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Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate
Medical-Surgical Medical-Surgical
Patricia Rushton
Dennis L. Eggett
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Rushton, P. & Eggett, D. (23) Comparison of written and oral examinations in a baccalaureate
medical-surgical nursing course. Journal of Professional Nursing May/June, 19(3) P142-148.
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Rushton, Patricia and Eggett, Dennis L., "Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate
Medical-Surgical" (2003).
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Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate Medical-Surgical
Nursing Course
Patricia Rushton, RN Ph.D
Associate Professor
Brigham Young University College of Nursing
4015 So. 5200 W.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84120
Home Phone: 801-966-4897
Work Phone: 801-378-5375
Pager: 801-329-7425
Dennis Eggett, Ph.D
Director of the Center for Statistical Consultation and Collaborative Research
Department of Statistics
Brigham Young University
Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate Medical-Surgical
Nursing Course
Topic Investigated:
Nursing students have traditionally been evaluated with an objective written
examination. This method has demonstrated some benefits and disadvantages. This
project examined the value of oral examinations in evaluating nursing students.
Five groups of students were evaluated with different forms of testing. Some
were evaluated with only written tests, others with only oral examinations, some with a
combination of both types of evaluations.
Results demonstrated that oral examinations can effectively evaluate the student’s
comprehension and application of clinical information in a clinical situation, as shown in
higher test results, compared with oral written examinations, and positive student
Oral examination can be as effective or more effective in evaluating student
understanding of medical/surgical content and its application in clinical situations.
Key words: nursing student, examination, objective, oral
Comparison of Written and Oral Examinations in a Baccalaureate Medical-Surgical
Nursing Course
At a large private university college of nursing, students have been evaluated for
their comprehension of medical-surgical content with the traditional midterm/final
objective written test consisting of multiple choice, matching, and true/false items.
Continuing observation of this type of testing in one basic medical-surgical nursing
course has demonstrated some benefits and difficulties. Therefore, the course instructor
embarked on a project to determine the value of an oral examination, in comparison with
the traditional objective written examination.
Theoretical Framework:
The goal of nursing evaluation is to determine if the nursing student is able to
comprehend the information learned during study periods and taught during class work
and apply that information in the clinical situation. The hope is to develop evaluation
measures that will determine if such application is taking place. Bloom’s taxonomy, as
described by Slavin (2003), divides educational concepts into domains from simple to
complex. These domains can be used to describe test items and types of tests into the
ability of the test to actually evaluate student performance. The domains progress from
knowledge (recalling information) through comprehension (translating or interpreting
information), application (using principles or abstractions to solve novel or real life
situations), analysis (breaking down complex information or ideas into simpler parts to
understand how the parts relate or are organized), synthesis (creation of something that
did not exist before), and evaluation (judging something against a given standard). The
traditional written objective examination often fits into the "knowledge" category. The
hope for an evaluation measure would be to have it test at a level higher than knowledge,
requiring better understanding and application of the material in a specific situation.
Hypothesis, Purpose, and Goals:
The primary purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of traditional
objective written examinations and oral examinations in evaluating students’ knowledge
base in a basic medical/surgical nursing class. The study examined the effects of testing
style on student learning by comparing test scores and examination of comments on
student evaluations. The study hypothesized that oral examinations would result in:
1) More effective study habits and increased motivation to study information
from the course content.
2) Improved learning and knowledge base, critical thinking skills, and ability to
apply information in a specific clinical situation demonstrated by higher
examination scores
Background Research Studies and Significance:
Describing the use of oral examinations in any setting was limited in the
literature. Descriptions of their use in nursing settings were even more rare. However,
even though some of the following citations are older, they are felt to be helpful in
an examination of this area of study.
Balran and Farnsworth (1997) administered an oral examination twice a year in
their course, the Sociology of Health. Students were video taped as they orally answered
two questions. The grade was given after the instructor reviewed the videotape of the
student’s answer. Instructors noted that, though not statistically significant, the mean
scores for the oral examination were higher than the written examinations. Negative
aspects of the process were student anxiety and nervousness. In spite of considerable time
being given to prepare the students for this form of examination, instructors found the
administration of such a test physically exhausting for the instructors when more than six
students were scheduled consecutively.
Piane, Rydman, and Rubens (1996) studied learning styles of public health
students in predicting a preference for taking oral or written examinations. They found
learning styles did not predict preferences for oral or written examinations. The study,
however, did not evaluate the value of each type of test in actual learning.
Mandeville and Menchaca (1994) used an elaborate two-part system that tested
seven education students in a group environment. First, the students individually
presented a concept they understood and had prepared, and were critiqued by the group.
Second, students worked in two person teams. They were provided with a concept they
presented without previous preparation. A second student critiqued them. The second
student then presented another aspect of the same concept. The total examination took
108 minutes to administer to the entire group. Students were graded on a point system
with points being determined by a combination of scores from two instructors, the
members of the group, and the student being evaluated. The authors felt there were two
limitations to their examination: 1) the situation may not be efficient for a larger group of
students, 2) there may not be general acceptance of the form of examination as an
accurate measurement.
In an older study at a school of pharmacy in North Carolina, Lindley, Mackowiak,
Williams, and Hak (1986) instituted the use of oral examinations in a pharmacy course.
The student perceptions of such a testing method were favorable. Students felt the oral
testing situation stimulated learning in the test preparation period, was fair in its
administration, produced a manageable level of anxiety, and was a good learning
experience. They felt oral examinations enhanced the value of the involved course.
However, the impact of oral testing on the students’ test grades or final class grade was
not discussed.
According to Bashook (2000) oral examinations have been used to evaluate U.S.
physicians since 1917. He states that, “Currently, 15 member boards of the American
Board of Medical Specialties administer 17 different standardized oral examinations to
approximately 10,000 physician candidates annually.” Though variable scoring systems
are used, the examinations consist of standardized cases or questions administered by
examiners who are practiced in administering such examinations. Bashook notes, “The
standardized oral examination is one potential way to measure the clinical judgment of
professionals.” As an example of such oral examinations, Solomon, Reinhard, Bridgham,
Munger, and Starnaman (1990) describe the process of testing candidates in emergency
medicine. The examination consists of cases provided by the candidates from their own
practice in combination with cases provided by the examiner at the time of the
Older nursing literature examined the advantages and disadvantages of objective
written and oral examinations separately. Robbins (1975) noted that advantages of
objective written examinations included rapid evaluation of the students’ responses,
uniformity of measurement resulting from clearly defined terms, and ability to test fully
the information covered in the course. The biggest disadvantage was the need for
thorough validation of the test questions. Turner, Hillier, and Kershaw (1982) suggested
that objective question validation should 1) demonstrate that test items measure what they
are supposed to measure, 2) develop questions with a clearly defined answer, and 3)
determine the discriminatory power of a question. They noted, however, the validation,
though essential, is time consuming and monotonous. Marsden (1983) wondered if the
objective written test was even worth keeping in terms of its ability to actually evaluate
the ability to care for patients.
Comments on the value of oral or, at least, case oriented evaluations are available
in the literature. Marsden (1983) suggested an alternative to objective testing of patient
oriented case studies. He noted that such scenarios might indicate an understanding of
the medical condition of the patient and needed nursing care, and would test the same
knowledge content as that tested in objective testing. Dalis (1970) studied student
achievement in health education subjecting one group of students to precise behavioral
objectives and another to more vague behavior objectives. Results indicated learning was
improved with precise behavior objectives, and students in the experimental group asked
more questions during instructional sessions. These studies may lead to the notion that
learning and knowledge application is improved with precise scenarios requiring the
student to know and apply specific information.
At the college of nursing that participated in this study, students have traditionally
been evaluated for their comprehension of medical-surgical content with the
midterm/final objective written examination consisting of multiple choice, matching, and
true/false items. Continuing use of this type of examination has demonstrated some
benefits and difficulties.
1) Allows a broad sampling of knowledge in an objective fashion.
2) Can be easily scored and analyzed.
3) Can be easily administered to large groups with limited need for staff
1) Can be very time consuming to construct items that actually test the large
amount of content. It may require an unmanageable number of items.
2) May represent highly subjective selections of questions. Content from some
areas may not be tested at all.
3) Entails difficulty in writing unambiguous questions.
4) Rewriting items to eliminate numbers one and two above and to protect test
security is very labor intensive.
5) Adequate studying is difficult, in light of the amount of content, but helping
students focus their studying through a test preparation session may require
extra meeting and study time.
6) Immediate feedback after the examination is difficult, sometimes impossible,
since there is not always time to do a post examination review.
7) Coordination in putting the examination together, working with a testing
center, and adjusting scores to reflect problems discovered during the
examination review or as a result of answer sheet scanning can be labor
intensive for faculty.
Johnson and Johnson (2002) noted some additional benefits and difficulties to
objective tests.
1) Assessment of knowledge quickly and efficiently
2) Prevent bias in scoring
3) Measure student knowledge without bias toward writing, grammatical, or
neatness skills.
1) Rely on recognition and recall for assessment.
2) Require specific, predetermined answers
3) Penalize poor readers
With the above information, the course instructor felt that the case study method
of both presenting content and examining understanding and application might have the
advantages presented below. This method is more thoroughly described in the
“Methods” section of this paper.
1) As with the objective written examination, oral tests would maintain the goal
of encouraging students to learn and study by specific objectives
2) It should provide for consistent lecture/discussion/testing content from one
block and semester to the next, while still allowing for updating of material as
3) It would allow for evaluation of comprehensive course content in clinical
situations, thus providing a real world environment.
4) It would provide for immediate evaluation of whether the students understand
the information and can apply that information in a clinical situation.
5) It would eliminate the confusion and ambiguity that had been experienced
with multiple choice questions.
6) It may not add to the workload of the students for study or preparation, but in
fact, may decrease their workload by making clearer the content the students
are responsible to understand.
7) It would decrease faculty workload by eliminating the need to revise test
questions every semester, and by eliminating the need for pretest preparation
sessions and posttest reviews. It would also eliminate the faculty time used to
organize and coordinate testing.
8) It allows students to demonstrate their knowledge in more complex levels
according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
Description of Subjects:
This study viewed a collection of test scores in five groups of students enrolled in
the fifth medical-surgical course of the nursing program. These are outlined below.
Group 1- 55 students- The same group of students was given 3 written
midterms and one written final - Test average - 85
Group 2-150 students-1 written midterm and written final -Test average - 91
Group 3- 45 students-Oral examination only, no midterm-Test average - 99
Group 4- 92 students-1 written examination, 1 oral examination-Test average - 90
Group 5- 47 students- 1 written examination with questions resembling NCLEX
examination questions, 1 oral examination-Test average - 92
All the students who participated in the study were at the same level of their nursing
education and had the same type and amount of nursing student experience prior to
enrollment in the course involved in this project. Testing was mandatory and test
scores have been maintained as part of the instructor’s permanent records. Test scores
only have been presented in this paper, making the study participants anonymous.
Method or Procedure:
Students were divided into the following groups by convenience as changes to the
testing procedure progressed from objective written examination to various forms of oral
and/or objective written examinations combinations.
Objective Written Examination Only Group (Group 1 and 2)
Objective written examinations consisted of a midterm(s) and a final examination
of multiple choice, matching, definition, and short answer questions. Several instructors
contributed questions and graded their portions of the examination. Efforts were made
to design questions, which would test the students’ ability to recall information,
synthesize known information into separate concepts, and to apply information and
concepts to clinical nursing situations (critical thinking). However, there was not
time to validate questions in a non-testing arena prior to using them as an actual test
question. The examinations did not change between blocks (A block consists of six
weeks of instruction. Two blocks equal one semester) within the same semester group.
However, since one of the objectives of testing is to evaluate students in the fairest
manner possible, changes were made to improve the examination questions between
semester groups. These examinations of about 100 questions were taken in a testing
center, available over several days, and had no time limitations for the actual testing
Oral Examination Only Group (Group 3)
A test was designed consisting of nine case studies containing 132 questions.
Questions were designed, again, to test the student’s ability to recall information
and to synthesize given information into separate concepts and to apply the
information and concepts in clinical nursing situations (critical thinking). During
the test design, a test key was written in which the significant content, concepts or
application involved in each question were defined. Correct content, concepts or
points of appropriate application were given a point value to allow the instructor to
quantify the correctness of the student answer. At the beginning of the block the
students were given the nine case studies and informed that it would be from these
questions an examination question would be chosen. The students were informed of the
examination design, and given six weeks to prepare. The examination was given in a
faculty office, and were administered and graded by the same instructor. Each student
chose one question from the 132 questions in the case studies out of a hat and had 10
minutes to respond. At the end of the 10 minutes, students were asked to determine the
number of points they felt they earned based on the test key. A discussion between the
student and instructor then followed to determine the final number of points given. This
examination was given at the end of the course, and there was no midterm. Because the
students had six weeks to prepare and were required to know the answers to all the
questions, the single question answered was worth the same number of points previously
given to both the midterm and the final, 250 points. It is interesting to note that students
in this class tended to deflate their grades when given the opportunity to evaluate
Oral Examination and Objective Written Examination Group (Groups 4 and 5)
The teaching team in which the study course was involved decided to increase the
value of the examination portion of the final grade from 25% to 50% so final grades
would more reflective of examinations than written work. The course instructor for the
study group felt that it was a great deal of pressure on the student to increase the value of
one examination from 250 points to 500 points, (50% of the 1000 point grading system).
It was decided to have the student take a 250 point (125 question) objective written
examination and a 250 point oral examination. The same set of nine case studies
continued to be used as preparation for both the oral and objective written tests. This
format was used for 18 months. However, at the end of this period, the study course
instructor felt it was important to emphasize questions more consistent with the NCLEX
examination in the course’s written objective examination and efforts were made to
replace old examination questions with new examination questions that would be
consistent with this goal. Forty percent of the old examination questions were replaced
with new NCLEX-type questions.
Cases and questions for all study groups were written from the objectives and the
content areas presented in the course. All groups were given the benefit of a review
period prior to taking whatever form of final examination was given that group. This
content included pathophysiology and nursing care in the areas of oncology, hematology,
GI, reproductive, genitourinary, cardiology, respiratory, endocrine, and neurology.
Concept areas were also addressed. These included diagnostic and lab tests,
pharmacology, medical treatment, community and professional issues.
Statistical Analysis and Results:
A comparison of the studys examination method groups demonstrated a
significant difference in the percentage of total possible points on examinations
=58.88, p<0.0001), as well as in the comparison of final grade scores on a four
point scale, A=4, B=3, etc (F
=5.85, p<0.0001). Though the groups differed in the
number of students, there were sufficient numbers in each group to obtain reliable
estimates. The analysis controlled for varying numbers because standard errors are
adjusted for sample sizes. The oral examination only group scored significantly higher
(Table 1) than the other groups on the four point scale. There was no significant
difference in the average grade for the other groups on this scale. This means that those
students who only took the oral examination performed significantly better than those
who took other types of examinations. The percentage scale showed no significant
difference between the written objective examination and oral examination combination
and the single mid-term with a final combination. All other groups were significantly
different from each other (See Table 1).
Student Evaluation Comments
Both positive and negative comments on student evaluations were recorded. The
negative comments were principally made about the written examinations. Students felt
that cases did not prepare them for the objective written examination. The material they
were expected to know was overwhelming, and a 125-question objective written test was
too long. Students commented that they would have liked to have more short written
examinations throughout the block instead of one long one at the end of the semester.
They felt that the single question oral examination at the end of the block was very
stressful. Except for the stressfulness of the oral examination, all of the comments about
the oral examination were positive. Students felt the cases helped them truly understand
the material and provided practice in applying the material to clinical practice.
Student evaluations did not reflect the change in study habits. However, the
principle investigator noted that the students formed study groups to research and share
answers to the questions on the case scenarios. The groups determined which members
would find answers to each of the nine cases and the groups gathered periodically to
share and discuss those answers.
Limitations of this Study:
Limitations of this study include:
1) The inability to validate the questions in the objective written examination
over time and with several student groups
2) The examination scores of the objective written examinations and the oral
examinations are difficult to compare accurately given their inherent
3) The same instructor did all of the oral testing. Though that instructor
attempted to be completely objective in evaluating the student answers, it was
4) The manipulation of testing strategies and changes in test questions after
the data collection began increases the difficulty of comparing data.
However, the changes in the tests were made in an effort to more
efficiently and fairly evaluate students’ ability to learn and apply
knowledge to a clinical nursing situation. Since this should be the main
objective for any student evaluation measure, the limitation in
comparison of study data is understood and accepted.
The initial hypothesis of this project was that oral examinations would result in:
1) More effective study habits and increased motivation to study information from
the course content.
2) Improved learning and knowledge base, critical thinking skills, and ability to
apply information in a specific clinical situation demonstrated by higher
examination scores
More effective study habits were seen in preparing for the oral examination.
Students not only studied individually, but also formed study groups with assignments to
find the answers to specific questions and then shared that information with other
members of the group. Though not stated as a specific goal of the project or anticipated
as an outcome, students used these study groups to promote collegial exchange of real
life situations by use of clinical case studies.
Improved learning, increased knowledge base, critical thinking, and application of
information to clinical situations were noted through significantly higher examination
scores with the oral examination than any other form of examination. Student comments
noted that they felt oral examinations were beneficial, in spite of the time it took to study
for the test and the stress the testing procedure produced. There was no comment from
students indicating that study for the oral examination took more time than studying for a
written examination.
The oral examination seemed to be very stressful for some students, perhaps
because the concept was new. Great effort was taken to discuss the test frequently with
students. Faculty was available to answer any student questions about the examination
and its content prior to the examination period. A review period was scheduled during
class time to review the case studies with students and answer any questions students had
not been able to answer on their own prior to the examination. In spite of these measures,
all students were clearly concerned about having to orally present information to a faculty
member in an examination situation, and two students were actually in tears when they
came to their final situation.
As mentioned above, it was impossible for the faculty administering the oral final
to be absolutely objective in grading the student. Having said that, however, it was
absolutely clear to the faculty whether or not the student knew the information. With rare
exception, students came prepared to answer the randomly chosen question in a complete
and thorough fashion.
Professional role and community content is very difficult to test objectively, and
has not been previously included in this course’s written medical/surgical objective
examination. In writing the case studies, however, content on community and
professional roles was included. There was some question, however, about actually
including the content in the examination period because it is often perceived as easier
information to provide orally. It was decided, however, that if the information was
important enough to teach and ask in the case studies, it was important enough to teach
and ask about in the examination situation.
As anticipated, oral examination was labor intensive for the faculty. The initial
writing of the case studies took a great amount of time to be sure that questions were
understandable and content objectives achieved. Since the case studies were not
confidential, there was no need to change questions every semester, and once written,
little revision was necessary. Since students were allowed, even encouraged to ask
questions about the case studies, answering these questions, often on an individual basis,
was time consuming. Finally, a review session was necessary prior to the actual
examination period to answer questions students had not been able to previously answer,
to review material students may have been unclear about, and to emotionally support
students in their ability to use an unfamiliar examination format. The actual examination
administration was very time consuming for the faculty. Since it was a research project,
one faculty member took responsibility of administering all of the oral examinations.
Even at only 10 minutes for each student, examination of 24 students took about 4 hours.
This is probably not more hours than it takes to grade any test with a subjective or
narrative component, however, no post test review was necessary since students already
had their questions clarified and received immediate feedback about their test results.
In regard to the objective written examinations, changes in examination questions
were frequently necessary, for several reasons. During the first years of this project,
some faculty changed their questions to reflect new material and maintain confidentiality
every semester. This was very time consuming and does not appear to have resulted in
better test scores. During the final part of the project, replacing previous questions with
NCLEX type questions was time consuming and labor intensive. However, it did
produce statistically significant improvement in test scores over any other type of
objective written examination or objective written / oral examination combination. This
may validate the fact that it is difficult for faculty to write and validate test items on a
frequent basis. Standardizing items over a period of time may be helpful.
The actual statistical analysis seems to indicate that there is no difference between
having one midterm, multiple midterms or only a final written examination in final
examination scores or final grades.
Final grades were influenced by the written work students completed, in addition
to test scores. Of 390 students in the study, 149 or 37% had final course grades not
different from their examination grades. Seven students, 1%, had lower final course
grades one grade lower than their examination scores because they did poorly on written
assignments. Sixty two percent (N=244) of the students had final course grades higher
(one to three grades higher) than their examination grades because their written work
raised their final grade. After the examinations was changed to be worth 50% of the total
grade, 86 students or 61% of that group (N=140) had grades that were higher than their
test scores. One missing grade was reported. This was due to a student receiving an
incomplete grade secondary to illness.
Oral examination can be as effective or more effective in evaluating student
understanding of medical/surgical content and its application in clinical situations.
Oral examination is labor intensive for faculty, but appears to be no more labor
intensive for students than studying for the traditional objective written examination.
Though oral examinations with a case scenario format are stressful for students, many
commented they felt they learned significantly from this format and it appeared to be
worth the stress.
The standardization and validation of examination questions, as found in NCLEX
examinations, produces improved scores on examinations.
Multiple examinations in any of the combinations explored in this study did not
produce better test scores. However, with a large enough sample of students, multiple
examinations might prove to produce higher NCLEX scores than with fewer
Final course grades may not correlate with examination grades if 50% or more of the
grade is made up of other course assignments.
Anderson, J. G., Aydin, C.E., & Jay, S.J., (1994) Evaluating health care information
systems: methods and applications. Sage. Thousand Oaks.
Balran, A. & Farnsworth, B. (1997) Oral exams: an alternative evaluation method. Nurse
Educator 22 (4): 6-7
Bashook, P. (2002) Assessing clinical judgment using standardized oral examinations.
Dalis, G.T., (1970) Effect of precise objectives upon student achievement in health
education. The Journal of Experimental Education. 39:20-23
Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, R.T. (2002) Meaningful Assessment: A Manageable and
Cooperative Process. Boston. P.63.
Lindley, C.M., Mackowiak, J.I., Williams, D.M. & Hak, S.H. (1986) Ambulatory care
pharmacy practice course: introduction and evaluation of oral examinations.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 50:268-274
Mandeville, T.F. & Menchaca, V. (1994) Group oral exams: exploring assessment
techniques for new instructional paradigms. Reading Research and Instruction.
33(4): 319-325
Marsden, E. (1983) Nursing examinations. Nursing Times. Jul 6-12; 79(27):72
Piane, G., Rydman, R.J., & Rubens, A.J. (1996) Learning style preferences of public
health students. Journal of Medical Systems. 20(6): p.377-384.
Robbins, E. (1975) Examining examinations—2; objective tests. Nursing Times. Oct
Slavin, R.E. (2003) Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. 7
edition. Boston.
Pp. 466-467.
Solomon, D.J, Reinhart, M.A., Bridgham, R.G., Munger, B.S., &Starnaman, S. (1990)
An assessment of an oral examination format for evaluating clinical competence
in emergency medicine. Academic Medicine. 65(9): supplement p. 43-44
Turner, P.A.C, Hillier, V.P, & Kershaw, J.E.W. (1982) How objective are objective tests?
Some uses of the computer in validating multiple-choice questions. Nursing
Times, Supplement. Sept 22: quest 2-4.
Four Point
Scale for
of Total
Test Points
Oral Only (group 3)
NCLEX/ Oral (group5)
Written and Oral (group 4)
Single Mid-Term with Final
(group 2)
Three Mid-Terms with Final
(group 1)
* Significantly different from all other groups at p<.05
# These two groups are not different from each other but are
significantly different from other groups at p<.05
Response to critique
1.Is it a significant and original contribution to knowledge in the field?
Question about reliability of statistics will be dealt with under question 2.
2. Is the experimental design, methods, and results presented, compete, and soundly
It is unclear exactly what testing strategies were used in some areas. For example, it is
difficult to determine what was meant by 3 written midterms and a written final” for
Group 1. Did the same group of students take 3 examinations and a final or were there 3
groups taking one midterm and a final? See bolded print on page 11.
Groups consisted of varying numbers of subjects raising questions regarding the
uniformity of groups and the strength of statistical analysis. The uniformity of the group
is dealt with on page 12, paragraph 1. The statistical analysis is clarified on page 15
under the “Statistical Analysis” section.
There was manipulation of testing strategies and “frequent changes in test questions”
after the data collection began leading to questions regarding the reliability of the data
obtained for groups 1-4. This limitation is more fully explained on page 17.
It is unclear as to what specific criteria were used to make judgment regarding scoring
for the “oral examination” group. Please note changes on page 13 under the oral
examination group.
Testing of critical thinking was not defined. See bolded area on page 12.
Final grades used in the analysis, represented scores from course projects as well as
scores from the various testing groups measured. This leads to significant questions
regarding the differences in testing strategies along. This portion of the “Results”
section has been rewritten to clarify the fact that testing scores alone were compared
separate from the final grades. See page 15.
3. Do the author’s conclusions logically flow from the data?
The conclusions may be affected by the reliability of the data as cited above. Data
reliability has been dealt with under question 2.
4. Are the references pertinent, current, and in APA format?
Several articles cited are dated. The reason for this is clarified on page 5. The reference
to Alverno College has been deleted.
5. Are illustrations and tables adequate in quality and number?
Table 2 does not differentiate between group differences. Table 2 has been omitted.