A freely photocopiable EnglishClub printable written by Lucy Green. © www.englishclub.com
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Activity Sheet (page 1/2)
A. Complete the sentences below describing usage of the Past Simple and Present Perfect
by writing ‘PS’ for Past Simple andPP’ for Present Perfect.
1. We use the ……………… to talk about things which started in the past and are still true.
2. We use the ……………… to talk about completed events in the past.
3. We use the ……………… to talk about things that happened at a specific time in the past.
4. We use the …………when the exact time that something happened is not important.
5. We use the ……………… to talk about experiences and things which happened very recently.
6. We use the ……………… with words like yesterday, ago, last week, on Tuesday, in 1992.
7. We use the ……………… with words like ever, already, yet, since, so far.
B. Read the story below and circle the correct tense.
Travelling around the world (1) was / has been a dream of mine since I was a boy. Last year I
(2) decided / have decided to quit my job and travel around Asia. I (3) flew / have flown to India six
weeks ago, and (4) stayed / have stayed there for a month. I am now in Thailand. I (5) was / have
been here for just two weeks and I (6) saw / have seen so much already. Last night I (7) had / have
had a seafood curry at a restaurant on the beach. It (8) was / has been one of the spiciest meals I
(9) ever ate / have ever eaten. I (10) didn’t visit / haven’t visited the islands yet, but I plan to soon.
C. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect tense.
1. We ……………………………… (go) to a bar last night and ……………………………… (drink) too much tequila.
2. I …………………………………… (just / wake up) and I …………………………………… (not / have) a coffee yet.
3. Alice …………………………………… (enjoy) riding since she …………………………………… (be) a teenager.
4. He ………………………… (get) married last year, but I ……………………………… (not / meet) his wife yet.
5. I …………………………………… (not / go) to school yesterday because I …………………………… (be) sick.
6. It …………………………………… (be) the best book I …………………………………………… (ever / read).
7. They only ………………………… (meet) last month and he ………………………………… (already / propose)
8. I …………………………………… (buy) this pen a week ago. It …………………………………… (be) on sale.
9. He ……………………………… (be) to Asia twice but he …………………………………… (never / be) to Europe.
10. Joe ……………………………… (already / do) the work his teacher ……………………… (give) him yesterday.
A freely photocopiable EnglishClub printable written by Lucy Green. © www.englishclub.com
Past Simple vs Present Perfect (page 2/2)
D. Complete the sentences using either the Past Simple or Present Perfect tense.
not / visit graduate sell get have
never / meet read book not / see be
1. How is Joe? I ………………………………………… him since he got back from his holiday in France.
2. Mary …………………………………………… from school in the summer. Now she is looking for a job.
3. This blueberry pie is delicious! I ………………………………………………… three slices.
4. They ………………………………………… married when they were just 16 and had a baby a year later.
5. I ……………………………………………… this book three times. It’s one of my favourites.
6. Jerry ………………………………………………………… his house last year and moved into a flat.
7. Percy ………………………………………… interested in dinosaurs since he was four years old.
8. I’ve met her sister a few times but I ……………………………………………… her parents.
9. I’m going to Spain next month. I ……………………………………………… my flight a month ago.
10. I have been living in Italy for a year but I ……………………………………… Rome yet.
E. Complete the sentences, making guesses about your partner using the correct form of
the verb in brackets. When you have completed your sentences, take turns reading them
out to each other and see how many of your guesses were correct.
1. I think that you ………………………………………… (be) awake since ………………………… this morning.
2. I think that the first thing you …………………………………… (eat) today was ……………………………………
3. I think you ………………………………………… (go) to …………………………………… on your last holiday.
4. I think you ………………………………………… (drink) ……………………………… glasses of water yesterday.
5. I think you ………………………………………… (study) English for ……………………………………………………
6. I think you ………………………………………… (live) in your home for ………………………………………………
7. I think you ………………………………………… (go) to bed at ………………………… last night.
8. I think you ………………………………………… (read) …………………………………… books so far this year.
9. I think you ………………………………………… (visit) …………………………………… countries in your life.
10. I think the last thing you ………………………………………… (buy) was a ………………………………………………
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