Circular Number 0023/2015
To: The Managerial Authorities of
Recognised Primary Schools
This circular sets out the detailed arrangements and procedures for the implementation of the
recommendations of the Expert Group on Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employment in Primary
and Second Level Education in Ireland and are for implementation at the commencement of
the school year 2015/2016. The report was presented by Peter Ward SC and is hereinafter
referred to as the Ward Report.
The original arrangements and procedures set out in Department circulars were based on
compliance with the requirements of the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term Work) Act
2003. Under that legislation where a fixed-term employee is employed by his/her employer on
two or more continuous fixed-term contracts and the aggregate duration of an employee’s
continuous fixed-term contracts exceeds four years, that employee shall be deemed to be
employed under a contract of indefinite duration (CID) (and no longer a fixed term contract)
unless there were objective grounds set out in the previous contract. While the legal provision
remains unchanged, the terms and conditions of teachers have been improved through the
Haddington Road Agreement (HRA).
The initial improvement arising from HRA reduced the basis of eligibility for a CID to a period
in excess of three years. The recommendations in the Ward Report make further improvements
to the terms and conditions of teachers.
Content of Circular
This circular has four parts:
Part A sets out the revised terms and conditions for teachers that are created by the
implementation of the Ward Report.
Part B sets out the process of sanctioning CIDs by the Department that are sought based on the
revised terms and conditions introduced by the Ward Report. It also sets out the procedures to
be followed by employers and teachers.
Part C sets out the Adjudication Process.
Part D deals with a number of additional matters.
Part A
The revised terms and conditions of teachers in relation to being granted a CID which
are effective from the commencement of the school year 2015/2016
(1) Reduction of the period of qualification for eligibility to a CID
The qualification period for the granting of an initial CID is reduced from a period of
continuous employment in excess of three years with the same employer to a period of
continuous employment in excess of two years with the same employer; all of such
employment must have been in a post(s) funded by monies provided by the Oireachtas. This
reduction means that a teacher will be awarded a CID rather than a further Fixed Term Contract
provided the conditions and procedures set out in this circular are satisfied.
Previously a CID could be acquired provided the post continued to be viable for a reasonable
period, came from the allocation, did not relate to temporary cover and where there were no
objective grounds. This will continue to be a condition for eligibility but as amended by (2)
following. It should be noted that a reasonable period is considered to be at least a full school
(2) Change in relation to qualification for eligibility for a CID in the case of providing cover
for certain teacher absences
Heretofore a post which concerned providing cover for a teacher absent on an approved scheme
of leave of absence did not provide eligibility for a CID. The Ward report, however, extends
eligibility to include covering for a teacher absent on two specific schemes of absence but this
is confined to covering the absence of (i) a teacher on career break or (ii) a teacher on
(3) Hours to be included in a CID that is being awarded under 1 and 2 above
When a CID is being awarded under the new terms and conditions the hours of the CID will
be those hours for which the teacher was engaged on a fixed term contract for the full school
year prior to the issuing of the CID and those hours are not confined to hours reckoned under
(1) or (2) above.
(4) Teachers that hold a Part-Time CID and the granting of a further CID in respect of
additional hours
Where a teacher who is the holder of qualifications appropriate to the sector has a part-time
CID and the Board of Management has employed this teacher for additional hours (i.e. a part-
time fixed term contract in addition to a previously acquired CID in the school), and the hours
concerned continue to be viable and available within the school allocation, the qualifying
period of continuous employment for a CID based on those additional hours is reduced from a
period in excess of three years to a period of continuous employment in excess of one year.
(5) CID and permanent status
A teacher employed on a contract of indefinite duration holds an employment status that is
equal to that of a permanent teacher.
(6) Termination of First Fixed-Term Contracts
All first fixed-term contracts must be terminated at the end of the school year and if the
employment is continuing for the following year, it must be automatically re-advertised by the
employer and a new recruitment process undertaken for the filling of the post for the second
year. Therefore, the employer must terminate the contract and cannot provide a new fixed term
contract to any teacher unless it advertises and interviews first.
(7) Redeployment
A teacher who acquires a CID as a result of covering for a teacher on career break or
secondment will be placed on the relevant redeployment panel for redeployment immediately
prior to the return of the teacher that s/he is covering for.
In the event that through the implementation of the Ward Report the award of a CID to a post
primary qualified teacher in a special school results in a curricular mismatch in the school, the
terms of the Redeployment Scheme to address a mismatch at second-level between curricular
needs and staffing resources as set out at Part D of Circular 0024/2015 will be used as a means
to address the curricular mismatch.
Part B
Sanctioning of CIDs and the procedures for acquiring a CID based on the revised terms
and conditions
(1) Department Sanction
The sanction of the Department must be obtained before an Oireachtas funded CID or a further
CID in respect of additional hours can be awarded to a teacher. The Department will sanction
the CID in accordance with the revised terms and conditions of teachers set out in Part A of
this circular.
Where a post covered by A(1) and (A2) exists from the commencement of the 2015/2016
school year, the Department will sanction a CID for a teacher in an Oireachtas funded post who
satisfies all of the following conditions:
(i) s/he is registered on a current basis with the Teaching Council and
(ii) s/he is the holder of qualifications appropriate to the sector and
(iii) s/he has had in excess of 2 years continuous teaching service under two or more
successive written contracts of employment with the same employer that were
paid for out of monies provided by the Oireachtas and the most recent such
contract is comprehended by 1 or 2 of Part A and a new interview process was
Unless s/he is excluded by reason of the following
(iv) s/he is covering for another teacher absent on an approved scheme of leave other
than covering for a teacher absent on career break or secondment and this was
set out as an objective ground in writing in the previous contract.
(2) Application procedures for the 2015/16 school year in relation to seeking a CID rather than
a further fixed term contract where a teacher meets the sanctioning conditions set out in B.1
Interim arrangements 2015/16 - Interview not mandatory
Where at the commencement of the 2015/16 school year a teacher has entered into the third or
more continuous year of employment in a post comprehended by A(1) and A(2) the teacher is
eligible to be considered for a CID rather than a further one year fixed term contract without
further interview.
Application process by school
The school should apply to the Department to have the teacher placed on the payroll as a teacher
who is eligible for a CID. Application forms are available on our website here
The application form for a CID to be submitted by the school will require the school and the
teacher to certify that the application is in respect of the continuation of a post that has been
funded from monies provided by the Oireachtas only and that the conditions as laid out in B1
are satisfied in full.
The school must also certify that the CID sought is in accordance with the terms outlined in
this circular and that it is a viable post as per A(1) and A(2).
The teacher must also sign the form.
(3) Termination of all first year fixed term contracts, advertising of the posts and mandatory
interview process.
Termination of First Year contracts.
All one year fixed term contracts will terminate at the end of the school year.
Advertising and interviews
Where the post will exist for the school year 2015/2016 the employer must advertise the post
and conduct an interview. In advertising the post the employer must specify the nature and
duration of the post.
Notification to teacher
The teacher who held the relevant one year fixed term contract in the 2014/15 school year must
be notified by the employer that the post is being advertised and be provided with the details
of the application process.
In respect of such a post when the school advises the Department that it wants to have a teacher
placed on a new one year fixed-term contract for the 2015/16 school year and have the teacher
placed on the payroll the school must certify that the post had been advertised and that
interviews were conducted and that the teacher was successful following interview and is
entering the second year of continuous employment.
Part C
The existing adjudication system was designed to facilitate a quick, efficient resolution of
disputes about the award or failure to award a CID as required by law. The system is voluntary
and not binding; any party is free to pursue statutory relief if so desired. The adjudication
system will remain in place to consider any matter raised in accordance with the relevant
circulars and the law.
The voluntary adjudication process will also be available to deal with any disputes (e.g. in
relation to awarding a CID, the number of hours that should be included in a CID or additional
CID) and where the party concerned is relying on the revised terms and conditions of teachers
set out in Part A and the application process and procedures set out in Part B .
Since the changes that have resulted from HRA are more beneficial to teachers and are based
on an industrial relations agreement as distinct from the requirements of law, it may or may not
be possible to pursue statutory relief.
An application for adjudication that relies on the new terms and conditions regarding awarding
a CID or additional CID as set out in this circular and the associated procedures and
arrangements set out in this circular will not however preclude any party from pursuing
statutory relief where it is available.
Part D
Miscellaneous Provisions
Note: Dates contained in this circular relating to a particular school year are by way of example
and to facilitate understanding. The procedures authorised in this circular are applicable in
future years until further notice.
The new terms and conditions that grant a CID or an additional CID create permanent
employment in publicly funded posts. It is important that best practice norms relating to
fairness, transparency and probity that attach to public appointments are fully followed and the
procedures set out in this circular are adhered to.
It is important therefore when the sanction of the Department is sought that all necessary
documentation and certification provided is accurate.
The Department may audit (or have audited) the practices within schools in relation to the
implementation of this circular in relation to best practice, compliance and irregularities.
Schools should retain all relevant records securely that relate to or support any application for
a CID so that they are available for audit.
General revisions to recruitment procedures and practices
Schools shall fill posts in accordance with the recruitment procedures as published by the
Department from time to time. The Department will also draft and issue for consultation to the
Education Partners a CID/Permanent and fixed term contracts.
This circular amends the series of Circulars giving effect to the agreement on the
implementation of the Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 and in particular
paragraphs 2.2, 2.2.1, and 4.7 of Circular 0082/2007.
Where an employer issues a CID and that CID is to be Oireachtas funded, the employer must
comply with the terms and conditions of this Circular.
Please ensure that copies of this circular are provided to all members of the Board of
Management and that its contents are brought to the attention of all teachers in your
employment including those on leave of absence.
This Circular can be accessed on the Department’s website under www.gov.ie/education Home
Schools & Colleges Information Employment Terms and Conditions Fixed Term
All enquiries regarding this circular should be addressed to the employer (school) or the
relevant management body in the first instance. Further enquiries may be addressed to
[email protected] in relation to awarding of CIDs and to
[email protected] in relation to redeployment.
Alfie Barrett Padraig Maloney Hubert Loftus
Teachers/SNA Payroll Division Teacher Allocations
Terms and Conditions
27 March 2015 27 March 2015 27 March 2015