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Assured Shorthold
Tenancy Agreement
Proud Member Of
You are about to sign an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for a room in the following shared property
123 Sample Road
A1 1AA
It sets out the promises made by the Tenant and any Guarantors to the Landlord and vice versa, including the
duration of the rental and the amounts you have agreed for Rent and Deposit. You should read this document
carefully and thoroughly.
Once electronically signed and dated this agreement will be legally binding and may be enforced by a court.
Make sure that it does not contain terms that you do not agree with and that it contains everything you want to
form part of the agreement. Both parties are advised to obtain confirmation in writing when the Landlord gives
the Tenant consent to carry out any action under this agreement.
If you are in any doubt about the content or effect of this agreement, we recommend that you seek
independent legal advice before signing.
The Parties to this agreement and the Premises
The following clauses set out the basic terms of the tenancy, the main dates and the Deposit and Rent
amounts which have been agreed. Below are defined terms which will have the meaning listed next to them in
this agreement.
This agreement is made the day of 01 January 2021.
Premises 123 Sample Road
A1 1AA
together with fixtures, furniture and effects therein as specified in the inventory
Room 1
The communal areas of the Premises which are not currently or intended to be the private
Designated Rooms of other occupants. The Shared Parts typically include garden(s),
kitchen(s), bathroom(s), reception room(s) and any hallways and corridors linking them.
Landlord Landlord
Notices should be sent to
124 Sample Road
A1 1AA
Tenant [Awaiting Name Confirmation]
Notices should be sent to
123 Sample Road
A1 1AA
Guarantor [Awaiting Name Confirmation]
Occupancy The maximum number of people permitted to occupy the property is 2
Term A fixed term of 12 months
Commencing on and including 01 January 2021
To and including 31 December 2021 ("the Initial Term")
And then continuing as a monthly contractual periodic tenancy until terminated in accordance
with this agreement
Rent £1,000.00, one thousand GBP per month, payable in advance on or before the 1st day of each
month (a "Rent Payment Day")
Deposit The tenant may, at their sole discretion (but subject to product eligibility), choose either of the
To pay a Cash Deposit to the value of £1,000.00, one thousand GBP.
To pay the Reposit Fee to take out a Deposit Replacement from Reposit Group Limited
Further details are given in subsequent sections of this document.
1. The Landlord lets to the Tenant the Designated Room, with the right to share the use of the Shared Parts with
such other persons as the Landlord grants or has granted the right to use those Shared Parts, for the Term at
the Rent specified above.
2. The Tenant shall pay to OpenRent on the signing of this agreement the amount of the full amount due for the
Initial Payment of Rent, unless the Tenant and the Landlord have agreed in writing a later date when payment
may be made. The Tenant shall also either pay a Cash Deposit to OpenRent, or take out a Deposit Replacement
from Reposit. This agreement shall not become binding on the Landlord until the Tenant has paid the first
payment of Rent and the Cash Deposit or Deposit Replacement (as applicable), and the Tenant shall have no
right to occupy the Premises, until this payment has been made in full.
3. If the Tenant chooses to pay a Cash Deposit this will be paid to OpenRent and held under the terms of
mydeposits, of which OpenRent is a registered member. If the tenant chooses to take out a Deposit
Replacement, they shall purchase this from Reposit and it will be subject to Reposit's terms and conditions.
Further detail is provided in the next section of this document.
4. The first payment of Rent will be paid to OpenRent and held by OpenRent up to a maximum of 14 days from
the beginning of the Term, after which it will be paid to the Landlord with OpenRent's fees deducted where
5. The Tenant shall pay all future Rent when it becomes due, either to OpenRent via Rent Now rent collection, or
the Landlord directly; the Tenant will be notified in writing of the correct account details for payment. Further
detail is provided in subsequent sections of this document and in OpenRent's Terms of Business.
6. It is a condition of this agreement that the Tenant and any occupiers of the Premises over the age of 18, at all
times maintain a right to rent in accordance with and as defined by the Immigration Act 2014 (where
applicable). If the Tenant does not provide satisfactory documentation to allow the Landlord to verify the Tenant's
identity and to satisfactorily perform any right to rent immigration checks required, the Landlord will not permit
the Tenant to occupy the Premises.
7. This agreement is intended to create an Assured Shorthold Tenancy as defined by section 19A of the
Housing Act 1988 (as amended).
The Deposit
8.1. The Tenant can choose to pay a Cash Deposit for this tenancy, or may instead as an alternative choose to
purchase a Deposit Replacement from Reposit. For the avoidance of doubt, only a Cash Deposit or a Deposit
Replacement may be chosen for the tenancy.
8.2. The following clauses (8.2-8.9 inclusive) apply only if the Tenant chooses to pay a Cash Deposit. These
clauses set out:
what OpenRent will do with the Cash Deposit paid by the Tenant under clause 3 above;
what the Tenant can expect of the Landlord or OpenRent when either deals with the Cash Deposit;
the circumstances in which the Tenant is entitled to less than the full Cash Deposit returned at the
conclusion of the tenancy; and
the circumstances in which other monies may be requested from the Tenant.
By signing, all parties declare that the details relating to the Cash Deposit that are outlined in this tenancy
agreement are correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.
8.3. The Cash Deposit will be held in a Custodial Tenancy Deposit Scheme by mydeposits, which is the
Government approved custodial scheme:
1st Floor Premiere House
Elstree Way
Phone: 0333 321 9401
Fax No: 0845 634 3403
Email: businessdevelopment@mydeposits.co.uk
More information can be found in the deposit scheme guide and on the mydeposits website.
8.4. Once the Cash Deposit has been paid by the Tenant, OpenRent will promptly transfer the Cash Deposit to
mydeposits. OpenRent will aim to do this within 1 working day of funds clearing, and always within the 30 days
required under the terms of the scheme. Once funds have cleared with mydeposits, the Deposit will be re-
assigned to the Landlord's registered account with mydeposits.
8.5. The Tenant is not entitled to receive any interest on the Cash Deposit. At the end of the tenancy, howsoever
it comes to an end, upon vacant possession of the Premises and return of the keys, the Cash Deposit shall be
returned to the Tenant less such sum as the Landlord may reasonably require:
to pay any arrears of Rent;
to make good any damage to the Designated Room and Shared Parts and fixtures and fittings (except for
fair wear and tear) caused by the Tenant or arising from any breach of the terms of this agreement by the
Tenant or the Tenant's failure to take reasonable care;
to make good any damage caused or cleaning required due to pets, animals, reptiles, birds, or fish
occupying the Designated Room and Shared Parts (whether or not the Landlord consented to its
to pay any sum repayable by the Landlord to the local authority where housing benefit has been paid
direct to the Landlord by the local authority;
to compensate the Landlord for any other breach by the Tenant of the terms of this agreement;
to pay any unpaid account or charge for water, electricity, gas, other fuels or utilities used by the Tenant
in the Premises;
to pay any unpaid council tax, telephone charges or other monies owed by the Tenant to the Landlord;
to compensate the Landlord for any reasonable cost incurred to clean the Designated Room and Shared
Parts to the same standard as at the beginning of the tenancy;
to compensate the Landlord for the charges incurred by the Landlord's bank if any cheques or standing
orders from the Tenant are not honoured by the Tenant's bank.
8.6. No deductions shall be made from the Cash Deposit unless, or until, the reason for the nature of the
deductions along with their amounts have been notified to the Tenant. Any dispute arising from the proposed
deductions will be subject to mydeposits guidelines including use of the free and independent Alternative Dispute
Resolution service where its use has been agreed by the Tenant and Landlord.
8.7. The Tenant shall not be entitled to withhold the payment of any instalment of Rent or any other monies
payable under this agreement on the ground that the Landlord, or OpenRent, holds the Cash Deposit or any part
of it.
8.8. If the Cash Deposit is insufficient the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord such additional sums as required to
cover all costs, charges and expenses properly due within a period of 14 days from the end of the tenancy.
8.9. If either party is not contactable or otherwise not responsive at the end of the tenancy, the other party
should notify the Deposit scheme administrator so that the Cash Deposit may be treated in accordance with the
terms of the scheme.
8.10. This clause 8.10 applies only if the Tenant chooses to purchase a Deposit Replacement. In this situation:
Any stipulations relating specifically to a Cash Deposit or Prescribed Information within this agreement
should be disregarded. All other provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
No security deposit shall be taken from the Tenant and in its place, the Tenant will purchase a Deposit
Replacement from Reposit.
The Tenant and Landlord in this tenancy agreement will both be bound by Reposit's terms and conditions
which they will be able to view on the Reposit web platform.
The Tenant acknowledges that the Deposit Replacement fee payable to Reposit is non-refundable and the
Tenant remains fully liable for all dilapidations and rent arrears at the end of tenancy.
The Landlord may at the end of the tenancy submit a charge to the Tenant via the Reposit web platform
(https://reposit.co.uk/) for the following reasons:
Any damage or compensation for damage to the Premises, its fixtures and fittings or for missing
items except for fair wear and tear.
Any Rent or other money due or payable to the Landlord by the Tenant under the tenancy agreement
of which the Tenant has been made aware and which remain unpaid after the end of the tenancy.
The reasonable costs incurred for rectifying or remedying any breach by the Tenant of the Tenant's
obligations in the tenancy agreement including but not limited to those relating to the removal of items
from the Premises, cleaning of the Premises its fixtures and fittings or repairs and maintenance
arising from the Tenant's use of the Premises.
Obligations of the Tenant
The following clauses set out what is expected of the Tenant during the tenancy in addition to the main terms
found in this agreement. If any of these terms are breached, the Landlord may be entitled to deduct monies
from the Cash Deposit, or register the outstanding amounts due with Reposit (as applicable), claim damages
from the Tenant, and/or seek the court's permission to have the Tenant evicted from the Premises because of
the breach.
The Tenant agrees:
9.1. That any obligation upon the Tenant under this agreement to do or not to do anything shall also require the
Tenant not to permit or cause any licensee or visitor to breach that obligation.
9.2. To pay the Rent as specified earlier in this agreement whether or not it has been formally demanded. The
first payment of Rent shall be paid directly to OpenRent. After this the Tenant will be notified in writing of the
correct payment details to use and they shall pay all further Rent as directed either to OpenRent via Rent Now
rent collection, or the Landlord directly.
9.3 To pay interest at 3% above the Bank of England base rate upon any Rent in arrears or other monies due
under this agreement for more than 14 days calculated from the date upon which it became due to the date of
9.4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Landlord, to pay for all gas, electricity, water and sewerage
services consumed on or supplied to the Premises during the Term, and for all charges made for the use of the
telephone (if any), TV licence (if any), TV service (if any), and Internet service (if any) during the Term. This
includes standing charges and other similar charges and VAT, as well as charges for actual consumption.
9.5. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Landlord, to pay the Council Tax in respect of the Premises for
the duration of the Tenancy regardless of legal liability for the Council Tax. If the Council Tax billing authority
bills the Landlord for Council Tax for the Premises and other property together, the Tenant agrees to pay a
proportionate share of the Council Tax. If the Tenant qualifies for a discount or an exemption from Council Tax it
is the responsibility of the Tenant to apply for this.
9.6. That if the Tenant breaches this agreement or fails to fulfil their obligations contained in this agreement, the
Tenant shall pay any reasonable costs properly incurred by the Landlord in remedying such breaches or in
connection with the enforcement of those obligations.
9.7. To keep the Designated Room and Shared Parts and the Landlord's contents in as good and clean state of
repair and condition and decoration as thy were in at the commencement of the Term and make good all
damage and breakages which may occur during the Term (fair wear and tear excepted).
9.8. Not to remove any of the Landlord's contents from the Premises.
9.9. To comply with all statutory requirements upon the Tenant in respect of the Premises and contents. This
includes (but is not limited to) not bringing into the Premises any furniture, furnishings or personal items that do
not comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988.
9.10. Not to damage the Premises or the building or make any alteration or addition to it, nor damage or alter
the electrical or plumbing system.
9.11. Not to decorate or change the style or colour of the decoration without written consent from the Landlord.
9.12. Not to damage interior walls or decorations by affixing pictures, mirrors, or any other hanging item using
nails, screws, adhesive compounds or tapes without written consent from the Landlord.
9.13. Where readily accessible, and with due regard to personal safety, to keep the drains, gutters and pipes of
the Premises free from obstruction and clear of any leaves or debris.
9.14. If applicable, to keep the garden, patio, paths, balcony or terrace, (if any), in a neat and tidy condition,
swept where necessary and weeded. To maintain any lawns, trees and shrubs. Not to alter the layout of the
9.15. To keep clean the windows inside and outside of the Premises, where safe access is possible. Failure by
the Tenant to take adequate precautions to prevent glass panes being cracked or broken will result in the Tenant
having to pay for any ensuing damage.
9.16. If there are common parts to the building, not to obstruct, keep or leave anything in them.
9.17. To keep the exterior free from rubbish.
9.18. To place all refuse in plastic bags in the designated dustbin(s) which should be kept in the area provided.
If necessary on refuse collection day to move the dustbin(s) to the collection point as required by the local
9.19. Not to hang clothes or other articles on any balcony or out of any window.
9.20. To replace any light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, fuses or batteries promptly and when necessary.
9.21. To notify the Landlord immediately regarding, and confirm in writing as soon as practical thereafter, any
defect in the Premises which comes to the Tenant's attention and which is the responsibility of the Landlord to
repair. Failure to do so will result in the tenant having to pay the Landlord all liabilities which may be incurred by
the Landlord as a result of any such defect not having been so notified.
9.22. To work with the Landlord to minimise the risk caused by Legionella bacteria and in particular to keep
showerheads and taps clean, not to interfere with or adjust the boiler temperature, and to run the taps in order to
flush through the plumbing system after any prolonged period of inactivity.
9.23. To take reasonable precautions to prevent any damage to the Premises resulting from 'freezing-up'. This
includes ensuring the Premises are adequately heated during periods of cold weather to ensure the water
system does not freeze. Failure by the Tenant to take such precautions will result in the Tenant having to pay for
any ensuing damage.
9.24. To take all reasonable precautions to prevent condensation and damp by keeping the Premises adequately
ventilated and heated.
9.25. To use the Premises solely for the purposes of a private residence for the Tenant and any other persons
specially permitted by Landlord to occupy the Premises.
9.26. Not to register a business at the Premises, and not to carry on or permit to be carried on at the Premises
any trade or business other than a home business as defined by section 43ZA of the Landlord and Tenant Act
9.27. Not to use the Premises for any immoral, illegal or improper purposes.
9.28. To make only reasonable use of the utilities and communications services consistent with ordinary
residential use.
9.29. Not to do or permit to be done in the Premises or elsewhere anything which may be or become a
nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to the Landlord, the owner or occupiers of any adjoining property, the
neighbours, other adjoining residents or people in the immediate area.
9.30. Not to keep any cat, dog (excluding guide dogs where reasonably necessary), bird or other pet or animal
at the Premises without the Landlord's written consent, such consent, if granted, to be revocable at will by the
Landlord upon giving reasonable written notice. If consent is given, the Tenant agrees to undertake, or
alternatively pay for, a full clean of the Premises with de-infestation cleaner upon termination of the tenancy.
9.31. Not to fix or suffer to be fixed to the exterior or windows of the Premises any notice board, sign,
advertisement poster or aerial without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
9.32. Not to install or change any door locks or alarm codes without the Landlord's prior express written consent
(not to be unreasonably withheld), and agree that the Landlord should hold a spare set of keys. In the event of
the loss of a key or other security device giving access to the Premises, the Tenant agrees to pay any
reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord as a result.
9.33. Not to erect external aerials or satellite dishes without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
9.34. Not to install any gas appliances unless authorised by the Landlord and installed by a registered Gas Safe
9.35. Not to do anything on the Premises which may invalidate any insurance of the Premises against fire or
increase the ordinary premium for such insurance.
9.36. Not to undertake any activity that materially increases the risk of fire or other damage to the Premises or
its fixtures and fittings. This includes, without limitation, the storage of dangerous or flammable goods at the
Premises, leaving electrical appliances such as tumble dryers on while the Premises are empty, or any other
action that unreasonably increases the risk of damage.
9.37. To routinely test the operation of all smoke alarms and replace the batteries when necessary, and to
advise the Landlord immediately should any alarm cease to function or be considered non-operational.
9.38. Not to assign sublet or part with or share possession of the Designated Room and Shared Parts or any
part of them, nor allow these to be occupied by anyone other than the Tenant and no more than the maximum
number of permitted persons (the Occupancy), without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
9.39. Not to grant any licensees, take in any lodger, paying guest or person staying on either a permanent or
semi-permanent basis without the prior written consent of the Landlord.
9.40. To notify the Landlord if the Tenant is to be absent from the Premises for a period exceeding 14 days.
Such notification shall be made at least 5 days prior to the commencement of the period of absence and shall
state the actual dates over which the Tenant will be absent.
9.41. To take all reasonable steps to protect the Premises from frozen or burst pipes or other damage, if the
Premises are left vacant for any period.
9.42. To permit the Landlord, and any superior landlord, or the Landlord's employees/agents at all reasonable
times after giving the Tenant at least 24 hours' notice (except in an emergency):
to enter the Premises to inspect the same and the Landlord's furniture and effects therein (if any) and to
carry out any works of maintenance or repair to the Premises or elsewhere which the Landlord may
consider necessary. If the Tenant fails to allow access and such failure causes the Landlord to incur
costs, the Tenant shall be liable for all reasonable losses resulting as a consequence.
to enter and view the Premises with any prospective future Tenants or purchasers during the last 60 days
of the tenancy.
9.43. At the end of the Term, to vacate the Premises and give vacant possession. The Premises and its content
must at the end of the Term be in the same good and clean state of repair and decoration as the Premises was
in at the commencement of the Term (fair wear and tear excepted). The tenant must pay for the repair or
replacement of any items of the fixtures, fittings and appliances which have been damaged, destroyed or lost.
9.44. At the end of the Term, to remove all of their furniture and other goods from the Premises. The Tenant
may be liable for damages if they leave items at the Premises which prevent the Landlord from making use of or
re-letting the Premises, or if the Landlord incurs costs in relation to such items (for example, reasonable
charges for removal or storage).
9.45. To return all sets of keys to the Landlord by 2pm on the day of vacating the Premises, otherwise all
reasonable costs of gaining entry to the Premises and resecuring the Premises will be borne by the Tenant.
9.46. To co-operate in the checking of any inventory and/or schedule of condition. The Landlord will bear the
costs of preparing the inventory and/or schedule of condition and associated check-in or check-out report. The
Tenant agrees to take all reasonable steps to ensure that such a report can be completed, and that they will be
liable for any additional costs arising as a result of the Tenant's actions. Those are including but not limited to
call-out fees from missed appointments, or any other losses or costs.
9.47. Not to smoke inside the Premises, or permit others to smoke inside the Premises, without the Landlord's
written consent. Such consent, if granted, to be revocable at will by the Landlord upon giving reasonable written
9.48. To provide a forwarding address at the end of the tenancy, if requested by the Landlord.
9.49. To forward any notice, order or proposal affecting the Premises or its boundaries to the Landlord within 5
days of receiving it.
If the letting includes the use of furniture and effects:
10.1. Where requested by the Landlord, the furniture and effects shall be as specified in an inventory signed by
the Tenant.
10.2. The Tenant will:
Not damage or remove from the Premises any furniture or effects.
Make good all damage (except fair wear and tear) and breakages to the furniture and effects which may
occur during the Term.
Leave the furniture and effects at the end of the tenancy in the same position as they were at the
commencement of the Term.
Clean or pay for the cleaning of all carpets, curtains and any other parts of the Designated Room and
Shared Parts or contents included in the letting which may have been soiled during the tenancy.
Obligations of the Landlord
The following clauses set out what can be expected from the Landlord during the tenancy. If any of these terms
are broken, the Tenant may be entitled to claim damages from the Landlord, or ask a court to make the Landlord
fulfil their obligations.
The Landlord agrees:
Quiet Enjoyment
11.1. To allow the Tenant to quietly hold and enjoy the Designated Room and Shared Parts during the tenancy
without any unlawful interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming on behalf of the Landlord.
11.2. To confirm that all necessary consents have been obtained to enable the Landlord to enter this agreement
(whether from superior landlords, lenders, mortgagees, insurers, or others).
Statutory Repairing Obligations
11.3. To comply with the obligations to repair the Premises as set out in sections 11 to 16 of the Landlord and
Tenant Act 1985 (as amended by the Housing Act 1988). These sections impose on the Landlord obligations to
repair and keep in good order:
the structure of the Premises and exterior (including drains, gutters and pipes);
certain installations for the supply of water, electricity and gas;
sanitary appliances including basins, sinks, baths and sanitary conveniences;
space heating and water heating;
but not other fixtures, fittings, and appliances for making use of the supply of water and electricity. This
obligation arises only after notice has been given to the Landlord by the Tenant regarding the defect or issue in
11.4. To repay to the Tenant any reasonable costs incurred by the Tenant to remedy the failure of the Landlord
to comply with his statutory obligations as stated in clause 11.3 above.
11.5. To comply with the obligation under section 9A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 to keep the Premises
fit for human habitation for the duration of the Term.
11.6. To insure the building of the Premises under a general household policy with a reputable insurer.
11.7. To provide a copy of the relevant insurance certificate and policy to the Tenant at the start of the tenancy
or as soon as possible thereafter.
Other Repairs
11.8. To keep in repair and proper working order all mechanical and electrical items belonging to the Landlord
and forming part of the fixtures and fittings, unless the lack of repair is due to the negligence or misuse of the
Tenant, his family, or visitors.
11.9. To provide assistance to the Tenants with keeping the Premises free from all pests or vermin as well as
remedying any damage caused by pests or vermin.
Safety Regulations
11.10. To ensure that all the furniture and equipment provided by the Landlord complies with the Furniture and
Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended in 1993).
11.11. To ensure that all gas appliances comply with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and
that a copy of the safety check record is given to the Tenant at the start of the tenancy.
11.12. To ensure that all electrical installations at the Premises are inspected and tested at regular intervals by a
qualified person and that all relevant electrical safety standards (including those under the Electrical Safety
Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 where applicable) are met during the
Possessions and Refuse
11.13. To remove or pay for the removal of all the possessions of the Landlord (excluding any furnishings,
fixtures and fittings that are included with the tenancy) and any rubbish prior to the start of the tenancy.
Interrupting or Ending this Agreement
The following clauses set out the ways in which this agreement may be brought to an end by either party. In
addition, these clauses set out the procedures which the Tenant or Landlord shall use when the tenancy is
brought to an end.
Early termination by the Landlord
12.1. If and whenever during the Term:
the Rent or any part of it is in arrears for 14 days after it has become due (whether legally demanded or
not), or
there is a breach of any of the obligations or agreements on the part of the Tenant, or
the Tenant becomes bankrupt or insolvent or enters into a voluntary arrangement with its creditors; or
any of the Grounds 2, 7 (in England only), 7A, 7B (in England only), 8, 10-15 and 17 set out in Schedule
2 of the Housing Act 1988 apply
the Landlord may re-enter upon the Premises or any part in the name of the whole resuming possession on the
furniture and effects and immediately thereon the tenancy shall terminate, but without prejudice to the other
rights and remedies of the Landlord. The Landlord's rights under this clause are subject to the restrictions of the
Protection From Eviction Act 1977 and the Housing Act 1988 and the Landlord will not whilst the Tenant is
residing in the Premises physically retake possession without first obtaining a Court Order.
Notice to end the tenancy at or after the end of the Initial Term
12.2. If either party wishes to end the tenancy on or after the final day of the Initial Term, they may give notice
in writing to the other as follows:
The Landlord must give notice of no less than two months, such notice to expire any time on or after the
final day of the Initial Term. A notice served by the Landlord under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988
shall be sufficient notice under this clause.
The Tenant must give notice of no less than one month, such notice to expire the day before a Rent
Payment Day or on the final day of the Initial Term.
12.3. If neither party serves a valid notice to terminate the tenancy at the end of the Initial Term, the parties
agree that at the end of the Initial Term the tenancy will continue as a contractual periodic tenancy on a monthly
12.4. If at any time the Premises are rendered uninhabitable by an event or events which are not the result of
negligence or breach of contract by either party then, the choice being at the Landlord's sole discretion, either:
the Rent will cease to be payable by the Tenant until the Premises are made habitable and the Landlord will
be under no obligation to provide alternative accommodation; or
the Rent will continue to be payable and the Landlord will be obligated to provide suitable alternative
accommodation to the Tenant.
12.5. If following an event described above, in the reasonable opinion of an appropriate expert the Premises
cannot be made habitable within one month then either party may give one month's notice to terminate this
agreement following which it will end and no further obligations under it will be performable by either party save
that either party may pursue the other for breaches of this agreement which pre-date said termination.
Mutual Break Clause
12.6. The Initial Term of this tenancy agreement may be terminated by either party giving the other at least two
months' notice in writing, such notice not to expire until at least 6 months after the start of the Term. A notice
served by the Landlord under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 shall be sufficient notice under this clause.
The Tenant is obliged to pay rent up to and including the termination date, so if the tenancy is terminated on a
date which is not the last day of a rental period, the rent due for any incomplete rental periods will be
apportioned accordingly.
Effect of Notices to terminate the tenancy
12.7. On the expiry of a notice to terminate the tenancy under clause 12.2 or 12.6 the tenancy shall end and no
further obligations shall be performed under the tenancy save that either party may pursue the other for any
breach of this agreement occurring before the expiry of the notice.
Notices & Miscellaneous
13.1. The Landlord gives notice to the Tenant that pursuant to Section 48(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act
1987 that notices (including notices in proceedings) may be served on the Landlord at the address specified at
the beginning of this agreement.
13.2. Any notice served upon the Tenant by the Landlord pursuant to this agreement or any statute or regulation
must be served in writing and will be deemed sufficiently served if sent by registered post or first class post to or
left at the Premises. Notices served by recorded delivery post, or prepaid first class post to the Premises, shall
be deemed to have been properly served and received by the Tenant on the second day after posting (or if that
day is not a working day on the next working day), or in the case of notices left at the Premises on the next
working day after delivery.
13.3. The Landlord and the Tenant agree that notices pursuant to this agreement may be served on the other
party by email. The email addresses for notice are:
Landlord: (Notice email visible once signed)
Tenant: (Notice email visible once all tenants have signed)
13.4. Notice served by email shall be deemed sufficiently served if it is sent to the Tenant or the Landlord at the
email addresses identified above in this agreement and no notification of failure to deliver that email is received.
Notices served by email will be deemed served on the next working day after sending.
13.5. The Landlord gives the Tenant notice under the Housing Act 1988 that possession may be recovered on
the following grounds:
The Landlord notified the Tenant that the Landlord previously occupied the Premises as the Landlord's only
or principal home and the Landlord may rely on Ground 1 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988 to
recover possession of the Premises in circumstances where the Landlord requires the Premises as the
Landlord's only or principal home.
The Landlord notified the Tenant that the Premises are subject to a mortgage granted prior to the start of
the tenancy for purposes of Ground 2 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988 and has served notice in
accordance with Ground 1 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1988.
14.1. If the Premises comprise part only of a building the letting shall include the use (in common with others) of
access ways to and from the Premises inside the building.
14.2. Where two or more persons are named on the tenancy agreement, their obligations shall be joint and
several. This means, for example, that any one or more of the individuals jointly forming the Tenant can at the
Landlord's sole discretion be held responsible for the full Rent and other obligations under the agreement if the
other individuals do not fulfil their obligations.
14.3. References to masculine gender include the feminine; to the singular include the plural; and to the 'month'
mean calendar month.
14.4. References to a working day mean a week day excluding Christmas Day, Good Friday and any day
which, under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971, is a bank holiday in England and Wales.
14.5. The Tenant is responsible for insuring their own belongings, furniture and furnishings in the Premises, and
the Landlord will not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur as a result of use within the
14.6. The Landlord and the Tenant confirm their agreement with the OpenRent Terms & Conditions and Privacy
Policy which they made when creating their account.
14.7. Where the Landlord's own title to the Premises is leasehold and not freehold, the Landlord may themselves
be a tenant under a superior lease. The Tenant agrees to perform and observe at all times during the Term the
conditions and stipulations contained in the superior lease that were notified to the Tenant prior to the
commencement of the tenancy.
14.8. The Landlord is responsible for ensuring the Premises comply with any applicable property licensing
regulations for the duration of the tenancy. The Tenant agrees not to use the Premises in any manner which
might lead to it becoming licensable under any part of the Housing Act 2004 without the Landlord's express
written consent.
14.9. If any term of this agreement is, in whole or in part, held to be illegal or unenforceable to any extent under
any enactment or rule of law, that term or part shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of this agreement
and the enforceability of the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected.
14.10. The Landlord and the Tenant agree that this agreement shall be exclusively governed by and interpreted
in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
14.11. The operation of section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925 is excluded from this agreement. The only
rights granted to the Tenant are those expressly set out in this agreement, and the Tenant is not to be entitled to
any other rights affecting any adjoining property of the Landlord.
The Guarantor
The Guarantor is the person or persons responsible for discharging the Tenant's obligations if the Tenant
defaults whether the Landlord elects to pursue the Tenant or not.
"Joint and Several" means that the Guarantor will be liable with the Tenant to pay all Rent and any debt arising
from any breach of the tenancy until all debt is paid in full.
15.1. In consideration of the Landlord agreeing at the request of the Guarantor to accept the Tenant as the
Tenant of the Premises the Guarantor hereby covenants with the Landlord that the Tenant will pay the Rent and
comply with all the Tenant's obligations in this Agreement (including any variations to increase the Rent whether
by agreement between the Landlord and the Tenant or pursuant to a notice given by the Landlord under section
13 of the Housing Act 1988). In any case of default by the Tenant, the Guarantor will pay the Landlord damages
in respect of the Landlord's reasonable losses incurred as a result of that default.
15.2. As between the Landlord and the Guarantor the Guarantor is a principal debtor and not merely a surety.
15.3. This Guarantee is irrevocable and shall continue beyond the Guarantor's death or bankruptcy (falling as a
liability on the estate) throughout the period that the Premises are occupied by the Tenant and is not limited to
the Term of this agreement.
15.4. If the Tenant defaults during the initial Term or any extension, renewal or continuation of this agreement or
the Tenant is declared bankrupt and the Tenant's Trustee in Bankruptcy elects to disclaim the agreement then
on written demand the Guarantor hereby agrees to pay damages to the Landlord for all losses, claims, liabilities,
costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with that default or disclaimer or incurred by the Landlord in
connection with the default or disclaimer.
15.5. It is hereby agreed that the Guarantor's liability under this Clause will be joint and several with the Tenant
which means that each will be responsible for complying with the Tenant's obligations under this agreement both
individually and together. The Landlord may seek to enforce these obligations and claim damages against the
Tenant, the Guarantor, or both of them under these clauses. These obligations will not be cleared or affected by
any act, neglect, leniency, or giving of time by the Landlord endeavouring to obtain payment or in the
enforcement of the Tenant's covenants. If the Tenant surrenders any part of the Premises the Guarantor's
liability will continue in respect of the part not surrendered. Any liability accumulated at the date of surrender will
continue unaffected.
15.6. If requested by the Landlord, the Guarantor agrees to provide written confirmation of their current address
at the start of the tenancy and to notify the Landlord in writing if they move to a new address in the course of the
Custom Clause Notice
The clauses defined under Custom Clauses below, have been written by the Landlord in agreement with the
Tenant. The clauses have not been vetted by OpenRent, are not endorsed by OpenRent, and have been added
against the explicit recommendation of OpenRent. OpenRent can not offer advice on the contents of this section
and recommends independent legal advice is sought before agreeing to any clauses outlined in this section.
Note that individual terms and conditions in earlier sections of this agreement may be replaced or modified by
the Custom Clauses set out below, with the exception of clause 3 and clause 4 which are essential to the Rent
Now process and cannot be modified or replaced.
Custom Clauses
Custom Clause 1. This is an example of a custom clause. If no custom clauses are specified, this page will be
omitted from the contract.
Contract Digitally Signed By
Here is a list of people set out to sign the contract, and signatures where they have been collected.
Where signatures have been collected dates and times are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The Tenant
Signature Printed Name Date Signed Email (verified) IP Address
Tenant Visible once signed
The Guarantor
Signature Printed Name Date Signed Email (verified) IP Address
Guarantor Visible once signed
The Landlord
Signature Printed Name Date Signed Email (verified) IP Address
Landlord Visible once signed