Eighth Annual Report on
Oregon’s Death with
Dignity Act
Department of Human Services
Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology
March 9, 2006
Eighth Annual Report on
Oregon’s Death with
Dignity Act
For more information contact:
Darcy Niemeyer
Department of Human Services, Oregon State Public Health
Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology
800 N.E. Oregon Street, Suite 730
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 971-673-0982
Fax: 971-673-0994
Contributing Editor: Richard Leman, MD
Data Analysis: David Hopkins, MS
State Epidemiologist, Melvin A. Kohn, MD, MPH
This assessment was conducted as part of the required surveillance and
public health practice activities of the Department of Human Services and
was supported by Department funds.
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................6
Requirements ............................................................................................7
The Reporting System ...............................................................................9
Data Analysis...........................................................................................10
Results ..............................................................................................................11
Patient Characteristics.............................................................................12
Physician Characteristics.........................................................................12
Lethal Medication.....................................................................................13
Complications ..........................................................................................13
End-of-Life Concerns...............................................................................14
Table 1.....................................................................................................19
Table 2.....................................................................................................21
Table 3.....................................................................................................22
Table 4.....................................................................................................23
Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has been legal in Oregon since November
1997, when Oregon voters approved the Death with Dignity Act (DWDA) for the second
time (see History
, page 6). The Department of Human Services (DHS) is legally
required to collect information regarding compliance with the Act and make the
information available on a yearly basis. In this eighth annual report, we characterize the
38 Oregonians who died in 2005 following ingestion of medications prescribed under
provisions of the Act, and look at whether the numbers and characteristics of these
patients differ from those who used PAS in prior years. Patients choosing PAS were
identified through mandated physician and pharmacy reporting. Our information comes
from these reports, physician interviews and death certificates. We also compare the
demographic characteristics of patients participating during 1998-2005 with other
Oregonians who died of the same underlying causes.
In 2005, 39 physicians wrote a total of 64 prescriptions for lethal doses of
medication. In 1998, 24 prescriptions were written, followed by 33 in 1999, 39 in 2000,
44 in 2001, 58 in 2002, 68 in 2003, and 60 in 2004. Thirty-two of the 2005 prescription
recipients died after ingesting the medication. Of the 32 recipients who did not ingest
the prescribed medication in 2005, 15 died from their illnesses, and 17 were alive on
December 31, 2005. In addition, six patients who received prescriptions during 2004
died in 2005 as a result of ingesting the prescribed medication, giving a total of 38 PAS
deaths during 2005. One 2004 prescription recipient, who ingested the prescribed
medication in 2005, became unconscious 25 minutes after ingestion, then regained
consciousness 65 hours later. This person did not obtain a subsequent prescription and
died 14 days later of the underlying illness (17 days after ingesting the medication).
After an initial increase in PAS use during the first five years the Act was in
effect, the number of Oregonians who use PAS remained relatively stable since 2002.
In 1998, 16 Oregonians used PAS, followed by 27 in 1999, 27 in 2000, 21 in 2001, 38 in
2002, 42 in 2003, and 37 in 2004. The ratio of PAS deaths to total deaths trended
upward during 1998-2003, peaking at 13.6 in 2003 and has since remained stable. In
1998 there were 5.5 PAS deaths per every 10,000 total deaths, followed by 9.2 in 1999,
9.1 in 2000, 7.1 in 2001, 12.2 in 2002, 13.6 in 2003, 12.3 in 2004, and an estimated
12/10,000 in 2005.
Compared to all Oregon decedents in 2005, PAS participants were more likely to
have malignant neoplasms (84% vs. 24%), to be younger (median age 70 vs. 78 years),
and to have more formal education (37% vs. 15% had at least a baccalaureate degree).
During the past eight years, the 246 patients who took lethal medications differed
in several ways from the 74,967 Oregonians dying from the same underlying diseases.
Rates of participation in PAS decreased with age, although over 65% of PAS users
were age 65 or older. Rates of participation were higher among those who were
divorced or never married, those with more years of formal education, and those with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, or malignant neoplasms (see Patient
Characteristics, page 12).
Physicians indicated that patient requests for lethal medications stemmed from
multiple concerns, with eight in 10 patients having at least three concerns. The most
frequently mentioned end-of-life concerns during 2005 were: a decreasing ability to
participate in activities that made life enjoyable, loss of dignity, and loss of autonomy.
(see End-of-Life Concerns, page 14).
Complications were reported for three patients during 2005; two involved
regurgitation, and, as noted above, one patient regained consciousness after ingesting
the prescribed medication. None involved seizures (see Complications
, page 13). Fifty
percent of patients became unconscious within five minutes of ingestion of the lethal
medication and the same percentage died within 26 minutes of ingestion. The range of
time from ingestion to death was from five minutes to 9.5 hours. Emergency Medical
Services were called for one patient in order to pronounce death.
The number of terminally ill patients using PAS has remained small, with about 1
in 800 deaths among Oregonians in 2005 resulting from physician-assisted suicide.
This eighth annual report presents data on participation in Oregon’s Death with
Dignity Act (DWDA), which legalizes physician-assisted suicide (PAS) for terminally ill
Oregon residents. This report summarizes the information collected from physician
reports, interviews, and death certificates.
The Oregon Death with Dignity Act was a citizen's initiative first passed by
Oregon voters in November 1994 with 51% in favor. Implementation was delayed by a
legal injunction, but after proceedings that included a petition denied by the United
States Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the injunction on
October 27, 1997. In November 1997, a measure asking Oregon voters to repeal the
Death with Dignity Act was placed on the general election ballot (Measure 51,
authorized by Oregon House Bill 2954). Voters rejected this measure by a margin of
60% to 40%, retaining the Death with Dignity Act. After voters reaffirmed the DWDA in
1997, Oregon became the only state allowing legal physician-assisted suicide.
Although physician-assisted suicide has been legal in Oregon for eight years, it
remains highly controversial. On November 6, 2001, U.S. Attorney General John
Ashcroft issued a new interpretation of the Controlled Substances Act, which would
prohibit doctors from prescribing controlled substances for use in physician-assisted
suicide. To date, all the medications prescribed under the Act have been barbiturates,
which are controlled substances and, therefore, would be prohibited by this ruling for
use in PAS. In response to a lawsuit filed by the State of Oregon on November 20,
2001, a U.S. district court issued a temporary restraining order against Ashcroft’s ruling
pending a new hearing. On April 17, 2002, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Jones
upheld the Death with Dignity Act. On September 23, 2002, Attorney General Ashcroft
filed an appeal, asking the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn the District
Court’s ruling. The appeal was denied on May 26, 2004 by a three-judge panel. On July
13, 2004, Ashcroft filed an appeal requesting that the Court rehear his previous motion
with an 11-judge panel; on August 13, 2004, the Court declined to rehear the case. On
November 9, 2004, Ashcroft asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Ninth Circuit’s
decision. On October 5, 2005, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case, and on
January 17, 2006 it affirmed the lower court’s decision. At this time, Oregon's Death with
Dignity Act
remains in effect.
The Death with Dignity Act allows terminally ill Oregon residents to obtain and
use prescriptions from their physicians for self-administered, lethal medications. Under
the Act, ending one's life in accordance with the law does not constitute suicide.
However, we use "physician-assisted suicide" because that terminology is used in
medical literature to describe ending life through the voluntary self-administration of
lethal medications prescribed by a physician for that purpose. The Death with Dignity
Act legalizes PAS, but specifically prohibits euthanasia, where a physician or other
person directly administers a medication to end another's life.
To request a prescription for lethal medications, the Death with Dignity Act
requires that a patient must be:
An adult (18 years of age or older),
A resident of Oregon,
Capable (defined as able to make and communicate health care decisions), and
Diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death within six months.
Patients meeting these requirements are eligible to request a prescription for
lethal medication from a licensed Oregon physician. To receive a prescription for lethal
medication, the following steps must be fulfilled:
The patient must make two oral requests to his or her physician, separated by at
least 15 days.
The patient must provide a written request to his or her physician, signed in the
presence of two witnesses.
The prescribing physician and a consulting physician must confirm the diagnosis
and prognosis.
The prescribing physician and a consulting physician must determine whether
the patient is capable.
If either physician believes the patient's judgment is impaired by a psychiatric or
psychological disorder, the patient must be referred for a psychological
The prescribing physician must inform the patient of feasible alternatives to
assisted suicide, including comfort care, hospice care, and pain control.
The prescribing physician must request, but may not require, the patient to notify
his or her next-of-kin of the prescription request.
To comply with the law, physicians must report to the Department of Human
Services (DHS) all prescriptions for lethal medications.
Reporting is not required if
patients begin the request process but never receive a prescription. In 1999, the Oregon
legislature added a requirement that pharmacists must be informed of the prescribed
medication's intended use. Physicians and patients who adhere to the requirements of
the Act are protected from criminal prosecution, and the choice of legal physician-
assisted suicide cannot affect the status of a patient's health or life insurance policies.
Physicians, pharmacists, and health care systems are under no obligation to participate
in the Death with Dignity Act.
The Oregon Revised Statutes specify that action taken in accordance with the Death
with Dignity Act does not constitute suicide, mercy killing or homicide under the law.
The Reporting System
DHS is required by the Act to develop and maintain a reporting system for
monitoring and collecting information on PAS.
To fulfill this mandate, DHS uses a
system involving physician and pharmacist compliance reports, death certificate
reviews, and follow-up interviews.
When a prescription for lethal medication is written, the physician must submit to
DHS information that documents compliance with the law. We review all physician
reports and contact physicians regarding missing or discrepant data. DHS Vital Records
files are searched periodically for death certificates that correspond to physician reports.
These death certificates allow us to confirm patients' deaths, and provide patient
demographic data (e.g., age, place of residence, educational attainment).
In addition, using our authority to conduct special studies of morbidity and
mortality, DHS conducts telephone interviews with prescribing physicians after receipt of
the patients' death certificates.
Each physician is asked to confirm whether the patient
took the lethal medications. If the patient took the medications, we ask for information
that was not available from previous physician reports or death certificates--including
insurance status and enrollment in hospice. We ask why the patient requested a
prescription, specifically exploring concerns about the financial impact of the illness,
loss of autonomy, decreasing ability to participate in activities that make life enjoyable,
being a burden, loss of control of bodily functions, uncontrollable pain, and loss of
dignity. We collect information on the time from ingestion to unconsciousness and
death, and ask about any adverse reactions. Because physicians are not legally
required to be present when a patient ingests the medication, not all have information
about what happened when the patient ingested the medication. If the prescribing
physician was not present, we accept information they have based on discussions with
family members, friends or other health professionals who attended the patients' deaths.
We also accept information directly from these individuals. We do not interview or
collect any information from patients prior to their death. In lieu of the telephone
interview, physicians have the option of printing the questionnaire from our website,
completing it at their convenience, and mailing the document to us. Reporting forms
and the physician questionnaire are available at:
Data Analysis
We classified patients by year of participation based on when they ingested the
legally-prescribed lethal medication. Using demographic information from 1997-2004
Oregon death certificates (the most recent years for which complete data are available),
we compared patients who used legal PAS with other Oregonians who died from the
same diseases. Demographic- and disease-specific PAS rates were computed using
the number of deaths from the same causes as the denominator. The overall PAS rates
by year were computed using the total number of resident deaths. Annual rates were
calculated using numerator and denominator data from the same year, except for 2005
where the number of resident deaths from 2004 was used as the denominator. SPSS,
release 12 and PEPI, version 4.0 were used in data analysis. Statistical significance
was determined using Fisher’s exact test, the chi-square test, the chi-square for trend
test, and the Mann-Whitney test.
Both the number of prescriptions written and the number of Oregonians using
PAS vary annually but have been relatively stable since 2002. In 2005, 39 physicians
wrote 64 prescriptions for lethal doses of medication. In 1998, 24 prescriptions were
written, followed by 33 in 1999, 39 in 2000, 44 in 2001, 58 in 2002, 68 in 2003, and 60
in 2004. (Figure 1.)
Thirty-two of the 2005 prescription recipients died after ingesting the medication.
Of the 32 recipients who did not ingest the prescribed medication in 2005, 15 died from
their illnesses, and 17 were alive on December 31, 2005. In addition, six patients who
received prescriptions during 2004 died in 2005 as a result of ingesting their medication,
giving a total of 38 PAS deaths during 2005.
In 1998, 16 Oregonians used PAS, followed by 27 in 1999, 27 in 2000, 21 in
2001, 38 in 2002, 42 in 2003, and 37 in 2004. Ratios of PAS deaths to total deaths
have shown a similar trend: in 1998 there were 5.5 PAS deaths for every 10,000 total
deaths, followed by 9.2 in 1999, 9.1 in 2000, 7.0 in 2001, 12.2 in 2002, 13.6 in 2003,
12.3, in 2004, and an estimated 12/10,000 in 2005.
The percentage of patients referred to a specialist for psychological evaluation
beyond that done by a hospice team has declined, falling from 31% in 1998 to 5% in
Patient Characteristics
There were no statistically significant differences between Oregonians who used
PAS in 2005 and those from prior years. For a comparison, see Table 1.
Although year-to-year variations occur, certain demographic patterns have
become evident over the past eight years. Males and females have been equally likely
to take advantage of the DWDA. Divorced and never-married persons were more likely
to use PAS than married and widowed residents. A higher level of education has been
strongly associated with the use of PAS; Oregonians with a baccalaureate degree or
higher were 7.9 times more likely to use PAS than those without a high school diploma.
Conversely, several groups have emerged as being less likely to use PAS. These
include people age 85 or older, people who did not graduate from high school, people
who are married or widowed, and Oregon residents living east of the Cascade Range.
Patients with certain terminal illnesses were more likely to use PAS (Table 3).
The ratio of DWDA deaths to all deaths resulting from the same underlying illness was
highest for three conditions: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (269.5 per 10,000),
HIV/AIDS (218.3), and malignant neoplasms (39.9). Among the causes associated with
at least five deaths, the lowest rate (8.7) was for patients with chronic lower respiratory
diseases (CLRD), such as emphysema.
During 2005, 36 patients died at home, and two died at assisted living facilities.
All individuals had some form of health insurance (Table 4). As in previous years, most
(92%) of the patients who used PAS in 2005 were enrolled in hospice care. The
median length of the patient-physician relationship was 8 weeks.
Physician Characteristics
The prescribing physicians of patients who used PAS during 2005 had been in
practice a median of 26 years (range 3-55). Their medical specialties included: family
medicine (62%), oncology (23%), internal medicine (10%), and other (5%). Family
medicine physicians represent 15% of all physicians in Oregon, oncologists 0.9%, and
internists 16%.
Seventy-four percent of the physicians who wrote prescriptions for lethal
medication during 2005 wrote a single prescription. Of the 39 physicians who wrote
prescriptions in 2005, 29 wrote one prescription, three wrote two prescriptions, three
wrote three prescriptions, three wrote four prescriptions, and one wrote eight
During the first three years after the legalization of PAS, physicians were present
at the patient’s ingestion of lethal medication half or more of the time. During 2005, the
prescribing physician was present 23% of the time.
It is the policy of DHS to report cases to the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners
when required forms have not been completed correctly or have not been received in a
timely fashion. During 2005, four cases were referred to the Oregon Board of Medical
Examiners, one involving witnessing of signatures and three others for failure to file
required documentation in a timely manner.
One case, in which a patient awakened after ingesting the prescribed medication,
was referred to the Board of Pharmacy.
Lethal Medication
During 1998-2004, secobarbital was the lethal medication prescribed for 101 of
the 208 patients (49%). During 2005, as during previous years, all lethal medications
prescribed under the provisions of the DWDA were barbiturates. In 2005, 34 patients
(89%) used pentobarbital and 4 patients (11%) used secobarbital. Since the DWDA
was implemented, 56% of the PAS patients used pentobarbital, 43% used secobarbital,
and 2% used other medications. (Three used secobarbital/amobarbital, and one used
secobarbital and morphine).
During 2005, physicians reported that three patients experienced complications:
two patients vomited some of the medication, one of whom died 15 minutes after
ingestion and the other 90 minutes after ingestion. The former had been vomiting on a
daily basis for the week and a half prior to ingestion. One patient became unconscious
25 minutes after ingestion, then regained consciousness 65 hours later. This person did
not obtain a subsequent prescription, and died 14 days later of the underlying illness (17
days after ingesting the medication).
None of the patients experienced seizures. Emergency medical services were
called to document one death. In no case was EMS called for medical intervention.
End-of-Life Concerns
Providers were asked if, based on discussions with patients, any of seven end-
of-life concerns might have contributed to the patients’ requests for lethal medication
(Table 4). In nearly all cases, physicians reported multiple concerns contributing to the
request. The most frequently reported concerns included a decreasing ability to
participate in activities that make life enjoyable (89%), loss of dignity (89%), and losing
autonomy (79%).
Since 2002, both the number of prescriptions written for physician-assisted
suicide and the number of terminally ill patients taking lethal medication have remained
relatively stable with about 1 in 800 deaths among Oregonians in 2005 resulting from
physician-assisted suicide. A large population study of dying Oregonians published in
2004 found that 17% considered PAS seriously enough to have discussed the matter
with their family and that about 2% of patients formally requested PAS. Of the 1,384
decedents for whom information was gathered, one had received a prescription for
lethal medication and did not take it. No unreported cases of PAS were identified.
Overall, smaller numbers of patients appear to use PAS in Oregon compared to
the Netherlands.
However, as detailed in previous reports, our numbers are based on
a reporting system for terminally ill patients who legally receive prescriptions for lethal
medications, and do not include patients and physicians who may act outside the
provisions of the DWDA.
Over the last eight years, the rate of PAS among patients with ALS in Oregon
has been substantially higher than among patients with other illnesses. This finding is
consistent with other studies. In the Netherlands, where both PAS and euthanasia are
openly practiced, one in five ALS patients died as a result of PAS or euthanasia.
study of Oregon and Washington ALS patients found that one-third of these patients
discussed wanting PAS in the last month of life.
Though numbers are small, and
results must be interpreted with caution, Oregon HIV/AIDS patients are also more likely
to use PAS.
Physicians have consistently reported that concerns about loss of autonomy, loss
of dignity, and decreased ability to participate in activities that make life enjoyable as
important motivating factors in patient requests for lethal medication across all eight
years. Interviews with family members during 1999 corroborated physician reports.
These findings were supported by a study of hospice nurses and social workers caring
for PAS patients in Oregon.
While it may be common for patients with a terminal illness to consider PAS, a
request for PAS can be an opportunity for a medical provider to explore with patients
their fears and wishes around end-of-life care, and to make patients aware of other
options. Often once the provider has addressed a patient’s concerns, he or she may
choose not to pursue PAS.
1. Chin G, Hedberg K, Higginson G, Fleming D. Legalized physician-assisted suicide in
Oregon—The first year's experience. N Engl J Med, 1999; 340:577-583.
2. Sullivan AD, Hedberg K, Fleming D. Legalized physician-assisted suicide in
Oregon—The second year. N Engl J Med, 2000; 342:598-604.
3. Sullivan AD, Hedberg K, Hopkins D. Legalized physician-assisted suicide in Oregon,
1998-2000. N Engl J Med, 2001; 344:605-607.
4. Hedberg K, Hopkins D, Southwick K. Legalized physician-assisted suicide in Oregon,
2001. N Engl J Med, 2002; 346:450-452.
5. Hedberg K, Hopkins D, Kohn M. Five years of legal physician-assisted suicide in
Oregon. N Engl J Med, 2003; 348:961-964.
6. Oregon Department of Human Services. Sixth Annual Report on Oregon’s Death
with Dignity Act. Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology. March 10, 2004.
Portland, Oregon. 24 pp. Available at
7. Oregon Department of Human Services. Seventh Annual Report on Oregon’s Death
with Dignity Act. Office of Disease Prevention and Epidemiology. March 10, 2005.
Portland, Oregon. 25 pp. Available at
8. Oregon Revised Statute 127.800-127.995. Available at
9. Oregon Administrative Rules 333-009-000 to 333-009-0030. Available at
10. Oregon Revised Statute 432.060. Available at
11. Tolle SW, Tilden VP, Drach LL, et al. Characteristics and proportion of dying
Oregonians who personally consider physician assisted suicide. J Clin Ethics,
12. Willems DL, Daniels ER, van der Wal G, et al. Attitudes and practices concerning
the end of life: A comparison between physicians from the United States and from The
Netherlands. Arch Intern Med, 2000; 160:63-68.
13. Vledink JH, Wokke JHJ, Van Der Wal G, et al. Euthanasia and physician-assisted
suicide among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the Netherlands. N Engl J
Med, 2002; 346:1638-1644.
14. Ganzini L, Silveira MJ, Johnston WS. Predictors and correlates of interest in
assisted suicide in the final month of life among ALS patients in Oregon and
Washington. J Pain Symptom Manage, 2002; 3:312-317.
15. Ganzini L, Harvath TA, Jackson A, et al. Experiences of Oregon nurses and social
workers with hospice patients who requested assistance with suicide. N Engl J Med,
2002; 347:582-588.
16. Bascom PB, Tolle SW. Responding to requests for physician-assisted suicide:
“these are uncharted waters for both of us…”. JAMA, 2002; 288:91-98.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of 246 DWDA patients who died after ingesting a lethal dose of
medication, by year, Oregon, 1998-2005.
2005 1998-2004 Total
Characteristics (N = 38)* (N= 208)* (N = 246)*
Male (%) 23 (61) 108 (52) 131 (53)
Female (%) 15 (39) 100 (48) 115 (47)
18-44 (%) 1 (3) 9 (4) 10 (4)
45-64 (%) 11 (29) 60 (29) 71 (29)
65-84 (%) 21 (55) 123 (59) 144 (59)
85+ (%) 5 (13) 16 (8) 21 (9)
Median years (Range) 70 (42-90) 69 (25-94) 69 (25-94)
White (%) 36 (95) 203 (98) 239 (97)
Asian (%) 1 (3) 5 (2) 6 (2)
Native American (%) 1 (3) 0 1 (<1)
Marital status
Married (%) 20 (53) 90 (43) 110 (45)
Widowed (%) 8 (21) 47 (23) 55 (22)
Divorced (%) 8 (21) 56 (27) 64 (26)
Never married (%) 2 (5) 15 (7) 17 (7)
Less than high school (%) 3 (8) 18 (9) 21 (9)
High school graduate (%) 9 (24) 62 (30) 71 (29)
Some college (%) 12 (32) 40 (19) 52 (21)
Baccalaureate or higher (%) 14 (37) 88 (42) 102 (41)
Metro counties (%)** 12 (32) 83 (40) 95 (39)
Coastal counties (%)*** 2 (5) 17 (8) 19 (8)
Other W. counties (%) 21 (55) 96 (46) 117 (48)
E. of the Cascades (%) 3 (8) 12 (6) 15 (6)
Underlying illness
Malignant neoplasms (%) 32 (84) 164 (79) 196 (80)
Lung and bronchus (%) 8 (21) 40 (19) 48 (20)
Breast (%) 4 (11) 19 (9) 23 (9)
Pancreas (%) 2 (5) 18 (9) 20 (8)
Colon (%) 4 (11) 12 (6) 16 (7)
Other (%) 14 (37) 75 (36) 89 (36)
2005 1998-2004 Total
Characteristics (Cont'd)
(N=38)* (N=208)* (N=246)*
Underlying Illness (Cont'd)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (%) 4 (11) 16 (8) 20 (8)
Chronic lower respiratory disease (%) 1 (3) 10 (5) 11 (4)
HIV/AIDS (%) 0 5 (2) 5 (2)
Illnesses listed below (%)
1 (3) 13 (6) 14 (6)
* Unknowns are excluded when calculating percentages.
** Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.
*** Excluding Douglas and Lane counties.
# Includes amyloidosis of the kidney, aortic stenosis, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus with renal
complications, digestive organ neoplasm of unknown behavior, emphysema, hepatitis C, myelodysplastic
syndrome, pulmonary disease with fibrosis, scleroderma, and Shy-Drager syndrome.
Table 2. Demographic characteristics of 246 patients who died during 1998-2005 after ingesting a
lethal dose of medication, compared with 74,967 Oregonians dying from the same underlying diseases.
PAS patients
(N = 246)*
Oregon deaths,
same diseases
(N =74,967)*
DWDA deaths
per 10,000
Oregon deaths
Rate ratio
(95% CI**)
Male (%) 131 (53) 37,847 (50) 34.6 1.1 (0.9-1.4)
Female (%) 115 (47) 37,120 (50) 31.0 1.0
18-44 (%) 10 (4) 1,815 (2) 55.1 4.1 (1.9-8.7)#
45-64 (%) 71 (29) 14,445 (19) 49.2 3.6 (2.2-5.9)
65-84 (%) 144 (59) 42,956 (57) 33.5 2.5 (1.6-3.9)
85+ (%) 21 (9) 15,751 (21) 13.3 1.0
Median years 69 (25-94) 76
White (%) 239 (97) 72,799 (97) 32.8 1.0
Asian (%) 6 (2) 802 (1) 74.8 2.3 (0.8-5.1)##
Native American (%) 1 (<1) 507 (1) 19.7 0.6 (0.0-3.4)##
Other (%) 0 849 (1)
Unknown 0
Marital status
Married (%) 110 (45) 36,042 (48) 30.5 1.0
Widowed (%) 55 (22) 24,653 (33) 22.3 0.7 (0.5-1.0)
Divorced (%) 64 (26) 10,894 (15) 58.7 1.9 (1.4-2.6)+
Never married (%) 17 (7) 3,202 (4) 53.1 1.7 (1.1-2.9)+
Unknown 0
Less than high school (%) 21 (9) 17,403 (24) 12.1 1.0
HS graduate (%) 71 (29) 32,125 (43) 22.1 1.8 (1.1-3.0)
Some college (%) 52 (21) 13,765 (19) 37.8 3.1 (1.9-5.2)
Baccalaureate or higher (%) 102 (41) 10,626 (14) 96.0 7.9 (5.0-12.7)#
Unknown 0
Metro counties (%) 95 (39) 26,874 (36) 35.4 1.0
Coastal counties (%) 19 (8) 6,076 (8) 31.3 0.9 (0.5-1.5)
Other W. counties (%) 117 (48) 31,470 (42) 37.2 1.1 (0.8-1.4)
E. of the Cascades (%) 15 (6) 10,547 (14) 14.2 0.4 (0.2-0.7)+
* Unknowns are excluded when calculating percentages.
** Confidence interval.
# The ratio is statistically significant according to the chi-square test for trend.
## Confidence intervals calculated with Fisher’s exact test.
+ The ratio is statistically significant according to the chi-square test.
Table 3. Underlying illnesses of 246 patients who died during 1998-2005 after ingesting a lethal dose of
medication, compared with 74,967 Oregonians dying from the same underlying diseases.
Underlying illnesses
PAS patients
(N = 246)
Oregon deaths,
same diseases
(N =74,967)
DWDA deaths
per 10,000
Oregon deaths
Rate ratio
(95% CI*)
Malignant neoplasms (%)
196 (80) 49,117 (66) 39.9 4.6 (2.5-8.4)+
Lung and bronchus (%) 48 (20) 16,160 (22) 29.7 3.4 (1.8-6.6)+
Breast (%)
23 (9) 4,102 (5) 56.1 6.4 (3.1-13.2)+
Pancreas (%) 20 (8) 2,989 (4) 66.9 7.7 (3.7-16.0)+
Colon (%) 16 (7) 4,263 (6) 37.5 4.3 (2.0-9.3)+
Prostate (%)
13 (5) 3,491 (5) 37.2 4.3 (1.9-9.5)++
Ovary (%) 12 (5) 1,608 (2) 74.6 8.6 (3.5-21.5)++
Skin (%) 9 (4) 789 (1) 114.1 13.1 (4.8-35.1)++
Other (%)
55 (22) 15,715 (21) 35.0 4.0 (2.1-7.6)+
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (%) 20 (8) 742 (1) 269.5 31.0 (14.4-73.5)++
Chronic lower respiratory dis. (%)
11 (4) 12,596 (17) 8.7 1.0
5 (2) 229 (<1) 218.3 25.1 (6.9-80.4)++
Illnesses listed below (%)# 14 (6) 12,283 (16) 11.4 1.3 (0.6-2.9)
* Confidence interval.
# Includes amyloidosis of the kidney, aortic stenosis, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, diabetes
mellitus with renal complications, digestive organ neoplasm of unknown behavior, emphysema, hepatitis C,
myelodysplastic syndrome, pulmonary disease with fibrosis, scleroderma, and Shy-Drager syndrome.
+ The ratio is statistically significant according to the chi-square test.
++ The ratio is statistically significant according to Fisher’s exact test.
Table 4. Death with Dignity end of life care for 246 Oregonians who died after ingesting a lethal dose of
medication, by year, 1998-2005.
2005 1998-2004 Total
Characteristics (N=38)* (N=208)* (N=246)*
End of Life Care
Enrolled (%) 35 (92) 178 (86) 213 (87)
Not enrolled (%) 3 (8) 28 (14) 31 (13)
Unknown 0 2 2
Private (%) 22 (58) 129 (63) 151 (62)
Medicare or Medicaid (%) 16 (42) 74 (36) 90 (37)
None (%) 0 2 (1) 2(1)
Unknown 0 3 3
End of Life Concerns
Losing autonomy (%) 30 (79) 177 (87) 207 (86)
Less able to engage in activities making life enjoyable (%) 34 (89) 172 (84) 206 (85)
Loss of dignity (%)
34 (89) 60 (80) 94 (83)
Losing control of bodily functions (%) 17 (45) 121 (59) 138 (57)
Burden on family, friends/caregivers (%) 16 (42) 74 (36) 90 (37)
Inadequate pain control or concern about it (%) 9 (24) 45 (22) 54 (22)
Financial implications of treatment (%) 1 (3) 6 (3) 7 (3)
PAS Process
Referred for psychiatric evaluation (%) 2 (5) 32 (16) 34 (14)
Patient died at
Home (patient, family or friend) (%) 36 (95) 196 (94) 232 (94)
Long term care, assisted living or foster care facility (%) 2 (5) 9 (4) 11 (4)
Hospital (%) 0 1 (<1) 1 (<1)
Other (%) 0 2 (1) 2 (1)
Lethal Medication
Secobarbital (%) 4 (11) 101 (49) 105 (43)
Pentobarbital (%) 34 (89) 103 (50) 137 (56)
Other (%) 0 4 (2) 4 (2)
Health-care provider present when medication ingested
Prescribing physician (%) 8 (23) 40 (29) 48 (28)
Other provider, when prescribing physician not present (%) 18 (51) 74 (54) 92 (54)
No provider (%) 9 (26) 22 (16) 31 (18)
Unknown 3 2 5
Regurgitated (%) 2 (5) 10 (5) 12 (5)
Seizures (%) 0 0 0
Awakened after taking prescribed medication
1 0 1
No complications (%) 35 (95) 194 (95) 229 (95)
Unknown 1 4 5
2005 1998-2004 Total
Characteristics (cont'd) (N=38)* (N=208)* (N=246)*
Emergency Medical Services
Called for intervention after lethal medication ingested (%) 0 0 0
Calls for other reasons (%)** 1 (3) 2 (1) 3 (1)
Not called after lethal medication ingested (%) 36 (97) 203 (99) 239 (99)
Unknown 1 3 4
Timing of PAS Event
Duration (weeks) of patient-physician relationship
Median 8 12 12
Range 0-678 0-1065 0-1065
Duration (days) between 1
request and death
Median 40 38 39
Range 15-1009 15-737 15-1009
Minutes between ingestion and unconsciousness
Median 5 5 5
Range 2-15 1-38 1-38
Unknown 3 21 24
Time between ingestion and death
Median (minutes) 26 25 25
Range (minutes-hours) 5m-9.5h 4m-48h 4m-48h
Unknown 2 15 17
* Unknowns are excluded when calculating percentages unless otherwise noted.
** Calls included two to pronounce death and one to help a patient who had fallen.
The data shown are for 2001-2005. Information about the presence of a health care provider/volunteer,
in absence of the prescribing physician, was first collected in 2001. Attendance by the prescribing
physician has been recorded since 1998. During 1998-2005 the prescribing physician was present when
35% of the patients ingested the lethal medication.
Historically, the Annual Report tables list information on patients who died as a result of ingesting
medication prescribed under the provisions of the Death with Dignity Act. Because one patient regained
consciousness after ingesting the lethal medication and then died 14 days later from his/her illness rather
than from the medication, the complication is recorded here but the patient is not included in the total
number of PAS deaths.
+ Affirmative answers only ("Don't know" included in negative answers). Available for 17 patients in
++ First asked in 2003.