-7)
"none" (if the document should have no security settings enabled)
"any" (if the document should have security, but the exact type is not important)
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.11 Security: Printing
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow users to print the PDF.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.12 Security: High-resolution printing
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow high-resolution printing.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.13 Security: Copying or extracting content
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow copying or extracting content from the
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
4.14 Security: Content accessibility
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow accessibility software for the visually
impaired (such as a screen reader) to use the content of the PDF.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.15 Security: Editing content
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow users to make modifications to the
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.16 Security: Editing annotations and authorizations
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow users to edit existing annotations and
to create form fields in the document.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.17 Security: Filling in form fields and signing
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow users to complete or modify existing
form fields in the PDF.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.18 Security: Document Assembly
Checks whether or not the PDF's security settings allow users to insert, delete and rotate pages
and create bookmarks and thumbnails.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
4.19 Info: Title, Subject, Author, Keyword, Creator
Checks the content of the document properties of the PDF.
The document properties of a PDF include basic information about the PDF, such as the title, the
author, the document creator, .... Some of this information is set by the person who created the
PDF, some is set by Adobe Acrobat.
You can search for a particular string, for example: Title contains "Enfocus".
To search for more than one string, use a comma to separate the strings, for
example: "Enfocus, Esko".
In more recent versions of Adobe Acrobat, "Creator" info is called "Application" info.
Possible fixes
You can automatically change the document property as required. For example, if the Author
contains "JS, John Smith, John", you could change this to "John Smith" as required.
4.20 Info: Producer
Searches for the producer of the document in the document properties of the PDF. The producer
refers to the application used to generate the PDF, for example Acrobat Distiller XI. You can
Whether or not the producer is defined.
If it is defined, whether or not it contains a particular string (e.g. "PDFWriter")
The document properties of a PDF include basic information about the PDF, such as the title, the
author, the document creator, .... Some of this information is set by the person who created the
PDF, some is set by Adobe Acrobat.
Note: To search for more than one string, use a comma to separate the strings, for
example: "InDesign, Photoshop".
Possible fixes
If the producer is not defined, you can automatically set this field to "unknown". It is not possible
to change the producer in the Document properties field.
4.21 Info: Date
Checks if the modification or creation date is set in the document properties of the PDF.
PitStop Pro
The document properties of a PDF include basic information about the PDF, such as the title, the
author, the document creator, .... Some of this information is set by the person who created the
PDF, some is set by Adobe Acrobat.
Possible fixes
If the creation and/or modification date is missing, you can automatically fill out the current
PitStop Pro
5. Checks on Page
At the top of the screen, you must select the page box that defines the page size (regardless of
the checks you select from the pane at the right).
5.1 Page box layout
Checks if the page box layout of your document conforms to the layout of your choice.
Page boxes are imaginary rectangles drawn around the various objects in the page and around
the page itself. You cannot see these page boxes if you look at a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat
without one of the supported PDF editing tools. The page boxes define, for example, how
your PDF document will be displayed in Adobe Acrobat and how it will be printed. For more
information, refer to Page boxes on page 20 and Page boxes: example on page 22.
There are two sets of rules describing the page box layout of a document. Documents that are
intended for on-screen use have to conform to the Screen Viewing Layout. Documents that will be
printed need to follow the Press Layout rules.
How to proceed
Select the page box layout you want to check. If you want to check a press layout, you must as
well define the minimum distance between the page boxes and the size of the crop box.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically change the page box layout so that it complies with the layout of your
If you choose the Screen Viewing Layout, the crop box/media box will be derived from the first
page box (out of the list below) that is present on the page. Use the Up and Down button to move
the preferred page box to the top of the list. For example, if bleed box is the first item in the list,
the crop box/media box will be derived from the bleed box if found in the PDF; if the bleed box is
not found, the second page box in the list will be searched for, and so on.
If you choose the Press Layout, the trim box will be derived from the first page box (out of the
list below) that is present on the page. Use the Up and Down button to move the preferred page
box to the top of the list. For example, if bleed box is the first item in the list, and art box is the
second, the trim box will be derived from the bleed box, if found; if there is no bleed box found,
the trim box will be derived from the art box; if there is no art box, the third page box in the list
will be searched for, and so on.
5.1.1 Page boxes
The illustration below shows the various types of page boxes.
PitStop Pro
A - Media box
B - Bleed box
C - Trim box
Media box
The media box is the largest page box. The media box corresponds to the page size (e.g. A4+,
A5+, US Letter etc.) that you selected when you printed your document to a PostScript or PDF
file. In other words, the media box determines the physical size of the media on which the PDF
document is displayed or printed.
Bleed box
If you use bleed in your document, the PDF document should also have a bleed box. Bleed is
the amount of color (or any other artwork) that extends beyond the edge of a page. You can use
bleed to make sure that, when the document is printed, the ink will be printed to the edge of the
Trim box
The trim box indicates the final size of a document after printing and trimming.
Crop box
The crop box is the “page” size at which your PDF document is displayed in Adobe Acrobat. In
normal view, only the contents of the crop box are displayed in Adobe Acrobat.
If the crop box is equal to the trim box, the finished page is what you will see in Adobe Acrobat.
If the crop box is equal to the media box, you will see the whole page including registration and
printer marks.
Art box
The last type of page box is the art box. It defines an area of the page (e.g. an image) that can be
positioned in a page layout application.
PitStop Pro
The art box must always be smaller than the bleed box. However, the art and trim boxes may
have the same dimensions.
5.1.2 Page boxes: example
Suppose you create a cover for a magazine in the following steps:
1. You decide that the size of the cover after printing and trimming will be A5 (148 x 210 mm).
This will be the size of the trim box.
2. You are also using a background color which extends to the left, right and bottom edge of
the page. To this end, you use 5 mm of bleed on both sides of the page and on the bottom.
Consequently, the size of the bleed box will be 158 x 215 mm.
3. You place this artwork on a blank page in a desktop publishing program. The size of the
blank page is 180 x 260 mm. This will become the crop box in Adobe Acrobat.
4. Finally, you print this file to a PostScript file (and create a PDF document of it later). When
selecting a printer driver, you specify that the page size has to be A4 (210 x 297 mm),
because printer and registration marks have to fit on the page. This will be the size of the
media box.
5.1.3 Press layout
The press layout may have been set as follows in the Preflight Profile:
The outer box must be the media box.
The bleed box must lie inside or can be equal to the media box.
The trim box must lie inside or can be equal to the trim box.
The layout should have no crop box or the crop box should be equal to the media box.
Note: It is also possible for the different page boxes to coincide. For example, if
the distance between the media box and the bleed box has been defined as 0 mm,
they coincide. This is also allowed for press layout. Art boxes are not allowed in the
5.1.4 Screen viewing layout
The desired page box layout for documents that are intended to be viewed on-screen only, the
requirements are:
The page is defined solely by the crop box.
If there is a crop box present, it should be the same size as the media box.
No other press-specific page boxes should be present.
PitStop Pro
5.2 Position media box
Checks if the position of the media box is not at position 0,0.
The media box is the largest page box and defines the size of the physical medium on which the
page will be printed or displayed. Some applications don't give the lower left 0,0 coordinates, but
for example 100,100, which will cause problems when preflighting the file.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically move the lower left corner of the media box to the correct position.
5.3 Different page sizes
Checks whether all pages in a PDF have the same size.
If a PDF contains pages of different sizes, this may cause problems during the printing process.
The page size is based on the selected page box (See the option Page size is defined by the
(appropriate page box) in the top left corner of this screen).
Possible fixes
If the pages have different sizes, you can automatically fix the issue by increasing or decreasing
the size of the pages to match the size of the smallest or largest page in the document.
Alternatively, you can determine a custom size, e.g. 21 cm by 29.7 cm.
Note that the unit displayed in your Preflight Profile (e.g. cm or pt) is set in the PitStop Pro
Preferences (Units & Guides category) and can be changed there if needed.
You can also determine how the contents of the pages in your document will be moved (or
scaled) to best fit their new page size, by choosing an option from the Moving page contents to
list. If you choose the option Anchor point, a graphic appears in which you can click the small
square and drag it to the desired position.
5.4 Different page orientations
Checks if all the pages in a PDF have the same orientation (portrait, landscape). A document
that combines portrait and landscape pages may cause problems in certain workflows.
Note: This check is often used to detect whether Adobe Acrobat Distiller has
automatically rotated pages while creating the PDF document.
Possible fixes
If not all pages have the same page orientation, you can enable the fix to change the page layout
to either portrait, landscape or the orientation that is used most in the PDF.
PitStop Pro
5.5 Page size
Checks whether the pages in a document all have a particular size (taking into account a certain
deviation, as specified in the Precision field).
Possible fixes
Enable the option to automatically change the page size to the dimensions of your choice.
Note that the unit displayed in your Preflight Profile (e.g. cm or pt) is set in the PitStop Pro
Preferences (Units & Guides category) and can be changed there if needed.
You can also determine how the contents of the pages in your document will be moved (or
scaled) to best fit their new page size, by choosing an option from the Moving page contents to
list. If you choose the option Anchor point, a graphic appears in which you can click the small
square and drag it to the desired position.
5.6 Page is scaled
Checks whether the page scaling factor is set.
The maximum page size in Adobe Acrobat is 200 x 200 inches (approximately 5 x 5 metres).
Adobe Acrobat 7.x (PDF 1.6) and later versions support page scaling factors, which extend the
(virtual) page size to 15 000 000 x 15 000 000 inches (381 x 381 km). This means that you can
create your original document on a specific scale, for example 1/100, and include a specific
scaling factor for that page (100).
Possible fixes
You can apply a page scaling factor or remove it:
If you apply the page scaling factor, it is actually removed and the page is scaled to
If you remove the page scaling factor, the page scaling factor is not applied and the page is
reverted to its original size.
For example, a page of 10 by 10 inches and a page scaling factor 2 will be displayed and printed
as a page of 20 by 20 inches.
If you apply the page scaling factor, the actual page size will become 20 by 20 inches.
If you remove the page scaling factor, the page size will be at 10 by 10 inches again.
Note: The page scaling factor will not be applied when the page size (or objects on the
edge of the page) would exceed the maximum page size supported by Adobe Acrobat.
The Preflight Report lists the message: Failed to apply page scaling factor.
5.7 Empty page
Checks whether the document contains pages without content.
PitStop Pro
Additionally, you can specify that elements outside of a specific page box should be ignored.
For example, if the page only contains registration marks (outside the trim box), it will not be
considered empty, unless you select Check only objects inside trim box.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically remove all empty pages from the document.
5.8 Number of pages
Allows you to check:
The exact number of pages in the document.
Whether the number of pages in the document is odd or even.
Whether the number of pages in the document is a multiple of a number of your choice.
Some workflows require a specific number of pages, e.g. a newspaper advertising flow might
require documents to consist of one page only.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically add blank pages to your document until it has the required number of
To add pages to the document until the total number of pages equals the value you provide,
select Until total number of and enter the total number of pages.
To add pages to the end of the document until the total page count reaches a multiple of the
value you provide, select Until multiple of and enter a value. For example, to make the total
number of pages even, enter “2”.
5.9 Objects outside page box
Allows you to check if the document contains one or more objects (graphics, text, etc.) that lie
completely outside the specified page box.
This typically happens if the PDF is modified after the document creation, for example if the size
of the media box is changed. In the example below, the media box was changed from A4 to US
Letter format, without moving or scaling the page contents.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically remove all objects that lie outside the specified page box.
5.10 Page size: fit to columns / fit to rows
Checks whether any of the pages in the PDF document have a:
Horizontal page size (i.e. page width) that is not a multiple of a specific column width, taking
into account the column spacing.
Vertical page size (i.e. page height) that is not a multiple of a specific row height, taking into
account the row spacing.
This allows you to ensure that the page size of your document fits your column and/or row
Possible fixes
Enable the option to automatically scale the page width and/or page height.
Note that the unit displayed in your Preflight Profile (e.g. cm or pt) is set in the PitStop Pro
Preferences (Units & Guides category) and can be changed there if needed.
5.11 Safe type zone
Allows you to search the document for any objects (e.g. text or graphics) that overlap with a
specific page box, or with a specific page box minus a specific margin. This page box defines the
“safe type zone”.
You should not place any text or objects in the safe type zone (unless these objects are intended
as bleed), because the objects in this area may print partly or not at all. Fore more details, refer
to Safety box and safe type zone on page 27.
Tip: You can also use this check to make sure that the contents of the pages are not too
close to the binding, making it hard to read. To this end you would check for elements
inside the trim box, minus a specific margin on the binding side.
How to proceed
1. Define the safe type zone as one of the page boxes.
2. Optionally define values for the left, right, top and/or bottom margin.
PitStop Pro
3. To make sure that even and odd pages are mirrored, select Mirror horizontal margins. This
is recommended if the left and right margin have a different size.
Figure 1: Mirror horizontal margins illustrated
A = Mirror horizontal margins is not selected. Margins of odd and even pages are the
same; the left margin is larger than the right margin.
B = Mirror horizontal margins is selected. Odd and even pages are mirrored; the outer
margin is smaller than the inner margin.
4. To only check for text in the page safe type zone, select the Check text only checkbox.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
5.11.1 Safety box and safe type zone
The safety box is not really a page box in the strict sense of the word: it is not a page box type
which is stored in the PDF document. The safety box is a visual area which is a bit smaller than
the trim box. It contains all text, or other objects, which must always be visible on the printed
and finished document. The area between the safety box and the trim box is called the safe type
zone: this is the zone where you must not place any text or objects, unless these objects are
intended as bleed.
PitStop Pro
A - Media box
B - Trim box
C - Safety type zone
D - Safety box
The safety box is intended to compensate for incorrect finishing:
The pages can be cut slightly off the trim marks and a bit more to the “inside” of the pages.
Text or objects would then be cut off by accident.
The pages can be punched and the punching holes can perforate the text or objects which
are too close to the edge of the page.
5.12 Bleed
Allows you to check whether the document contains objects situated close to the page edge
without enough bleed.
Bleed is the amount of color (or any other artwork) that extends beyond the edge of the page.
For printing, (a small) bleed is used to make sure that the ink will be printed to the edge of the
page after trimming, even if the page has been cut slightly off the trim marks. Objects that are
too close to the page edge may be cut off when printed.
How to proceed
1. In the first section, specify which part of the trim box should be checked by specifying
the distance to the trim box. Select Mirror horizontal margins if the margins should be
swapped for even and odd pages; in that case you specify outer and innner margin instead of
left and right margin.
2. In the second section, specify the desired bleed area (margin to the trim or bleed box).
Enable Mirror horizontal margins as required.
3. If you want to check subpaths of compound paths separately, select Treat subpaths of
compound paths individually.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically enlarge all rectangular objects close to the page edge on all the pages
in your PDF document.
PitStop Pro
6. Checks on Transparency
6.1 Transparency (with spot color/with overprint)
Allows you to check whether the document contains objects with transparency.
There are three different checks:
Transparency: checks if the PDF contains transparent objects.
Transparency with spot color: only checks if the PDF contains transparent obects that use a
spot color.
Transparency with overprint: only checks if the PDF contains transparent obects that are
set to overprint.
Transparency can cause some problems if you view the document in Adobe Acrobat4.0 or
earlier: transparent objects can be rendered incorrectly.
A transparent layer can also cause problems when you transpose the PostScript code of your
PDF document to the halftone information of your printer (the “ripping”).
A typical example is saving graphics with transparent elements as PDF compatible with Acrobat
5.0 in Adobe Illustrator 9.0 or Adobe InDesign 2.0. In Adobe Acrobat 4.0, transparent objects in
your PDF document are displayed and printed opaque, but transparency is not removed. If you
open the same PDF document in Adobe Acrobat 5.x, the transparent objects will look (and print)
fine again.
Possible fixes
PitStop can automatically remove the transparent objects found in the document.
If you searched for transparency with spot colors, you can also set the found objects to
overprint; if you searched for transparency with overprint, you can set the found objects to
6.2 No blending color space
Allows you to check whether or not the PDF has a blending color space.
When Adobe Acrobat interprets transparent objects and attempts to create a preview of the
flattened artwork, it needs to do so using a single color space for all the items involved in the
transparency group. This color space is called the blending color space.
The entire page is also considered a transparency group, and needs to be assigned a blending
color space as well (it is used when individual artwork does not have a blending color space).
This is the page blending color space.
Possible fixes
If no color page is present, you can automatically set the page blending color space to CMYK,
Gray or RGB as required.
PitStop Pro
7. Checks on Color
The following checks allow you to check color-related properties of the PDF.
7.1 Ink coverage
Allows you to check the ink coverage, i.e. the combination of the four components of the CMYK
color used in the PDF. You can perform either a basic object or a full page check:
A basic object check allows you to inspect the total amount of ink of an object, ignoring
overlap, overprint, transparency, masking etc. You can either include or exclude images from
this check.
A page check allows you to inspect the full page taking into account all objects as well as
overprint, transparency, masking, ...
This check helps you to limit the total ink coverage. A high ink coverage is undesirable because:
Ink pigments are by nature imperfect and the resulting colors are likely to be less sharp.
For example, black created through combining 100% cyan, magenta and yellow appears as
muddy brown when printed.
High ink coverage results in oversaturation of the printing paper. Large amounts of ink are
applied to the page, which is likely to stretch, warp or tear. In addition, the ink dries more
Using unnecessary amounts of ink adds to the printing costs.
How to proceed
1. Select the appropriate check (basic objects or page).
2. In case of a basic object check, select the Include images checkbox as required.
3. If very small areas with a higher ink coverage may be ignored, enter a value in the Ignore
areas smaller than box. For example, if you enter '1 cm', areas smaller than 1cm2
exceeding the maximum ink coverage will not be reported.
4. Determine the page box that should be checked (full page check) or in which the objects
should be checked (basic object check).
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
7.2 Color: RGB
Allows you to check if a document contains RGB colors.
RGB colors are ideal for on-screen viewing but usually undesirable in a print production
workflow. They have to be converted according to the appropriate color model.
Possible fixes
Automatically convert all RGB colors to CMYK.
PitStop Pro
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
7.2.1 Color management
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management.
You can enable color management in PitStop Pro:
By selecting Enable color management in the Color Management category of your Preflight
Profile and specifying the appropriate ICC color profiles to use whenever conversions are
made during preflighting and PDF editing.
By enabling color management in the PitStop Pro preferences:
1. Open the Enfocus PitStop Pro Preferences dialog:
On Windows, choose Edit > Preferences > Enfocus PitStop Pro Preferences... .
On Mac OS, choose Acrobat > Preferences > Enfocus PitStop Pro Preferences... .
2. Select the Color Management category.
3. Select the appropriate Preset. Note that you can double-click the Presets, to edit or view
the content. You can also create your own Preset as required. Refer to the PitStop Pro
Reference Guide on the Enfocus website.
4. Click Apply.
7.3 Color: Calibrated RGB or gray
Allows you to check if the document contains calibrated gray or calibrated RGB.
The reproduction of a color or a grayscale slightly differs from an input device (e.g., a scanner or
a digital camera) to an output device (e.g., a computer screen). That is why the colors on screen
can be different from the colors produced when you print the PDF on an output device.
To prevent this, calibrated colors contain information on how each device (e.g., a color screen)
compensates its standard settings in order to faithfully reproduce colors.
For example, the calibrated color mentions that screen X has to add 5% of red to obtain the
intended color. In this case, the input and output devices of the workflow as well as the display
screen of the document are calibrated.
Calibrated colors are usualy unwanted, unless you work in a totally calibrated workflow.
Possible fixes
Automatically convert all RGB colors to CMYK.
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
PitStop Pro
7.4 Color: Impure gray
Allows you to trace if the document contains RGB-based gray or impure CMYK gray colors.
Shades of gray can be reproduced on-screen by combining an identical percentage of red,
green, and blue. However, the print equivalent, produced by mixing identical amounts of cyan,
magenta, and yellow inks, may result in a muddy brown color due to impurities in the inks used.
This undesired effect can be avoided by using the gray color space or by only using the black
component for CMYK colors. This way, shades of gray are produced by adding more or less
black ink, and without using any other inks.
Possible fixes
Automatically replace instances of impure gray with real gray.
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
7.5 Color: Impure black
Allows you to check if the document contains RGB-based black.
Black can be reproduced on-screen by assigning a very low value to the red, green, and blue
channels. The equivalent CMYK black may not be accurate and uses unnecessary CMY colored
inks to produce a black color. “Real” black, reproduced in print only by black ink, is more
Possible fixes
Automatically replace instances of impure gray with real black.
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
7.6 Color: Lab
This check enables you to identify all the occurrences of Lab colors.
The Lab color space (CIE) is a device-independent color space. It is used as a reference point by
the color management systems. If Lab colors are used as a reference, the color management
system can compare the color gamuts from the devices. The Lab color space is broad enough to
contain all the colors viewable to the human eye.
Note: For more information on the color gamuts and the color spaces, see the Adobe
Acrobat Help (in the section Producing Consistent Color > About color models), or
consult one of the many other industry-wide resources available.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
Automatically replace lab colors to their CMYK equivalents.
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
7.7 Color: Indexed
Allows you to check whether the document contains indexed colors.
The indexed color space uses no more than 256 colors, and is as such particularly suited for
use in Web applications. Images are typically converted to indexed color mode in order to
decrease their file sizes. When an image is converted to indexed color, a color lookup table
is created, in which the colors that were used in the image are stored and indexed. Using an
indexed color table lets you reduce the file size of an image while maintaining the visual quality
that you need.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
7.8 Number of separations
Allows you to check the number of separations in a document.
In offset printing, one plate is used for each of the CMYK colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black).
As a result, a document's colors need to be separated to prepare it for offset printing. Each of
the plates is inked with one color, and printed in register with the others, so that together the
four layers of color combine to produce the original artwork. Additional separations (beyond the
CMYK plates) can be caused by the presence of spot colors in the document.
The desired number of separations in a document depends on the intended printing method:
CMYK: The number of separations must be equal to 0 (the four CMYK plates and the spot
color All are not taken into account). If this is not the case (i.e. a spot color or RGB color
separation was detected), an error will be logged in the report, saying there are more colors
than cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
Spot color: One or more spot colors will be used. In other terms, there must be more
separations than 0 (not counting the CMYK separations and the spot color All).
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
7.9 Spot color
Allows you to check if the document contains spot colors, possibly only within a specific page
box (see Page boxes on page 20 for more information).
PitStop Pro
Spot colors are printed with special premixed inks, used instead of, or in addition to, CMYK
inks (also known as process colors). Spot color printing requires a separate plate for every spot
color, whereas process color printing only uses four plates, one for each of the four basic CMYK
Spot colors are especially well suited for offset printing, but should be used with caution when
creating documents for digital output or monitor display.
Note: Spot colors are also more expensive to print.
Possible fixes
You can automatically convert all detected spot colors to CMYK.
7.10 Spot color "All"
Allows you to check if the document contains spot colors, possibly only within a specific page
box (see Page boxes on page 20 for more information).
Spot colors are printed with special premixed inks, used instead of, or in addition to, CMYK
inks (also known as process colors). Spot color printing requires a separate plate for every spot
color, whereas process color printing only uses four plates, one for each of the four basic CMYK
Spot colors are especially well suited for offset printing, but should be used with caution when
creating documents for digital output or monitor display.
Note: Spot colors are also more expensive to print.
Possible fixes
You can automatically convert all detected spot colors to CMYK.
7.11 Spot color: bad suffix
Allows you to check if the document contains spot colors that are identical except for their
The suffix in a spot color name indicates whether, for example, the color is coated or uncoated.
Some workflows use only coated colors, others use only uncoated colors, so all spot colors need
to use the correct suffix:
To make sure that the correct spot color is used.
To make sure that two spot colors that have the same name, but different suffixes, are
printed on the same plate instead of making 2 plates.
Possible fixes
You can automatically change the offending spot color names to use the correct suffix.
PitStop Pro
For example, suppose you configure the Preflight Profile to detect all colors with suffix
different from C (=Coated). If a spot color with suffix U (=Uncoated) is detected, its suffix will
automatically be changed to C.
7.12 Spot color: ambiguous
Allows you to check if the document contains ambiguously defined spot colors.
Two spot colors are considered to be ambiguously defined when they have:
The same name and different CMYK values, for example when you have integrated a graphic
with a spot color from a drawing program in a DTP program, in which you also used this spot
color but with different CMYK values.
Different names and the same CMYK values, for example after combining two PDF docu-
ments that both use the company logo’s spot color but under different names, such as
“company blue” vs. “logo blue”.
The danger of these ambiguous definitions lies in the fact that:
These spot colors will appear as differing colors on screen or when printed with process
colors, but they will print as one and the same color when printed with spot color inks (if they
have the same name and different CMYK values).
These spot colors will appear as the same color on screen, but will be separated onto two
spot color plates using the same color (if they have different names and the same CMYK
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
7.13 Spot color: alternate
Allows you to check if the PDF contains spot colors with an alternate color space definition other
than CMYK or Gray.
The alternate color space is used as a ‘backup’ color space when the original spot color is not
available on a specific output device, and when converting the spot color into CMYK.
If this alternate color space is defined as anything other than CMYK or plain gray, the output
results may not be up to standards.
Possible fixes
You can automatically convert the offending alternate color space to CMYK.
7.14 NChannel
Allows you to detect objects for which the NChannel color space has been used. NChannel is an
extension of the DeviceN color space, a multi-component, device-dependent color space. This
means that you can use color components, for example multiple spot colors, on top of the tradi-
tional ones: RGB or CMYK.
PitStop Pro
NChannel is supported from PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x) onwards, which implies that colors can print
or display incorrectly if the PDF document is opened in earlier versions of Adobe Acrobat. The
NChannel information, however, will be maintained if you edit the PDF document in one of these
earlier versions of Adobe Acrobat: the colors will be displayed correctly again if you open and
view the PDF document in Acrobat 7.
Possible fixes
You can automatically convert the colors from the NChannel color space back to DeviceN.
DeviceN is supported as of PDF 1.3/Acrobat 4.
7.15 ICC based
Allows you to detect all occurrences of ICC based colors.
Every input and output device reproduces color and grayscales in a slightly different way. As a
result, the colors you see in a PDF file on your screen may not match the colors produced when
you print the PDF to an output device.
Several options are available to avoid this problem of device dependency, one of which is using
ICC-based colors.
These colors are defined relative to the reference CIE Lab color space. This type of colors is
device-independent and sometimes also called “device neutral”.
Possible fixes
Automatically replace lab colors to their CMYK equivalents.
Note: If you wish to reliably convert colors in your PDF documents, it is essential to use
color management. Refer to Color management on page 31.
7.16 ICC: wrong profile text/line art or wrong profile
Allows you to check if the document contains text, line art or images without a ICC profile tag or
without the appropriate ICC profile tag.
Note: The appropriate ICC profile is determined by the settings in the category Color
Management of the Preflight Profile. If this category is not enabled in the Preflight
Profile, and the preflight was performed by Enfocus PitStop Server, the settings in the
Hot Folder are applied. Otherwise, your Enfocus PitStop Pro or Enfocus PitStop Server
Preferences are used.
For more information, refer to About ICC profiles on page 37.
PitStop Pro
Possible fixes
Automatically tag the detected objects with the appropriate ICC profile.
7.16.1 About ICC profiles
Every input and output device reproduces color and grayscales in a slightly different way. As a
result, the colors you see in a PDF file on your screen may not match the colors produced when
you print the PDF to an output device.
ICC color profiles are used to avoid this. An ICC color profile is a mathematical description of
the color space used by a specific device. In other words, the color profile describes how the
colors produced by the device relate to the reference CIE LAB color space (a device-independent
color space).
As such, they allow you to set up a workflow in which all devices use color management to com-
pensate for their individual color reproduction characteristics, based on the information in the
ICC profiles.
7.17 ICC: default color spaces
This check allows you to verify whether (unwanted) default color spaces are used in the PDF
Objects in a PDF document, i.e. text, line art or images, can be tagged with an ICC profile. This
is called using ICC profiles “at object level”, which is quite common. However, ICC profiles can
also be defined at a “higher level”, such as pages. For example, a page in a PDF document can
contain RGB images and it can have an RGB ICC profile assigned “at page level”. In this case,
the RIP will apply the ICC profile to all RGB objects on that page. This mechanism is referred to
as “default color spaces”.
If you do not have a color-managed workflow, ICC profiles are unwanted because they may
cause inconsistent color reproduction.
Possible fix
Enable the Remove default color spaces.
7.18 Pattern or shading
Allows you to check if the document contains patterns and shadings.
Patterns and smooth shading are features that were introduced in PDF 1.3 and are supported by
Adobe Acrobat 4.x or later.
Certain output devices may have problems correctly interpreting patterns and/or shadings.
Because they represent complex mathematical functions, shadings and patterns can cause
problems during color conversions (e.g. converting an RGB object that contains a shading to the
CMYK color space will not work in PitStop Pro 6.x).
PitStop Pro
Note: Shadings made out of line-art, as well as images that appear shaded but do not
use the shading object defined in the PDF format specifications, will not be detected.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
7.19 Wrong color tints
Allows you to check the document for occurrences of colors or tints of colors other than those
defined in its “Color Remap” settings.
In some workflows, the number of colors that can be used may have been limited to a very
specific set of defined CMYK or spot colors (or tints of those colors).
Possible fix
You can automatically "snap" the detected colors to the target colors, meaning that they will be
remapped to the nearest allowed color.
For example, if you are working on a two-color job that can contain only a specific tint of
magenta and black, you can remap all colors that contain magenta to the specific tint you
Note: This may result in drastic visual changes to the document.
7.20 Wrong spot color
Allows you to check if the document contains a particular (unwanted) spot color.
Note: When typing the name of a spot color, take care to use the exact case, punctuation
and suffix.
Possible fix
You can remap the unwanted spot color in one of the following ways:
You can convert it to its CMYK equivalent (if available).
You can specify CMYK values to remap the spot color to the CMYK color of your choice.
You can specify CMYK values to remap the spot color to the CMYK color of your choice and
save it as a new spot color.
7.21 Not suited for viewing
Allows you to check whether any colors other than gray or RGB were used in the PDF document.
These types of colors are best suited for on-screen viewing.
PitStop Pro
Possible fix
You can automatically convert the detected colors to gray and RGB.
7.22 Not suited for calibrated display
Allows you to check if the document contains colors other than calibrated gray or RGB.
Calibrated colors contain information about the exact way each device (i.e. a specific color
monitor) compensates its standard settings in order to reproduce the colors correctly (for
example, the calibrated color states that monitor X needs to add 5% surplus red color to achieve
the desired color).
Calibrated colors are only useful when applied in a fully calibrated workflow. In this scenario,
all the input and output devices used in the workflow, as well as the monitors on which the
document is displayed, are calibrated.
Possible fix
You can automatically convert all detected colors to calibrated gray and calibrated RGB.
7.23 ICC: unwanted profile text/lineart or image
Allows you to check if the document contains text, line art or images with an ICC profile tag. In
some workflows, this is undesirable.
For more information, refer to About ICC profiles on page 37.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove the detected ICC profile.
PitStop Pro
8. Checks on Rendering
8.1 Custom transfer curve
Allows you to check if the document contains (custom) transfer curves. You can differentiate
between transfer curves for text or line art and images as required.
Transfer curves are used for creative use and artistic effect and to correct for the
characteristics of a specific, maybe poorly calibrated, output device.
For example, a file that is intended for output on a particular imagesetter may contain
transfer functions that compensate for the dot gain inherent with that printer. Dot gain is the
phenomenon that occurs when a dot — the smallest printed unit — is transferred to film, or
printed on paper. The size of the dot may increase or decrease (dot loss) slightly as a result of
either of these processes.
In a specific workflow, you may want to remove transfer curves prior to printing. In another
scenario you may need to apply a transfer curve to all objects in the document to compensate
for the dot gain of your printer.
Possible fixes
You can either remove or apply the detected transfer curves.
8.2 Custom halftone
Allows you to check if the document contains custom halftone functions. You can search for all
custom halftones, or only for the custom halftones used for text or line art, or for images.
A custom halftone function is used to compensate for the dot gain or dot loss that occurs when
an image is transferred to film. Also, halftone functions (also known as “halftone transfer
curves”) are used when transferring the document to film in order to make up for the dot gain or
loss associated with a specific printing device.
Dot gain is the phenomenon that occurs when a dot — the smallest printed unit — is transferred
to film, or printed on paper. The size of the dot may increase or decrease (dot loss) slightly as
a result of either of these processes. Halftones are mostly used for screening frequency and
angles. They can cause a problem because they are device-specific.
Remember that everything pertaining to halftones is, by definition, device-dependent.
In general, when a PDF document provides its own halftone specifications, it sacrifices
Associated with every output device is a default halftone definition that is appropriate for most
purposes. Only relatively sophisticated documents need to define their own halftones to achieve
special effects.
PitStop Pro
Note: You should note that halftone curves, when defined, overrule general transfer
curves in your document. This is why they are generally undesirable: they may lead to
unpredictable printed output.
Possible fixes
You can automatically remove the detected custom halftones.
8.3 Custom UCR or Custom BG
Allows you to check if the document contains custom undercolor removal definitions (UCR) or
black generation curves (BG). You can search for all instances of UCR or BG, or restrict the
check to either text or line art, or images.
Undercolor removal (UCR) is the process of removing large percentages of cyan (C), magenta
(M), and yellow (Y) ink prior to printing in order to achieve a clearer black color in print, and to
save on color inks.
Black generation (BG) is the process of adding black ink to CMY-generated black and gray, in
order to achieve a clear black color and to save valuable color ink.
Possible fixes
You can remove the detected instances of UCR or BG.
8.4 Rendering intent
Allows you to check if the document contains a rendering intent.
A rendering intent is a translation method used to convert colors between different devices.
Each output device has a different color range that it can reproduce. In order to conserve the
appearance of an image across devices, the colors that cannot be reproduced by a specific
output device (i.e. your color printer) need to be remapped to the nearest matching color that
does lie within the output device's color range.
This remapping is performed according to a specific method called a rendering intent. In
addition, rendering intents can also be defined to deal with different types of graphics, to achieve
the best possible results for a particular type of image, on a particular output device.
In some workflows, you may want to remove all rendering intents to ensure a consistent output.
In other workflows, you may want to to change the rendering intent. Refer to Types of rendering
intents on page 42.
Possible fixes
You can automatically remove the detected rendering intent.
PitStop Pro
8.5 Wrong intent text/line art or images
Allows you to check if the document contains a particular rendering intent for text, line art and/
or images in the PDF document.
A rendering intent is a translation method used to convert colors between different devices.
Each output device has a different color range that it can reproduce. In order to conserve the
appearance of an image across devices, the colors that cannot be reproduced by a specific
output device (i.e. your color printer) need to be remapped to the nearest matching color that
does lie within the output device's color range.
This remapping is performed according to a specific method called a rendering intent. In
addition, rendering intents can also be defined to deal with different types of graphics, to achieve
the best possible results for a particular type of image, on a particular output device.
In some workflows, you may want to to change the rendering intent. Refer to Types of rendering
intents on page 42.
Possible fixes
You can automatically change the detected rendering intent to another type as required.
For example, to make changes to all the images that use a rendering intent other than
relative colorimetric, enable the Wrong intent: images check, and choose is not and relative
8.5.1 Types of rendering intents
The following types of rendering intents can be defined in a PDF document:
Default: the intent is specified in the output device rather than in the PDF document. For
many output devices, the default intent is Relative Colorimetric.
Perceptual: maintains the relative color values among the original pixels as they are
mapped to the destination gamut. This method preserves the visual relationship between
colors, although the color values themselves may change.
Saturation: maintains the relative saturation values of the original pixels. This method is
most suitable for business graphics, where the exact relationship between colors is not as
important as having bright saturated colors.
Relative Colorimetric: remaps the white point of the source space to the white point of the
destination space.
Absolute Colorimetric: disables the matching of white and black points when converting
colors. This method is not generally recommended, unless you must preserve signature
colors, such as those used in trademarks or logos.
Note: In all cases, intents may be ignored or overridden by color management
operations that occur subsequently to the creation of the PDF file.
For more information about rendering intents, see the Adobe Acrobat Help.
PitStop Pro
8.6 Halftone phase
Allows you to check if the document contains (custom) transfer curves. You can differentiate
between transfer curves for text or line art and images as required.
Transfer curves are used for creative use and artistic effect and to correct for the
characteristics of a specific, maybe poorly calibrated, output device.
For example, a file that is intended for output on a particular imagesetter may contain
transfer functions that compensate for the dot gain inherent with that printer. Dot gain is the
phenomenon that occurs when a dot — the smallest printed unit — is transferred to film, or
printed on paper. The size of the dot may increase or decrease (dot loss) slightly as a result of
either of these processes.
In a specific workflow, you may want to remove transfer curves prior to printing. In another
scenario you may need to apply a transfer curve to all objects in the document to compensate
for the dot gain of your printer.
Possible fixes
You can either remove or apply the detected transfer curves.
PitStop Pro
9. Checks on Font
9.1 TrueType font
Allows you to check if the document contains TrueType fonts.
TrueType fonts are widely used and are integrated in almost all desktop office software
applications for the Windows and Mac operating systems. However, some professional prepress
service providers are reluctant to support TrueType fonts, because they need to be converted to
PostScript outlines in order to print well on PostScript devices, which may affect the quality of
the resulting font.
You can restrict the check to:
1-byte fonts (Ignore composite fonts), and/or
Fonts that have not been embedded as OpenType (Ignore fonts embedded as OpenType) (as
only embedded TrueType fonts are supported in PDF)
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
9.2 Type 1 font
Allows you to check if the PDF contains Adobe Type 1 fonts.
Adobe Type 1 fonts were originally developed by Adobe Systems for use in PostScript printers.
Adobe Type 1 fonts are outline fonts. They use lines and cubic Bézier curves to define letter
shapes or “glyphs”. A “glyph” is the shape in a font that is used to represent a character code on
screen or paper.
Being outline fonts, Type 1 fonts are scalable to almost any size. They remain sharp and smooth
on any platform and in print, and their legibility remains good, even when printed at small point
sizes on low-resolution laser printers.
Note: Adobe Type 1 fonts are commonly used in professional publishing environments
and are supported by most high-end output devices, because most of these devices use
PostScript as their page description language.
You can restrict the check to:
1-byte fonts (Ignore composite fonts), and/or
Fonts that have not been embedded as OpenType (Ignore fonts embedded as OpenType)
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
9.3 Type 3 font
Allows you to check if the document contains Adobe Type 3 fonts.
The Adobe Type 3 fonts are mostly ornamental fonts with complex shapes and fills. They
sometimes cause printing problems.
Note: Most RIPs that are in use today can interpret Type 3 fonts correctly. However, on
some older RIPS, the use of Type 3 fonts may cause problems.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
9.4 Multiple Master font
Allows you to check if the document contains Multiple Master fonts.
Multiple Master fonts are an extension of the Type1 font format. Their particularity is that you
can use e.g. Adobe Type Manager to create variants of a standard font (i.e. the “Master” font).
These variants can be created by modifying the font along different design axes (e.g. weight,
width,...), between the fixed extremes or “Masters” at the end of each design axis.
Typically, Multiple Master fonts have two design axes, which require four masters. These
masters can be considered the cornerstones of the matrix.
Note: You can recognize a Multiple Master font by the double “M” in its name, e.g.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
PitStop Pro
9.5 City font
Allows you to check if the document contains City fonts.
City fonts are derived from bitmap fonts. Examples of City fonts are Geneva or Chicago. On the
Mac OS, they are sometimes used as substitution fonts when a specific font is not found on the
Note: It is generally not recommended to use this kind of fonts because they might not
be up to quality standards.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
9.6 Composite font
Allows you to check if the document for the use of composite fonts, and these may be embedded
as TrueType (TT) or as Type 1 (T1) font.
Composite fonts (also called “double-byte” fonts) enable you to display special characters
of foreign languages, e.g. Asian languages. They are also called double-byte fonts because
every character is determined by 2 bytes (16 bits). Double-byte characters may not always be
supported in a later stage of the PDF workflow.
You can restrict the check to:
1-byte fonts (Ignore composite fonts), and/or
Fonts that have not been embedded as OpenType (Ignore fonts embedded as OpenType) (as
only embedded TrueType fonts are supported in PDF)
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
9.7 Font from Vendor
Allows you to check whether all the fonts used in the document were procured from the same
vendor. This allows you to trace fonts that you are not licensed to use.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
9.8 Font Name
Allows you to check if the document contains a particular font.
Tip: When entering the font name, make sure to use the correct hyphenation,
capitalization and spelling!
Possible fixes
Automatically replace the detected font with another one.
Remember that changing the font in a PDF document may result in severe visual
changes, as the text may no longer fit into the intended layout.
You can only replace the font with fonts that are available on your system.
9.9 Not embedded
Allows you to check the embedding of the fonts in the document. Fonts can be:
Embedded as a subset
Only embedded when they cannot be emulated.
Embedding fonts in a PDF document means that every character of this font is copied and
stored in the PDF document. This is useful if you create PDF documents to be displayed on
different systems and to be printed on different devices: these are often system that do not
contain exactly the same fonts. Also, if a font has been embedded, you can still edit the text in
the PDF file that uses the font in question, even though the font has not been installed on your
Note: Starting in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and PitStop Pro 6.0 and later, you can only edit text
using a font that is installed on your system, regardless of its embedding.
Embedding a font as a subset means that only those characters of the font that are actually
used in the text are embedded.
Some fonts can be emulated by Adobe Acrobat for on-screen viewing. This means that if the font
is unavailable on your system Adobe Acrobat can re-create the font visually, even though it has
not been embedded. If you are certain the document only needs to be viewed on-screen, and will
not be printed, fonts that can be emulated do not need to be embedded.
Note: Embedding one entire standard font increases PDF file size by approximately 30k
to 40k for Type 1 fonts, and more for TrueType fonts.
How to proceed?
Select the appropriate option:
PitStop Pro
Ignore 14 standard PDF fonts: the 14 fonts that are automatically installed with Adobe
Acrobat are not taken into account by the Preflight Profile.
Ignore fonts that can be emulated: all fonts that can be emulated by Adobe Acrobat for on-
screen viewing are not taken into account by the Preflight Profile.
Ignore fonts outside (page box): fonts used only for text that lies outside the page box of your
choice (i.e. that will not be visible in print anyway) are ignored by the Preflight Profile.
Possible fixes
You can embed the detected fonts, either completely or as a subset.
9.10 Embedded OpenType
Allows you to check whether or not the embedded fonts in the document are OpenType fonts.
OpenType is a font file format which has been jointly developed by Adobe Systems Inc. and
Microsoft Corporation. It is an extension of the TrueType format: OpenType fonts can contain
TrueType but also Adobe Type 1 font data. This means that you can have an OpenType font based
An Adobe Type 1 font. The file name of such a font has the suffix .otf
A TrueType font. This font still has the .ttf file name suffix
In PDF files, an OpenType font can only appear as an embedded font. So if you are using a Type
1-based OpenType font, you can embed it as Type 1 or as OpenType. Similarly, TrueType-based
OpenType fonts can be embedded as TrueType or as OpenType.
OpenType font embedding is a new PDF 1.6 feature, which implies that it might not be supported
by the rest of the workflow for the PDF document. For example, earlier versions of Adobe
Acrobat may not be able to display the text in OpenType fonts correctly or printing errors can
For more information about OpenType, see: and search for OpenType
Possible fixes
You can immediately unembed the detected embedded fonts that are OpenType.
9.11 Embedded completely/subset
Allows you to check if the fonts in the document were embedded completely or as a subset.
Embedding fonts in a PDF document means that every character of this font is copied and
stored in the PDF document. This is useful if you create PDF documents to be displayed on
different systems and to be printed on different devices: these are often systems that do not
contain exactly the same fonts.
Also, if a font has been completely embedded, you can still edit the text in the PDF file that uses
the font in question, even though the font has not been installed on your computer.
PitStop Pro
Note: Starting in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and PitStop Pro 6.0 and later, you can only edit text
using a font that is installed on your system, regardless of its embedding.
Embedding a font as a subset means that only those characters of the font that are actually
used in the text are embedded. This reduces the file size by not including superfluous font
information. Moreover, you may not want to embed composite fonts completely, because they
may contain several thousands of characters and the majority of them will not be used anyway.
Note: Embedding one complete standard font increases PDF file size by approximately
30k to 40k for Type 1 fonts, and more for TrueType or composite fonts.
Possible fixes
You can immediately change the way the fonts are embedded:
If subset fonts are detected, you can have PitStop embed the font completely.
If the embedded font is complete, PitStop can subset the font as required.
9.12 Embedded completely for Composite
Allows you to check if the composite fonts in the document are completely embedded.
Composite fonts (also called “double-byte” fonts) enable you to display special characters
of foreign languages, e.g. Asian languages. They are also called double-byte fonts because
every character is determined by 2 bytes (16 bits). Double-byte characters may not always be
supported in a later stage of the PDF workflow.
Embedding fonts in a PDF document means that every character of this font is copied and
stored in the PDF document. This is useful if you create PDF documents to be displayed on
different systems and to be printed on different devices: these are often systems that do not
contain exactly the same fonts.
Also, if a font has been completely embedded, you can still edit the text in the PDF file that uses
the font in question, even though the font has not been installed on your computer.
Note: Starting in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and PitStop Pro 6.0 and later, you can only edit text
using a font that is installed on your system, regardless of its embedding.
Embedding a font as a subset means that only those characters of the font that are actually
used in the text are embedded. This reduces the file size by not including superfluous font
information. Moreover, you may not want to embed composite fonts completely, because they
may contain several thousands of characters and the majority of them will not be used anyway.
Note: Embedding one complete standard font increases PDF file size by approximately
30k to 40k for Type 1 fonts, and more for TrueType or composite fonts.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
9.13 Embedded Acrobat emulatable font
Allows you to check the document for fonts that are embedded but can be emulated for viewing
by Adobe Acrobat.
Embedding fonts in a PDF document means that every character of this font is copied and
stored in the PDF document. This is useful if you create PDF documents to be displayed on
different systems and to be printed on different devices: these are often systems that do not
contain exactly the same fonts. Also, if a font has been embedded, you can still edit the text in
the PDF file that uses the font in question, even though the font has not been installed on your
Note: Starting in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and PitStop Pro 6.0 and later, you can only edit text
using a font that is installed on your system, regardless of its embedding.
Some fonts can be emulated by Adobe Acrobat for on-screen viewing. This means that if the font
is unavailable on your system Adobe Acrobat can re-create the font visually, even though it has
not been embedded.
If you are certain the document only needs to be viewed on-screen, and will not be printed, fonts
that can be emulated do not need to be embedded.
Note: Embedding one entire standard font increases PDF file size by approximately 30k
to 40k for Type 1 fonts, and more for TrueType fonts.
Possible fixes
You can unembed these fonts. This will decrease the PDF file size.
9.14 Font Style: Outline, Bold or Italic
Allows you to check if the document contains text using an artificial style.
Some fonts consist of specific font families for each style. The font Futura, for example, has the
font families Futura (for “regular” Roman style), Futura-Bold, Futura-Oblique etc. This implies
that, if you want to put text in Futura and in bold, for example, you will have to select the font
family “Futura-Bold”.
Certain design programs or word processors allow you to adapt the style of these fonts
artificially. You can select text and to put it in italics or in bold by selecting the respective style
within this font family. Sometimes, you can even do this by means of shortcuts, e.g. Control+b
for bold or Control+i for italics. Text that has been modified in this manner uses a so-called
artificial bold or italic style.
This method may seem very handy but it is recommended to avoid it, because these artificial
styles can cause problems when printing: e.g. artificial bold is created when printing two
characters on top of each other, one being one point size bigger than the other.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
PitStop Pro
10. Checks on Text
10.1 Text size
Allows you to check if the document contains text:
That is smaller than a particular value (Z) (the minimum size limit defined in the Preflight
Profile or the executed Action), and
Which occurs on more than a particular number (Y) of separations (plates).
Extremely small text may not reproduce correctly on some output devices, and may cause
legibility problems.
This problem can be caused by the following:
An illustration containing text of a small point size (e.g.: 10 pt) was inserted in a DTP
program and then scaled down (e.g.: 70%).
A font which is too small may have been used in the DTP program itself.
If small text occurs on several color separations (plates), the readability can become limited.
The slightest mistake in the alignment of the printing plates causes printing problems as shown
in the illustration.
The plates are correctly aligned on the left. On the right, a slight anomaly is visible. The text
is thus less readable. When using small text, even the smallest anomalies — sometimes
unavoidable when aligning the plates — will become visible, making the text illegible.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
10.2 Black text
Allows you to check if the document contains black text that is not set to overprint.
Text —especially fine text or text set at a small point size— on colored backgrounds is extremely
difficult to print in register. The slightest misregistration can become noticeable as small gaps
can appear between the text and the underlying colored elements.
PitStop Pro
To avoid this problem, black text is set to print on top of any colored backgrounds. This
technique is known as overprinting, and it preserves the legibility of the text. Overprinting black
text compensates for misregistration.
Note: You can specify overprinting only for 100% black text because printing text of
any color other than solid black over any other colored background might cause the
overlapping inks to blend, which could produce undesirable colors.
Possible fixes
Automatically set all 100% black text to overprint.
10.3 White text
Allows you to check the document for white text that is not set to knock out the underlying
If your document contains white text, you have to make sure that the colors behind the text are
not printed. If these underlying colors were to be printed, even the slightest misregistration of
the color plates might result in deformed white text characters.
PitStop Pro
This is called knockout printing: the white text should cut out (“knockout”) the colors on any
underlying separations.
Possible fixes
Automatically set all 100% white text to knock out the underlying colors.
10.4 Invisible text
Allows you to check the document for the presence of invisible text. Invisible text is text that has
no fill or stroke color associated with it.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all invisible text from the document.
PitStop Pro
11. Checks on Images
11.1 Compression: Color/grayscale or 1-bit
Allows you to check the compression mechanism used for either color and grayscale or black
and white images.
Depending on the type of images you are dealing with, different compression methods are
recommended. Using the appropriate compression methods can significantly reduce the file
size of the PDF document. For an overview, refer to Compression mechanisms explained on page
Possible fixes
You can automatically change a particular image compression to a particular format:
Color or grayscale images can be changed to ZIP, JPEG or JPEG2000 (for the last two
options, you should also specify the desired quality level).
1-bit images can be changed to ZIP or CCITT.
For an overview, refer to Compression mechanisms explained on page 54.
11.1.1 Compression mechanisms explained
The following compression mechanisms can be used in a PDF document:
Mechanism Description
JPEG The JPEG compression method is best suited for grayscale or color
bitmap images. A typical example of an image for which JPEG
compression is advised is a continuous-tone photograph. This type of
image contains more information, more details, than can be repro-
duced on screen or in print. Therefore, it makes sense to remove the
information that cannot be displayed anyway.
This can result in a loss of image quality, as the compression method
removes information: it is called a lossy reduction method. However,
file sizes are greatly reduced by JPEG compression.
ZIP The ZIP compression method is best suited for vector graphics (line
art), and images that contain large areas of a single color, or repeating
Typical examples of this kind of images include screen shots and
simple graphics. ZIP compression is lossless, which means that no
information is removed from the image during compression.
LZW The LZW compression discovers and exploits many patterns in images
or text (by using a differencing technique, for example).
PitStop Pro
Mechanism Description
In general, high compression rates can be achieved with this
compression algorithm.
RunLength The RunLength compression method is best suited for images that
contain large areas of solid white or black.
It is a lossless compression method, which means that no information
is removed from the images during compression.
JBIG The JBIG compression method is best suited for black-and-white
images, but it can also be used for coding grayscale and color images
with limited numbers of bits per pixel.
It is a lossless compression method, which means that no information
is removed from the images during compression.
CCITT The CCITT compression method is best suited for black-and-white
images made by paint programs, as well as for images scanned with
an image depth of 1 bit.
CCITT is a lossless compression method, which means that no
information is removed from the images during compression.
JPEG2000 The JPEG2000 compression method is suitable for any kind of image
and gives somewhat better size reduction than other methods. The
quality range can vary from strong lossy to lossless compression.
In addition, JPEG2000 provides new features such as transparency,
color components with different number of bits per sample, and the
possibility to decode versions of the image that differ in sampling
resolution and other factors.
Note: JPEG2000 compression is only available in and supported by PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6)
and above.
11.2 JPEG compression ratio
Allows you to check if the images in the document were compressed:
With a lossy compression mechanism, and
To such an extent that image quality may have deteriorated significantly.
Lossy compression mechanisms remove information from the image during compression. The
compression ratio indicates how much the image was compressed, and in the case of lossy
compression, it is also an indication of how much information was removed from the image.
The following compression mechanisms are or can be lossy: JPEG and JPEG2000.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
PitStop Pro
11.3 16 bits per channel
Allows you to check if the document contains images that use 16 bits per channel.
Most image formats in use today use 8 bits per channel. The number of bits per channel deter-
mines the accuracy of color representation: a pixel whose color is defined by 8 bits can take on
256 different colors. As a result, a 24-bit image, using 8 bits for each of the R, G, and B channels
can display 16,777,216 colors (“true color”).
For purposes including scientific imaging tasks and intensive color operations, images may
need to be able to show even more color. These images can use 16 bits per channel.
Most software in use today cannot deal properly with 16 or more bits per channel.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
11.4 Alternate images
Allows you to check if the document contains alternate images.
Alternate images are used to store both a viewing-resolution and a printing-resolution version
of an image in a single PDF document. Usually, the main image has the label “default for
printing”, but it is also possible for one of the alternates to carry this label. In this scenario,
Acrobat uses the main image for on-screen display, but prints the alternate.
Not all software is capable of handling alternate images. Such software always prints the main
image, regardless of the labelling of the alternate images. In that case, you may want to remove
the alternate images.
Possible fixes
PitStop can remove all alternate images. Choose one of the following options:
Default for printing: Removes the alternate images, preserving the ones that are marked
“default for printing”. This option is best if you know that the alternate images have been
correctly marked for printing.
Highest resolution: Removes the alternate images, preserving only the ones that have the
highest resolution, regardless of the printing setting. This option is recommended for print
Lowest resolution: Removes the alternate images, preserving only the ones that have the
lowest resolution, regardless of the printing setting. This option is recommended for on-
screen viewing.
11.5 OPI
Allows you to check the document for the use of OPI information.
PitStop Pro
Open Prepress Interface (OPI) allows you to use only low-resolution images in your documents
during the design process. Using OPI, these low-resolution images are automatically replaced
with high-resolution images when the separations are printed for the documents. If you use OPI
to work with files containing only small, low-resolution images in your page lay-out applications
(e.g. Adobe InDesign), you can reduce the processing time when you are working with the files.
If PitStop detects OPI information in your document, the document:
May contain the high-resolution images, in which case the OPI links are no longer useful, and
were probably included accidentally.
May have been created with low-resolution images, in which case the high-resolution images
were either accidentally omitted, or the document was created in an OPI workflow, which is
not allowed by your Preflight Profile or Action List.
Possible fixes
You can remove all OPI information from the document.
11.6 OPI is missing
Allows you to check if the document contains images that cannot be found in the location
specified in the OPI pointer.
Open Prepress Interface (OPI) allows you to use only low-resolution images in your documents
during the design process. Using OPI, these low-resolution images are automatically replaced
with high-resolution images when the separations are printed for the documents. If you use OPI
to work with files containing only small, low-resolution images in your page lay-out applications
(e.g. Adobe InDesign), you can reduce the processing time when you are working with the files.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
11.7 OPI is incompatible
Allows you to check if the OPI version of your document complies with the OPI standard used in
your workflow.
Open Prepress Interface (OPI) allows you to use only low-resolution images in your documents
during the design process. Using OPI, these low-resolution images are automatically replaced
with high-resolution images when the separations are printed for the documents. If you use OPI
to work with files containing only small, low-resolution images in your page lay-out applications
(e.g. Adobe InDesign), you can reduce the processing time when you are working with the files.
If the OPI version of your document is incompatible with the chosen OPI version (1.3, 2.0 or
both), an error or warning will be given.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
PitStop Pro
11.8 Image is rotated
Allows you to check if the document contains images that have been rotated at an angle that is
not a multiple of 90° (optionally allowing a slight deviation).
This check attempts to trace “accidentally” rotated images, supposing that intentionally rotated
images will be either flipped horizontally or vertically, or rotated by 90°.
You can also allow other angles that fall outside of a specific deviation from the 90° norm.
This allows for rotated images, while still checking for accidentally rotated images (that were
“nudged” only a few degrees).
For example, if you allow deviations of 7° or more, any images that have been rotated at angles
between 84° and 96° will be detected, while you won't receive a report if any images show a
rotation at an angle deviating more than 7° from a multiple of 90° (e.g. 126°).
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
11.9 Image is flipped
Allows you to check if your document contains images that have been flipped horizontally.
Flipping an image horizontally creates a mirrored version of the original image. While this may
be intentional, it can also be the result of an accidental operation in the design application.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
11.10 Image is sheared
Allows you to check your document for sheared images.
Shearing, also called skewing, is an operation that slants objects along an axis of your choice.
For example, you can skew a rectangle to create a parallelogram.
While this may be a desired effect, skewing distorts the image and may be unwanted.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
11.11 Image is scaled
Allows you to check the document for images that have been scaled non-proportionally
(optionally allowing a slight deviation).
PitStop Pro
Proportional scaling reduces the size of the image by an equal percentage along both the X-
and the Y-axis. If an image is scaled non-proportionally, the proportions between height and
length of the image are changed, resulting in distortions in the image.
You may allow scaling if the distortion is smaller than a specific value. Very small distortions to
the image may not be visually detectable.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided
11.12 Resolution
Allows you to check the resolution of the images in the document against a speficic threshold.
Images with a low resolution may print badly. The optimal resolution depends on the output
device, i.e. for on-screen viewing a low resolution will suffice, but for professional printing, you
need a high resolution.
Images with a very high resolution result in drastically increased file sizes.
For more information, refer to Image resolution on page 59.
Note that you can restrict this check to:
Either all pages or only single or non-single image pages
1-bit images (black and white images) or color or grayscale images
Images below/above/equal to a particular threshold
Optionally, you can ignore very small images (of a specific size).
Possible fixes
You can downsample the detected images to the preferred resolution, using the resampling
method of your choice. For more information, refer to Resampling (downsampling) explained on
page 60.
11.12.1 Image resolution
The resolution of images in a PDF document is expressed in dpi, "dots per inch", and
determines the amount of information they contain.
The term dpi commonly refers both to:
The number of pixels per inch in the digital image, which determines its quality. Less pixels
per inch (a low dpi value) result in larger pixels, and therefore a poorer image.
The number of physical dots a printer can place per inch, which determines the printer's
For example, when printing an image with a resolution of 300 dpi on a high-quality printer that
has a resolution of 1200 dpi:
The image contains 300 pixels per inch in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions
The printer can place up 1200 dots per inch both horizontally and vertically
PitStop Pro
As a result, each pixel in the image is reproduced on paper with 4 (horizontal) x 4 (vertical)
dots = 16 dots.
11.12.2 Resampling (downsampling) explained
If you want to change the resolution of an image without changing its physical size in the
document, you need to “resample” it.
Reducing the resolution without resampling will increase the physical size of the image,
because the number of pixels per inch becomes smaller, but the total number of pixels remains
the same; i.e. less pixels per inch with the same number of pixels results in more inches.
Downsampling reduces the resolution of the image without increasing the physical size of the
image, by “throwing away” pixels and determining the color of the remaining pixels based on the
combined color of the pixels that were discarded.
The following downsampling methods are available:
Average downsampling computes the average pixel color of the pixels in the sample area,
and replaces the entire area with this average.
Resampling replaces the entire area with the pixel color of the pixel at the center of the
sample area.
Bicubic downsampling the value of the new dots is calculated on the basis of a weighted
average of the pixels in the sample area. This method offers the best results with smooth
tonal gradations, but takes the longest to compute.
Bilinear resampling uses weighted interpolation between 4 pixels in the original image.
Bicubic B-spline is a modified bicubic interpolation with more sharpening effects and is
recommended for upsampling. Bicubic downsampling usually yields better results than the
simple averaging method of downsampling.
PitStop Pro
12. Checks on Layers
12.1 Layers
Allows you to check whether the PDF contains layers.
Layered content usually comes from applications such as InDesign, AutoCAD or Visio. When
converted to PDF, the layers are retained and can be viewed and navigated in Adobe Acrobat.
However, if you print a PDF file that contains layers, only the content that is visible on-screen is
printed. This may or may not be desired.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
PitStop Pro
13. Checks on Annotations
13.1 Text type
Allows you to check if the PDF contains some basic annotation types.
Annotations are comments added to a PDF document after PDF creation. They can cause
problems because they may appear in the printed output, even though they are not intended to
do so.
There are many annotation types. This check allows to detect:
Text Notes, i.e. annotations containing text, such as sticky notes or stamp annotations.
Markup, i.e. graphic annotations, such as free text, lines, strike out, ...
You can restrict the check to a specific area of the page (i.e. inside or outside a particular page
box) or you can check the whole page.
Note: For more information on annotations, see the Adobe Acrobat Online Help, in the
section “Using Commenting Tools”.
Possible fixes
You can automatically remove all annotations of the selected type, or (if you restricted the check
to a specific area), move them to another area.
13.2 Other type
Allows you to check if the PDF contains one or more particular annotation types.
Annotations are comments added to a PDF document after PDF creation. They can cause
problems because they may appear in the printed output, even though they are not intended to
do so.
There are many annotation types. This check allows to detect specific types, such as:
Movie, sound and 3D
Trapnet annotations (refer to Trapnet annotation (PDF/X) on page 9)
Printer marks
File Attachment
PitStop Pro
Note: For more information on annotations, see the Adobe Acrobat Online Help, in the
section “Using Commenting Tools”.
Possible fixes
You can automatically remove all annotations of the selected type.
13.3 Print setting
Allows you to check the print settings of the annotations in the PDF.
Annotations are comments added to a PDF document after PDF creation and can be set to
"print" (if they have to be displayed on the printed output) or to "non-printing" (if they should not
be included when printing the document).
Including annotations that are set to print is not recommended in a print environment.
Possible fixes
You can automatically change the print settings of the offending annotations (e.g. if set to
"print", change them to "non-printing" and vice versa) or remove the offending annotations (i.e.
remove all "print" or "non-printing" annotations, depending on your selection).
13.4 External hyperlink
Allows you to check if the document contains external hyperlinks.
An external hyperlink is a hyperlink that points to another PDF document, or to a location on
the Internet. External hyperlinks may be broken if you exchange PDF documents.
Possible fixes
You can automatically remove all external hyperlinks.
PitStop Pro
14. Checks on Other Objects
14.1 JavaScript
Allows you to check if the document contains JavaScript commands.
JavaScript scripts can be embedded in a PDF document to perform specific actions, such as
manipulating form fields (e.g. calculating the value of field B based on the user input in field A).
However, in a print production environment, these scripts serve no purpose and may result in
increased file sizes.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all JavaScript code from the document.
14.2 Actions
Allows you to check whether the document contains actions.
Certain special effects can be added to PDF documents, in the form of actions that are executed
when a bookmark, link or form field is clicked, or when a specific page is viewed.
Typical examples of this kind of actions:
Jumping to a specific page
Playing a sound or movie clip
Executing a Javascript function.
Actions serve no purpose in a print production environment.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove actions from the document.
14.3 Form fields
Allows you to check if the document contains form fields. Form fields are created in Adobe
Acrobat using the Form tool, and they are used in electronic forms.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove form fields from the document.
PitStop Pro
14.4 Thumbnails
Allows you to check whether thumbnails were saved in the document.
Thumbnails can be a useful tool for navigation, but a document with thumbnails has a larger file
size than a document without thumbnails.
Note: Adobe Acrobat 9.0 generates thumbnails on the fly when the thumbnails palette is
opened, even if no thumbnails were saved with the PDF file, but prior versions of Acrobat
cannot do this.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove thumbnails from the document.
Allows you to check if the document contains bookmarks.
Bookmarks are a very useful tool for navigation, allowing you to browse the document from its
table of contents in the Bookmarks palette.
However, for print production, bookmarks are not required and only result in larger file sizes.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all bookmarks from the document.
14.6 Article Threads
Allows you to check if the document contains article threads.
Many types of publications are made up of several columns, with text flowing across columns
and sometimes across pages. This works fine in a print publication such as a newspaper, but
may cause confusion when the document is viewed on-line.
The special article threads feature in Adobe Acrobat allows you to guide readers along the text
flow by defining a series of linked rectangles (articles) that follow the flow of the text across the
columns and pages.
Article threads serve no purpose in a print production environment and may increase file sizes.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all article threads from the document.
PitStop Pro
14.7 Unused destinations
Allows you to check if the document contains unused destinations.
A destination is a link to another PDF document. Using destinations allows you to create a linked
collection of documents. Unused destinations contain no specific link to another file, and are
not desirable.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all unused destinations from the document.
14.8 Marked content
Allows you to check if the document contains marked content.
Marked content occurs when a specific part of the PDF document has been tagged as being of
interest to a particular application or PDF plug-in.
For example, a graphics application might use marked content to identify a group of related
graphic objects. A word processor might create marked content to maintain the connection
between a footnote marker in the body of a document and the corresponding footnote text at the
bottom of the page.
This kind of marked content serves no purpose in a print production environment and may
increase file sizes.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all marked content from the document.
PitStop Pro
15. Checks on Line Art
15.1 Line weight
Allows you to check the document for line art that uses a line weight below a specific point limit.
Optionally, you can take into account the number of separations on which the line appears.
This check is recommended, because, depending on the resolution of the output device on which
the document is printed, very thin lines may disappear in the output document.
Besides, if lines with a very small weight are printed on several separations (plates), even the
slightest misregistration will show up in the printed result.
Possible fixes
You can automatically change the line weight to the minimum allowed line weight.
15.2 Invisible Line Art
PitStop checked the document for the presence of invisible line art. Invisible means that the
object has no fill or stroke color associated with it.
Possible fixes
Automatically remove all invisible line art from the document.
15.3 Nodes
Allows you to check the document for paths (clipping paths or line art) that contain more than
the specified number of nodes or anchor points.
The number of anchor points allowed in a single path depends on the maximum number of
“nodes” that your output device can handle. Clipping paths are used to simulate transparency in
a bitmap image or any other object. The clipping path defines a portion of the object, and causes
everything outside the defined area to be hidden from view.
Possible fixes
No automatic fix provided.
15.4 Flatness
Allows you to check the flatness setting of your document.
PitStop Pro
Flatness is a PostScript parameter (ranging from 0 to 100) that determines how curves in your
document are rendered.
A high flatness setting reduces the rendering quality of the curves, and may result in a choppy
image in which the individual straight lines that make up the actual curves become visible. Very
low flatness settings result in high-quality curves, but your documents become more difficult
to print as well.
Note: Very low flatness settings may result in a “limitcheck error” on specific output
Flatness defaults to 1 in a normal document.
Possible fixes
Automatically set the flatness to the maximum or minimum desired value.
15.5 White line art
Allows you to check the document for white line art that is not set to knock out the underlying
If your document contains white line art, you have to make sure that the colors behind the object
are not printed. If these underlying colors were to be printed, even the slightest misregistration
of the color plates might result in deformed line art.
This is called knockout printing: the white object should cut out (“knockout”) the colors on any
underlying separations.
Possible fixes
Automatically set all 100% white line art to knock out the underlying colors.