Public Comments Policy
While the Mississippi Open Meetings Act does not give members of the public the right to be heard at a
public meeting, the PERS Board of Trustees may allow reasonable opportunity for members of the public
to address the Board with a public comment during PERS board or committee meetings according to the
following guidelines:
The public comment should relate to a specific current meeting agenda item or be within the Board’s
jurisdiction. The Board is unable to entertain requests for public comment on matters that have an
existing forum for resolution. Examples of such matters include, but are not limited to, appeals of
administrative decisions, disability applications and appeals, PERS personnel matters, pending litigation,
and any matters deemed confidential under state law.
Individuals who wish to address the Board must complete a Request to Make Public Comments to the
Board, which is provided by PERS on its website along with this written policy. Completion of this request
form requires the individual’s name, contact information, affiliation, and a brief description of the nature of
the individual’s public comment. Any request to appear before the Board should be received at least 14
calendar days in advance of the next board and committee meetings. The board chairperson, in
consultation with the executive director and staff, will evaluate all requests to determine whether the public
comment is appropriate for presentation and in which meetingthe board meeting or an applicable
committee meetingthe public comment should be made. PERS will contact individuals prior to the board
or applicable committee meeting to inform them as to whether their request was approved. For requests
submitted within the 14 days before the board or applicable committee meeting, the board chairperson, in
consultation with the executive director, will use his or her discretion to allow these public comments. This
decision may be rendered at any time from receipt of the request to the start of the board or applicable
committee meeting, so PERS may not be able to give prior notice of approval to these requesters.
If a request is granted, the board chairperson will call upon the individual to speak at the appropriate time
during the board or applicable committee meeting. The time allowed for individuals to address the Board
will be limited to five minutes per person or group. A spokesperson should be selected to represent a
group requesting to address the Board on the same matter. The number of requests granted per meeting
may be limited depending upon the number of other agenda items for that meeting.
The Board will listen to all individuals approved for public comment during allotted meeting times but are
not required to respond to any public comment. Speakers may not engage in defamatory, derogatory, or
abusive remarks while making public comment. The board chairperson has the authority to maintain order
at all times and may terminate an individual’s privilege to speak if that individual engages in such
Effective/Revised: 10/27/2015, 02/27/2019