supporting the NSW Police Force
through a quality housing service
Handbook 1
Welcome to your new home
This handbook explains the roles of Property NSW (Housing
Services) and your local real estate agent in providing the
NSW Police Force with accommodation services in rural
and remote NSW.
We trust that our service, support and advice will meet your
expectations and look forward to providing you with a quality
housing service.
2 Handbook
How to Contact Us 3
Your Residential Tenancy Agreement
and Paying Rent and Bond 5
Your Responsibilities as a Tenant
and Fair Wear and Tear 11
Maintenance and Refurbishment 15
Moving Out 19
Vacating Inspection Checklist 23
Pets 25
Security & Heating and Cooling 27
Pest Control and Septic Systems 29
General Information 33
Feedback & Notes 37
Handbook 3
How to Contact Us
For repairs and maintenance please submit the request
through the Housing Services Portal
Housing Services
Toll Free 1300 137 343
Switchboard 02 8276 8000
NSW Police
Force Housing Press 1
For tenancy advice, including housing applications,
transfer of accommodation and vacating information,
unresolved maintenance issues and all rental
payment enquiries.
Email HousingS[email protected]
Website www.property.nsw.gov.au
Our Office is located at
Postal Address
Level 3, 4PSQ Darcy Street
Locked Bag 5022
Business Hours 8.30am 4.30pm
Monday to Friday
PNSW Director
Housing Services 02 9334 9224
4 Handbook
Role of NSW Police Force
The Role of NSW Police Force in line with Government reform,
NSW Police Force has reached an agreement with Property NSW
for the ongoing administration and management of housing
provided to NSW Police Force Officers and their families. From 1
September 2017 Property NSW will commence the provision of
services. NSW Police Force will continue to have certain
obligations within the agreement with Property NSW.
NSW Police Force shall;
Assist Property NSW in provision of available housing through
forward planning of accommodation requirements
Determine eligibility of NSW Police Force employees
for housing
Advise Property NSW of properties no longer required for NSW
Police Force housing
Act as a liaison point between Property NSW and NSW Police
Force tenants if required
Assist Property NSW with access requirements
where necessary
Facilitate escalation of unresolved issues to Property NSW for
Participate in Governance forums to facilitate relationship
Handbook 5
Your Residential
Tenancy Agreement
The Residential Tenancy Agreement or
“lease agreement” consists of three parts:
Part 1
The terms and conditions front page of your lease,
which is attached to the standard NSW residential tenancy
agreement in force across the State.
This is the document you signed when collecting the keys.
It provides specific details of the property you are leasing
such as address, weekly rent and the minimum length of time
that you agreed to lease the property (the “fixed term” or
“periodic term” as specified). It specifies the rights and
obligations of both the tenant and the landlord regarding the
use of the premises, how and when rent is to be paid and how
the agreement can be ended.
If there is any dispute over anything related to your tenancy,
both yourself and Property NSW are bound to act according
to the terms and conditions as stated in the lease agreement.
6 Handbook
Part 2
The Premises Condition Report (PCR). This document
describes in detail the condition of each item and fixture in every
room of the dwelling, as well as the exterior condition of the
property. This report documents the condition of the property at
the time keys were handed over to you.
Your Agent will have completed this report just before you
collected keys. It is your responsibility to complete the tenant
section of the report within seven (7) days of the start of your
tenancy. Completing it involves writing a Y for “yes”, or an N for
“no” against the comment made by your Agent for each item in
the PCR, regarding cleanliness, damage and if the item works
as it should. Write in any additional comments you think are
necessary to fully describe the condition of each item, especially
if your Agent has missed recording any damage. Take photos if
It is in your best interest to complete the condition report as
accurately as possible to reflect the condition of the property
when you collected keys
Handbook 7
Part 3
You must complete, sign and return the PCR to the Agent
within seven (7) days of the start of your tenancy.
At the end of your tenancy your Agent will compare the condition
of the property as you left it with the report made at the start of
your tenancy. This identifies if any damage or uncleanliness is
your responsibility. We will charge you for any repairs or
additional cleaning required to return the condition of the
property to the same as it was when you moved in, less any fair
wear and tear that reasonably occurs during your tenancy.
If you do not complete, sign and return the PCR to your Agent
within seven days it is accepted under common practice of
residential tenancy legislation that you have agreed with the
condition of the premises as recorded by your Agent.
In specific situations, we may lease properties owned by other
landlords and rent them out to Police Officers. This is known as
a subleasing agreement, where the police officer is the
sublessee of the property.
If this situation applies to you, it will be discussed with you at the
time an offer of accommodation is made. There will be no
difference in the way you request maintenance or end your lease
agreement than if you were leasing a Housing Servicesowned
or managedproperty.
8 Handbook
Ending the Agreement
New laws came into place in 2010 surrounding the amount of written
notice tenants and landlords must give to end the agreement.
The tenant must give 21 days notice in writing to end the agreement
after the fixed term has expired. If the fixed term is due to expire, you
can give 14 days written notice that you will be vacating on or after the
expiry date. If you need to move out urgently, for a short notice
employment transfer for example, we may reduce the notice period.
Please contact your Tenancy Services Officer on 1300 137 343 to
discuss your situation.
Housing Services can end the agreement:
By providing 90 days written notice (without any grounds) after the
fixed term has expired;
By providing 30 days written notice on exchange of a sale contract
which requires vacant possession by the new owner;
By providing 14 days written notice if you seriously or consistently
breach a term of the agreement, or if you are more than 14 days in
rental arrears; or
By providing 30 days written notice that the lease will not be renewed
when the fixed term is due to expire.
For more information and advice about ending your tenancy, please
refer to ‘Moving Out’ on page 19.
Periodic Agreement
Some of you will be occupying the property under a periodic agreement.
Over time, Property NSW will be issuing new lease agreements for a
“three month” fixed term replacing the periodic agreements.
If you are on a periodic agreement the process for ending the agreement
is 21 days notice in writing.
Handbook 9
Paying Rent and Bond
For Officers living in “official” residences subject to 3%
deduction in lieu of quarters, under the Crown Employees
(Police Officers) award 2014, this arrangement will continue.
The 3% allowance will continue to be withheld by NSW Police
Force for provision of quarters.
Officers who are required to pay rent for housing to Property
NSW, rental payments must be made directly from your
nominated bank account via internet banking/over the counter
at any bank or set up as a periodic deduction from your salary
via Employee Self Service with NSW Police Force.
Rent is due to Property NSW fortnightly and by creating a
periodic deduction, will align with the NSW Police Payroll
cycle. This is the preferred method for rental payments.
Rent is payable from the date that you collect keys to the
property, including if you arrange to collect keys before the
lease commencement date stated in your tenancy agreement.
If there is a delay in rental deductions commencing,
your rental account will fall into arrears. We will contact you to
advise that an additional amount of rent is to be paid. The rate
of this amount may be negotiated and paid by instalments
(if required).
10 Handbook
Rental Determination
The rent charged is based on market values in the location that you
are renting, as recommended by an independent registered property
valuer. Rents are reviewed annually. Where an increase in the rent
occurs, we give affected tenants 60 days written notice, under the
terms of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010. Rent reductions are
effective from the annual review date in May.
Rental Arrears
If your rental account is more than 14 days in arrears, Housing
Services will write to you requesting rental payment within another 14
days, and outlining the options available to liquidate the arrears.
Where, after a second reminder letter has not been responded to by
you, and you have not made the requested rental payment or
contacted us to discuss any exceptional circumstances, we can
commence action to terminate your tenancy and recover the arrears.
Tenants who repeatedly fail to pay rent on time and in advance will be
issued notice of termination and refused housing in future.
Housing Services will additionally refer the matter to NSW Police
Force Human Resources Command for their information and
relevant action.
Rental Bond
Officers occupying an official Police residence are not required to
pay a rental bond.
Where an official residence is not available and Property NSW is
required to source private rental accommodation a rental bond is
required to be paid by the occupying Officer.
Handbook 11
Your Responsibilities as a Tenant
Property NSW has the responsibility as a landlord to:
Allow you quiet enjoyment of the property
Give you appropriate notice when we require access to the
property (7 days notice with the exception of emergency
Provide you with a property that is clean and fit to live in at the
start of your tenancy
Provide and maintain the dwelling in a reasonable state of
repair, having regard to its age and prospective life.
As the tenant, it is your responsibility to:
Sign and return the agreement and completed Premises
Condition Report within 7 days of starting tenancy
Ensure your rent is paid on time and kept up to date
Maintain the property in a clean state
Allow access to authorised Housing Services and managing
agent representatives to carry out necessary work (if you have
received appropriate notice and all security clearances and
checks have been obtained)
Meet the cost of cleaning and/or repairing any damage
(excluding fair wear and tear) caused by you or any person you
invite or allow onto the property
Give appropriate written notice of your intended vacating date
(see ‘Moving Out’ on page 19 for more information on giving
notice to vacate).
12 Handbook
We ask that you:
Notify us of any change in circumstances which may affect
the way you pay rent (eg leave without pay, employment
Make your request for repairs or maintenance by logging into
the portal;
Not sublet the dwelling or otherwise permit additional
occupants into the dwelling without the prior written approval
of Housing Services;
Not operate any business enterprise from the dwelling without
the prior written approval of Housing Services; and
Co-operate with neighbours in your villa unit complex
(where applicable) to keep the common area clean and tidy
and allow access to lawns and grounds contractors.
Examples in ‘Fair Wear and Tear’ give some specific
scenarios of damage where tenants are responsible for
meeting the cost to repair.
Handbook 13
Fair Wear and Tear
Wear to the property is inevitable and Property NSW recognise this.
You are responsible for the actions of yourself, your family and any
persons you allow on to the property. However, any damage to the
property caused by misuse, undue force, accident or deliberate
action is not fair wear and tear. You may be responsible for
rectifying the damage at your cost.
If the property you occupy is an operational site in part and damage
is caused to the property outside of your control, Property NSW will
investigate this as a special circumstance in the determination of
The following is a list of items you are responsible for organising
and paying for yourself:
Replacing broken glass where the damage is caused by
yourself or others on the property with your consent. This
includes cracks and chips to glass caused during lawn mowing
to houses (villa unit grounds mowed under contract by the
managing agent are excluded)
Clearing plumbing chokes caused by you or others on the
property with your permission who have placed items down
drains, toilets and sinks
Cleaning of gutters (villa units and conjoined sites excluded)
See page 16 for more detailed information
Maintaining and pumping out the septic system as required
during your tenancy. Refer to page 32 for more detailed
Replacing keys or rekeying existing locks where keys have
been lost or stolen
Repairing damage to walls and doors caused by furniture, wall
posters, stickers/adhesive decorations or careless picture
hanging, including repainting repairpatches
Repairing damage to floor coverings, window treatments such
as burns and stains
Removing mould, cobwebs, nests, dirt and rubbish from the
property. See page 17 for more detailed information
Replacing light globes and fluorescent tubes. We will pay for
replacement globes and tubes in common areas of villa units
Replacing batteries to smoke alarms if they expire during your
Repairing any damage caused by your pets
14 Handbook
Making good any damage to lawns, fencing or exterior walls
following the installation and removal of outdoor furniture,
sunshades, children’s play equipment, pet shelters, sports
equipment eg basketball rings, decorations/ornaments, outdoor
lighting, communication devices and other permanently fixed
items you have placed on the property, even where you have
sought the written permission of Housing Services to affix
these items
Any other repair or maintenance necessary because of the
negligence of you or other persons on the property with your
Cleaning chimneys, where applicable.
You are not permitted to make any improvements, modifications or
inclusions to the property without the prior written consent of
Property NSW. This includes painting; erecting pergolas,
sunshades or satellite dishes; installing dishwashers or air
conditioning units; or affixing any item permanently or semi
permanently to the property. Contactus before you undertake
any improvements.
Security modifications and hardening necessary for law
enforcement and safety will be treated on a case by case basis at
the request of NSWPF. Works associated with security hardening
will be managed by PNSW to NSWPF specification. The provision
of gun safes shall be arranged by Property NSW following a formal
request by NSW Police Force.
We have the right to request that you remove any fixtures, and to
charge you for any repairs or repainting required toreturn the
property to its previous condition.
Handbook 15
Maintenance and Refurbishment
Maintenance is a shared responsibility between you and Housing
Services. The portal is your first point of contact for all
maintenance you require to the property. All maintenance requests
must be made through the portal by logging your request.
Urgent Repairs
The managing agent has a service agreement with us that requires
them to arrange for urgent repairs and maintenance to be carried out
by skilled tradespersons within 24 hours of being notified by you.
Urgent repairs are defined in your Residential Tenancy Agreement at
Section 19 Urgent Repairs. Essentially, any fault that disrupts the
normal supply of water, sewerage, gas, electricity, cooking, heating,
cooling or laundering to your property requires urgent repair. This also
applies to any fault or damage that causes the property to be unsafe or
insecure, and any damage caused by flooding or storms.
In event of an emergency Housing Services, our Agent, or any other
authorised tradesperson may enter the premises without your
permission to carry out urgent repairs. See Section 23 of your
Lease Agreement for more information.
16 Handbook
If you require urgent repairs (as defined above) to your dwelling and you
cannot get any response from your agent or from us within 24 hours
(after hours or weekends for example), you are entitled to arrange the
repairs yourself with a licensed, qualified tradesperson, and to seek
reimbursement not exceeding $1000 from Housing Services so long as:
The damage was not caused by yourself or others on the property with
your permission;
You make a reasonable attempt to let our agent or us know about
the damage
You give our agent or us reasonable opportunity to undertake the work
You make a reasonable attempt to have our agents tradespeople
make the repairs
The repairs are carried out by an appropriate licensed tradesperson
You give us written details of the repairs, including the cost and
receipts for anything you have paid for as soon as possible.
More information about tenants arranging urgent repairs is detailed
in Section 19 of your Lease Agreement.
Non-Urgent Repairs
Log all other repairs and maintenance via the portal. Contact your
agent if work has not been undertaken within a reasonable timeframe
and find out the reasons for the delay.
Handbook 17
Lawns, Grounds and Gutters
Tenants in Villa Units (where applicable)
We meet the cost of maintenance to lawns, grounds and gutters for villa
unit accommodation, conjoined sites and barracks, This work will be
organised by our agent and will be carried out on a regular basis.
You should find out what day this work is being done as you are
responsible for removing toys, pet items (including pet faeces) from the
lawns and grounds so it is clear for lawn mowing. Pets must be
restrained or removed while work is undertaken. The grounds contractor
will not fill holes or repair damage caused by your family or your pets.
Tenants in Houses
Tenants in houses are responsible for maintaining the lawns, grounds
and gutters at their own expense. We strongly recommend that you
engage a licensed and insured professional to undertake gutter cleaning
and tree trimming. Your Agent can advise you of suitable tradespeople
and/or arrange this work at your cost. Security clearances will be
arranged for tradespeople engaged in works on operational sites.
Removing Mould, Cobwebs and Nests
If you live in a property that is prone to mould it is your responsibility to
remove mould and control its growth. Keeping windows open as much
as possible for ventilation and opening curtain and blinds to let in natural
light helps to minimise growth.
It is your responsibility to remove cobwebs and bird and insect nests
from your property. Swallows, wasps and hornets are common nesting
examples, and they often accumulate under eaves. Knock these nests
down promptly and clean up any resulting debris.
Contact your agent if you’d like some more advice.
Chimney Maintenance
If you live in a property which has a chimney, it is your responsibility to
ensure the chimney is swept and cleaned on an annual basis. This will
ensure the chimney is kept in a safe and clean working order.
18 Handbook
Property Refurbishment Program
We take pride in offering you accommodation that is well cared for,
comfortable and suitable to you and your family’s needs. During your
tenancy your property may be scheduled for programmed refurbishment
to maintain or upgrade the facilities. This may include internal/external
painting, gutter and roof repairs, recarpeting and kitchen
Refurbishment Process
Depending on the type of work undertaken, some disruption to your
household may occur. Every effort will be made to minimise the
Kitchen and bathroom facilities will be made available to you when
these amenities are under refurbishment. This may be in the form of
temporary connections, temporary sharing arrangements, or portable
services on your property.
The tradespeople will shift and replace furniture on a roombyroom
basis during works. You will need to pack away any items that you dont
wish to risk being inadvertently damaged during works.
Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated, and of benefit to your
Thank you for your patience during this process to make your home a
more comfortable place to live.
Handbook 19
Moving Out
There are 3 things that you must do when preparing to
move out.
Advise us via the portal that you will be moving out
Contact your Agent to schedule the end of tenancy
inspection and return of keys
Clean the property and arrange for any work and pest
control needed to return the property to the same
condition as when you moved in.
Advising us that you are leaving
Tenants are required to give notice in writing that they are vacating the
property. You can either:
complete a Vacating Advice online at https://propertynsw.force.com/
email us at HousingS
We wil
l confirm your vacating date in writing and provide you with
information about finalising your tenancy.
How much notice do I have to give?
Tenants are required to give 21 days written notice of the date they are
moving out. If you move out within those 21 days, you will still be charged
to the end of the notice period (with the exception of officers living in
“official residences” and are subject to the 3% deduction).
If you are vacating on or just after the end of the fixed term of your lease
agreement, you must give at least 14 days notice of this date BEFORE the
last day of the fixed term. Rent is chargeable until the end of the fixed term,
or the date that you vacate if that is a later date.
For more information on vacating notice periods please refer to the Notes
section at the back of your lease agreement.
Short Notice Transfer and Exceptional Circumstances
If you must urgently vacate the property because you have received an
urgent relocation/officer under threat relocation, we may reduce your
notice period to 7 days only. Please contact your Tenancy Services Officer
on 1300 137 343 to discuss your situation.
NB: Alternative accommodation may not be available, however we will work
with you to find a suitable solution
Where do I leave the keys?
Your keys must be returned to your Agent’s office. There is important
documentation to be signed to finalise your tenancy. Please factor in travel
to the Agent’s office during business hours in your vacating plans.
Leaving keys with your flatmate, neighbour or colleague is not an
acceptable way to end your tenancy.
Officer’s residing in conjoined residences are to leave the keys
with the Agent or District Manager.
20 Handbook
Handbook 21
Finalising Rent
When you give notice to vacate we will confirm your vacating and rental
chargeto date in writing.
For tenants having rent deducted from your salary, your rental account will
be reconciled and you will be advised of the final amount of rent owing to
be deducted
If your rental account is in arrears of greater than one fortnight at the time
that you vacate, your Tenancy Services Officer (TSO) will contact you to
discuss methods of payment.
Rent is chargeable to the end of your required (or agreed) notice period
(generally 21 days notice). Keys must be returned on or before this date.
If keys are not received on this date, you will be charged rent until the
date keys are received by your Agent (or DM for conjoined sites)
End of Tenancy Inspection
Your Agent will carry out an inspection of the property within seven (7) days
of you vacating. They will compare the condition of the property at the end
of tenancy with notes made by yourself and their office on the ingoing
condition report made at the start of your tenancy. It is recommended that
you are present at the end of tenancy inspection in case any issues arise.
Your Agent will discuss any cleaning or remedial work required to be
undertaken by you at this final inspection. They will give you opportunity to
do any necessary work or arrange for the work to be done at your cost by a
licensed contractor. This contractor will be arranged through the Agent.
Work must be completed before the next tenant moves in.
Your lease agreement states that the tenant must return the property in the
same condition it was leased in, excluding any fair wear and tear. This
means that you must fix up any damage you have caused to the property,
even if it was accidental, including any damage caused by moving out.
You are responsible for any damage your pets may cause to the property.
This includes refilling holes dug in the ground, garden beds or lawn, and
removal of pet faeces and hair.
Ensure that all rubbish is removed or placed in bins allocated to your
property only. Any rubbish that does not fit must be taken away by you and
not left in your neighbours’ bins or cluttering up common areas.
22 Handbook
Tenants in houses:
Mow the lawns, arrange for gutters and chimneys to be cleaned and swept
and ensure the exterior of the house and the grounds/garden are left clean
and tidy.
Tenants in units:
Ensure that your unit’s enclosed outdoor area and the common area
is clean and tidy.
A detailed Vacating Inspection Checklist is included on page 23 to
help ensure you cover all areas that are your responsibility.
Remember to disconnect your Utilities and re-direct
your mail to your new address
Abandoned Properties and Goods
Abandoned goods will be handled in accordance with the Residential
Tenancies Act 2010. Section 106.
If we have good reason to believe that a premises has been abandoned,
we will inspect the property, and then seek an order from the NSW Civil &
Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to declare the premises abandoned so it
can become available for a new tenant. We have the right to seek
compensation from the former tenant through NCAT for the loss of rental
income and property damage.
Housing Services may immediately dispose of perishable goods left on the
property. We will contact the former tenant to give notice that
nonperishable goods will be disposed of after 14 days. We will dispose of
any nonperishable goods regardless of value. Any nonperishable goods
disposed of will be recorded.
Personal documents left on the premises will be disposed of after 90 days
and the former tenant will be given notice of this. Personal documents will
be disposed of securely so that the personal information does not become
publicly revealed.
Handbook 23
Vacating Inspection Checklist
Please contact your Agent to arrange a mutual time to complete an
end of tenancy inspection. It is in your interest to attend and complete
this inspection with your Agent to discuss any further cleaning or repairs
that you may be responsible for undertaking.
Remove all personal items and effects from the dwelling.
Disconnect utilities with service providers
telephone, gas and electricity.
Cabinets and Vanity empty, clean and wipe out.
Clean glass and mirrors where applicable.
Exhaust fans remove and clean protective covers.
Shower screen and recess scrub and remove all soap
residue and mould, including tiles and grout.
Wall tiles scrub and remove all soap residue
and mould from tiles and grout.
Verandahs and Garage floors clean and remove
any oil and/or grease stains.
Garden remove any debris and rubbish.
Correct/rectify any damage caused by animals.
Lawns to be mowed and clippings removed
(this item applies to houses only).
Guttering remove leaves and debris
(this item applies to houses only).
Garage, Carport and Storeroom remove all rubbish
and personal possessions, and sweep. Chimney cleaned and
24 Handbook
Drawers, cupboards and bench tops empty, clean
and wipe down.
Exhaust fans remove and clean protective covers.
Refrigerator and freezer (furnished villa units only)
empty, defrost and clean. Switch off power and leave doors
ajar to prevent mould.
Stove clean stove, griller, drip trays, oven and burners
and general body of stove (behind stove where possible).
Vacating Inspection Checklist (continued)
Laundry tub wash and remove any stains or soap residue.
Dryer and Washing Machine (furnished villa units only)
remove and clean lint filters. Wipe over appliances.
Throughout dwelling:
Air vents dusted.
Carpet cleaned, marks and stains removed.
Cobwebs, Nests and Mould remove and clean throughout
premises (internal and external).
Cupboards, drawers and storage/ wardrobes cupboards
emptied, shelving wiped down and ‘face’ panels cleaned.
Curtains and/or blinds cleaned and dusted.
Doors, skirting and architraves dusted and washed.
Floors, lino and floors to wet areas (laundry, bathroom
and toilet) swept and mopped.
Globes and fluorescent tubes in working order.
Do not remove globes and fluorescent tubes when vacating.
Light fittings remove light fittings, dust, clean and refit.
Walls remove marks with light sponging.
Windows, sills and flyscreens cleaned.
Return all keys, including copies, to your Agent. Advise your Agent
if you have changed the security alarm code. It is not acceptable
to leave keys with your neighbours (where applicable), colleagues
or with your flatmates.
Handbook 25
You are permitted to keep domestic pets on Housing Services properties,
provided they are appropriate to the type of property and that you maintain
control over its activities. We are guided by the Companion Animals Act 1998
to determine if a pet is appropriate to the property type.
Dogs and cats are not to be inside the main residential building forming part of
the property. However, if your pet is approved at the premises, pest control
and professional cleaning of the carpets is required.
Some local councils have bylaws placing restrictions on the number and type
of animals, particularly dogs, you may have on a residential property in some
Stock animals (eg horses, goats, sheep, cattle) must not be kept on your
property without our prior written approval (with the exception of recovered
stolen livestock on conjoined). Wild animals (eg kangaroos, emus, pigs) are
not permitted on the property under any circumstances.
26 Handbook
Domestic pets or stock must not create a nuisance or cause damage to our
property. The property must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition at all
times. You will be required to arrange or meet the cost of repairing any damage
to the property caused by your pet, including to lawns and grounds.
Tenants in villa units must ensure that pet faeces and toys are removed from
the lawn and gardens, and that your pets are removed or restrained, when
grounds maintenance is being undertaken. Speak to your Agent to find out
when this maintenance is scheduled. The grounds contractor will not fill holes
or repair damage caused by your pets this is your responsibility.
Property NSW has sole discretion to direct you to remove a pet or other animal
from the property by giving you seven (7) days notice.
Handbook 27
Security provisions in Housing Services properties comply with
the requirements of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.
The following standard security provisions are supplied to all of our properties:
Solid core external doors
Deadlocks on all external doors (keyed alike)
Triple lock Security screen doors (keyed alike)
Locks on all windows (keyed alike)
If your property does not have these standard security measures, they will be
provided upon your request.
Properties with Heightened Security
Security hardening modifications (paid for by NSW Police Force) may include:
Installation of Gun safe
Security lighting, sensor lighting
Anything deemed necessary for threat level, including escalating threat to
police (eg increasing terrorism threat, and counter measures required)
Security System Servicing
Your property may have a security system. You will be provided with the alarm
code to your security system when you collect keys for the property. You must
notify your Agent if you change this code, especially at the end of your tenancy
when you move out. Your Agent can explain how your particular security system
operates, and arrange for any repairs. Additional monitoring costs such as back to
base monitoring is at the cost of the tenant.
Changing Your Locks and Security Devices
If you decide to change or add locks or other security devices to your Housing
Services property as an additional security measure, you must supply the Agent
with a copy of each new key, opening device or information required to open any
lock or security device within seven (7) days of the change, at your expense. This
is a requirement under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.
Every Property NSW residence is insured against loss or damage from fire,
accident, storm or flood.
This insurance DOES NOT extend to the loss, damage or theft of your personal
possessions, including furniture, clothing and vehicles. You are strongly advised
to arrange suitable contents insurance for these items.
You are responsible for all glass breakages on the property, except when caused
by someone on the property without your permission. Glass insurance can be
written into most household contents insurance policies.
Heating and Cooling
For repairs and maintenance that is required to your heating and cooling
systems please go onto the portal to log a repair request.
28 Handbook
Handbook 29
Pest Control
We will provide you with a property that is free from pest infestation. However, during
your tenancy you are expected to take all reasonable precautions to prevent an
infestation of rats, cockroaches, fleas or other pests in the dwelling.
We expect that you will take preventative action such as:
removing rubbish from the dwelling;
storing rubbish securely until its disposal;
routine use of pest prevention treatments, such as those widelyavailable at
supermarkets and hardware stores.
You must notify your Agent promptly of any infestation of rats, cockroaches, fleas or
other pests in the dwelling. If your actions, including lack of preventative action, make
you responsible for the infestation you will be required to meet the full cost of
fumigation or eradication.
If an infestation of pests is due to activities or neglect by us, we will meet the full cost
of rectifying the problem.
Where an infestation of pests (excluding white ants/termites) cannot be attributed to
either Property NSW or you, we will refund half the amount to you of the costs
associated with eradication or fumigation. You must obtain our agreement to reimburse
you BEFORE the work is carried out. Payment cannot be made if the agreement has not
been registered prior to receiving your claim for reimbursement. Contact your Property
NSW Tenancy Services Officer on 1300 137 343 to discuss any pest problem.
Your Agent and Tenancy Services Officer can advise you of seasonal infestations
that may be specific to your location, and how best to manage them.
30 Handbook
White Ant/Termite Infestations
We will meet the full cost of eradicating white ants/termite infestations. Please report
the presence of white ants/termites to your Agent immediately. Do not disturb the
infestation or attempt eradication yourself.
To reduce the opportunity for white ant/termite damage you should take the following
don’t store firewood or boxes on verandahs, or against or under the building;
don’t enclose foundations, and keep them clear of rubbish and leaves; and
don’t fill in foundations for rockeries, gardens or trellis work.
Housing Services will not accept responsibility for any damage to your personal
property or possessions by white ants/termites.
Handbook 31
Septic Systems
If there is no sewerage system operated by the council in your location, we have
installed a septic system to your property. The system consists of a septic tank
combined with a soil absorption system and/or transpiration beds.
How Does It Work?
A healthy septic is a living ecosystem where the right bugs (bacteria) thrive in the
right proportions to digest waste and treat the water. In some systems, the water is
distributed into the ground by a system of trenches (an absorption field).
Septic systems may also have a separate tank for grey water, the wastewater which
comes from the kitchen, laundry and bathroom. There may also be a grease trap, to
collect oil and grease from the kitchen. The water from the grease trap eventually
ends up in the grey water tank.
What Do I Need to Do?
Here are some tips to make your system as efficient as possible:
Be aware that anything that goes down a drain will go through the septic system;
Learn the location and layout of the septic system talk to your Agent;
Check that any products to be flushed or washed away are suitable
for a septic tank;
Use biodegradable liquid detergents, such as concentrates with
low phosphorous;
Clean the grease trap (if installed) at least every two months wear gloves and
wash it where the drainage will go back into the septic;
Use a sink strainer to keep food waste out of the system; and
Conserve water.
The following is a list of actions that will make your septic system less efficient:
Putting large quantities of bleaches, disinfectants, whiteners, nappy soakers and
spot removers into the system via the sink, washing machine and toilet;
Allowing things like nappies, condoms and hygiene products to enter the system; and
Tipping fats and oils down the drain.
32 Handbook
Septic System Pumping
A wellmaintained system may never need pumping out. However it is your
responsibility to arrange for septic pumping, and to meet this cost. Tenants in villa
units must arrange for and divide the cost between them. Your Agent can advise you
of local septic system contractors.
Your septic may need attention if:
The toilets or drains are slow to clear, or keep backing up or overflowing;
The air around it smells usually like rotten egg gas; and/or
The ground is damp or soggy, or pools form downhill of the system.
Handbook 33
Television, Satellite Dishes and Pay TV
Your property will be supplied with an aerial that receives the television stations
that are transmitted locally or a satellite dish and decoder box that receives digital
channels from satellite transmissions.
The Federal Government has shut down the transmission of analogue
television across Australia.
We will provide an aerial that receives the digital transmission. Your television will
need to be a digital television. If it is an analogue television you will need to arrange
a settop box we do not provide settop boxes.
Satellite Dishes
For areas where the Federal Government is not providing digital transmission we
will install on a case by case basis a satellite dish and decoder box which allow you
to receive digital channels.
The decoder box and simcard are specifically allocated to your property and will be
recorded on your ingoing inspection report.
Pay TV
If you arrange for paytv to be installed to your property and need a satellite dish to
be installed, you will need our permission (refer Your Responsibility as a Tenant
page 11). Permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
Some residences will already have satellite dishes installed from previous tenants.
Please contact your paytv provider regarding the use of these dishes.
34 Handbook
Garbage Removal
We will meet the cost of providing bins where the local council has arranged a garbage
collection service for residential properties. The bin belongs with the property and you are
responsible for maintaining its condition.
You are responsible for arranging and paying for rubbish removal if there is no local council
garbage collection service in your area.
LP Gas (LPG) Cylinder Rental
Each installation of LPG is complete with external connections and two cylinders with the
exception of conjoined sites which share LPG gas supply .
The annual rental fee on cylinders and replacement of cylinders is the responsibility of the
We do not refund the cost of unused gas when you move out of the property.
Handbook 35
Smoke Detectors and Earth Leakage
Protection Devices
Smoke detectors (hardwired with battery backup) and earth leakage protection devices
are installed in all dwellings. The number and type of this equipment installed complies
with the Building Code of Australia.
We will ensure that your smoke alarm is operational at the start of your tenancy.
It is your responsibility to advise your Agent if the alarm becomes faulty.
You must replace batteries as soon as they require replacement. The NSW Fire Service
recommends that you:
get into the habit of changing your batteries at the end of daylight savings every year with a
longlasting alkaline battery;
Test the detector regularly by pressing the test button with a broom handle; and
Vacuum the detector monthly to clean the vents.
You must not interfere with the operation of the smoke alarm unless you have a reasonable
excuse to do so. You must advise us if you do so we can correct any usage problems.
36 Handbook
Swimming Pools
Tenants wishing to install aboveground swimming pools to the property must get the prior
written approval of Property NSW
There are a number of safety regulations that must be adhered to. These are enforceable by
your local council. Property NSW has the right to request that you remove the swimming pool
from the property if it fails to meet the safety requirements of the local council.
For complexes with a common swimming pool, please contact the Agent for services and cleaning.
Telephone Line Connection Fee and
Internet Connections
If you are the first tenant in a dwelling requiring a telephone connection where no connection
has previously existed, we will reimburse you the cost for one telephone access point, less the
standard connection fee payable by all telephone subscribers.
You will need to write to us requesting reimbursement. Your request must include the original
telephone account and proof of payment.
We do not reimburse the cost of telephone handset rental and associated fittings.
You must contact us in writing if you wish to add a telephone connection for internet use. We
will require proof that work has been carried out by a licensed and qualified contractor.
Handbook 37
If you have a problem that relates to service quality, or to the work or conduct of any
staff member or Agent, we want to hear from you so it can be resolved through direct
discussion between the parties involved. If this is not possible, or appropriate, your
complaint can be directed to us using the “Feedback” form in the Contact Us section
of our website HousingS[email protected]. The matter will be
investigated by the appropriate Housing Services manager.
Do you have a suggestion or compliment to share?
Let us known via our online Feedback form.
4PSQ, Darcy Street
(Locked Bag 5022)
Tel: 02 8276 8000
Toll free: 1300 137 343
Email: HousingServices@property.nsw.gov.au