Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which
to place it, and I shall move the world.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
Laura Wilber is the former founder and CEO of California-based
AVENCOM, Inc., a software development company specializing
in online databases and database-driven Internet applications
(acquired by Red Door Interactive in 2004), and she served as
VP of Marketing for Kintera, Inc., a provider of SaaS software
to the nonprofit and government sectors. She also developed
courtroom tutorials for technology-related intellectual property
litigation for Legal Arts Multimedia, LLC. Ms. Wilber earned
an M.A. from the University of Maryland, where she was also
a candidate in the PhD program, before joining the federal
systems engineering division of Bell Atlantic (now Verizon) in
Washington, DC. Ms. Wilber currently works as solutions ana-
lyst at EXALEAD. Prior to joining EXALEAD, Ms. Wilber taught
Business Process Reengineering, Management of Informa-
tion Systems and E-Commerce at ISG (l’Institut Supérieur de
Gestion) in Paris. She and her EXALEAD colleague Gregory
Grefenstette recently co-authored Search-Based Applications: At
the Confluence of Search and Database Technologies, published in
2011 by Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
Founded in 2000 by search engine pioneers, EXALEAD®
is the leading Search-Based Application platform provider to
business and government. EXALEAD’s worldwide client base
includes leading companies such as PricewaterhouseCooper,
ViaMichelin, GEFCO, the World Bank and Sanofi Aventis
R&D, and more than 100 million unique users a month use
EXALEAD’s technology for search and information access.
Today, EXALEAD is reshaping the digital content landscape
with its platform, EXALEAD CloudView™, which uses advanced
semantic technologies to bring structure, meaning and
accessibility to previously unused or under-used data in the
new hybrid enterprise and Web information cloud. CloudView
collects data from virtually any source, in any format, and
transforms it into structured, pervasive, contextualized building
blocks of business information that can be directly searched
and queried, or used as the foundation for a new breed of lean,
innovative information access applications.
EXALEAD was acquired by Dassault Systèmes in June 2010.
EXALEAD has offices in Paris, San Francisco, Glasgow, London,
Amsterdam, Milan and Frankfurt.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
What is Big Data?
While a fog of hype often envelops the omnipresent discussions
of Big Data, a clear consensus has at least coalesced around the
definition of the term. “Big Data” is typically considered to be
a data collection that has grown so large it can’t be effectively
or affordably managed (or exploited) using conventional data
management tools: e.g., classic relational database manage-
ment systems (RDBMS) or conventional search engines,
depending on the task at hand. This can as easily occur at 1
terabyte as at 1 petabyte, though most discussions concern col-
lections that weigh in at several terabytes at least.
Familiar Challenges, New Opportunities
If one can make one’s way through the haze, it also becomes
clear that Big Data is not new. Information specialists in fields
like banking, telecommunications and the physical sciences
have been grappling with Big Data for decades.
These Big
Data veterans have routinely confronted data collections that
outgrew the capacity of their existing systems, and in such
situations their choices were always less than ideal:
• Need to access it? Segment (silo) it.
• Need to process it? Buy a supercomputer.
• Need to analyze it? Will a sample set do?
• Want to store it? Forget it: use, purge, and move on.
What is new, however, is that now new technologies have
emerged that offer Big Data veterans far more palatable op-
tions, and which are enabling many organizations of all sizes
and types to access and exploit Big Data for the very first time.
This includes data that was too voluminous, complex or fast-
moving to be of much use before, such as meter or sensor
readings, event logs, Web pages, social network content, email
messages and multimedia files. As a result of this evolution, the
Big Data universe is beginning to yield insights that are chang-
ing the way we work and the way we play, and challenging
just about everything we thought we knew about ourselves,
the organizations in which we work, the markets in which we
operate– even the universe in which we live.
The Internet: Home to Big Data Innovation
Not surprisingly, most of these game-changing technologies
were born on the Internet, where Big Data volumes collided
with a host of seemingly impossible constraints, including the
need to support:
• Massive and impossible to predict traffic
• A 99.999% availability rate
• Sub-second responsiveness
• Sub-penny per-session costs
• 2-month innovation roadmaps
To satisfy these imposing requirements constraints, Web entre-
preneurs developed data management systems that achieved
supercomputer power at bargain-basement cost by distributing
computing tasks in parallel across large clusters of commodity
servers. They also gained crucial agility – and further ramped
up performance – by developing data models that were far
more flexible than those of conventional RDBMS. The best
known of these Web-derived technologies are non-relational
databases (called “NoSQL” for “Not-Only-SQL,” SQL being the
standard language for querying and managing RDBMS), like
the Hadoop framework (inspired by Google; developed and
open-sourced to Apache by Yahoo!) and Cassandra (Facebook),
and search engine platforms, like CloudView (EXALEAD) and
Nutch (Apache).
Another class of solutions, for which we appropriate (and
expand) the “NewSQL” label coined by Matthew Aslett of the
451 Group, strives to meet Big Data needs without abandon-
ing the core relational database model.
To boost performance
and agility, these systems employ strategies inspired by the
Internet veterans (like massive distributed scaling, in-memory
processing and more flexible, NoSQL-inspired data models), or
they employ strategies grown closer to (RDBMS) home, like in-
memory architectures and in-database analytics. In addition, a
new subset of such systems has emerged over the latter half of
2011 that goes one step further in physically combining high
performance RDMBS systems with NoSQL and/or search plat-
forms to produce integrated hardware/software applicances for
deep analytics on integrated structured and unstructured data.
The Right Tool for the Right Job
Together, these diverse technologies can fulfill almost any Big
Data access, analysis and storage requirement. You simply need
to know which technology is best suited to which type of task,
and to understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of
particular solutions (usability, maturity, cost, security, etc.).
Complementary, Not Competing Tools
In most situations, NoSQL, Search and NewSQL technologies
play complementary rather than competing roles. One excep-
tion is exploratory analytics, for which you may use a Search
“In the era of Big Data, more isn’t just more.
More is different.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
platform, a NoSQL database, or a NewSQL solution depending
on your needs. A search platform alone may be all you need if
1) you want to offer self-service exploratory analytics to gen-
eral business users on unstructured, structured or hybrid data,
or 2) if you wish to explore previously untapped resources like
log files or social media, but you prefer a low risk, cost-effective
method of exploring their potential value.
Likewise, for operational reporting and analytics, you could use
a Search or NewSQL platform, but Search may once again be all
you need if your analytics application targets human decision-
makers, and if data latency of seconds or minutes is sufficient
(NoSQL systems are subject to batch-induced latency, and
few situations require the nearly instanteous, sub-millisecond
latency of expensive NewSQL systems).
While a Search platform alone may be all you need for analyt-
ics in certain situations, and it is a highly compelling choice
for rapidly constructing general business applications on top
of Big Data, it nonetheless makes sense to deploy a search
engine alongside a NoSQL or NewSQL system in every Big Data
scenario, for no other technology is as effective and efficient as
Search at making Big Data accessible and meaningful to human
This is, in fact, the reason we have produced this paper. We
aim to shed light on the use of search technology in Big Data
environments – a role that’s often overlooked or misunderstood
even though search technologies are profoundly influencing
the evolution of data management – while at the same time
providing a pragmatic overview of all the tools available to meet
Big Data challenges and capitalize on Big Data opportunities.
Our own experience with customers and partners has shown
us that for all that has been written about Big Data recently, a
tremendous amount of confusion remains. We hope this paper
will dispel enough of this confusion to help you get on the road
to successfully exploiting your own Big Data.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
1. Crossing the Zetta Frontier………………………………..8
A. What is Big Data?…………………………………………………….8
B. Who is Affected by Big Data?…………………………………….8
C. Big Data: Boon or Bane?……………………………………………8
2. Big Data Opportunities………………………………………9
A. Faceted Search at Scale…………………………………………….9
B. Multimedia Search…………………………………………………10
C. Sentiment Analysis……………………………………………..…10
D. Database Enrichment…………………………………………..…11
E. Exploratory Analytics……………………………………………..11
F. Operational Analytics……………………………………………...13
3. Breakthrough Innovation from the Internet…………14
A. Distributed Architectures & Parallel Processing…………..15
B. Relaxed Consistency & Flexible Data Models………………15
C. Caching & In-Memory Processing…………..…………………16
4. Big Data Toolbox……………………………………………..16
A. Data Capture & Preprocessing…………..….………………….16
1) ETL Tools.…………..........………………………………………….16
2) APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) / Connectors…....17
3) Crawlers…………………………………….…………………………17
4) Messaging Systems………………………..……………………..19
B. Data Processing & Interaction…………..….…………………..20
1) NoSQL Systems……………………………..….………………….20
2) NewSQL…………………………..….………………………………23
3) Search Platforms…………………………..……………………….24
C. Auxiliary Tools…………..….…………….…………………………27
1) Cloud Services…………..….…………….…………………………27
2) Visualization Tools…………..….…………………………………28
5. Case Studies………………………….………………………..28
A. GEFCO: Breaking through Performance Barriers…………28
B. Yakaz: Innovating with Search + NoSQL………………29
C. La Poste: Building Business Applications on Big Data…30
D. …And Many Others………..……………………………………...31
6. Why EXALEAD CloudView
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
Fueled by the pervasiveness of the Internet, unprecedented
computing power, ubiquitous sensors and meters, addictive
consumer gadgets, inexpensive storage and (to-date) highly
elastic network capacity, we humans and our machines are
cranking out digital information at a mind-boggling rate.
IDC estimates that in 2010 alone we generated enough digital
information worldwide to fill a stack of DVDs reaching from
the earth to the moon and back. That’s about 1.2 zettabytes,
or more than one trillion gigabytes—a 50% increase over 2009.
IDC further estimates that from 2011 on, the amount of data
produced globally will double every 2 years.
No wonder then scientists coined a special term – ”Big Data”
– to convey the extraordinary scale of the data collections now
being amassed inside public and private organizations and out
on the Web.
A. What Exactly is ”Big Data”?
Big Data is more a concept than a precise term. Some apply the
”Big Data” label only to petabyte-scale data collections (> one
million GB). For others, a Big Data collection may house ‘only’
a few dozen terabytes of data. More often, however, Big Data is
defined situationally rather than by size. Specifically, a data col-
lection is considered “Big Data” when it is so large an organiza-
tion cannot effectively or affordably manage or exploit it using
conventional data management tools.
B. Who Is Affected By Big Data?
Big Data has been of concern to organizations working in select
fields for some time, such as the physical sciences (meteorol-
ogy, physics), life sciences (genomics, biomedical research),
government (defense, treasury), finance and banking (transac-
tion processing, trade analytics), communications (call records,
network traffic data), and, of course, the Internet (search engine
indexation, social networks).
Now, however, due to our digital fecundity, Big Data is becom-
ing an issue for organizations of all sizes and types.
In fact, in 2008 businesses were already managing on average
100TB or more of digital content.
Big Data has even become
a concern of individuals as awareness grows of the depth and
breadth of personal information being amassed in Big Data
collections (in contrast, some, like LifeLoggers,
broadcast their
day-to-day lives in a Big Data stream of their own making).
C. Big Data: Boon or Bane?
For some, Big Data simply means Big Headaches, raising
difficult issues of information system cost, scaling and perfor-
mance, as well as data security, privacy and ownership.
But Big Data also carries the potential for breakthrough insights
and innovation in business, science, medicine and govern-
ment—if we can bring humans, machines and data together
to reveal the natural information intelligence locked inside our
mountains of Big Data.
A data collection that is too large to be effectively
or affordably managed using conventional
1000 Gigabytes (GB) 1 Terabyte (To)
1000 Terabytes 1 Petabyte (Po)
1000 Petabytes 1 Exabyte (Eo)
1000 Exabytes 1 Zettabyte (Zo)
1000 Zettabytes 1 Yottabyte (Yo)
Measuring Big Data
Disk Storage*
* For Processor or Virtual Storage, replace 1000 with 1024.
Decision Making
The classic data management mission: transforming raw data into action-
guiding wisdom. In the era of Big Data, the challenge is to find automated,
industrial-grade methods for accomplishing this transformation.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
Innovative public and private organizations are already demon-
strating that transforming raw Big Data collections into action-
able wisdom is possible. They are showing in particular that
tremendous value can be extracted from the ”grey” data that
makes up the bulk of Big Data, that is to say data that
is unused (or under-used) because it has historically been:
1) Too voluminous, unstructured and/or raw (i.e., minimally
structured) to be exploited by conventional information
systems, or
2) In the case of highly structured data, too costly or complex
to integrate and exploit (e.g., trying to gather and align data
from dozens of databases worldwide).
These organizations are also opening new frontiers in opera-
tional and exploratory analytics using structured data (like
database content), semi-structured data (such as log files or
XML files) and unstructured content (like text documents or
Web pages).
Some of the specific Big Data opportunities they are capitaliz-
ing on include:
• Faceted search at scale
• Multimedia search
• Sentiment analysis
• Automatic database enrichment
• New types of exploratory analytics
• Improved operational reporting
We’ll now look more closely at these opportunities, with each
accompanied by a brief example of an opportunity realized
using a technology whose role is often overlooked or misunder-
stood in the context of Big Data: the search engine. We’ll then
review the full range of tools available to organizations seek-
ing to exploit Big Data, followed by further examples from the
search world.
A. Faceted Search at Scale
Faceted search is the process of iteratively refining a search
request by selecting (or excluding) clusters or categories of
results. In contrast to the conventional method of paging
through simple lists of results, faceted search (also referred to
as parametric search and faceted navigation) offers a remark-
ably effective means of searching and navigating large volumes
of information—especially when combined with user aids like
type-ahead query suggestions, auto-spelling correction and
fuzzy matching (matching via synonyms, phonetics and ap-
proximate spelling).
Until recently, faceted search could only be provided against
relatively small data sets because the data classification and
descriptive meta-tagging upon which faceted search depends
were largely manual processes. Now, however, industrial-grade
natural language processing (NLP) technologies are making it
possible to automatically classify and categorize even Big Data-
size collections of unstructured content, and hence to achieve
faceted search at scale.
Rooted in artificial intelligence, NLP—also referred
to as computational linguistics—uses tools like
statistical algorithms and machine learning to
enable computers to understand instances of
human language (like speech transcripts, text
documents and SMS messages). While NLP
focuses on the structural features of an utterance,
semantics goes beyond form in seeking to identify
and understand meanings and relationships.
uses industrial-grade semantic
and statistical processing to automatically cluster and
categorize search results for an index of 16 billion Web
pages (approx. 6 petabytes of raw data).
Facets hide the scale and complexity of Big Data
collections from end users, boosting search success and
making search and navigation feel simple and natural.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
You can see industrial faceting at work in the dual Web/enter-
prise search engine EXALEAD CloudView
, in other public Web
search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing, and, to varying
degrees of automation and scale, in search utilities from organi-
zations like HP, Oracle, Microsoft and Apache.
Look for this trend to accelerate and to bring new accessibility
to unstructured Big Data.
B. Multimedia Search
Multimedia content is the fastest growing type of user-gen-
erated content, with millions of photos, audio files and videos
uploaded to the Web and enterprise servers daily. Exploiting
this type of content at Big Data scale is impossible if we must
rely solely on human tagging or basic associated metadata like
file names to access and understand content.
However, recent technologies like automatic speech-to-text
transcription and object-recognition processing (called Content-
Based Image Retrieval, or CBIR) are enabling us to structure this
content from the inside out, and paving the way toward new
accessibility for large-volume multimedia collections. Look for
this trend to have a significant impact in fields like medicine,
media, publishing, environmental science, forensics and digital
asset management.
C. Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis uses semantic technologies to automati-
cally discover, extract and summarize the emotions and at-
titudes expressed in unstructured content. Semantic analysis
is sometimes applied to behind-the-firewall content like email
messages, call recordings and customer/constituent surveys.
More commonly, however, it is applied to the Web, the world’s
first and foremost Big Data collection and the most comprehen-
sive repository of public sentiment concerning everything from
ideas and issues to people, products and companies.
Sentiment analysis on the Web typically entails collecting data
from select Web sources (industry sites, the media, blogs, fo-
rums, social networks, etc.), cross-referencing this content with
target entities represented in internal systems (services, prod-
ucts, people, programs, etc.), and extracting and summarizing
the sentiments expressed in this cross-referenced content.
Multimedia Search Example:
FRANCE 24 is a 24/7 international news channel broadcasting in French,
English and Arabic. In partnership with EXALEAD, Yacast Media and Vecsys,
FRANCE 24 is automatically generating near real-time transcripts of its broad-
casts, and using semantic indexation of these transcripts to offer “full text“
search inside videos. Complementary digital segmentation technology enables
users to jump to the precise point in the broadcast where their search term is
The Web: The world’s first and foremost
Big Data collection.
A large automotive vehicle manufacturer uses Web
sentiment analysis to improve product quality
management. The application uses the EXALEAD
platform to extract, analyze and
organize pertinent quality-related information from
consumer car forums and other resources so the
company can detect and respond to potential issues
at an early stage. Semantic processors automatically
structure this data by model, make, year, type of
symptom and more.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
This type of Big Data analysis can be a tremendous aid in
domains as diverse as product development and public policy,
bringing unprecedented scope, accuracy and timeliness to ef-
forts such as:
• Monitoring and managing public perception of an issue,
brand, organization, etc. (called “reputation monitoring”)
• Analyzing reception of a new or revamped service or
• Anticipating and responding to potential quality, pricing or
compliance issues
• Identifying nascent market growth opportunities and
trends in customer demand
D. Database Enrichment
Once you can collect, analyze and organize unstructured
Big Data, you can use it to enhance and contextualize exist-
ing structured data resources like databases and data ware-
houses. For instance, you can use information extracted from
high-volume sources like email, chat, website logs and social
networks to enrich customer profiles in a Customer Relation-
ship Management (CRM) system. Or, you can extend a digital
product catalog with Web content (like, product descriptions,
photos, specifications, and supplier information). You can even
use such content to improve the quality of your organization’s
master data management, using the Web to verify details or fill
in missing attributes.
E. Exploratory Analytics
Exploratory analytics has aptly been defined as “the process of
analyzing data to learn about what you don’t know to ask.
is a type of analytics that requires an open mind and a healthy
sense of curiosity. In practice, the analyst and the data engage
in a two-way conversation, with researchers making discover-
ies and uncovering possibilities as they follow their curiosity
from one intriguing fact to another (hence the reason exploratory
analytics are also called “iterative analytics”).
In short, it is the opposite of conventional analytics, referred
to as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). In classic OLAP, one
seeks to retrieve answers to precise, pre-formulated questions
from an orderly, well-known universe of data. Classic OLAP is
also sometimes referred to as Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA)
as it is typically used to confirm or refute hypotheses.
Discovering Hidden Meanings & Relationships
There is no doubt that the Big Data collections we are now
amassing hold the answers to questions we haven’t yet
thought to ask. Just imagine the revelations lurking in the
100 petabytes of climate data at the DKRZ (German Climate
Computing Center), or in the 15 petabytes of data produced an-
nually by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator, or
in the 200 petabytes of data Yahoo! has stocked across its farm
of 43,000 (soon to be 60,000) servers.
An even richer vein lies in cross-referencing individual collec-
tions. For example, cross-referencing Big Data collections of
genomic, demographic, chemical and biomedical information
The travel and tourism arm of France’s high speed
passenger rail service, Voyages-SNCF, uses unstructured
Web data (like local events and attractions and travel
articles and news) to enhance the content in its internal
transport and accommodation databases. The result
is a full-featured travel planning site that keeps the
user engaged through each stage of the purchase
cycle, boosting average sales through cross-selling,
and helping to make Voyages-SNCF.com a first-stop
reference for travel planning in France.
“Big Data will become a key basis of competition,
underpinning new waves of productivity growth,
innovation and consumer surplusas long as the
right policies and enablers are in place.
McKinsey Global Institute
[Exploratory analytic] techniques make it
feasible to look for more haystacks, rather than
just the needle in one haystack.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
might move us closer to a cure for cancer. At a more mundane
level, such large scale cross-referencing may simply help us bet-
ter manage inventories, as when Wal-Mart hooked up weather
and sales data and discovered that hurricane warnings trigger
runs not just on flashlights and batteries (expected), but also on
strawberry Pop-Tarts breakfast pastries (not expected), and that
the top-selling pre-hurricane item is beer (surprise again).
However, Wal-Mart’s revelation was actually not the result of
exploratory analytics (as is often reported), but rather conven-
tional analytics. In 2004, with Hurricane Frances on the way,
Wal-Mart execs simply retrieved sales data for the days before
the recently passed Hurricane Charley from their then-460TB
data warehouse, and fresh supplies of beer and pastries were
soon on their way to stores in Frances’ path.
What’s important about the Wal-Mart example is to imagine
what could happen if we could turn machines loose to discover
such correlations on their own. In fact, we do this now in two
ways: one can be characterized as a ”pull” approach, the other
a ”push” strategy.
In the “pull” method, we can turn semantic mining tools loose
to identify the embedded relationships, patterns and mean-
ings in data, and then use visualization tools, facets (dynamic
clusters and categories) and natural language queries to explore
these connections in a completely ad hoc manner. In the second
“push” method, we can sequentially ask the data for answers
to specific questions, or instruct it to perform certain operations
(like sorting), to see what turns up.
Improving the Accuracy and Timeliness
of Predictions
The goal of exploratory, ”let’s see what turns up” analytics is
almost always to generate accurate, actionable predictions.
In traditional OLAP, this is done by applying complex statisti-
cal models to clean sample data sets within a formal, scientific
“hypothesize, model, test” process.
Exploratory analytics accelerate this formal process by deliver-
ing a rich mine of ready-to-test models that may never have
otherwise come to light. And, though conventional predictive
analytics are in no danger of being sidelined, running simple
algorithms against messy Big Data collections can produce
forecasts that are as accurate as complex analytics on well-
scrubbed, statistically-groomed sample data sets.
For example, real estate services provider Akerys uses the
platform to aggregate, organize and
structure real estate market statistics extracted daily from the
major real estate classifieds websites. As a result, Akerys’ public
Labo-Immo project (labo-immo.org) enables individuals to accu-
rately identify and explore market trends two-to-three months
in advance of the official statistics compiled by notaries and
other industry professionals.
In another example drawn from the world of the Web, Google
analyzed the frequency of billions of flu symptom-related
Web searches and demonstrated that it was possible to predict
flu outbreaks with as much accuracy as the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), whose predictions were
based on a complex analytics applied to data painstakingly
compiled from clinics and physicians. Moreover, as people tend
to conduct Internet research before visiting a doctor, the Web
search data revealed trends earlier, giving health care communi-
ties valuable lead time in preparing for outbreaks. Now the CDC
and other health organizations like the World Health Organiza-
tion use Google Flu Trends as an additional disease monitoring
“Business decisions will increasingly be made, or
at least corroborated, on the basis of computer
algorithms rather than individual hunches.
Search-based analytics offers an effective means of distilling information intel-
ligence from large-volume data sets, especially un- or semi-structured corpora
such as Web collections.
Trends as an additional disease monitoring tool.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
Of note, too, is the fact that neither the CDC nor clinic directors
care why Web searches so closely mirror—and anticipate—CDC
predictions: they’re just happy to have the information. This is
the potential of exploratory Big Data analytics: sample it all in,
see what shows up, and, depending on your situation, either
act on it—or relay it to specialists for investigation or validation.
F. Operational Analytics
While exploratory analytics are terrific for planning, operational
analytics are ideal for action. The goal of such analytics is to de-
liver actionable intelligence on meaningful operational metrics
in real or near-real time.
This is not easy as many such metrics are embedded in massive
streams of small-packet data produced by networked devices
like ‘smart’ utility meters, RFID readers, barcode scanners, web-
site activity monitors and GPS tracking units. It is machine data
designed for use by other machines, not humans.
Making it accessible to human beings has traditionally not been
technically or economically feasible for many organizations.
New technologies, however, are enabling organizations to over-
come technical and financial hurdles to deliver human-friendly
and analysis of real-time Big Data streams (see Chapter 4).
As a result, more organizations (particularly in sectors like tele-
communications, logistics, transport, retailing and manufactur-
ing) are producing real-time operational reporting and analytics
based on such data, and significantly improving agility, opera-
tional visibility, and day-to-day decision making as a result.
Consider, for example, the case of Dr. Carolyn McGregor of the
University of Ontario. Conducting research in Canada, Australia
and China, she is using real-time, operational analytics on Big
Data for early detection of potentially fatal infections in prema-
ture babies. The analytics platform monitors real-time streams
of data like respiration, heart rate and blood pressure readings
captured by medical equipment (with electrocardiograms alone
generating 1,000 readings per second).
The system can detect anomalies that may signal the onset
of an infection long before symptoms emerge, and well in ad-
“Invariably, simple models and a lot of data
trump more elaborate models based on less
Alon Halevy, Peter Norvig & Fernando Pereira
vance of the legacy approach of having a doctor review limited
data sets on paper every hour or two. As Dr. McGregor notes,
“You can’t see it with the naked eye, but a computer can.
In an example of exploratory analytics inside the
enterprise, one of the world’s largest global retailers
is using an EXALEAD CloudView
Application (SBA) to enable non-experts to use natural
language search, faceted navigation and visualization
to explore the details of millions of daily cash register
receipts. Previously, these receipts, which are stored
in an 18TB Teradata data warehouse, could only
be analyzed by Business Intelligence system users
executing canned queries or complex custom queries.
A second SBA further enables users to perform
exploratory analytics on a cross-referenced view of
receipt details and loyalty program data (also housed
in a Teradata data warehouse). Users can either enter
a natural language query like “nutella and paris” to
launch their investigations, or they can simply drill
down on the dynamic data clusters and categories
mined from source systems to explore potentially
significant correlations.
Both of these SBAs are enabling a wide base of
business users to mine previously siloed data for
meaningful information. They are also improving the
timeliness and accuracy of predictions by revealing
hidden relationships and trends.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
As the examples in Chapter 2 demonstrate, it is possible to
overcome the technical and financial challenges inherent in
seizing Big Data opportunities. This capability is due in large
part to tools and technologies forged over the past 15 years by
Internet innovators including:
• Web search engines like EXALEAD, Google and Yahoo!,
who have taken on the job of making the ultimate Big Data
collection, the Internet, accessible to all.
• Social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook.
• eCommerce giants like Amazon.
These organizations and others like them found that conven-
tional relational database technology was too rigid and/or
costly for many data processing, access and storage tasks in the
highly fluid, high-volume world of the Web.
Relational database management systems (RDBMS) were,
after all, initially designed (half a century ago) to accurately and
reliably record transactions like payments and orders for brick-
and-mortar businesses. To protect the accuracy and security
of this information, they made sure incoming data adhered to
elaborate, carefully-constructed data models and specifications
through processing safeguards referred to as ACID constraints
(for data Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability).
These ACID constraints proved to be highly effective at ensur-
ing data accuracy and security, but they are very difficult to
scale, and for certain types of data interaction—like social net-
working, search and exploratory analytics—they are not even
wholly necessary. Sometimes, maximizing system availability
and performance are higher priorities than ensuring full data
consistency and integrity.
Accordingly, Internet businesses developed new data manage-
ment systems that relaxed ACID constraints and permitted
them to scale their operations massively and cost-effectively
while maintaining optimal availability and performance.
A leading private electric utility and the world’s largest
renewable energy operator has deployed a CloudView
Search-Based Application (SBA) to better manage its
wind power production. Specifically, they are using
CloudView to automate cumbersome analytic processes
and deliver timelier production forecasts.
The CloudView SBA works by allowing a quasi-real-
time comparison of actual production data from
metering equipment (fed into an Oracle system)
and forecastdata produced by an MS SQL Server
application. Prior to deploying CloudView, separately
stored production and forecast data had to be manually
compared – an inefficient and error-prone process with
undesirable lag time.
The new streaming predictive analytics capability is
boosting the company’s ability to achieve an optimal
balance between actual and forecast production to
minimize costly surpluses or deficits. The use of an
SBA also offers unlimited, ad-hoc drill down on all
data facets maintained in source systems, including
reporting and analytics by geographic location (country,
region, city, etc.) and time period (hour, day, week,
month, etc.). Historical data is retained for long-range
As an added benefit, the platform is improving overall
information systems responsiveness by offloading
routine information requests from the Oracle and MS
SQL Server systems. The Proof-of-Concept (POC) for
this SBA was developed in just 5 days.
See the GEFCO and La Poste case studies in Chapter 5
for additional examples of operational reporting and
analytics on Big Data.
“Reliability at massive scale is one of the biggest
challenges we face at Amazon.com… Even
the slightest outage has significant financial
consequences and impacts customer trust.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
A. Distributed Architectures & Parallel Processing
One of the most important ways they achieved this was by
distributing processing and access tasks in parallel across large
(and often geographically dispersed) grids of loosely coupled,
inexpensive commodity servers.
Working in parallel, these collections of low-end servers can
rival supercomputers in processing power at a fraction of the
cost, and ensure continuous service availability in the case of
inevitable hardware failures.
It is an architecture inspired by symmetric multi-processing
(SMP), massively parallel processing (MPP) and grid computing
strategies and technologies.
B. Relaxed Consistency & Flexible Data Models
In addition to distributed architectures and parallel processing,
these Internet innovators also achieved greater performance,
availability and agility by designing systems that can ingest
and process inconsistent, constantly evolving data. These flex-
ible models, together with semantic technologies, have also
played a primary role in making grey data exploitable (these
models are discussed in Chapter 4, Section B, Data Processing
& Interaction).
MS SQL Server
Oracle 11g
IBM DB2 & Informix
Match low revenue
Follow a 2-month
innovation roadmap
Handle 100s of
of database records
Offer 99,999%
Be usable without
Support impossible
to forecast traffic
Present up-to-date
Provide sub-second
response times
Internet Drives Data Management Innovation
In parallel processing, programming tasks are broken
into subtasks and executed in parallel across multiple
computer processors to boost computing power and
performance. Parallel processing can take place in
a single multiple processor computer, or across
thousands of single- or multi-processor machines.
SMP is parallel processing across a small number of
tightly-coupled processors (e.g., shared memory, data
bus, disk storage (sometimes), operating system (OS)
instance, etc.).
MPP is parallel processing across a large number of
loosely-coupled processors (each node having its
own local memory, disk storage, OS copy, etc.). It is a
“shared nothing” versus “shared memory” or “shared
disk” architecture. MMP nodes usually communicate
across a specialized, dedicated network, and they are
usually homogeneous machines housed in a single
Grid Computing also employs loosely-coupled nodes
in a shared-nothing framework, but, unlike SMP and
MPP, a grid is not architected to act as a single computer
but rather to function like individual collaborators
working together to solve a single problem, like
modeling a protein or refining a climate model.
Grids are typically inter-organizational collaborations
that pool resources to create a shared computing
infrastructure. They are usually heterogeneous, widely
dispersed, and communicate using standard WAN
technologies. Examples include on-demand grids (e.g.,
Amazon EC2), peer-to-peer grids (e.g., SETI@Home),
and research grids (e.g., DutchGrid).
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
C. Caching & In-Memory Processing
Most further developed systems that make heavy use of data
caching, if not full in-memory storage and processing. (In
in-memory architectures, data is stored and processed in high
speed RAM, eliminating the back-and-forth disk input/output
(I/O) activity that can bottleneck performance.) This evolution
is due in equal parts to innovation, a dramatic decrease in the
cost of RAM (see chart below), and to the rise of distributed
architectures (even though the price of RAM has dropped, it’s
still far less expensive to buy a batch of commodity computers
whose combined RAM is 1TB than to buy a single computer
with 1TB RAM).
While few organizations deals with Internet-scale data manage-
ment challenges, these Web-born innovations have nonethe-
less spawned pragmatic commercial and open source tools and
technologies anyone can use right now to address Big Data
challenges and take advantage of Big Data opportunities.
Let’s look at that toolbox now.
Data/chart copyright 2001, 2010, John C. McCallum.
See www.jcmit.com/mem2010.htm.
While some research organizations may rely on supercomputers
to meet their Big Data needs, our toolbox is stocked with tools
accessible to organizations of all sizes and types.
These tools include:
A.Data Capture & Preprocessing
1.ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) Tools
2.APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) / Connectors
4.Messaging Systems
B.Data Processing & Interaction
1.NoSQL Systems
2.NewSQL Systems
3.Search Engines
C.Auxiliary Tools
1.Cloud Services
2.Visualization Tools
Each has a different role to play in capturing, processing, ac-
cessing or analyzing Big Data. Let’s look first at data capture
and preprocessing tools.
A. Data Capture & Preprocessing
Primary Uses
• Data consolidation (particularly loading data warehouses)
• Data preprocessing/normalization
ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tools are used to map and
move large volumes of data from one system to another.
They are most frequently used as data integration aids. More
specifically, they are commonly used to consolidate data from
multiple databases into a central data warehouse through bulk
data transfers. ETL platforms usually include mechanisms for
”normalizing” source data before transferring it, that is to say,
for performing at least the minimal processing needed to align
incoming data with the target system’s data model and specifi-
cations, and removing duplicate or anomalous data.
Solutions range from open source platforms to expensive
commercial offerings, with some ETLs available as embedded
modules in BI and database systems. Higher-end commercial
solutions are most likely to offer features useful in Big Data
contexts, like data pipelining and partitioning, and compatibility
with SMP, MPP and grid environments.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
Some ETL examples include:
• Ab Initio
• CloverETL (open source)
• IBM Infosphere DataStage
• Informatica PowerCenter
• Jasper ETL (open source – Talend-powered)
• MS SQL Server Integration Services
• Oracle Warehouse Builder (embedded in Oracle 11g)
& Oracle Data Integrator
• Talend Open Studio (open source)
In Big Data environments, the Extract process can sometimes
place an unacceptable burden on source systems, and the
Transform stage can be a bottleneck if the data is minimally
structured or very raw (most ETL platforms require an exter-
nal or add-on module to handle unstructured data). The Load
process can also be quite slow even when the code is optimized
for large volumes. This is why ETL transfers, which are widely
used to feed data warehouses, tend to be executed during
off-hours—usually overnight—resulting in unacceptable data
latency in some situations. Note, however, that many ETL
vendors are developing - or have already developed - special
editions to address these limitations, such as the Real Time Edi-
tion of Informatica’s PowerCenter (in fact, their new 9.1 release
is specially tailored for Big Data environments).
Primary Use
• Data exchange/integration
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a software-to-
software interface for exchanging almost every type of service
or data you can conceive, though we focus here on the use of
APIs as tools for data exchange or consolidation. In this context,
an API may enable a host system to receive (ingest) data from
other systems (a “push” API), or enable others to extract data
from it (a publishing or ”pull” API). APIs typically employ
standard programming languages and protocols to facilitate
exchanges (e.g., HTTP/REST, Java, XML). Specific instances of
packaged APIs on a system are often referred to as ”connec-
tors,“ and may be general in nature, like the Java Database Con-
nectivity (JDBC) API for connecting to most common RDBMS,
or vendor/platform specific, like a connector for IBM Lotus
APIs are available for most large websites, like Amazon, Google
(e.g., AdSense, Maps), Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, and MySpace.
They are also available for most enterprise business applica-
tions and data management systems. Enterprise search engines
usually offer packaged connectors encompassing most com-
mon file types and enterprise systems (e.g., XML repositories,
file servers, directories, messaging platforms, and content and
document management systems).
With Big Data loads, APIs can cause bottlenecks due to poor
design or insufficient computing or network resources, but
they’ve generally proven to be flexible and capable tools for
exchanging large-volume data and services. In fact, you could
argue the proliferation of public and private APIs has played an
important role in creating today’s Big Data world.
Nonetheless, you can still sometimes achieve better perfor-
mance with an embedded ETL tool than an API, or, in the case
of streaming data, with a messaging architecture (see Messag-
ing Systems below).
Moreover, APIs are generally not the best choice for collecting data
from the Web. A crawler is a better tool for that task (see Crawlers
below). There are three main drawbacks to APIs in the Web context:
• In spite of their proliferation, only a tiny percentage of
online data sources are currently accessible via an API.
• APIs usually offer access to only a limited portion of
a site’s data.
• Formats and access methods are at the owner’s discretion,
and may change at any time. Because of this variability
and changeability, it can take a significant amount of time
to establish and maintain individual API links, an effort
that can become completely unmanageable in Big Data
Primary Use
• Collection of unstructured data (often Web content) or
small packet data
A crawler is a software program that connects to a data source,
methodically extracts the metadata and content it contains, and
sends the extracted content back to a host system for index-
One type of crawler is a file system crawler. This kind of crawler
works its way recursively through computer directories, subdi-
rectories and files to gather file content and metadata (like file
path, name, size, and last modified date). File system crawlers
are used to collect unstructured content like text documents,
semi-structured content like logs, and structured content like
XML files.
Another type of crawler is a Web (HTTP/HTTPS) crawler. This
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
type of crawler accesses a website, captures and transmits the
page content it contains along with available metadata (page
titles, content labels, etc.), then follows links (or a set visitation
list) to proceed to the next site.
Typically a search engine is used to process, store and access
the content captured by crawlers, but crawlers can be used
with other types of data management systems (DMS).
File system crawlers are normally embedded in other software
programs (search engines, operating systems, databases, etc.).
However, there are a few available in standalone form: River-
Glass EssentialScanner, Sonar, Methabot (these are also Web
Web crawlers are likewise usually embedded, most often in
search engines, though there are standalone open source
crawlers available as well. The best-known Web crawlers are
those employed by public WWW search engines. Web crawler
examples include:
• Bingbot
• crawler4j
• EXALEAD Crawler
• Googlebot
• Heritrix
• Nutch
• WebCrawler
• Yahoo! Slurp
As with other data collection tools, one needs to configure
crawls so as not to place an undue load on the source system –
or the crawler. The quality of the crawler determines the extent
to which loads can be properly managed.
It should also be kept in mind that crawlers recognize only a
limited number of document formats (e.g., HTML, XML, text,
World Wide
Web pages
Text and
Basic architecture of a standard Web crawler. Source: Wikipedia.
PDF, etc.).If you want to use a crawler to gather non-supported
document formats, you’ll need to convert data into an ingest-
ible format using tools like API connectors (standard with most
commercial search engines), source-system export tools, ETL
platforms or messaging systems.
You should also be aware of some special challenges associated
with Web crawling:
• Missed Content
Valuable data on the Web exists in unstructured, semi-struc-
tured and structured form, including Deep Web content that
is dynamically generated as a result of form input and/or
database querying. Not all engines are capable of accessing this
data and capturing its full semantic logic.
• Low Quality Content
While crawlers are designed to cast a wide net, with backend
search engines (or other DMS) being responsible for separat-
ing the wheat from the chaff, overall quality can nevertheless
be improved if a crawler can be configured to do some pre-
liminary qualitative filtering, for example, excluding certain
document types, treating the content of a site as a single page
to avoid crowding out other relevant sources (website collaps-
ing), detecting and applying special rules for duplicate and near
duplicate content, etc.
• Performance Problems
Load management is especially important in Web crawling.
If you don’t (or can’t) properly regulate the breadth and depth
of a crawl according to your business needs and resources, you
can easily encounter performance problems. You can likewise
encounter performance issues if you don’t (or can’t) employ a
refined update strategy, zeroing in on pertinent new or modi-
fied content rather than re-crawling and re-indexing all content.
Of course, regardless of the size of the crawl, you also should avoid
placing an undue load on the visited site or violating data owner-
ship and privacy policies. These infractions are usually inadvertent
and due to weaknesses in the crawler used, but they can nonethe-
less result in your crawler being blocked, or ”blacklisted,” from
public websites. For internal intranet crawls, such poor manage-
ment can cause performance and security problems.
In the case of the public Web, an RSS (“Really Simple Syndica-
tion” or “Rich Site Summary”) feed for delivering authorized,
regularly changing Web content may be available to help you
avoid some of these pitfalls. But they are not available for all
sites, and they may be incomplete or out of date.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
A search engine sometimes views HTML content as
an XML tree, with HTML tags as branches and text
as nodes, and uses rules written in the standard
XML query language, XPath, to extract and structure
content. This is a strategy in which the crawler plays
an important role in pre-processing content. A search
platform may also view HTML as pure text, relying on
semantic processing within the core of the engine to
give the content structure.
The first approach can produce high quality results, but
it is labor-intensive, requiring specific rules to be drafted
and monitored for each source (in the fast-changing
world of the Web, an XPath rule has an average lifespan
of only 3 months). The second approach can be applied
globally to all sites, but it is complex and error prone. An
ideal strategy balances the two, exploiting the patterns
of structure that do exist while relying on semantics to
verify and enrich these patterns.
Primary Uses
• Data exchange (often event-driven, small-packet data)
• Application/systems integration
• Data preprocessing and normalization (secondary role)
Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) systems provide an
enabling backbone for enterprise application integration. Often
deployed within service-oriented architectures (SOA), MOM
solutions loosely couple systems and applications through a
bridge known as a message bus. Messages (data packets) man-
aged by the bus may be configured for point-to-point delivery
(message queue messaging) or broadcast to multiple subscrib-
ers (publish-subscribe messaging). They vary in their level of
support for message security, integrity and durability.
Exchanges between disparate systems are possible because
all connected systems (“peers”) share a common message
schema, set of command messages and infrastructure (often
dedicated). Data from source systems is transformed to the
degree necessary to enable other systems to consume it,
for example, binary values may need to be converted to their
textual (ASCII) equivalents, or session IDs and IP addresses may
be extracted from log files and encoded as XML records. APIs for
managing this data processing may be embedded in individual
systems connected to the bus, or they may be embedded in the
MOM platform.
Complex Event Processing (CEP)
MOM systems are often used to manage the asynchronous
exchange of event-driven, small-packet data (like barcode scans,
stock quotes, weather data, session logs and meter readings)
between diverse systems. In some instances, a Complex Event
Processing (CEP) engine may be deployed to analyze this data
in real time, applying complex trend detection, pattern match-
ing and causality modeling to streaming information and
taking action as prescribed by business rules. For instance, a
CEP engine may apply complex algorithms to streaming data
like ATM withdrawals and credit card purchases to detect and
report suspicious activity in real time or near real time. If a CEP
offers historical processing, data must be captured and stored
in a DMS.
MOM platforms may be standalone applications or they may
be bundled within broader SOA suites. Examples include:
• Apache ActiveMQ
• Oracle/BEA MessageQ
• IBM WebSphere MQ Series
• Informatica Ultra Messaging
• Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)
• Solace Messaging & Content Routers
• SonicMQ from Progress Software
• Sun Open Message Queue (OpenMQ)
• Tervela Data Fabric HW & SW Appliances
• TIBCO Enterprise Message Service & Messaging Appliance
Most of the organizations above also offer a CEP engine. There
are also a number of specialty CEP vendors, including Steam-
Base Systems, Aleri-Coral8 (now under the Sybase umbrella),
UC4 Software and EsperTech. In addition, many of the NewSQL
platforms discussed in the next section incorporate CEP tech-
nology, creating uncertainty as to whether CEP will continue as
a standalone technology.
Messaging systems were specifically designed to meet the
high-volume, high-velocity data needs of industries like fi-
nance, banking and telecommunications. Big Data volumes can
nonetheless overload some MOM systems, particularly
if the MOM is performing extensive data processing—filtering,
aggregation, transformation, etc—at the message bus level.
In such situations, performance can be improved by offloading
processing tasks to either source or destination systems. You
could also upgrade to an extreme performance solution like IBM
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
WebSphere MQ Low Latency Messaging or Informatica Ultra
Messaging, or to a hardware-optimized MOM solution like the
Solace, Tervela or TIBCO messaging appliances (TIBCO’s appli-
ance was developed in partnership with Solace).
B. Data Processing & Interaction
Today, classic RDBMS are complemented by a rich set of alter-
native DMS specifically designed to handle the volume, variety,
velocity and variability of Big Data collections (the so-called
“4Vs” of Big Data). These DMS include NoSQL, NewSQL and
Search-based systems. All can ingest data supplied by any of
the capture and preprocessing tools discussed in the last section
(ETLs, APIs, crawlers or messaging systems).
• NoSQL
NoSQL systems are distributed, non-relational databases
designed for large-scale data storage and for massively-parallel
data crunching across a large number of commodity servers.
They can support multiple activities, including exploratory and
predictive analytics, ETL-style data transformation, and non-
mission-critical OLTP (for example, managing long-duration or
inter-organization transactions). Their primary drawbacks are
their unfamiliarity, and, for the youngest of these largely open-
source solutions, their instability.
• NewSQL
NewSQL systems are relational databases designed to provide
ACID-compliant, real-time OLTP and conventional SQL-based
OLAP in Big Data environments. These systems break through
conventional RDBMS performance limits by employing NoSQL-
style features such as column-oriented data storage and distrib-
uted architectures, or by employing technologies like in-mem-
ory processing, SMP or MPP (some go further and integrate
NoSQL or Search components to address the 4V challenges of
Big Data). Their primary drawback is cost and rigidity (most are
integrated hardware/software appliances).
• Search-Based Platforms
As they share the same Internet roots, Big Data-capable search
platforms naturally employ many of the same strategies and
technologies as their NoSQL counterparts (distributed architec-
tures, flexible data models, caching, etc.) – in fact, some would
argue they are NoSQL solutions, but this classification would
obscure their prime differentiator: natural language processing
(NLP). It is NLP technology that enables search platforms to
automatically collect, analyze, classify and correlate diverse col-
lections of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data.
NLP and semantic technologies also enable Search platforms
to do what other systems cannot: sentiment analysis, machine
learning, unsupervised text analysis, etc. Search platforms are
deployed as a complement to NoSQL and NewSQL systems,
giving users of any skill level a familiar, simple way to search,
analyze or explore the Big Data collections they house. In
some situations, Search-Based Applications (SBAs) even offer
an easier, more affordable alternative to NoSQL and NewSQL
As noted in the Executive Summary, the challenge with these
technologies is determining which is best suited to a particular
type of task, and to understand the relative advantages and
disadvantages of particular solutions (usability, maturity, cost,
security, technical skills required, etc.). Based on such consider-
ations, the chart below summarizes general best use (not only
use!) scenarios.
For the two categories with multiple options checked–explor-
atory and operational analytics–the choice of NoSQL, Search or
NewSQL depends on whether your target user is 1) a machine,
or 2) a human, and if it is a human being, whether that user is a
business user or an expert analyst, statistician or programmer.
The second factor is whether batch-processing or streaming
analytics are right for your needs, and if streaming, whether
your latency requirements are real-time, quasi-real-time or
simply right-time.
To learn more, let’s look more closely now at these three types
of DMS.
Primary Uses
• Large-scale data processing (parallel processing over dis-
tributed systems)
• Embedded IR (basic machine-to-machine information look-
up & retrieval)
• Exploratory analytics on semi-structured data (expert level)
• Large volume data storage (unstructured, semi-structured,
small-packet structured)
NoSQL, for “Not Only SQL,” refers to an eclectic and increasing-
Big Data Task
Big Data Tool
NoSQL Search NewSQL
Structured Data X
Unstructured, Semi-structured, & Small-packet Structured Data X
Basic Data Transformation/Crunching X
Natural Language/Semantic Processing, Sentiment Analysis X
Transaction Processing (ACID OLTP & Event Stream Processing) X
Access & Interaction
Machine-to-Machine Information Retrieval (IR) X
Human-to-Machine IR/Exploration X
Agile Development of Business Applications X
Conventional Analytics (OLAP) X
Exploratory Analytics X X X
Operational Reporting/Analytics X X
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
ly familiar group of non-relational data management systems
(e.g., Hadoop, Cassandra and BerkeleyDB). Common features
include distributed architectures with parallel processing across
large numbers of commodity servers, flexible data models that
can accommodate inconsistent/changeable data, and the use
of caching and/or in-memory strategies to boost performance.
They also use non-SQL languages and mechanisms to interact
with data (though some now feature APIs that convert SQL
queries to the system’s native query language or tool).
Accordingly, they provide relatively inexpensive, highly scalable
storage for high-volume, small-packet historical data like logs,
call-data records, meter readings, and ticker snapshots (i.e.,
“big bit bucket” storage), and for unwieldy semi-structured or
unstructured data (email archives, xml files, documents, etc.).
Their distributed framework also makes them ideal for massive
batch data processing (aggregating, filtering, sorting, algorith-
mic crunching (statistical or programmatic), etc.). They are good
as well for machine-to-machine data retrieval and exchange,
and for processing high-volume transactions, as long as ACID
constraints can be relaxed, or at least enforced at the applica-
tion level rather than within the DMS.
Finally, these systems are very good exploratory analytics
against semi-structured or hybrid data, though to tease out
intelligence, the researcher usually must be a skilled statistician
working in tandem with a skilled programmer.
If you want to deploy such a system in a standalone version
on commodity hardware, and you want to be able to run full-
text searches or ad-hoc queries against it, or to build business
applications on top of it, or in general simply make the data it
contains accessible to business users, then you need to deploy
a search engine along with it.
NoSQL DMS come in four basic flavors, each suited to different
kinds of tasks:
• Key-Value stores
• Document databases (or stores)
• Wide-Column (or Column-Family) stores
• Graph databases
Most Key-Value Stores pair simple string keys with string values for fast infor-
mation retrieval.
Key-Value Stores
Typically, these DMS store items as alpha-numeric identi-
fiers (keys) and associated values in simple, standalone tables
(referred to as “hash tables”). The values may be simple text
strings or more complex lists and sets. Data searches can usu-
ally only be performed against keys, not values, and are limited
to exact matches.
Primary Use
The simplicity of Key-Value Stores makes them ideally suited
to lightning-fast, highly-scalable retrieval of the values needed
for application tasks like managing user profiles or sessions or
retrieving product names. This is why Amazon makes extensive
use of its own K-V system, Dynamo, in its shopping cart.
Examples: Key-Value Stores
• Dynamo (Amazon)
• Voldemort (LinkedIn)
• Redis
• BerkeleyDB
• Riak
• MemcacheDB
Document Databases
Inspired by Lotus Notes, document databases were, as their
name implies, designed to manage and store documents. These
documents are encoded in a standard data exchange format
such as XML, JSON (Javascript Option Notation) or BSON (Bi-
nary JSON). Unlike the simple key-value stores described above,
the value column in document databases contains semi-struc-
tured data – specifically attribute name/value pairs. A single
column can house hundreds of such attributes, and the number
and type of attributes recorded can vary from row to row. Also,
unlike simple key-value stores, both keys and values are fully
searchable in document databases.
Document Databases contain semi-structured values that can be queried. The
number and type of attributes per row can vary, offering greater flexibility than
the relational data model.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
Primary Use
Document databases are good for storing and managing Big
Data-size collections of literal documents, like text documents,
email messages, and XML documents, as well as conceptual
documents” like de-normalized (aggregate) representations of
a database entity such as a product or customer. They are also
good for storing “sparse” data in general, that is to say irregular
(semi-structured) data that would require an extensive use of
“nulls” in an RDBMS (nulls being placeholders for missing or
nonexistent values).
Document Database Examples
• CouchDB (JSON)
• MongoDB (BSON)
• MarkLogic (XML database)
• Berkeley DB XML (XML database)
Wide-Column (or Column-Family) Stores
Like document databases, Wide-Column (or Column-Family)
stores (hereafter WC/CF) employ a distributed, column-oriented
data structure that accommodates multiple attributes per key.
While some WC/CF stores have a Key-Value DNA (e.g., the
Dynamo-inspired Cassandra), most are patterned after Google’s
Bigtable, the petabyte-scale internal distributed data storage
system Google developed for its search index and other collec-
tions like Google Earth and Google Finance.
These generally replicate not just Google’s Bigtable data stor-
age structure, but Google’s distributed file system (GFS) and
MapReduce parallel processing framework as well, as is the
case with Hadoop, which comprises the Hadoop File System
(HDFS, based on GFS) + Hbase (a Bigtable-style storage sys-
tem) + MapReduce.
Primary Uses
This type of DMS is great for:
In row-oriented RDBMS tables, each attribute is
stored in a separate column, and each row - and
every column in that row - must be read sequen-
tially to retrieve information – a slower method
than in the column-oriented NoSQL model,
wherein large amounts of information can be
extracted from a single wide column in a single
“read” action.
• Distributed data storage, especially versioned data because
of WC/CF time-stamping functions.
• Large-scale, batch-oriented data processing: sorting, pars-
ing, conversion (e.g., conversions between hexadecimal,
binary and decimal code values), algorithmic crunching,
• Exploratory and predictive analytics performed by expert
statisticians and programmers.
If you are using a MapReduce framework, keep in mind that
MapReduce is a batch processing method, which is why Google
reduced the role of MapReduce in order to move closer to
streaming/real-time index updates in Caffeine, its latest search
Wide-Column/Column-Family Examples
• Bigtable (Google)
• Hypertable
• Cassandra (Facebook; used by Digg, Twitter)
• SimpleDB (Amazon)
• Hadoop (specifically HBase database on HDFS file system;
Apache, open sourced by Yahoo!)
• Cloudera, IBM InfoSphere BigInsights, etc. (i.e., vendors
offering commercial and non-commercial Hadoop distribu-
tions, with varying degrees of vendor lock-in)
Graph Databases
Graph databases replace relational tables with structured
relational graphs of interconnected key-value pairings. They
are similar to object-oriented databases as the graphs are rep-
resented as an object-oriented network of nodes (conceptual
objects), node relationships (“edges”) and properties (object at-
tributes expressed as key-value pairs). They are the only of the
four NoSQL types discussed here that concern themselves with
relations, and their focus on visual representation of informa-
tion makes them more human-friendly than other NoSQL DMS.
Primary uses
Graph databases are more concerned with the relationships between data entities
than with the entities themselves.
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
In general, graph databases are useful when you are more inter-
ested in relationships between data than in the data itself: for
example, in representing and traversing social networks, gener-
ating recommendations (e.g., upsell or cross-sell suggestions),
or conducting forensic investigations (e.g., pattern-detection).
Note these DMS are optimized for relationship “traversing,
not for querying. If you want to explore relationships as well
as querying and analyzing the values embedded within them
(and/or to be able to use natural language queries to analyze
relationships), then a search-based DMS is a better choice.
Graph Database Examples
• Neo4j
• InfoGrid
• Sones GraphDB
• AllegroGraph
• InfiniteGraph
NoSQL systems offer affordable and highly scalable solutions
for meeting particular large-volume data storage, processing
and analysis needs. However, the following common con-
straints should be kept in mind in evaluating NoSQL solutions:
•Inconsistent maturity levels
Many are open source solutions with the normal level of volatil-
ity inherent in that development methodology, and they vary
widely in the degree of support, standardization and packaging
offered. Therefore, what one saves in licensing can sometimes
be eaten up in professional services.
• A lack of expertise
There is a limited talent pool of engineers who can deploy
and manage these systems. There are likewise relatively few
developers or end users who are well-versed in the query
languages and tools they use: MapReduce functions (in Erlang,
Java, JavaScript, etc.), HQL, Lua, JRuby, SparQL, XQuery, LINQ,
JSON/BSON, etc. When available, it can be helpful to choose
a commercial, enterprise version of a system – complete with
management tools and/or a SQL bridge – to minimize recruiting
or outsourcing requirements.
• Inaccessibility
NoSQL systems generally do not provide native full-text index-
ing (or, consequently, full-text searching), and most do not pro-
vide automatic categorization and clustering. A separate search
engine would need to be deployed to provide these functions.
• Weak security
In terms of access rights, many have weak to non-existent na-
tive security, leaving security to be enforced in the application
In terms of physical security, most compromise on data re-
coverability in order to boost performance (e.g., Memcached,
MongoDB), though most also allow you to manage this trade-
off (e.g., Redis, MongoDB (again), Riak, Cassandra, Voldemort,
etc.). Consequently, you should avoid using NoSQL as your
primary storage device unless you are certain the system can be
configured to meet your particular data durability requirements.
Primary Uses
• High-volume, ACID-compliant OLTP
• Real-time, SQL-based analytics
• Conventional data warehousing & OLAP on Big Data
volumes of structured or hybrid data (SQL and, in some
instances, MapReduce too)
Like their NoSQL counterparts, these new (and not-so-new)
SQL-based RDBMS achieve Big Data scalability through the use
of distributed architectures (in the case of NewSQL, MPP), in-
memory processing, the use of solid state drive (SSD) technolo-
gy and/or by incorporating some NoSQL-inspired flexibility into
their data models. Others employ in-database analytics, which
is a strategy that combines data warehousing and analytical
functions in a single system to reduce latency and avoid the
overhead of moving data back and forth between the database
and a separate analytics platform.
Those achieving their primary gains through in-memory and
SSD technologies tend to be ACID-compliant solutions focused
on OLTP. Those gaining a primary advantage through in-da-
tabase and/or MPP technologies (like inventive parallelization
techniques and MapReduce) are generally intended for data
analytics and often relax consistency-related ACID constraints
to boost performance (exceptions include Oracle Exadata, which
supports OLAP and ACID OLTP).
Unlike NoSQL solutions, NewSQL systems tend to be com-
mercial rather than open source (though they may incorporate
open source components), with their MPP capacity usually
achieved through symmetric processing across a large number
of processors embedded within a single high-end computer
(usually proprietary), or a small cluster of such computers
(VoltDB being an exception).
OLTP-oriented NewSQL systems are ideal for ACID-compliant,
high –volume transaction processing in situations where
a millisecond can make a critical difference: high frequency
trading, battlefield command and control, intrusion detection,
network routing, etc.
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
Depending on the solution, OLAP-oriented NewSQL systems
also shine when top speed is critical (e.g., the need to activate
real-time triggers or alerts based ton complex analytics), and
when you need (or want) to restrict analytics to SQL-based in-
teractions. Some new editions of these platforms also incorpo-
rate NoSQL or Search components to enable semi- or unstruc-
tured data to be ingested into their analytics infrastructure,
with some supporting MapReduce-based analytics as well as
SQL analytics. All are (or will soon be) available only in the form
of proprietary, integrated software/hardware appliances.
Examples of systems achieving primary performance advantage
through in-memory/SSD technologies (most OLTP-oriented):
• eXtreme DB-64 (embedded db)
• IBM SolidDB
• Oracle TimesTen In-Memory
• Teradata Extreme Performance (OLAP-oriented)
• VoltDB (in-memory)
Examples of systems achieving primary performance advan-
tage through in-database analytics and MPP (most analytics-
• Greenplum (acquired by EMC)
• IBM DB2
• MS DATAllegro/ SQL Server 2008 R2 Parallel Data Ware-
• Netezza (acquired by IBM)
• Oracle Exadata (OLTP + OLAP)
• ParAccel Analytic Database
• Teradata Extreme Data
• Vertica (acquired by HP)
Analytics appliances that integrate NoSQL or Search compo-
• EMC: Greenplum Chorus (Greenplum Database + Green-
plum HD (enterprise Hadoop distribution) + Greenplum
Chorus (collaboration layer))
• Oracle: Oracle Big Data Apppliance (Oracle Hadoop distri-
bution + Oracle NoSQL DB (based on Berkeley DB) + other
components on Oracle HW, designed to serve as a data
source for Oracle 11g or Oracle Exadata (and Oracle Exana-
lytics, Oracle Exalogic, etc.)
• HP: Idol 10 (Vertica + Autonomy IDOL)
• Teradata: Teradata Aster MapReduce Appliance (Aster
MapReduce DB on Teradata HW)
Microsoft is also developing a Big Data appliance that report-
edly combines a Microsoft Hadoop distribution with the com-
pany’s SQL Server and Parallel Data Warehouse software.
First, these solutions are expensive. In addition to licensing
and development costs, they either need to run on expensive,
high-end servers (with the VoltDB exception noted), or they are
high-ticket integrated hardware/software applicances, some-
times requiring a rip-and-replace of an existing system, making
scaling costly, and restricting business agility through vendor
These systems are also expressly engineered for transaction
processing or deep analytics. For ACID-compliant transaction
processing or complex analytics at Big Data scale, such con-
straints may represent worthwhile compromises. However,
discrete NoSQL and/or Search-based solutions (Cloud or on-
premises) are likely a better fit if your needs are more diverse,
including, for example:
• Low cost, highly scalable storage of low value data
• General information search and retrieval (Search or Search
+ NoSQL for human IR; NoSQL for machine IR)
• Complex exploratory analytics without structured data
integration (NoSQL)
• Exploratory analytics for general users (Search)
• Flexible business application development (Search)
• Application-specific data mashups or integrations (Search)
• Low latency – but not sub-millisecond – operational re-
porting (Search)
• Enrichment of an existing database with unstructured
content (Search)
These search-based usages and others are detailed in the next
Primary Uses
• Natural language processing (NLP)/semantic treatment
(text mining; automatic tagging, classification and cluster-
ing; relationship mapping, etc.)
• Data aggregation (semantic normalization and integration
of heterogeneous data types/sources)
• Full-text, natural language search
• Faceted navigation
• Rapid business application development (customer service,
logistics, MRO, etc.)
• Sentiment analysis
• Exploratory analytics (business user)
• Low latency operational reporting/analytics (business user)
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
We define a “search platform” as a complete search engine
system that can serve as a multi-purpose, information aggrega-
tion, access and analysis platform in addition to meeting classic
enterprise or Web search needs. Such a search platform, also
referred to as a “unified information access” (UIA) platform,
encompasses all core data management functions, though with
an NLP/indexing twist. These functions include:
• Data capture (crawlers, connectors & APIs)
• Data storage (cached copies of source content and the
index itself)
• Data processing (NLP and index construction and mainte-
• Data access (human and machine IR, faceted navigation
and dashboard analytics)
A search system is therefore a DMS like its NoSQL and NewSQL
counterparts, and it achieves massive scalability in much the
same way, i.e., through distributed architectures, parallel
processing, column-oriented data models, etc. However, it is
the semantic capabilities and high usability of search-based
DMS that make them ideal complements to (and in some cases,
alternatives to) NoSQL and NewSQL systems.
First, a search DMS enables full-text search of any NoSQL,
NewSQL, or large volume “Old”SQL system (a highly valuable
contribution in and of itself). Second, it brings industrial auto-
mation to the task of meaningfully structuring data (a must-
have for extracting value from Big Data) either for direct use or
as a source for another system. A search platform can:
• Effectively structure large volume unstructured content
• Enrich data of any kind with meanings and relationships
not reflected in source systems
• Aggregate heterogeneous, multi-source content (unstruc-
tured and/or structured) into a meaningful whole
To structure unstructured data, a search platform runs content
through NLP processors that consecutively break it down,
analyze it, and then enrich it with structural and semantic at-
tributes and values. Take the processing of an HTML page, for
example. First, in text-centric processing (see the section on
Crawlers in Data Capture & Preprocessing), a crawler captures
basic structural information about the page, like page size, file
type, and URL, and transmits it along with the page text to an
The indexer complements this baseline information with the
results of semantic analysis to create a holistic “document”
to be indexed. At a minimum, this analysis includes a deter-
mination of what language the text is written in, followed by
parsing the content for indexable keywords (and ultimately
phrases), determining along the way the grammatical form of
each keyword, and possible grammatical and semantic variants
for it. More sophisticated indexers may then analyze the text
to identify synonyms and related terms, to flag known people,
places or things (using standard or custom lists), to determine
the general subject matter treated, to decide whether the over-
all tone is positive or negative, etc. Business rules may be used
to guide the analysis and to perform various types of ETL-style
data transformations. This may include extracting only a select
number of attributes in order to distill Big Data down into a
pertinent and manipulable subset.
Once this structured version of a previously unstructured docu-
ment has been created, semantic technologies can be used
to identify links between it and other documents, whether
the other documents are derived from structured sources like
databases, semi-structured sources like Web logs, or other
unstructured sources like file servers. In this way, you can build
a unified, meaningfully organized Big Data collection from any
number or type of source systems, and you can further search,
explore and analyze this information along any axis of interest
(products, people, events, etc.).
When your target user is a business user and not an expert pro-
grammer or statistician, the search foundation provides a sin-
gular advantage: no other technology is as effective as search at
making Big Data meaningful and accessible to ordinary human
Tools like natural language search, faceted navigation and data
visualization provide users of all skill levels with an instantly
familiar way of exploring and analyzing Big Data.
That is to say, they allow a user to launch any search or analyti-
cal task the same way they launch a search on the Web: by
entering a phrase or a few keywords in a text box. They also
enable a user to conduct iterative exploratory analytics simply
by clicking on (traversing) dynamic data clusters (represented
as text menus or in visual forms like charts or graphs).
This ease of use plus the sheer responsiveness of search
platforms encourages iterative exploration: if users get instant
answers to questions they ask in their own way, they are
enticed to query and explore further. If questions are difficult
to formulate and/or answers are sluggish in coming, users will
look elsewhere, or give up their quest altogether.
Search platforms are responsive because they are optimized
for fast query processing against large volumes of data
(read operations), and because most of the calculations they
use to produce dashboard analytics and ad hoc drilling are
automatically executed as part of routine indexing processes:
the results are there waiting to be exploited with no processing
overhead (CloudView extends analytic possibilities with high-
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
performance query-time computations).
What’s more, all of these out-of-the-box search, access and
analysis capabilities can be rapidly packaged into secure, task-
oriented business applications to help you extract real bottom-
line value out of your Big Data investments in a matter of days
or weeks.
For all these reasons, search platforms serve as perfect comple-
ments to NoSQL and NewSQL systems, and, in some contexts,
provide a pragmatic alternative to them.
The platforms below are available as standalone systems you
can deploy for multi-purpose use in your organization. There
are many other platforms which are not sold in standalone
form, but rather provide the infrastructure for commercial
search-based applications.
Others have been absorbed into
the integrated HW/SW analytical appliances discussed in the
NewSQL section in the wake of acquisitions (see below).
Please note that while all of these platforms are designed for
use with large data sets, we can’t vouch for their performance
with Big Data sets (with the exception of CloudView, of course).
We therefore recommend you put their products through the
usual screening procedures: references, performance bench-
marks for similar deployments, a Proof of Concept (POC) using
your own data, etc.
• Attivio Active Intelligence Engine
• EXALEAD CloudView
• Expert System’s Cogito
• Fabasoft Mindbreeze
• Isys Search Software
• Lucene/Nutch/Solr (Apache)
• Sinequa
• Vivisimo Velocity
The search platforms from Autonomy and Endeca have histori-
cally been used for SBAs, too (though mainly vertical ones),
but in the wake of their recent acquisitions by HP and Oracle,
respectively, it appears they will be absorbed into analytic HW/
SW appliances:
• The latest Autonomy IDOL release combines Vertica and
Autonomy IDOL in one platform for data warehousing and
analytics. For the moment, this platform is available on
independent hardware, but HP has stated “the plan over
time is to optimize it for HP hardware.
• Endeca MDEX is being integrated into Oracle Exadata,
Endeca Latitude into Oracle BI EE, and Endeca InFront into
Oracle ATG Commerce
You’ll also notice that familiar names in search like Google,
Baidu, Bing, Yahoo! and Ask are absent from this list. This is be-
cause most Web search engines are not available as end-to-end
search/UIA platforms for commercial enterprise licensing. The
exception is EXALEAD, whose enterprise CloudView platform
also powers the company’s public Web search service.
Google does, however, have an enterprise search offering, the
Google Search Appliance, but it is primarily a black box, plug-
and-play tool for meeting basic enterprise search needs rather
than a complete search DMS. Google is, however, delivering
discrete Big Data DMS functions as Cloud services (see the next
section, Auxiliary Tools).
Microsoft likewise has an enterprise search offering, MS FAST,
but it is designed for use within an MS-specific information
ecosystem rather than as a general DMS platform (the same
vendor-centric orientation applies to enterprise search tools
from IBM, Oracle (as mentioned above) and SAP).
Finally, it should be pointed out that Apache Lucene also has
Web roots, though it is not associated with a big name Web
search engine. The Lucene search indexer and the Nutch
crawler were developed as the two main components of the
open source Web search engine Nutch (with the same person,
Doug Cutting, having originated Lucene, Nutch and Hadoop).
However, you have to combine Lucene, Nutch, and the Solr
search server (or equivalent components) to get a complete
search platform. In addition, as these three systems are open
source, you’ll need some inside expertise – or regular consulting
support – to configure, deploy and administer them. This is es-
pecially true for search-based applications as these components
lack built-in tools for developing and managing SBAs.
Search platforms are mature, highly usable solutions for ag-
gregating, accessing and analyzing large volume multi-format,
multi-source data. They are also terrific for quickly developing
secure, successful business applications built upon such data.
They are not the best choice for archival data storage, OLTP or
complex or historical OLAP.
It’s essential to keep in mind that not all search engines are not
created equal. In addition to the screening procedures men-
tioned above, it is helpful to use a checklist like the one below
to ensure a product can support a wide range of information
consolidation, access, discovery and analysis needs in Big Data
Does the search platform…
• Collect and process unstructured, structured and semi-
structured data?
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
• Feature an open, standards-based API and connector
• Support true data aggregation in addition to federated
search, mashups and metasearch?
• Use semantic technologies to effectively analyze and
enrich source data?
• Automatically categorize and cluster content to support
faceted search, navigation and reporting?
• Provide a search API or built-in dashboard tools for infor-
mation visualization and analysis?
• Offer a distributed architecture with parallel processing, or
an equivalent architecture, for ensuring satisfactory perfor-
mance, scalability and cost in Big Data environments?
Ideally, the search platform should also be sufficiently mature
to automate essential configuration, deployment and manage-
ment tasks.
C. Auxiliary Tools
Primary Uses
There is a Cloud offering available now to meet just about every
data management need, including:
• Data acquisition
• Data processing/batch computation
• Data access
• Data analytics
• Data storage
Inspired by the use of a cloud icon to represent the Internet in
computer network diagrams, “Cloud Computing” refers to any
information technology service or product delivered via the
Internet on a subscription or pay-per-use basis.
Business applications are the most familiar class of Cloud
services. Labeled “Software-as-a-Service” (SaaS) solutions,
these include well-known offerings like Salesforce and Google
Apps. Today, almost every enterprise business software vendor
offers a SaaS option for their products. What’s important in
the Big Data context, however, is that we are likely to see a
sharp increase in the number of SaaS offerings that incorporate
Big Data sources, like large public databases or social media
content. Most of these will be SBAs, for greater context and
Another class of cloud solutions is the Infrastructure-as-a-
Service (IaaS) category. Companies have also long used IaaS
solutions as well, such as remote (often virtualized) hosting of
corporate websites, with IaaS offerings now reaching into every
corner of IT.
“Cloud computing and new classes of algorithms
will make it possible to keep more transaction
detail, keep it longer, and commingle it with other
large and very interesting secondary data sets
(e.g., phone books and property records).
In terms of Big Data, the three most important IaaS offerings
1. Data storage,
2. Data processing (computational services), and
3. Data acquisition (also called “Data-as-a-Service,” or DaaS).
In the case of data storage, many specialty providers of stor-
age/back-up/recovery solutions as well as general Web services
companies like Amazon and Microsoft now offer NoSQL-based
solutions to help companies affordably store massive collections
of semi-structured or unstructured data for archiving or analy-
sis—data companies might otherwise not even have retained.
On the processing front, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and others
are further enabling companies to use their massive MapRe-
duce-based computing infrastructures to process or analyze
these collections.
In terms of data acquisition, commercial firms are offering a
growing range of data sets that companies can cross-reference
with their own Big Data, or with each other, to yield new views
and insights. These largely commercial offerings are comple-
mented by an ever-expanding number of public data sets being
published on the Internet by government, educational and
scientific organizations.
All these diverse Cloud services are helping organizations of all
sizes and types work around the technical and financial barriers
to exploiting Big Data.
Storage services:
• Amazon S3
• EMC Atmos
• Nirvanix
• Google Storage (Labs project)
Computational services:
• Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
• Google Prediction API & BigQuery (as both were initially
offered as part of the discontinued Google Labs program,
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
Google may choose to commercialize them as domain-spe-
cific rather than generic data-crunching services, as with
the Earth Builder geo-spatial applications)
Data collections:
• Factual (diverse)
• InfoChimps (diverse)
• Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket (diverse)
• Hoovers (business)
• Urban Mapping (geographic)
• Xignite (finance)
There are also a number of companies that offer Cloud-based
database systems (mainly relational) that are more likely to be
used for social or mobile enterprise applications than Big Data
storage, processing or analytics. These include:
• Database.com
• Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
• Microsoft SQL Azure
• Xeround
In addition to addressing concerns common to the Cloud model
in general (like privacy, efficiency, vendor lock-in, interactivity,
etc.), one needs in particular to carefully weigh the unique chal-
lenges of working remotely with very large data sets. Such sets
are expensive and slow to move around, and can tax even the
best network capabilities.
For example, with a T1 (1.544Mbps) connection, it would take
a minimum of 82 days to upload one terabyte of data, and a
minimum of two weeks with a 10Mbps connection, which is
why Amazon AWS proposes shipping portable storage de-
vices instead, with Amazon then using its high-speed internal
network (bypassing the Internet) to get the data to its final
Amazon destination.
Primary Uses
• Reporting & Analytics
Representing Big Data in visual form helps make it compre-
hensible to human beings. It is such an effective aid that most
science, engineering and Business Intelligence (BI) software
features embedded 2D and 3D data visualization and naviga-
tional tools.
On the part of major BI vendors – including SAP Business Ob-
jects, IBM Cognos, MicroStrategy, SAS Institute, and Informa-
tion Builders – visualization capabilities include, for example,
interactive bar charts, dashboard gauges, pie charts and
geographic mapping. SBA engines like CloudView offer this ca-
pability as well, generating navigable representations like heat
maps, scatter plots, charts, bullet graphs, relationship graphs,
tag clouds, sliders, wheels and geospatial maps.
In addition to 2-D and 3-D plotting functions and 3-D volume
visualization functions, many visualization tools also include
the ability to export results to popular graphics formats.
Examples of standalone visualization tools include:
• Advizor
• Gephi
• JMP
• Panopticon
• Spotfire
• Tableau
Visualization is a terrific tool for summarizing large sets, and for
discovering and exploring unexpected relationships and trends,
but it’s important to select the right type of representation for
a given data set and analytical end. Otherwise, you might wind
up with a representation that’s misleading, confusing or just
plain unreadable. To mitigate this risk, and to make the best use
of visualization in general, make sure the tool you use produces
fully interactive representations.
Keep in mind too that graphical rendering can be a resource-
intensive process with very large data sets. In addition, if you
want to use a standalone visualization tool, keep in mind that
these may need to batch load large data sets into the visualiza-
tion engine.
Breaking through Performance Barriers
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
With over 10,000 employees present in 100 countries, GEFCO
is one of the top ten logistics groups in Europe. The company
provides multimodal transport and end-to-end supply chain
services for industrial clients in the automotive, two-wheel
vehicle, electronics, retail, and personal care sectors.
The company’s automotive division is responsible for the
whereabouts of 7 million vehicles on any given day. GEFCO
was using an Oracle database to track these vehicles and the
100,000 daily logistical events in which they were involved,
and to make this logistical data available to customers through
GEFCO’s Track & Trace portal.
Several years ago, the Track & Trace portal began to falter under
a heavy load. After 2 years of expensive optimization projects,
GEFCO was still encountering performance difficulties with the
Track & Trace system: complex queries took minutes or even
hours to process, data latency was approximately 24 hours,
and customer access had to be restricted during business hours
to avoid conflicts between information requests and internal
transaction processing. At only 3TB, GEFCO had a ”Big Data”
problem on its hand.
Rather than continuing to ramp up its existing RDBMS, or
acquiring a NewSQL system, GEFCO decided to redeploy the
Track & Trace portal as a CloudView SBA. The result was an
award-winning makeover that boosted performance, enhanced
usability, and enabled operational Business Intelligence—at half
the cost of the legacy solution.
In addition to slashing per-user costs 50%, the use of an SBA
also allowed GEFCO to:
• Cut query response time to a sub-second rate
GEFCO: Long, complex forms replaced by a single text box for launching
complex queries, with navigation and search refinement supported by cartog-
raphy and dynamic data facets.
• Drop data latency from 24 hours to 15 minutes (a rate
selected by GEFCO, though the system can support
a quasi real-time refresh rate)
• Increase the user base 100-fold—with no end user training
(complex forms were replaced by a single search text box
and faceted navigation)
• Achieve a 99.98% availability rate with a limited material
• Offer customers operational reporting and analytics with
visual dashboarding and unrestricted drill-down and roll-up
• Preserve the transactional performance of the Oracle sys-
tem by offloading IR and analytics
What’s more, the initial prototype for this agile application was
developed in just 10 days, with the first full production version
released iteratively over 3 months.
The nature of GEFCO’s business and the special characteristics
of the revamped application (fresh data, instant responsive-
ness, high availability, and maximum usability) made rolling out
a mobile version of the application a natural next step. As the
application was already endowed with mobile-ready usability,
the main task was to adapt the application for a small screen
format and mobile modes of input. Routing and mapping
capabilities were then integrated to create a highly successful
mobile application for logistics.
B. Yakaz
Innovating with Search + NoSQL
Founded in 2005, Yakaz is a popular vertical Web search engine
for classified advertisements (housing, cars, motorbikes, em-
ployment and miscellaneous goods and services). The site pro-
vides unified access to 60 million ads in 50 languages from tens
of thousands of websites, with visitors able to click through to
source ads for items of interest. It’s a time saving and informa-
tive service that draws 15 million unique visitors each month.
The company’s founders, two former AOL executives, decided to
build their new service on the EXALEAD CloudView
They were convinced that using CloudView would enable them
“Every day, I see thousands of events consolidated
in real time and I log on to the system just to be
sure its real! The stability and performance of
the application is astonishing given its highly
innovative character.
Guillaume Rabier, Director of IT Studies & Projects, GEFCO
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
to go to market quickly and to scale rapidly and massively, and
that it would provide an agile foundation that could evolve as
their business evolved.
Their faith was well-placed: Yakaz was able to launch the new
service in only three months, with deployment handled 100%
by their own 3-person staff—and Yakaz achieved profitability in
just months.
Yakaz launched first in North America, and the portal was an
instant success. Using only 3 commodity servers for its Cloud-
View deployment, Yakaz was soon processing 40 queries per
second for a user base that quickly grew from 1/2 million to 6
million monthly visitors. Using those same three servers, Yakaz
replicated the service to ten more countries, providing access
to more than 10 million ads from 10,000-plus websites in 15
Today, Yakaz has expanded worldwide, reaching customers in
193 countries, and developed a well-rounded and innovative
Big Data infrastructure that now includes four core compo-
• EXALEAD CloudView
CloudView is used to crawl the Web for ads, to automat
cally structure the ”dirty” Web data the crawler extracts, to
process ads submitted via RSS and XML, to build and update
the Yakaz index, and to deliver scalable query processing
• Cassandra
An open source Apache project, Cassandra is a NoSQL database
that combines Dynamo’s distributed design and Bigtable’s
Column-Family data model. It is used to manage and store user
and application data.
• Ejabberd
Ejabberd is a Jabber/XMPP instant messaging server, licensed
under GPLv2 (Free and Open Source), and written in Erlang/
OTP. It is being used to help Yakaz incorporate social interac-
tions into the portal, beginning with the new user-to-user
instant messaging service.
• OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap is an open source geo-data service. Its maps are
created using data from portable GPS devices, aerial photogra-
phy, public data sources, and user submissions. It provides the
geo-data used by the portal’s map-based search and search
refinement functions.
This unique infrastructure gives Yakaz the agile, scalable plat-
form it needs to accommodate its rapid growth and innovative
spirit. And, though it is not part of the Yakaz business plan, it is
an architecture that could support Web-based Big Data analyt-
ics. It could be used to reveal the rich information intelligence
contained within the tens of millions of ads Yakaz indexes: the
average resale value of a particular car make and model, the
current state of the rental housing market in a particular loca-
tion, trends in recruiting – what’s hot, what not, and where?
It’s a long list of possibilities that one could realize with Cloud-
View almost as simply as flipping a switch.
C. La Poste
Building Business Applications on Big Data
France’s La Poste Group is Europe’s second largest postal
operator, with revenues of €20.9 billion in 2010. The group’s
activities are organized along three main lines of business: Mail,
Parcels & Express, and Banking, with a network of 17,000 post
offices offering consolidated public access to all of La Poste’s
products and services.
In 2010, La Poste achieved gains in both revenue and operating
profit: an admirable achievement given the general weakness of
the economy, and the fact that La Poste faces the same chal-
lenges as postal operators worldwide—market deregulation/
liberalization and a global decline in letter mail volume.
Part of La Poste’s success is due to its innovative use of infor-
mation technology to boost competitiveness and profitability.
This includes a pioneering use of search-based applications
(SBAs) to solve long-standing IT challenges and to unleash
the potential of its Big Data.
We will look here at two CloudView
SBAs La Poste has deployed
in its mail division, which represents more than 50% of the
group’s total revenue:
1. A quasi real-time operational analytics platform
2. A multi-channel customer information system
Operational Reporting & Analytics
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
La Poste uses a CloudView-powered operational reporting and
analytics application to monitor and report on 62 billion events
annually involving 180,000 people—in quasi real time. It is,
needless to say, a Big Data environment, with:
• 55 million mail pieces treated every day
• 3 to 5 events/treatments per letter
• 300 million records created every day, with a peak of 7000
records a second
• A 21-day data retention requirement
• A 9TB index of 6.3 billion records against 90TB of raw data
The SBA works by aggregating data from diverse sources in-
cluding business applications, mail-sorting machines (Solystic,
Siemens) and video-coding equipment for a global view of mail
traffic flow. This end-to-end pipeline visibility enables:
• Timely detection and correction of exceptional events (QoS
- Quality-of-Service - analysis)
• Quasi real-time anticipation and optimization of processing
and distribution flows
• Multi-dimensional analyses for improved strategic plan-
In addition, the ability to aggregate and manipulate this data
is also enabling La Poste to develop new premium customer
services like a secure, virtual P.O. Box for receiving and storing
important documents, SMS push messaging for deliveries,
a track-and-trace service for letters, delivery of physical mail via
email (mail2email), and, for high-volume commercial clients,
complete mail campaign management services.
While La Poste could have used a NoSQL database plus a search
engine for this application, the CloudView
engine alone satisfied
all their data capture, processing, storage, and access needs,
and it offered out-of-the-box analytics anyone could use. The
CloudView SBA generates dynamic operational reporting on-
the-fly against all data facets represented in source systems.
Point-and-click simplicity ensures any user can generate
reports on his or her own: no training, complex forms, SQL
queries – or calls to IT – required.
This usability, and the fact that a quasi-real-time refresh rate
was fast enough for La Poste’s needs, made the relative cost
and complexity of a NewSQL system unnecessary as well.
Multi-Channel Customer Information System (CIS)
This CloudView SBA provided an elegant solution to what would
otherwise have been a complex and costly undertaking:
• Providing a single point of access to near real-time
data managed in 10 large databases for a 360° view of
customers and prospects, and
• Leveraging that unified data layer to support customer
interactions across all channels: chat, SMS, Web call back,
telephone, mail, email, instant messaging and face-to-face
interaction in postal outlets.
By choosing an SBA strategy to meet these needs, La Poste
was able to deploy the first operational version of its new CIS in
only 90 days—with no impact on existing systems. This initial
launch has been followed by an ongoing cycle of iterative re-
leases every 3-4 months, each comprised of 2 or 3 sprints (each
given a “Go” or “No go” rating after functional and technical
More than just rolling out new features, this agile development
methodology is enabling La Poste to adapt a single solution
– its CloudView platform – to meet the needs of five different
1. Sales information and guidance for Telemarketing Staff
2. Information retrieval, updates, and upsell/cross-sell
recommendations for Support Staff (350 operators, 7 call
3. Search and updates for the Back Office (25,000 agents,
3,300 facilities)
4. Operational reporting and analytics for Management
5. Self-service for Customers (businesses and consumers)
In each of these contexts, users benefit from unified data access
and Web-style simplicity and speed, with a single text box for
launching searches, user aids like fuzzy matching and spelling
suggestions, and an average 500-millisecond processing rate.
Moreover, this top performance has been achieved at a compel-
ling cost, with a lean footprint and the capacity to scale linearly
simply by adding low-cost servers.
D. And Many Others…
Below are a few snapshot profiles of some of CloudView’s other
Big Data engagements to round out those presented above and
in Chapter 2. Your CloudView
sales representative can provide
you with more information on these and other projects.
Rightmove is the UK’s top real estate website, attracting 29
million visitors a month. When Rightmove began to encounter
cost and complexity issues with its Oracle database system, they
decided to offload information search and access to CloudView.
As a result, in only 3 months, Rightmove was able to:
• Dramatically improve their user experience
• Replace 30 Oracle CPUs with 9 search CPUs
• Slash costs from £0.06 to £0.01 per 100 queries
• Support a peak throughput of 400 queries per second (QPS)
• Achieve a 99.99% availability rate
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
France Telecom/Orange
France Telecom/Orange, one of the world’s largest telecom
companies with more than 217 million customers, chose Cloud-
View for a pivotal role in the modernization of the company’s
technician support systems. CloudView was used to provide
business continuity during the decommissioning of the legacy
support system, and to improve efficiency and productivity
by giving staff a global view of all relevant service and support
information, including:
• CRM data (customer name, address, market segment,
customer type, etc.)
• Provisioning information (type of equipment, cable length,
line impediments, etc.)
• Network monitoring data (status, performance, loads, etc.)
• Contract data (options, contract period, terms, etc.)
• Technical information (intervention history, technician is-
sues on-site, pending appointments, etc.).
This mission-critical SBA was developed in only 17 consulting
days, and is used for tracking performance indicators as well as
service delivery.
Consumer Goods Company
CloudView is powering a new communications and collabora-
tion platform for a consumer goods company that provides
intelligent, multi-channel access to 175TB of raw data (with 3
million new items added daily) for 35,000 users.
CloudView is providing the information access infrastructure
for the “Gallica” digital library project of the French National
Library (Bibliothèque nationale de France, or BnF). To date, BnF
has digitized more than one million works, including books,
maps, manuscripts, images, periodicals, scores and sound
recordings, and made them available to the public via its Gallica
Web platform, gallica.bnf.fr.
US Dept of Defense
CloudView is powering a private vertical Web for the U.S. De-
partment of Defense centered on environmental information
and issues. It includes data accessible through general public
search engines (Google, CloudView, Yahoo!, etc.) as well as deep
Web content from government, scientific, industry and com-
mercial databases and applications.
EXALEAD Directory Content Enhancer
The EXALEAD Directory Content Enhancer is a tool that en-
ables online directory publishers to harness the boundless
resources of the Web to validate, enrich and extend their own
content. First, the platform indexes and analyzes a publisher’s
database(s). Then, it uses innovative and proprietary techniques
to mine billions of Web pages and extract just the right content
for that directory. The result is a low-labor, low-TCO method of
producing content that is:
• Unique
• Exhaustive (relevant on all business categories)
• Engaging
• Accurate (close to 100%)
• Always up to date
Though producing content of this caliber has always been a
competitive differentiator for directory publishers, it has be-
come a business imperative with the release of Google’s latest
ranking algorithm, Panda (which Google calls a “high qual-
ity sites algorithm”). This algorithm places a heavy weight on
unique, high-quality content.
’s usability, agility and performance
have made it the market leader for search and Search-Based
Applications (SBAs). It is also the ideal search platform for Big
Data environments, offering:
• Big Data Performance: Uniquely engineered for both the
Web and the enterprise, CloudView can provide advanced
semantic treatment of, and secure sub-second query
processing against, billions of records for thousands of
simultaneous users.
• Big Data Connectivity: CloudView features the industry’s
most advanced Web crawler and state-of-the-art
connectors to Big Data sources like message queue data,
mainframes, NoSQL stores (e.g., Hadoop HDFS), data
warehouses, BI platforms, and social networks.
• Big Data Analytics: CloudView’s computation and faceting
capabilities are the most robust on the market. The
platform supports query-time computation of complex
numerical, geophysical and virtual aggregates and clusters,
and supports dynamic 2D faceting for creating advanced
pivot-style tables. Built-in visualization tools, on-the-fly
faceted navigation and NLP-based information access
“EXALEAD CloudView
has allowed the speedy
development of advanced search functionality
whilst reducing search costs 83%.
Peter Brooks-Johnson, Rightmove Product Director
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
ensure anyone can perform exploratory and operational
analytics on Big Data, with no training and no calls to IT.
• Big Data Business Application Development: Finally,
CloudView is unique in providing a drag-and-drop
development framework, the Mashup Builder, for rapidly
constructing high value business applications on top of
your Big Data sources, including applications optimized for
mobile delivery.
To learn more about the role CloudView can play in helping you
capitalize on Big Data opportunities, we invite you to contact us
today for a demonstration of some of our existing large volume
SBAs, or to request a Proof-of-Concept (POC) using your own
data, a process that usually takes our team just a few days.
We guarantee you’ll be impressed with the extraordinary value
CloudView can reveal in your information assets.
All Data
Infinite unstructured
& structured sources
Generic Data Layer
Real time data,
high performance querying
Agile Applications
Versatile data access,
use of standard Web
Dedicated resources
additional hardware
Structured Data
Heavy one-shot
Unlimited Users
Web-Style Experience
Limited number of users
Usage complexity, production costs
© 2012 Dassault SystèmesA Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools
1. A more literal translation from the Greek is “Give me a place
to stand and I will move the Earth,” but the often-repeated
variation used here more aptly captures the original context —
and Big Data challenges and opportunities.
2. For a historical perspective on Big Data-related challenges
and technologies, you can survey the proceedings of the annual
Very Large Data Base (VLDB) Endowment conferences over the
past 35+ years: www.vldb.org.
3. Chris Anderson, Wired Magazine, Issue 16.07, “The Petabyte
Age: Because More Isn’t Just More — More Is Different,” June
4. 451 Group analyst Matthew Aslett coined the “NewSQL
label in a blog post on April 6, 2011. He applies the label to a
recent crop of high-performance, relational SQL databases –
mostly open source – including MySQL-based storage engines
(ScaleDB, Tokutek), integrated hardware and software applianc-
es (Clustrix, ScalArc, Schooner), and databases using transpar-
ent sharding technologies (ScaleBase, CodeFutures). We apply
the label to a broader range of evolving SQL-based technologies,
and include numerous commercial systems.
5. Gantz J. and Reinsel D., “The Digital Universe Decade – Are
You Ready?” IDC, May 2010, Sponsored by EMC Corporation.
6. TheInfoPro Inc. Storage Study, Wave 9, April 2007.
7. See the Wikipedia entry on Lifeloggers: http://en.wikipedia.
8. Scott Spangler, IBM Almaden Services Research, “A Smarter
Process for Sensing the Information Space,” October 2010.
9. McKinsey Global Institute, “Big data: The next frontier for
innovation, competition, and productivity,” May 2011.
10. Galen Gruman, “Tapping into the power of Big Data,” Issue
3, Technology Forecast (Making sense of Big Data), PriceWater-
houseCoopers, 2010.
11. Constance Hays, “What Wal-Mart Knows About Customers’
Habits,” The New York Times, November 14, 2004.
12. The Economist, “A different game: Information is trans-
forming traditional businesses,” February 25, 2010.
13. Jeremy Ginsberg, et al, “Detecting influenza epidemics us-
ing search engine query data,” Nature, v457, February 2009.
See also www.google.org/flutrends/.
14. Alon Halevy, Peter Norvig, and Fernando Pereira (Google),
“The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data,” IEEE Intelligent Sys-
tems, Issue 2, March/April 2009.
15. Ibid, The Economist.
16. Giuseppe DeCandia, et al, Amazon.com, “Dynamo: Ama-
zon’s Highly Available Key-value Store,” ACM SOSP’07, Octo-
ber 14–17, 2007.
17. Some content in the NoSQL section is drawn from the book
“Search-Based Applications: At the Confluence of Search and
Database Technologies,” Gregory Grefenstette and Laura Wilber,
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, December 2010. For more infor-
mation on NoSQL systems, see also www.nosql-database.org .
18. Search engines apply counts to every indexable entity and
attribute in a source system (references to a particular person
in an email system, number of products in a database with a
particular attribute, regional sales from an ERP, etc.). These
sums feed the statistical calculations used to determine content
ranking and relevancy. Search-based applications work by re-
purposing the results of these counts, calculations and clusters
for data presentation, exploration and analytics.
19. Also see “Search-Based Applications,” Chapter 10 (citation
footnote 17), for additional information on search vendors and
search-based products.
20. Development direction outlined by Nicole Egan, chief mar-
keting officer for HP’s new information business management
group, as reported in “HP yokes Autonomy, Vertica together for
Big Data push,” GigaOM, Barb Darrow, November 29, 2011.
21. Jeff Jonas, “Sensemaking on Streams,” Jeff Jonas Blog,
February 14, 2011.
22. From AWS website: “AWS Import/Export - Selecting Your
Storage Device,” aws.amazon.com/importexport/
A Practical Guide to Big Data: Opportunities, Challenges & Tools© 2012 Dassault Systèmes
© Dassault Systèmes 2012, all rights reserved. CATIA, SolidWorks ENOVIA, SIMULIA, DELMIA, 3DVIA, 3DSwYm, EXALEAD, and Netvibes are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries.
Founded in 2000 by search engine pioneers, Dassault Systèmes EXALEAD® provides search and
unified information access software that drives innovation and performance in the enterprise
and on the Internet. The company’s EXALEAD CloudView
platform is the industry’s most
sophisticated and scalable infrastructure for Search-Based Applications (SBAs), with over
30,000 business decision makers, half a million enterprise search users, and 110 million
Internet users relying on EXALEAD to make their information universe accessible and
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