Fire Drill Evaluation Form
Date of Drill: ______________________ Location: __________________________________
Was UND Police Department notified in
advance of the drill?
Did the employee who was approached with
the fire scenario act promptly?
Did the employee act appropriately during the
fire scenario?
Did the alarm sound clearly and without
malfunctioning during the drill?
Could the alarm be heard in all areas?
Did the annunciator panel function properly?
Did all fire doors close properly?
Did all magnetically locked exit doors release?
Were all hallways and exits clear of
Did all faculty, staff, students, and visitors
Are staff members assigned to sweep the
building for accountability purposes?
Was a staff member assigned to prevent
reentry into the building?
Did everyone avoid using the elevator?
Were any special need persons identified
during the drill?
Were all office doors closed but not locked?
Did a staff person notify the UND Police
Department to ensure they received the alarm?
If the building is multi floors, was there a
primary evacuation monitor present?
Have several evacuation monitors been trained
should they be needed?
Was the Operations Center notified at the end
of the drill?
Fire Drill Evaluation Form
Reported by: ________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________
Email/Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Please forward a copy of this completed form to the Office of Safety at
Please monitor the Department of Public Safety webpage for updates.