©2009 Secondary Solutions - 95 - Of Mice and Men Literature Guide
Of Mice and Men
Vocabulary with Definitions
Chapter One
1. junctures: noun; points of union;
2. debris: noun; fragments of something
broken into pieces
3. mottled: adj.; spotted; marked with
different colors
4. recumbent: adj.; lying back; resting or
5. morosely: adv.; in a withdrawn or gloomy
way; sadly; thoughtfully
6. lumbered: verb.; moved clumsily or
7. brusquely: adv.; abruptly, angrily, or
bluntly in manner or speech
8. pantomime: noun; an imitation of
someone else’s mannerisms
9. contemplated: verb; thought deeply
10. imperiously: adv.; in a haughty,
dictatorial, or overbearing manner
11. anguished: adj.; with extreme anxiety or
torment; distressed
12. yammered: verb; howled or wailed as if in
pain; whimpered
Chapter Two
1. scoff (at): verb; to make fun of; tease
2. mollified: adj.; soothed, appeased;
3. pugnacious: adj.; belligerent or
aggressive in nature; quarrelsome
4. gingerly: adv.; very carefully
5. handy: adj.; clever and useful
6. ominously: adv.; in a threatening way,
indicating something bad is going to
7. slough: verb; to cast something off; shed
8. derogatory: adj.; critical or disparaging
9. flounced: verb; moved in an exaggerated
or angry way
10. plaintively: adv.; in a sorrowful or
melancholy way; mournfully
11. decisive: adj.; able to make decisions
quickly; firm
12. complacently: adv.; with self-satisfaction;
Chapter Three
1. derision: noun; mocking scorn; ridicule
2. lynch: verb; to seize and punish
someone believed to have committed a
3. concealing: verb; putting or keeping
someone or something out of sight;
4. stride: noun; a long step
5. gnawing: adj.; persistent and troubling
6. entranced: verb; in a state of
fascination or wonder
7. reprehensible: adj.; highly
unacceptable; deserving criticism
8. bemused: adj.; caused somebody to
be confused or puzzled
9. cowering: verb; cringing or moving
backward defensively in fear
10. regarded: verb; thought carefully about
someone or something; judged
11. wryly: adv.; in an amusing and ironic
12. solemnly: adv.; in a humorless or
formal manner
Chapter Four
1. mauled: verb; beat, battered, or tore at
a person or animal
2. aloof: adj.; uninvolved with people or
events; remote
3. meager: adj.; unsatisfactorily small;
4. liniment: noun; a pain-relieving cream
or ointment
5. fawning: adj.; attempting to please with
6. disarming: adj.; charming; friendly or
7. scornful: adj.; feeling or expressing
great contempt for someone or
8. brutally: adv.; in an unrelentingly harsh
or cruel way
9. indignation: noun; anger about an
unfairness or wrongdoing
10. averted: verb; turned away
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©2008 Secondary Solutions - 96 - Of Mice and Men Literature Guide
11. appraised: verb; looked over; made a
judgment about
12. crestfallen: adj.; downcast, disappointed,
or humiliated
Chapter Five
1. jeering: (participle; adj.); shouting or
laughing at someone or something in a
mocking or hurtful way
2. hurled: verb; threw something with great
3. sullenly: adv; in a hostile, unsociable, or
morose way
4. woe: noun; grief or distress resulting from
serious misfortune
5. consoled: verb; provided comfort to
someone who is distressed or saddened
6. contorted: verb; greatly bent out of
7. writhed: verb; twisted or squirmed,
especially from feelings of pain
8. muffled: adj.; wrapped or padded with
material in order to stifle sound
9. bewildered: adj.; completely confused or
10. pawed: verb; struck at repeatedly;
touched clumsily
11. cringed: verb; pulled away in a frightened
12. sniveled: verb; behaved in a whining
or self-pitying way
Chapter Six
1. lanced: verb; pierced with a sharp
2. scudded: verb; moved swiftly and
3. disapprovingly: adv.; with negative
judgment based upon personal
4. haunches: noun; hip, buttocks, or
upper thigh of an animal
5. retorted: verb; responded in a witty,
angry, or insulting manner
6. belligerently: adv.; in a hostile,
aggressive, or fighting manner
7. woodenly: adv.; in an emotionless,
unresponsive manner; like wood
8. monotonous: adj., uninteresting or
9. craftily: adv.; in a clever or tricky way
10. triumph: noun; an act or occasion of
winning or being victorious
11. dutifully: adv., in an obedient manner;
without protest
12. jarred: verb; shook something abruptly
*Definitions and parts of speech of vocabulary words are given as the
word is used in context.