Rating Guide
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Table of Contents
Rating Scale ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Understanding the Core Values ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
UTSA Competency Based Model …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Understanding the Competencies ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Core Values Rating Descriptors …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Core Competencies Rating Scale Descriptors ………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Individual Contributors ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
People Leaders …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Executives …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
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Rating Scale
What is a performance management rating scale? A Performance Management Rating Scale is a
standardized way of evaluating employee performance. The rating scale includes descriptors specific to
performance expectations that are used to assess the employee’s level of performance.
What rating scale is used at UTSA?
There are rating scales used in the evaluation for both the core values and the competencies. The
summary rating scale for the overall performance evaluation is as follows:
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations: Needs significant improvement in some or most areas.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations: Often meets expectations but needs improvement in some
3 - Meets Expectations: Strong, solid performer who meets expectations and occasionally exceeds
4 - Exceeds Expectations: Exceptional performer who consistently exceeds expectations.
5 - Role Model: Consistently performs above all that is required; makes unique contributions and
achieves impactful accomplishments.
Overall Staff Rating
performance - Overall Score
Role Model
4.50 — 5
Exceeds Expectations
3.50 4.49
Meets Expectations
2.50 3.49
Somewhat meets expectations
1.50 2.49
Does not meet expectations
How is each tab weighted for the overall score?
Each tab is weighted as 1/3 of the total score.
Core Values
Operation Excellence
Core Competencies
Core Values
Core Values
Operation Excellence
EE Acknowledgement
Performance Factors
Individual Contributor
People Leader
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Understanding the Core Values
These core values are the foundations of everything that we do.
UTSA Competency-Based Model
UTSA’s competency-based performance management model focuses on assessing and developing
employees based on specific competencies or skills deemed essential for success in a particular role or
within the university. Core values play a crucial role in shaping this model because they serve as a
compass for the university in providing a framework for decision-making and employee interaction.
Implementing a competency-based performance management model requires a commitment to
ongoing communication, development, and alignment with university’s mission and vision.
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Understanding the Competencies
If our core values are “the foundations of everything that we do,” our core competencies are
“how we get it done.”
Individual Contributor Competencies
Operational Excellence
Functional and Technical Skills
Action Oriented
Core Competencies
Customer Focus
Dealing with Ambiguity
People Leader Competencies
Operational Excellence
Strategic Agility
Business Acumen
Dealing with Ambiguity
Managerial Courage
Developing Direct Reports
Decision Quality
Executive Competencies
Organizational Agility
Business Acumen
Interpersonal Savvy
Directing Others
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
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Core Values Rating Scale Descriptors
Demonstrates reliability and takes responsibility for their own actions. Follows through on
commitments, maintains confidentiality and supports the values of the university.
1 - Does Not Meet ExpectationsDoes not demonstrate reliability or take responsibility for
their own actions. Fails to maintain confidentiality; does not follow through on
commitments; demonstrates a lack of support for the values of the university
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Occasionally demonstrates reliability and at times fails
to follow through on commitments. Inconsistently takes responsibility for their own actions.
Sometimes struggles to identify situations requiring confidentiality. Occasionally
demonstrates a lack of support for the values of the university.
3 - Meets ExpectationsDemonstrates reliability and follows through on commitments with
minimal follow-up and guidance. Takes responsibility for their own actions. Maintains
confidentiality. Demonstrates support for the values of the university.
4 - Exceeds ExpectationsConsistently demonstrates reliability and follows through on
commitments without needing follow-up and guidance. Takes responsibility for their own actions
and comes prepared with solutions. Maintains confidentiality and identifies potential risks.
Demonstrates the values of the university through their actions.
5 - Role ModelModels reliability and follows through on commitments, anticipating needs
before they arise. Takes responsibility for their own actions and takes a proactive approach to
implement long-term solutions. Actively works to consider areas where confidentiality is critical,
and acts on potential risks. Champions the values of the university and influences others.
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Commitment to delivering consistently high-quality results through superior performance.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations Does not deliver expected results and is resistant
to applying feedback from coaching.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations Delivery of results is inconsistent and requires regular
coaching and follow-up to achieve results.
3 - Meets Expectations - Consistently delivers high-quality results. Is open to feedback and
coaching to ensure superior performance.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Sets new standards and looks for new ways to deliver high-quality
results. Sets stretch goals that strive for continuous improvement. Actively seeks feedback
and coaching to ensure superior performance.
5 - Role Model - Develops and implements new standards of excellence. Takes appropriate
steps to monitor excellence in own work. Sets stretch goals and delivers exceptional results.
Is sought after by others for feedback and coaching.
Demonstrates the ability to engage respectfully and productively with those that have
perspectives which vary from their own.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Consistently has difficulty successfully interacting with
those that have perspectives which vary from their own. Does not seek opportunities to
engage with others of varying viewpoints or workstyles.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Inconsistently demonstrates the ability to engage
respectfully and productively with those that have perspectives which vary from their
own. Exhibits limited interest in including others of varying viewpoints or workstyles.
3 - Meets Expectations - Consistently demonstrates the ability to engage respectfully and
productively with those that have perspectives which vary from their own.
4 - Exceeds Expectations Seeks opportunities to involve others with varying viewpoints to
improve results. Actively engages respectfully and productively with those that have
perspectives which vary from their own.
5 - Role Model - Models behavior that champions perspectives from all individuals, striving
for superior outcomes. Exemplifies the ability to engage respectfully and productively with all
individuals and takes steps to address inappropriate behavior by others when necessary.
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Treating others with civility, courtesy and consideration; recognizing the value of each individual.
Exhibits behavior that aligns with the university’s expectations.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Does not exhibit courtesy and consideration toward
others and demonstrates behaviors that are disrespectful or dismissive.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations Inconsistently displays respectful conduct, courtesy, and
consideration towards others. There are opportunities for improvement in their interactions with
3 - Meets Expectations Consistently treats others with civility, courtesy, and consideration;
recognizing the value of each individual. Exhibits behavior that aligns with the university’s
4 - Exceeds Expectations Actively fosters positive relationships and responds appropriately
to the various needs and feelings of others in each unique situation.
5 - Role Model Sets the standard for creating and maintaining positive relationships. Promotes
an environment of civility, courtesy, and consideration where everyone feels valued and
respected. Identifies and resolves situations where conflict exists.
Working cooperatively and effectively with others towards shared goals and the achievement of high-
quality results through collective efforts.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations Creates barriers for effective collaboration and exhibits
rigidity that negatively impacts the team’s ability to achieve high-quality results.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations Demonstrates inconsistent effort or ability in collaborating
with others. Engages with others only when necessary or prompted to by someone else.
3 - Meets-Expectations Consistently works collaboratively to achieve high-quality results
and values the opinions, ideas, and expertise of others.
4 - Exceeds Expectations Actively seeks the opinions, ideas and expertise of others and
values opportunities to work collaboratively. Credits others for their contributions and
5 - Role-Model - Inspires and motivates others to work collaboratively in pursuit of shared
goals and high-quality results. Facilitates open dialogue with a variety of stakeholders to
gather input, ensuring a broad spectrum of perspectives are represented.
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Encouraging ingenuity, creativity and discovery.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Accepts processes as they are and does not identify
areas of improvement. Discourages the creative initiative of others.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations Inconsistently identifies areas of improvement and, at
times is resistant to new ideas.
3 - Meets Expectations Appropriately identifies areas of improvement and contributes new
4 - Exceeds Expectations Actively seeks and offers new ideas in the pursuit of continuous
improvement. Takes risks in recommending creative solutions or ideas.
5 - Role Model - Proactively explores, presents, and encourages novel ideas that foster
ongoing enhancements. Contributions anticipate and address future needs making them a
driving force in creating a culture of innovation.
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Core Competencies Rating Scale Descriptors
Individual Contributors
Below are the competencies established for those identified as Individual Contributors.
Individual Contributors are defined as any person in non-supervisory roles and/or those who
only have student direct reports only.
Customer Focus
Dedicated to meeting the needs of internal and external customers; gains customer information
to provide recommendations for improvements in products and services; establishes and
maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Does not meet the needs of internal and external
customers; does not establish and maintain effective relationships with customers
creating a lack of trust and respect
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Sometimes meets the needs of internal and
external customers, but usually requires coaching and encouragement to do so;
inconsistent at establishing and maintaining effective relationships, creating trust and
respect with some customers.
3 - Meets Expectations - Meets the needs of internal and external customers; gains
customer information to provide recommendations for improvements in products and
services; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their
trust and respect through consistent delivery in services.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Anticipates the needs of internal and external customers;
actively seeks customer feedback to provide recommendations for improvements in
products and services; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers
through personalized interactions leading to increased trust and respect.
5 - Role Model Proactively addresses the needs of internal and external customers; utilizes
customer feedback to enhance the customer experience and improve products and services;
establishes strong relationships with customers based on trust and mutual respect; models
personalized interactions through empathy and compassion leading to customers feeling
valued and appreciated.
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Dealing with Ambiguity
Can effectively manage and adapt to change; makes decisions and takes action even in the
absence of complete information; can comfortably handle uncertainty.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - resistant to change; demonstrates inability to navigate uncertain
situations and does not take action in the absence of complete information.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Can manage and adapt to change, but usually requires
guidance and supervision to do so; often requires additional information and support to navigate
situations of uncertainty in order to take action.
3 - Meets Expectations - Can effectively manage and adapt to change; makes decisions and takes
action even in the absence of complete information; can comfortably handle uncertainty
4 - Exceeds Expectations Embraces, manages, and adapts comfortably to change; offers solutions
to challenges that support decision making and confidently takes action in the absence of complete
5 - Role ModelConfidently leads and influences others throughout the change process;
proactively makes decisions, addresses challenges and engages stakeholders to support navigation
of ambiguous situations.
Functional and Technical Skills
Demonstrates proficiency in specific job-related tasks, processes, or areas of knowledge necessary for
carrying out job responsibilities effectively. Proficiency in using tools, software, equipment, or
methodologies relevant to the job role, contributing to effective job performance.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Lacks understanding and does not show proficiency in job-
related tasks and basic usage of tools, software, or equipment relevant to the job.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Inconsistently demonstrates understanding of job-related
tasks and often requires guidance and support. Has a basic understanding of tools, software,
or equipment needed and inconsistently applies that knowledge to the role.
3 - Meets Expectations - Shows proficiency in specific job-related tasks, processes and tools
necessary for carrying out job responsibilities contributing to effective job performance.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Exhibits exceptional understanding and proficiency in job-related tasks,
consistently achieving high-quality results. Demonstrates expertise in using tools, software, or
equipment, effectively troubleshooting issues and providing support to others.
5 - Role Model Shows expertise in job-related tasks, setting a standard for others to follow.
Displays mastery in using tools, software, or equipment, modeling innovation and serving as a
go-to resource for others.
Action Oriented
A self-starter ready to take initiative, make decisions, and actively address tasks and
challenges to achieve desired outcomes.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Does not demonstrate initiative in taking action or
addressing tasks and challenges. Requires frequent direction and guidance to complete
tasks effectively. Hesitant in approaching new tasks or projects.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Inconsistently demonstrates initiative in taking action or
addressing tasks and challenges. Requires some direction and guidance to complete tasks
effectively. May require prompting in approaching tasks or projects.
3 - Meets Expectations - A self-starter ready to take initiative, make decisions, and actively
address tasks and challenges to achieve desired outcomes.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Takes initiative and demonstrates confidence in decision-making
and task completion. Actively seeks out opportunities for improvement, contributing to the
success of projects and initiatives.
5 - Role Model - Demonstrates a high level of confidence, decisiveness, and leadership in
addressing tasks and challenges. Proactively engages in collaborative problem solving to
implement solutions and drives high quality results. Serves as a role model for others,
inspiring and motivating colleagues to take action and achieve excellence.
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Actively works towards continuous growth through the participation in professional development
activities and applies new learning within job related tasks and projects.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Does not take initiative in seeking opportunities for
professional growth. Is resistant to engage in opportunities for skill building and performance
improvement. Does not apply new learning to job related tasks and projects.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Inconsistently engages in opportunities for
professional growth. Will participate in training when required. Inconsistently applies new
learning within job related tasks and projects.
3 - Meets Expectations - Actively works towards continuous growth through the
participation in professional development activities and applies new learning within job
related tasks and projects.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Seeks out professional development opportunities to continue
to grow professionally. Regularly applies and shares new learning to enhance job
performance and improve overall team success.
5 - Role Model - Proactively engages in professional development. Serves as a role model for
self-directed learning by applying new skills, sharing knowledge and expertise gained through
professional development. Mentors and inspires others through their dedication to
professional growth and continuous improvement.
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Core Competencies Rating Descriptors
People Leaders
Below are the competencies established for those identified as People Leaders. People Leaders are
defined as any person with direct reports and is in a Senior Director and below title.
Decision Quality
Makes good decisions based upon a mixture of analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgment; most
of his/her solutions and suggestions turn out to be correct and accurate when judged over time;
sought out by others for advice and solutions.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Did not make timely decisions or made decisions that
negatively impact people or processes. Did not use good judgment in decision making or did
not make decisions that positively impact the business.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Made timely decisions only when provided with the full
picture and details. Sometimes made good decisions and/or uses good judgment in decision
3 - Meets Expectations - Made decisions in a timely manner with full or limited details. Always
used good judgment and provided effective solutions to problems. Took accountability for
actions related to decisions.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Made well-informed, effective and timely decisions, even when
data was limited or solutions produced unpleasant consequences; perceived the impact and
implications of decisions. Strived for results; maintained endurance, demonstrated flexibility
and resilience.
5 - Role Model - Could analyze data and other external factors to make decisions that impact
broader areas of the university. Dealt effectively with pressure; remained optimistic and
persistent, even under adversity. Recovered quickly from setbacks.
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Managerial Courage
Provides current, direct, complete, and “actionable” positive and corrective feedback to others; lets
people know where they stand; faces up to people problems on any person or situation (not including
direct reports) quickly and directly; was not afraid to take negative action when necessary.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Showed difficulty communicating and navigating through
difficult situations involving direct reports and peers. Allowed issues to fester or escalate
before acting.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Achieved results by using "leadership" as a motivator to
get direct reports to act rather than taking responsibility for unpopular decisions. Sometimes
provided on the spot feedback, but often reserved feedback for formal performance
3 - Meets Expectations - Was direct, but fair and made on the spot corrections by providing
instant feedback and creating a reciprocal environment. Was sometimes proactive in
managing difficult situations involving direct reports; provided and accepted constructive
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Held others accountable and created an environment where
constructive feedback was provided and accepted to and from direct reports, peers, and
leaders alike. Was a positive influencer and could be direct; challenged the status quo and
managed difficult situations swiftly and proactively.
5 - Role Model - Was a positive influence and was often seen as the leader amongst peers. Was
always proactive in creating solutions for employee challenges before issues arise. Encouraged
creative tension and differences of opinions; held firm to what was right, regardless of popular
opinion; held self and others at varying levels accountable. Sought feedback from all levels and
quickly turned it into actionable items.
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Developing Direct Reports
Provides challenging and stretching tasks and assignments; holds frequent development
discussions; is aware of each direct report’s career goals; constructs compelling development plans
and executes them; pushes direct reports to accept developmental moves; will take direct reports
who need work; is a people builder.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Had shown difficulty in developing and motivating some
or all direct reports. Allowed employees to be complacent and discouraged risk-taking.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Could motivate most direct reports to take risks and
could influence them to create and achieve goals.
3 - Meets Expectations - Had developed the ability of others to perform and contribute
to the organization by providing ongoing feedback opportunities to learn through
formal and informal methods.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Was an active listener, built rapport and was able to persuade and
influence direct reports to step outside of their comfort zones and explore new areas and
opportunities to enhance knowledge and skillsets. Created long-term development plans and
stretch goals for employee success. Was a trusted coach and mentor for non-direct reports.
5 - Role Model - Felt successful when employees were successful; built into others and pushed
them to exceed all goals. Was a risk taker and put needs of employees above his/her own. Felt
comfortable delegating authority when needed and took every opportunity to showcase talents
of his/her direct reports. Was well-known as a trusted mentor to others outside of department.
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Dealing with Ambiguity
Can effectively cope with change; can shift gears comfortably; can decide and act without having
the total picture; isn’t upset when things are up in the air; doesn’t have to finish things before
moving on; can comfortably handle.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Was resistant to change; rarely sought opportunities to
provide a different perspective; had difficulty making decisions or executing without the full
picture. Had difficulty leading direct reports through change.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Maneuvered through changing situations and ambiguity
with guidance. Communicated change but showed hesitation in times of ambiguity. Often
required additional information and guidance to move forward.
3 - Meets Expectations - Was comfortable with change adapted to changing situations.
Effectively communicated changes to direct reports and showed clear paths to change, even
in ambiguous situations. Was able to achieve results with some guidance and direction.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Was comfortable with change and exhibited adaptability in both
changing and ambiguous environments. Communicated and moved direct reports through
change with little to no guidance.
5 - Role Model - Embraced change and influenced others in the change process; was an
effective change agent in the organization. Flawlessly executed and managed others in an
ambiguous environment. Had achieved adoption of change within his/her team.
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Business Acumen
Knows how businesses work; knowledgeable in current and possible future policies, practices,
trends, and information affecting his/her business and organization; knows the competition; is
aware of how strategies and tactics work in the workplace.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Had shown difficulty in understanding current business
processes, both internal to and external to his/her own functioning area.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Understood the functions within specific areas of his/her
own functioning area but had a limited understanding of areas outside of his/her own.
3 - Meets Expectations - Understood the inter-workings of functions within his/her own
area or department. Identified broken processes and made suggestions on course
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Positioned the department or area for future success by
identifying new opportunities; built the department by developing or improving products or
services. Took calculated risks to accomplish organizational objectives.
5 - Role Model - Shared a deep and applicable understanding of the inter-workings of multiple
departments and how departments achieve its goals and objectives. Gained knowledge through
external benchmarking and collaborate with external groups to create and maintain best
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Strategic Agility
Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately; has broad
knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; can articulately paint credible pictures and visions
of possibilities and likelihoods; can create competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Focused on current state and was not able to visualize future
state. Exhibited difficulty in understanding needs for change and had not demonstrated the ability
to strategize for future state.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Could see the future state, but had a hard time maneuvering
through present state. Could only visualize future state that was clear and not ambiguous.
3 - Meets Expectations - Developed and executed a competitive analysis and lead the
changes that create differentiation and growth. Visualized future state through clear and
current strategies and plans.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Executed strategies through people by providing leadership, feedback,
coaching, utilizing influence, managing conflict and developing talent for long-term success.
Conceptualized future state through current strategies and plans, whether clear or ambiguous.
5 - Role Model - Exhibited the ability to think strategically and created a vision and strategy for
future state. Had been able to provide and lead employees into that future state and share a big
picture vision across departments.
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Core Competencies Rating Descriptors
Below are the competencies established for those identified as Executives. Executives are
defined as individuals with titles of Executive Director, Assistant Dean, AVP, Vice Provost and
Directing Others
Is good at establishing clear directions; sets stretching objectives; distributes the workload
appropriately; lays out work in a well-planned and organized manner; maintains two-way dialogue
with others on work and results; brings out the best in people; is a clear communicator.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Sometimes presented ambiguous goals or unclear direction.
Saved high-profiled tasks for self. Often times delegated responsibility, not authority, or
delegated more authority than he/she should give. May have been overly directive and stifled
creativity and initiative.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Set goals and objectives that were too easily achieved or
easily achievable. Delegated work without guidance. Pushed people too hard or was not able
to see people's limits.
3 - Meets Expectations - Developed the ability of others to perform and contribute to the
organization by providing ongoing feedback and opportunities to learn through formal and
informal methods. Set and met stretch goals within department.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Inspired others; manages and leads effectively. Exuded executive
presence; establish trust and respect; displayed fairness and objectivity; navigated politics;
displayed empathy; listened actively; held people accountable. Led all teams within
department to create and exceeded stretch goals.
5 - Role Model - Adaptive capacity or the ability to change and be flexible. Possessed
managerial wisdom, perceived variation in the environment. Mastered flexibility, resiliency,
drove innovation and led courageously. Recognized and seized growth opportunities. Expanded
scope and aligned with others' stretch goals outside of assigned areas. Led all teams to
collaborate externally and exceeded stretch goals.
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Interpersonal Savvy
Relates well to all kinds of people, up, down and sideways, inside and outside the organization;
builds appropriate rapport; builds constructive and effective relationships; uses diplomacy and
tact; can diffuse even high-tension situations comfortably.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Had shown difficulty in understanding and exhibiting
emotional intelligence and building rapport within own department and across the university.
Expressed points of view in a blunt or insensitive manner.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Built few relationships; engaged with people in immediate
work area only. Was uncomfortable when interacting with people different from self. May
have been seen as lacking authenticity.
3 - Meets Expectations - Related comfortably with others across levels and functions. Was
diplomatic and tactful; built rapport in an open and accepting way. Picked up on interpersonal
and group dynamics.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Built constructive relationships with people both similar and
contrasting to self. Exercised both diplomacy and genuine empathy in all situations. Was
adaptable and flexible and able to maneuver through situations effectively.
5 - Role Model - Proactively developed relationships with a wide variety of people. Built
immediate rapport even when faced with difficult or tense situations. Understood
interpersonal and group dynamics and reacted in an effective manner. Engaged input from
others and listened with empathy and concern.
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Looks toward the broadest possible view of an issue/challenge; has broad-ranging personal and
business interests and pursuits; can easily pose future scenarios; can think globally; can discuss
multiple aspects and impacts of issues and project them into the future.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Did not consider multiple and varied viewpoints when
addressing problems and opportunities. Did not understand big picture or have a big picture
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Had a short-term vision or maintained a departmental
perspective; may have overemphasize local needs (departmental) without seeing the
impact on the organization.
3 - Meets Expectations - Visualized the current landscape and presented future scenarios.
Had an absorptive capacity or the ability to acquire, recognize and apply new information.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Exhibited a positive and optimistic perspective; was committed
to communicating and promoting organizational values across the organization. Exhibited
exceptional presentation skills.
5 - Role Model - Exhibited the ability to think globally and provide a big picture outlook
and perspective on areas both within the system and the external environment.
Exhibited the drive to initiate, anticipate and lead change. Promoted and drove
institutional learning and envisioned continuous organizational future success.
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Business Acumen
Knows how businesses work; knowledgeable in current and possible future policies, practices,
trends and information affecting his/her business and organization; knows the competition; is
aware of how strategies and tactics work in the workplace.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Had shown difficulty in understanding current business
processes, both internal to and external to his/her own functioning area. Was unclear about
the cause-and-effect relationships among different business functions and overall financial
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Understood the functions within specific areas of his/her
own functioning area, but had a limited understanding of areas outside of his/her own. Had a
working knowledge of financial analysis and performance.
3 - Meets Expectations - Understood the inter-workings of functions within his/her own
area or department. Identified broken processes and make suggestions on course
correction. Used financial analysis to generate, evaluate, and act on strategic options and
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Positioned the organization for future success by identifying new
opportunities; built the organization by developing or improving products or services. Took
calculated risks to accomplish organizational objectives. Identified and monitored key financial
indicators to gauge performance, identify trends, and suggest strategies that can impact
5 - Role Model - Understood the inter-workings of multiple departments and was able to share
a big picture vision across the university. Was able to develop and execute a competitive
analysis and lead the changes that create differentiation and growth. Transformed financial
information into business intelligence through analysis and quantitative and qualitative
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Organizational Agility
Knowledgeable about how organizations work; knows how to get things done both through
formal channels and the informal network; understands the origin and reasoning behind key
policies, practices, and procedures; understands the cultures of organizations.
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations - Focused on current state and was not able to visualize
future state. Had shown difficulty in understanding needs for change and had not shown
the ability to strategize for future state.
2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations - Could see the future state, but had a hard time
maneuvering through present state. Visualized a future state that was clear and not
3 - Meets Expectations - Formulated objectives and priorities and implemented plans
consistent with the long-term interest of the organization in a global environment. Capitalized
on opportunities and managed risks.
4 - Exceeds Expectations - Developed and applied strategy; maintained strategic
business performance. Took a long-term view and built a shared vision with others;
acted as a catalyst for organization change. Influenced others to translate vision into
5 - Role Model - Built and managed workforce based on organizational goals, budget
considerations and staffing needs. Ensured employees were appropriately recruited, selected,
appraised and rewarded; took action to address performance problems. Managed a multi-
sector workforce and a variety of work situations.