We face so many challenges and uncertainties in
the world today that we have every reason to give
thanks for the many blessings we have received.
The wildfires, the hurricanes, and the day-to-day
tragedies have taught us valuable lessons. Above all,
they have taught us how to love, share, and care for
each other. In many ways our faith has been tested,
and we have had to draw on our strength, courage,
commitment, and endurance.
We have gathered prayers of gratitude and
thankfulness from many parishes in the dioceses
around The Episcopal Church, and we have
published this little book, which can be carried in
your purse or pocket and used daily.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed prayers.
To all our readers, we hope that these selections
will touch your hearts in an inspirational way,
and furthermore, we encourage you to share
them with others.
Blessings to you and yours,
The 2018–2021
Board of the United Thank Offering
4 5
Gracious God, we come before you in the knowledge
that although we are varied in our gifts, we are
united as laborers of your harvest. With grateful
hearts, we give thanks for the blessings and
challenges that inspire the work of the United Thank
Offering. May the offerings given to UTO as an
expression of gratitude go on to address the needs
of our ever-changing world. All this we ask through
Jesus Christ, whose life is a blueprint we strive
to follow.
Almighty God, I give you praise
for blessing me in many ways.
Create in me a grateful heart
and with this gift a blessing start.
6 7
Holy and gracious God, we give you thanks today for
the United Thank Offering and all who participate
in the spiritual discipline of gratitude. We give
thanks for our history: for the inspiration and
wisdom You planted in women who were called and
responded to the needs of innovative mission and
ministry, especially by women. Together Ida Soule
and Julia Chester Emery created a united offering
which we continue today, and we also thank you for
the work of all Emery sisters: Julia Chester Emery,
Mary Emery Twing, Helen Winthrop Emery, and
Margaret Theresa Emery. These mighty sisters
worked on behalf of missionaries, their families, and
single women in service here and abroad.
We also are grateful for the generations of unnamed
women who have led and participated in UTO – for
their dedication, care and discipline. We ask that
you bless all of us who have dedicated ourselves to
the practice and discipline of gratitude, and all who
will continue this work. May You continue to bless
the United Thank Offering, calling others to join in
our daily thanksgivings.
Most importantly, we ask You to uphold, bless and
guard all those ministries that have received UTO
funds to continue to be a sign of Your love to our
broken world. Dear God, we thank You for all
of the blessings of this life, given freely as a sign
of Your grace. Amen.
8 9
Dearest Lord,
For the gift of life, I thank thee.
For the rising sun and the seasonal promise of plants
and flowers that will surround me, I thank thee.
For my family and friends and the gifts they share,
I thank thee.
For my home and all its comforts within,
I thank thee.
For the abundance you give me and my willingness
to share it with others, I thank thee.
For the wisdom of my elders and my ability to listen,
I thank thee.
For acceptance of the challenges that I face every
day, I thank thee.
For strength and courage to act for justice and peace,
I thank thee.
For knowledge that without you I have nothing,
I thank thee.
And for the end-of-day blessings before I sleep,
I thank you gracious Lord.
Mrs. Kathryn A. Leno
St. Andrew, Florence, OR
United Thank Offering Representative
Diocese of Oregon
10 11
God of our hope. God of our dreams.
God of our understanding.
Humbled, we bow before you, giving you
thanks for all of creation.
We thank you for all that you give us.
We praise your name for forgiving us of our sins
before we ask for forgiveness.
Only you can raise us from our brokenness
and make us whole.
Only you can give us the peace that we yearn for.
Fill us with your spirit. Be our light in the darkness.
Envelop us with your presence.
Set in our hearts to always praise you.
Let us ever be mindful of your healing spirit.
Let us live, one with you.
Ms. Lisa Martin
President, Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Texas
I think I could not bear it, Lord,
To know things all at once,
I need the stepping stones,
The leap of faith each time
I meet a challenge,
I reach for your hand
To steady me when I am in the air,
You have never failed me,
Though I am mortal and often
Splash and wet my feet as I fall short,
This is a lesson learned,
You never tire of hauling me
Out of the deep water and
You let me wade through
What makes me stronger in the end.
Ms. Charlotte Johnson
St. Raphael the Archangel
Diocese of Lexington
12 13
Heavenly Father, Almighty Creator God,
My voice is raised to you acknowledging the gift
of confession, grateful for your mercy, grace, and
forgiveness, and the opportunity to begin anew.
Looking back, I know you have been the architect of
my life as you have pushed me to and through high
points while you have been steadfast and present
during my times of loss and other great challenges.
I’ve felt the strength and power that have come only
from you, sustaining me and providing me with joy.
Knowing you are in charge of this world and all that
is in it, I ask your intercession for all your people
throughout the world that we may also come to
know each other through your love.
I thank you for blessing me with a loving family and
friends and all the blessings of this life.
I love you, our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dr. Betty Carrington
St. David’s Church, Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Long Island
Creator Spirit,
In gratitude we offer thanks for all which has been
provided for us, as well as for opportunities and
challenges placed before us.
Help us to envision our future together from a
viewpoint of abundance rather than scarcity;
from love rather than despair or hate.
Love and gratitude have the ability to transform us
in ways which we may never understand, yet at the
same time, call to us.
Thanks be to our Creator – Always.
Mrs. Susan Harries
St. James’ Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Northern Michigan
14 15
Gracious God:
Today I will count all my many blessings, the ones
that I saw, heard, and touched, and especially for
the blessings I overlooked and that escaped my
conscious being.
In all those blessings, you are there!
I will count the blessings of the seemingly ordinary
moments, those things I take so for granted; the
rising of the sun, the smile of a friend, the embrace
of my child, the look of love on my spouse, and the
excited bark of my furry pawed pet. In all those
you are there!
I will count the majestic things you have created; the
crocus peeking through the snow, the sound of the
ocean lapping up on the shore, the wind whirling
the leaves across my yard, and the mighty thunder
cracking just before the rain comes.
In all those things, you are there!
May I be in an attitude of thanksgiving for all
these daily glimpses of your power, your kindness
and awesome love, your compassionate and
undeserving grace, and for all that is a part of
your beautiful kingdom.
May you remind me Lord, you are there!
May I be open and sensitive as you refine my
awareness to be on watch for all your daily blessings,
the ordinary and the extraordinary, the small and the
large, the grand and the simple.
In all those humble, kind, and just things, you show
me that You are there!
Mrs. Debbie Butcher
President, Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Oklahoma
16 17
Sitting under a large shade tree, Grandmother calls
to Granddaughter,
“Come sit in the shade by me, child. I have watched
you for awhile and you look as if you have been so
busy running one place and then another. Actually
you have been running in circles, going nowhere.
Sit quietly, my child, look about you, watch the
people of our community. Each has her/his own way
of looking at life. That determines the focus each has
on what she/he does with life. This uniqueness is a
gift from the Creator. Some are always pleasant and
gracious; some dance as if the Spirit of a particular
animal lives within them; some are storytellers,
and then there are the contraries.
What is it that the Creator wants you to focus on?
Just like the dog running in circles, chasing its tail,
going nowhere, so you too run here and there, going
nowhere. Sit my child, watch the people of
our community and think on these things.
May we, within the Episcopal Community,
recognize that diversity within our Community
is our strength. Even though you and I may have
differing views on issues, we are all Children of God,
It is to that God that we understand, each in our
own way, that we say AMEN together.
Ms. Winonah McGee
Parishioner, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Newton, IA
Diocese of Newton
18 19
Gracious Lord,
School is out and we are ready to reconnect
with our family.
Keep us safe as we travel to visit new places.
Keep us healthy as we eat to fuel our bodies.
Let us praise the Lord as we continue to learn
new skills in school and at home.
Give us confidence in our parenting and patience
with our children.
Give us rest after a day of labor.
Bless our families, our friends,
and our four-legged families too.
Thank you for all our blessings.
We ask this in your name.
Ms. Barbara Schafer
Grace in the Desert Representative
United Thank Offering Board, Province VIII
Diocese of Nevada
20 21
Thank You, Father, for watching over us
through the night.
Thank you, Father, for opening our eyes
to see the morning light.
Help us, Father, to do the work you have
giving us to do with all thy might.
Mrs. Bernice Turner
United Thank Offering
Diocese of Maryland
Your light shines forth so brightly, Lord,
Always with outstretched arms you pull me in
That I might know the warmth and joy and love
You offer me.
With my heart filled, you send me out again
That those I meet might also know the love
That sets me free.
Mrs. Ginny Wynn
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Oklahoma
22 23
Holy Presence within us and all around us,
We are filled with gratitude
for the day that is given,
for the love that surrounds us,
for the hope that springs eternal,
for the call to love and serve,
for the spirit of guidance that keep us on your path.
Give us the courage and the resolve to do justice and
walk humbly in your way.
Ms. Phyllis Hockley
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Oregon
O Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the Universe,
I do give thanks for:
The Earth, for without it we are literally space dust.
Water, from which You first brought forth life
and with which my sin was washed away at baptism.
Plants of all shapes and sizes, which provide the
oxygen we breathe and which remind me to stay
rooted” in You.
Birds of the sky, which call to mind
Your ever-watchfulness.
Land creatures of the woods, deserts, plains,
and jungles – they are also created by Your
loving Creativity.
Rocks and pebbles, which anchor the soil that
nurtures the ground upon which our food grows.
May I always turn to You as my Rock.
You, Creator God, are the Source of all
and to You I give thanks.
In the Name of the Creator, Redeemer,
and Sustainer.
Ms. Sarah Elizabeth McCarren
St. Francis of Assisi UTO Coordinator
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
24 25
Most Merciful God, as we raise up our hands to
you, we seek solace, deep rest, and relief from the
struggles of a world which seem so unfair. There is
never-ending misery. We lose hope. We question
the point of even trying. But our pleas remain
unspoken. We have no words. We come before you
in the silence of this pain. We wait. Until, finally, we
sense your Light, and as we lean to this Light, our
hearts feel the rush of your love. We know you have
listened. We are comforted once again, soothed by
your grace, given so freely. For this, we are grateful.
We breathe in this gift. We arise, renewed through
Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Ms. Bev Clark
St. Stephen’s Episcopal, Newton, IA
Diocese of Iowa
Special thanks for our gift of Prayer, dear God.
Like You without Beginning or End.
Somewhere, in any time or place
We pray.
Seeing Your Light in darkness.
Hearing Your Calm in the storm.
Finding Your Pathway of Peace.
So – in Prayer without End
Help us bring Your Kingdom Come
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Mrs. Mary Holley
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Henrietta, NY
Diocese of Rochester
26 27
O God of the Gardens, we give you thanks for the
trees that created the wood that created the container
to hold the dirt in our city garden.
We give you thanks for the seeds that grow in the
container to become vegetables in our city garden.
We give you thanks for the curious city dwellers who
you have sent to tend the plants in our city garden.
And we give you thanks for the lives that have
changed and flourished through the gift of fresh
fruits and vegetables we have harvested from our
city garden.
May more dirt cover the asphalt, may more seeds
sprout and provide healthy food to those that have
none, and may the power of your love manifested
in your harvest help us bring healing to a divided
The Rev. Julie Cicora
St. Mark’s and St. John’s
Diocese of Rochester
For the hum of Your huge machine,
Your steel indigo tumble
For towering waves that drown
pettiness and stir wonder
For shells, kelp, clam holes
and translucent jellyfish
For sand that polishes rocks
and oozes between toes
For the gulls glide
and the clouds door
For vermilion light splashed
across the dashboard of the day
For Your night torch welding
the rim of the world
Mrs. Phyllis Mannan
St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church
Manzanita, OR
Diocese of Oregon
28 29
Father, thank you for calling us to come closer
to you.
You want to hold us in your embrace and guide
and protect us.
Thank you for these gifts that allow us to be in
unity with you, united in strength and power to
bring our offerings to you, wholly and acceptable,
through our worship of you.
We pray that you will use these, our gifts to you,
to spread Your Word and manifest your love to
those who are hurting that they may see You
through these offerings.
Ms. Suzanne Harrow
Church of the Atonement
Diocese of Georgia
Our Heavenly Father,
We thank you for the opportunities you give us to
help and serve others.
You have commissioned each one of us to go out as
disciples to make disciples.
It is only through your great love and mercy for us
that we can reach out to others.
We ask you to send your Holy Angels to bless and
guide us in this extraordinary ministry so that only
your will be done.
We humbly ask this prayer of thanks and hope
through your only Son, Jesus Christ; who along
with You and the Holy Spirit reign as One true God.
Mr. Larry Miller
Vestry Clerk and Member
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
30 31
Lord above,
Thank you for sending your Son to be the perfect
example for us on our daily walk with you.
Let every aspect of our lives reflect our love of You
and of Your joyous creation.
In Jesus’ Name I pray.
Mr. Tom Worden, Age 13
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear Lord,
We trust in your ways to deal with all the problems
we face in our lives.
Thank you for always listening, guiding, protecting,
and loving us enough to give us a wonderful life
with you.
In the name of your Son.
Mrs. Lorene Every
Treasurer, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us the strength and courage
to follow your path and do your Will, with the sure
knowledge that you will provide for all our needs.
Thank you, Jesus.
Mr. Jim Worden
Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear God,
Thank you, God, for the feet that you gave me, for
shoes and socks that you provide me, and showing
me the way to walk.
Thank you, God, for hands so I may eat and use to
help others.
Thank you, God, for the brain to know you and the
heart you gave me to feel your love each day.
Ms. Chris O’Brien
Vestry Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville,
Diocese of Albany
32 33
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for taking care of my grandpa when he
got sick last week.
I am so happy to know you will be with me when
the doctor takes out my tonsils because it scares me.
Thank you for my mommy and big sister who reads
to me at night.
Mr. Carter Moore, Age 6
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for always being there to listen
as we lift up our problems and hardships in prayer.
Thank you for ministering ourb needs.
We look forward to knowing what special plans
you have forv each of us.
In Jesus’ Name.
Mrs. Lisa Worden
Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear God of All,
Thank you for what you give us each day, for the
little things as well as the larger prayerrequests.
Thank you for always being there to] listen and for
all the answered prayers, even if the answer was “no.
Ms. Stacey Collins
Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear God,
Thank you for helping me on tests when
I pray for your help and for the good grades.
Thank you for my family, my mom, my crazy
little brother, and my grandparents.
Ms. Hannah Collins, Age 11
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
34 35
Heavenly and Most Gracious Father,
Thank you for the gifts and talents You have given
each of us, so we can always do what is best for
furthering Your Kingdom.
Please help us to do what is Your Holy Will as we
commit ourselves to You and to Your service.
Thank you for showing us that age has no limits:
young or old, we can all be used for Your Honor and
Glory in every aspect of our lives.
Help us to open our hearts more fully each day,
as we reach out to aid and teach others about the
immeasurable love You have for each person.
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Laura Miller
Deacon Vicar, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Be thankful for the gift of life.
Be thankful for the precious years given to pursue
our call through his grace.
Be thankful for family and friends who have
supported us in good times.
Be thankful for dark challenges and obstacles that
foster growth and renew faith.
Be thankful for friends that come and go during
seasons of life to guide us and open our eyes to new
opportunities and possibilities to prosper and serve.
Be thankful through daily prayer for his continued
strength, love, and guidance.
Be thankful by sharing your blessings and placing
monetary gifts in the United Thank Offering Blue
Box to support our brothers and sisters in need
throughout our beloved faith community and
Be thankful and continue to be a vessel of Jesus’
power and light in the world.
Ms. Birdie Blake-Reid
Secretary, United Thank Offering Board
St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church Brooklyn, NY
Diocese of Long Island
36 37
A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a
On a day celebrating Thanksgiving, we learned you
were expected; a long awaited gift.
For the conception of this child,
Father, we give you thanks.
Each month we received news of your growth as you
were formed and knit together in the secret place of
your mother. For the development and growth of
this child, Father, we give you thanks.
I watched as your mother birthed you into the world;
and she and your father marveled at the wonder
of you. For the safe delivery of this child and this
mother, Father, we give you thanks.
You cried immediately, announcing your arrival
into this world; your voice joining the chorus of the
newborn souls of that day. For the life of this child,
Father, we give you thanks.
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the dream
of this child before the foundations of the world.
Give her (him) strength to stand; comfort when
discouraged or in sorrow; lift her (him) when
she (he) has fallen, and give her (him) your peace
which passes all understanding to dwell in her (him)
heart all the days of her (his) life; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Rev. Deacon Andrea Peacock
President, Episcopal Church Women, Diocese of Alabama
St. James
Diocese of Alabama
38 39
Dear God,
We praise you for your greatness and thank you
for each blessing you have given us.
For the strength you give us to persevere when
times are hard, we thank you.
For the beauty of creation that inspires us,
we thank you.
For the gift of music that makes our hearts sing,
we thank you.
For the support of our friends and family,
we thank you.
For our health and well being, we thank you.
For the food we eat and the clothes we wear,
we thank you.
For the privilege to serve you and your church,
we thank you.
Most of all we thank you for your loving and loyal
presence in our lives despite our lack of faith and for
calling us back when we wander too far away.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Ms. Joyce Landers
United Thank Offering Board, Province IV Representative
St. Mark’s, Troy
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
Most Wondrous God, keep me in this moment!
May I never cease to be amazed by the extraordinary
way You touch my very being by the synchronicity
of unexpected joy exploding from a previously
deemed lost cause.
When I consider that Your very breath gives me life
and simply waking in the morning is gift, I cannot
imagine a day when even the smallest thank you
goes unuttered.
May I speak from a place of gratitude with words
of kindness and encouragement.
May I serve from a place of gratefulness with
compassion and love, a reflection of Your grace and
merciful abundance.
For each day given, every new dawn that awakens,
fillme with awe and expectation, and in the instant
I shiver with recognition of Your immanence, may
I pause and say thank you.
For everything.
Mrs. Nancy Severin
President, The Order of the Daughters of the King
Province VI
Diocese of Colorado
40 41
Divine and Merciful God,
Creator of all things great and matchless, how can we
begin to thank you for your grace and mercy?
Daily you provide for us, even before we can ask;
your grace and goodness is sufficient for us.
Because of your grace and mercy, out of our
wellspring flow rivers of love and gratitude in
worshipping you.
We thank you for those companions you have given
us to walk with on this earthly journey, a journey
that is filled with rough places that you have made
You continue to provide us with fresh waters to sooth
our anxious soul.
For this we give you thanks and praise.
The Rev. Deacon Marjorie Boyden-Edmonds
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Long Island
Gracious and loving God,
Thank you for the gift of this day: for the brilliance
of the rising sun, for the ripples of the flowing river,
for the music of the birds and the industry of the
small animals.
May I use this day wisely and reverently and to your
glory, always remembering that each and every day is
a blessing from you to be shared and honored.
I pray this all in Jesus’ Name.
The Rev. Jennifer Kenna
National Episcopal Church Women Board
Diocese of Central New York
42 43
As the day draws to a close, I pause in gratitude
to God for the day behind me and for the gifts
it brought.
I give thanks for my home, for a safe place to live and
sleep, and for the room to gather with those I love
and the respite the space offers me. Thank you, Lord.
I give thanks for those who love me in spite of
myself, for my friends, my family, my neighbors,
and I ask for guidance to love them more deeply
tomorrow and your grace and support to strengthen
and overcome any brokenness in relationships with
people around me. Thank you, Lord.
Thank you for meaningful work, for the passing of
the hours in building up my community through the
vocation you’ve called me to do. Thank you, Lord.
With gratitude for rest, play, and fun, I give thanks
for the laughter of the day, for the joy, and for the
hope it brings for tomorrow. Thank you, Lord.
I give thanks for the small things that made the day
better today: for good parking spots, easy driving
when I expected traffic, coffee in the morning,
sunshine, fresh air, and all of your beautiful creation
that I got to experience today. Thank you, Lord.
For those that I love who have died, I give thanks
for the ways their lives continue to bless mine.
Thank you, Lord.
For all the blessings and trials of this day, things
done and yet to be done, I give thanks for the ability
to place them aside and rest. Thank you, Lord.
I give thanks for the mercy, grace, hope, peace,
and gratitude bestowed upon me this day from a
God who loves and cares for us.
Praise be to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
now and forever.
The Rev. Heather Melton
Staff Ofcer, The United Thank Offering
Diocese of New York
44 45
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am so grateful for everything
that you have given me.
For my friendships and the love of my family.
For the many ways in which I am cared for
and supported by them.
For the many ways I can serve, love,
and give to others.
For the beauty of the skies, breathtaking sunsets,
and morning mists of your lovely earth.
My heart is grateful and full of thanks.
I thank you with everything I am.
Ms. Barbara Schafer
Grace in the Desert
Diocese of Nevada
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You with tremendous gratitude for
all of the innumerable blessings that You have
bestowed and continue to bestow upon me daily.
Help me to always do Your will and to draw
others to You.
Thank You for loving me.
In the holy name of Your Son,
our savior, Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Maggie Noland
St. James’ Episcopal Church
Diocese of Alabama
46 47
At the end of the day, it helps me to quiet myself
and tame the negative aspects of the day or of my
family struggles, health concerns, and violent news
stories of the day throughout the world, by doing the
I sit quietly at my kitchen table, usually with my dog
and two cats sleeping close by, and pause for a few
minutes to clear my busy mind.
Then, pen in hand, I take my journal and handwrite
what three things I am grateful for that day. It could
be a solved problem, an answer to prayer, or simply
three things that touched me.
Sometimes it is a friendly greeting from the grocery
clerk, a polite person who holds the door open for
me, or someone who lifts a heavy sack of grain into
the back of my car for my chickens.
Sometimes it is the chance for me to touch another
person by greeting them or noticing a troubled
look on their face and asking them if they are
OK. Sometimes it is a chance to be able to help a
sorrowful person as they face a tragedy.
Usually the simpler the better.
Lord, help me to be aware.
The Rev. Mary Bredlau
Grace in the Desert Episcopal Church
Diocese of Nevada
Gracious God,
I give you thanks this day,
not only for my family, friends, and loved ones, but
also for all who will cross my path today,
I give you thanks this day,
not only for the many gifts I often take for granted,
but also for the struggles that draw me closer to you.
I give you thanks this day,
not only for your presence in times of light and joy,
but also for your presence in the dark times when I
need you most.
Thank you, Gracious God, thank you,
not only for loving me,
but also for granting me the privilege
of sharing your love wherever I go.
The Rev. C.K. Robertson
Canon to the Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church
Diocese of New York
48 49
By no words
I was arrested, again
On my way back to church
Arrested speechless,
When the molecules of my very blood,
Souls unto themselves,
Stood still, waiting,
Tracing their way
Back to my heart.
Headed to the Church in the Glen Wood, was I
And but for a stone’s throw
(I could pitch the front door)
I parked, sat, waited…and shut down
My eyes blinded,
My ears, now deaf,
My heart fainting its last beat.
Tears leaving me more blind
Than the light rain tracing its way
Down the windshield.
“I have arrived” I thought,
Worship visited me
On my way back to church
Mr. Bruce Sedgwick
Resurrection Episcopal Church, Eugene, OR
Diocese of Oregon
Thank you
God of river, rock, and tree,
God of bird, bear, and snail;
Thank you
God of wind, sun, and rain,
God of all, not just you and me;
Thank you
for the gift of all creation
help us to love it as you do.
Ms. Linda Gelbrich
Church of the Good Samaritan
Diocese of Oregon
50 51
Dear Heavenly Father,
thank you for bringing me through the perils
and dangers of this world, and giving me
a second chance at life.
Thank you for the doctors, nurses, family,
and friends who cared for me and prayed
with me throughout my illness.
Thank you for easing my pain and suffering,
and bringing me to a point where I can face another
day knowing that you are with me all the way.
Grant me the strength and courage to face
the days ahead.
Give me the wisdom to accept those things
I cannot change and the guidance to follow
your will for the rest of my days.
This I pray in Jesus’ name.
Ms. Vernese Smith
United Thank Offering Board, Province II Representative
Diocese of Long Island
Almighty and ever-living God,
Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
I give thanks for those who pray
with others and for others in times
of hardship, waiting, confusion, and doubt.
When Your answer is “No,” their prayers
strengthen and fortify.
When the waiting is long, their prayers comfort.
When Your answer is “Yes” or “Maybe,”
their prayers bring joy and encouragement.
Bless all who commit to pray for others –
friends and strangers – for their gift is mighty!
The Rev. Marion Luckey
Executive Council Liaison, United Thank Offering Board
Diocese of Northern Michigan
52 53
Holy and Gracious God,
We acknowledge that everything is a gift from You
and all that we have belongs to You.
Grant that it may be our life mission to return a little
to You each day in service and in gratitude for Your
deep and sustaining love.
Create generous and thankful hearts in your people
for the daily blessings that come each day.
Help us to recount and share those blessings to Your
greater glory and the development of Your Kingdom.
For truly it is in giving that we receive and far more
than we can imagine.
For our hearts will be forever changed and our souls
united one with Jesus.
May God bless us and keep us.
Mrs. Kathy Mank
United Thank Offering Board Treasurer
Diocese of Southern Ohio
Holy and gracious God,
sometimes we suffer from thinking we are too small
to make any difference.
Remind us that we are your beloved children,
made in your image, and that even our tiniest acts
of kindness, love, or generosity can make positive
ripples beyond our imagination.
Multiply our offerings that, together, we might reach
all those who are in need.
We pray in the name of your son,
who multiplied the loaves and fish.
The Rev. Lauren M. McDonald
Associate Rector for Outreach and Women’s Ministries
Bruton Parish Church
Diocese of Southern Virginia
54 55
Generous God,
our hearts are full of gratitude for all that
you have given us, large and small.
Thank you for our blessings.
This week we pray that you would grant us
opportunities to share our gratitude with others
at church, at work, at school, in our neighborhoods,
with our families and friends, and with strangers.
Help us to fill our community and our world
with thanksgiving and to show our gratitude
in all of our actions. In Jesus’ name we pray.
The Rev. Lauren M. McDonald
Associate Rector for Outreach and Women’s Ministries
Bruton Parish Church
Diocese of Southern Virginia
O God of resurrection,
who brings new life out of death:
Pour out your spirit upon us that we might bless
others as we have so generously been blessed;
equip us to be bearers of resurrection,
that our gifts may bring light and life to a broken
and hurting world;
make us instruments of your love and grace
and peace, that we might see your son in all
whom we meet and that all whom we meet
might experience your love through us;
in Jesus Christ we pray.
The Rev. Lauren M. McDonald
Associate Rector for Outreach and Women’s Ministries
Bruton Parish Church
Diocese of Southern Virginia
56 57
Heavenly and Most Gracious Father,
Thank you for the gifts and talents You have given
each of us, so we can always do what is best for
furthering Your Kingdom.
Please help us to do what is Your Holy Will as we
commit ourselves to You and to Your service.
Thank you for showing us that age has no limits:
young or old, we can all be used for Your Honor and
Glory in every aspect of our lives.
Help us to open our hearts more fully each day,
as we reach out to aid and teach others about the
immeasurable love You have for each person.
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Laura Miller
Deacon Vicar, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
O God,
you have sent angels, Prophets, and sages
to tell your people to not be afraid.
In these tender times, there is much to fear
in the world.
We sense our own vulnerability and see danger
and evil all around.
Quicken in our hearts the courage to greet
this day without fear so that we may be heralds
of the good news of your love and companionship.
With you, we have nothing to fear, for love is
stronger than hate; hope is stronger than despair.
Through the cross of Christ, fear is vanquished
by perfect love.
With confidence in your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray.
The Rt. Rev. James Mathes
Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego
Diocese of San Diego
58 59
Dear God, we give thanks for your never-failing
presence during difficult times and for the ways
you are like a mother hen, always gathering us to
you. Even though we would prefer to never know
hardship, we are grateful for the ways our lives are
shaped by the challenges, losses, and adversity we
face during our lifetime. We give thanks for the
lessons we learn when we overcome adversity, for
the fortitude and strength gained when we survive
challenges, find our way through darkness and
the strength to continue to move forward. We are
grateful for those you send to journey with us, to
advocate beside us and to fight for justice with us
as we work together to bring about a world that
embodies your hope for us, that we might love one
another, and ourselves, as you love us. Help us to see
your love at work in the world around us, help us to
be strengthened in difficult times by that love and
may we always choose to see and follow you to a new
hope, a new day and the promise that you will never
abandon us again. We give thanks for all of the times
it is easy to practice gratitude, because it strengthens
our resolve to be grateful even when it is most
challenging. We praise you and we bless you for all of
the good you are working out through us, in spite of
us and in the midst of us, this day and always. Amen.
60 61
Grant us, O God, in these troubled times of
division and discord, the courage to live fearlessly
despite all threats real or imagined, the prudence
to see things as they are – not as painted by anxiety
and prejudice, the temperance to treat others with
compassion and curiosity especially if they differ
from us, and the firm resolve to insist on justice
against the worldly system of power and greed.
In the storm of social passions, in the tide
of discontent, in the whirlwind of delusions,
suspicions, and fantasies believed, in the fray of
battles over wealth and power, teach us the ways of
effective compassion, “teach us to be still.
Make us O Lord, “instruments of your peace”
with justice, all to your glory and yours alone,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Rt. Rev. Dan Edwards
Bishop of Nevada
Diocese of Nevada
62 63
Most Gracious Father,
There are many times in the dark when the pain
becomes unbearable and we don’t know where to
turn. Please help us to understand and give us the
strength we need to carry on through any trial
because we know You would never leave us.
Please help us to feel Your loving arms around us as
You guide us through any tragedy.
In Jesus’ Most Precious Name.
Mr. Doug Williams
Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
I thank you for your loving kindness.
You shine bright in my life and help me
when I am upset.
Thank you.
Mr. Evan Reed
Middle School Student, All Saints’, Lakeland, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
Creator God:
How can I give thanks when I have
no thanks to give?
Loss and fear have carried me into a cavern
of seemingly endless darkness.
Rough stone is everywhere around me,
and every path takes me deeper into the void.
Who will guide me when the person I love most
is no longer breathing the same air that I breathe?
Can I overcome my pain long enough to reach
out in blind trust?
Where will I find the courage to seize the cord
that can and will lead me out of despair?
Redeemer God, your faithfulness is that cord.
Sustainer God, your steadfast love will keep me safe
until I am above ground, until I am able once again
to embrace life and the living of it.
Perhaps it is possible to give thanks even when I have
no thanks to give.
Ms. Carol Bell
St. Ignace Community
Diocese of Northern Michigan
64 65
Holy One, we are such fearful people, forgive us
and heal our brokenness.
We are fearful of what the future holds, and so we
hoard our resources, while others die from lack of
food, water, housing, and health care. Holy One of
Abundance, have mercy on us, and help us to share
your gifts.
We are fearful of what other may do to us, and so
we buy guns, build walls, and prepare for war, rather
than reaching out to our neighbors, listening to one
another, and doing the hard work of reconciliation.
Holy One of Peace, have mercy on us, and help us to
beat our swords into plowshares.
We are fearful that we are not good enough, and
so we build ourselves up by holding others down,
pretending that everyone has an equal chance, when
in truth we know the falsehood of that claim. Holy
One of Justice, have mercy on us, and help us to
speak truth to power on behalf of the powerless.
We are fearful that the Commonwealth of Heaven
may not be big enough to hold the great diversity you
have created in the world, and so we demonize those
66 67
who hear your voice differently than we do or know
you by another name. Holy One of Grace, have
mercy on us, and help us to remember that every
human being is your beloved child.
Holy One, Love Incarnate, help us to set aside our
fear and incarnate your love in all that we do.
Companion Teri Smith-Jones
Grace Episcopal Church, Brunswick, MD
Diocese of Maryland
In times of fear...
Teach us, gracious God, to live again in hope, despite
forces all around us calling for fear, despair, mistrust,
and anger.
Teach us, dear God, to dare to trust again, for trust
in you allows us to recover the trust lost, even in
those we have long known and loved. Guide us in
letting go of the hurts of the past and the present,
that we may face the future free of cynicism and
filled with joy. Give us forgiving souls, ready to move
on instead of lingering in disquiet.
Infuse our hearts with a powerful sense of your Holy
Spirit, that we may again and always live in faith.
We ask, generous God, for the courage and the faith
to cling tightly to what cannot be seen. We ask for
healing hearts to hold one another through all which
cannot be understood, but which must be endured.
Remind us, God of comfort and inspiration, that we
are called not to bear burdens of worry, but to bear
the light of love.
We are afraid, Lord God Almighty. As people of
faith, we reluctantly admit such fear. But we are
afraid, lately as much of friend as of stranger.
Teach us, God, to love deeply: stranger, enemy,
friend. Teach us to trust again. Help us, God.
We are afraid. Amen.
The Rev. Carol Mead
St. Peter’s by-the-Lake
Diocese of Mississippi
68 69
Even as innocent blood has been spilled, we pray
for those perpetrators’ souls and well-being.
For their and their families continued growth
toward understanding and truth.
Protect those who protect us, guide those who
guide us, and save those who hurt us.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
Miss Denise Junker
The Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster, NY
Diocese of Rochester
Dear Lord,
all around us forest fires rage, earthquakes rattle
the ground, storms dump unprecedented rain,
while in other places drought withers crops and
dries up lakes.
People and animals suffer, and political turmoil here
and abroad keeps us on edge.
Please help us turn to you in these times as well as
in the times that are fruitful and calm. Help us have
faith and courage to face fully whatever lies ahead,
knowing we are not alone.
And finally Dear Lord, please help us remember that
in spite of all the pain in this world, the light of your
love still burns and lights the way before us.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen
Ms. Linda Gelbrich
Church of the Good Samaritan
Diocese of Oregon
70 71
Dear Lord,
It is only me checking in, to let you know that I do
carry you in my heart daily.
Do I always remember that?
No, it is a failing of mine.
So I pray for your forgiveness.
Do I always pray for the well being of my family?
No, it is a failure of mine.
So I pray for your forgiveness.
Do I always pray for mankind to bring peace
on our earth?
No, it is a failure of mine.
So I pray for your forgiveness.
Do I always remember to pray to you at least
once a day?
No, it is a failure of mine.
So I pray for your forgiveness.
I close my prayer with thankfulness to you for
your many blessings in my life, knowing that your
Fatherly love is always with me, day or night, dear
Lord. Amen
Mr. Raymond (Ray) Steckman
Church of the Epiphany, Norfolk, VA
Diocese of Southern Virginia
72 73
Dear Lord, Forgive us of our sins.
Open our hearts and enter.
Cleanse our bodies and souls from all illnesses
and evil spirits that may lurk within.
And help us to do the things that are righteous
in thy sight.
Mr. Allison Bourne
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Henrietta, NY
Diocese of Rochester
Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for the things in my life which continue
to keep me from the path you have chosen for me.
Remove the sins from my life that block me from
becoming the person you want me to be.
Fill my life with your Holy Spirit that I may be a
light unto others that they may come to know you.
Mrs. Marti Lopez
All Saints’, Lakeland, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
74 75
Oh yes, believe,
Dare to cut the cord
That ties to faith by rote
And holds to prayer by only memory,
Compassion calls heart to heart
And soul to soul to meet,
That prayers, unshaped,
May rise to God in love
In recognition of our
Common need to heed
The Christ call meant
For all.
Ms. Charlotte Johnson
St. Raphael the Archangel
Diocese of Lexington
76 77
Heavenly Father, in the midst of the many chances
and changes in our church, in our society, in our
individual lives and families,
we give you great thanks for the many blessings of
your presence in our common life as revealed in your
Son, Jesus our Lord.
Give us courage and hope in the coming of your
Spirit made known to us in our Baptism and in the
sacred Breaking of Bread.
We continue to ask for your guidance and peace day
by day, season by season.
All this we ask you God, our Creator, Redeemer,
and Sanctifier.
The Rev. Deacon Tom Regan
All Angels Episcopal Church, Spearsh, SD
Diocese of South Dakota
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for all of the
many blessings in our lives.
We offer prayers for those around us who suffer from
any form of illness, lack of shelter, and above all, lack
of knowing that you care and love them.
We know that we are here to be your hands, your
feet, your voice, and also your heart in taking care of
all of your children in need.
We pray that you will not only continue to bless
America but also all the countries around the world.
For we are all interconnected in one spirit and we
cannot isolate ourselves from our brothers and sisters
around the world.
We pray that through your blessings, we can all
grow in grace and love and live the life that you have
deemed for all of us.
We ask this in your name.
Mrs. Annie Jacobs
Episcopal Church Women
United Thank Offering Coordinator
Diocese of East Carolina
78 79
Let me, Lord, discern my faults
without becoming self-absorbed,
let me confess my sins
without excuse,
let me be penitent
without despair,
let me grow in faith
without self-righteousness,
let me increase in virtue
without conceit,
let me be generous to a fault
desiring nothing,
let me be humble
craving no esteem,
let me be honest
even in my silences,
let me be loving
with a true heart,
and let me be filled with Your Holy Spirit
that I may worship and adore You, always.
Ms. Alice Baird
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Upper South Carolina
Almighty God and Heavenly Father, it is through
your grace and mercy that we are able to be present
and we are grateful for this blessing.
As we seek to embrace our mission, teach us to
listen and to hear each other with open minds and
compassionate hearts.
We ask that you will guide our thoughts, so that
decisions we are called to make are done with
courage, commitment, and good conscience.
With humble thanks, we pray that whatever we
achieve will be to the glory of your holy name,
through Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Joyce Nightingale-Holder
St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Brooklyn
Diocese of Long Island
80 81
Lord of Creation, who gave us the Gift of Water,
Help us understand all water is connected,
Through water tables and springs
And as it flows through a stream, a river,
a bay and into the interconnected oceans
that circle the globe.
Father of All People,
Guide us as we connect with
Those who sail across the waters
To be where we are,
As well as those neighbors who live near us.
Lord of All Creatures,
Help us understand our connection to,
and responsibility for,
All who walk on the land, fly in the air,
Or swim in the deep.
And finally, God of Eternity,
Each day as we walk with You,
Remind us of Your Promise
Of a deeper and closer connection to You
In the life of the world to come. Amen.
Mrs. Vickie Easley
Christ and St. Luke’s
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
We sing your praise, dear Father, and glorify
your Holy Name.
Our faithfulness increases as we come more
and more into your presence.
We are thankful people who seek your guidance
in our lives often filled with turbulence and
misunderstanding with glimpses of calm.
We pray that you will grant us wisdom and be
our guide daily.
Direct our thoughts, words, and actions as
we reach for our goals of servanthood and love
for all people.
Our hope rests in you.
In thy Holy Name we pray.
Mrs. Brenda Davis Hawkins
UTO Coordinator
Diocese of Mississippi
82 83
(This prayer was written as I struggled to develop the
discipline for a Centering Prayer Practice.)
Holy Presence,
Help me still the myriad thoughts
running through my head.
Help me to sit in silence and be present to you.
Strengthen my Intention.
Lord Jesus,
Help me follow your example by going into my inner
room where I can listen to the voice of silence
as you have directed.
Strengthen my Intention.
Holy Flame,
Your provided a blazing spark
To kindle in your early church
A desire for transformation and healing.
Ignite this same spark in me.
Strengthen my Intention.
Abba Father,
You are showing me a new vision of the person
I can be.
Help me to be a co-creator with you.
Re-create me so that your Spirit flows
Out to all whom I meet.
Strengthen my Intention.
Eternal Mother,
Encourage me to be
Compassionate and courageous
As I nurture those who are hurt and helpless.
Inspire me to pray and work for a just society
Where war, torture, racism, sexism,
and abuse no longer exist.
Strengthen my Intention.
Incarnate One,
You have shown me how the fruits of the spirit
Grow when we seek you.
Help me to see all I encounter
As a brother or a sister.
Strengthen my Intention.
Breathe on me a spirit of love
So that I have a new appreciation,
Toleration, and love
For the human family.
Strengthen my Intention.
Heavenly Father,
Help me to receive
Your unconditional love
And be inspired to show that
Same love to the world.
Strengthen my Intention.
Mrs. Dena Lee
United Thank Offering
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
84 85
You hang there on the cross, and just for me.
For me, you let them do this willingly.
Why then is it so hard to make your will my own?
I stayed in darkness tho’ all around me shone
Your light and love to lead me safely home.
So once again I come on bended knee,
Laying my pain and worries at your feet.
To walk your path of love is what I pray,
Knowing that when I rise and walk away
Your strength will guide me through another day.
Mrs. Ginny Wynn
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Oklahoma
Gracious and loving God, in the gift of your Son
Christ Jesus, you opened the way to eternal life in
the here and now; and you revealed to us your desire
for all people.
Help us to lean into your gift of eternal life.
Give us the courage to let go of all that binds us
to the ways of this world so that your desire for all
people becomes our desire.
Provoke us to follow your way of generosity and
grace, no matter the cost.
Disturb us to speak your truth of mercy and peace,
no matter the risk.
Inspire us to live your life of joy and hope, no matter
the sacrifice.
The Rt. Rev. Russell Kendrick
Bishop of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
86 87
Light flung by candle
Shared in its space with shadows
Motion chasing change.
May our candle seek out the shadows.
Ms. Mary Pauly
Vestry Member, St. Peter’s
Diocese of South Carolina
God of all life, we come together as elders
of this Community.
Guide us that what wisdom we have gleaned from
the manifold and sundry changes of our lives and
of the world not be lost, but serve to bring new life,
hope, and blessing to this Community and to
future generations.
Send your spirit, we pray, that with the ripening of
years may come as well a ripening of the soul that
times of despair be turned to hope and moments of
fear be transformed to love.
The Rev. Canon Joseph Dubay
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR
Diocese of Oregon
Holy Spirit, strengthen my aging body with the body
of Christ, clear my aging mind with the Blood of
Christ. Look through my eyes, hear with my ears,
speak with my mouth, let me be Your hands and feet
here on earth.
Mrs. Marjorie Wells
Church of the Redeemer, Midlothian, VA
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Blessed Jesus, human and perfect, enlighten us with
your lessons of inclusion and comfort, that we may
introduce to you those who have forgotten or never
known your warm embrace.
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with [us].
Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:13)
Mr. Gary Gocek
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Fairport, NY
Diocese of Rochester
88 89
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us a set of rules so we can
know, understand, and freely make the choice to
follow those laws which are in place because you
love us so much. It is by your gift of free will that we
can choose to return your love by choosing to live
according to your will.
Mr. John Every
Warden, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Lord God,
Please help us to slow down our thoughts and lives in
order for us to turn more of our focus on Jesus.
Our lives have little meaning without you.
We owe you everything – our hearts, obedience,
thanks, and love.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.
Mr. John Drake
Warden, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear Lord,
Please give us a discerning heart so we may hear
and know what you desire each one of us to do for
the sake of your will.
We look forward to serving you in the fullness
of your honor and glory.
In Jesus’ Name we pray.
Mrs. Dianne Drake
Vestry Member, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Bloomville, NY
Diocese of Albany
Dear Lord, our strength and purpose
come from you.
As we awake to your undeserving grace and mercy,
fill our hearts this day with your love that we may
do all that we need to do to extend your kingdom
here on earth.
All this we ask in the Name of your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Rev. Christopher Brathwaite
Rector, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Haines City, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
90 91
We open our hearts to you, Life Giver and Protector.
We open our ears to hear your voice.
We open our minds to discern your will for us.
We open our hands to join the hands
of our neighbors.
We open our kitchens and cupboards
to feed your hungry children.
We open our homes to provide shelter
to the homeless.
We open our mouths to sing your praises
and to share the joy of your love.
We open our purse to support the mission
and ministries of your church.
We open wide the doors of your church so that all
may enter and none be excluded.
We open our all to you.
Forgiving and affirming God, be open to our
longings to be a reflection of your Son in this world
and forgive our missteps along the way.
In Jesus’ holy name we pray, Amen.
Mr. Gary Alan Moore
Racial Reconciliation Facilitator
St. Paul’s
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
O God of my life, call to me from the depths of Your
Essence, inside my being, where only Love resides –
where only Silence speaks.
The way before me lies in shadow and my thoughts
are overcome with the thunderous noise of doubt.
I seek clarity.
I need You to hear my pleas for help, and yet my
heart knows I must be quiet to hear Your guidance.
Here I am, Lord.
You know my chosen path before I even kneel to ask.
I surrender to holy listening.
Grant me the grace of Your wisdom and the surety
of Your abiding presence as I rest in Your peace.
Then, with each next step I take, surround me with
the awareness of Your Holy Spirit as I submit to
Your leading.
Mrs. Nancy Severin
President, The Order of the Daughters of the King
Province VI
Diocese of Colorado
92 93
God, through Whom all things are possible,
hear my plea.
My ship has no rudder, I am adrift.
Waves of opinion, thoughts, events
Toss me in constant confusion
Nothing to guide me.
Give me wisdom, hope, strength to
choose the right way.
Where are you God? Speak to me.
God of all Creation, hear my plea.
Mrs. Kay Stoltz
St. Catherine’s of Alexandria
Diocese of Oregon
Holy and Giving Lord, we thank You for gathering
us safely together for this meeting to do Your work.
Help us to set aside the troubles of the day that we
carried with us to this place so we can be present to
one another and to You.
We seek Your blessing as we share ideas, progress,
and accomplishments and go about doing the work
You have called us to do.
You have charged us with being Your hands
and feet here on earth, for seeing opportunities
for ministry in many circumstances – both big
and small, so please reveal to us through our
discussion and decisions what You would have us do.
If we have differences, help us to resolve those in a
manner that leaves everyone’s dignity in place and
with a solution that brings light into our community.
Help us to have the strength to carry out Your
mission of love, justice, peace, and gratitude this
day and always in our church, our communities,
and our homes.
We ask all of this through Your Son,
our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dr. Sandra Squires
St. Augustine of Canterbury, Elkhorn, NE
Diocese of Nebraska
94 95
Almighty and ever-living God, we live in frightening
and tumultuous times.
Help us to remember that no matter our differences,
all members of your church are trying to serve you
and following your path for this world.
Though we come from different places, and hold
different world views, keep us mindful that politics
is only one way of bringing this world closer to your
kingdom here on earth, and to have patience and
love towards those whom we feel are pulling this
world further away from You.
We ask this in the name of Christ our Lord, Amen.
Ms. Allie Graham
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of New Jersey
Dear God who is Love,
Remind me to pray for the well-being of the entirety
of your Creation as much and as often as I pray for
my own well-being and that of my family.
Teach me in every fiber of my being to reach out
for the presence of the other in my waking moments
and in my dreams.
To love you is to seek you in all of your Creation.
May the breeze on my cheek turn my face to the sun,
whose warmth reminds me of your light upon all the
creatures of the earth.
To seek you is to walk humbly among the suffering.
Remind me that I am not alone in your Creation.
May the suffering of others bend my spirit towards
compassion and a determination to use my gifts
for the joy and healing of Creation.
Ms. Lelanda Lee
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Colorado
96 97
In the stillness of my days,
In the clamor and noise,
In the rush of wind and rain,
In the welcome of cool, warmth,
In the peace of solitude,
In the tension of crowded spaces,
In the dark-shadowed night,
In the promised morning,
In flourish,
In dry-spell,
In hurts and sorrows,
In temptation and trouble,
In celebration and laughter,
In rejoicing and the “yes”-ence of life,
In “Already,
In “Not yet,
In presence,
In absence,
In every moment, O Lord,
Guide and guard me.
The Rev. Canon J. Brian Ponder
Canon for Administration and Finance
Diocese of Mississippi
God, please guide us in our daily lives as we try to
balance the many things we commit ourselves to.
Help us discern your priorities –
especially when we get overwhelmed due to so
many things that need to be done right away.
Please continue speaking to us in your still small
voice until we hear and obey.
Help us know your will for us and make it ours.
Thank you for always being there for us and for
forgiving us when we are so busy trying to do what
we think you want that we don’t take time to seek
your guidance and heed it.
Mrs. Valinda Jackson
United Thank Offering Board, Province VII Representative
Diocese of Kansas
98 99
Your voice both calls us and heals us, Lord,
reaching in to heal deep injuries to our souls and
bodies as you lead us forward to do your work.
You healed the bleeding woman and called her
to speak out her witness to the crowds;
You touched the hurt of the woman
with five husbands and commissioned
her to proclaim your grace;
You heard the yearnings of Sarahs heart
and enabled her to become the mother of nations.
Speak to our injuries, too, Lord:
the failings, the damages, the injustices to both
body and soul.
Heal us and use us as avenues to proclaim your
goodness, your compassion, and your grace,
for a world so sore in need.
All this we say in your Name.
The Rev. Lindsay Hardin Freeman
Adjunct Clergy, St. David’s Episcopal Church
Minnetonka, MN
Diocese of Minnesota
Dear Lord, our strength and purpose come from
you. As we awake to your undeserving grace and
mercy, fill our hearts this day with your love that
we may do all that we need to do to extend your
kingdom here on earth. All this we ask in the
Name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Rev. Christopher Brathwaite
Rector, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Haines City, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
I choose this day to live my life for you, O God,
to slow myself down and walk in the way you
would have me go – with kindness, compassion,
and gratitude.
Give me the courage to combat hate and fear with
your revolutionary love.
Remind me with each person I encounter that
I have the opportunity to learn from them and to
refrain from judgment. Keep my heart ever thankful
for the beauty of your creation.
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, the one who
transforms my life.
Ms. Kate Mietus
Coordinator, United Thank Offering
Diocese of Spokane
100 101
Dear Lord and Father of all, we praise You for who
You are. Father, we confess we have not loved You
as we should and ask Your forgiveness.
Lord, we ask Your intervention in the unfavorable
situations we face each day.
We pray the elected individuals of our Country
will understand there is nothing they can accomplish
without Your guidance; they MUST come to You
before making decisions which they believe will
benefit the citizens.
In distributing wealth, those in authority should
think of the less fortunate of our society, and
remember the saying “from each according to
his abilities, to each according to his need.
We pray for our Churches and the people who are
called to worship You and serve as we are directed.
Strengthen those in authority to withstand the
challenges they face as they be the shepherd of
Your people.
Let us open our ears to hear Your word, our minds
to understand what we have heard and to do as
You direct us.
Let us open our arms and our hearts to love and
embrace each other regardless of ethnicity and social
standing – we are all Your children and should love
each other as You have loved us.
We pray for our young people: allow our lives to
be models for them as they grow up in a very
confusing world.
We pray for our brothers and sisters who are sick
or distressed in one way or another – in Your mercy
heal all whom You desire to heal, comfort those who
needed to be comforted, and bless those who need a
blessing. Father, thank You for being always with us,
and each day help us to be a blessing to someone.
All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ,
Your Son, our Savior. Amen.
The Rev. Deacon Dorothy Spencer
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Haines City, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
102 103
Heavenly Father,
In these rapidly changing times, it has become
extremely difficult to distinguish the voice of God
from the disturbing noises all around us; we turn
to you for guidance.
In your word, you promised that if we seek with
all our heart we will find you.
Guide and calm our troubled spirits as we seek
only after you.
Open our hearts as we become instruments
of your love.
Continue to guide us as we release all our anxieties,
doubts, and fears to your care.
Show us a better way and be our constant guide.
These mercies we ask in the precious name
of your Son Jesus.
Mrs. Rita Payne-Samuel
United Thank Offering Coordinator
Nazareth By The Sea Episcopal Mission
Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of The Virgin Islands
Heavenly Presence,
Help me to breathe.
Help me to be more mindful and patient
in my day so I can be more open to recognizing
the many blessings in my daily life.
Ms. Kayla Massey
Associate Staff Ofcer, United Thank Offering
Diocese of Upper South Carolina
104 105
Heavenly Father, God of All created things,
may I love You in all things and above all things.
May I obtain the peace of God which surpasses all
understanding, may my daily walk bring all the joy
which You have prepared for me.
Help me to know that which is Your will,
and remind me that all that is good comes
from Your Loving Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to Love You and
and fill my days with the opportunity to serve
You by serving others selflessly.
Please, dear Lord, fill my heart and mind with joy
of Your Love, so that I may grow in Your wisdom
and enjoy Your true and lasting peace.
The Rev. Bruce Cheney
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, downtown Newport News, VA
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Dear Lord,
In spite of the turmoil and widespread pain in this
world, please open our eyes to the beauty around us,
and help it restore us to wholeness.
Even in the midst of the frightful noise of
destruction, please open our ears to the sound of
your voice wherever the sound may flow.
Even when the darkness around us is great,
please open our hearts to the light of your presence,
and let the light flow through us.
Even when the needs of this world overwhelm us,
please open our hands to help, and our arms to
embrace all in need of your love.
Lord, the source of our hope, we ask these things
because time and time again, we forget to turn to
you for strength, for renewal, and for guidance.
Thank you for not forgetting us.
Mrs. Linda Gelbrich
Church of the Good Samaritan
Diocese of Oregon
106 107
Dear Lord,
please forgive our stubbornness and our illusion
of self-sufficiency.
Please help us remember we are all connected
through the power of your endless love,
and help us be that love in the world.
We ask this in your holy name, Amen.
Ms. Linda Gelbrich
Church of the Good Samaritan
Diocese of Oregon
Almighty God,
your mission is to reconcile all the world to yourself.
Thank you for opportunities to be part of that
mission, to reach out to others in need, to love our
neighbors as ourselves, to build, to plant, to grow.
We offer ourselves, our souls and bodies, our gifts
and talents, to be your hands and feet in the world.
Transform us with your love that we might
transform others.
Through Jesus our Redeemer.
The Rev. Lauren M. McDonald
Associate Rector for Outreach and Women’s Ministries
Bruton Parish Church
Diocese of Southern Virginia
108 109
The questing heart
that seeks to understand itself
Will find much more than
what it first believed,
The broken, wounded self
that rests in Jesus
Will know the sweet release
that love sets free.
Ms. Charlotte Johnson
St. Raphael the Archangel
Diocese of Lexington
110 111
(When used in a group, may be read as a litany, with
a response of “Jesus, hold us and heal us,” or other
appropriate response.)
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts that happened before
I was born: the losses, the conflicts, the pain that
surrounded my conception, my formation, the labor
of my birth.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my helplessness:
of my defenselessness and vulnerability as a child, of
the ways I feel weak for not being able to help,
of all the things I cannot change.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my limitations:
all the ways I think I should be or do more than
I can be; all the times I have been too tired, too slow,
too pressed for time, too poor, too young,
too old, too simply human.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my aloneness: the
distance that surrounds me, the emptiness of my life,
the feeling that no one understands or cares,
the burden of being myself.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my differentness:
all the times it has been painful for me to be unlike
others, to stand out and apart because of my body,
my mind, my feelings, my ways, my faith.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my failures: all the
ways I seem to disappoint others, myself, and You;
all the things I failed to do or say; all the ways I have
not lived up to expectation.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my brokenness:
all the things that I have broken or that have been
broken in my life, especially the relationships that
have shattered.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of indifference: all the
ways people have not cared when I wanted them to,
all the relationships that have simply withered, all
the joy and possibilities I have let go by because I
didnt care.
112 113
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of unloving in my
life: all the times when others have been unwilling
or unable to love me as I wished, the pain of people
around me hurting each other, my own inability to
reach out in love or to accept myself.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts society has given me:
its hurry, chaos, impersonalness, and desire for
instant everything; its stereotypes, exploitation,
and oppression; its violence.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my losses: all
that I have had to let go of in my life – precious
possessions, places, ideas, animals, self-images,
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my transience: all
the times I have had to move on when I would rather
have stayed, the awful sense of being a sojourner on
this earth, the sometimes painful knowledge of how
little time I have.
Jesus, hold and heal the hurts of my fears: all that
restricts me and holds me back; all the ways I am
afraid of being hurt again, afraid to embrace life.
Jesus, hold and heal my hurts: all that has wounded
me, made me feel unwhole, unwanted, unloved; all
the ways I have wounded others, intentionally and
by accident.
Jesus, hold and heal me. Jesus, help me to hold
and heal.
Margaret Lee Ferry
Retired Priest
Diocese of Vermont
114 115
Thank you for using me to give joy to Donna for
eight months prior to her passing.
I know now that you are good.
I know now that when I gave my life to your use that
I am to be used for your purposes, not mine.
I know now that your purpose is so much greater
than my purpose.
I know now that sometimes this means pain or not
I know now that it means accepting and forgiving,
loving and enjoying in your time, not mine.
I know now that you always have been, are, and
always will be with me.
Thank you for using me for your purpose.
Mr. Greg Wellstead
Postulant for Holy Order (Priest)
Diocese of Georgia
Gracious God, sometimes I feel bereft of the care,
comfort and companionship of family and friends.
My isolation is intensified when I don’t feel your
comforting presence and peace.
I know much of that is because of the walls I build
around my heart and for not letting go of past hurts
and offenses.
Help me, Lord, to let go of all thoughts of my
own woundedness.
Help me, Lord, not to close off my heart
to your loving Spirit.
Help me, Lord, to let go when I am feeling
overwhelmed, so I may receive your peace.
Help me, Lord, to let go when I feel fear so that in
fear’s place I may receive calming love and courage.
Help me, Lord, not to struggle but to surrender my
struggle to you so I may always feel your presence.
The Rev. Thack Dyson
St. Paul’s
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
116 117
Gracious God, grant me the courage to leave the
comfort of familiar places and people to go find
those who live on the margins.
You loved the poor, the lonely, the hungry, the alien,
the prisoner, and you offered hope by proclaiming
that you are with them always.
May we share this good news with others through
our presence, through our willingness to hear their
stories, and through prayer.
May we see the Christ in each one we encounter.
May we respect the dignity of every human being,
knowing that all we do is made possible through
Your love.
The Rev. Deacon Maureen-Elizabeth Hagen
President, Association of Deacons
Christ Church
Diocese of Oregon
O God of this uncertain world, you are never distant
from our troubled hearts or broken spirits.
Reveal yourself, we pray, that your tender
compassion and love for us may be felt anew
and as close as the air we breathe.
Give us strength and courage that we might endure
what cannot be avoided, and in all things, remind
us daily that your will for us is wholeness and health.
The Very Rev. Gail Greenwell
Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, OH
Diocese of Southern Ohio
118 119
We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their
lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways
and in large.
Blessings on the composters, the gardeners, the
breeders of worms and mushrooms, the soil-builders,
those who cleanse the waters and purify the air,
all those who clean up the messes others have made.
Blessings on those who defend trees and who
plant trees, who guard the forests and who renew
the forests.
Blessings on those who prevent erosion, who restore
the salmon and the fisheries, who guard the healing
herbs and who know the lore of the wild plants.
Blessings on those who heal the cities and bring them
alive again with excitement and creativity and love.
Gratitude and blessings to all who stand against
greed, who risk themselves, to those who have bled
and been wounded, and to those who have given
their lives in service of the earth.
May all the healers of the earth find their healing.
May they be fueled by passionate love for the earth.
May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear.
May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled
by rage.
May they honor their grief but not be paralyzed
by sorrow.
May they transform fear, rage, and grief into
compassion and the inspiration to act in service
of what they love.
May they find the help, the resources, the courage,
the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy
that they need to do the work.
May they be in the right place, at the right time, in
the right way.
May they bring alive a great awakening, open a
listening ear to hear the earths voice, transform
imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love.
Blessed be the healers of the earth.
Ms. Joan Breit
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Newton, KS
Diocese of Kansas
120 121
Lord Jesus, we come to you and give you thanks
for your love and care for us at all times – times
of joy and times of sadness.
We ask for your peace and guidance to be with us
during this time when we are fearful and anxious.
We know you know our needs before we ask and
you know what is best for us, so we ask for your
gift of peace and understanding.
Our prayer is offered in the name of your
beloved son, Jesus.
Mrs. Vicki Sweet
Emmanuel Episcopal Church Women, Rapid City, SD
Diocese of South Dakota
122 123
O God of undeniable caring, hear my call.
Touch my tears in the darkness of loneliness;
sooth the fears of my fettered heart.
Find me where no others search, reach through
the layered walls that pain and rejection have bid
me build, and be the comforting voice of hope that
tells me, “I am here ... ever present, ever here.
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Robb
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Diocese of Rochester
Our Father in Heaven, there is no escaping the
Globe in the least of us, for you are everywhere.
Globally, your sky is ever so blue, but not at all times.
No island or continent is untouched – the pain of
separation and sadness noticed from afar. No matter
how it occurs – by gun, knife, fire, suicide, bomb,
nerve gas, medical, drone, or an automobile – our
actions smell all the same. You promised, never to
leave us orphaned – answer our question: where are
You, Lord? Are You tired, Lord? Why is so much
pain inflicted on us human beings? Could it be that
we want You for ourselves and hide You in our Souls?
Please, Lord, hear then the cries of humanity once
more. Awaken your spirit from deep within us and
dispel the loneliness and senseless killings of human
beings. You have borne death for all humanity
through your own death, to give us life. Now, speak
to our loneliness of hearts. Allow Your Spirit to
conquer that loneliness.
Lord, You must be somewhere; for the United Thank
Offering (UTO) ministry, despite death and sadness,
continues to inspire humanity: to let their lights
shine in the darkness to reveal a heart of Love and to
allow your sky to be blue once more. Help us to feel
your protective love given through Your Holy Spirit,
this we ask, through Your Son, Jesus. Amen!
The Rev. Erminie George
Diocese of the Virgin Islands
124 125
Lord God of all creation,
Youve sent us from your heavens
A blanket of snow on a bed of ice
To quiet this moment and beckon us towards you
Grant that we might glory in this gift
And lift grateful hearts and happy voices
For the blessings of shelter, heat,
And human companionship to keep us well
Assist us in the chill to still our minds,
Quiet our souls,
And know that in the face of life’s every storm
and onslaught
Your one desire is to protect your children
Hold them in your arms
And keep them safe and warm
The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Barker
11th Bishop of the Diocese of Nebraska
Diocese of Nebraska
126 127
Our Dear and Loving God,
We are reminded each new day that we are your
precious children.
Whether we act on it or not, your love is always
present, even if we do not acknowledge your
presence. Save us, we pray, from making choices
that are not righteous in your sight.
Help us to see clearly the hurt and confusion that
surrounds us, and give us courage to eradicate the
misery of your children who are not as blessed
as we are.
Direct us in all our doings, inspire us with your
Holy Spirit, and make us responsive to the needs of
all your children who are placed before us each day.
We ask this in the name of Jesus who came to
bring peace and healing in our world.
The Rev. Thomas W. Campbell
Christ Church, Newcastle, WY
Diocese of Wyoming
Give it a name
when, meeting eye to eye,
a spark of recognition passes
between strangers,
The something there is Jesus.
Sing out with joy
when music fills the empty space
beyond all words,
That sound is Jesus.
When poets tell the truth,
as poets do with words
that touch the heart,
They speak with breath of Jesus.
Ms. Charlotte Johnson
St. Raphael the Archangel
Diocese of Lexington
128 129
Touch my lips…so I may share your Word.
Touch my eyes…so they may see the beauty
of your creation…its colors and diversity.
Touch my ears…so I may hear your Word
and know the truth.
Touch my hands…so that they may be lifted
up in praise and service.
Touch my feet and have them follow your paths
of obedience.
Touch my heart and soul, that I may know I am
your child, God, and that you will forever guide
my whole existence into eternity! AMEN.
May I live with You each day?
May I walk with You today?
May I pray to You and may You hear me say,
“I LOVE YOU DEARLY,” each and every day?
When I live with You, when I walk with You,
and when I pray to You…as I try to do…
This I know, know so very well…
that every day and every tomorrow is sweeter and
better, because I live with You and I love YOU!
Char Clark
President, Trinity Guild, All Angels Episcopal Church
Diocese of South Dakota
Father in Heaven,
Ever since I arose this morning, I’ve been paying
attention to just about everything but You – and who
I am in You.
My loves are in disarray.
If I’m honest, it’s easier for me to love a lot of things
that aren’t You.
Because loving You takes time, solitude,
and a listening ear.
Reorder my loves so that You are first.
Reorient my being toward your Living Word.
Only then will I see the day for what it is: Gift.
In the name of Jesus, your son.
The Rev. Cameron MacMillan
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
Diocese of Central Florida
130 131
God of all creation,
we adore you for the beauty of your created works.
For you have made…
the birds that sing, the ants that crawl,
the leaves that cushion, the flowers that perfume
the air, and the sunlight that nourishes our souls.
Delight in us, dear Father, as members of your
created world and give us hearts wide open to
embrace your love for all things and all people.
In Christ’s precious name, by whom, through
whom, and for whom all things were created,
we offer this prayer.
Mrs. Kathy Hulin
All Saints’, Lakeland, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
O God, if only I could love You even a little more –
I would.
If only I could fathom the depth to which You love
me – I would try.
If only I could see You the way You see me –
I would see others better.
If only I could open my heart to Your suffering –
I would fully know compassion.
If only I could surrender to Your call –
I would taste freedom unknown.
O God, take my grasping, my clenched fists of
if onlys” and cast them to the winds of futility.
Draw me once more to Yourself.
Drench me with the clear waters of Your
unconditional love that I might rest in the Light of
Your grace.
Returning again and again I pray to know myself
in You.
I pray that by letting go, I will consent to being
transformed by the Love that knows no bounds.
And silently “if only” then disappears and my soul
is restored in You.
Mrs. Nancy Severin
President, The Order of the Daughters of the King
Province VI
Diocese of Colorado
132 133
Sometimes it dawns on me as if for the first time,
how very much You love me.
You actually knew me when You were on the cross,
as life left Your body.
How could You love me that much?!
Then, I think, how could You love the world that
much? It is too much to grasp.
I, in my flesh, want to tag on “ifs” and conditions.
But You, You just LOVE.
No ifs, no strings, just pure, unadulterated love.
It seems hard to grasp.
Grace…the love of God given to us.
You, that indescribable gift.
My heart bows to You as belief once again floods
my soul.
Mrs. Donna Mills
St. Matthew’s, Newton, KS
Diocese of Kansas
Dear Father in Heaven and here with me on Earth,
How blessed I am to trust so fully in your Love.
I learned of your existence as a young child in a
small-town pioneer church and the lesson of your
all-embracing love for me and everything and
everyone everywhere.
What comfort I have felt from that beginning,
which remains within me this day, as I continue
with you beside me on our journey.
I see you in all things around me – in your people,
in your work, in my joys, in my sorrows,
on your land, and in your words.
I pause this day, dear Lord and Savior, to give you
thanks for the Comfort which has sustained me my
entire life through your Grace.
I feel the relief of your love.
I only live with the Hope of your calling me home
to you one day.
You are the Faithful One – I know you will
never leave me.
Ms. Jo Elaine Martin
President (2017-19), Episcopal Church Women St. Thomas
Dallas, OR
Diocese of Oregon
134 135
Lord, help me see in myself the adjectives
I call other people.
The Rt. Rev. Scott A. Benhase
Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia
Diocese of Georgia
Lord of peace and love, in a world in which we are
ever more aware of domestic violence, civil strife,
abuse and neglect of your creation, and warfare
among nations, we pray you to help us to understand
that true peace and freedom come only through the
doing of your loving will.
Transform and so move us that we become able to
respond to hurt and violence in all its forms, with
respect and compassion for all sides.
Bring us to that day, Lord, when in the words
of Isaiah: “They will not hurt or destroy on all
my holy mountain; for the earth will be full of the
knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover
the sea.”
(Isaiah 11:9)
The Rev. Deacon Virginia Bird
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Diocese of South Dakota
136 137
Alone in Your sight
at the labyrinths mouth I stand:
let it swallow me
as I enter here the circle,
enter with humility,
enter with penitence,
enter with grace,
this path to what is holy,
sacred center,
Spirit of God.
At each turn let fall my sins,
fall from my heart,
fall from my mind,
fall from my anguished soul:
I here abandon them.
Lord, the way to You is neither straight
nor easily discerned
I turn and turn again,
turn from my desires,
turn from grief,
turn from guilt.
There are times I wander,
almost aimlessly,
and times I think that I am
almost close to finding You,
close to Your mercy,
close to Your mind,
close to Your will,
and then I turn again, away.
Walk with me, Lord, walk with me
along these paths, away from sin,
towards the center,
center of knowing,
center of believing,
center of eternal love.
Here let me linger
in the heart of the Mystical Rose
before You send me out again
on a new journey,
journey of faith,
journey of hope,
journey of love,
where at every turn
I may follow in Your gentle way,
and turn, ever and again, to You:
inspired, healed, renewed.
Then, send me out into the world
in peace, to love You, Lord,
with gladness, and to follow You
with singleness of heart.
Ms. Alice Baird
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Diocese of Upper South Carolina
138 139
O Compassionate Companion
I find, in the end, that I am but a
cracked and empty vessel,
and yet even there I encounter your love.
Use me, I pray, in your service
and, if it is your will,
smash me and set me free
among the shattered pieces that
I thought so precious
that I may find my entire life in you.
The Rev. Shannon Leach
Grace in the Desert, Las Vegas, NV
Diocese of Nevada
(This was actually a bedtime prayer of a 5-year-old
I babysat)
“Dear God,
Please help us to listen better to Mommy,
’cause we’re bad at it.
(With everything that goes on in our world today,
sometimes this is exactly the prayer my heart needs
in difficult times)
Dear God,
Please help us listen better to our Heavenly Parent,
cause we’re bad at it.
Ms. Rachel Schnabel
Holy Innocents, Valrico, FL
Diocese of Southwest Florida
140 141
In gratitude we offer thanks for all which has been
provided for us, as well as the opportunities and
challenges placed before us.
Help us to envision our future TOGETHER
from a viewpoint of abundance rather than scarcity;
from love rather than despair or hate.
Love and gratitude have the ability to transform in
ways which we may never understand, yet at the
same time call to us.
Thanks be to our creator – Always.
Mrs. Susan Harries
St. James’ Episcopal Church Women
Diocese of Northern Michigan
While at the General Theological Seminary with my
husband during the 1960s, Caroline Rose, wife of
Dean Lawrence Rose, spent time with clergy wives,
helping us to prepare for our lives in the church.
Some things were practical, like baking bread, while
others were ways we could relate with our friends in
the church.
She told us to be always ready to pray, and if we
could not find words to express our thoughts and
needs, to just utter the name of Jesus to be in God’s
presence and to ask for Gods help.
She assured us that the words we were searching
for would come in time. So I offer that prayer to
anyone who desperately needs help, or who needs to
commune with God for any reason.
Just say the word, and God will be with you.
Elizabeth Ann Campbell
United Thank Offering Board, Province VI Representative
Diocese of South Dakota
142 143
Most merciful Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
please shine your rich, energetic light upon each
and every one of us.
Fill us to the brim with your Godly peace, love,
and kindness – making us eager to live our lives
in your ways.
With your holy infusion, we will be enabled to heal
past wounds to ourselves, to one another, to our
beautiful island home Earth, and be Godly examples
for generations to come.
We pray to the Holy Trinity with thankfulness
from the depths of our being, with glory and honor
to your name, now and forever.
Ms. Katherine Warner
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Henrietta, NY
Diocese of Rochester
May this food restore our strength –
Giving new energy to tired limbs and new thoughts
to weary minds –
Restoring our souls,
Warming our spirits,
And renewing our hearts.
Ms. Mary Pauly
Vestry member, St. Peter’s Church
Diocese of South Carolina
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(Group Prayer)
Stand as you are able. Close your eyes. Move in a
counterclockwise circle. As you move take yourself
back in time.
Back to a place where our Episcopalian forbearers
stood to declare God is Good and sat down roots as
witnesses to that eternal good.
In our common past, let us lift a prayer of
thankfulness for our Sisters’ and Brothers’ foresight
and wisdom to lay a heritage strong enough for us to
climb on as we take our place in that ever-changing
journey that streams from a common foundation.
Let us stop for just a moment to reflect on where we
are at this moment.
What sights, smells, sounds, tastes surround us?
Who stands next to me, before me, behind me?
Does that Sister look different than me?
Does that child dress differently?
Does that Brother speak strangely?
All is well.
Continuing on, let us lift a prayer of gratefulness for
all that surrounds us to encourage us on this journey.
Now we turn and move in a clockwise circle – eyes
still closed.
We are returning to not only the present but to the
future as well.
As Sisters and Brothers of the “Jesus Movement,
where does God call us to go from this time on?
Glorious God, may your presence envelop us as we
journey together, eyes always to a place and time
beyond our here and now.
As we stand still and open our eyes, let us say
“The Lord Be With You.” “And Also With You.
Ms. Winonah McGee
Parishioner, St Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Newton, IA
Diocese of Iowa
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Lord, fill this room with your Holy Spirit.
Help us to glorify Christ through our loving
interaction with each other.
Help us to speak our truth quietly and clearly.
Help us listen to each other with open minds and
open hearts.
Cleanse us of pride, bitterness, and fear.
Remove from us the blinders of our own desires so
we may see the needs of others.
Help us remember our church does not belong to any
of us, but is yours: a place where anything is possible.
Ms. Susan Paynter
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Chatham, VA
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Gracious Lord, may this food restore our strength,
giving new energy to tired limbs and new thoughts
to weary minds.
May this drink restore our souls, giving new vision to
dry spirits and new warmth to cold hearts.
And once refreshed, may we give new pleasure to
You, who gives us all.
Ms. Sherri Dietrich
United Thank Offering Board, Province I Representative
Diocese of Maine
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Dear God, our shared and ultimate source
of all life, your children need You.
Our world is broken, divided, brutal, and
frightening. Many of your children are filled
with hate and intolerance.
Millions of your children live in constant terror
without clean water or adequate food.
We all fear for our children. Many are starving and
dying with diseases that could be cured if we could
only share our knowledge and money.
Your children – Jews, Muslims, and Christians –
are being tortured and terrorized.
We are confronted daily with images of violence,
inequality, intolerance, and deep insecurity.
The common families from all races and religions are
suffering with great fear, violence, and deep doubt.
Please help us rid ourselves of the demons of hate and
violence and ignorance.
We ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus.
We ask this with the blessed covering of Your
all-encompassing Love.
Mrs. Bonnie Newland
St. Francis of Assisi, Lake Placid, FL
Diocese of Central Florida
Holy and gracious God, we give you thanks today for
the United Thank Offering and all who participate
in the spiritual discipline of gratitude. We give
thanks for our history: for the inspiration and
wisdom You planted in women who were called and
responded to the needs of innovative mission and
ministry, especially by women.
Together Ida Soule and Julia Chester Emery
created a united offering that we continue today,
and we also thank you for the work of all Emery
sisters: Julia Chester Emery, Mary Emery Twing,
Helen Winthrop Emery, and Margaret Theresa
Emery. These mighty sisters worked on behalf of
missionaries, their families, and single women in
service here and abroad.
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We also are grateful for the generations of unnamed
women who have led and participated in UTO – for
their dedication, care, and discipline. We ask that
you bless all of us who have dedicated ourselves to
the practice and discipline of gratitude, and all who
will continue this work. May You continue to bless
the United Thank Offering, calling others to join in
our daily thanksgivings. Most importantly, we ask
You to uphold, bless, and guard all those ministries
that have received UTO funds to continue to be a
sign of Your love to our broken world. Dear God,
we thank You for all ofthe blessings of this life,
given freely as a sign of Your grace. Amen.
United Thank Offering
Diocese of New York
Gracious God,
You came in the person of
Jesus Christ to journey with us
and to teach us how to walk
with you and with one another.
Open our hearts and minds
so we can see to follow You,
strengthen us when the Way is difficult,
or seemingly blocked.
Make us grateful for all the blessings
we encounterand the love we share
in this common pilgrimage You have called us into.
For we make the road by walking*
with You
with each other
to make the common holy
to invite a community into being
to praise Your name
with every
The Rev. Sarah Carver
United Thank Offering Board
Diocese of North Carolina
*Antonio Machado
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You should defend those who cannot help themselves.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that
they get justice.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Righteous God, we embrace our mission to share
your love to our sisters worldwide through speaking
out for the helpless and campaigning for social
Righteous God, we commit ourselves to campaign
for equality and justice for all.
Help us to do our part in creating a just and peaceful
society for your people on earth.
May hope be stronger than struggle, may
celebrations be more frequent than trials,
May kindness prevail over judgment, may equality
dissolve oppression, may love break walls of hate
and fear.
Lord, as we go in your name, in our communities,
may we spread love and celebrate our mission
with thankful hearts.
Delores M. Alleyne
Past President, Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS)
President, Episcopal Church Women, Province 1
Episcopal Church Representative
UN Commission on the Status of Women 61
Diocese of Connecticut
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O Lord our heavenly Father, we pray thee to send
forth more laborers into thy harvest, and to grant
them thy special grace for every need.
Guard and guide the workers in the field, and draw
us into closer fellowship with them. Dispose the
hearts of all women everywhere to give gladly as thou
hast given to them.
Accept from grateful hearts,
our United Thank Offering of prayer and gifts
and joyful service; and bless it to the coming
of thy kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord.
United Thank Offering Archives
United Thank Offering
Accept, O Father, this joyful sacrifice of
thanksgiving and praise, and bless these gifts
to the setting forward of thy kingdom;
that as we have gratefully received the benefits
thy bounty has bestowed, so we may cheerfully
share them with thy children in all the world;
for his sake whose life and death and rising to life
again were a song of praise to thee,
O thou Most Holy, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
United Thank Offering Archives
United Thank Offering
156 157
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, bless,
we pray thee, our work for the extension of they
kingdom, and make us so thankful for the precious
gift to us of thy beloved Son, that we may pray
fervently, labor diligently, and give liberally to make
him known to all nations as their Saviour and their
King: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
United Thank Offering Archives
United Thank Offering
Almighty God, whose love reacheth
unto the world’s end, and who dost send
thy blessed Son to redeem all mankind Help us,
we pray thee, so to reveal thy love by thy Spirit all
nations and peoples may be baptized into one body,
even as all are redeemed by one Saviour;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
United Thank Offering Archives
United Thank Offering
Almighty God, Lord of the harvest,
we humbly beseech Thee to send forth
more labourers into Thy harvest,
and especially to put it into the hearts of many
faithful women to give themselves to Thy work
in the mission field; that so the bounds
of Thy blessed Kingdom may be enlarged;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
From Althea’s Call
UTO Archives
The Episcopal Church Center
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