OregOn Pesticide
Licensing guide
Oregon Department of Agriculture Pescides Program
• Buying, applying or supervising the
use of Restricted Use Pescides (RUPs).
• Advising others on the use of RUPs.
• Applying pescides to someone else’s
property (private or public land).
• Applying pescides as a public
employee using machine-powered
equipment and/or applying RUPs.
• Applying pescides on school properes.
• When applying pescides, other than RUPs,
to property owned by you or your employer.
• Applicaons of general use pescides by
public employees with non-powered
equipment, .
• Advising others on general use pescides.
• Applying pescides as a part of landscape
maintenance under specic condions. Call
ODA for more informaon.
635 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97301-2532, Phone: 503-986-4635, FAX: 503-986-4735
Oregon Pescide Licensing Guide
May 2019
For a descripon of "Restricted Use Pescides," see Page 1.
Restricted Use and General Use Pescides ............................................................ 1
Reciprocity for Licensing/Cercaon ................................................................... 1
Pescide Cercaon and Licensing ..................................................................... 1
Pescide Licenses
Commercial Applicator .................................................................................. 2
Commercial Operator .................................................................................... 2
Immediately Supervised Trainee ................................................................... 3
Pescide Apprence ...................................................................................... 3
Pescide Consultant ...................................................................................... 3
Pescide Dealer ............................................................................................. 3
Private Pescide Applicator ........................................................................... 3
Public Pescide Applicator ............................................................................ 3
Suggested Study Materials for Pescide Exams
Laws and Safety ............................................................................................. 4
Private Pescide Applicator ........................................................................... 4
Pescide Consultant ...................................................................................... 4
Demonstraon and Research ........................................................................ 4
Agriculture Categories ................................................................................... 5
Aquac ........................................................................................................... 5
Forest ............................................................................................................. 5
Marine Fouling............................................................................................... 5
Right-of-Way .................................................................................................. 5
I.I.H.S. Categories ........................................................................................... 6
Ornamental and Turf Categories ................................................................... 6
Public Health ................................................................................................. 6
Regulatory Weed ........................................................................................... 7
Seed Treatment ............................................................................................. 7
IPM in Schools ........................................................................................................ 7
Exam Tesng Sites .................................................................................................. 8
Exam Scoring .......................................................................................................... 9
License Fees ............................................................................................................ 9
License Recercaon .......................................................................................... 10
Recordkeeping Requirements.......................................................................... 11-13
ODA Field Oces .................................................................................................. 13
Pescides include herbicides, inseccides,
fungicides, rodencides, and many other
substances used to kill, harm, or repel pests.
General Use Pescides may be bought
over the counter without a pescide license.
Restricted Use Pescides (RUPs) are a
category of products that pose a higher risk to people, animals, or the environment. They can only be
purchased by a person with a pescide license; use requires supervision by a licensed applicator.
Reciprocity is when one state
recognizes pescide
cercaon/licensing of
another state to eliminate
duplicang test requirements.
ODA will issue an Oregon
Private Applicator license
based on a valid Idaho or
Washington Private Applicator
Other license types and
license categories are on a
case-by-case basis. ODA must
have the same category and
other factors may be
ODA may issue a Private
Pescide Applicator license
based on either 1) an acve
Oregon Pescide Consultant
license or 2) an acve
Commercial or Public Pescide
Applicator license with
the Agriculture Herbicide,
Inseccide/Fungicide, or
Forest category.
 is the process of demonstrang a person knows how to
handle and apply pescides in a safe and responsible manner.
Cercaon examinaons must be taken in specic categories of
applicaon to obtain a pescide license. A passing score of 70% or
higher on pescide exams is required to become cered.
Cercaon is valid for up to ve (5) years and begins when the
required tests are passed and ends on December 31st of the h
calendar year. If you qualify for cercaon in the last 45 days of the
year (November 17th through December 31st), the cercaon period
is extended through the calendar year and the next ve (5) years. For
Test Date Certication End Date
January 2, 2013 December 31, 2017
November 16, 2012 December 31, 2016
November 17, 2012 December 31, 2017
Licensing is the process to obtain the actual license that shows that
a person has met cercaon requirements to make specic pescide
applicaons under that license. To get a license: (1) Aer passing the
exams, ll out the correct form, (2) pay the license fee and any other
associated fees; (3) submit both to ODA. All licenses are renewed
annually, except for the Private Applicator license, which is renewed
every 5 years.
ODA can not issue a pescide license
to anyone under the age of 18.
Step # 1
1. COMMERCIAL PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE is a license for a person to:
Apply or supervise the applicaon of ANY pescide (general use, restricted use, organic, and 25b
products) on the land or property of others while employed by a Commercial Pescide Operator.
Apply restricted-use pescides (RUPs) to non-agricultural land or property that belongs to you or to
your employer (e.g., golf courses, resorts, feed mills, etc.).
Apply general use pescides (including organic and 25b products) on the property of any Oregon
pre-kindergarten, public and private K-12 schools, community colleges, federal Head Start programs,
Oregon School for the Deaf, Oregon Youth Authority residenal academy, or educaon service districts
(IPM in Schools law, Oregon Revised Statutes 634.700-750).
Supervise an Immediately Supervised Trainee or Pescide Apprence.
Provide others with technical informaon about restricted-use pescides. You are only allowed to
provide informaon in the specic applicaon category(ies) listed on your license.
Solicit to apply pescides to someone else’s property, even if you don’t charge them.
: 
2. COMMERCIAL PESTICIDE OPERATOR LICENSE is a license for ANY business that makes pescide
applicaons (general use, restricted use, organic, and 25b products) to the property of others.
If the business is some type of a corporaon, at least one employee must be licensed as a Commercial
Pescide Applicator.
If the business is a sole proprietor or partnership, the owner, or at least one partner, must be licensed as
a Commercial Pescide Applicator.
License categories of the Commercial Pescide Operator license must match the type of pescide
work that will be done and must also be on the Commercial Pescide Applicator license of the qualifying
person(s) for the business.
A Commercial Pescide Operator may only use licensed Commercial Pescide Applicators, Pescide
Apprences, or Pescide Trainees to make pescide applicaons with matching license categories for
the work being conducted.
The business must provide proof of insurance to maintain their Operator's license.
The Operator license cannot be issued to a public agency.
WDO inspectors who provide pest reports to lending instuons (e.g. FHA, VA), for property transacons
may need a license number to complete these federal forms. A Commercial Pescide Applicator license
with the IIHS - Structural Pests category may be used for pest inspecons but is NOT required by the state.
This license does not confer any special authorizaon to conduct these inspecons. Contact the
Construcon Contractors Board for home inspector requirements at 503-378-4621 Ext. 4900
under the supervision of a Commercial or Public Pescide Applicator. Trainees may only make applicaons
within their supervisor's categories.
The supervising applicator is responsible for training the Immediately Supervised Trainee ,
Must be on-site at all mes with the trainee when making pescide applicaons, 
Be able to reach the trainee’s locaon within ve (5) minutes.
 
PESTICIDE APPRENTICE LICENSE is available for individuals who work under the supervision of a
Commercial or Public Pescide Applicator. Apprences may only make applicaons within their supervisor's
The supervising applicator is responsible for training the apprence.
The supervising applicator does not need to be onsite when the apprence is making pescide
applicaons, But the apprence must be able to reach the supervising applicator at all mes.
The Pescide Apprence is not a cered applicator. In order to renew this license, beyond the rst
year, the apprence will need to aend eight (8) hours of approved connuing educaon classes. The
eight hours must consist of at least four (4) hours of CORE credits. If the apprence does not accrue the
required credit hours, they will need to retake the Laws & Safety exam to re-license.
PESTICIDE CONSULTANT LICENSE is required for a person who provides technical informaon on
restricted-use pescides. This is not an applicator license.
The Demonstraon and Research category may be added to the Consultant License which allows a person to
conduct demonstraon plots and/or research trials of pescides.
PESTICIDE DEALER LICENSE is required for each pescide sales facility that sells, oers for sale, handles,
displays, or distributes restricted-use pescides (RUPs) to pescide users.
Dealer licenses expire on December 31st of each year and are renewable annually
Dealers must prepare and maintain sales and distribuon records for all restricted-use pescides for a
period of three (3) years. (Oregon Administrave Rule 603-057-0140).
PRIVATE PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE is needed to purchase, apply, or supervise the use of
restricted-use pescides (RUPs) on  that a person, or their employer owns,
leases, or rents. This includes farmland, rangeland, forests, greenhouses, nurseries, orchards, etc. No
pescide license is needed to apply “general use” pescides.
The license  cercaon are valid for a period up to ve (5) years.
PUBLIC PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE is required of employees of federal and state agencies,
counes, cies, municipalies, irrigaon districts, drainage districts, soil and water conservaon
districts or other special districts, public ulies, and telecommunicaon ulies who in the course of their
Use or supervise the use of restricted-use pescides, (RUPs) 
Use machine-powered equipment to apply any pescides (general or restricted)
Apply pescides (including organic and 25b products) on the property of any Oregon pre-kindergarten,
public and private K-12 schools, community colleges, federal Head Start programs, Oregon School for
the Deaf, Oregon Youth Authority residenal academy, or educaon service districts
Step # 2
Suggested Study Materials
for Each Pescide Exam
Stand-alone test for the Pescide Apprence license
and is required for most Public and Commercial
Pescide licenses. It is available in English and Spanish.
Oregon Core Manual Addendum*
Naonal Pescide Applicator Cercaon Core
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore,
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634*
Oregon Administrave Rules Chapter 603 Division 57*
Oregon Administrave Rules Chapter 340
Division 109*
Spanish: Manual para Aplicadores Privados
de Pescidas (EM020S) WSU Bullen Oce,
1-800-723-1763, hp:// pubs.wsu.edu
A stand-alone test for the Private Pescide
Applicator license and is available in English and
Oregon Pescide Safety Educaon Manual (EM
8850), OSU Extension Service, 1-800-561-6719,
Oregon Pescide Licensing Guide*
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634*
Oregon Administrave Rules Chapter 603
Division 57*
Oregon Administrave Rules Chapter 340
Division 109*
Spanish: Manual para Aplicadores Privados de
Pescidas (EM020S) WSU Bullen Oce, 1-800-
723-1763, hp:// pubs.wsu.edu
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from
P e s c i d e s ( P N W 5 9 1 ) , O S U E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e ,
Worker Protecon Standard, OR-OSHA*
A stand-alone test for the Pescide Consultant license.
Agriculture Herbicide Study Manual*
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore,
Oregon Core Manual Addendum*
National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore,
Oregon Pesticide Licensing Guide*
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 634*
Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 603
Division 57*
Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 340
Division 109*
Introduction to Insect & Disease Management,
(EM051), WSU Bulletin Office, 1-800-723-1763,
Pacific Northwest Disease Control Handbook
Pacific Northwest Insect Control Handbook
Pacific Northwest Weed Control Handbook
OSU Extension Service, 541-737-2513 or
1-800-561-6719, or http://pnwhandbooks.org/
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from
Pesticides (PNW 591), OSU Extension Service,
The use of pescides in eld research and
educaonal demonstraons.
Demonstraon and Research Pest Control*
The Commercial Pescide Applicator, Commercial Pescide Operator, Immediately Supervised Trainee,
Pescide Apprence, Pescide Consultant, Pescide Dealer, and Public Pescide Applicator licenses are
renewed every year. Private Pescide Applicator licenses are issued for up to ve (5) years.
: The use of herbicides on
agricultural lands, including Christmas trees,
commercial nurseries, and rangeland.
Weeds of the West
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore,
Agriculture Herbicide Study Manual*
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore
: The use of
inseccides, fungicides, or nemacides on
agricultural lands including Christmas trees,
commercial nurseries, and rangeland.
Introducon to Insect and Disease Management
(EM051), WSU Bullen Oce,
hp:// pubs.wsu.edu, 1-800-723-1763
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from
P e s c i d e s ( P N W 5 9 1 ) , O S U E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e ,
: The use of pescides
for the control of livestock pests, such as insects,
mites, and cks.
Pest Management Principles for the Pescide
Applicator, 1b Agriculture Animal, Cornell
University, 607-255-4111, hp://store.cornell.
: The use of soil
applied fumigants on agricultural lands.
Naonal Soil Fumigaon Manual (19283333)*
Chemeketa Community College Bookstore,
: The use of
pescides in agricultural areas for the control of
vertebrate pests other than livestock predators. It can
also be used to control vertebrate pests in ornamental
and turf areas.
Animal Damage Control in Washington
(EB1147) Part 1-9*
Controlling Moles (EC0987)*
Controlling Ground Squirrel Damage to Forage &
Field Crops (EC1429)*
Controling Pocket Gopher Damage to Agricultural
Crops (EC 1117)*
Meadow Voles and Pocket Gophers: Management
in Lawns, Gardens, and Croplands (PNW 627)*
The use of pescides in treang standing or running
Aquac Pest Control (EM039), WSU Bullen
Oce, 1-800-723-1763, hp://pubs.wsu.edu
The use of pescides on forest lands or in the
producon of forest crops (does not include
Christmas tree plantaons or commercial nurseries).
Forest Environment Pescide Study Manual*
Forest Pracce Notes- January 1997 No. 3*
Pacic Northwest Weed Management Handbook,
OSU Extension Service, 541-737-2513 or 1-800-
hp://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog, or
The use of marine an-fouling paints or coangs on
boats or ships. (Laws & Safety exam is not required
for this category).
Oregon Pescide Safety Educaon Manual
(EM8850), OSU Extension Service, 541-737-2513
or 1-800-561-6719;
Pest Control Law Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 634*
Oregon Administrave Rules Chapter 603 Division
Oregon Pescide Licensing Guide*
“Best Polluon Prevenon Pracces for Abrasive
Blast Media Waste from Shipyard Repair
Acvies” (Appendix 1 to OAR Chapter 340,
Division 101, Secon 0040, in “Waters Requiring
Special Management", Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality, 503-229-5445 or
The use of pescides in right-of-way areas,
including road shoulders, ulity lines, and irrigaon
ditch banks.
Rights-of-Way Vegetaon Management (Oregon
Edion) (EM 8863)*
 The use of
pescides, other than fumigants, in or around
structures, instuons and industrial facilies, or
structures with processed or manufactured products
for the control of pests other than wood-destroying
Truman’s Scienc Guide to Pest Control, Univar,
USA, 1-800-888-4897
 The use of pescides to
control moss and algae on structures, sidewalks, and
driveways (not lawns).
Structural & Turf Demossing Study Manual
(EB1962) WSU Bullen Oce, 1-800-723-1763,
 The use of fumigants
in conned areas or structures for the control of
pests (not soil fumigaon and fumigants used in eld
treatment of ulity poles, pilings, bridge supports,
Fumigaon (11), University of Nebraska-
Lincoln, hp://marketplace.unl.edu/pested
(Commercial/Non/Commercial Study Manuals/
 The use of
pescides, other than fumigants, in or around
structures for the control of wood-destroying pests
(e.g. termites, carpenter ants, powderpost beetles).
Truman’s Scienc Guide to Pest Control, Univar,
USA, 1-800-888-4897
 The use of pescides,
including fumigants, to treat wood products (e.g.
lumber, poles, es) before their use in construcon,
or to eld treat ulity poles, pilings, bridge supports
and similar elements of construcon.
Wood Preservaon and Wood Products Treatment
Manual (EM 8403)*
Wood Pole Maintenance Manual, Research
Contribuon 15,
  The use of
pescides in the establishment and maintenance of
ornamental plants and turf (does not include
Christmas trees, commercial nurseries, sod farms, or
Turf and Ornamental Weed Management
Principles (EM035), WSU Bullen Oce, 1-800-
723-1763, hp://pubs.wsu.edu
Turfgrass Pests, University of California, available
online at hp://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/
The use of inseccides and fungicides in the
establishment and maintenance of ornamental plants
and turf (does not include Christmas trees,
commercial nurseries, sod farms, or forests).
Introducon to Insect and Disease Management
(EM051), WSU Bullen Oce, 1-800-723-1763,
Turfgrass Pests, University of California, available
online at hp://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/
How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from
P e s c i d e s ( P N W 5 9 1 ) , O S U E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e ,
The use of pescides for the control of any pest that
may be harmful to the public’s health, including
mosquitoes and other vectors.
Public Health Pest Control (EM034), WSU Bullen
Oce, 1-800-723-1763 or order online at
Pescides and Public Health: Integrated Methods
of Mosquito Management*
EXTOXNET Collecon*
Public Health Pescide Control, Pescide
Applicator Training Manual (SP318), University of
Florida, 352-392-1764, or ODA website*
West Nile Virus brochure*
The use of pescides for the control of plants
designated as noxious weeds.
Noxious Weed Policy & Classicaon System*
Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 569* or Oregon
Department of Agriculture, 503-986-4621
Rights-of-Way Vegetaon Management (Oregon
Edion) (EM 8863)*
Oregon Department of Agriculture, Oregon
Administrave Rules Chapter 603, Division 052,
secon 1200*
Weed Idencaon System CD, XID Services
800-872-2943, hp://xidservices.com
Tesng centers provide computer-
based tesng. You must know the TYPE
of license and the SPECIFIC LICENSE
EXAM(S) you want to take. Tesng
centers are not responsible for advising
applicants on license or category
requirements. For tesng center
locaons, to make test appointments,
and to nd other exam informaon,
please go to: hp://oregon.gov/ODA/
You must:
Know the last four digits of your
Social Security number
Exams are closed book. You may bring a
basic calculator to an exam.
IPM in Schools
Eecve July 1, 2012, Oregon Revised Statutes 634.700-634.750 requires all Oregon pre-kindergarten, public
and private K-12 schools, community colleges, federal Head Start programs, Oregon School for the Deaf,
Oregon Youth Authority residenal academy, and educaon service districts to implement integrated pest
manangement (IPM) pracces.
The new IPM in schools law (ORS
634.700) now requires a public
pescide applicator license, apprence
or trainee license for every public
school employee applying pescides
(except anmicrobials or inseccidal
is a common-sense
strategy that integrates
mulple taccs to
reduce pest populaons
to an acceptable
level. Strategies
include sanitaon, pest
exclusion; cultural,
biological, mechanical
control, while liming
the use of chemicals.
IPM weighs the risks
and benets of pest
reducon methods to
determine the most
environmentally and
economically sound
manner to manage
Employees of private schools must
have a valid commercial pescide
applicator license to apply any
pescide (except anmicrobials or
inseccidal soaps) to private school
If a company is hired to apply
pescides on school property, the
company must be licensed as a
commercial pescide operator and
each individual applicator (person)
must be licensed as either a commercial
pescide applicator, apprence, or
trainee. The licensing status of the
company and applicator, including
apprences or trainees, should be
veried by checking the ODA website:
The use of pescides on seed.
Oregon Seed Treatment Training Manual*
Step # 3
Find a Pescide Tesng Site Near You
All tesng informaon is at: hp://oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pescides/Licensing/Pages/
Computer-based tesng only is oered. For scheduling, call 1-877-533-2900 or make an
appointment at: hp://oregon.metrosignup.com. Tesng fees will be collected by METRO
INSTITUTE when you schedule your test.
Linn-Benton Community College
541-917-4923 
Chemeketa Community College,
Yamhill Valley Campus
Clatsop Community College
503-338-2426 
Central Oregon Community
541-383-7539 
Treasure Valley Community
Treasure Valley CC, Harney
County Outreach Center
541-573-1576 
Clackamas Community College
Southwestern Oregon
Community College
541-888-7405 
Blue Mountain Community
University of Oregon
541-346-3230 
Portland Community College,
Rock Creek Campus
Mt. Hood Community College
503-491-7647 
Umpqua Community College
Blue Mountain CC — Hermiston
541-567-1800 
Chemeketa Community College
Oregon Instute of Technology
541-885-1790 
Columbia Gorge Community
Klamath Community College
541-880-2258 
Rogue Community College,
Table Rock Campus
Eastern Oregon University
541-962-3788 
Clackamas Community College,
Wilsonville Campus
Step # 4
Take Your Pescide
The passing score on all pescide examinaons is 70%. Scores will be sent by mail for hard copy exams or are
immediately available to print out for computer-based exam(s). Individuals who have internet access may
look up their scores on the ODA pescide web site located at: hp://oda.state.or.us/dbs/pest_cercaon/
search.lasso. The last four digits of the social security number and the full date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) must be
entered to access an individual’s scores.
• Contact METRO 1-877-533-2900 or
• Pay METRO by check, Visa, MC, AMEX or PayPal
• 48-hour noce is required to schedule, or
reschedule any exam. There is no charge to
reschedule with 48-hour noce.
• C
heang or talking to others
• Cell phones, scanning devices, photo pens, or
other such devices
• Removing any tests or supplies from the tesng
• Study materials, textbooks, etc.;
• Programmable calculators
Exam Scores:
• Are nOt given out over
the phone.
• Are good for two (2) years.
• Categories may be added at
any me aer licensing.
Step # 5
Apply for Your Pescide License
Upon passing the
pescide exam(s) required
for a pescide license,
you will be mailed or
emailed a pescide license
applicaon. Complete and
sign the applicaon, aach
the correct fee, and mail
or fax it to the secure fax
number listed on the form.
Licenses may take up
t o a m o n t h t o p r o c e s s .
License Fees to be Paid When Subming License Applicaon
Commercial Pescide Applicator*
Commercial Pescide Operator*
Immediately Supervised Trainee
Pescide Apprence
Pescide Consultant
Pescide Dealer
Private Pescide Applicator
Public Pescide Applicator*
Exam Retake Fee (except Private Applicator)
*Fee depends on the number of major categories
It is your responsibility to correctly ll out and sign the ODA aendance record at each recercaon training
session aended. You are responsible for making sure the class is approved by ODA  aending. It is also
your responsibility to check the classes on your credit history to make sure ODA has listed them correctly. it
 to check your credit hour report at: hp://oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pescides/
under Licensing Informaon and then Check your credit hours. ODA will review possible course entry errors for
the previous calendar year only. Errors more than one year old that were not brought to ODAs aenon will
not be reviewed or considered in credit-hour calculaons.
In order to be eligible to maintain your license, you need to take a number of ODA-approved connuing
educaon classes during your cercaon period. If you do not earn the required number of recercaon
credits, The number of credit hours required during
your cercaon period varies depending on the type of license held.
The current requirements are:
• Accumulate a total of sixteen (16) credit hours during the up to ve year cercaon period: four (4) hours
 be designated as “CORE” credits, and twelve (12) may be designated as “Other” credits.
• No more than eight (8) credit hours may be accumulated in any calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
• Credit hour accumulaon begins the day aer the pescide applicator is cered.
 are not cered applicators, however, beginning January 1, 2013, they must:
Accumulate eight (8) hours of training accredited by ODA every year to qualify for annual license renewal.
Four (4) of the eight (8) hours must be “CORE” programs.
• Accumulate a total of forty (40) credit hours during the up to ve year cercaon period (training may
include “CORE” programs).
• No more than een (15) credit hours may be accumulated in any calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
• Credit hour accumulaon begins the day aer the pescide applicator is cered.
Connuing educaon classes are oered by a variety of sources including Oregon State University Extension
Service, community colleges, agri-chemical dealers, industry associaons, and others. Licensees may nd
approved courses on the ODA’s web site at: hp://oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pescides/Pages/default.aspx.
Under " click on the "Pescide Applicator Recercaon Classes” to reach the search
page. New classes are added as they are approved.
 The rm or individual for whom
the pescide applicaon was
The full name, address and phone number of the business, rm or
individual who owns or controls the crop or property sprayed. Do not use
inials, nicknames, or paral names.
 The locaon of the land or
property where applicaon was
The address or a geographic descripon of the applicaon site (such as
circle number, map number or township/secon/range), GPS coordinates
and the size of the area treated (acres, square feet, linear feet, etc.).
 The date and approximate me
of applicaon.
The month/day/year of applicaon,  the beginning  ending me
of applicaon.
 The supplier of pescides
The full name of the individual or business that supplied the pescide
to you. Do not use inials, nicknames, or paral names.
 The trade name and the
strength of pescides applied.
The EPA registraon number Or the manufacturer, product name, and
formulaon type of each product applied.
 The amount or concentraon
(pounds, ounces, or gallons per
acre of acve ingredient or
concentraon per approximately
100 gallons).
A. The amount of each pescide product applied per unit of measure
(ounces, pounds, pints, quarts, etc.) ;
B. The type and amount of carrier applied per unit of measure (acre,
square feet, etc.) Or, where a specic unit of measure is not
applicable, the total amount applied to site; 
C. The amount and type of other material applied (such as spreader/
scker, weng agent, or dri retardant).
 The specic property, crop or
crops to which the pescide was
For each pescide product applied, the specic crop or site of applicaon:
- the specic crop
- the specic area (exterior wall voids, kitchen cabinets, interior
foundaon, living room baseboards, etc.)
 - the general area (front yard, hedge, fruit
tree, etc.)
 - descripons similar to the examples above.
 The summary informaon of
equipment, device or apparatus
used and, if applied by aircra,
the F.A.A. number.
Idencaon of the applicaon equipment used (aerosol can, speed
sprayer, backpack sprayer, fogger, etc.) and, if applied aerially, the “N”
number of the aircra.
 Name of applicator(s),
apprence(s) or trainee(s) who
made applicaon(s).
The full name of the applicator(s). However, if supervising a Pescide
Apprence or trainee the full name  pescide license number of the
supervising applicator  the Apprence and/or trainee
is required.
 Records kept for three years.
Records shall be maintained for at least three years from the date of
Pescide Dealers shall prepare and maintain records of sales of restricted-use and highly toxic
pescides for a period of three (3) years (OAR 603-057-0140).
 
1. Purchaser
a. Name of Purchaser
The FULL name of the cered applicator to whom the restricted-
use-pescide is being sold. Do not use inials, nicknames, paral
names, ranch, or company names. Although the sale of a RUP
is made to a licensed cered applicator, the product may be
picked up by an unlicensed employee or person designated by the
b. Address of Purchaser Residenal or mailing address.
c. Current Valid License Cered pescide applicator's license number. Expiraon date of
license is recommended to ensure validity. Idenfy state if other
than Oregon.
2. Date of Sale Month/Day/Year
3. Trade Name of Pescide(s) EPA registraon number or specic product name, formulaon,
and manufacturer's name.
4. Quanty of Product Sold Gallons, pounds, containers, etc. (Dene case lots: e.g., 1 case
24 x 15 ounce cans, 2 x 5 gallons, etc.).
Required Elements Restricted-Use Pesticides
Applicator Name(s)
Applicator License Number
EPA Registraon Number
Acve Ingredients
Brand Name/Product Name
Crop, Commodity, or Site
Restricted Entry Interval (REI)
Size of Area Treated
Total Amount Applied
Field ID/Locaon
v For more Information: USDA Recordkeeping Requirements Brochure: www.ams.usda.gov/pesciderecords
This requirement is for making pescide applicaons on school properes.
Records shall be maintained at the school for a period of four (4) years (ORS 634.750).
 
1. Pest Controlled The pest condion that prompted the pescide applicaon.
2. Date and Time of Placement and
Removal of Warning Signs
Month/Date/Year and me of warning sign placement 
removal of warning sign Month/Date/Year and me.
3. Applicaon Type and Eecveness Formulaon type and applicaon method. How eecve
the applicaon was at resolving the problem.
4. Copies and Dates of Noces Copies of all noces must be kept and the date that the noces
were provided to school sta and aendees.
5. Copy of Product Label(s) Complete label of any product applied.
6. Copy of MSDS Material Data Safety Sheets must be maintained for all products
3150 Main St.
Springeld, OR 97478
FAX: 503-986-4735
Southern Oregon Research
& Extension Center
569 Hanley Road
Central Point, OR 97502
FAX: 541-772-5110
475 NE Bellevue Drive, Suite 110
Bend, OR 97701
FAX: 541-389-1329
Hermiston Agricultural Research
& Extension Center
2121 S. First St.
Hermiston, OR 97838
FAX: 541-567-2240
1390 SE First St.
Ontario, OR 97914
635 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97301-2532
Phone: 503-986-4635
Fax: 503-986-4735
Email: [email protected]ate.or.us