Palm Beach State College
Career Pathway Agreement (formerly Tech Prep)
Credit/Contact Hour Articulation Form
CJ Career Pathway Form Page 1 of 2
1. Student Identification Information:
Student Name:
Palm Beach
State ID #:
PBC District School Attended:
Date of Graduation:
Palm Beach State
email account:
2. In order to qualify for consideration for articulation credits/or contact hours toward the
following Palm Beach State programs:
Associate Degree in:
Criminal Justice Technology (AAS A607, A608/AS 2605, or AS 2606)
Crime Scene Technology (AS 2435)
The student must complete the following tasks (
those completed):
Request an official high school transcript be sent electronically from the School
District of Palm Beach County to Palm Beach State College Admission Office.
(documentation-transcript request receipt.)
Apply and register at Palm Beach State within two years of completing high
school in Palm Beach County (students working in field may petition for a waiver
of the two year rule) (documentation – Palm Beach State student number and
email account)
Make an appointment with the Palm Beach State Department Chair, Crime Scene
or Program Director, Criminal Justice for the assessmentof student high school
program skills. (See details of assessment in #3.) (documentation-an unofficial
copy of high school transcript.)
Complete Palm Beach State placement testing as required for admission (visit for details) (documentation-copy of placement
test scores)
Complete college preparatory course requirements as needed. (documentation-
Palm Beach State transcript screen-see Palm Beach State Advisor for details.)
3. The student takes this form and the attached documentation to the Palm Beach State
Department Chair, Crime Scene or Program Director, Criminal Justice for assessment of
students high school program skills.
The program manager verifies that the student has taken the following high school
courses (
all that apply):
High School Criminal Justice Operations Program of Study Course Work Required.
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Public Service
Print Form
Palm Beach State College
Career Pathway Agreement (formerly Tech Prep)
Credit/Contact Hour Articulation Form
CJ Career Pathway Form Page 2 of 2
Operations 1
Operations 2
Operations 3
Directed Study
The Department Chair, Crime Scene or Program Director, Criminal Justice
verifies that the student’s High School grade average is “B(3.0) or better in the
specified high school/secondary course work. (documentation-GPA verification
on unofficial HS transcript.)
The Department Chair, Crime Scene or Program Director, Criminal Justice determines which
credit/clock hour courses the student qualifies based on the established assessment.
College Course/Credit (Clock Hours)
CCJ 1010 Introduction to Criminology
3 credits
Completion of high school Criminal
Justice Operations curriculum with
80% proficiency or better.
CCJ 1020 Administration of Criminal Justice
3 credits
Completion of high school Criminal
Justice Operations curriculum with
80% proficiency or better.
CJL 2100 Criminal Law
3 credits
Completion of high school Criminal
Justice Operations curriculum with
80% proficiency or better.
I certify that this student has completed the necessary requirements to have the above initialed
Career Pathway articulation courses posted to their Palm Beach State transcript*.
Paul L. Friedman, Criminal Justice and Crime
Scene AS Programs
* SACS accreditation requirement for residency “Complete 25% of the program at Palm Beach State” has already been
satisfied and is not required to obtain the articulation credits/contact hours. Students who completed the high school courses,
but fail the stated assessment will have to take the college level courses and a passing grade on for them to the credit or
contact hours.
Original form and documentation sent to Registrar’s Office for Processing by Evaluator
Copies (form & documents) to student, department
Date courses added to transcript:
College Registrar’s Office
Allow 4-6 weeks for this processing to be completed. Student will be notified through their Palm Beach State email address
when the courses are posted to their Palm Beach State transcript.
Rev.8/2010 kg