Parental leave policies in graduate medical education: A systematic
Laura S. Humphries, Sarah Lyon, Rebecca Garza, Daniel R. Butz, Benjamin Lemelman,
Julie E. Park
Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
article info
Article history:
Received 10 February 2017
Received in revised form
1 June 2017
Accepted 20 June 2017
Leave of absence
Maternity leave
Paternity leave
Parental leave
BACKGROUND: A thorough understanding of attitudes toward and program policies for parenthood in
graduate medical education (GME) is essential for establishing fair and achievable parental leave policies
and fostering a culture of support for trainees during GME.
METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was completed. Non-cohort studies, studies completed
or published outside of the United States, and studies not published in English were excluded. Studies
that addressed the existence of parental leave policies in GME were identied and were the focus of this
RESULTS: Twenty-eight studies addressed the topic of the existence of formal parental leave policies in
GME, which was found to vary across time and ranged between 22 and 90%. Support for such policies
persisted across time.
CONCLUSIONS: Attention to formal leave policies in GME has traditionally been lacking, but may be
increasing. Negative attitudes towards parenthood in GME persist. Active awareness of the challenges
faced by parent-trainees combined with formal parental leave policy implementation is important in
supporting parenthood in GME.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
1. Introduction
Parenthood during graduate medical education (GME) has been
a topic of interest since the late 1970s. With increasing percentages
of women in medicine, this subject has resurfaced recently as part
of a broader conversation within government and industry about
gender in the American workplace.
Women physicians face
particular challenges because their training programs, which can
span nearly a decade, coincide with traditional childbearing years.
Although these challenges are well known, formal and informal
support for parenthood in GME remains variable and poorly dened.
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
does not have a single, dened parental leave policy that all GME
programs must follow.
While the ACGME mandates that GME
programs must have leave policies in place, the ACGME does not
provide specic recommendations or guidelines for their
development. Instead, individual GME programs are left to create
their own leave policies that are consistent with applicable laws
(Table 1) and that satisfy the relevant certifying board
The goal of this study is to provide a systematic review of
parental leave policies in graduate medical education. Specically,
we aim to identify the number of studies available in the literature
addressing the existence of parental leave policies in GME.
2. Methods
An electronic search of the PubMed, Medline, Scopus, and Psy-
chInfo databases was completed using multiple search terms
(Fig.1), including internship, residency, leave and pregnancy (Table 2).
Search criteria incorporated relevant articles from January 1,1960 to
December 13, 2015. Studies that pertained to family planning or
leave (including pregnancy/childbearing, paternity/maternity/
parental leave, breastfeeding and childcare issues) during GME in
the United States (including studies addressing these issues in res-
idency, fellowship, or across multiple training time periods) were
included in the initial pool of studies reviewed. Non-cohort studies
* Corresponding author. The University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sci-
ences, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, MC 6035, Chicago, IL 60637, United States.
E-mail address: [email protected]u (J.E. Park).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
The American Journal of Surgery
journal homepage:
0002-9610/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The American Journal of Surgery 214 (2017) 634e639
Table 1
Parental leave policies: United States government laws and Graduate Medical Education regulations.
United States Government Laws
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII
Prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) (1978)
Amendment to Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964. Prohibits discrimination in employment against women
affected by pregnancy or related conditions.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990)
Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, public services, public accommodations
and in telecommunications.
Employers must treat women who are temporarily unable to perform their jobs due to medical condition related
to pregnancy or childbirth similar to any other temporarily disabled employee
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (1993)
Entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for speci ed family and
medical reasons.
12 workweeks leave in a 12-month period.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Amendment to Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Employers required to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing
child for 1 year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk.
Employers required to provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from
intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk
Graduate Medical Education Regulations
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME)
IV.A.3. An applicant invited to interview for a resident/fellow position must be informed in writing or by
electronic means of the terms, conditions and benets of appointment to the ACGME-accredited program, either
in effect at the time of the interview or that will be in effect at the time of his or her eventual appointment
A) Information that is provided must include: nancial support; vacations; parental, sick, and other leaves of
absence; and professional liability, hospitalization, health, disability, and other insurance accessible to residents/
fellows and their eligible dependents.
IV.B.2. The contract/agreement of appointment must directly contain or provide a reference to the following
h) disability insurance for residents/fellows;
i) vacation, parental, sick, and other leave(s) for residents/fellows, compliant with applicable laws
j) timely notice of the effect of leaves on the ability of residents/fellows to satisfy requirements for program
IV.G Vacation and Leaves of Absence
IV.G.I. The sponsoring institution must have a policy for vacation and other leaves of absence, consistent with
applicable laws.
IV. G.2. This policy must ensure that each of its ACGME-accredited programs provides its residents/fellows with
accurate information regarding the impact of extended leave of absence upon the criteria for satisfactory
completion of the program and upon a resident's/fellows' eligibility to participate in examinations by the
relevant certifying board(s).
Fig. 1. Article selection process.
L.S. Humphries et al. / The American Journal of Surgery 214 (2017) 634e639 635
(e.g. editorials, letters to the editor), studies completed or published
outside of the United States and studies not published in English
were excluded. Studies that addressed the existence of parental
leave policies in GME were identied and were the focus of this
study. Two of the investigators independently completed study
selection, and a third investigator resolved discrepancies. Data
extraction was completed by one individual (LSH).
This study adhered to standardized methodological principles of
PRISMA for reporting systematic reviews.
Due to the heterogeneity
of the data reporting amongst articles, a qualitative analysis was
performed for each results category. Themes included existence of
formal leave policies, amount of leave time allowed, impact of
parental leave on training and support for parenthood in residency.
3. Results
3.1. Systematic review results
In the rst inquiry of the systematic review, 3,699 papers were
identied. After duplicates were removed, 165 articles
initial inclusion criteria. Editorials that otherwise met initial in-
clusion criteria (n ¼ 100) were removed to compile the nal list of
65 articles. All were cross-sectional studies: 62 survey, 1 database
and 2 interview studies.
Publications on parenthood in GME
were clustered in two time periods d the late 1980s-early 1990s
and the 2000s (Fig. 2). Of these, 28 articles specically addressed
the existence of parental leave policies (Fig. 2).
3.2. Subjects
Twenty-one studies focused on parental leave policies during
residency and/or fellowship, and 7 articles focused on this topic
across multiple professional periods. Surveyed individuals varied,
including female residents, male residents, partners of male
residents, fellows, program directors, department chairs, female
faculty, and male faculty. No studies included partners of female
residents. Various medical and surgical specialties were
3.3. Existence of parental leave policies
Twenty-eight studies addressed the topic of the existence of
formal parental leave policies in graduate medical educa-
12,1 4e16,18,21,22,24,27e29,33,34,42e45,49,52e54,58e 63,66
Six of the
included 28 studies were from surgical specialties including gen-
eral surgery,
and thoracic
The existence of formal family leave policies varied across time.
Of the studies published between 1986 and 1992, two studies re-
ported existence of maternity leave policies with 22e66% of sur-
veyed programs having formal policies.
None in this time
period mentioned paternity leave. Of the studies published be-
tween 1995 and 2016, nine described maternity or family leave
In a 1991 survey of program directors of
Boston-area hospitals, 82% (9/11) of responding hospitals indicated
Table 2
Systematic review search terms used for article search.
Search engine Number of articles Search terms
PubMed 1483 ((residency, leave) OR ((residency, pregnancy))
Medline 808 residency, leave OR residency, pregnancy
Scopus 1539 (((internship OR residency) AND leave) OR ((internship OR residency) AND pregnancy))
PsychInfo 135 (residency and leave) OR (residency and pregnancy)
Fig. 2. Published editorials and studies on parenthood in graduate medical education (GME) across time. (Color version of gure available online.)
L.S. Humphries et al. / The American Journal of Surgery 214 (2017) 634e639636
they had a specic written maternity leave policy, and 75% of
programs reported implementation of the policy.
Six studies
described having formal paternity leave policies, all after the year
The existence of formal family leave policies varied across spe-
cialty. Surveys of pediatric and radiology residency program di-
rectors indicated high rates of formal maternity leave policies: 90%
and 88%, respectively.
Within surgery, individual institutions
have demonstrated success with following a set of general guide-
lines for management of maternity in residency.
Female urol-
ogists reported a 42% formal maternity leave policy at their
and a recent general surgery study indicated that
67% of programs have a formal maternity leave policy.
As to paternity leave, obstetrics-gynecology (OB-GYN) programs
had the highest proportion of such policies at 69%.
percent of surveyed general surgery programs had formal pater-
nity leave policies in 2016, with larger programs more likely to have
these policies (72% of programs with >6 residents vs. 40% of pro-
grams with <6 residents).
3.4. Parental leave time and impact on length of training
In the absence of formal parental leave time allotment,
leave time for family purposes was taken from vacation
sick leave
or disability.
studies reported that female residents took unpaid leave.
In a
survey of female residents and partners of male residents, 50% of
female residents were covered by formal maternity leave policies
compared to 70% of working partners of male residents.
study investigated the impact of parental leave on extending resi-
dency training and the timing of entrance into the specialty board
There were maximum limits of absence from
training for 21 of 26 specialties. The impact of a six-week parental
leave in training could result in no delay in board entry or could
result in delay of up to one year, depending on the rules of different
specialty boards. In this study, most boards did not have specic
policies related to parental leave.
3.5. Parental leave support
High support for the development of standardized policies for
parental leave across specialties was observed, even in the earlier
studies from the 1990s.
Eighty-seven percent of surveyed
residents at a single institution favored maternity/paternity leave in
Seventy-ve percent of radiology program directors sup-
ported the development of standardized residency program
guidelines for pregnant residents.
Over 50% of pediatric female
residents with children felt that existence of maternity leave,
length of leave and time needed to make up absence were impor-
tant in selecting a residency program, while more than 33% of male
residents felt paternity leave policies were important in choosing a
residency program.
A survey study within one general surgery
program demonstrated that resident maternity could be managed
safely and fairly to the satisfaction of both residents and faculty.
A few studies, however, found lack of support for parental is-
sues. One study within thoracic surgery indicated that while 76%
(67/88) of surveyed women expressed need for a reproductive
health wellness policy to allow extended time for reproductive
planning, pregnancy and family care issues, only 32% (8/25) of men
expressed this need.
4. Discussion
The topic of parenthood in medicine broadly, and in GME spe-
cically, has been discussed since the late 1970s. Both published and
informal conversations among governing bodies within medical
and surgical specialties have reemerged in recent years, including
among the American College of Surgeons in the last year.
conversation is timely, as there has been a noticeable shift within
industry (e.g. Google, Facebook,
and Netix
) and the
U.S. military
toward more family-friendly employment policies.
Our review shows a number of issues surrounding the topic of
parenthood in GME, specically in regard to the existence of formal
parental leave policies. The complex nature of these topics and
wide variation between studies preclude performance of quanti-
tative meta-analysis, thus making way for qualitative discussion.
The ACGME does not have a formal parental leave policy that
GME programs must follow. Instead, the ACGME mandates that
GME programs must create leave policies that are consistent with
applicable laws ( Table 1) and that satisfy the relevant certifying
board requirements.
As such, there is great variability across
specialties and individual GME programs as to how parental leave is
approached and handled. This inconsistency is reected in the re-
sults of this study.
The existence of formal parental leave policies varied across
institutions and specialties and has seemed to increase over time.
Maternity leave was the main focus of early studies. The existence
and study of paternity leave and parental leave policies appeared in
more recent years, mostly after 1995. In addition, issues of
parenthood outside of traditional male-female relationships (e.g.
same-sex partnerships, non-married unions), including adoption,
were considered in more recent publications but were still scarce.
In the absence of formal parental leave policies, leave time desig-
nated for other reasons was often used for situations of family leave
(e.g. sick leave, disability, vacation). Female residents were less
likely to be covered by formal maternity leave policies than part-
ners of male residents.
The lack of uniformity in parental leave policy and guidelines
perpetuates the lack of parity for having children during GME
across programs. The attitudes of GME programs toward parent-
hood may range from hostile, to indifferent, to supportive.
Combining a family and medical career is stressful,
more so
for females than males.
Pregnancy and childbirth altered
trainee choice of GME program, date of completion, career plans
and/or pursuit of additional degrees more often for women than for
The perception of negative impact on one's career may
result in delay in childbearing for many female residents across
The performance of a pregnant or parent female
resident is likely to be perceived negatively both by the resident
and her colleagues,
as well as by the program di-
rector or department chair.
Perhaps one of the most impactful ndings of negative
perception of parenthood in residency was from a 2016 survey of
general surgery program directors.
Sixty-one percent of program
directors reported that becoming a parent negatively affected fe-
male trainees' work, including increased burden on fellow resi-
dents (33%), fewer scholarly activities (9%), fewer clinical activities
(8%), less dedication to patient care (6%) and decreased timeliness
In addition, general surgery program directors were less
likely to report that becoming a parent negatively affects a male
resident's than a female resident's work (34% vs. 61%) and reported
that children decrease female resident well-being more often than
that of male residents (32% vs. 9%). Fifteen percent of general sur-
gery program directors said they would advise against having
children during residency.
This perception of negative impact of parenthood on clinical
performance and academic productivity, especially for women,
persists despite data that indicate the opposite. For example, the
number of clinical cases completed by pregnant OB-GYN residents
has not been shown to be signicantly different than peers, and
L.S. Humphries et al. / The American Journal of Surgery 214 (2017) 634e639 637
academic productivity does not seem to differ based on a parent
trainee's gender.
In a retrospective review of general surgery
residents, factors such as age, sex and incidence of childrearing
during training were not associated with increased risk of attri-
In addition, general surgery residents with children during
training did not have signicantly different total case numbers, in-
service scores or written/oral board pass rates than those without
In a different study, perceived impact of childbearing on
general surgery resident training had no effect on a resident's de-
cision to have a child during residency for most trainees who had
children in residency.
The majority of female surgeons without
children reported that family had no effect on their career, whereas
women with children reported that their family affected their
career a moderate amount. Only 15% of 128 female surgeons with
children felt that having children markedly slowed their career.
Furthermore, there remains high career and personal satisfac-
tion among residents and physicians who have children. Career
satisfaction was not signicantly different between female physi-
cians with and without children. Ninety-one percent of women
surveyed were satised or very satised with their careers.
High overall rates of career satisfaction were also reported among
female orthopedic and thoracic surgeons.
Thus, in the midst of
prevalent negative attitudes toward trainee parents and females in
particular, a culture change toward an environment of support for
trainee parents is imperative to identify means to aid in their
In the face of diverse approaches to parenthood in GME, training
programs have managed to graduate competent physicians and
surgeons, indicating that combining parenthood and residency
training is possible. The environment of support for parenthood in
GME would best be reinforced by formal parental leave policies.
Currently, parental leave policies created by specic GME programs
are often limited by the requirements of their governing specialty
Most specialty boards have a time spent requirement
that must be fullled in order for graduating residents to be eligible
for their board examinations. For example, the American Board of
Surgery (ABS) requires 48 weeks per year of full-time clinical ac-
tivity over a 5-year residency, allowing an additional 4 weeks of
non-clinical time for documented medical conditions. Other ar-
rangements beyond the standard medical leave must be approved
by the ABS. In contrast, the American Board of Plastic Surgery
(ABPS) recently allowed the 48-week/year of clinical training to be
averaged across the 6-year training period to accommodate for
extended leaves of absence; the remaining 4 weeks in the year
could be dedicated to vacation, meeting attendance, medical leave
or other reasons as determined by the institution or program.
addition, in the nal 2 years of training, plastic surgery residents
may have 1 week leave for medical reasons. In contrast, vacation
time allotment is determined by the GME in many institutions as
the residents are considered hospital employees; thus, in these
cases, program directors have less leeway in allocating additional
parental leave time.
The amount of time spent engaged in clinical activity in
training may eventually give way to quality of time spent with the
introduction of competency-based milestones.
This transition
in the way trainees are evaluated could impact the actual length of
time required to complete residency, and thus, provide more ex-
ibility for parental leave. Making the process of having children
during training fair for all trainees will require a shift in attitude
toward greater support, and this culture change must be reinforced
with adoption of formal parental leave policies.
5. Conclusion
Although more parental leave policies in training programs have
emerged over time, negative attitudes towards childbearing and
childrearing in training continue to impact residents and fellows.
Issues around paternity leave and adoption have entered the con-
versation only in recent years. Despite persistent challenges,
parenthood in GME seems to have a neutral or positive overall
impact on trainee performance and productivity. A culture shift
toward support and increased awareness of the challenges faced by
parent-trainees, coupled with formal parental leave policies from
medical governing bodies, is needed.
Clinical trial registration
Not applicable.
Funding source
No external funding was secured for this study.
Commercial associations/nancial disclosures
None of the authors has a nancial interest in any of the prod-
ucts, devices, or drugs mentioned in this manuscript.
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