Unit 6 Lesson 1 God Made Us to Think About Holy Things
Heartprint: God Made Us to Do Holy Things
Memory Verse: Micah 6:8
February 7, 2021
Link to Large Group video: https://youtu.be/2ZMYa39L7u4
God Made Me Wonderful
Create a Playdough Baby
Items Needed:
Playdough (various colors)
Pass out a portion of playdough for each child. If possible, let the kids choose the color of play dough they
want. Use a timer to see who can make the best baby out of playdough in two minutes (adjust stop time as
needed). Ask them what they created their baby to do when it grows up.
Connection Point:
You did such a good job creating a playdough baby, each one is very different! God is our perfect creator who
made you for a special work. What do you think He created you to do? We can pray that God will give each
one of us wisdom so we know our special purpose. Do you remember what God created Jeremiah to do? God
created Jeremiah to be a prophet, to speak for God!
Jeremiah Puppet
Items Needed:
Jeremiah face template
Paper bag
Before class, cut out the Jeremiah face template so each child will have one. Gather the children around the
craft table. Distribute face templates and crayons to the children. Allow time for them to color both parts of the
Jeremiah face template. Distribute a paper bag to the children. Assist them in gluing the face onto the paper
bag to make a Jeremiah puppet. Have the children color the paper bag as Jeremiah’s robe and glue his name
to the bottom of the bag.
Connection Point: Today we are learning that God made us to do holy things. These are things we can’t do
on our own, but God uses us to do these holy things. Jeremiah was young, but God still used him to speak
God’s words to others. God gave Jeremiah the words to say. You can use your Jeremiah puppet to tell people
that God loves them.
Bible Lesson:
God Made Us to Think About Holy Things
Memory Verse: “Do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
This week’s story is taken from Jeremiah 1:4-10:
Do you have to do big chores at your house? Do you have to help pick up your room? What if you had to clean
the whole house and cook dinner? You might think you are too small to do the BIG jobs at your house!
Today in our story a young boy is called to do a BIG job for a BIG boss.
We are going to hear about that young boy from this book (hold up Bible). What is this book? (the Bible) What
do we know about the Bible? (Repeat together: The Bible is God’s Word. The Bible is always true. The Bible is
always right.)
Let’s open our Bibles to Jeremiah 1:
God called Jeremiah to be a prophet. Can you say Prophet? (Pro-phet) A prophet is someone who speaks for
When Jeremiah was alive they did not have Bibles. They did not have God’s own words in their hands like we
do! Raise your hand if you have your own Bible at home? When your mom or dad reads that to you, you can
remind them that the Bible is God’s own words and His words are perfect.
Jeremiah was very worried about being a prophet. Jeremiah thought he was too young to speak for God. He
was not sure he could get God’s words perfect, and when a prophet spoke the word of God sometimes men
would become very angry. Sometimes they would even hurt the prophet even though the prophet was just the
God spoke to Jeremiah. God said, “Before I made you in your mother’s tummy, I chose you. Before you were
born, I set you apart to do this job. I appointed you as prophet.”
God said, “You think you are too young now to be a prophet. I actually called you to this job before you were
born!” How could God know that Jeremiah was the right man for this job? God knew that Jeremiah was the
right man because God is perfect and God created Jeremiah.
Jeremiah thought he knew himself pretty well. He said, “But God, I am not good with words, and I am only a
Do you think God was disappointed that Jeremiah was not good with words? No! God knew exactly what
Jeremiah could do because God created Jeremiah.
God said, “Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’! Just go everywhere I send you. Say everything I tell you. Don’t be
afraid because I am with you and I will protect you.”
God wanted Jeremiah to be obedient not self-confident. Jeremiah needed faith in God not faith in himself. God
is all-powerful. He can equip us and protect us, we just have to be willing to go where He sends us.
Then God did something amazing. God reached out and TOUCHED Jeremiah’s mouth. God said, “See I am
putting My words in your mouth. I am putting you in charge of nations and kingdoms. You will do amazing
things because of me.”
Jeremiah saw himself as a boy. God saw Jeremiah as a prophet for God. God created us to do work for Him.
Jeremiah had to trust that God is able. God gave him the right words at the right time in the right place. God
protected Jeremiah while he did a BIG job for God.
Let’s Pray:
God you are our all-powerful creator. You formed each one of us in our mother’s tummy and you created us for
a special work. Help us see what that work is and equip us to do it with excellence! In Jesus’ name I pray.
1. Who created Jeremiah? God
2. Who called Jeremiah to be a prophet? God
3. Who put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth? God
4. Who said He would protect Jeremiah? God
5. Who created us and gives us a special work to do? God!