Charges scheme 2022/23: Household
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household
1 SCOPE OF THIS CHARGES SCHEME .......................................................................................................... 1
2 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 2
3 INFORMATION ABOUT NORTHUMBRIAN WATER ...................................................................................... 4
3.1 Contacting Northumbrian Water ...................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Complaints ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 LIABILITY FOR CHARGES ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 General Liability ............................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Common Supplies ........................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Moving House .................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.4 Waiving charges in special circumstances ...................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Value Added Tax (VAT) ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Liability for other charges ................................................................................................................................. 7
5 WATER SUPPLY CHARGES .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Defining the Class of Customer for charging ................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Unmeasured Water Charges ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Measured Water Charges .............................................................................................................................. 10
6 SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL CHARGES ................................................................................... 11
6.1 General Information about Sewerage Charges ............................................................................................. 11
6.2 Unmeasured Sewerage Charges................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Measured Sewerage Charges ....................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Reduced Charges In Relation To Surface Water Drainage ........................................................................... 15
7 WATERSURE - CHARGES FOR VULNERABLE CUSTOMERS .................................................................. 16
7.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
7.2 WaterSure Charges ....................................................................................................................................... 16
7.3 Qualifying Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Required Evidence of Eligibility ..................................................................................................................... 18
7.5 Period of Eligibility ......................................................................................................................................... 20
7.6 Applying for the WaterSure Scheme.............................................................................................................. 20
8 PAYMENT OF CHARGES ............................................................................................................................. 22
8.1 When to pay Charges .................................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 How to pay Charges ...................................................................................................................................... 23
8.3 Payment by Landlords ................................................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Customers who struggle to pay their charges ................................................................................................ 24
8.5 Collection of Outstanding Charges ................................................................................................................ 26
8.6 Other Payment Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 26
9 METERS AND METERING ........................................................................................................................... 27
9.1 Optional Metering .......................................................................................................................................... 27
9.2 Selective Metering ......................................................................................................................................... 29
9.3 Information About Meters .............................................................................................................................. 30
9.4 Meter Reading and Billing .............................................................................................................................. 31
10 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES...................................................................................................................... 32
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 32
10.2 Conditions Applying to Miscellaneous Charges ............................................................................................. 32
10.3 Attendance On Site By NWL Technicians At Customer Request .................................................................. 33
10.4 Damage to Northumbrian Water Apparatus ................................................................................................... 34
10.5 Cleaning And Blockage Clearance Of Private Drains And Sewers ................................................................ 35
10.6 Meters ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
10.7 Billing ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
10.8 Other Services ............................................................................................................................................... 37
APPENDIX A HOUSEHOLD CHARGES 2022/23 ....................................................................................................... 38
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 1
Charges scheme
(1) This Charges Scheme is made by Northumbrian Water Limited (NWL) under
the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991.
Scope of charges
(2) This Charges Scheme sets out NWL’s end customer retail charges, terms and
conditions applicable to household customers, in the Northumbrian Water
(3) This Scheme shall come into effect on 1 April 2022 and shall remain in force
until revoked, amended, superseded or modified by NWL.
Contents of
charges scheme
(4) It explains how our charges are calculated, what the charges are, and states
the necessary legal requirements and responsibilities for both household
customers and Northumbrian Water.
(5) For similar information relating to previous years, reference should be made to
the Charges Schemes of the year concerned.
NWL operating
(6) NWL acts as a water and sewerage undertaker in two separate regions of
England. The areas served and the services provided are:
(a) The “Northumbrian Water” (NW) region in North East England
(i) Water and sewerage services are provided across the region, except
for an area around Hartlepool where water services are provided by
Hartlepool Water.
(ii) For water charges for customers served by Hartlepool Water,
reference should be made to their charges scheme.
(iii) Additionally a small number of customers are served by United Utilities
for their water or sewerage services, reference should be made to
their charges scheme as appropriate.
(b) The “Essex & Suffolk Water” (ESW) region in South East England
(i) ESW provides water services only in areas of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk
and Greater London.
(ii) Sewerage services in these areas are provided by either Anglian
Water Services Limited or Thames Water Utilities Limited. For
charges related to these sewerage services reference should be
made to their respective charges schemes.
(iii) ESW collects sewerage service charges on behalf of and as agents
for Thames Water Utilities Limited within parts of ESW, and these
charges will be shown on the same bill as the ESW water charges.
Applicability of
this document to
NWL operating
(7) The provisions of this document apply to the Northumbrian Water operating
region. Any references to NWL, Northumbrian Water or NW should be used
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Publication of
documents and
(8) This Charges Scheme as well as other leaflets and information are published
on our website (, at the address given below, or on request by
contacting Northumbrian Water.
(9) A number of terms are used throughout this scheme; they normally have the
following meanings:
Definition of
standard terms
(a) water services chargesmeans a charge or any combination of charges
for water supply, and sewerage and sewage disposal services;
(b) supplied propertyrelates to water services and means any property which
benefits from or is;
(i) receiving a supply of water or;
(ii) occupied by a person having the use of or right to use or benefit
of facilities (whether or not for the benefit of the property) in
connection with Northumbrian Water's water supply function;
(c) connected propertyrelates to sewerage services and means any property
which benefits from or is;
(i) drained by a sewer or drain connecting either directly or through
an intermediate sewer or drain with a public sewer or sewage
treatment works provided by Northumbrian Water or;
(ii) occupied by persons having the use of or right to use or benefit
of facilities (whether or not for the benefit of the property) which
drain to a sewer or drain so connecting;
(d) customer means in the case of water services, the “Consumer”, as
defined in Section 93 (1) of the Water Industry Act 1991 and in respect of
other services means the person for whom a service is performed, facilities
provided or right made available in pursuance of Northumbrian Water's
water supply or sewerage and sewage disposal functions (without
prejudice to the foregoing this means the person provided with or benefiting
from water supply or sewerage or sewage disposal);
(e) occupier” bears the same meaning as the word “occupier” in Section 144
of the Water Industry Act 1991. The meaning of “occupier” is essentially
similar to that used in the field of rating, as elucidated in case law;
(f) hereditament”, valuation list and valuation officer shall have the
meanings assigned to them by Section 115 (1) of the General Rate Act
1967 as if that Act remained in force;
(g) property or “premises” means the hereditament or if there is no
hereditament it is land, any interest in land or any easement or right in, on,
under or over land;
(h) "household premises" and “household property” means premises in which,
or in any part of which, a person has their home and the principal use of
the premises is as a home.
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For mixed-use premises where the principal use of the premises is
in question; the premises will be defined as non-household where
both the household part of the premises is dependent in some way
upon the non-household part and the premises are liable for
business rates or exempt from business rates;
(i) “non-household premise” and “non-household property” means premises
which are not household premises. For the definition of household
premises see paragraph (9)(h);
(j) occupied property” means one of the following conditions apply:
anyone is living at the property;
a property contains furnishings and fittings;
when a property is unfurnished and water is being used for any
purpose, including refurbishment.
(k) domestic sewage means discharge of waste water from customers’
premises that has been used for domestic purposes;
(l) rateable valuemeans the net annual value shown on the valuation list
made under Section 67 General Rate Act 1967 that was applicable at 31
March 1990 for households;
(m) normal working hours” are Monday to Friday, 8:00 16:00 (excluding bank
(10) In this Scheme words in the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa
except where the context otherwise requires.
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Other information
and contact
(11) Information about Northumbrian Water can be obtained from our website at or by contacting us using the details below.
(a) In writing:
Northumbrian Water
Customer Centre
PO Box 300
(b) By Telephone : 0345 733 5566
Water quality
(12) Water quality information is available free of charge on our website.
(13) Water quality sampling results may be inspected and a printout given. This
service is free to residents for samples taken within their supply zone.
Contact details for
complaints team
(14) We aim to deal with queries and complaints speedily and satisfactorily.
However, if you are unhappy with our response, you should write to the
following address for a review of the decision:
Customer Care Review Team
Northumbrian Water Ltd
PO Box 200
Telephone: 0345 733 5566
Contact details for
CCW’s complaints
(15) If you remain dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been handled, you
may refer the matter to the Consumer Council for Water which will act on your
behalf. Their address is:
Consumer Council for Water
1st Floor Victoria Square House,
Victoria Square,
B2 4AJ
Telephone: 0300 034 2222
Fax: 0121 345 1010
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 5
(16) Water charges will be applied to any supplied property and sewerage charges
to any connected property, as defined in section 2.
Liability for
(17) Liability to pay charges is confined to those persons who are occupiers save
in those circumstances where the Water Industry Act itself otherwise provides.
(18) In most landlord and tenant situations the result will be that it is the tenant who
is to be charged as occupier and not the landlord. The significant exceptions
include the case of holiday lets, the case of lodgers and bed and breakfast
accommodation, where the occupation of the tenants is too transient. In such
cases the landlord will be treated as being in occupation.
(19) Where more than one person is the customer in respect of a single supplied
property, or connected property, then each such customer shall be jointly and
severally liable for all charges arising in respect of that supplied or connected
property and Northumbrian Water may collect all charges in respect of the
supplied property or connected property from any one of the said customers.
(20) Section 144C of the Water Industry Act (when it is brought into force and
subject to any transitional provisions) will require the owner of residential
premises which are occupied by one or more persons other than the owner,
and not by the owner, to arrange for Northumbrian Water to be given
information about the occupiers.
(a) If the owner fails to supply the required information, then they become
jointly and severally liable for water and sewerage charges.
(b) In preparation for the legislation coming into force landlords are requested
to use the water industry’s tenant address portal ( to
register details of new tenancies and those liable for water and sewerage
charges at their properties.
Separate supplies
for unmeasured
(21) Where a customer requests the disconnection of an unmeasured supply that
also serves other customers, they must first install a separate supply so that
their disconnection can be carried out unless agreed otherwise by
Northumbrian Water.
County Court - fee
recovery from
(22) If Northumbrian Water takes action through the County Court to recover
outstanding debts, Northumbrian Water may recover costs and fees from the
defendant in accordance with the rates stipulated by the Ministry of Justice as
varied from time to time.
Liability when
benefitting from a
(23) Where a customer or property benefits from a water or sewerage service
indirectly via or from another property, Northumbrian Water may charge the
occupiers of both properties for the supply of water and sewerage services on
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 6
same basis as would apply if both properties were provided with separate
(24) If services provided to one property are used by the occupier of another
property or for the benefit of another property, these services must be metered.
Northumbrian Water can recover from the occupiers of either or both properties
the costs of any services provided prior to their being metered.
Limitations on
common supplies
(25) Northumbrian Water requires all supplies to new or redeveloped properties to
be separate metered supplies and the requirements of section 64 of the Water
Industry Act 1991 will apply. Where a common supply exists due to historic
reasons or where it is not practicable to install separate supplies, paragraph
(26) will apply.
Common metered
(26) In relation to properties that have a metered water supply connection which
supplies more than one property in different occupancies, each customer shall
be held jointly and severally liable for water and sewerage charges. Charges
will be recoverable under one of the following conditions:
Common billing
(a) Northumbrian Water may make an agreement, known as a Common Billing
Agreement, with the Owners, Property Management Company or other
party to accept liability for the payment of:
(i) the metered water supply charges for all the properties supplied
through the common meter, unless agreed otherwise by Northumbrian
(ii) Plus: all sewerage services charges due in respect of all the
properties supplied through the common meter, including for periods
when the properties are unoccupied.
Liability for
charges where a
common billing
agreement does
not exist
(b) In all other situations, Northumbrian Water reserves the right to apply the
most appropriate form of charge to all properties supplied or connected
through the single metered water supply connection. This may take the
form of apportionment of the measured charge, or any other form of charge
set out in this charges scheme and will be chosen by Northumbrian Water.
Installing separate
(27) Owners may opt, at their cost, to have a separate metered supply installed to
each property (if technically possible) which would enable all water and
sewerage charges to be made direct to the occupiers.
Moving house
(28) A new occupier of a supplied or connected property must notify Northumbrian
Water of the date they are to become liable for charges and provide all details
reasonably required by Northumbrian Water for its charging purposes before
they take benefit from the services provided. Northumbrian Water can recover
from the occupier the costs of any services that have been provided from the
date of occupation.
Basis of charges
(29) Existing properties may be charged on a measured or unmeasured basis, and
the customer may not choose which basis of charge is applied. The only
exception to this is if a property is unmeasured, the customer may request a
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 7
meter to be installed under the optant metering scheme, as set out in section
(30) Northumbrian Water may, on change of occupier install a meter and charge on
a measured basis under the selective metering scheme set out in section 9.2.
(31) Customers planning to move to an existing property within Northumbrian
Water’s area of supply may telephone 0345 733 5566 to obtain information on
the basis upon which they will pay charges for that property.
Waiving charges
in special
(32) Charges for water and sewerage services remain due whilst a property is
occupied as defined in paragraph (9), unless one of the following conditions
(a) If a household property that is furnished falls vacant due to exceptional
circumstances, for example long term hospitalisation of the sole occupant
or death of the sole occupant, then on notification, charges may be
where a household property becomes vacant due to death of the sole
occupant, Northumbrian Water should be informed. If the property
becomes re-occupied by any person, full charges will be applied.
(b) If an unmeasured property is occupied but the water supply to the premises
has been turned off by Northumbrian Water, then no water volume or foul
sewerage charges will apply. Charges for surface water and highway
drainage, if appropriate, will continue to be due;
where water is being used in small quantities, such as for
refurbishment, occupiers of unmeasured properties may wish to opt
to be charged on a measured basis so that charges are more cost
reflective of the water consumed.
(33) Charges in this scheme are stated exclusive of VAT. Any VAT will be applied
as required.
VAT is usually zero rated for water and sewerage services to households.
Standby supply
(34) When a customer chooses an alternative or additional supply to that provided
to the site from the Northumbrian Water mains supply and requires
Northumbrian Water to provide facilities that would enable the customer to take
additional supplies on an intermittent basis or that would serve as an
emergency or standby provision, Northumbrian Water may require that the
customer enter into an agreement to pay such additional sums as may be
necessary to ensure that the costs of providing such facilities are met.
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Liability for water
(35) All customers, as defined in paragraph (9), are liable for Northumbrian Water’s
charge for water.
Types of
(36) There are two classes of customer;
(a) unmeasured, where the supply of water is not charged by reference to
volume, and;
(b) measured, where the supply of water is charged by reference to volume.
Levels of tariffs
(37) The structure of charges applied for each class of customer is set out in this
section, and the level of each charge is detailed in Appendix A.
(38) All new properties will be required to be metered and charged on a measured
basis. This includes any connection to be used wholly or partially for supplying
water for firefighting purposes.
Changing to being
charged on a
measured basis
(39) Unmeasured household customers may opt to have a meter installed, and be
charged on a measured basis, under the optant programme detailed in Section
(40) Northumbrian Water may require some properties to have a meter installed,
and be charged on a measured basis, as detailed under the selective metering
programme as detailed in Section 9.2.
Structure of
(41) The annual tariff for unmeasured supplies shall be based on either;
(a) the Standard Unmeasured Water Tariff as detailed in 5.2.1 or;
(b) an Assessed Charge as detailed in section 5.2.3.
5.2.1 Standard Unmeasured Water Tariff
(42) The annual tariff for unmeasured supplies to a supplied property shall consist
(a) A fixed charge, plus;
(b) A charge based on the rateable value of that property as detailed in section
Opting for a meter
(43) Under the Water Industry Act 1999, all household customers have the right to
request that that their charges are made by reference to volume. This request
will cause a meter be fitted to their supply at no direct charge to themselves.
All conditions relating to moving to charges made by reference to volume are
detailed under section 9.1.
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(44) If a property falls under the conditions detailed in section 9.2 charges will be
required to be made by reference to volume. A meter will be required to be
installed at a property, and measured charges applied to the property.
5.2.2 Rateable Value
Rateable value
(45) The annual rateable value charge is produced by multiplying the rateable value
of the property by a rate in the pound.
Rateable value
(46) The rateable value is as set out and published in the Valuation List at 31 March
1990 as defined in paragraph (9)(l). The only exceptions to this are where a
(a) Does not appear on the 31 March 1990 Valuation List;
(b) The valuation on the 31 March 1990 Valuation List is shown as under
revision or as disputed;
(c) has been significantly altered, merged with another or split into parts or
demolished since 31 March 1990;
(47) In the exceptional cases set out in paragraph (46), and where the property is
not charged on a measured basis, a notional rateable value may be applied to
the property and used as the rateable value for charging purposes.
notional rateable
(48) Any new or revised notional rateable value will be calculated by Northumbrian
Water, taking into account the changes to the property and the rateable values
of similar neighbouring properties.
5.2.3 Assessed Tariff for water
assessed charges
(49) Where a property is charged on an unmeasured basis and has been deemed
unmeterable by Northumbrian Water, in accordance with the metering policies
set out in section 9, the customer will have a choice of having their charges
based on the standard unmeasured charge or an assessed charge. The
conditions surrounding this are set out in section 9.1.3 and 9.1.4.
Assessed charges
(50) The assessed charges are a fixed annual charge, based on assumed volumes
of water consumption. There are two assessed charges:
(a) Standard assessed charge
water consumption is assessed at 120 cubic metres per year
(b) Single occupier assessed charge
water consumption is assessed at 60 cubic metres per year;
assessed bands
(51) All properties eligible for an assessed charge will be charged the standard
assessed charge unless the property is occupied by a single person, when the
single occupier assessed charge will apply.
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Structure of
measured charge
(52) The annual tariff for measured supplies shall be based on the Standard
Measured Water Tariff as detailed in 5.3.1.
5.3.1 Standard Measured Water Tariff
Format of
metered charges
(53) The standard measured annual tariff will consist of:
(a) A fixed charge based on the size of the largest meter installed, plus;
(b) A volumetric charge made on the consumption recorded through each
5.3.2 WaterSure
(54) Properties charged on the WaterSure scheme will be charged in the same way
as the standard measured water tariff, as set out in section 5.3.1, however they
will be charged no more than the average household bill.
(55) The WaterSure scheme will be applied as set out in section 7.
5.3.3 Leakage Allowances for Water
(56) Any allowance for water lost through leakage will be in accordance with
Northumbrian Water’s Code of Practice on Leakage.
Supply pipe repair
(57) Any leak on the private supply pipe is the owner/landlords responsibly to repair.
If a stop tap installation/repair is required to allow the repair to the private
supply pipe, the owner/landlord will not be responsible for the cost of the
installation/repair of the stop tap and the provisions set out in paragraph 10.3.2
will apply.
5.3.4 Allowance for Water Used for Firefighting Purposes
Water for
(58) Where it can be demonstrated that water has been used for firefighting
purposes an allowance will be given against a customer’s water bill. Any such
claim should be made within 30 days of the date of issue of the bill.
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Liability for
(59) All customers, as defined in paragraph (9), are liable for Northumbrian Water’s
charge for sewerage and sewage disposal which is also referred to as a
“sewerage chargeor “sewerage services charge”.
United Utilities
and Hartlepool
(60) As detailed in section 1, the charges for sewerage and sewage disposal
services provided to properties within the water supply areas of United Utilities
Water Ltd and Hartlepool Water plc are included on bills rendered by those
Companies and are payable in accordance with the instructions issued by
those Companies.
covered by the
(61) Sewerage charges are payable in respect of every connected property whether
this service, facility or right is in connection with foul and/or other discharges,
including surface water and roof water drainage.
(62) If Northumbrian Water is of the view that the costs of billing and recovering
charges will exceed the income from certain properties, then the charge may
be waived for those properties.
(63) There are two types of sewerage service, defined as follows:
(a) Foul sewage;
(b) Other discharges, including highway drainage, surface water drainage
including water from roofs and external areas, residual discharges
including infiltration etc. Other discharges will be referred to as Surface
Water Drainage.
Where a property is not connected for surface water drainage section
6.4 will apply.
Types of
(64) There are two classes of customer:
(a) The measured class, where charges for a property are made by reference
to volume.
(i) Customers receiving and being charged for water supplies through a
water abstraction licensed by the Environment Agency will be
considered as a measured sewerage customer.
(b) The unmeasured class, which are all other properties.
Levels of tariffs
(65) The structure of charges applied in each case is set out in this section, and the
level of each charge is detailed in Appendix A.
(66) All new properties will be required to be metered and charged on a measured
Changing to
being charged
on a measured
(67) Unmeasured household customers may opt to have a meter installed, and be
charged on a measured basis, under the optant programme detailed in Section
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 12
(68) Northumbrian Water may require some properties to have a meter installed,
and be charged on a measured basis, as detailed under the selective metering
programme as detailed in Section 9.2.
Structure of
(69) The annual tariff for unmeasured supplies shall be based on either;
(a) the Standard Unmeasured Sewerage Tariff as detailed in 6.2.1 or;
(b) the Assessed Tariff as detailed in section 6.2.2.
6.2.1 Standard Unmeasured Sewerage Tariff
Structure of
(70) The annual tariff for unmeasured supplies to a connected property shall consist
(a) A fixed charge, plus;
(b) A charge based on the rateable value of the property multiplied by a rate in
the pound;
(i) The rateable value of the property is defined in section 5.2.2.
(71) Charges for foul sewage, as defined in paragraph (63)(a) are divided between
the fixed and rateable value elements.
(72) Charges for other discharges, as defined in paragraph (63)(b), are recovered
within the fixed charge.
connected for
surface water
drainage only
(73) For unmeasured properties connected for other discharges but not for foul
sewage, a fixed charge will be made on the same basis as for measured
properties, as defined in paragraph (79)(b).
6.2.2 Assessed Tariff for sewerage
(74) Where a property charged on an unmeasured basis has been deemed
unmeterable by Northumbrian Water, in accordance with the metering policies
set out in section 9, the customer will have a choice of having charges for their
property based on the standard unmeasured charge or an assessed charge.
The conditions surrounding this are set out in section 9.1.3 and 9.1.4.
(75) The assessed charges are a fixed annual charge based on assumed volumes
of water consumption. There are two assessed charges:
(a) Standard assessed charge
water consumption is assessed at 120 cubic metres per year
(b) Single occupier assessed charge
water consumption is assessed at 60 cubic metres per year;
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 13
assessed bands
(76) All properties eligible for an assessed charge will be charged the standard
assessed charge unless the property is occupied by a single person, when the
single occupier assessed charge will apply.
(77) Where a property is charged for water and sewerage services, the same
assessed charge will apply for sewerage as that charged for water services.
Structure of
(78) The annual tariff for measured supplies shall be based on the Standard
Measured Sewerage Tariff as detailed in 6.3.1.
6.3.1 Standard Measured Sewerage Tariff
Structure of
(79) For the measured class of customer, the recovery of the costs associated with
providing sewerage services is on the following basis:
(a) For foul sewage, a volumetric charge based on volume as determined
under section 6.3.3.
(b) For other discharges, a fixed charge per household property will apply.
6.3.2 WaterSure
(80) Properties charged on the WaterSure scheme will be charged in the same way
as the standard measured water tariff, as set out in section 6.3.1, however they
will be charged no more than the average household bill.
(81) The WaterSure scheme will be applied as set out in section 7.
6.3.3 Determining the volume to charge for foul sewage
Calculating the
volume of foul
sewage to be
(82) The volume of foul sewage to be charged as domestic strength will be
calculated as:
(a) Volume of water entering a property;
(i) Volumes will be calculated by reference to the quantity of water
registered on the water supply meter and/or water resource authorised
licensed abstraction quantity;
(b) Less any volume given as a non-return to sewer allowance as determined
under section 6.3.4.
(83) The volumetric charge for foul sewage is made on the principle that water
entering a property will equal water leaving a property, although it is accepted
that a proportion of water supplied will not necessarily enter the sewer.
(84) A standard 5% non-return to sewer allowance is made within the calculation of
the volumetric rate of charge, which is then applied to the total metered quantity
of water for the period in question.
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6.3.4 Non-return to sewer allowances
(85) A non-return to sewer allowance is a reduction to the volume of domestic foul
sewage charged, in addition to the standard 5% factored into the domestic foul
sewage volumetric tariff.
A non-return to sewer allowance is included in the calculation of the
domestic foul sewage volume on each bill issued for the duration of the
(86) A non-return to sewer allowance may be given at Northumbrian Water's
discretion where it can be demonstrated, to NWL’s satisfaction, that:
(a) there are losses of water in excess of the standard 5% non-return to sewer
allowance due to processes carried on in the property;
(b) there is water that is not discharged to a public sewer or treatment works.
(c) there is recognised pre-treatment of waste water prior to discharge.
Calculating non-
(87) The amount of non-return to sewer allowance granted is calculated by facts,
estimates, engineering aspects and other formulae, as considered relevant by
Northumbrian Water.
For the purpose of this charge, the readings on any water meter or meters
supplying the properties concerned shall be prima facie evidence of water
entering connected properties.
Start date for
new non-return
to sewer
(88) The start date of a new non-return to sewer allowance will be the most recent
date of:
(a) 1 April in the charging year in which claim for the allowance is made to
Northumbrian Water; or
(b) the date the premise was occupied by the occupier making the request for
an allowance;
Changes to non-
return to sewer
(89) Where there is an existing non-return to sewer allowance and the volume of
water not returned to sewer changes, Northumbrian Water will determine, at
its discretion, the date from which the changes will apply, taking into account
the evidence available.
Customers should inform Northumbrian Water immediately should any
changes occur to their non-return to sewer volume.
Renewing non-
return to sewer
(90) When a non-return to sewer allowance terminates, if there is no contact from
the customer requesting a renewal within 12 months of the date of termination,
any subsequent request for a non-return to sewer allowance for the same
property will be treated as a new non-return to sewer allowance and applied
as set out in paragraph (88).
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 15
6.3.5 Leakage Allowances for Sewerage
(91) A sewerage leakage allowance is a one-off reduction in the volume of domestic
foul sewerage charged, following a water leak and is granted at Northumbrian
Water’s discretion in accordance with our Code of Practice on Leakage.
Allowance dates
(92) The leakage allowance will be granted for a period commencing with the billing
period prior to the billing period in which the leak came to Northumbrian Water’s
attention, and ending on the date the leak is repaired.
6.4.1 General
charges where a
property is not
connected for
surface water
(93) Where it can be demonstrated that no surface water or groundwater drains
either directly or indirectly to Northumbrian Water’s sewerage system, a
reduced charge will be applied. The amount of reduction in the charge will be
the same for all customers. The reduced charge is shown in Appendix A.
(94) Reduced charges will not be granted where volumes of surface water draining
to Northumbrian Water’s sewerage system have been significantly reduced.
No sewerage
(95) Where a property is not connected for either foul sewage or for surface water
drainage, no sewerage charges will be payable.
6.4.2 Application of Reduced Charges
Date of
application of
reduced charges
(96) Rebates as described in section 6.4.1 will be applied up to the later of the date
on which the customer became responsible for charges or the date on which
the site was disconnected from Northumbrian Water’s systems. Rebates will
be applied up to a maximum period of six years prior to the date on which the
customer made an application for reduced charges.
6.4.3 How to apply for reduced charges
Applying for
reduced surface
water drainage
(97) Customers in this category who consider that they may qualify for reduced
sewerage charges as a result of these provisions should either write or
telephone in the first instance to:
Customer Centre
Northumbrian Water Limited
PO Box 300,
Telephone: 0345 733 5566
(98) Customers will be sent a questionnaire for completion. This will include the
request for a simple site plan that indicates how the surface water and
groundwater from their property is currently drained. This will help the
customer to determine whether a claim under the provisions of this section is
likely to be successful. If the customer remains of the opinion that they may
be entitled to reduced sewerage charges, they should return the completed
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 16
questionnaire to the above address. Northumbrian Water may require more
detailed plans for some properties and reserves the right to visit any property
to establish its connection status.
Definition of
(99) WaterSure is a scheme intended to assist customers who may use higher than
average amounts of water and feel obliged to reduce their water consumption
to very low levels in order to be able to pay their bill.
(100) Such customers will be those who;
(a) are charged for water and sewerage services via a meter;
(b) have low incomes and are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits for the
WaterSure tariff listed below; and
(c) use a higher than average amount of water due to a large family or a
medical condition.
(101) The conditions that must be met to allow the WaterSure scheme to be applied
are detailed in the remainder of this section.
Vulnerable group
(102) The conditions of the WaterSure scheme are defined by the Water Industry
(Charges) (Vulnerable Groups) Regulations. A summary of the main points
contained within the regulations are:
(a) To be accepted onto the WaterSure scheme customers must apply and
meet all required conditions.
The qualifying conditions are detailed in section 7.3.
The application process is detailed in section 7.6.
(b) The WaterSure scheme caps charges for customers on the scheme. The
maximum charge a Customer on the scheme will pay is equal to the
average household charge. This is explained in section 7.2.
Level of
Scheme charge
(103) Customers on the WaterSure scheme will not be billed more than the average
household bill. The amount billed depends on the volume of water used at the
property and one of the following conditions will determine the amount to be
If, using standard tariffs, the charge would be higher than the average
household bill, then the average household bill will be charged;
If, using standard tariffs, the charge would be lower than the average
household bill, then the lower amount will be billed.
(104) The level at which charges will be capped is shown in Appendix A.
Where the comparison of measured and WaterSure scheme charges is based
upon an estimated meter reading which is disputed by the customer,
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 17
Northumbrian Water may review this estimate or make arrangements with the
customer to take an actual reading.
7.3.1 General Information
(105) Qualifying conditions that must be met for the WaterSure scheme fall into
several groups, there are conditions set upon the premises and the household
occupying the premises. Both premises and household conditions must be
met to qualify for the WaterSure scheme.
7.3.2 Conditions for the premises
(106) To qualify for the WaterSure scheme the premises must fulfil all the following
(a) The premises must be occupied by the customer and any other qualifying
person as their only or principal home;
(b) Where premises are not used solely as a person’s home, the other use
must not be the principal use of the premises;
(c) Water supplied to the premises must not be used for either;
(i) Watering a garden, other than by hand, by means of any
(ii) Automatically replenishing a pond or swimming pool with a
capacity greater than 10,000 litres.
7.3.3 Conditions for the Household
(107) To qualify for the WaterSure scheme the household must fulfil one of the
following requirements:
Large family
(a) For Large Families, both of the following conditions must be met:
(i) the household must contain an individual who is entitled to
receive Child Benefit for three or more children up to the age of
19. All of these children must be resident in the property;
(ii) the individual entitled to receive Child Benefit for the three or
more children must also be in receipt of one of the relevant
benefits. Relevant benefits are listed in paragraph (108).
(b) For Medical Conditions, both of the following conditions must be met;
(i) the household must contain an individual who has been diagnosed as
suffering from one of the following medical conditions and whose
condition causes them to use significant amounts of water:
Kidney failure requiring home dialysis (except where a contribution
to the cost of the water consumed during the billing period has been
made by the health authority);
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 18
Abdominal stomas;
Desquamation (flaky skin loss);
Weeping skin disease (eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulceration);
Crohn’s disease;
Ulcerative colitis;
Renal failure requiring dialysis at home;
Another medical condition which means they have to use a lot of
extra water. Applications for this category must be supported by a
doctor’s certificate or letter.
(ii) the household must contain an individual, not necessarily the same
individual as suffering from the qualifying medical condition, being in
receipt of one of the relevant benefits. Relevant benefits are listed in
paragraph (108).
Relevant Benefits
(108) The relevant benefits are:
(a) Under Part VII of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992;
Housing Benefit;
Income Support;
(b) Under section 1(4) of the Jobseekers Act 1995;
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance;
(c) Under the State Pension Credit Act 2002;
State Pension Credit;
(d) Under Part 1 of the Tax Credits Act 2002;
Child Tax Credit (except families in receipt of the family element or
disability element only);
Working Tax Credit (except in receipt of the disability element only);
(e) Under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007;
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance;
(f) Under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012;
Universal Credit.
(109) To be billed on the WaterSure scheme, all applicants will be required in
advance to complete an application form and to provide reasonable evidence
of eligibility as detailed in paragraph (111), (112) or (113).
Presentation of
(110) Evidence must be presented to Northumbrian Water in one of the following
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 19
(a) A copy included with the application form or emailed to our designated
email address;
(b) Claimants may present the notice of entitlement at any Northumbrian
Water office. Northumbrian Water will make any photocopies of the
documents as it feels necessary to validate the claim, but will not retain the
Evidence for large
(111) Large Families on low incomes as defined in (107)(a) must provide all the
(a) a copy of the latest notice of entitlement (not more than 12 months old)
showing that Child Benefit was payable to a resident of the property in
respect of three or more children up to the age of 19;
(b) a copy of the latest notice of entitlement to the relevant benefit listed in
paragraph (108). The latest notice of entitlement must;
(i) for the tax credit, the award period must cover the date of the
(ii) for all other relevant benefits, be not more than 12 months old.
Evidence for
(112) For medical conditions as defined in (107)(b), applicants must provide all the
(a) customers will be required to state on the application form:
(i) The medical condition under which they are claiming eligibility;
(ii) The name of a medical practitioner to whom any enquiries may
be made in connection with the application, to confirm both that
the patient has been diagnosed as having the specified
condition and the impact this is likely to have on water
(b) a copy will be required of the latest notice of entitlement to the relevant
benefit listed in paragraph (108). The latest notice of entitlement must;
(i) for the tax credit, the award period must cover the date of the
(ii) for all other relevant benefits, be not more than 12 months old.
Evidence for other
(113) For medical conditions other than those defined in (107)(b), applicants must
provide all the following:
(a) evidence as detailed for Medical Conditions as detailed in paragraph (112);
(b) a doctor’s certificate or letter from a GP or hospital consultant, stating:
the name of the person in respect of whom the diagnosis is made
(“the patient”);
the diagnosis of the patient’s medical condition which obliges the
patient to use a significant additional volume of water;
the date on which the certificate is given; and
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 20
the name, position and address of the registered medical
certificate costs
(114) Northumbrian Water will not be responsible for any cost incurred in obtaining
a doctor’s certificate.
Verification of
(115) Northumbrian Water will take reasonable steps to ensure the validity of claims
and may contact the agency providing the benefit or tax credit used as the
basis for a claim and, where relevant, medical practitioners. It may do this both
on a random basis and in specific cases where it has reason to doubt the
validity of documents supplied by the applicant.
Period of eligibility
(116) Once eligibility has been established, the WaterSure scheme will be presumed
to apply for the remainder of the current charging year.
(117) Eligibility for the WaterSure scheme will apply to the whole of the billing period
within which the date of eligibility for the scheme begins or ends, as follows:
Start of eligibility: the WaterSure scheme will apply from the beginning of
the bill which covers the date on which eligibility starts.
End of eligibility: the WaterSure scheme will apply until the end of the bill
which covers the date on which eligibility ends.
(118) Eligibility will not be applied retrospectively, i.e. before the commencement of
the billing period in which eligibility is established.
(119) If the customer’s circumstances change during a year the customer must
inform Northumbrian Water.
(120) Customers will be contacted annually to ask if their circumstances have
changed. If they remain the same they will not need to do anything and they
will remain eligible.
Verification of
(121) Northumbrian Water reserves the right to make additional checks on
customers’ continued eligibility during the charging year, both on a random
basis and in cases where it has reason to believe that a customer’s
circumstances may have changed.
7.6.1 Administration of Applications
(122) Customers who feel they may be eligible for the WaterSure Scheme should in
the first instance write or telephone for a leaflet and application form to:
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 21
(123) On return of the completed application form, together with the relevant
documentary evidence, Northumbrian Water will endeavour to process the
application and advise customers of the outcome within 10 working days.
However, it may be necessary to extend this timescale for factors outside
Northumbrian Water’s control, as noted below.
(124) If additional evidence is required from third parties for example, checking with
a doctor it may be necessary to exceed the target timescale, but the customer
will be advised of any delay on this account.
(125) If returned forms are incomplete or have been completed incorrectly, it may be
necessary to return these to customers for correction and resubmission and
this will delay the processing of the application. It may be possible to deal with
minor errors and omissions by telephone and customers will be asked to
provide a daytime contact number for this purpose. The failure by the
customer to provide the appropriate documentary evidence in support of their
claim will also result in delay.
(126) During the course of the year, it is the customer’s responsibility to advise
Northumbrian Water immediately if their circumstances change such that they
are (or believes they may) no longer be eligible for the WaterSure Scheme. In
order to simplify this process for the customer, Northumbrian Water will, when
it first notifies the customer of their eligibility and on subsequent occasions
when it reconfirms eligibility, include a notification form for the customer to
complete and return if and when they become (or believes they may have
become) ineligible for continued access to the WaterSure Scheme.
(127) Where it becomes clear that a customer’s eligibility ceased in a billing period
prior to the one then current and that this has resulted in undercharging, a
retrospective adjustment to the customer’s bills will be made.
Disputes over the
(128) In the event of a complaint or dispute over the application of the provisions for
the protection for vulnerable customers, either as to eligibility or in the
application of charges, customers should, in the first instance, contact the
Customer Centre at the address shown above. In the event that the matter
remains unresolved, the customer will have the right to refer their case to the
Consumer Council for Water (CCW).
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 22
8.1.1 Unmeasured Customers
Payment options
(129) The occupier of an unmeasured property is liable to pay water and sewerage
charges for each day of their occupation. Bills are issued at the beginning of
the financial year on the assumption that the occupier will remain in residence
for the whole of the financial year. Charges are due in full on demand unless
an alternative payment plan is agreed by Northumbrian Water. Customers
may elect to pay their charges:
(a) In two half-yearly payments on the due dates printed on the payment slips;
(b) By our Instalment Scheme;
(c) By our Budget Scheme (instalments can be monthly, fortnightly or weekly);
(d) By special arrangements for customers having difficulty paying their bills.
8.1.2 Measured Customers
Payment options
(130) Measured water, measured sewerage and fixed charges are payable in full on
demand unless an alternative payment plan is agreed by Northumbrian Water.
Customers may elect to pay their charges:
(a) By our Budget Scheme (instalments can be monthly, fortnightly or weekly);
(b) By special arrangements for customers having difficulty paying their bills.
8.1.3 Payment by instalment
Payment by
(131) Where any arrangement has been made to pay a bill by instalment the
following conditions apply:
No charge for
(a) No charge is made for the option to pay by instalments.
All charges due
on failure of
(b) Failure to pay an instalment by the due date causes all outstanding
amounts to be due and payable immediately.
(i) Failure to pay the charges outstanding in one amount may result
in the issue of a County Court Claim for all unpaid charges.
8.1.4 Customers entering into any formal insolvency procedure
Charges when a
formal insolvency
procedure occurs
(132) Where a Customer enters into any formal insolvency procedure, including Debt
Relief Orders, Northumbrian Water may apportion any charges on a daily basis
up to the date immediately before the date the relevant insolvency procedure
becomes effective ('the insolvency date').
(133) Any apportioned charges after the insolvency date will be payable by the
occupier of the property in question and apply from the next day of occupation
after the insolvency date. Any such apportioned charges will not fall within the
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 23
insolvency procedure. The charges will be payable by the occupier on the
same payment terms as would apply if the property had been newly connected
on that day.
(134) All payment methods are free of charge unless otherwise stated.
Available methods
of payment
(135) Unmeasured and measured customers who elect to pay their charges in
accordance with either Section 8.1.1 or Section 8.1.2 above may use any (or
any combination) of the payment methods listed below:
(a) By Direct Debit a choice of payment dates is available throughout the
(b) By Internet - payment can be made online, either through a customer’s own
online banking facilities or via our web site address,;
(c) By PayPoint - payment can be made in cash at any PayPoint agency;
(d) Via a Bank at a branch by cash or cheque, or through its online banking
system. Free of charge at customer’s own bank, and at branches of
NatWest in the Northumbrian Water region. Other banks may make a
charge for the transaction;
(e) At a Post Office - by cash or debit card only, using the payment slip on the
bill. (A charge will be made for payments via a Post Office);
(f) By Post by cheque or postal order, customers should send their payment
to: Northumbrian Water, Customer Centre, PO Box 300, Durham, DH1
9WQ. Cheques and postal orders should be crossed and made payable
to “Northumbrian Water Limited”. Post-dated cheques are not acceptable;
(g) By Telephone - to pay using a debit or credit card the customer should call
the telephone number detailed on the bill.
Payments by
credit card
(136) For payments made by credit card there will be no additional charge.
Water Direct
(137) In addition, Northumbrian Water can arrange to apply to the Jobcentre
Plus/DWP to facilitate the receipt of payments via the Water Direct Scheme
from the following benefits:
(a) Income Support;
(b) Income-related Employment and Support Allowance;
(c) Income-based Jobseekers Allowance;
(d) Pensions Credit;
(e) Universal Credit.
Payment by
(138) Subject to the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991 and except where
provided by agreement with Northumbrian Water to the contrary, the charges
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 24
referred to in paragraph 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 are payable by the occupiers of
properties. However, where a number of tenanted properties are in one
ownership, the owner may agree to pay the charges in respect of all the
properties. Northumbrian Water is therefore prepared to consider agreements
with owners for the payment of unmeasured charges due on tenanted
properties under which allowances may be given to reflect the administrative
costs incurred by the Landlord in collecting and remitting the charges to
Northumbrian Water, subject to payment on time.
(139) Notwithstanding such arrangements, occupiers of properties remain the
customers of Northumbrian Water, landlords being responsible for collecting
charges due on the basis set out in this Charges Scheme.
(140) In the event of the owner defaulting on the above arrangements, then the full
charges may be recovered by Northumbrian Water from the occupier.
(141) The arrangements referred to above also apply in respect of the sewerage and
sewage disposal services charges levied by other water companies on behalf
of Northumbrian Water. The water companies have their own arrangements
related to their water supply charges.
(142) Northumbrian Water will ensure that every attempt is made to work with the
customer to secure a reasonable payment arrangement. Customers
experiencing payment difficulties can contact Northumbrian Water to discuss
alternative arrangements. Information can be obtained from the Customer
Centre on 0345 733 5566.
(143) We encourage all customers experiencing difficulties to contact us to discuss
their situation. We work with independent external agencies to help assess
ability to pay bills and offer assistance, tailored to a customer’s particular
circumstances, where affordability issues have been identified.
(144) In particular we offer the following areas of assistance:
(a) Different payments schedules, such as smaller more frequent payments;
(b) Debt advice from independent third parties;
(c) WaterSure (see section 7);
(d) Payment matching schemes;
(e) Debt prevention schemes;
(f) Water efficiency advice.
Social tariffs
(145) Northumbrian Water offers two social tariffs, which form part of the assistance
we provide to customers who are struggling to pay their bills (covered under
paragraph (144)). Customers should contact Northumbrian Water to discuss
these schemes. These schemes are outlined below.
(a) SupportPlus Reduced Charges Scheme
(i) Our SupportPlus reduced charges scheme is there to help
households on low incomes who find our bills unaffordable.
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 25
(ii) There are three ways of qualifying for this additional support,
If your household income is less than £16,480 and your annual
combined water and sewerage bill is greater than 3% of your
total household income after housing costs (rent or mortgage
payments) you will qualify for a reduction.
We will calculate the level of your discount to reduce your
annual bill to below 3% of your total household income after
housing costs.
The minimum discount will be 10% and this will increase in
10% bandings up to a maximum of 50% of your annual bill.
Application for a reduction can be made every year and proof
of income and housing costs is required.
If your household income is not sufficient to cover your
essential bills, we may be able to reduce your water bill. The
reduction can be up to a maximum of 50% off your annual bill.
In order to qualify you will need a financial assessment from
an independent debt advice organisation, such as
StepChange debt charity.
Application for a reduction can be made every year and proof
of income is required.
If you are in receipt of pension credits.
(iii) You must continue to pay the agreed amounts in order to
continue to qualify for the reduction.
(b) SupportPlus Debt Support
(i) If you owe NWL more than 2 years worth of charges, you may
be eligible for our SupportPlus scheme. We will agree a 2 year
payment plan, and if you keep to it, we will write off a proportion
of the historic debt.
(ii) This is a once only opportunity per customer, and we will
maintain regular contact with you during the 2 years that that the
scheme runs so that you can see how your debt is reducing.
(iii) This scheme requires an independent debt advice organisation,
such as StepChange, to undertake an independent financial
assessment to determine eligibility.
(c) We provide a range of tariffs which provide extra help to customers under
our SupportPlus scheme. We review our tariffs annually to make sure they
are fair and reflect the best way to support customers who are struggling
to pay this includes talking to and involving customers in what our future
tariffs should look like.
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 26
(146) When payments are not made, either following the standard payment
arrangements or an agreed payment arrangement, debt collection procedures
will apply. Full details of our collection procedures are contained within our
Code of Practice on Debt, a copy of which can also be obtained from the
Customer Centre.
Consequence of
(147) Unmeasured bills are issued annually. Measured bills are issued on a six
monthly basis. If the bill has not been paid, a reminder notice is sent advising
the customer that recovery action will ensue.
(148) If payment is not forthcoming, a pre-claim letter is issued. The pre-claim letter
advises that if the current instalment due is not paid, legal action will be taken
for the full amount outstanding which, in the case of unmeasured charges will
be the balance to the end of the financial year. In addition to this amount, the
customer will incur charges in respect of County Court Fees and Solicitors’
Costs. If payment is still not received, Northumbrian Water may attempt to
make contact with the customer before a claim is sent to the County Court and
Court Fees and Solicitors’ Costs are added to the customer’s account.
(149) The customer has the option to either admit or defend the claim. If the
customer admits the debt, the Court is asked to enter judgment by admission.
If the claim is defended and the query cannot be resolved by correspondence
a Hearing may be set by the Court who will act as arbitrator in the case. If the
customer ignores the claim the Court is requested to enter judgment by default.
If the customer does not adhere to the terms of the County Court judgment
order, Northumbrian Water will request enforcement in accordance with
County Court rules.
(150) At each stage in the process Northumbrian Water will encourage customers to
enter into an appropriate payment arrangement and facilitate the means of
payment to suit the customer’s individual circumstances.
Payment charges
(151) Northumbrian Water reserves the right to recover bank charges and
administrative costs resulting from invalid or dishonoured cheques, standing
orders, credit cards or direct debits.
(152) When payment is made in foreign currency, the exchange rate applicable will
be that on the day of receipt of payment. Any shortfall or benefit will be debited
or credited to the customer’s account accordingly. Commission charges will
be deducted from the amount paid.
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 27
9.1.1 General Information
Right to a free
water meter
(153) Under the Water Industry Act 1999, all household customers have the right to
request that a meter be fitted to their supply at no direct charge to themselves.
Details of Northumbrian Water’s current Optional Metering Scheme are
available on our website or customers can call 0345 733 5566. An application
form will be provided for the customer to complete if they wish to proceed. The
receipt by Northumbrian Water from the customer of a completed application
form will serve as a measured charges notice.
Rights of tenants
in relation to
(154) Section 209a of the Water Industry Act gives the tenant, on a periodic tenancy
greater than 6 months, the unfettered right to request a meter and the landlord
cannot limit that right in the tenancy agreement or otherwise.
locations for water
(155) The preferred location for the meter installation is in an existing boundary box.
If an existing boundary box is not available, the water meter will normally be
fitted in Northumbrian Water’s next preferred location according to
Northumbrian Water’s meter location policy in force at the time of installation.
(156) If a customer requests the meter to be fitted in an alternative location which is
acceptable to Northumbrian Water, the customer may be asked to bear any
resulting additional costs reasonably incurred thereby as compared to
installation in Northumbrian Water’s preferred location, which can be obtained
by contacting Northumbrian Water.
Timescale for
installing optional
(157) Optional meters will normally be fitted within 90 days of receiving a customer’s
confirmation of their wish to proceed with the installation. Where this period is
exceeded, the customer’s bills will be calculated as though the meter had been
installed by the due date. As such a zero volume will be charged until the bill
following the first meter reading.
9.1.2 When A Meter Cannot Be Installed
Exceptions to
installing optional
(158) Northumbrian Water will endeavour to fit a meter to a supply whenever
requested to do so. However, in some cases this may not be possible, either
because it would involve unreasonable cost or is in any case not technically
Reasonable costs
for installing an
optional water
(159) The reasonable costs associated with the installation of a meter include:
Provision of a meter;
The cost of installation in the preferred location or another normal location
(see paragraph (155));
Normal reinstatement costs;
The provision of any remote reading device where Northumbrian Water
considers this is necessary;
In some circumstances, usually associated with multi-occupied dwellings,
the installation of a second meter.
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 28
costs for installing
an optional water
(160) Conversely, unreasonable costs may include, but are not limited to, the
The cost of separating the customer’s supply pipe where this is shared
with other customers;
The cost of material alterations to existing plumbing;
The cost of installing more than one meter, in circumstances other than
those referred to above.
Survey reports
(161) If the installation of a meter is refused on grounds of unreasonable cost or
infeasibility, the customer will be given a survey report that details the reasons
for refusal and, where appropriate, indicates the alterations that would first be
required either to the customer’s property or to the nature of their water supply
in order for the application for the installation of a meter at no cost to be
9.1.3 Cases when Assessed Charges may be applied
(162) If the customer declines to make such alterations as may be required to enable
an optional meter to be installed internally, the customer can opt to have an
external meter installed as per the standard charges (222) if this is technically
feasible. If the installation of a meter is infeasible in any case, the customer
will be given the choice either of remaining on their existing unmeasured
charge or on an assessed charge as set out in sections 5.2.3 and 6.2.2.
Notification in
change of
(163) Where an assessed consumption charge is based upon the property being a
single person household, it is the customer’s responsibility to inform
Northumbrian Water immediately if this is no longer the case. In the event that
any revised assessed charge exceeds the alternative unmeasured charges
based on rateable value the customer may revert to the latter.
Reassessment of
unmeterable at
reasonable cost
(164) Where a customer chooses to pay on the basis of an assessed consumption
charge, Northumbrian Water reserves the right to reassess from time to time
the feasibility of fitting a meter to the property. In the event that on such an
occasion Northumbrian Water determines that a meter may now be fitted at no
direct cost to the customer, assessed consumption charges will no longer
apply and the customer must agree either that the meter installation proceed
or to revert to normal unmeasured charges, based upon rateable value. If the
customer agrees to the installation of a meter, they will subsequently have the
same right to revert to an unmeasured basis of charge as provided for other
household meter optants in paragraph (166).
9.1.4 Reversion To the Standard Unmeasured Tariff
reversion of
assessed charges
to unmeasured
(165) When a customer vacates a property which is charged an assessed charge
the property will revert to normal unmeasured charges, based upon rateable
value. The new occupier will have the right to apply for an optional meter and
the feasibility of the property for metering will be reassessed.
Reversion to
charges at
(166) Subject to the provisions of the Optional Metering Scheme, the owner or
occupier of a property may only revert from a metered water supply to an
unmetered supply if the request for reversion is made up to one month
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 29
following the issue by Northumbrian Water of sufficient bills to enable
consumption over the 24 months following the meter installation to be properly
evaluated. In the event of a change of ownership or occupancy within this
period, the right to revert to an unmeasured basis of charge will not transfer to
subsequent owners or occupiers and charges will remain on a measured basis.
(167) Our Lowest Bill Guarantee is designed to help you have confidence that you
won’t be charged more if you think you will save money with a water meter. If
after assessing your water use you believe you will save money and apply for
a free water meter, we guarantee that if your new water meter charges are
higher than your unmeasured charges would have been, you will be charged
the lower amount. The guarantee lasts for two years from the date that the
meter is installed. At any time during this two year period you can decide to
revert to an unmeasured basis of charge (see paragraph (166)).
(168) If a property is covered by the selective metering policy, as described in section
9.2, then charges will continue to be levied on a measured basis.
Meter status on
reversion of
charges at
(169) Where an owner or occupier has reverted to an unmeasured basis of charge
the meter will remain in place and on future change of owner or occupier
charges will be raised on a metered basis.
Reversion to
(170) In all other circumstances, once a supply has been charged by meter, the
charges for that supply will not revert to an unmeasured basis of charge.
Charging for
further reversion
back to metered
(171) If, following reversion to an unmeasured supply as provided in paragraph
(166), the original applicant again requests that the supply to their property be
charged on a measured basis, a charge will be made equal to that for a mid-
term meter reading. In no circumstances will further reversion to unmeasured
charges be allowed.
9.1.5 Right Of Appeal
Right of appeal
(172) Where Northumbrian Water refuses to offer to install a meter free of charge, in
a location as per the current policy, the customer will have the right to have
their case determined by the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat).
metering policy for
(173) It is our policy to meter the following categories of household property;
(a) All new properties, including any connection to be used wholly or partially
for supplying water for firefighting purposes.
(b) Properties where water is used in significant quantities for discretionary
purposes, including:
For garden watering, other than by hand-held apparatus. This
includes the use of sprinklers;
For the automatic replenishing of ponds or swimming pools with a
capacity greater than 10,000 litres.
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(c) Where there has been a change in the occupation of a property and no
charges have yet been demanded from the person who has become the
Notification of
cases where
selective metering
(174) Customers will be required to notify Northumbrian Water if they are using water
for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph (173)(173)(b), arrangements
will be then made to fit a meter at no cost to the customer. Unmeasured bills
will draw attention to the requirement for such uses to be charged by meter.
Charging during
the change over
unmeasured and
(175) If a property becomes metered as a result of Northumbrian Water’s selective
metering programme, metered charges, based on the new meter, will
commence from the date of installation. Once the meter has been installed
Northumbrian Water will raise a backdated charge covering the date of
occupation to the date of installation. This charge will be calculated using the
previous unmetered charge.
(176) Where properties have characteristics that would normally require selective
metering but the installation of a meter would incur unreasonable cost or is in
any case infeasible, in addition to normal unmeasured charges, supplementary
charges for sprinklers, ponds and swimming pools will apply, where relevant.
locations for water
(177) The preferred location for the meter installation is in an existing boundary box.
If an existing boundary box is not available, the water meter will normally be
fitted in Northumbrian Water’s next preferred location according to
Northumbrian Water’s meter location policy in force at the time of installation.
Ownership of
meters and
remote reading
(178) The water meter and any remote reading device, if fitted, are the property of
Northumbrian Water.
(a) Northumbrian Water shall be responsible for the maintenance of the meter.
(b) Where a meter has been fitted either internally or externally within the
boundary of the customer’s property, the customer must allow
Northumbrian Water or its representatives reasonable access for the
purposes of reading the meter, maintaining it and replacing it when
necessary. The customer will have a duty of care in respect of the meter
and meter chamber in these circumstances.
(c) If the meter is installed other than within the boundary of a customer’s
property, the maintenance, access and safety of the meter will solely be
the responsibility of Northumbrian Water.
Accuracy of
(179) In respect of the accuracy of meters, testing of meters, expenses of testing,
method of proof and effect of meter reading, notice of vacation and liability for
charges, and offences of tampering with meters, the requirements of the Water
Industry Act 1991 and the Water (Meters) Regulations 1988, will apply.
Tampering with
(180) It is an offence to tamper with or remove a water meter without the express
permission of Northumbrian Water (see section 175 and 176 of the Water
Industry Act). Northumbrian Water reserves the right to charge a customer
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 31
should their meter or remote reading device be removed or tampered with in
any way.
Changing meters
by Northumbrian
(181) Northumbrian Water may exchange an existing meter for one of a different
size, if in its view this is more appropriate to a customer’s circumstances. No
charge will be made for this.
Changing meters
at the customers
(182) Where a customer asks for an existing meter to be replaced with a meter of
different size or requests the meter and/or its associated remote reading
device be relocated, Northumbrian Water will relocate the meter within the
limits of its meter location policy and make an appropriate charge to cover the
costs of such change. No charge will be made where the meter and/or remote
reading device relocation is requested to facilitate meter reading for elderly or
disabled customers.
(183) Northumbrian Water reserves the right to adjust charges to metered properties
in areas where unmeasured water use is monitored for leakage purposes, to
maintain an appropriate monitoring system.
Meter reading
frequency and
estimated bills
(184) Meter readings will be taken at such intervals as Northumbrian Water may
determine. On occasions when Northumbrian Water does not obtain an actual
reading, an account may be rendered on the basis of estimated consumption.
Definition of
‘actual reading’
(185) An ‘actual meter reading’ means any reading taken directly from a meter or
supplied by any remote reading device associated with a meter.
Amendment of
estimated bill
(186) Estimated bills will be amended on the basis of a meter reading supplied by
the customer, unless there is reason to doubt the accuracy of this. In the latter
case, Northumbrian Water will endeavour to make an appointment to re-visit
the property to take a meter reading and, if necessary, check the accuracy of
the meter.
Billing periods
(187) When a measured bill is raised for a period that commences before 1 April and
ends on or after 1 April, the charges shall be apportioned into sub-periods on
a daily basis between the start of the period covered by the bill and 31 March
and the period from 1 April until the end of the period covered by the bill. Each
sub-period so apportioned will then be charged at the tariffs of the relevant
charging year.
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(188) Northumbrian Water provides water and sewerage services to our customers,
and recovers the costs for these services, on an average basis across all our
customers through the standard published charges set out in this Charges
(189) Where there are services that we carry out for individual customers, we recover
the costs for these activities through the Miscellaneous Charges.
(190) The types of Miscellaneous Charge, and when they apply are described in this
Charges for
normal working
(191) The standard charges quoted apply for works carried out during normal
working hours on normal working days under standard conditions, see
paragraph (9)(m). In other instances Northumbrian Water reserves the right
to charge on a basis of actual costs, provided the applicant is notified
accordingly prior to commencement of the work.
(192) Payments for charges in this section may be required in advance unless
specified to the contrary.
(193) All charges published in this section exclude VAT unless specified otherwise.
VAT will be added to the published charge at the appropriate rate where
Management Act
(194) Additional charges may be made for traffic management expenses.
(195) In accordance with Section 45(6A) Water Industry Act 1991 any dispute
between Northumbrian Water and any other person as to the charge in this
section may be referred to the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) for
Bonds and
(196) In accordance with normal business practice, Northumbrian Water can require,
under certain circumstances normally associated with new development, the
provision of cash bonds or deposits to secure the provision of services.
Charges for
(197) In respect of any service performed, facility provided or right made available
by Northumbrian Water for which a charge is not applicable elsewhere in this
scheme, Northumbrian Water may make such charges as it determines
appropriate, having regard to the cost of performing the service, providing the
facility or making the right available. Payment of such charges may be
required in advance, unless specified to the contrary.
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10.3.1 Technician Call Out Charge
(198) NWL will charge for a technician to attend a site or property the same day or outside
of normal working hours to provide advice or take action to resolve an issue caused
by a customer or third party. If the technician is unable to resolve the problem and
an additional visit is required to complete the work, then a further attendance charge
will be applied.
(199) There will be a charge if the issue can be fixed by, or has been caused by, the
customer or a third party.
(200) Not used.
(201) When attendance charges apply, payment will be secured in advance at the point
of contact, with payment for charges relating to any additional work to be collected
after completion of the work.
(202) Charges per visit are as follows:
(a) During Normal Working Hours (08.00-16.00 Mon-Fri only):
(i) Minimum of two hours (inclusive of travelling time to the incident):
(b) Outside Normal Working Hours and Public Holidays:
(i) Monday to Friday 06:00 to 08:00 and 16:00 to 22.00 and Saturday
06:00 to 22:00 a 50% uplift to Normal Working Hours Rate will apply.
Minimum of two hours (inclusive of travelling time to the incident):
(ii) Monday to Saturday 22:00 to 06:00, Sundays and Bank Holidays a
100% uplift to the Normal Working Hours rate will apply. Minimum of
2 hours (inclusive of travelling time to the incident):
(c) Additional hourly charge for each subsequent hour or part hour will be charged
at the applicable rate.
(203) Not used.
(204) If a repair team is subsequently required, all work carried out by them will be in
addition to the Technician fixed charge above at actual cost inclusive of overheads
excepting where it is covered by the fixed cost work covered elsewhere in these
charges, (additional costs could include plant, equipment, hire charges, contractor
charges, reinstatement of surfaces and fittings etc.).
At cost
10.3.2 Installation, renewal, operation and repair of stop tap valves
(205) Where a domestic customer requests a visit from a Technician to restore the supply
of water to a property using a company stop tap, no charge will be made for this
service during normal working hours.
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(206) Not used.
(207) Not used.
(208) Not used.
(209) Other than in connection with our supply pipe leakage policy as described in
paragraph (57), where there is no existing stop tap and the customer requests that
one be installed, the customer may be required to pay the cost of installation
according to paragraph (210).
(210) Standard charge to install, renew or repair a stop tap valve belonging to
Northumbrian Water where the customer or a third party specifically requests this or
causes damage to the existing stop tap:
(a) During normal working hours:
(i) No reinstatement:
(ii) With reinstatement:
(b) Outside normal working hours:
(i) No reinstatement:
(ii) With reinstatement:
10.3.3 Connection of Customers Relaid Supply Pipe
(211) Where supply pipe is laid on behalf of the customer:
(a) No excavation:
(b) No reinstatement:
(c) With reinstatement:
10.3.4 Other Activities
(212) Attendance for commercial activities during normal working hours (tank filling, flow
and pressure tests on the network, leakage advice etc.) will be charged at the rates
shown in section 10.3.1.
(213) In addition any water used will be charged the standard volume rate:
Per cubic metre:
(214) Where damage to Northumbrian Water apparatus has occurred, charges will be
made to repair the equipment.
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(215) Repairs to Northumbrian Water apparatus will be carried out by Northumbrian Water
staff or approved contractors.
(216) All charges will be based on actual costs inclusive of overheads excepting where it
is covered by the fixed cost work covered elsewhere in these charges (additional
costs could include plant, equipment, hire charges, contractor charges,
reinstatement of surfaces and fittings, etc.).
At cost
(217) When Northumbrian Water cleans or removes blockages from private drains or
sewers, Northumbrian Water may make the following charges:
(a) During normal working hours (08:00 20:00 Mon to Fri):
(b) Outside normal working hours (20:00 08:00 Mon to Fri, Saturdays, Sundays
and Bank Holidays:
(218) In exceptional circumstances, Northumbrian Water reserves the right to make
additional charges.
At cost
(219) Various activities relating to installation, maintenance and renewal of meters may
be subject to a charge. Where a charge will be made is set out in this section.
10.6.1 Meter testing
(220) A standard charge will be made, as set out below, where a meter test is carried out
in accordance with the Water (Meters) Regulations 1988 at the request of the
customer and the meter on being tested falls within the prescribed limits of error.
Such testing will normally require the removal of the meter from the customer’s
(a) Meters up to 40mm (including VAT):
(b) All other meters:
At cost
10.6.2 Reading of meters
(221) For any meter readings carried out by Northumbrian Water at the request of the
customer, which are additional for the standard planned meter reading timetable,
charges will be made as follows:
(a) Privately owned meters:
(b) Northumbrian Water owned meters:
This charge will not be made for customers who are disabled or in receipt
of state pension.
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10.6.3 Meter installation
(222) Installation of New, Optant or Selective Meter in a location other than that defined
by Northumbrian Water’s Meter Location Policy:
(a) Private side external installation requested and is possible, and internal fit is also
(b) Public side external installation requested and is possible, internal fit is also
(223) Installation Of Water Meters On Existing Supplies
Household customers may be required to pay the additional costs of
installation if they require a meter to be installed in a location other than
Northumbrian Water’s preferred location.
These charges do not apply to properties metered under optant or selective
metering programmes (see section 9).
(a) Meter Installation on Existing External Pipework
(i) 15mm/20mm on Private Land (excluding reinstatement):
(ii) 15mm/20mm on Public Highway (including reinstatement):
(iii) Other meters
At cost
(b) Meter Installation in Existing Boundary Box
(i) 15mm/20mm:
(ii) Other meters
At cost
(c) Meter Installation Internal
(d) Customer’s Contractor Carries out Excavation / Installation
Includes up to two separate visits to be made to mark the excavation
location and to inspect the boundary box installation and fix the meter where
Where further visits are necessary, these may be charged at rate shown in
section 10.3.
(224) Change of Meter Size at Customer’s Request:
Price on
(225) All Other Situations
At cost
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 37
(a) All other situations for installation or modification of meters on existing supplies
will be charged at cost/on a fixed price quotation basis that has previously been
notified to the customer unless specified otherwise.
(226) Payment by credit card
(a) For payments made by credit card there will be no additional charge.
(227) Consequence Of Non-Payment Of Account
(a) Where payments fail this requires intervention by Northumbrian Water to resolve
the payment and a charge will be made for this activity in the following cases:
(i) Cheque payments that have to be referred back to the account holder:
(ii) Unpaid Direct Debit / Credit Card transactions:
(228) Requests for non-standard bills
(a) Where customers or their representatives request copies of bills and/or a
statement of charges covering a number of previous charging periods, for
example, for the purpose of completing returns to HM Revenue & Customs or
providing information to accountants, charges will be made as follows:
(i) Requests for copies of previously issued bills (up to 10 bills per
(ii) Statement of charges (per statement)
(iii) Request for separate bills for water and sewerage services (per bill)
At cost
(229) Other services as listed below are available from Northumbrian Water. Charges for
these services can be found on our website, on request from Northumbrian Water
or in a separate leaflet entitled: “Charges Scheme 2022/23: Other Services”.
(230) The available other services are:
Supply of Water from Northumbrian Water Depots
Disposal Of Septic Tank And Cesspool Contents
Water Regulation Inspections
Treatment of Tankered Industrial Effluents
Fire Hydrants
Charges scheme 2022/23: Household Page 38
(charges from one of these options will apply to each
foul and
surface water
Foul only
surface water
drainage only
Unmeasured Supplies
Properties charged as standard
Fixed Charge per property per year
plus RV Charge per £rateable value
Properties charged on an assessed basis
Standard Assessed Charge per property per
Single Occupier Assessed Charge per
property per year
Supplementary charges
Swimming pool - circulating
Swimming pool non-circulating
Measured Supplies
Properties charged as standard
Standing Charge per meter by meter size
per year:
65mm and larger
Plus Fixed Charge for Sewerage per
property per year:
Plus Volume Charge per cubic metre
Properties on the WaterSure scheme
Level at which bills are capped
Charges relating to Payment Methods
Discounts for payments made by Direct Debit or
Water Direct
Charges paid by Credit Card
No additional
No additional
No additional
No additional
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