Jury Service
Frequently asked questions
How was I selected for jury service?
Every person over the age of 18 who is enrolled
to vote, from all sections of the community, has
an equal chance of being called upon to
undertake jury service.
Potential jurors are randomly selected from the
Victorian Electoral Roll. A number of random
processes are used throughout the jury selection
process in order to produce a representative
cross-section of the community.
Am I required to attend on the first day of the
jury service period indicated on my Jury
Eligibility Form?
No. At this stage you are simply notifying Juries
Victoria of your eligibility and availability to attend
for jury service on a date within the period
specified. If you are eligible, you will be sent a
jury summons for a particular date within the
specified period.
What is a jury summons?
The jury summons is an important legal
document issued by Juries Victoria requiring you
to attend for jury service on a particular date. The
summons contains information to assist you and
instructions which you must follow. The
summons must be read carefully and brought
with you when you attend for jury service.
What if I am unable to attend?
If you have a valid reason why you cannot
attend, you may apply to be deferred to a more
convenient time. You may also have a valid
reason to be excused. These include:
advanced age
ill health or disability
reside 50km from the Melbourne court,
or 60km from the regional court listed on
your summons
primary carer of children or other family
members during business hours
casual employee with unpredictable
full time student or apprentice
work for a small business
Requests for deferral or excuse must be received
in Melbourne, by 10am the business day prior to
the date on your summons and in regional
courts, two business days prior. See your
summons for further details.
You remain liable for jury service until you have
received confirmation from the relevant court that
you have been excused or deferred to another
period. Making a false or misleading statement to
avoid jury service, or for any other person to
require you to do so, is an offence and is subject
to prosecution.
Is my jury service subject to deferral or
cancellation by Juries Victoria?
Yes. You must check to see if you are required to
attend because your date is subject to deferral or
cancellation by Juries Victoria. For instructions
on how to check if you are required, please refer
to your jury summons. If your jury service is
deferred by our office, you may be resummoned
within the following 6-8 weeks.
What are the hours of attendance?
On the first day, you must be at court by the time
stated on your jury summons and you may be
required to stay until 4.30pm.
Empanelled jurors are usually required each
week day between 10am and 4:15pm.
Hours and days of attendance may vary at the
direction of the judge.
How long will I be needed?
If selected for a trial, you must attend each day
until the trial is completed. The trial will begin
immediately. The average length of a trial is 7-10
business days in Melbourne and 5-7 business
days in regional courts.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code for jury service, although
it is suggested you wear something “neat and
casual” and in keeping with the general business
What should I bring if I am required to
As well as your jury summons and photo ID, you
may also bring things to keep you occupied while
in the jury pool room (such as a book, tablet or
laptop). In Melbourne, lockers are supplied.
All courts have airport-style security screening,
and items deemed dangerous or potentially
Jury Service
Frequently asked questions
dangerous will be confiscated. A good rule of
thumb is that if you wouldnt be able to take an
item on a plane, you wont be able to bring it to
Is there parking available?
There is no free parking available for jurors
attending the Melbourne law courts and parking
fees will not be paid. You are strongly
encouraged to use public transport. The nearest
railway station to Juries Victoria in Melbourne is
Flagstaff station.
Parking is available in the vicinity of most
regional courts, although it is advisable to
telephone the court to enquire prior to your
Is there a travel allowance?
Jurors for Melbourne courts are not reimbursed
for travel costs.
Jurors summoned to a regional court who need
to travel more than 8km to the court are issued a
travel allowance. Mileage is paid for each
kilometre over the first 8km and is only paid one
Is lunch provided?
Lunch is not provided. You are permitted to leave
the building at lunch time or bring lunch in with
you on the day. The only exception to this is
jurors who are in the process of deliberating over
a verdict are provided with lunch.
Refreshments such as tea, coffee and biscuits
are available in the jury pool room throughout the
day. Fridges and microwaves are available in the
jury pool area for those wishing to bring their
lunch. Please note, however, you will not be able
to bring cutlery or glass containers through the
security screening.
Will I be able to go home each night?
Empanelled jurors are able to go home at night.
The only exception is when a judge decides the
jury must be kept together during the deliberation
process that is, while reaching a verdict. This
occurs very rarely, however if required, you will
be given plenty of notice and provided with
overnight accommodation.
Will I be paid for jury service?
You will be paid $40 per day for the first six days
of jury service and $80 per day thereafter.
The Juries Act 2000 (Vic) requires your employer
to pay the difference between the amount you
receive for jury service and the amount you could
reasonably expect to have received if you had
not attended for jury service. This applies to
permanent and part-time employees and casual
employees with predictable hours. This does not
include independent contractors.
In Victoria, the makeup pay provision of the Act
supersedes s112 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
and all Enterprise Bargaining Agreements or
workplace contracts. An employer is required to
continue to make up the pay of an employee for
as long as their employee is completing jury
service. Payment is made on completion of jury
service and a certificate of attendance is
Can jury service prejudice my employment?
The law protects people who attend for jury
service and your employer cannot threaten,
prejudice or terminate your employment for being
absent from work because of jury service.
How often can I be called for jury service?
Some people are called for jury service more
than once and others are never called, it is a
completely random process.
Those who attend for jury service but do not
serve as a juror on a trial are exempt from further
selection for two years. Those who serve on a
trial are exempt for three years or longer if the
judge so directs.
Is there de-briefing available if I am selected
for a trial?
After being discharged from jury service, if you
find you are having difficulty in coping with the
experience of the trial, you can contact the Juror
Support Program in confidence, to access
You will speak with a trained counsellor or
qualified psychologist, who are available to
speak over the telephone or in person, free of