Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
2600 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68131
Actuarial Rate Memorandum
Long-Term Care Policies
January 12, 2018
1. Purpose of Filing
This is a rate increase filing for individual Long-Term Care policy forms and riders. The purpose
of this rate increase filing is to demonstrate the anticipated loss ratio of these forms after the
recommended rate increase meets the requirements under the Code of Maryland Regulations This rate increase filing is not intended to be used for any other purpose.
2. Scope of Filing
The proposed rate increase requests below are in accordance with the 15% cap stated in
Maryland Regulation COMAR The rate increase requests will apply to the
Company’s Individual Comprehensive Long-Term Care policy forms listed in section 3 and any
related riders.
The rate increase requests vary by benefit period and if an automatic inflationary rider is attached
to the base policy. The rate increase request is illustrated in the chart below.
 RateInc.Request Cumulative
 byYear RateInc.Request
LimitedBP,NoAutomaticInflation 0% 0%
LifetimeBP,NoAutomaticInflation 0% 0%
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation 12% 12%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation 12% 12%
Limited BP represents policyholders who have benefit periods of 2 to 5 years. Lifetime BP
represents policyholders who have a lifetime benefit period.
For policy forms P103 and P104, premium rates were originally filed for both the base policy as
well as for all available riders. The rate increase request shown in the chart above is a requested
increase on the total premium charged to customers in each of the listed benefit categories.
In order to achieve the rate increase request for the “No Automatic Inflation” benefit categories,
base premiums and all attached rider premiums excluding automatic inflationary rider premiums
have to be increased by the “No Automatic Inflation” rate increase request percentages shown in
the chart above.
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Long-Term Care Filing – Maryland
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For policies in the “With Automatic Inflation” benefit categories, achieving the requested rate
increase is more complicated. Policies in these benefit categories are rated as follows: The base
policy and rider premiums (other than automatic inflationary rider premiums) have been
increased by the amounts listed in the “No Automatic Inflation” rate increase request. Automatic
inflationary rider premiums are then increased at amounts so that the aggregate of the base policy
premium, any non-inflationary rider premiums, and the automatic inflationary rider premium
equate to the “With Automatic Inflation” rate increase shown in the chart above.
The ratio of automatic inflationary rider premium to total premium varies by policy depending
on issue age, benefit options and purchased riders. As a result, when base premiums and all
attached rider premiums excluding automatic inflationary rider premiums are given one rate
increase and automatic inflationary rider premiums are given a different rate increase, the total
increase in policy level premiums will vary. The requested rate increase in the above chart for
“With Automatic Inflation” benefit categories represent the average increase in total premium for
policies in those benefit categories (identified in bold below). The charts below summarize the
rate increase taken on the automatic inflationary rider premiums and the resulting range of policy
level total premium increases.
 RateInc.Request Cumulative
 byYear RateInc.Request
LimitedBPAutomaticInflationaryRiders 28.0% 28.0%
LifetimeBPAutomaticInflationaryRiders 28.5% 28.5%
 TotalPremium Cumulative
 IncreaseByYear
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Average 12% 12%
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Minimum 9% 9%
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Maximum 15% 15%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Average 12% 12%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Minimum 9% 9%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation–Maximum 15% 15%
On this rate increase request, Contingent Benefit Nonforfeiture (CBN) will be offered to all
customers who lapse their policy within 120 days of receiving the rate increase except for those
who own a Shortened Benefit Period Nonforfeiture Rider.
Customers also have the option to make changes to their policy (such as reducing their benefit
amount or benefit period, increasing their elimination period, or removing riders) which allows
them the flexibility to set their benefits and premium appropriately given their situation.
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Long-Term Care Filing – Maryland
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3. Description of Benefits
Policy Form P103MD, issued in Maryland from 2001 – 2006
Non-Tax Qualified Reimbursement Comprehensive Long-Term Care Policy
Issue Ages 25-84
Policy form P103MD and related rider attachments
Policy Form P104MD, issued in Maryland from 2001 – 2006
Tax Qualified Reimbursement Comprehensive Long-Term Care Policy
Issue Ages 25-84
Policy form P104MD and related rider attachments
4. Marketing Method
The above policy forms and riders were offered through Physicians Mutual’s Agency force and
were also available to and sold by brokers. All policy forms are no longer being marketed.
5. Underwriting Description
These policy forms were fully underwritten with the use of various tools in addition to the
application; tools which may have included medical records, an attending physician’s statement,
telephone interview and/or face-to-face assessment.
6. Renewability
These policy forms are guaranteed renewable.
7. Reason for Rate Increase Request
A rate increase on this policy form and related rider attachments is necessary due to current
information on combined lapse and mortality experience compared to the best industry
information available at the time these products were priced. In addition, expected future
morbidity assumptions utilize information based on the most comprehensive data available.
Loss ratio for the purpose of this memorandum is defined as the ratio of Incurred Claims to
Earned Premiums without the inclusion of Active Life Reserves, Waiver of Premium, or Return
of Premium Riders. Past experience and future projections demonstrate anticipated lifetime loss
ratios are in excess of 60%. The rate increases needed to meet the rate stability 58/85 loss ratio
standards for Maryland are shown below.
LimitedBP,NoAutomaticInflation 7%
LifetimeBP,NoAutomaticInflation 80%
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation 187%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation 372%
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Long-Term Care Filing – Maryland
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Historical nationwide rate increase filings for the policy forms listed in section 3 have been 19%,
10% and 40% which equates to a cumulative rate increase of 83.3%. The nationwide rate
increase filing currently underway for these policy forms is shown in the table below:
 RateInc.Request Cumulative
 byYear RateInc.Request
LimitedBP,NoAutomaticInflation 0% 0%
LifetimeBP,NoAutomaticInflation 10% 10%
LimitedBP,WithAutomaticInflation 50%,50% 125%
LifetimeBP,WithAutomaticInflation 60%,60% 156%
Based on Maryland Regulation COMAR, the requested rate increases in section
2 represent the rate increase request in the state of Maryland. To the extent that this rate increase
request, when combined with prior rate increase approvals, is less than what is shown above,
future rate increase requests will be made to ensure equitable premium rates nationwide.
8. Premiums
Premiums are unisex, level and payable for life, with a 10-pay option offered. The premiums
vary by issue age, initial benefit amount, benefit period, elimination period, benefit rider
selection, eligible discounts, premium payment mode and underwriting class.
Modal Payment factors for policy forms P103 and P104 are shown in the table below:
MonthlyDirectBill 1.00
MonthlyElectronicFundsTransfer 1.00
Quarterly 2.90
Semi‐Annual 5.60
Annual 11.00
Underwriting Class factors are shown in the following table:
Preferred 0.85
Standard 1.00
Substandard 1.80
A 20% spouse discount was applied to the base policy and all riders.
9. Projected Experience and Lifetime Loss Ratios
Nationwide historical and projected loss ratios, both before and after the rate increase, are shown
in Exhibit 3. The historical data used in the projections are consistent with the data shown in
Exhibit 2. The projections were produced using an asset share model and the assumptions
described in Section 13. These assumptions were shown to be best estimates as demonstrated in
Section 10. Below is a summary of projected lifetime loss ratios for policy forms P103 and
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Long-Term Care Filing – Maryland
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 ProjectedLifetime ProjectedLifetime
 LossRatio LossRatio
 w/outRateInc. withRateInc.
LimitedBP,NoAutomaticInflation 64.4% 64.4%
85.0% 85.0%
128.0% 122.3%
186.9% 178.6%
10. Premium Increase Application
The aggregate rate increase requested for policy forms P103 and P104 and related rider
attachments included in this filing is 9%. This aggregate rate increase percentage was
determined based on our nationwide mix of business.
Premium Rate Schedules with the requested increase are shown in Exhibit 4.
11. Proposed Effective Date
This rate increase will apply to policies on their policy anniversary date following a 60-day
policyholder notification period. In no event will any policy receive this rate increase less than
one year after receiving the most recent rate increase implemented in Maryland.
12. Certification
I am a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries,
and I meet the Academy’s qualification standards for preparing health rate filings. Further, the
preparation of the data and assumptions included in this filing were completed by additional
actuaries and non-actuaries of Physicians Mutual. Although I have not audited this information,
I have reviewed it for reasonableness. To the extent that it is materially incomplete or
inaccurate, the contents of this memorandum may be affected.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and judgment, this entire rate filing is in compliance
with applicable laws and that it complies with Actuarial Standard of Practice #8, and that the
premiums charged are not excessive or unfairly discriminatory. This filing will enhance
premium rate adequacy, however, it is not the full rate increase that can be actuarially justified.
Future rate action may be necessary before benefits can be certified as reasonable in relation to
Mark Lehman, FSA, MAAA
Assistant Vice President and Actuary