Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
Task and Level Counter
The current task and level are displayed in the Task and
Level Counter located in the lower left corner of each
activity screen. The Task and Level Counter also indicates the
number of levels yet to be completed for the current task
(e.g., Task: 1 Level 2/10 means the student is working on the
second level out of a possible 10 levels for Task 1).
A round of an activity consists of 10 auditory presentations
and responses called trials. In some Earobics activities, trials
are displayed at the bottom of the screen indicating whether
or not a response is correct while in others, trials are
displayed along one of the screen edges. Icons indicating cor-
rect and incorrect responses will vary from activity to activity.
See Earobics activity descriptions for detailed
scoring information.
Cursor Availability
To prevent a student from attempting a response before the
auditory prompt is complete, the mouse pointer does not
appear on the screen during auditory prompts. After the
stimulus is presented, the mouse pointer will reappear three
times its normal size, blink green, and return to normal size.
This is the visual cue for students to respond.
Student Response Time
Student response time defaults to 10 seconds for each activi-
ty. If time elapses before the student responds, that response
will be treated as incorrect. If the student requires more time
to respond, click the
Audio Replay
icon to hear the stimu-
lus again and reset the timer.
Select a different response time interval from the Response
Time drop-down box in Student or Group Activity
Preferences to change this option.
Earobics Step 2 software delivers activity instructions in 9
languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Cantonese, Haitian
Creole, Hmong, Polish, Russian, and Vietnamese.
Select a different language from the Language drop-down
box in Student or Group Activity Preferences to change this
Continuous Rounds of Play
Looping is enabled by default. This option allows students to
complete a round (10 trials) of a game. The Progress Chart will
display for five seconds and then the student will progress to the
next activity in the list.
To change this option, click once in the Enable Looping check-
box in Student or Group Activity Preferences.
Setting Levels
Educators may select a starting task, repeat a task, disable a
task, or skip tasks for students. Disabled tasks cannot be
played at all, while skipped tasks may be played if a student
progresses or regresses to them.
Click the Enable Looping checkbox in Student or Group
Activity Preferences to allow students to play one round (10
trials) of a given activity. The Progress Chart will display for
five seconds and then the student will progress to the next
activity in the list.
Disable the Enable Looping checkbox in Student or Group
Activity Preferences to customize an activitys play settings by
selecting starting tasks, disabled tasks, or skipped tasks. Students
will log in, be presented with the Progress Chart and allowed to
select an activity that has been assigned by their teacher.
Collecting Data
Data is collected automatically during normal activity play and
upon early exit by students if they click the
button. If a
student fails to respond twice due to response timeout, the sys-
tem will prompt the student “Do You Want To Play Again?” If
a student clicks Yes, the system will continue the activity where
the student left off. If a student clicks No, the system will dis-
play the Progress Chart and not record the two incorrect trials
(due to lack of response) but will record any trials responded to
previously during the activity.
Adaptive Training
Earobics carefully monitors each student’s progress. The
software automatically increases or decreases the level of
difficulty for an activity, so a student is always working at the
level appropriate to his or her needs. Some activities
may not advance levels until the start of the next round of
play, even though the criterion for advancement has been
met. See each activitys description for its adaptive training
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Task 1:
Auditory memory for digits (10 levels)
Task 2:
Following directions: digits and linguistic
concepts (20 levels)
Task 3:
Following directions: digits, linguistic concepts,
and competing noise (6 levels)
Task 4:
Auditory memory for words (8 levels)
Task 5: Following directions: words and linguistic concepts,
(20 levels)
Task 6:
Following directions: words, linguistic concepts,
and competing noise (6 levels)
Task 7:
Auditory memory for long vowel phonemes
(8 levels)
Task 8:
Following directions: long vowel phonemes and
linguistic concepts (20 levels)
Task 9:
Following directions: long vowel phonemes, lin-
guistic concepts, and competing noise (6 levels)
Task 10:
Auditory memory for short vowel phonemes
(8 levels)
Task 11:
Following directions: short vowel phonemes and
linguistic concepts (20 levels)
Task 12:
Following directions: short vowel phonemes,
linguistic concepts, and competing noise (6 levels)
Task 13:
Auditory memory for consonant phonemes
(8 levels)
Task 14:
Following directions: consonant phonemes
and linguistic concepts (22 levels)
Learning Variables
Auditory memory skills, following directions, and background
noise are learning variables applied throughout the 14 tasks in
Calling All Engines. An explanation of each follows.
Auditory Memory Skills
Calling All Engines provides systematic skill training across
168 levels of instruction. Calling All Engines builds auditory
sequential memory by increasing the number of sounds the
student must remember and by removing visual cues.
Initially, the student sees the symbols as sounds are present-
ed. As the student progresses, the symbols do not appear
until after sounds are presented, requiring the student to rely
on auditory memory skills for his or her response.
Following Directions
Once the student successfully sequences five items without
visual cueing, Calling All Engines requires the student to
follow oral directions containing linguistic concepts (e.g.,
“Before you click on /w/, click on /p/”).
Background Noise
When the student can follow oral directions successfully,
Calling All Engines has him or her focus attention in the
presence of competing background noise. The volume of the
background noise increases or decreases based on the stu-
dent’s performance.
How to Play
Help FireFighter Fly put out the fire in the burning building by
recalling a series of numbers, words and speech sounds, and by
following directions of increasing complexity. Click on the fire
hydrant to bypass the opening instructions and to begin the task.
If looping is enabled for a student or a group of students, Calling
All Engines will start automatically after five seconds once
students log in. If looping is disabled, click on the
icon on the Progress Chart to begin.
A number appears inside each of the nine windows of the burn-
ing building. FireFighter Fly gives directions to click on a num-
ber. (Note: the cursor will disappear during the presentation of
the number.) Position the cursor over the number heard and
wait until a blue frame appears around the selected window.
Click on the number before FireFighter Fly runs out of water.
After three consecutive correct responses, Calling All
Engines automatically advances the level of difficulty by
increasing the number of digits spoken.
When two or more numbers are presented, click on the
numbers in the order they were presented. Calling All
Engines continues to advance in difficulty by increasing
the amount of numbers, concealing the digits until after
numbers have been spoken, increasing the complexity of
directions, introducing low and high levels of background
crowd noise, and varying the type of sounds presented.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
correct response, incorrect response
Primary Skills
Auditory Sequential Memory, Attention and Short-term
Memory, Following Oral Directions, Comprehension
of Linguistic Concepts, Auditory Performance with
Competing Signals
Related Skills
Auditory and Phoneme Discrimination, Sound-Symbol
Calling All Engines strengthens students’ auditory memory and language processing.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
“Click on the sounds you hear.”
Tasks 1–3: Recalling, Sequencing, and Following Directions with 1–5 Digits
Tasks 4–6: Recalling, Sequencing, and
Following Directions with 1–4 Words
Background Noise
Background noise is
systematically introduced,
requiring the student to
listen and focus in the
presence of competing
distractions. The volume
of the background noise
increases or decreases
depending upon the
student’s performance.
Delayed Visual Cueing
As the activity progresses,
students will not see pic-
tures or letters until after
the auditory stimuli are pre-
sented. Delayed visual cue-
ing requires the student to
rely on auditory memory to
complete the task.
Increasing Challenge
As the activity progresses,
the student will recall and
sequence up to five items
in order. The software
automatically adjusts the
number of stimuli depend-
ing upon the student’s
Tasks 7–9: Recalling, Sequencing, and
Following Directions with 1–4 Long Vowel Sounds
Tasks 10–12: Recalling, Sequencing, and
Following Directions with 1–4 Short Vowel Sounds
Tasks 13–14: Recalling, Sequencing, and
Following Directions with 1–4 Consonant Sounds
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Primary Skills
Phonological Segmentation and Manipulation, Phonological
Sequencing, Auditory Temporal Resolution, Auditory
Temporal Ordering and Pattern Recognition, Auditory
Short-term and Sequential Memory
Related Skills
Auditory Attention, Auditory and Phoneme
Discrimination, Following Oral Directions,
Comprehension of Linguistic Concepts
Paint by Penguin helps the student increase reading speed and accuracy, and improve spelling by developing his or her ability
to count, segment, sequence and manipulate sounds.
Task 1:
Counting number of phonemes (12 levels)
Task 2:
Segmenting phonemes in a word with simple
syllable structure (6 levels)
Task 3:
Segmenting phonemes in a word with complex
syllable structure (4 levels)
Task 4:
Counting and sequencing phonemes (12 levels)
Task 5:
Segmenting and sequencing phonemes in a word
with simple syllable structure (6 levels)
Task 6:
Segmenting and sequencing phonemes in a word
with complex syllable structure (4 levels)
Task 7:
Manipulating phonemes (24 levels)
Learning Variables
Counting sounds, segmenting words into sounds, manipu-
lating sounds, and auditory feedback are learning variables
applied in Paint by Penguin. An explanation of each follows.
Counting Sounds
Paint by Penguin uses 68 levels of instruction to teach
phoneme segmentation and manipulation skills. It establish-
es the foundation for phoneme segmentation with activities
in counting speech sounds. Paint by Penguin requires the
student to process sounds increasingly quickly by providing
practice at time intervals ranging from 1.0 to .25 second.
Segmenting Words into Sounds
Once the student is successful counting sounds, he or she
learns to segment words into individual sounds.
Manipulating Sounds
As the student’s skills progress, Paint by Penguin teaches the
student to manipulate speech sounds. The student creates
new real and nonsense words by rearranging, deleting,
substituting, and adding sounds. The words progress from
short to long and from simple to complex syllable structures.
Auditory Feedback
Initially, Paint by Penguin provides auditory feedback by
repeating the sounds as the student clicks on the mouse. As
the student progresses, the auditory feedback is removed.
With no auditory feedback, the student learns to respond
How to Play
Paint masterpieces with Pierre Penguin by selecting a sponge
to count, sequence, segment, and manipulate speech sounds.
Click on a sponge to bypass the opening instructions. If
looping is enabled for a student or a group of students,
Paint By Penguin will start automatically after five seconds
once students log in. If looping is disabled, click on the
on the Progress Chart to begin.
Tasks 1-3:
Pierre presents one to three speech sounds.
When Pierre turns to face the canvas and the
appears on screen, click the mouse once for each speech
sound heard. A sponge print appears with each click of the
mouse. The number of sponge prints must match the num-
ber of sounds presented.
Paint by Penguin continues at the given level until at least eight
correct responses out of ten are provided. Paint By Penguin then
advances the level of difficulty by changing the interval between
sounds, eliminating auditory feedback, and increasing the num-
ber of sounds presented. After the student becomes proficient at
counting individual speech sounds, Paint by Penguin advances
the level of difficulty by presenting a word. Click on the mouse
once for each speech sound heard in the word. After six or more
incorrect responses, the level of play decreases automatically.
Tasks 4-6:
Pierre Penguin presents one to three speech
sounds. Click on any paint can at the bottom of the screen
to represent the number and order of the sounds heard.
Select a different color for each different sound you hear. Use
the same color for sounds that are the same. Color choices
apply only to a single response; when the next speech sounds
are presented, students may change the colors of paint.
Paint by Penguin continues at the given level until at least
eight correct responses are provided. Paint by Penguin then
advances the level of difficulty by changing the interval
between sounds, eliminating auditory feedback, and increas-
ing the number of sounds presented. After the student
becomes proficient at counting and sequencing individual
speech sounds, Paint by Penguin advances the level of diffi-
culty by presenting words. After six or more incorrect
responses, the level of play decreases automatically.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
Task 7:
Pierre presents a word containing two sounds,
using a different color sponge for each sound. Pierre
instructs students to rearrange the sounds into a new word.
Click on the paint can colors at the bottom of the screen
that correspond to the colors used by Pierre.
Paint by Penguin continues at the given level until at least
eight correct responses are provided. Paint by Penguin then
advances the level of difficulty by introducing more chal-
lenging sound manipulations, eliminating auditory feedback,
and increasing the number of sounds in a word. After six or
more incorrect responses, the level of play decreases auto-
correct response, incorrect response
“Click on the mouse once for each sound you hear in the word.”
Tasks 5–6: Segmenting and sequencing phonemes in
words with simple and complex syllable structures
Task 1: Counting number of phonemes
Task 7: Manipulating phonemes
Increasing Challenge
As the activity progresses, the
complexity of syllable structure
and the difficulty of the phono-
logical manipulation tasks
become more challenging.
Auditory Feedback
Student initially hears the
sounds produced as he or
she clicks on the mouse. As
the activity progresses, audi-
tory feedback is removed
and the student counts
sounds independently.
Time Intervals
Paint by Penguin helps
students process sounds
by presenting sounds at
time intervals ranging from
1.0 second to .25 second.
Task 4: Counting and sequencing phonemes
Tasks 2–3: Segmenting phonemes in words with
simple and complex syllable structures
Student learns to
rearrange, delete,
replace, and insert
phonemes to create
new words.
Continuous Scorecard
Immediate feedback is provided after each student
response. The student is rewarded for each correct
answer. If the student responds incorrectly, he or she
is shown the correct response.
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Task 1:
Blending two syllables into a word (9 levels)
Task 2:
Blending three syllables into a word (3 levels)
Task 3:
Blending four syllables into a word (3 levels)
Task 4:
Blending two phonemes into a word (3 levels)
Task 5:
Blending three phonemes into a word with
simple syllable structure (9 levels)
Task 6:
Blending three phonemes into a word with
complex syllable structure (3 levels)
Task 7:
Blending four phonemes into a word with
simple syllable structure (3 levels)
Task 8:
Blending four phonemes into a word with
complex syllable structure (9 levels)
Task 9:
Word closure: multisyllabic words with final
syllable omitted (3 levels)
Task 10:
Word closure: multisyllabic words with initial
syllable omitted (3 levels)
Task 11:
Word closure: multisyllabic words with
medial syllable omitted (2 levels)
Task 12:
Word closure: simple syllable structure
words with final phonemes omitted (3 levels)
Task 13:
Word closure: simple syllable structure
words with initial phoneme omitted (3 levels)
Task 14:
Word closure: simple syllable structure
words with medial phoneme omitted (2 levels)
Task 15:
Word closure: complex syllable structure words
with one phoneme of consonant blend omitted (2 levels)
Learning Variables
Blending sounds, distinguishing sounds in words, word
closure, and increasing auditory memory are learning
variables applied throughout the 15 tasks in Pesky Parrots.
An explanation of each follows.
Blending Sounds
Pesky Parrots provides 60 levels of instruction in word,
syllable, and phoneme blending, and in word-closure skills.
Students begin by learning to blend two syllables into a
word, and progress to learning how to blend three and four
syllables and then up to four phonemes into words.
Distinguishing Sounds in Words
Pesky Parrots teaches the student to hear subtle differences
in words. Initially, the student chooses from three words
that do not sound alike. As the student’s skills develop, the
response choices become more similar. This encourages the
student to listen to every sound and to make finer discrimi-
nations between words.
Word Closure
Pesky Parrots advances to teaching word-closure skills. The
student learns to recognize a word when a syllable or
phoneme has been omitted by filling in the missing part of
the word. This skill training develops the students awareness
of sounds and word-prediction skills.
Increasing Auditory Memory
While the student develops blending and word closure skills,
Pesky Parrots also helps him or her build auditory memory
skills. Decoding words requires at least a two-second audito-
ry memory span, the amount of time needed to recognize a
symbol, recall the sound, and hold and process the sound in
auditory memory. Pesky Parrots provides extensive practice
with listening to sounds and holding them in auditory
memory for gradually increasing amounts of time before
blending them into words. Pesky Parrots gradually increases
the time the student must hold a sound in auditory memory
until the two-second goal is attained.
How to Play
Help Pirate Patch get back his stolen jewels by blending
syllables and speech sounds into words and completing
words by filling in missing syllables or speech sounds. If
looping is enabled for a student or a group of students,
Pesky Parrots will start automatically after five seconds once
students log in. If looping is disabled, click on the
icon on the Progress Chart to begin.
Tasks 1-8:
The pesky parrots present two syllables that
make a word. Three pictures appear on the sails of the pirate
ship. When the
icon appears on screen, click on the
picture that corresponds to the word spoken by the parrots.
After three consecutive correct responses, Pesky Parrots auto-
matically advances the level of difficulty by increasing the
time between syllables and introducing more similar-sound-
ing response choices. When the student becomes proficient
blending two syllables into words, Pesky Parrots automati-
cally advances by presenting three and then four syllables.
Pesky Parrots continues to increase in difficulty by present-
ing individual speech sounds, varying the complexity of
Primary Skills
Phonological Blending, Word Closure, Auditory and
Phoneme Discrimination, Auditory Short-term Memory,
Auditory Performance with Degraded Signals
Related Skills
Auditory Sequential Memory, Auditory Attention,
Auditory Temporal Ordering, Following Oral Directions,
Comprehension of Linguistic Concepts
Pesky Parrots addresses blending and word closure to give the student foundational skills for successful decoding.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
sound patterns in words, using longer presentation intervals,
increasing the number of sounds presented, and varying the
similarity of the response choices.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
will decrease automatically.
Tasks 9-15:
The pesky parrots present the first syllable of a
word and omit the second syllable. Three pictures appear on
the sails of the pirate ship. Click on the picture that corre-
sponds to the word spoken by the parrots.
After three consecutive correct responses, Pesky Parrots auto-
matically advances the level of difficulty by increasing the
number of syllables in the word. Pesky Parrots continues to
advance the level of difficulty by varying the position of the
omitted syllable, omitting speech sounds, and varying the
complexity of sound patterns in the word
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
will decrease automatically.
correct response incorrect response
Task 15: Word closure with one phoneme of a consonant blend omitted
Tasks 12–14: Word closure with a
phoneme omitted
Tasks 9–11: Word closure with a syllable omitted
Challenging Foils
As the activity pro-
gresses, the response
choices sound more
alike, challenging the
student to make finer
between words before
Word Closure
Student builds word
closure skills by listen-
ing to words and filling
in the missing syllable
or phoneme.
Time Intervals
The activity builds
auditory memory by
pausing between syl-
lables or phonemes,
first for .25 second,
then 1.0 second and
2.0 seconds.
Syllable Structure
As the activity progresses,
the complexity of the sylla-
ble structure becomes
more challenging.
Tasks 4–8: Blending 2–4 phonemes into a wordTasks 1–3: Blending 2–4 syllables into a word
“Click on the picture of what the parrots are saying.”
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Note: Tasks 4-8 are disabled by default but can be enabled
using Activity Preferences.
Task 1:
Discriminating vowels in minimal pair closed
syllables (30 levels)
Task 2:
Discriminating vowels in minimal pair words
with postvocalic /l/ (30 levels)
Task 3:
Discriminating r-controlled vowels in minimal
pair words (21 levels)
Task 4:
Discriminating ba-pa (7 levels)
Task 5:
Discriminating sha-sa (7 levels)
Task 6:
Discriminating ra-la (7 levels)
Task 7:
Discriminating ma-na (7 levels)
Task 8:
Discriminating da-ga (7 levels)
Task 9:
Recognizing diphthongs in a word (4 levels)
Task 10:
Recognizing tense vowels in a word (4 levels)
Task 11:
Recognizing lax vowels in a word (7 levels)
Task 12:
Identifying position of a consonant phoneme
in a word (24 levels)
Learning Variables
Discriminating vowels, distinguishing consonants, and
recognizing sounds and spellings of vowels, and recognizing
the position of consonant sounds are learning variables
applied throughout the 12 tasks in Hippo Hoops. An
explanation of each follows.
Discriminating Vowels
Hippo Hoops uses 155 levels of instruction to teach
discrimination, phoneme identification, and phoneme
sequencing skills. The student begins with practice in
vowel discrimination, listening to a series of one to eight
consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) syllables. The student
learns to detect a change in the vowel phoneme.
Discriminating Consonants
Hippo Hoops progresses to teaching discrimination of
consonant-vowel pairs. Hippo Hoops begins with sounds
that are made easier to discriminate. Acoustically modified
speech is used to make critical cues more easily heard. As a
student's skills develop, he or she is presented with sounds
that are more difficult to discriminate.
Recognizing Sounds and Spellings of Vowels
Once consonant and vowel discrimination is mastered, Hippo
Hoops teaches the student to recognize the sounds and spellings
of diphthongs, tense and lax vowels in words. The student learns
that certain sounds can be spelled in a number of ways.
Recognizing the Position of Consonant Sounds
Hippo Hoops has the student recognize the position of con-
sonant sounds in words. The student identifies a sound as
occurring in the beginning, middle, or end of a word.
How to Play
Score banana points by recognizing and discriminating
sounds and by identifying the position of sounds within
words. Build phonics skills for vowels, vowel digraphs,
diphthongs, consonants, consonant digraphs and consonant
blends while shooting hoops with Hakeem Hippo. Click on
the ball Hakeem holds to bypass the opening instructions.
If looping is enabled for a student or a group of students,
Hippo Hoops will start automatically after five seconds once
students log in. If looping is disabled, click on the
icon on the Progress Chart to begin.
Tasks 1-8:
Hakeem Hippo is ready to go one-on-one with
the Rhino. When the whistle blows, place the cursor on the
ball in the rack at the bottom of the screen. Click and hold
down the mouse button and listen as Hakeem repeats one
real or nonsense word. Let go of the mouse button when
you hear a different word.
After three consecutive correct responses, Hippo Hoops
automatically advances the level of difficulty by presenting
more similar sound contrasts.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
Tasks 9-11:
Hakeem Hippo and his hippo pal are ready to
go two-on-two with the Rhinos. Hakeem presents a sound
that corresponds to the letter or letters displayed on the ban-
ners. When the whistle blows, place the cursor on the ball in
the rack, hold down the mouse button, and listen as
Hakeem presents a list of words. Let go of the mouse button
when you hear a word that contains the sound correspon-
ding to the letter or letters on the banners.
Primary Skills
Auditory and Phoneme Discrimination, Auditory Vigilance,
Phoneme Identification, Phonological Sequencing
Related Skills
Auditory Attention, Auditory Short-term Memory, Sound-
Symbol Correspondence, Following Oral Directions,
Comprehension of Linguistic Concepts
Hippo Hoops strengthens reading fluency and spelling as the student learns to identify and discriminate sounds, identify the
position of sounds within words and recognize spelling patterns.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
After three consecutive correct responses, Hippo Hoops
automatically advances the level of difficulty by introducing
more challenging sound patterns, moving from diphthongs
to tense vowels and to lax vowels.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
Task 12:
Hakeem presents a sound that corresponds to the
letter or letters displayed on the banners. Hakeem says a
word. When the speaker icon appears on screen, click on the
first, second, or third ball in the ball rack to indicate if the
sound is heard at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.
After three consecutive correct responses, Hippo Hoops
automatically increases the level of difficulty by introducing
more challenging sounds.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
correct response, incorrect response
Task 10: Recognizing tense vowels in a word
Task 11: Recognizing lax vowels in a word
Tasks 4–8: Discriminating consonants in CV syllables
Task 9: Recognizing diphthongs in a word
“Let go of the mouse when you hear the
Acoustically Modified Speech
Computer-generated speech is
used to make critical acoustic
cues more easily heard.
Increasing Challenge
As the activity progress-
es, student discriminates
between vowel pairs that
sound more similar.
Sounds and Letters
Student learns that certain
sounds can be spelled a
number of different ways.
These spelling patterns
are reinforced.
Task 12: Identifying position of a consonant
phoneme in a word
Tasks 1–3: Discriminating vowels
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Task 1:
Recognizing word endings: open-syllable rimes
(8 levels)
Task 2:
Recognizing word endings: closed-syllable
rimes (55 levels)
Task 3:
Recognizing word endings: rimes containing
postvocalic /l/ (8 levels)
Task 4:
Recognizing word endings: rimes containing
r-controlled vowels (4 levels)
Task 5:
Recognizing word beginnings: single consonants
and consonant digraphs (22 levels)
Task 6:
Recognizing word beginnings: CC blends
(22 levels)
Task 7:
Recognizing word beginnings: CCC blends
(5 levels)
Task 8:
Blending onsets with rimes (12 levels)
Task 9:
Segmenting and deleting phonemes, onsets,
and rimes (6 levels)
Learning Variables
Recognizing rhyming word endings, recognizing onset pat-
terns, blending onsets and rimes, auditory interference and
segmenting and deleting phonemes, onsets and rimes are
learning variables applied throughout the nine tasks in Duck
Luck. An explanation of each follows.
Recognizing Rhyming Word Endings
Duck Luck provides systematic training in recognition and
spelling of common word endings. These word endings are
the most frequently occurring phonological patterns in the
English language.
Recognizing Onset Patterns
As the student’s skills progress, Duck Luck provides practice
in recognition and spelling patterns of onsets, including
consonants, consonant digraphs, and consonant blends.
Blending Onsets and Rimes
Once the student masters recognition of word endings and
beginnings, Duck Luck has him or her blend these onsets
and rimes. The time interval between presentation of onsets
and rimes gradually increases from .50 to 2.0 seconds. These
changes require the student to hold the sounds in auditory
memory for increasingly longer periods of time.
Auditory Interference
Duck Luck continues to challenge the student by using
auditory interference between the presentation of onsets
and rimes. Initially the activity presents sounds without
interruption (e.g., hot); as the activity progresses, verbal
instructions are used as auditory interference (e.g., “Which
duck says a word that begins with /h/ and ends with /ot/?”).
The interference requires the student to hold the initial
sound in auditory memory while processing the directions.
Segmenting and Deleting Phonemes, Onsets and Rimes
After the student is able to blend onsets and rimes, Duck
Luck requires the student to segment and delete all or part
of the onset or rime.
How to Play
Visit the Duck Luck Arcade for some old-fashioned carnival
fun as you work on rhyming and other sound-pattern recog-
nition skills. Click on the prize arrow to bypass the opening
instructions. If looping is enabled for a student or a group
of students, Duck Luck will start automatically after five
seconds once students log in. If looping is disabled, click
on the
icon on the Progress Chart to begin.
Tasks 1-7:
Lyle Crocodile presents a sound pattern corre-
sponding to the letters displayed on the screen. Three little
ducks each speak a different word. Click on the duck whose
word ends with the sound pattern Lyle Crocodile presented.
After three consecutive correct responses, Duck Luck auto-
matically advances the level of difficulty by presenting more
challenging word-final sound patterns, introducing word-
initial sound patterns, and varying the complexity of the
word-initial sound patterns.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
Task 8:
Lyle Crocodile presents two parts of a syllable (onset and
rime) that make a one-syllable word. Click on the duck that says
the word corresponding to the word spoken by Lyle Crocodile.
Duck Luck strengthens decoding and spelling skills as the student learns to recognize, blend, and manipulate onsets
(word beginnings), rimes (word endings), and phonemes.
Primary Skills
Rhyming, Phoneme Identification and Discrimination,
Phonological Blending, Segmentation and Manipulation,
Word Closure, Auditory Sequential and Short-term
Memory, Sound-Symbol Correspondence
Related Skills
Auditory Attention, Sound-Symbol Correspondence,
Auditory Short-term Memory, Phonological Sequencing,
Following Oral Directions, Comprehension of Linguistic
Concepts, Sight Recognition
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
After three consecutive correct responses, Duck Luck auto-
matically advances in difficulty by increasing the interval
between parts of the word, increasing the complexity of the
sound patterns within the word, and introducing interfer-
ence between the two parts of the word.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
Task 9:
(6 Levels of Play) Lyle Crocodile presents a word
with a sound removed. Click on the duck that says the word
that corresponds with the word spoken by Lyle Crocodile.
After three consecutive correct responses, Duck Luck auto-
matically advances the level of play by varying the complexi-
ty of the sound patterns within a word and by varying the
type of sound manipulation.
After two consecutive incorrect responses, the level of play
decreases automatically.
correct response, incorrect response
“Which duck says a word that ends with
Task 9: Segmenting and deleting
phonemes, onsets, and rimes
Task 8: Blending onsets with rimes
Tasks 1–4: Recognizing word endings
Tasks 5–7: Recognizing word beginnings
Time Intervals
Duck Luck builds auditory
memory by pausing
between onsets and
rimes for .5 second and
works systematically up
to 2.0 seconds.
Increasing Challenge
As the activity progress-
es the tasks and com-
plexity of the syllable
structure become more
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Calling All Engines
Task 1: Using auditory memory for digits (10 levels)
Objective: The student will recall in order one, two, three,
four or five digits presented one second apart. Display of
nine response choices will be simultaneous or delayed.
Task 2: Following directions: digits and linguistic
concepts (20 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
linguistic concept and requiring identification of digits.
Display of nine response choices will be simultaneous or
delayed. The set of linguistic concepts consists of and, or,
not, first, last, middle, ...before, ...after, before..., after... .
Task 3: Following directions: digits, linguistic
concepts, and competing noise (6 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing
randomly selected linguistic concepts and requiring identifi-
cation of digits. Display of nine response choices will be
simultaneous or delayed and no, low or high background
noise will be present. The set of linguistic concepts consists
of and, or, not, first, last, middle, ...before, ...after, before...,
after... .
Task 4: Using auditory memory for words (8 levels)
Objective: The student will recall in order of presentation
one, two, three or four words auditorily presented. Display
of response choices will be simultaneous or delayed.
Task 5: Following directions: words and linguistic
concepts (20 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
linguistic concept and requiring identification of words
represented by pictures. Display of response choices will
be simultaneous or delayed. The set of linguistic concepts
consists of and, or, not, first, last, middle, ...before, ...after,
before..., after... .
Task 6: Following directions: words, linguistic concepts,
and competing noise (6 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
randomly selected linguistic concept and requiring identifi-
cation of words represented by pictures. Display of nine
response choices will be simultaneous or delayed and no,
low or high background noise will be present. The set of
linguistic concepts consists of and, or, not, first, last, middle,
...before, ...after, before..., after... .
Task 7: Using auditory memory for long vowel
phonemes (8 levels)
Objective: The student will recall in order of presentation
one, two, three or four long vowel sounds presented audito-
rily. Display of response choices will be simultaneous or
Task 8: Following directions: long vowel phonemes
and linguistic concepts (20 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
linguistic concept and requiring identification of long vowel
sounds represented by corresponding graphemes. Display of
response choices will be simultaneous or delayed. The set of
linguistic concepts consists of and, or, not, first, last, middle,
...before, ...after, before..., after... .
Task 9: Following directions: long vowel phonemes,
linguistic concepts and competing noise
(6 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing
a randomly selected linguistic concept and requiring
identification of long vowel phonemes represented by
corresponding graphemes. Display of response choices will
be simultaneous or delayed and no, low or high background
noise will be present. The set of linguistic concepts consists
of and, or, not, first, last, middle, ...before, ...after, before...
after... .
The following learning objectives appear on the Reporting screen. They are written in standard Individualized Education
Plan (IEP) format to help educators keep records and create reports. When writing IEP goals, use these learning objectives as
a framework and customize them for each student. Objectives for each activity are listed in the order presented during play.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
Task 10: Using auditory memory for short vowel
phonemes (8 levels)
Objective: The student will recall in order of presentation
one, two, three or four short vowel sounds presented audito-
rily. Display of response choices will be simultaneous or
Task 11: Following directions: short vowel phonemes
and linguistic concepts (20 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
linguistic concept and requiring identification of short vowel
sounds represented by corresponding graphemes. Display of
response choices will be simultaneous or delayed. The set of
linguistic concepts consists of and, or, not, first, last, middle,
...before, ...after, before..., after... .
Task 12: Following directions: short vowel phonemes,
linguistic concepts, and competing noise
(6 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing
a randomly selected linguistic concept and requiring
identification of short vowel phonemes represented by
corresponding graphemes. Display of response choices will
be simultaneous or delayed and no, low or high background
noise will be present. The set of linguistic modifiers consists
of and, or, not, first, last, middle, ...before, ...after, before...,
after... .
Task 13: Auditory memory for consonant phonemes
(8 levels)
Objective: The student will recall in order of presentation
one, two, three or four consonant sounds presented audito-
rily. Display of response choices will be simultaneous or
Task 14: Following directions: consonant phonemes
and linguistic concepts (22 levels)
Objective: The student will follow directions containing a
linguistic concept and requiring identification of consonant
sounds represented by corresponding graphemes. Display of
response choices will be simultaneous or delayed. The set of
linguistic concepts consists of and, or, not, first, last, middle,
...before, ...after, before..., after... .
Paint by Penguin
Task 1: Counting number of phonemes (12 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number of
phonemes (one, two, three, four, or five) presented auditorily.
The phonemes will be separated by 1.0, 0.5 or 0.25 sec-
onds. Simultaneous auditory feedback will or will not be
provided during response.
Task 2: Segmenting phonemes in a word with simple
syllable structure (6 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number of
phonemes (two, three, four, or five) in a word with simple
syllable structure presented auditorily. Simultaneous auditory
feedback will or will not be provided during response.
Task 3: Segmenting phonemes in a word with
complex syllable structure (4 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number of
phonemes (three, four, or five) in a word with complex syllable
structure presented auditorily. Simultaneous auditory
feedback will or will not be provided during response.
Task 4: Counting and sequencing phonemes
(12 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number and
sequence of phonemes (one, two, three, four, or five)
presented auditorily. The phonemes will be separated by
1.0, 0.5 or 0.25 seconds. Simultaneous auditory feedback
will or will not be provided during response.
®2007 Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Connections Student Activities
Paint by Penguin (cont.)
Pesky Parrots
Task 1: Blending two syllables into a word (9 levels)
Objective: The student will blend two syllables 0.25, 1.0 or
2.0 seconds apart and will select from a set of three response
choices. The choices will contain zero, one or two foils
(words that are perceptually similar to the target word).
Task 2: Blending three syllables into a word (3 levels)
Objective: The student will blend three syllables 0.25, 1.0 or
2.0 seconds apart and will select from a set of three response
Task 3: Blending four syllables into a word (3 levels)
Objective: The student will blend four syllables 0.25, 1.0 or
2.0 seconds apart and will select from a set of three response
Task 4: Blending two phonemes into a word (3 levels)
Objective: The student will blend two phonemes 0.25, 1.0
or 2.0 seconds apart and will select from a set of three
response choices.
Task 5: Blending three phonemes into a word with
simple syllable structure (9 levels)
Objective: The student will blend three phonemes 0.25,
1.0 or 2.0 seconds apart into a word with simple syllable
structure and will select from a set of three response choices.
The choices will contain zero, one or two foils (words that
are perceptually similar to the target word).
Task 6: Blending three phonemes into a word with
complex syllable structure (3 levels)
Objective: The student will blend three phonemes 0.25,
1.0 or 2.0 seconds apart into a word with complex syllable
structure and will select from a set of three response choices.
Task 7: Blending four phonemes into a word with
simple syllable structure (3 levels)
Objective: The student will blend four phonemes 0.25,
1.0 or 2.0 seconds apart into a word with simple syllable
structure and will select from a set of three response choices.
Task 8: Blending four phonemes into a word with
complex syllable structure (9 levels)
Objective: The student will blend four phonemes 0.25, 1.0
or 2.0 seconds apart into a word with complex syllable struc-
ture and will select from a set of three response choices. The
choices will contain zero, one or two foils (words that are
perceptually similar to the target word).
Task 5: Segmenting and sequencing phonemes in a
word with simple syllable structure (6 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number (two,
three, four, or five) and sequence of phonemes in an
auditorily presented word with simple syllable structure.
Simultaneous auditory feedback will or will not be provided
during response.
Task 6: Segmenting and sequencing phonemes in a
word with complex syllable structure (4 levels)
Objective: The student will identify the number (three,
four, or five) and sequence of phonemes in an auditorily
presented word with complex syllable structure. Simul-
taneous auditory feedback will or will not be provided
during response.
Task 7: Manipulating phonemes (24 levels)
Objective: Given a series of two, three, or four phonemes
that form a word, the student will manipulate the phonemes
to create a new word or nonsense word. Simultaneous
auditory feedback will or will not be provided during
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
Task 9: Word closure: multisyllabic words with final
syllable omitted (3 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
two, three or four syllables that form a word from which the
final syllable has been omitted, the student will identify the
word by selecting from a set of three choices.
Task 10: Word closure: multisyllabic words with initial
syllable omitted (3 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
two, three or four syllables that form a word from which the
initial syllable has been omitted, the student will identify the
word by selecting from a set of three choices.
Task 11: Word closure: multisyllabic words with medial
syllable omitted (2 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
three or four syllables that form a word from which the
medial syllable has been omitted, the student will identify
the word by selecting from a set of three choices.
Task 12: Word closure: simple syllable structure words
with final phonemes omitted (3 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
two, three or four phonemes that form a word with simple
syllable structure, from which the final phoneme has been
omitted, the student will identify the word by selecting from
a set of three choices.
Task 13: Word closure: Identifying simple syllable
structure words with initial phoneme omitted
(3 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
two, three or four phonemes that form a word with simple
syllable structure, from which the initial phoneme has been
omitted, the student will identify the word by selecting from
a set of three choices.
Task 14: Word closure: Identifying simple syllable
structure words with medial phoneme
omitted (2 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a sequence of
three or four phonemes that form a word with simple sylla-
ble structure, from which the medial phoneme has been
omitted, the student will identify the word by selecting
from a set of three choices.
Task 15: Word closure: Identifying complex syllable
structure words with one phoneme of
consonant blend omitted (2 levels)
Objective: When presented with a sequence of three or four
phonemes that form a word with complex syllable structure,
from which one segment of the CC cluster has been omit-
ted, the student will identify the word by selecting from a
set of three choices.
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Connections Student Activities
Hippo Hoops
Note: Tasks 6-8 are disabled by default but can be enabled using
Activity Preferences.
Task 1: Discriminating vowels (30 levels)
Objective: The student will discriminate a change in the
vowel sound of minimal pair closed (CVC) syllables
presented one second apart.
Task 2: Discriminating vowels in minimal pair words
with postvocalic /l/ (30 levels)
Objective: The student will discriminate a change in the
vowel sound of minimal pair CVC syllables with post-
vocalic /L/ presented one second apart.
Task 3: Discriminating r-controlled vowels (21 levels)
Objective: The student will discriminate a change in
the vowel sound of minimal pair CVC syllables with
r-controlled vowels 1.0 second apart.
Task 4: Discriminating bah-pah (7 levels)
Objective: In an auditory vigilance task, the student will
discriminate a change in the consonant phoneme of mini-
mal pair CV syllables when the CV syllables are presented
1.0 seconds apart. The interphonemic acoustic difference
in voice onset time and the perceptual saliency of the
difference between the consonant phonemes is gradually
reduced from eight steps to two steps.
Task 5: Discriminating shah-sah (7 levels)
Objective: In an auditory vigilance task, the student will
discriminate a change in the consonant phoneme of mini-
mal pair CV syllables when the CV syllables are 1.0 seconds
apart. The interphonemic acoustic difference in spectrum of
frication and the perceptual saliency of the difference
between the consonant phonemes is gradually reduced from
eight steps to two steps.
Task 6: Discriminating rah-lah (7 levels)
Objective: In an auditory vigilance task, the student will
discriminate a change in the consonant phoneme of mini-
mal pair CV syllables when the CV syllables are 1.0 seconds
apart. The interphonemic acoustic difference in onset for-
mant frequency and the perceptual saliency of the difference
between the consonant phonemes is gradually reduced from
eight steps to two steps.
Task 7: Discriminating mah-nah (7 levels)
Objective: In an auditory vigilance task, the student will
discriminate a change in the consonant phoneme of mini-
mal pair CV syllables when the CV syllables are 1.0 seconds
apart. The interphonemic acoustic difference in onset for-
mant frequency and the perceptual saliency of the difference
between the consonant phonemes is gradually reduced from
eight steps to two steps.
Task 8: Discriminating dah-gah (7 levels)
Objective: In an auditory vigilance task, the student will
discriminate a change in the consonant phoneme of mini-
mal pair CV syllables when the CV syllables are 1.0 seconds
apart. The interphonemic acoustic difference in onset
formant frequency and the perceptual saliency of the
difference between the consonant phonemes is gradually
reduced from eight steps to two steps.
Task 9: Recognizing diphthongs in a word (4 levels)
Objective: The student will recognize a diphthong in words
auditorily presented 2.0 seconds apart.
Task 10: Recognizing tense vowels in a word (4 levels)
Objective: The student will recognize a tense vowel sound in
words auditorily presented 2.0 seconds apart.
Task 11: Recognizing lax vowels in a word (7 levels)
Objective: The student will recognize a lax vowel sound in
words auditorily presented 2.0 seconds apart.
Task 12: Identifying position of a consonant (24 levels)
Objective: The student will recognize the position of a con-
sonant sound in an auditorily presented word.
Earobics Software Guide
Connections Student Activities
Duck Luck
Task 1: Recognizing word endings: open-syllable rimes
(8 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with an open-syllable
rime, the student will select a word containing the same
rime from three choices.
Task 2: Recognizing word endings: closed-syllable
rimes (55 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a closed-syllable
rime, the student will select a word containing the same
rime from three choices.
Task 3: Recognizing word endings: rimes containing
postvocalic /l/ (8 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a rime contain-
ing post-vocalic /l/, the student will select a word containing
the same rime from three choices.
Task 4: Recognizing word endings: rimes containing
r-controlled vowels (4 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a rime contain-
ing an r-controlled vowel, the student will select a word con-
taining the same rime from three choices.
Task 5: Recognizing word beginnings: single
consonants and consonant digraphs (22 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a single conso-
nant or consonant digraph onset, the student will select a
word containing the same onset from three choices.
Task 6: Recognizing word beginnings: CC blends
(22 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a CC blend
onset, the student will select a word containing the same
onset from three choices.
Task 7: Recognizing word beginnings: CCC blends
(5 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a CCC blend
onset, the student will select a word containing the same
onset from three choices.
Task 8: Blending onsets with rimes (12 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with an onset (word
beginning) followed by a rime (word ending) separated by
0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 seconds, the student will blend the onset and
rime into a word by selecting from three choices. Auditory
interference will or will not be presented.
Task 9: Segmenting and deleting phonemes, onsets,
and rimes (6 levels)
Objective: When auditorily presented with a word and
instructions to delete either all or part of the onset or rime,
the student will choose the correct word from a set of three